I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 492 When the Sand Sculpture Player Becomes the Old Evil God Continued

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I love that Yiichi Chai did not completely lose consciousness after being in a coma, and he could perceive vague information from the outside world even in a drowsy state.

After he controlled the body of the evil god to escape from the terrifying battlefield and avoided the crown of Yiluo who could easily kill him in an instant, the old evil god seemed to have been marching into the depths of the barren wasteland.

Then he encountered an orc city deep in the barren wasteland.

The three old evil gods full of desire for destruction encounter a city where life on the main plane still lives, and it is self-evident what will happen in the end.

But what surprised me Aiichi Chai was that this orc city was extremely terrifying, and three powerful orc gods swarmed out all at once.

Then the two sides started to get entangled.

But with the ability to be almost immortal, the old evil god was still domineering and unparalleled, and he kept pressing the opponent to fight, and in the end, the three beast gods were severely injured.

But just when he and a few younger brothers were about to win, a terrifying energy shot directly to the soul from the depths of the city, which directly plunged the aggregated consciousness in his spiritual sea into extreme chaos.

He and the two younger brothers began to fight each other uncontrollably, and then they fought farther and farther, completely abandoning the orc city.

After the aggregate consciousness fell into madness, I Aiichi Chai suddenly woke up from the coma.

Then he was surprised to find that the entangled conscious bodies seemed to be affected, and they began to twist and collide, and the mental sea was countless times more chaotic than before.

There was nothing he could do about it, so he had to hide in the corner to observe the scene silently.

After spying on it for a long time, I Ai Yi Yi Chai suddenly became ecstatic. Although he didn't know how to control the body of this evil god, it wasn't that there was no way... He could go offline and post for help.

The majority of sand sculpture players always know the inside story, right? ?

No more hesitation at the moment, with strong excitement in the heart, go offline directly.

When he opened his eyes again, he appeared in the game compartment.

I love Yi Yi Chai, and I am greatly relieved. Fortunately, the offline function is still there.

Immediately, he mentioned a little worry, don't go online and can't go back to the body of the evil god?

I quickly went online to confirm, and when I sensed the chaos of the main consciousness around me again, I felt relieved and began to return to Earth to post on the official website.

And the content of the post is extremely hardcore.

Wait online, I got a body of the old evil god, but I can't control it, what should I do? 》

The following is a detailed explanation of how he found the place of seal, how to unlock the seal, how to become the old evil god, and finally spent a lot of pen and ink describing how he fought with the famous figure Yiluo.

And it comes with hundreds of screenshots.

The terrifying scene of the destruction of the world was fully expressed by the picture. Of course, Li De, the handsome guy, was also captured by his screenshot.

This exaggerated post was not noticed at first, but it was thought that he was bragging.

But after many knowledgeable players confirmed the authenticity of the incident, the post immediately exploded.

Then it was directly put on the top of the official website, and the number of replies reached millions in just a few hours.

Hundreds of thousands of new posts have popped up devoted to the matter.

Below the post of I Love One Chai, sand sculpture netizens responded eagerly.

The first floor: I am really blind, I don't want my eyes. Can such good things happen? ? This body is at least level 30! !

Second floor: Don't come out if you don't know anything on the first floor, level 30? Level 30 is called a demigod, and only level 31 can be called a god. This must be at least level 50. Congratulations to the landlord. I haven’t seen such a high level for a long time. The old evil god I saw last time was only level 45. ......

3rd Floor: The boss asks for support, oh oh oh, the world also wants to be a tentacle monster, my girlfriends urgently need to be appeased...

Fourth floor: give the landlord a suggestion,

If you can't control it, then don't control it, come to me, I am in the deep forest of ancient times, let me bear this sin.

Fifth Floor: Damn, why can't I pick up the body of a god? ? It is unfair, and it is strongly demanded to open up the function of everyone becoming a god...

Sixth Floor:  …

However, although there are many replies, most of them are sand sculptures with jealous eyes and attention, and there is not much useful information.

Instead, other posts on the forum discussing this matter gave him a lot.

The post that touched him the most was from a player called I Love Tiger Sticks.

I love tiger sticks: After reading so many discussions about the body of the evil god, I was deeply touched. In fact, I love Yiichichai, and it is easy to solve this problem.

Let me talk about experience, I am a hidden profession - Druid, after each transformation, the instinct will be dominated by the corresponding animal.

For example, if you turn into a bear, you want to dig out honey, if you turn into a cheetah, you like to hide in the shadows, if you turn into a husky, you think about the sun and the sky...

Later, I came up with a rule that if you want to resist instinct, you must have strong enough mental power and willpower.

And this kind of power is not the illusory power you say you are powerful, but the real power at the physical level.

To this end, I spent a lot of time, searched for countless materials, and finally found a way to strengthen my mental power and willpower. You don’t understand the principle of talking too much, so I can directly summarize it—in fact, it’s just two words: swallowing.

That's right, it's that simple. People need to eat food to grow, and the same is true of spiritual power. The self-transformation after leveling up is good, but swallowing other spiritual power is the fastest way to grow.

But don't be too happy too soon. If this method is easy to implement, it will not be known.

I said that swallowing requires extremely harsh conditions. The most typical one is that the consciousness of the other party must be in your spiritual sea.

If your consciousness enters someone else's spiritual sea, sorry, you may be the one who was swallowed up.

Consciousness has a very special nature. Once you leave your body, it often dissipates directly. These two conditions alone are enough to make 99.99% of people fail.

So this is a simple-sounding move that is extremely difficult in practice.

But now I love Yi Yi Chai's experience is different, this guy has entered the other party's spiritual sea, or this is his own spiritual sea.

And what is even more rare is that those confused consciousnesses do not have enough self-awareness.

In other words, this is a pile of meat placed in front of you, as long as you dare to eat, these will become your food.

So if you want to find a way to control your body, the simplest and rude way is to devour other consciousness to strengthen your mental power and strengthen your current weak consciousness.

So how to devour it?

The solution is also very simple, you just need to pull those loose, marginal consciousness out of the chaotic consciousness body, and then swallow them individually, starting from the smallest to the largest.

But remember, don't peep at each other's memory when swallowing, you only need to absorb mental power is enough.

Otherwise, too much consciousness will be swallowed, and you will blur yourself and even become someone else.

Such devouring is no longer devouring, and you will become a new aggregate of chaotic consciousness.

The risks in this are very big. Do you want to try and figure it out for yourself. If you can't do it, it is best to give up.

Otherwise, with the degree of connection between glory and reality, I am afraid that you will go crazy in reality.

This is a life-threatening fight.

Of course, if you succeed, you are the first player in the game. Even if you invaded the earth in the old days, your status will be unattainable.

life and prosperity are ruled by fate! I wish you good luck, old iron, be rich and noble, and don't forget each other.

I love a chai very moved to this old iron I love the family.

I didn't think there were people who didn't hide it.

After browsing a lot of posts, I still think this post is the most reliable, so I returned to the glory and started to try.

After experimenting with this method, he immediately felt that he had discovered a new world.

The chaotic aggregates do have consciousness bodies that are scattered around the edges and are not so deeply entangled.

This made I love a chai ecstatic, and then began to slowly guide the other party out of the aggregate according to the method mentioned in the post, and then the big fish ate the small fish and began to devour each other.

At the beginning, there were many problems with swallowing. The most typical one was that the speed was very slow, and the flood of memories made him almost lost himself.

But after swallowing more than a dozen thin conscious bodies, he gradually began to master the skills, and he also knew how to filter those useless chaotic memories.

Then the devouring speed is getting faster and faster.

That group of aggregates that was as huge as a mountain in the spiritual sea slowly dwindled like ice and snow melted away.

The more I love a piece of firewood, the stronger the conscious body is, the faster the speed of devouring, and even after his spiritual growth has affected his body in reality, there are gradually signs of superhumanization.

After swallowing for a long time, in the spiritual sea, gradually, the volume of his conscious body has exceeded that chaotic aggregate.

Moreover, he did not absorb the memories of those conscious bodies, and he still maintained his nature and was not affected by the chaos.

Until the end, after he devoured the remaining spiritual body in one breath, the whole person rumbled, and his thoughts were instantly mastered.

Immediately, he felt that he was about to ascend to heaven, which was countless times better than his favorite big sword...

Endless power came from hundreds of tentacles, and the energy like a magma spurt made him almost lost.

He can even control the eye of death on each tentacle at this moment.

Level 35...


I'm dying for a husky!! It turned out to be true!!!

I am now the old evil god, and the old evil god who has reached level 35!!

In the frantic laughter, what came out of his mouth was not human words, but old words, and the surrounding more than ten kilometers were trembling in this evil word.

I love Yiichi Chai's inner joy that made him unable to calm down for a long time, and this time he really became an invincible tentacle monster.

And there are hundreds of tentacles, so even if you grab hundreds of elves and go back to the harem, you won't have to worry about it.

Night Royal Hundred Girls is not a dream.

Feeling the power like a volcanic eruption in the body, with a thought, the thickest tentacle under the huge octopus body suddenly lifted up, and then hit the ground with all its strength.


The tentacles smashed to the ground with an irresistible terrifying gesture with a shrieking sound.


At this moment, the earth was like rotten silt, and it burst directly. The boulders with dozens of blades high, and the ground with hundreds of blades wide exploded and splashed directly towards the surroundings, and the dust covered the whole sky.

The scene was like a star smashing into the earth, destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

When the dust settled, a huge crack with more than 3,000 blades long and hundreds of blades deep appeared in front of my eyes.

In the eyes of ordinary people, it is like a gorge.

Seeing this exaggerated scene, I Aiichi Chai was almost crazy with excitement.

It's not that I haven't seen the destructive power of the old evil gods destroying the world before, but that was as a bystander.

Now that he personally exploded the earth and caused such a terrifying scene, the sense of psychological achievement is different.

Hahaha, I am so fierce now, is it feasible to return to the earth to fight against nuclear weapons?

No, that's not right, Lao Maozi and Big Ivan, Nima, these perverts, have nothing to do with creating such world-destroying weapons to make planes? ?

But now I'm completely free to do whatever I want, what can I do?

Go grab the elves with me, I want to sleep a hundred!!

Excited and screaming, I love a chai began to fall into the infinite yy.

It took a long time to come back to God.

Low-key, low-key, I'm just an ordinary level 35 old evil god, at best, invincible in the world, nothing remarkable.

After being excited for a while, I Aiichi Chai suddenly seemed to remember something, and looked at the two younger brothers beside him.


Since I can devour the chaotic consciousness of this body, can I devour the consciousness of these two little brothers?

At that time, won't I turn these two little brothers into my avatars? ?

If it is a normal life, doing this kind of action is killing it, but the old evil spirits did not have an independent self-awareness, and only acted by instinct, so it is not impossible to do so.

And he is now the eldest brother of the two younger brothers, who can order the other side not to resist.

I love Yi Yi Chai, who is also a bold and daring master. Immediately, his thoughts moved, and he began to exude aura, making the two younger brothers approach him.

The two old evil gods had an obvious affiliation with my love for a chai, and now they approached him.

My conscious body is so huge that it can be divided into a part, and after I devoured the aggregate, I gained additional characteristics. It seems that it is not difficult to split...

After a little pondering, I Aiichi Chai began to try to split his consciousness. Unexpectedly, the operation that was originally thought to be difficult was split in a blink of an eye.

This feeling is amazing, I can even turn myself into the appearance of countless conscious bodies before...

Sure enough, have I been infected by the old evil spirit now? However, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing.

After thinking about it for a while, I couldn't think of a reason to love Yiichi Chai, so I just stopped thinking about it.

With a thought, he manipulated his tentacles to pull the nearest younger brother No. 1 over, and then the two sides collided head to head.

The appearance of the two abominations is extremely terrifying and bizarre. If there is a high probability that outsiders will think that they are going to reproduce...

After the two sides collided, I Ai Yi Chai controlled his conscious body and dived into the other's spiritual sea.

The moment he entered the spiritual sea, his heart was shocked.

Chaos and disorder, bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty, and the information of destroying everything came in a surging stream, almost smashing his condensed consciousness.

I quickly imagined what Teacher Ozawa Aoi looked like when she was teaching, and only then did I keep the place where my heart was clean and pure.

After withstanding the first wave of shocks, he immediately appeased the old evil god who was obviously irritable, and when the other party was quiet for a few minutes, he began to devour the other party's consciousness again.

One sunday hour, two sunday hours... After a full ten sunday hours, I Aiichi Chai suddenly burst into laughter.

Hahaha, I'm a fucking genius!!

And the little brother No. 1 also laughed wildly at the same time. The postures of the two abominations were exactly the same, and the scene looked extremely strange.

The younger brother No. 2 next to him also looked at these two idiots with a confused expression. Although his self-consciousness was very weak, he also felt inexplicably that he should stay away from these two idiots, so as not to infect himself... .

I love Yiichi Chai at this time, it feels very wonderful, not only the spiritual power has greatly increased, but it is like an extra hand.

After swallowing the younger brother No. 1, as he thought, the other party was manipulated by him and became his clone.

With excited excitement, I Aiichi Chai locked his eyes on the second old evil spirit.

The younger brother No. 2 trembled all over, as if he had noticed something, but because of the lustful power of my love for a piece of chai, he didn't dare to move, so he could only shiver at his mercy.

Following the same method, after spending some time, the second old evil god was also swallowed by him.

Having swallowed three old evil gods, his consciousness has reached an extremely exaggerated level.

Even I love Ichijo Chai is confident that he can forcibly devour a complete old evil god without scattering and devouring it.

That powerful feeling is amazing, like a man who suddenly has the power of Seven Nights...

And what made him even more happy was that at this time, the younger brother No. 1 and the younger brother No. 2 had completely become clones like arm-instructing.

That interconnected feeling is like a third or fourth arm growing out of the body, it is very easy to control, and he also erases the negative emotions of chaotic killing.

Now he has become a player in the skin of the old evil god!

Although I'm not sure if I can be resurrected after death, but I love Yiichi Chai so excited that I'm going crazy.

Hahahaha, one qi becomes three clears, yes, I am the father of the glory world!! What the hell!!

No, I can't be overjoyed yet... His Majesty Ilo is more hung up than I am. If I provoke the other party and break my invulnerability, it will be a lot of fun to be slaughtered one by one.

I want to stay away from here, I want to snatch the elves, I want the night royal hundred girls...

Wow wow, I love a chai with two clones turned and walked out of the barren wasteland, directly towards the ancient deep forest in the center of the continent...

This lsp really wants to go to the ancient gods to grab the elves, and plans to put his inner thoughts into practice.

That night, on the forum, I Ai Yi Chai spread the news that he had successfully transformed himself into three cleansers, and released screenshots of his three Cthulhu clones.

Three terrifying evil gods with eyes of death all over their bodies will hold a mountain bier for a while.

The scene is extremely hot to the eyes, and it also caused an uproar.

This sand sculpture player is envious, jealous, and hateful. Posts are like crazy without money.

My goddamn dissatisfaction, it's really a dog, I've been doing good deeds for decades, and I haven't encountered such a thing, why did you encounter it! ! 》

Jealousy separates my walls, I didn't expect it to be successful, I don't want to mix...

Please be a person, it's enough to possess one, buy one get two free! ! 》

The news that I love a piece of chai also caught the world's attention.

At the moment when a crack in the sky appeared on the earth, a person suddenly appeared who said that he possessed the divine body of the old evil god. Thinking about the value of this can make people's heart beat faster.

Various countries immediately sent people to contact me and love a piece of wood.

But it is a pity that the official website of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com still maintains a detached status even after the advent of the old days. No one can find the real address of this website, and no one can know the details of the poster through the official website. information.

This has made countless countries sigh.

Sand sculpture players are not interested in the true identity of I Love a Chai at all. What most people care about is, can I love a Chai to bring them some benefits?

Many people started to use their crooked brains. Now, how much would it be if I hired I Ai Yi Chai to help them fight monsters and upgrade them? It wasn't that the demigods would kill if they wanted to.

And some guilds are thinking about whether I can let me love a piece of firewood to help them build the city, such a powerful three labor force, even a mountain can be moved, it is a waste to not use it for infrastructure construction.

More players contacted I Ai Yi Chai directly, planning to build a church for him, and let players become his followers, so that they can get some spells and power rewards...

At this time, I Ai Yi Chai didn't realize how much influence he had on the earth and glory of becoming an old evil spirit. At this time, this lsp was still thinking about the elves, and wanted to go to the ancient deep forest to do a big vote... .

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