I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 508 Hunting Li De

I just got these two pieces of Destiny Slate, but the power of destiny has been swallowed up...

Li De looked at Kasrina who appeared in his office for the first time, and involuntarily looked at the two fragments of the Slate of Destiny on the table.

Three days ago, Kaslina said that she would bring back two pieces of the Slate of Destiny for him, but she did not expect that she actually fulfilled her promise.

The two extra pieces now plus the five pieces he has in his hand, now he has a total of seven pieces.

There were only 30 Fate Slate fragments in total, and he alone occupied almost a quarter.

That's an absolutely staggering number.

The previous Angel League had hundreds of gods, and even seven or eight powerful gods were in charge. In total, they only got a piece of Destiny Slate.

After being broken by the old camp, only the two pieces taken by the sun goddess were left.

In addition to those fragments of Destiny Slate that have not yet been discovered, Li De probably already has the most.

Ms. Kaslina, do you know how to control the core of Destiny Stone after it is born?

Li De looked at the mixed-race mermaid with a burning gaze. Now he only knew that the more fragments of the Slate of Destiny he mastered, the more chance he would have when competing for the core of the Slate of Destiny.

But how to use these fragments to control the core of the Slate of Destiny, he was still at a loss.

The cold-tempered Kaslina slowly shook her head.

It's a special connection that cannot be manipulated in any way.

The more shards of Fate Tablet in your hand, the stronger the connection to the Fate Tablet core...

When the Stone of Destiny appears, you will naturally understand, but now I tell you, you can't understand it either.

The corner of Li De's mouth twitched, and the translation of these words is that you don't understand even after telling you, so don't waste your saliva...

After thinking for a moment, he said solemnly.

Ms. Kaslina, I'm going to Green City right now, please stay in Dawn City for the time being.

In addition, the Bone Burial Ground can be upgraded in two days, and the scope of opening the gate of space will definitely cover Green City.

You have the authority to bury the bones. If I can't come back in time, I hope you can lead the army of Dawnbreak City to support.

The more critical it is, the more likely it is that a conflict will suddenly break out.

Li De was worried about Green City and had to go to the town himself.

He now has home-court advantage and needs to take advantage of it.

Go, with me here, no one can wreak havoc in Dawn City.

Kaslina nodded lightly, although her tone was soft, but a domineering attack rushed towards her face.

As the goddess of fate of other dimension planes, she once followed the creation god to create the terrifying existence of multiple planes of glory. This statement is full of confidence.

Li De nodded, picked up the two Destiny Slate fragments on the table, and suppressed them in the Burial Ground with the other five.

Destiny Slate fragments cannot be stored in the system space, and it is not very safe to put them on the body. If they are discovered, he may be besieged by dozens of gods... He doesn't want to die.

While waiting for Li De to leave, Kaslina spoke softly as if thinking of something.

If you can make it in time, it's best to come back after the Boneyard upgrade is complete.

It's time to open the sarcophagus you brought back from the original place.


Li De was startled. Before, he took out a sarcophagus full of rotten power from the plane where the old evil god was sealed in the Dwarf Valley.

But at that time, Kaslina said that he should be turned on when he was about to become a god, and he was too busy to touch the ground, so he didn't care.

In a blink of an eye, he has also reached level 30.

I'll be back. After the Bone Burial Ground is upgraded, the distance between Dawn City and Green City can be reached in the blink of an eye.

Kaslina nodded slightly, her eyes returned to her former indifference, and she didn't speak again.

Seeing this, Li De didn't say much nonsense, and went straight out of the city hall to sit on Castro and galloped towards Green City.

One sunday later.

Green City.

Before Li De entered the city, he used magic to cover up his figure, and at the same time, he released a trace of destiny, reducing the presence of that almost perfect appearance to freezing point.

Did not attract the attention of outsiders.

After entering the city, Li De's first impression was - chaos, and then there were too many people, very many.

There are so many people that the scene is very similar to a popular tourist attraction during the National Day of China...

The crowd was so crowded that it made my scalp numb.

Most of them are players, gathered from all over the main plane of glory.

These sand sculptures shouted loudly one by one, like crowding a bus.

The news of the imminent arrival of the Slate of Destiny Core is now well known.

This is related to the future glory, and even the battle of the fate of the earth is too important, as long as the players who can come will come.

Originally, Green City had nearly 5 million residents, which was already at the upper limit of residential density, and it was crowded enough on weekdays.

After the players who are now several times the number of residents squeeze in, the entire city is plunged into extreme congestion.

A city with an upper limit of energy capacity of 5 million people can carry nearly 20 million people at once... This scene is terrifying to think about.

Even in contrast, the situation of Green City is not bad, and the main city of Ainos City is the real explosion at this time.

There was even a crowd on the beams...

Li De originally wanted to observe the environment of Green City, but after half an hour without walking 200 meters, his mentality exploded, and he teleported back directly to the Scarlet Mage Tower...

Isa has been sent back to Dawn City by Li De, and even most of the potential mages have been transferred away by him.

Therefore, the Scarlet Mage Tower, which used to be very lively in the past, is a rare sight of depression at this time.

When Li De returned to the entrance of the Mage Tower, it happened that Wei Na's carriage came back from the city hall.

After seeing Li De's figure, his little maid jumped from the carriage and trotted to Li De's side regardless of the ambiguous smiles around her.

The sapphire-like eyes overflowed with joy from the bottom of his heart, and the big eyes seemed to be dripping with water.

Lord Li De...

Looking at the little maid Li De who had been eaten by him, there was a bit of doting on his face.

He reached out and rubbed the little girl's head.

It's hard work, isn't the city hall very busy?

Wei Na looked at the tenderness in those dark eyes, only to feel that her heart was almost drunk.

Shaking his head, his tone proud.

No, it's my luck to be able to share your worries for you.

Li De laughed, and under Wei Na's shy and happy gaze, he stretched out his hand to hold the pair of slender jade-like hands, and stepped into the mage tower.

It's just that no one noticed that there was a three-story tavern on the top floor of a three-story tavern outside the Scarlet Mage Tower. At this time, two mysterious people in black robes were always watching the Scarlet Mage Tower.

After Li De appeared and entered the Mage Tower, the two men in black robes looked at each other with excitement on their faces.

Finally waited until the prey showed up.

The last time the target appeared for a moment and then left Green City, this time he must not be allowed to leave.

Go, go back and inform Viscount Bernard...

The other man in black robe hesitated.

Is Reid Kachar, the tower owner of the Scarlet Mage Tower, really the crown of Ilo?

Why, you doubt Viscount Bernard's judgment?! The man in black robe who spoke first looked at him viciously.

I tell you, if you dare to betray, I will kill you with my own hands!!

The other party was startled and said quickly.

No, I just can't believe it. How could I betray me.

Hmph, so in the end, go back first, the hunting plan will start soon!! We have mastered Green City, and it will be of great help to the next plan of Viscount Bernard.




Crimson Mage Tower.

After Li De came back with Wei Na, he looked at the little maid who was clinging to him, and was in a happy mood.

The big watery eyes of the other party were full of love.

Thinking that a few days later there will be an unprecedented terrorist war, the outcome of the future is unclear, and my heart is suddenly moved.

In Wei Na's unpredictable exclamation, Li De directly hugged each other in the way of a princess hug, and then went upstairs.

Wei Na felt Li De's breathing, and when she curled up in his arms, her face was already rosy and turned into a boiled prawn.

But the breath of Li De's body entered the tip of his nose, and his heart was extremely satisfied, and the love in his eyes became more and more inspiring.

When Li De put Wei Na on the bed, Wei Na's neck was already covered with crimson, and her eyes were a little blurred.

Wei Na broke away from Li Dehuai, and felt a little reluctant in her heart. She turned her head slightly, and saw the pair of dark eyes staring at her hot, and she was suddenly shy.

trembling softly.

Li, Lord Li De, now, it's still daytime...

Li De laughed, then took off the girl and his own shoes and socks, and turned on the bed.

Wei Na trembled when she saw this scene, and immediately closed her eyes, even her breathing slowed down, she only felt her heart beating and beating.

But unexpectedly, after she was nervous for a moment, nothing happened as she expected, she slowly opened her eyes, and then saw a handsome face with a clean smile looking sideways at her.

Wei Na's face was a little dazed, and then she saw the narrow smile on Li De's face and was immediately embarrassed, and buried her head in Li De's arms with a bang.

Lord Li De...

The tone was trembling, and there was a bit of embarrassment and a bit of charm unique to mature women at this moment.

Li De reached out and hugged the girl in his arms, and patted her on the back lightly.

He lowered his head and whispered in his ear.

Sexy girl, what were you thinking just now? I just want to hug you...

The girl trembled all over, and she was suddenly shy, buried her head deeper, and hugged Li De tightly on her limbs, as if she was afraid that he would leave.

Seeing this untroubled appearance, Li De laughed and his face returned to gentleness. He kneaded the other's earlobe with his hands and said softly.

In a few days we will face an unprecedented battle, girl, are you afraid?

Wei Na shook her head in her arms, still shy.

Li De couldn't help smiling, looked up slightly to the window on the other side, and the cracks in the sky came into his eyes.

The air fell silent.

After a while, a rare daze appeared in his dark eyes, and he muttered.

I am sometimes afraid of failure. If I fail, I may never see you again. If I fail, the Crimson Mage Tower, the City of Dawn, everything will turn into nothingness...

The expectations of the residents of Dawn City, the trust of his subordinates, and the pressure of destruction on the entire world, Li De at this moment is all shouldering.

What he has endured is far more than outsiders imagined.

He is now not only the master of Dawn, but also Dawn's hope and spiritual sustenance.

At the time when the world was about to be destroyed in the old days, anyone could fall, anyone could give up, and anyone could retreat, but he couldn't.

Behind him, there are countless people looking forward to it, everyone's expectations.

A boy's growth into a man often begins with taking responsibility, and a mature man's responsibilities will become heavier and heavier, even so heavy that sometimes he can't breathe.

Wei Na noticed the change in Li De's mood and suddenly raised her head from her arms.

The slightly messy hair swept across her face, and the blush has not disappeared. At this moment, the girl has a kind of breathtaking beauty.

Those sapphire-like eyes looked at the dazedness that Li De had never seen before, and his heart ached.

He reached out and stroked the handsome face lightly.

Although the voice was weak, it was very firm.

Lord Li De, Wei Na will always follow you until death, until the world is destroyed, until everything ceases to exist...

Even if Lord Li De loses everything, I'm still here, and I'll always be there...

Li De looked at the unshakable resolute eyes of the girl in his arms, and his heart was melting.

He bowed his head and kissed deeply.

Love is naturally strong in the depths.

The two were instantly ignited.

Then Li De also knew for the first time.

The original Master's body can be so soft.

For example, the knee can be pressed against the chest...

The legs can be opened into a straight line...





In the west district of Green City, in a luxurious manor.

His Majesty Yiluo appeared in the Scarlet Mage Tower?? Hahaha, I finally waited. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Viscount Bernard, who was holding the red wine, had sharp eyes, I thought that the false god would continue to hide.

Hearing this, Roy, the eight-armed snake demon, looked at Viscount Bernard in confusion.

Now that the situation has changed, the news of the Destiny Slate fragments has almost attracted the attention of the entire main plane of glory. What's the point of us continuing to hunt down the crown of Ilo?

Viscount Bernard turned his head to look at the abyss high-level demon, and his smile gradually became brighter.

Roy, the great Nine Prisons will become eternal... The Lord gave me a special message some time ago, and there may be more than one piece of Destiny Slate hidden in the hands of His Majesty Ilo.

Moreover, the opponent also held a twelve magic scroll in his hand.

You know, other things don't matter to us, not even the Shards of Destiny.

But the Twelve Magic Scrolls are something that absolutely cannot be touched by others! !

The eight-armed snake demon's pupils shrank suddenly, and those long and narrow eyes were somewhat gloomy.

Why don't I know this news? Is there any other information about the Lord that you didn't tell me?

No, no, Roy, I'm not trying to hide you, but there are some things that you know too much, and it's not good for you...

Viscount Bernard didn't care about the eight-armed snake demon's anger, and slowly took a sip of red wine.

Get ready to act. When you bring back the head of the crowned Ilo, I will tell you more useful information, such as how to become a twelve-armed golden snake demon...

After a deep look at Viscount Bernard, he turned and left.

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