I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 486 My subordinates are mediocre, that is, medium power

A long time after Li De shouted out the teacher, the people around were still in shock, and their eyes were filled with incredible.

Slaying the gods with one sword, what kind of domineering and powerful figure is this, how can he be a legendary disciple?

And this legend has just broken through, it was just extraordinary a year ago...

It's also incredible.

After being shocked for a long time, Princess Katie slowly recovered her mind and rolled her eyes at the muttering Spark.

Suppressing the shock in her heart, she stepped forward two steps and stood half a step behind Spark, staring at the handsome figure in front of her that made her heart tremble with extreme curiosity.

Mr. Spark, can you introduce this majesty to us?

Spark, who was still in a dazed state, was reminded by Princess Kati before he recovered. He quickly turned his head and looked around. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the incredible expressions on the faces of the people around him.

That's right, no matter how powerful this guy is, I'm still his teacher. Even if he's the God of Creation, he doesn't want to salute me.

Hahahaha, I have cultivated people who can kill gods with one sword!

I am the real genius, otherwise how could I accept such a talented disciple?

After the change of inner thoughts, the expression of depression suddenly became excited.

He raised his head slightly, his expression like a rooster after a victory in a fight, proud and arrogant.

Raising his voice, pretending to be indifferent.

Hehe, this is my direct disciple, the youngest genius archmage in the empire - Li De Kachar.

I'm sorry, I disturbed everyone just now, this is just one of my most incompetent disciples, that is, he can kill the evil god, and he has no ability...

Hearing this, the supernatural and legendary people around them had a look of disgrace.

I Nima...

This bastard, what does it mean to be able to kill the evil god without any ability? ? Are you going to cut one for me to see?

If you can kill the evil god without the ability, then if you have the ability, do you want to create the world? ?

And it's all a no-brainer,

what are we? Three year olds peeing and mud? ?

And your motherfucker was so frightened that you almost urinated in your crotch, who is putting it on now? ?

After the inner anger, there is envy, jealousy and hatred that cannot be concealed.

Day, how can this bastard cultivate such a powerful disciple? ! Why? ?

More than a dozen extraordinary people and several legends turned their heads to look at the disciples around them, and then looked angry.

If you have the ability, we will suffer from this anger? ?

When those disciples saw their teacher's eyes, their hearts trembled, their backs were cold, and their faces were innocent. ? They succeeded in becoming a model of being shot while lying down...

With the head of the chicken coop, Spark felt the eyes of the people around him suddenly became interested, his chin was raised high, and he could not wait to look at people with his nostrils.

That smug look has completely disappeared from the expression on his face that he was struck to death.

Seeing this, Li De's mouth twitched fiercely. He hadn't seen him for so long. This old man was still so shameless and independent, and he didn't know what his face was.

Even he always believed that his thick skin was learned from Spark, and it had nothing to do with him.

It turned out to be the legendary genius Master Li De, who stepped into the realm of the great master at the age of 25. No wonder he is so powerful...

But didn't I say before that Master Spark's disciples are just archmage? Why can they kill the evil god with one sword now??

It's so handsome! If I was as handsome as Lord Li De, I could slaughter gods too!

Goddess, if my sweetheart has such a handsome appearance, I would be willing to live 20 years less...

Spark's voice sounded in the entire city wall area. Hundreds of thousands of people heard these shameless words, which immediately caused a huge heated discussion.

In particular, the scene in which Castro's body was cut into two pieces was still soaked with blood, which made the scene full of shocking breath.

Steel behemoths, the corpse of the evil god, the dim light, the black clouds that overwhelm the city, the city walls covered with scars from swords and guns, the extremely handsome master mage...

This scene constitutes a picture that the soldiers on the city wall will never forget.

Good day, gentlemen.

Li De straightened up, nodding to the surrounding legend and extraordinary, without salute.

Wang has one count as one, except for his own cheap teacher, who is qualified to be his gift?

As the master of dawn, he has already overlooked the mortal world.

In the eyes of outsiders, although Li De was not arrogant and dismissive of everyone, the breathtaking light in his eyes still made everyone shudder.

Although this is Spark's disciple, who dares to disrespect Li De and treat him as a junior?

To treat the strong, you must have enough respect. This is the rule for millions of years. Most of those who do not obey will go to see the god of death.

Princess Katie's heart moved at this moment, she took two steps forward again, gave Li De an elegant lady's salute, and said softly.

Your Majesty Li De, welcome you, the capital of the kingdom is brightened by your presence.

After saying the polite words, he quickly added a sentence.

I'm Teacher Spark's named disciple, Katie Nolan.

Only then did Li De have the interest to look at this young girl in luxurious court clothes, Nolan? The royal family?

Undoubtedly, the appearance of the royal family is not bad. Although he does not know the specific identity of Katie, he is quite pleasing to the almost full appearance.

Nodding slightly.


After saying hello, he ignored the opponent and looked at the side with a proud face, as if he wanted to announce to the world that he was the opponent's disciple, Spark.

Teacher, Wang is not safe, this time I'm here to pick you up back to Green City.

What? ?

Hearing Li De's words, the excited crowd around them suddenly seemed to be strangled by their throats, and they fell silent.

Such a powerful existence is not here to guard the capital? ?

Falling together sent their mood swings up and down.

Katie was disappointed, this handsome genius mage was not the rescuer invited by Mr. Spark? ?

Spark frowned, watching the changes in the eyes of the people around him, and his expression became serious.

Cachar, let's go back to the city to talk about this matter.

He didn't agree or refute, and after he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and gestured to the body of the old evil god in front of him.

What are you going to do with this Heretic God's body?

Li De glanced at it, Let's leave it alone.

There is no need to say much about the value of the body of the gods, but he came to the capital to find fragments of the Slate of Destiny, and he was not in the mood to pay attention to this corpse.

With a wave of his hand, Li De nodded in satisfaction and continued.

Teacher, I am here to find the fragments of the Slate of Destiny. If I can get it, this divine body will be given to His Majesty the King.

If you can't find it, the king is just thinking about shit.

Katie was shocked when she heard Li De's undisguised words. She didn't expect Li De to know the news of the Destiny Slate fragments so quickly, and the purpose was so clear.

Green City is thousands of miles away from Wangdu, and now it is isolated by the old monsters. The news channels of the past have long been invalid, and it is even difficult for them to contact cities thousands of miles away from Wangdu.

Then he seemed to remember something, turned his head to look at Spark, and his brows could not help wrinkling. Obviously, Li De learned that this news was inseparable from Spark.

Spark ignored so much and took the lead.

His Royal Highness, please send someone to transport this evil god's body to the city for custody.

Cachar's family, you go with me to see His Majesty the King...

At this time, Spark's face was no longer careless, and his face was very calm. If it weren't for the chicken coop head and the wrinkled robe on his body, it would be a bit of a legendary powerhouse.

Li De nodded and said nothing.

After a while, Kati sent someone to transport the body of the god into the city, and Li De and Spark took a carriage and went straight to the palace to meet the king.

Legend and Transcendence on the city wall woke up as if from a dream after seeing Li De leave, and hurriedly walked down the city wall and got on their carriage to the palace.

A big man like Li De entered the capital and went to see the king directly. The implication was not too big.

Once they can't handle it properly, the crisis they may face is no worse than the old evil spirits entering the city.

A character who can kill a god with one sword, how can it be easy to match?

Not long after, the evil god was beheaded, and the news that his body was being transported back to the inner city quickly spread throughout the entire capital.

Along with this, most people in the capital heard that a genius mage named Li De Kachar killed the old evil god who had invaded the capital with one sword.

And this genius mage is the disciple of the magic tutor of the Royal Academy of Magic, Spark.

As for why the mage killed the evil god with a sword, most people said that it doesn't matter, Master Mage, it is not surprising to do anything, and who can be sure that the sword glow is not magic?

Under the deliberate propaganda of the soldiers, Li De has become a savior-like figure, who will defend the glory of the capital to the death and advance and retreat with the residents.

For a time, the originally low morale in the city immediately soared, swept away the haze of the two gods leaving the capital before.

Li De didn't know about these messes, and even if he knew, he wouldn't bother to pay attention to it. The capital was too far from the City of Dawn.

With a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers, even the magic bat needs to fly non-stop for two days, and he can't transport the residents of this city back to the City of Dawn.

If there is no way to transport the inhabitants away, the value of the capital to him has dropped significantly.

With the formation of the Alliance of Angels, the collision in the future will be more intense, and the capital may be destroyed by cataclysm at any time.

Therefore, he is beyond the reach of this royal capital that is thousands of miles away.

Just make a fortune and go away, there is no need to invest too much energy for this city that you can't eat.

In the carriage, Spark looked at Li De, who was sitting across from him, and his expression returned to that arrogant little old man.

Boy of the Kachar family, you have done a good job, and you have lived up to what I have taught you.

After speaking, he touched his beard, which was messed up because he hadn't cleaned it for too long, with a relieved expression on his face.

Li De didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It might not even take three days for Spark to teach him magic. This old man's face was already invincible.

The main purpose of your visit this time is the Shard of Destiny?

Yes, teacher.

Li De nodded, and after a little pondering, he informed Spark of the current situation of Green City and some news of Dawn City.

This cheap teacher has always been good to him and can be trusted, and now the City of Dawn is already in a semi-public state, so there is no need to keep it as secret as before.

More importantly, his strength has allowed him to reveal the City of Dawn to the outside world.

After Spark listened to Li De's narration, his expression suddenly became extremely wonderful, and his eyes were even filled with incredible shock.

Obviously, the news just heard made the legendary mage unable to recover for a long time.

You, you, you mean, you built a city in the distant mountains before, and that city now has hundreds of thousands of people...

You have also formed an ally with the Ocean God Department. At present, you have 7 ocean gods under your command...

Green City has also belonged to your territory, and Archduke Okali has become the deputy city lord...

You have already realized the mystery of becoming a god a few years ago, and now you are the god of dawn with tens of millions of believers...

Li De said it lightly, but these news are more explosive than each other, which shocked Spark, who was still a little arrogant in his heart, into a state of confusion.

It's as absurd and unbelievable as an uncle who rides a rusty Phoenix bicycle to buy groceries every day and suddenly tells you that he is actually the president of the United States and that the brakes on the bicycle are actually nuclear buttons.

If it was before, Spark would only scoff at Li De's words, thinking that the other party was just bragging.

But the scene of Li De beheading the god with one sword is still in sight, and the body of the evil god is still soaked with the blood of the god, which is absurd and has strong persuasive power.

To have the power to have the right to speak.

Obviously, Li De now has enough right to speak.

That's right, so I'm here to pick you up this time, Green City is safer.

After the establishment of the Angel Alliance, future wars will be ten times more dangerous than the present. King Nolan is not the core of the main plane of glory, and it is difficult to be protected by the Angel Alliance.

Once targeted by the old monsters, he may be besieged by dozens of evil gods.

That scene, I don't need to say more, you can imagine it...

Spark recovered from the shock, and pouted when he heard the words.

Your main target is the Shard of Destiny. Picking me up is just an incidental...

Li De smiled slightly, but did not argue.

The shards of the Slate of Destiny are of great importance, and they are not things that King Nolan can save.

Once the Alliance of Angels and the old monsters sensed the aura of the Destiny Slate fragments, it was a question whether the capital could exist.

King Nolan doesn't even have a god, so what can he use to protect the fragments of the Slate of Destiny? Children holding gold through the busy market often don't get good results.

Spark fell silent.

The oracle of the Sun Goddess said that the fragments of the Slate of Destiny were the only force against the invasion of the past, and the nobles of the capital naturally did not want to miss it, but Li De's words made him unable to refute.

Got it doesn't mean it belongs to them.

Being incapable of guarding the fragments of the Slate of Destiny is the most helpless place in the capital.

Moreover, they have tried countless times before, but no one has been able to control this creation artifact, so to Nolan King City, the fragments of the Destiny Slate are invaluable and meaningful, but they are things that make them in a dilemma.

Keeping it by yourself will attract big enemies to snatch it and they can't use it, but giving up is equivalent to ruining your future destiny.

hard to decide.

You need to discuss this matter with the king. The shards of Destiny Slate are in the palace.

After Spark finished speaking, he gave Li De a deep look.

But no matter what, I hope you don't start killing in the capital... If you want to kill, don't destroy the city.

In Spark's view, Li De's strength must have reached a very high level to be able to cut that sword. Once he wants to grab it, no one can stop it.

But King Nolan meant a lot to him, and he didn't want to see this human city destroyed in Li De's hands.

Li De nodded uneasily.

I only need the shards of the Slate of Destiny, and trust me, our king, will agree...

Hearing this, Spark's eyelids jumped, did he dare to agree? ? What kind of king is not a king, can you still not die if you go down with a knife?

After thinking about it, Spark asked with a slightly subtle expression.

Kachar, what's your current level?

I didn't ask just now because I was hit too hard, and I dared to speak when I was mentally prepared.

Li De smiled.

Level 29.

Level 29?

Spark was stunned for a moment. It wasn't that the level was not high, but it shouldn't be. If he could kill the Heretic God in seconds, he had to be level 31.

Why can level 29 kill the god with one sword?

Seeing the deep puzzlement on Spark's face, Li De casually said.

I didn't cut that sword out. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Not you? Who is that? Spark's eyes widened.

One of my subordinates is unremarkable.

Subordinate? What level?

Level 36 medium divine power, that sword was cut by her.

When Spark heard the words, the corner of his mouth twitched hard, slapped himself directly, and then turned his head to look out of the window.

I'm stupid, I'm so stupid, I have nothing to ask him why? ?

Level 36, medium power, just a subordinate? ? Is this fucking human language? ?

Unremarkable...I hate it, why am I not so unremarkable? ! ! !

The creator god is unfair! !

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