I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 498: Four godheads, there are shards of destiny slate born in Green City

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After Li De asked Kaslina, he did not go back to the office, but went directly to the alchemy factory.

He was very interested in what Harrison said about the God-hunting Crossbow, especially the fact that the goblin patriarch Moore obtained the inheritance of alchemy with the help of Kaslina, which made him even more curious.

Goblins once ruled an era, and alchemy was even more feared by the gods.

I just don't know that the inheritance of alchemy obtained by the goblin patriarch is not complete.

The alchemy factory has now become a very important factory in Dawn City.

Whether it is the production of alchemical bombs, or the research and development of various alchemical weapons and equipment, they are all carried out here.

It is worth mentioning that when investigating the various races in the underground world, the army found a group of goblins with a number of more than 5,000 in a relatively secret corner.

After cross-examination, the goblins were also distantly related to the goblins of Dawnbreak.

The goblin in the City of Dawn also came out of the underground world. If it weren't for the reason of the black dragon, I am afraid that they are still living in the underground world.

The newly discovered goblin was naturally charged into the alchemy factory and became a new productive force.

So there is no shortage of manpower in alchemy factories now.

When Li De arrived, the entire factory was busy. Now the size of the alchemy factory has expanded by at least five times compared to the beginning, and it has become a huge production base that is respected by all residents.

After seeing Li De's figure, the goblins instantly became excited.

These green-skinned dwarfs with extreme personalities of arrogance and cowardice are not badly treated in Dawn City, and they also know who gave them all this.

Master, you are welcome.

In the goblin patriarch's luxurious and exaggerated office made of pure gold, Li De sat on the golden sofa with a rather odd expression.

The aesthetics of these green-skinned dwarves have always been so direct, how can they show how their wealth came from.

As the goblin patriarch and the director of the alchemy factory, Moore is not short of money, so he is too lazy to care.

I heard that you got the inheritance of your ancestors?

Moore, who was once burned by the dragon's breath and covered in scars, danced with excitement.

Yes, my master.

Kaslina is the greatest being in this world, and she has given me new powers! It not only activated the ancient bloodline in my body, but also allowed me to acquire a lot of alchemy knowledge.

It's really hard to imagine that our goblin family was once so powerful, so powerful that it even ruled the entire main plane of glory! !

The goblins have long lost their cultural heritage, and the history of goblins ruling the world has been erased by the gods, so it is normal for Moore not to know that his ancestors were rich.

Looking at this guy with a face, it turns out that I also have a prominent background, Li De is a little funny.

God hunting crossbow and alchemy magic cannon are both inherited from your ancestors?

Moore's face was startled, and then his face was full of admiration.

Master, your news is so well-informed.

That's right, the alchemy magic cannon was acquired from my bloodline knowledge, but unfortunately, goblins have many more powerful weapons than this, but I have not been able to receive them.

As for the God-hunting Crossbow, it is the masterpiece of the great Kaslina, and of course I also modified it with some alchemy.

I bet that as long as enough hunting crossbows are made, Dawn City will become the most powerful force in the world!

The corner of Li De's mouth twitched when he looked at the guy who was jumping up and down in front of him. If it wasn't for the ugly appearance of the other person who was disfigured by the dragon breath, he really looked like a clown performing a circus.

Is there a finished product?

Uh... Moore's face froze, and he said embarrassingly.

Master, the God-hunting Crossbow lacks the corpse of the gods as raw materials.

Alchemy magic cannons take time to build...

Li De was speechless, and co-authored it for a long time. It turned out that he didn't even have the finished product.

After a little pondering,

With a wave of his hand, four thumb-sized crystal balls appeared in his hand.

After seeing the thing in his hand, Moore's eyes lit up instantly, and he instinctively felt that it was definitely a good thing.

Master, what is this? I feel like they are treasures...

Li De smiled, and the next sentence made the goblin almost jump up.

It's a godhead.

God, god, godhead?!!

When was Godhead so worthless?

As soon as it appears, there are four!

Moore's mouth was suddenly dry, and his face was full of desire for dissatisfaction. I wanted to...

This is a treasure. As long as he has the materials of the Godhead Hunting Crossbow, half of it is enough, and he can even use the Godhead to create a simplified version of the God Hunting Crossbow.

And whether it is used to make the God-hunting crossbow or other weapons, the Godhead is a treasure and can exert a powerful effect.

For a goblin, this is definitely the material that makes their heart beat faster.

Li De smiled and nodded.

The four godheads in their hands have their own origins, one of which is the god of nobles, and one is obtained by killing an evil god in Freya, the capital of Nolan, and two by killing two evil gods with octopus bodies in the dwarf valley. Four.

Among these four godheads, only the godhead of the noble god has the noble clergy.

The other three were taken from the old evil god, and they did not have a priesthood.

Li De was quite surprised when he first discovered that the godhead had no priesthood. In his original impression, this thing should be condensed to carry the priesthood.

Later, I asked Kaslina to know that the essence of the godhead is the energy core, and its main function is to carry the priesthood, but it is not useless to leave the priesthood. Can.

Of course, there are many disadvantages of not carrying the priesthood, the most typical one being the inability to use the power of the rules that come with the priesthood.

And these old evil gods are all blank godheads, which is also the main reason why the opponent simply relies on physical strength to attack. It really has no skills and can't be released.

This also gave Li De more awareness of the old evil spirits.

Combined with the information given to him by the Crimson Moon, the old evil gods can be divided into two categories.

The representative of the first category is the god of plague, who has a priesthood, is wise and clever, and is not much different from normal gods.

The second type is represented by the old evil god who has the body of an octopus in front of the dwarf valley. He has no priesthood and does not have much wisdom. He acts purely on instinct.

There is no doubt that the first kind of old evil god has a higher status in the old camp. In contrast, the second kind of old evil god is more like the younger brother of the first kind, the kind that charges and kills.

The skin is rough and the flesh is thick, durable, and it can't be beaten to death. It is almost a perfect meat shield.

From this, it can be inferred that the old camps are not all high-level evil gods, and there are also classes.

And the few old evil gods he encountered were the type of meat shield cannon fodder...

Thinking of this, Li De's heart froze, are the opponent's meat shield cannon fodder so advanced?

But what made him a little more uneasy was that after the old evil god camp invaded from the old days, the fighting power it showed did not seem to be as loud as the noise made by the other side.

Although with the help of the sky rift, most of the city of Glory has been turned into an island.

But the old camp did not show a sweeping attitude at all, and even made the formation of the Angel Alliance succeed.

The current state does not seem to be in line with the attitude of the old evil gods who wanted to destroy the world at every turn.

This made Li De faintly worried. The other party seemed to be brewing something. He didn't believe that the old evil god's offensive was nothing more than that.

Even bigger storms lie ahead.

Master, are these all given to me?

Moore woke up Li De, who was distracted, with a sharp voice of excitement and excitement.

Shaking his head, he didn't think any more, and his eyes returned to Moore.

No, not for you.

Moore's excited expression suddenly froze on his face, his face was instantly filled with pity, and tears were almost streaming down his face.

Li De smiled, This is used to forge the God-hunting crossbow. I will find the bones of the gods as soon as possible. You should prepare the preliminary work first.

The noble clergy requires a large number of nobles to become its followers, and the higher the title, the stronger the power, the more nobles who control the territory, and the more power they contribute to the god of nobles.

However, the constitution of Dawn City is de-aristocratic, and the commoners are the core, so the noble clergy is incompatible with the city hall of Dawn City.

He doesn't intend to let anyone control the nobles' clergy. Nobles are used for wool, and if they are gone, they will be gone. The productivity that liberates the people is definitely not comparable to the nobles.

Praise you, master, your kindness and wisdom really make the sun lose its light!!

Moore suddenly shouted loudly, the smile on his face was as bright as a chrysanthemum, and the disfigured face made people feel uncomfortable.

Really laughing is uglier than crying.

Li De thought for a while, stretched out his hand and waved slightly at Moore, who felt as if something had been stuffed into his head.

I gave you permission to part of the Bone Burial Ground, and these godheads are temporarily kept in the Bone Burial Ground. If you want to use it in the future, you can use the permission to take it out.

Remember, Godhead is a treasure that is more precious than a whole vein of mithril, and it must not be lost.

Don't worry, Master, I will guard your wealth with my life!

Moore patted his chest, showing great confidence.

In terms of the goblin's greed for money, even if they lose themselves, they will not lose their godhead.

Li De nodded slightly, and then said curiously.

Are there any special weapons and equipment or alchemy in the inheritance you obtained?

The ancient alchemy is a treasure, but I don't know how much inheritance Moore has obtained.

Moore raised his head confidently and said proudly.

Your Majesty, I have acquired the inheritance of the Five Rings Alchemy Bomb and the Forbidden Alchemy Bomb, and it won't be long before our air force will be loaded with Forbidden Alchemy Bombs that can easily destroy a city!

In addition, I have a lot of rare high-strength steel alloy formulas in my mind that can completely improve our weapons and equipment by several levels.

Li De's eyes lit up.

Forbidden alchemy bomb? This is an existence of the same level as the forbidden spell.

If the caster wants to create the magic scroll of the forbidden spell, the difficulty is almost breaking through the sky, and many gods cannot make it.

But it's time to have a replacement right now...

Feeling very happy.

The military strength of Dawn City is his confidence.

In the past, ordinary soldiers could not play a big role in high-end battles, which made him a little helpless, but if he can really develop various domineering equipment, then the industrial system of Dawn City will become a nightmare for everyone.

This is the crushing of high productivity over low productivity.

The strength of Dawn City is that once the first piece of replicable equipment is produced, as long as the raw materials can be guaranteed, one hundred, one thousand, and ten thousand can be produced in a very short period of time!

This is a capability that no other force in Glory has.

This is the crushing of glory by the modern production concept.

Very good, feel free to mention what materials you need, and I will let the city hall give priority to meeting your needs.

Li De's words are full of confidence.

Now the territory he rules is so broad, the underground world, Green City, the abyss plane, and even the ocean pantheon of the lost sea have become the actual vassals of Dawn City... The era that once lacked all kinds of raw materials has gone.

He can fully meet the needs of various factories at this stage, and he does not need to live a life of digging.

Moore was also aware of the current situation in Dawn City, and couldn't help but be overjoyed at Li De's assurance.

Li De stayed in the alchemy factory for several days, and after having a detailed understanding of and visiting various production workshops and R\u0026D centers, he left with satisfaction.




Your Majesty, do we have to wait? Why don't we just grab it!

That's the Golden Descent we lost out there, not their Crimson Mage Tower! !

I've already inquired, and the tower owner of the Crimson Mage Tower, Reid Kachar, is nothing more than an archmage-level figure, and has not been seen publicly for several years.

According to the apprentices of the mage, Li De Kachar seems to be in retreat often, and he has not seen anyone for a long time.

Those eccentric human spellcasters are always like that, always studying magic behind closed doors.

So he must not go out, but hide from people! Let's grab it, His Highness Isa is the only hope for our Silvermoon City-State.

Only if the Golden Descent inherits the power of our ancestors will we be able to stand up to the long-tailed trolls!

In a hotel that is quite popular with adventurers near the central area of ​​Green City, more than a dozen humans in uniform black robes and red eyes were talking loudly.

With red eyes, if an ordinary farmer sees this, he will be terrified and yell at the devil, but here, everyone has eyes that only devils have.

Sitting in the center is a middle-aged man with a face in his forties.

Hearing this, after pondering for a while, he slowly shook his head.

The human city is not our city-state, there are rules here, the deputy city lord appointed by the ruler Ilo is the current actual ruler of the Scarlet Mage Tower - Ms. Wei Na.

The relationship between them seems rather delicate.

Once we do it, it is likely to anger the Crown Prince Ilo.

The young man who had just opened his mouth to make a suggestion was suddenly unwilling.

We can take advantage of His Highness Isa when he is out, and leave as soon as we succeed.

Your Majesty, as long as Her Royal Highness Isa inherits the power of her ancestors and knows the responsibility and fate of the City-State of Silver Moon Radiance, I believe she will not blame us.

And it's not that His Highness Isa can't come back, as long as the long-tailed troll is sealed again, she can return to Green City again...

This matter is related to the fate of the entire Silver Moon City-State and is extremely important, so the young man's words made the hearts of the house float again.

Seeing the change in the atmosphere, the young red-eyed clansman looked happy and continued to speak.

And we wait here without doing anything, how long will we wait?

It would be fine if that Reid Kachar came back in ten days and a half, but what if the other party had fallen outside for a year or two and would never come back?

Are we just going to wait forever?

Your Majesty, we cannot entrust our destiny to others.

This remark made the king who was not firm enough to be shaken immediately.

Yes, the city-state is always facing the threat of destruction. If there is not enough strength to face the long-tailed trolls, when those damn lives completely break through the seal, what will they use to resist?

And there is also the erosion of the power of the old days. If the Golden Descendants do not activate the Destiny Slate Fragments, even if they can withstand the attack of the long-tailed trolls, they will not be able to escape the destruction.

My heart is full of confusion at the moment.

On the one hand, it is the life and death of his own people, and on the other hand, it is his inner moral code and his worries about the Crown Prince of Green City.

After a moment, the king nodded fiercely and made up his mind.

Continue to send people to inquire about the trail of the Scarlet Mage Tower Master Reid Kachar, and at the same time keep a close eye on the Scarlet Mage Tower. Once the golden descendants appear, act immediately.

Remember, don't hurt the people around the Golden Descendants in this operation. After the Golden Descendants are taken back, everyone will be evacuated separately. Even if the surrounding people are besieged and killed, don't rescue them. Do your best to send the Golden Descendants back to the City-State of Silvermoon!

Everyone's spirits are lifted, and they should all be together.

But just as they were about to go down to carry out the mission, suddenly there was a loud talk from the room next to them.

Have you heard? In the Oracle of the Sun Goddess, the shards of Destiny Slate that can resist the invasion of the old days will come to Green City in a month when the winter subsides.


That's false. It is said that it was news from a priest who believed in the sun goddess. After this news came out of the old priest's mouth, it also caused a backlash, and the old priest died directly.

Hi... So, we Green City have been saved?? You don't know, when the crack in the sky widened two days ago, at least 100,000 people in the entire Green City were infected. became a monster of the past.

That scene was too terrifying, if it wasn't for the quick action of the priest under the crown of Ilo, I might have died at the hands of those old monsters.

Nonsense, can I not know? My son has been eroded by the power of the past, and he is still receiving treatment in the Church of Dawn.

Your son has been eroded by the old days, are you still here for dinner??

I have twelve sons...

A one-way magic shield is set up in the house, so the sound from outside can come in, but the sound from inside cannot.

Hearing other people's comments, the red-eyed clansmen of the more than ten Silver Moon City-State looked at each other with a surprised expression.

Slate of Destiny Fragment...

King Yinyue's eyes moved, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

And similar words also spread in Green City at the same time.

No one noticed at first, thinking it was just nonsense.

But when someone with a heart went to investigate, it was found that the priest of the sun goddess really died because of some kind of rule backlash, and the other party even before his death, in front of several disciples, personally said that the fragments of the slate of destiny will be in the winter. The news that came to Green City after it subsided.

The real news caused an instant sensation.

Fragments of the Slate of Destiny, those are the treasures of the Sun Goddess' oracle that can resist the power of the old days.

Not only the ordinary residents were discussing, but it also immediately aroused the discussion of the players. Once the players discussed it, it meant that the world knew the news.

In an instant, the city of Green, which was originally unknown, received unprecedented attention. The Stormwind Sea, the Empire of the Undead, the Ancient Deep Forest, the Alliance of Angels... the entire glory of the eyes was focused on the city of Green.

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