I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 481 The workers of the ocean gods are coming, the boss, please let us work

The trip to the lost sea delayed Li De's plan to go to the capital of Nolan.

He had to repair a book and told the cheap teacher Spark in the capital to take care of himself, and at the same time help him continue to inquire about the fragments of Destiny Slate.

King Nolan is far from the City of Dawn. Although Castro has Castro as his mount, once he goes there, it will definitely take a lot of time, and he may not be able to return for ten days or months.

Now that he has carried the power of destiny, knowing that the fragments of the Destiny Slate will not be so easily obtained by others, he does not have the initial anxiety.

So he wants to wait until these things at hand are over.

First of all, of course, is the upgrade of the Bone Burial Ground. It will take a week to upgrade the Extraordinary to the Legendary, which is not much, but after the upgrade, the attributes of the Bone Burial Ground will definitely be greatly improved, and he is looking forward to it.

The second is the issue of the ocean god system. Since the two sides have formed an alliance, then the next step is to have a deeper cooperation. The alliance is not just talk, but it must be implemented.

The Mermaid Lord God has promised that as long as he finds a water element plane suitable for accommodating the sea clan, he will immediately come to the City of Dawn, and the two sides will jointly defend against the enemy.

Li De naturally agreed to this, and he was waiting for the other party here because he had to make some additional arrangements for these gods.

The gods are all arrogant and arrogant. Apart from him, Harrison can't command them in Dawn City.

I am a dignified god, why do you point fingers at me? ?

Strength is the basis of mutual respect, and only Li De can order the sea gods in the City of Dawn, and Freya may not be qualified.

Therefore, in the next few days after the upgrade of the Burial Ground, Li De did not leave the City of Dawn, but took advantage of the short free time to deal with government affairs with Harrison.

When dealing with trivial political affairs, he also gained a new understanding of Dawn City.

It has to be said that the current City of Dawn is indeed not what it used to be. There are four territories under the rule, and each of them is huge.

The first is the core city of Dawn. At this time, after immigration from Green City, the population has exceeded 350,000, fully reaching the scale of this world central city.

Moreover, the technology of Dawn City far exceeds the cities of this world, making people dazzling, and even more grand and charming in the future, with unlimited potential.

Next is Green City, which was once the core city of the southern province, with a population that has almost exceeded 5 million.

After destroying the violent half-rat people in Risir City, the army of Green City is still gathering those small cities that have not been breached. It is foreseeable that the population may increase for a period of time in the future.

Green City has a mature industrial system and a well-established urban area, and now it has played a significant role.

And during this time, the technology of Dawn City is feeding Green City back, and Green City will also have a part of Dawn City's unique industrial system soon.

The third territory is the underworld that is being developed.

Although the natural environment of this vast land is much worse than that of the surface, it has become a safe rear area during the invasion of the past.

At present, there are more than 3 million centaurs living in the underground world, tens of millions of cavemen, plus more than 6 million underground races, and the total number is close to 20 million people.

The only pity was that the cavemen, who accounted for half of them, were too weak to fight and could not be drawn into the battlefield at all.

However, these little dwarfs can survive by digging a hole and planting some shimmering mushrooms. They have no requirements on the quality of life, so they can support very well. These cavemen are also an important source of belief for Li De, and it is not a waste of food.

The last territory is the bottomless abyss.

The gravel plane that Li De first occupied had already become the bridgehead for Dawn City to invade the abyss.

When he planned to kill pigs with a knife in the abyss, he had planned to open the door of space in some planes rich in ore, lead the demons of the plane to the burial ground, and use the undead to eliminate these demons.

When these demons were almost dead, Dawn City sent someone to pick peaches.

This plan is perfect when the Lord of Darkness trusts him very much.

The plan to kill pigs with a knife has been going on for so long, and the harvest of Dawn City is naturally not bad. In addition to the gravel plane, 5 planes have already fallen into the hands of Dawn City.

Although these planes are not really rich and oily, but there is no shortage of ores unique to the abyss, and they can be regarded as medium planes.

But the biggest problem of the abyss is that the life of the main plane entering the abyss is extremely easy to be lured and degraded by the abyss blasphemy.

Therefore, Dawn City does not have enough resources to develop these occupied planes.

This made Li De both happy and a headache.

Fortunately, the city hall is already working on these matters.

The current city hall is no different than when it was first established, when there were three or two big fish and small fish.

Because the number of people under the rule has exceeded 25 million, the scale of the city hall has become unprecedentedly large at this time.

In addition, the power of the City of Dawn is a centralized system, so Li De now has the power to control the several territories of his subordinates.

The City Hall, a political system that has been polished and matured for several years, has made all aspects of the City of Dawn operate quite smoothly, and there has been no chaos due to large-scale expansion in a short period of time.

On the contrary, what is surprising is that it is well organized, and everything is progressing in an orderly manner.

Li De is quite satisfied with this. Although a large part of the mature city hall system is the result of the self-improvement of think tanks and high-level leaders such as Harrison, as the soul of the establishment of the city hall, no one can deny his credit.

A week later, Li De had dealt with all the political affairs that had been accumulated, and he had a clearer understanding of the current state of Dawn City.

Without expansion, the current city of Dawn is definitely several times stronger than the southern province before it came.

Industrial strength, magic strength, military strength, living standards of residents, etc., have all surpassed the previous southern provinces.

The previous southern province was a standard rule-based system, benefiting only a small number of nobles, and the residents of the lower classes were all tragic characters who were oppressed.

The City of Dawn is the exact opposite, completely shattering the nobility system, and putting the resources previously used to support the nobility on the common residents.

This directly resulted in the weakening of the aristocracy and the benefit of the commoners.

This is one of the reasons why Dawn City can stabilize the situation so quickly.

Most of the inhabitants don't really care who rules them, as long as they're doing well, it doesn't matter.

However, Li De was no longer interested in dealing with trivial political affairs. On the seventh day, he suddenly felt that the expansion of the breath of the Burial Ground had stopped.

With full of surprises, he shattered the void and entered the Bone Burial Ground.


The moment Li De entered the Bone Burial Ground, there was a loud sound like two mountain peaks colliding with each other, and the entire plane was shaken.

The system prompt sounded after the shock disappeared.

Ding~ The level of Bone Burial Ground has been upgraded to Legendary.

Li De's eyes lit up, and the upgrade was finally successful.

Quickly open the properties panel.

Burial Ground (Plane of the Undead)

Level: Legendary (the next god level, the upgrade requires 10 billion death power)

Death force: 430 million

Abilities: Growable, Undead Transformation

Special Arms: Frost Dragon

Special building: The altar of bones, which can speed up the transformation of the life of the undead above the extraordinary level

Special Area: The Decaying Lands (Supernatural)

Plane area: 100,000 blades in diameter (100 kilometers)

Anchor Coordinates - City of Dawn (You can open the door of space within a radius of 1500 kilometers of City of Dawn to enter the Boneyard)


Legend, finally upgraded to legend, it's not easy...

And the next level sure requires 10 billion death force.

Li De was greatly relieved to see this.

Fortunately, there is the God of Plague, the good man's kingdom of God, which can be swallowed by the burial ground. Otherwise, relying on the abyss pig raising plan alone, the ghost knows when it can be upgraded.

The power of death has now accumulated more than 400 million. If he wants to sacrifice some of the gods in the god of centaurs or gods of knights and murders, he can immediately recruit four extraordinary frost dragons.

But Li De has a high vision now, and he has already despised the extraordinary.

In this regard, he still decided to keep the power of death first, and wait until he has accumulated more to see if he can directly recruit a few god-level frost dragons...

What makes him most gratified is undoubtedly the expansion of the area of ​​the Bone Burial Ground and the distance to open the space door of the Bone Burial Ground.

The original area of ​​the burial place was 50 kilometers in diameter, but it doubled to 100 kilometers at this time. From the sky, it was almost impossible to see the edge at a glance.

Previously, it was possible to open the gate of space within a radius of 1,000 kilometers and return to the Bone Burial Ground, but now this distance has been increased to 1,500 kilometers.

Although it is still not possible to directly open the gate of space from the City of Dawn to reach Green City, it is not far from it, and it can be reached within one or two hundred kilometers at most.

It is foreseeable that the next upgrade of the Bone Burial Ground will be able to directly open the gate of space to Green City after upgrading from Legend to God.

At that time, two cities that were nearly 2,000 kilometers apart were connected by mountains and seas, which was definitely an epoch-making landmark event.

The love is separated by mountains and seas, and the mountains and seas do not need to be filled, just open the door and go there...

Correspondingly, the connection range between Dawn City and the underground world has also been pushed inward by 500 kilometers, which greatly saves the round-trip distance.

Although the benefits of the Bone Burial Ground upgrade are not as intuitive as the direct rewards, it can greatly improve the efficiency of Dawn City and strengthen the connection between the various territories. This invisible benefit is more helpful to him.

And not long after the Bone Burial Ground was upgraded, a powerful aura suddenly emanated from the depths of the earth.

A moment later, the space in front of Li De shattered, and Amy appeared in front of him with an extremely excited expression.

Your Majesty, I have devoured the godhead and body of the God of Plague.

The control of the plague priesthood has reached 60%...

Hearing this, Li De's eyes lit up.

Not bad, little comrade, 60% of the priesthood is in control, which is not low.

What's the gain?

Now I have a new understanding of the plague, which is wonderful, praise you!

Amy danced with excitement.

The plague I showed you before, which can greatly increase the power of those infected by the plague, I am sure to continue to improve.

And after the improvement, it is at least 50% better than the original effect, and even extraordinary can be used!

Amy's confident words made Li De nodded in satisfaction.

The plague that Amy researched last time is not simple. It can greatly increase the power of the infected life, and the combat power can be increased by at least 30%. The only flaw is that it will become very ugly, very ugly, very ugly...

This plague is not very easy to use on humans, but it is just right for demons.

He let Amy master the priesthood of plague for this day, and the results of the other party's research obviously did not disappoint him.

Okay, you can experiment with the 600,000 demon army in the abyss. I only need a strong army. A strong army has an irreplaceable role at any time.

As you wish. Amy replied respectfully.

Today is definitely a double happiness, the upgrade of the Boneyard has been completed, and Amy has broken through.

The smile on Li De's face was very gentle.

But it seems that today's good things are not over yet...

After chatting with Amy for a few words, the space beside him shattered, Harrison stepped in, and the speaker was excited.

Your Majesty, all the gods of the ocean gods have come and are waiting for you in the parlor on the fourth floor...

Li De's eyes lit up.

It's been a really good day today.

I didn't expect these sea gods to move so fast, and it took only a week to find the water elemental plane... It seems that the mermaid god has already paid attention to the water elemental plane.

Now let Amy continue his plague experiment, he followed Harrison back to Dawn City.

On the fourth floor of the city hall, in the living room next to Harrison's office, a full 7 sea gods were arranged here - the only reason is that the space here is relatively large, and Li De's office cannot stand.

Li De walked into the living room with Harrison in an excited mood, glanced around, and the figures of seven sea gods appeared in front of him.

The leader is of course the main mermaid god, and the other six are tall, namely the sea snake man, the killer whale man, the seal man, the swordfish man, the lobster man, and the cancer man.

Of course, they are all gods, but the original race is these sea races.

Among them, the killer whale is the most eye-catching, with a height of 4 blades, and it looks like a hill in the living room with a height of 5 blades, which is extremely oppressive.

Several other gods also have their own characteristics, which are in line with their respective races.

Seeing Li De enter the room, the seven sea gods stared at him with big and small eyes.

Obviously, he is quite curious about the main god of the Dawning God who is allied with them.

The mermaid god holding a trident smiled slightly and said hello first.

Good day, Lord Kachar.

The ocean gods have all arrived, and from now on, we will fight the cataclysm of the old days together, and live and die together...

Li De laughed, and then his face became formal.

Your Excellency Virginia, the City of Dawn will definitely be your most trusted ally. Sea gods, on behalf of the God of Dawn, I welcome you with the most sincere attitude.

Seeing that Li De took the initiative to greet them, the other six sea clan gods did not hold it, and quickly greeted him with a respectful return salute.

There is no such thing as his second compulsion that he is not convinced and wants to challenge...

From the perspective of the sea clan gods, Li De, as the main god of the gods, has won the trust of the founder of their sea clan, and it is necessary to maintain respect for him.

Glory code, the coercion of the strong cannot be provoked.

After being polite, these mermaid gods did not hesitate to ask Li De's next arrangement.

The Lord God of Kachar, we have arranged our respective ethnic groups in the water element plane, and then we will anchor the space coordinates and connect the water element plane floating in the chaotic void to the City of Dawn.

After we've done all this, what else do we need to do?

From her point of view, the sea clan now seeks the City of Dawn, so the sea clan must show enough value in order to be valued.

The rest of the sea clan gods also began to ask questions.

Yes, Lord Kachar, as allies, we should help each other. Do you need any help from us next?

We should fight the cataclysm of the past together. If you can do anything, please speak up...

Lord Kachar, I hope our friendship will last forever. Since Her Royal Highness Philomis lives in your city, we will definitely try to help you...

Li De looked at these sea gods and was moved to tears.

What a good worker, who just screamed and delivered it to the door, and his enthusiasm was still so high.

I'm so sorry for not giving them jobs.

A simple and innocent smile appeared on Li De's face.

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