I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 494 This vile vampire is too insidious (8,400 words)

City of Twilight.

This city, originally used by halflings to garrison the silt swamp, has now stationed more than 300,000 underground races.

After Li De conquered the underground world, he concentrated the races that were scattered in various places in the city.

In this way, it is convenient for preaching, and secondly, it is convenient for management, and thirdly, it is suitable to play the characteristics of these races.

Therefore, it has become the mainstream for underground races to gather in cities, but the underground races living outside have become a minority.

In the words of the earth, the process of urbanization has accelerated significantly.

When Li De flew to Dusk City, he could clearly sense the tension below, the crossbow was full, the soldiers were alert, and the magic bat had already taken off to look around.

Obviously on guard against something.

When Castro's huge stature appeared, it obviously intensified the tension, and many soldiers had already aimed their crossbow arrows at him.

Heilong has been arrested by me, and the alert has been lifted.

Li De's indifferent voice resounded through the city of dusk, and at the same time, the breath of the god of dusk filled the air.

At least 90% of the people in the city are his followers. After sensing the familiar atmosphere, they cheered, and the whole city became noisy.

Is the great twilight god, their faith! This is an oracle!

The soldiers who were still on guard also relaxed immediately, and some of the vampires stationed on the city wall were all smiles after sensing Li De's breath.


Castro, wearing steel armor, flew directly into the city under the watchful eyes of the soldiers. Li De looked down from the sky and could clearly feel that the city was several times more prosperous than when the halflings occupied it.

After Castro landed in the City Lord's Mansion, the second-generation blood descendants Otis and Andebella stationed in the underground world, plus Guydo Black Wind from the Centaur Empire, quickly surrounded him.

Welcome to your arrival, Your Majesty.

City Lord Kachar, good day.

Otis is one of Li De's original seven blood descendants. After he occupied the underworld, he appointed him as the supreme commander of the underworld and was responsible for managing the underworld.

After Andabella joined Dawn City, Li De dispatched this proud girl to help Odis manage the underground world and build a stable rear for him.

Guydo Black Wind is the current king of the centaurs. After he conquered the low hills and hills, he directly transferred millions of centaurs to the underground world, where the other party has been leading the centaurs.

Centaurs are actually not very suitable for living in the underground world. The vast grassland is their home, but the world is about to be destroyed. It would be good to find a safe place. Who can help them find grassland.

Good day.

Li De nodded to the three of them.

The black dragon that disturbed the underground world has been captured by me.

The Sea God is being escorted and will be delivered later.

You can arrange an exhibition to show the black dragon to the public for three days, and then arrange to send it back to Dawn City later.

Heilong has been making people panic in the underground world these days. Now that he has captured this powerful being, he naturally wants to appease people, and by the way, he also preaches.

This black dragon is a real giant dragon, and being able to capture such lives will definitely be of great help in spreading beliefs.

It's also a waste.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Otis nodded, but there was still a bit of worry on his face, as if he was not worried about the black dragon...

Not only Otis, but Guydo and Andebella also had solemn expressions on their faces, and they were not too excited to hear that Heilong was captured by him.

Li De was keenly aware of this and asked in a deep voice.

What happened, why are you so worried?

Otis' face was a little ugly,

After taking a few deep breaths, he said bitterly.

Your Majesty, the food in the underground world... has never been harvested.

Li De's heart was shocked, and the food has never been harvested? ?

The main reason why the underground world is regarded as the rear by him, in addition to not being disturbed by the outside world, is that it can grow food on a large scale.

Although the taste of shimmering mushrooms is not very good, and the nutrition is not high, at least it can satisfy the stomach and feed enough people.

Now Odis' remarks undoubtedly made him feel a little bit colder.

His thoughts turned, he quickly found the key to the matter, and said condensedly.

Is it caused by the third sky crack?

The old breath of the outside world has eroded most of the plants, causing hundreds of trees to turn yellow, and the cracks in the sky in the underground world are no smaller than the outside world, and there is no other reason that can cause all the food to fail.

Andebe, who hadn't spoken yet, showed a bit of apology, nodded and shook her head.

City Lord Kachar is not entirely the cause of the third sky crack. The old power of the original underground world is very strong, and the growth of shimmer mushrooms has slowed down because of this, and has even been in a state of barely surviving... ...

A few days ago, after the crack in the sky expanded, it caused a tide of old energy in the underground world, and the fragile shimmering mushrooms all withered and dried up in a few minutes...

How much is the loss? Li De asked in a deep voice.

Otis responded quickly.

The maturation period of the Shimmer Mushroom was originally more than a month, but because the old power was too strong, the growth period increased to two and a half months.

We have mobilized millions of people to expand the acreage in order to maintain the harvest.

The planting area is now twenty times the size of the previous year!

It used to be half a month before the harvest, but now...

It is estimated that the loss this time is about the food consumption of tens of millions of ordinary humans for a year...

Li De trembled in his heart, feeling that his heart was bleeding at this moment.

After the advent of the old days, the original food reserve was not much, and he received more than five million humans from Green City and more than three million centaurs from the low mountains and hills.

The lack of food has always been like a curse around his head.

Although the Dawning Plain was later opened up and cultivated with automated machinery, the food produced could barely be consumed.

But the problem is that the current inventory is too small. Once some changes occur, such as the dawn plain cannot produce food for a year, then he will immediately face a serious food crisis.

That's why he attaches so much importance to food, and has always made the underground world attach importance to the cultivation of shimmer mushrooms...

But Andy Bella's words made Li De's heart a little heavier.

That's not the point, the more important point is - if we can't remove the old energy, we can't farm shimmer mushrooms anymore.

Not even shimmer mushrooms, other food crops will not be able to grow...

That is to say, now it is not only the problem of the lack of food harvest this season, but also in the future.

This sudden news directly gave Li De a stab at it.


The underground world plus cavemen already has more than 20 million lives.

If it is impossible to produce food, although the Dawning Plain alone is barely sufficient, it is equivalent to tying the lifeline of Dawning City to the Dawning Plain.

Once there is a problem such as the lack of food harvest in the Dawning Plains, the Dawning City will face an unprecedented catastrophe, and millions of people will starve to death.

During this time, everything went smoothly, which made Li De full of confidence, but at this time he could only show a wry smile.

Not to mention martial arts, the base camp was stolen...

With a wave of his hand, the fragments of the Destiny Slate snatched from King Nolan's capital appeared in front of everyone.

Li De took a deep breath.

This is a fragment of the Slate of Destiny. As long as it is activated, the rules within a diameter of hundreds of kilometers can be restored to the state before the advent of the old days.

You immediately send someone to find a suitable place, and I will place the shards of Destiny Tablet underground.

Originally, he planned to use this fragment on the City of Dawn, but now he can't control that much.

As the base camp in the rear, the underground world must be stabilized. The food needed by more than 20 million people is a curse, and it cannot be relaxed at all.

He couldn't imagine a scene where tens of millions of people were without food...it would definitely be a nightmare.

Hearing this, several people were immediately shocked, and there was a look of surprise in their eyes.

I didn't expect Li De to put such an important thing in the underground world...

But Andy Bella wasn't too surprised by this.

As the former city lord of Lisl City, she knows better what food means to a force. It is the lifeblood and the foundation. Without food, even the empire that rules the entire multi-dimensional plane will collapse in an instant.

Just as Otis hurriedly left to research a suitable place to place the Shards of Destiny.

The residents of Dusk City suddenly made a roar.

Li De turned his head slightly when he heard the noise and looked into the distance.

Above the sky, a huge bubble floated out.

What is even more eye-catching is that the bubble seems to be an extremely strong cage, imprisoning the black dragon covered in scars.

And the seven sea gods are like heroes who have returned from victory, lined up left and right to escort the black dragon into the city of dusk.

The residents below cheered for a while, and the noise seemed to collapse the city wall.

Heilong wanted to destroy the city of dusk several times before, but fortunately, the two sea clan gods almost fought their lives and forced the other party to change their minds, otherwise the city would have been destroyed.

Residents who have seen the powerful black dragon see this legendary terrifying life being captured, and are naturally extremely excited.

After Heilong was escorted to the central square by the gods of the sea clan, tens of thousands of people immediately poured in to watch, and the scene was extremely lively.

The missionaries of the Twilight Sect also appeared at the right time, and based on the capture of the black dragon, they began to preach the power of the Twilight God...

Li De didn't have much excitement in his heart when he saw this scene, he was still thinking about the impact of this grain harvest on the City of Dawn.

He still underestimated the power of the old days.

Originally thought that if you have two Fate Slate fragments, you can sit back and relax.

But the food harvest in the entire underground world gave him a lesson.

If he wants the City of Dawn to be safe and sound, two pieces are not enough. Five or even ten pieces may be able to stabilize his power map.

The big loss this time really made him feel the pain, more painful than the loss of hundreds of thousands of troops in one battle.

We must continue to look for the fragments of the Slate of Destiny. These two pieces cannot guarantee the food supply. If something goes wrong, the pressure on the City of Dawn will be enormous.

In particular, I plan to transfer the population of the capital of Nolan to the southern province.

These tens of millions of people are tens of millions of screaming mouths, and the food they consume every day is enough to make people's brains hurt.

In contemplation, Li De followed back to the hall of the city owner's manor.

The sea gods who had just finished enjoying the worship of the residents of Dusk City also came to the manor with a bit of excitement.

The feeling of being worshiped is really cool, and they rarely feel this kind of heartfelt emotion in races other than the sea clan.

Li De looked at the Mermaid Lord God, pondered for a moment, and asked.

Your Majesty Virginia, where did you find the water element plane that you used to transfer the sea clan?

The population of Nolan Capital is a huge piece of fat, and he doesn't want to just give up.

But before that, he must find a container that can transfer the population, whether it is a plane or a kingdom of God, after all, he must have it, otherwise he will not be able to eat this piece of fat no matter how fat it is.

The mermaid god did not expect that Li De would suddenly ask this question, after organizing the language, he said slowly.

I didn't find this plane, but the lost plane that my father encountered in the Chaos Void in his early years.

This plane is very suitable for the sea clan to survive, and it has a wide range, so it was brought back to the sea clan by my father...

Li De was speechless when he heard the words.

These second generations of gods are absolutely amazing, and they can inherit several planes if they have nothing to do. How can this make sense?

No nonsense at the moment, I told the Mermaid Lord God about Nolan's capital again, and finally got straight to the point.

I need a plane that can transfer the population and even allow tens of millions of humans to live in it for a period of time. I wonder if Your Excellency Virginia can help me with this?

Hearing this, the Mermaid Lord God was inexplicably envious.

When Li De goes out, tens of millions of people are about to make money. These are all believers of Bai Huahua.

However, she also has self-knowledge. These believers are things that have masters. If she dares to plunder like this, she will definitely face the craziest revenge after being known by the light-based gods.

The marine pantheon has always had a hard time dealing with the pantheon on land.

Offending hundreds of gods at one time, the Hai people have not yet had the courage.

But I don't know why, she didn't feel surprised that Li De did this, and she didn't seem to be too worried about it.

It seems that the man does nothing wrong.

I don't know when Li De gave her such a positive impression...

This thing will take time.

The Mermaid Lord God did not rashly agree, but spoke cautiously.

The planes suitable for human survival are not those with incomplete rules and chaos. The easy-to-find planes have already been discovered.

Li De also knows this is the reason, but he is not disappointed by it.

Then I'll trouble you, Your Excellency Virginia.

These populations are a precious resource for Dawnbreak City.

And we are standing together, have common interests and common goals, we are stronger, that is, the Sea Clan God system is stronger.

After speaking, his tone became serious.

I promise you that if I can successfully transfer the population of the capital this time, I can assign some of the believers to the sea gods. This number is no less than two million, and everyone will share the spoils.

The sea clan gods who were still a little tangled in their hearts were immediately shocked when they heard the words, and they were all surprised and unbelievable.

Li De is willing to share believers? ?

If other gods said this, they would definitely disdain them. After all, believers are the foundation of gods, and it is impossible to share anything that is related to their lives.

But after these words came out of Li De's mouth, they couldn't help but believe it.

Thanks to Li De's eloquent gesture, they already have a high position in their hearts.

Even the Mermaid Lord God couldn't help but take a deep look at Li De when he heard this.

At this moment, she was thoughtful and seemed to know why the other party was so charming.

What they regard as precious things seems to be nothing to this person... This kind of heart does not blame him for being so attractive.

Li De smiled slightly when he saw the change in the attitudes of several sea gods.

The transfer of the population of Nolan's capital has not yet happened, and now a promise can be exchanged for the other party to work hard for him, which is simply the capitalist of the year.

Of course, if the population is really transferred, he will not be stingy.

Tens of millions of people give the other two million believers what is it? The Ocean Gods have now become his subordinates, and the strength of the other side is his strength.

Although these subordinates are still in a bad name, they still maintain the attitude of allies.

But after these two orders were issued, the other party had already begun to undergo a change in mentality.

He didn't want much, as long as he obeyed his orders, it didn't matter whether he surrendered or not. He has always been a pragmatist.

After a while, Li De seemed to remember something, and asked with a little curiosity.

Your Majesty Virginia, my kingdom of God was anchored to the City of Dawn by me for some reason and cannot be used for the time being.

So I don't know if you can still use the kingdom of God?

Although he does not have a genuine kingdom of God, the place where his bones are buried is not too different from that of the kingdom of God. This statement makes sense.

The Mermaid Lord God did not doubt anything, with a somewhat complicated tone.

When the Slate of Destiny was broken and the gods turned into saints, our kingdom of God was banned and could not be mobilized at all.

Even three of my clansmen collapsed directly, and the accumulation of millions of years was destroyed at once...

These words made the faces of the three sea gods next to them look a little ugly, which obviously touched their sadness.

It turns out that it is no wonder that these gods have not used the kingdom of God.

Li De nodded.

Then how do I lift the seal?

According to my inference, it may be necessary to restore the strength to the peak and reshape the rules of the kingdom of God before it can be used, or it may be necessary to wait for the rules of the world to return to normal, and the kingdom of God will automatically recover.

Currently, neither of these conditions is easy to achieve.

It takes a lot of time to restore strength, and it is even less of a matter for the world to return to normal. It is not bad that the world is not destroyed in a short period of time.

Li De mused, that doesn't seem to be entirely a bad thing either...

If the Kingdom of God can be used, in the capital of Nolan, the Lord of Dawn has summoned a group of Holy Spirits from the Kingdom of God to beat him.

The kingdom of each god resides in the devout believers who believed in them during their lifetime, and some powerful believers will be cultivated by gods to become holy spirits, and their general strength is at the level of demigods or even gods.

Once there is a divine war with other gods, these holy spirits are the warriors on the front line.

And Freya, the twelve-winged seraph, was selected by the Lord of Dawn from the most powerful Holy Spirit and cultivated with countless resources.

Divine beings like the twelve-winged seraph, which are the favorite of gods, are extremely difficult to cultivate, and they also consume the power of the original source.

This is also the reason why the other party is reluctant to let go.

Of course, the drawbacks that the kingdom of God cannot be used are also obvious. When fighting against the old evil gods, the power of the gods of light was obviously weakened.

After thinking for a moment, Li De shook his head. Whether he can use the kingdom of God is not something he can change. Thinking too much is useless.

Now he turned his attention to the black dragon who had just been captured.

How is the state of that black dragon?

The god of seals next to him said, The black dragon's vitality is extremely tenacious, and although the injury was serious, it is not fatal.

Now it has been imprisoned by our magic, and has fallen into a deep sleep.

As long as it is still in the bubble, the state of the black dragon will remain the same, and the injury will not recover or worsen.

Li De nodded slightly.

Can you take out the magic scroll on the opponent's head?

The twelve magic scrolls inlaid on the black dragon's head are the artifacts that the opponent snatched from the goblins.

The two artifact fragments that the goblin gave him were torn from the magic scroll on the black dragon.

This black dragon had not stepped into the legend more than a year ago, and now the combat power has been directly upgraded to the god level, which is too unreasonable.

And from the status of the other party today, it must be because of the magic scroll.

This also made him curious about the twelve magic scrolls on the black dragon.

The magic scroll is connected to the soul of the black dragon. If you want to pull it away, the black dragon is likely to die on the spot... The God of Seals replied honestly.

They were also curious about the artifact when they captured the black dragon, but were unable to take it down.

Li De frowned, is there such a strange thing?

Come on, let's go see it together.

Now take everyone to the city center square.

When I came to the square, it was already surrounded by people, all races, orcs, centaurs, humans, lizards, harpies... and so on.

There are more species of mess than there are animals in the zoo.

The soldiers cut through the crowd, and Li De came to the front of the black dragon wrapped in transparent bubbles under the frantic gazes of the surrounding races.

Standing in front of this giant dragon with a wingspan of 30 blades, the opponent's huge size brought a lot of pressure.

Although the other party was sleeping, the dragon's prestige that pervaded everywhere still made everyone in the square feel that there was a huge boulder in their hearts.

At this time, the black dragon was covered with scars, and the flesh and blood were still rolling. It seemed that it was because of the bubbles, but there was no dragon blood oozing from the wound.

With a little curiosity, Li De opened the attribute panel of the black dragon.

Hell Black Dragon - Karondor

Level: 32

Divinity: 2000 points

Status: Severely injured and sleeping.

Skill:? ?

Bloodline: Hell Black Dragon Bloodline

Introduction: After swallowing a part of the power of hell from an artifact that seals the power of hell, it was transformed into a divine life, and the flames it spit out had a deadly hellish breath.

After reading the attributes of the black dragon, Li De's eyes narrowed.

Judging from this guy's introduction, it sure looks weird.

The reason why the opponent has become so strong is because a part of the power of hell has been swallowed up from the artifact that seals the power of hell...

What seals the power of hell?

His eyes turned to the magic scroll that grew in dragon scales and flesh.

Seal the power of hell?

Is this serious?

Li De's eyes were deep, and his thoughts began to turn.

According to the myths and legends he collected, there are nine levels of hell, and each level has a powerful devil lord, plus the Lord of the Nine Hells, the hell camp has a total of 10 powerful evil gods.

In terms of numbers, the hell camp is not strong, but the Lord of the Nine Prisons is the most powerful existence in the multi-dimensional plane of glory except the goddess of life and death.

Relying on his own strength, he raised the combat effectiveness of the entire camp, making the entire glory not dare to underestimate hell, which shows the strength of the Lord of the Nine Prisons.

The myths and legends he collected were widely circulated, and there should be no major problems.

But now in terms of system improvement, the twelve magic scrolls have sealed a part of the power of hell...

Is there any special meaning in this? I've never heard of Hell's lack of power.

Moreover, this power directly transformed the black dragon from a life that had not yet stepped into the legend into a divine life of level 32, which was too exaggerated.

What made him even more puzzled was that it was a long time ago that the black dragon obtained the twelve magic scrolls, so why did he only obtain the power in it now?

The other party also thought about conspiring with Naga to go to the abyss to break through the legend, and then come to conquer the underground world.

All of this is clearly unreasonable.

If the black dragon had obtained this power before, in terms of the arrogant character of the giant dragon, it would not have been hidden until now, and it would have started to conquer the underground world long ago.

Then what is the reason for the black dragon to obtain the power of hell from the artifact that he has already obtained?

What secret is hidden in this?

The introduction of the system made Li De feel that he had spied some kind of secret, but he was unable to make an effective judgment due to too little information.

Wake him up, I'm going to question myself.

If you have doubts in your heart, you can't just ignore it, and now I decided to personally explore the tone of this giant dragon.

The god of the sea clan next to him heard the words and immediately stepped forward to cast a spell. After a while, an azure-blue energy surged into the bubble, and the bubble instantly glowed with dazzling light, and the sleeping black dragon slowly woke up after the light flashed.

The huge dragon's eyes opened, and after blinking a few times to see the surrounding scene, he was instantly furious.

Damn reptiles, you dare to imprison the great black dragon master!!

You will definitely be punished by the Lord of Nine Prisons!!

Li De's eyes narrowed, Lord of the Nine Prisons? Is this black dragon a blind comparison or is the other party really connected with the Lord of the Nine Prisons?

Thinking that the other party devoured the power of hell to become a level 32 divine life, my mind suddenly changed.

He looked at the sea gods.

Take this black dragon to the City Lord's Manor.

It's not suitable to ask about things that are too secret. The information he learned from Heilong made him curious about the secrets.

He was acutely aware that this matter was definitely not that simple.

The sea gods understood immediately, and cast a spell to make the bubbles float.

Heilong wanted to struggle, but after being banned from power, he could only be a lamb to be slaughtered.

The people around were a little disappointed to see the black dragon being removed, but for most people, they were excited enough today. First the black dragon was captured, and then they saw the great God of Twilight, which was enough to satisfy them.

When he came to the city owner's manor, Li De cleared the scene before and told everyone to leave, even the mermaid god was taken away by him.

The reason is that this question involves the secrets of hell, and she knows that it is not good for the sea clan.

Out of trust in Li De, the Mermaid Lord God has no doubts.

After the crowd had all left, Li De waved his hand, and a huge magical shield rose up, directly blocking the outside world and blocking the possibility of being peeped.

After doing all this, Li De directly revealed the true body of the blood clan, and the evil atmosphere permeated out.

Those blood-colored eyes stared indifferently at the black dragon who was madly cursing in the bubble, and the tone was as cold as frost.

Heilong, I am a believer of the great Lord of the Nine Prisons, you filthy lowly being, how dare you pretend to be the Lord of the Nine Prisons!

Who gave you the courage? ! !

After talking about the power of the dark belief of the Dusk Sect, various titles and skills burst out, and the surrounding aura became extremely evil because of the revealing of the blood race's true body. At this moment, he was darker than hell.

Hearing Li De's words, and then realizing the evil aura on his body, he suddenly widened his eyes, full of surprise.

Immediately, as if remembering something, he shook his head again and again.

Impossible, humble reptile, don't try to deceive the great black dragon master!!

Li De sneered, took out two pieces of the artifact that the goblin had given him before, and gestured to the black dragon.

Impossible? Look at what this is? The great Lord of Nine Prisons sent me to retrieve the artifact fragments, and will continue to let me find the remaining artifacts and return them to the master.

You are now stealing the divine weapon dominated by the Nine Prisons, this is a capital crime! !

The ruler of nine prisons is the master of hell, and the twelve magic scrolls seal the power of hell. If it doesn't matter, Li De can put his fist in his mouth...

So he directly opened his mouth to deceive the black dragon.

And coincidentally, he happened to have two artifact fragments in his hand, which undoubtedly greatly increased his credibility.

Sure enough, after seeing the artifact fragment in Li De's hand, Heilong immediately showed a bit of shock and disbelief.

How is that possible!! Didn't the Lord of Nine Prisons say that the Purgatory Scroll is only for me to use?? How did you get the Divine Artifact Fragment?

No, no, artifact shards are shredded by those goddamn goblins, you must have gotten it from the goblins!

Li De's heart sank, and sure enough, the power of the black dragon is related to the Lord of the Nine Prisons.

This is trouble.

Thinking of that terrifying existence whose prestige and fighting power broke through the ceiling, he felt a little pain in the ass.

Hmph, this is what the Lord of Nine Prisons sent me to find. Those goblins have long since become a thing of the past...

Don't change the subject, you dare to attack my city in the name of the Lord of the Nine Prisons, your crime is unforgivable!

The black dragon was furious.

I dare to deceive the great master of the black dragon. I slaughtered those lowly reptiles in order to obtain the blood of human souls. You don't even know how to say...

Halfway through the speech, he suddenly seemed to think of something, he shut his mouth abruptly, and then looked at Li De angrily, if his eyes could kill, I'm afraid Li De would have already killed him a thousand times.

This despicable vampire is too insidious to even lie to him.

Li De's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

It is not a secret that the devil in hell likes human souls, it is almost a verbal language used by ordinary people to scare children. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Thoughts began to spin quickly, and after a while he seemed to deduce the general truth...

Although Heilong got twelve magic scrolls at the beginning, he couldn't use them. In the end, he contacted the Lord of Nine Prisons for some unknown reason, and the other party taught him how to use the magic scrolls.

In return, the black dragon needs to provide enough fresh souls.

But inferences are inferences, and there are many things that make him puzzled. Why do you need the human soul alone? And how did the two get in touch? Why do the twelve magic scrolls seal the power of hell?

Is every scroll sealed with the power of hell or is it only part of it alone?

The other party is staring at the underground world, is it simply wanting to devour the soul, or is it going to hunt and kill the City of Dawn with the fragments of the Slate of Destiny?

These questions made Li De fall into a bigger fog.

He always felt that the hell camp that could not be hidden before suddenly appeared after the advent of the old days, as if planning some shocking conspiracy.

It just happened to let him run into it now.

And whether he wanted to intervene or not, he had no choice now.

Heilong had already been captured by him. With the arrogance of the giant dragon, even if he let the other party go, he would definitely be hated to death. Maybe the other party would cause him some trouble.

So what should be killed should be killed, and what should be robbed should be robbed.

Of course, these inferences may also be because he thought too much, but these things still made him extremely vigilant.

Afterwards, the black dragon also learned to master, no matter how Li De provokes this guy to turn over and over again, it is just those humble reptiles and the like, and no more useful information is revealed.

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