I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 478: The Ocean God Department is attached, Li De is level 29

Li De was shocked by the shocking news revealed by Kaslina for a long time and couldn't recover, and it took a long time before he suppressed the tumbling emotions in his heart.

This half-blood mermaid is amazing...

Not only him, the mermaid god next to him also looked at Kaslina with his mouth wide open.

She obviously didn't expect that the founder of the sea clan would be the goddess of fate of other multi-dimensional planes. It was impossible to imagine that it broke her head.

Although Freya, who had never spoken in the room, had a calm expression, her inner shock was no less than the two of them.

Although she has fallen into a seraph of death, her memory has not been lost. As a general under the seat of the Lord of Dawn, she has heard and experienced no less than anyone else.

So she knows too much how exaggerated this identity is.

Glory does not have a goddess of fate, but it does not prevent the gods from knowing the power of the goddess of fate. That is, because the goddess of fate is too powerful, it is impossible for glory to give birth to such a terrifying goddess.

In fact, the purpose of the God of Creation forging the Slate of Destiny was to replace the Goddess of Destiny.

But now that the Slate of Destiny is broken, and the glory is not suppressed by the goddess of destiny, so there will be scenes of broken rules in the sky.

Ms. Kaslina, do you know the whereabouts of the God of Creation?

Li De suppressed the shock in his heart, and after regaining his senses, he asked with a little curiosity.

In the legend of glory, the God of Creation disappeared shortly after creating the world, and there is no clear legend.

Kaslina was silent for a moment after hearing the words, it seemed that Li De's question touched some secrets, but she still spoke after a long time.

The tone was somewhat emotional.

After the creation of the world, the God of Creation overdrawn his divine power, and at this time, he fought an unprecedented divine battle with the old rulers, and was severely traumatized.

In the end, he had to stay away from the newly opened multi-dimensional plane of glory and go to the chaotic void to find a way to heal his injuries.

But after the God of Creation left, no news came back, and no one knew what happened to him...

Li De heard the words and shook his head,

Kaslina said that the God of Creation has probably fallen, and she wants to count on this guy who has been missing for tens of millions of years.

After thinking about it, I changed the question.

Ms. Kaslina, after I carry the power of destiny, will it have any effect on you? Can other people also carry the power of destiny?

Kaslina gave him a deep look.

I am not the goddess of destiny in this world, and the source of power is not the force of destiny, so you have no effect on me by carrying the force of destiny.

But I have made a promise with the God of Creation. When the second person who bears the power of destiny appears in the glory, it is the day we agreed to end.

Before the Slate of Destiny is broken, let alone the power of destiny, even if it reaches the level of the goddess of life, it cannot touch the power of destiny.

Not to mention carrying.

But after the Slate of Destiny was broken, the power of destiny was divided into dozens of parts, and most of the power among them was sealed by the Old Ones, so you can carry this power.

But the power of destiny you carry is not complete.

To get more blessings, you need to collect other tablets of destiny.

And the spell of destiny is not unique to me, and many powerful gods have also learned it. This is a spell created by the creator god, so in the future, there will definitely be other people who carry the power of destiny like you.

So you not only have to face the hostility of the old evil gods, but also may face the hunting and killing of other glorious gods...

Hearing this, Li De couldn't help falling into contemplation.

Whether he carries the power of destiny or not, there is no way out. If he wants to lead the City of Dawn to continue, the only way to go is to become stronger, so he doesn't care about being chased or killed.

The only thing that bothered him was that the Slate of Destiny had to be collected piece by piece, which was too labor-intensive.

Ms. Kaslina, is there any way for me to find the exact location of the Shard of Destiny?

The glory is so great that it is not easy to find all the fragments...

And I can't stay by your side every day...

Although Kaslina could detect the news of the Destiny Slate fragments, as he said, he couldn't just wait for the other party to give him instructions. This kind of passive waiting was too out of character for him.

Kaslina said slowly.

City Lord Kachar, don't worry, one of the functions of the curse of fate I taught you is to find the fragments of the tablet of fate.

When you recite this mantra and use the power of destiny in your body, you can sense where the other fragments are.

If it is not sensed, it means that the power of destiny on the shard of Destiny Slate has not dissipated.

In the same way, other people who carry the power of destiny will also perceive the shard of the tablet of destiny in your hand.

Li De's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, is this still a two-way street?

From this point of view, the defense after Dawn City will require him to devote more attention.

To avoid being touched by gods like knights and conspiracy gods unknowingly like before.

Thank you for your guidance, Ms. Kaslina.

Li De bowed to Kaslina and said nothing else. Although Kasrina had some careful thoughts, she was really good to him. There was no reservation or concealment of the information that should be given and the information that should be said.

This existence, who has lived for an unknown number of years, deserves his respect.

Kaslina nodded, and looked at the mermaid god beside her who had not spoken, a little kindness flashed in her eyes.

Virginia, although you cannot carry the power of destiny, the future of the Sea Clan will not be bleak.

You are the descendants I brought from another dimension. The sea clan has lasted for countless epochs, and it has encountered disasters even greater than this, but we all survived, and this time it must be the same.

The City of Dawn has extraordinary potential, and if you have no other idea, befriending Lord Kachar is a good option.

Of course, I will not interfere with your decision. The future of the Sea Clan is yours, and it should be up to you to decide how to go.

The Mermaid Lord God was a little moved when he heard the words. After taking a deep breath, he quickly adjusted his mood.

Just now, she failed to carry the power of fate, and her soul was almost lost in the river of fate. If Kaslina had not activated the trident at a critical moment to wake her up, she would have been dead for a long time at this time.

This also made her see one thing clearly, that is, she is not as powerful as she imagined, and so is the sea clan.

And the current situation is already obvious, not to mention that she originally planned to form an alliance with Li De.

Not being able to carry the power of destiny now means that she cannot use the shards of the slate of destiny, and the most important thing to fight against the power of the past is precisely the shards of destiny.

So she has no choice at this time. If she doesn't form an alliance with Li De, what can the sea clan use to resist the invasion of the past?

Although the ocean gods are powerful, they alone have no chance of surviving in the apocalypse.

And the City of Dawn still has the presence of Her Royal Highness Philomis.

It is the best choice to make an alliance with the City of Dawn.

At your command, Your Highness.

The mermaid god turned to face Li De with a very solemn tone.

I swear by my soul that from now on, the sea gods will become the ally of the City of Dawn, and the main god Kachar will become the partners of the ocean gods, and they will never betray each other. .

Ding~ The Ocean God Department applies to become an ally with you. If you agree, you will become allies of the divine covenant. Those who violate the oath will be severely punished by the rules of glory - the exclusion of the rules of the entire plane.

Li De heard the system prompt that his smile was gradually brightening, so he didn't care about the oath. The City of Dawn was in urgent need of new forces to join, so naturally it was impossible to actively violate the oath.

Therefore, the active attitude of the Mermaid Lord God made him extremely happy.

They also took the oath according to the other party's oath, and then both parties felt that they had an inexplicable bond with the other party, which was the effect of the oath.

After the Mermaid Lord God felt the bond with Li De, her face softened. For her, the harvest of coming to Dawn City this time is not bad.

Although she did not carry the power of destiny, she found the founder of the Sea Clan, the great Highness Philomis, which gave her the backbone in her heart.

In addition, he formed an ally with Li De and found a powerful help for the sea clan. Li De's power in the sea is stronger than that of the sea gods.

Not to mention that Li De now carries the power of destiny and has unlimited potential.

So for her, although she could not keep the Destiny Slate fragments, her harvest was even greater.

The same is true for Li De. Not only did he obtain the Destiny Slate Fragment by carrying the power of destiny, so that the City of Dawn no longer had to worry about the erosion of the old power in a short time.

He has also obtained the participation of the entire Ocean God System. Although the two parties are allies and not subordinates, by his means, it will not take long for these gods to be almost the same as their subordinates.

Another point is Kaslina, this mixed-race mermaid's background is too amazing, belongs to the golden thigh level.

In the future, more potential can be excavated from her, and at the worst, the other party can sit in Dawn City. With this great god, whoever wants to make trouble in Dawn City will be unlucky first.

However, there is one more thing that Li De needs to solve. Although he has formed an ally with the Ocean God, the distance between the two sides is too far to be taken care of.

When he raised this question, it was Kaslina who found a solution for them.

There are many unowned elemental planes left in this world. Virginia must know the traces of the water elemental plane, so that the sea clan can find a few water elemental planes, and then anchor the space in the city of dawn... …”

This method has to be said that it is not perfect, but it is very maneuverable.

Glory is a world composed of countless planes. In addition to planes full of life like the main plane, there are many planes with barren and single elements, fire element planes, and water element planes. These are all among them. type.

Temporarily connect the sea clan to the water element plane, and then anchor it in the city of dawn, so that the two sides are not connected together.

But this Mermaid Lord God was quite hesitant.

His Royal Highness, there are many lives in the sea clan, I'm afraid it is difficult to carry a few element planes...

Kaslina shook her head involuntarily.

Virginia, as the master of the sea, the decision maker of the sea clan, you need to see more clearly.

In the cataclysm of the world, we can't save all the sea clan, what is needed now is to keep the fire, not to bless the whole sea...

In the end, the Mermaid Lord God had to be silent. Although this move was cruel, it was the best way.

It is unrealistic to want to bless everyone. Do you need to escape if you have this ability? ?

When Li De heard this, he didn't say much. When it's time to give up, it's impossible not to make sacrifices. If you don't have mercy and don't command the army, cruelty is better than being alive at all.

His Royal Highness, I will arrange for someone to do it right away, but I will never give up the sea until the last moment! The Mermaid Lord raised his head with a firm tone.

Kaslina smiled lightly and didn't say anything. The survival of the race is no joke...

So far, the goals of Li De and the mermaid god have been achieved.

But Li De didn't leave in a hurry, instead, he continued to chat and exchange feelings with the mermaid god and Kaslina, and by the way inquired about the secrets of the past.

Perhaps it was because Kaslina completed her agreement with the God of Creation and gained freedom. She was in a good mood, and she chatted with Li De a lot of secret things for the first time ever.

For example, the era of alchemy millions of years ago was destroyed because the goblins were daring to create gods.

What is even more exaggerated is that those green-skinned dwarves actually touched this field and created an alchemy deity with clergy, divinity, and godhead.

This directly angered the gods and created a great fear of the goblins.

In the end, hundreds of gods joined forces, and at a huge cost, they forcibly obliterated the alchemy civilization, destroyed all alchemy materials, even cut off the history of this era, and erased most of the traces...... .Alchemy civilization has since died out.

And every battle of the gods is actually provoked by the gods of the light department. They always want to conquer the abyss and kill all the demons, but in the propaganda, the demons always climb out of the abyss and want to invade the main plane, the gods Desperately resist...

There were countless such secrets, more real than the vague false truths he had seen in the river of fate.




When Li De was discussing important matters with Kaslina and the Mermaid Lord God and talking about the secrets of the world, Andebella and Betty, who also came to Dawn City, visited Dawn City this week.

It took Li De a full week to carry the power of destiny. The two girls were left unattended, and their interest in the City of Dawn was also very high, so they had not been idle every day this week, playing around.

The magic of the City of Dawn also amazed the two girls.

Although Betty had been to Dawn City before, and even lived here for a long time, that was three years ago.

In three years, the changes that have taken place in the City of Dawn are earth-shaking. A lot has been built that wasn't there before.

Magic rail cars, running water, heating, vegetable greenhouses, space gates, city-wide face-to-face systems...and more.

Various buildings beyond this era emerged one after another, making her feel like she was in a different world.

Even Betty was like this, not to mention Andebella, who came for the first time.

This proud girl saw such an amazing city for the first time. During this time, her admiration and even admiration for Li De has risen several steps.

She used to be the lord of Lisl City, so she naturally knew how difficult it was to govern a city.

And Li De abruptly developed the City of Dawn from a small ancient castle to a huge city with a population of hundreds of thousands. How could she not admire this ability.

And not to mention that Dawn City's residents live so rich and hopeful.

Although the previous city of Lisle was not bad, she could sense the depression and helplessness of the lower-class residents, but in this city, it seemed that everyone's faces were full of smiles, and their eyes were lit by hope.

What's even more exaggerated is that she didn't find even a single beggar in the city, and even the apparently isolated streets were clean, and there were no beggars and homeless wanderers.

This had to make her feel that this city was too extraordinary.

And the scene where more than a dozen races merged and lived together made Andebella amazed.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have imagined that humans would one day chat and laugh with vampires, dwarves would have intimate conversations with orcs, and goblins would laugh while sitting on top of Cyclops...

It was hard for her to imagine how all this was done.

It is no exaggeration to call this city the City of Miracles.

Li De's status in her mind has also become higher and higher because of what she has seen and heard in the past few days.

Excellent and capable people are always more popular with the opposite sex. This sentence is never false.

In the past few days, Andebella has also seen the members of the Risir family and learned about their role in the city, and her long-term worries have also been put down.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that the living standard of her clan now makes her envious.

Especially Elder Horn, who has become the dean of Dawning Academy at this time, and has a very high status. He can not only teach and educate people, but also study what he likes every day.

Although Andebella's strength at this time has stepped into the legend, she is also a veritable scholar, and she is more interested in research knowledge in essence.

If not compelled, she is more eager to become a knowledgeable scholar and do her studies quietly, rather than a homeless person who is running around all day without knowing what to do...

Today, when Andebella and Betty had just gone out and were going to go to the food street to taste the rich food that Li De transplanted from the earth, she suddenly received the news of Li De's summons.

The two girls came to the city hall with strange thoughts.

Li De, who had just finished his talks with the Mermaid Lord God and Kaslina, was also a little emotional when he saw them.

In every way, Betty and Andy Bella were the best of the little girls.

Not only is his personality distinct, but his own strength is also outstanding.

After seeing Li De, the expressions of the two girls were a little subtle.

There is both amazement and admiration, and even more admiration and somewhat untraceable admiration...

Good day, City Lord Kachar.

Andebella spoke first, and her proud face showed some sincere admiration.

I have visited the City of Dawn in the past few days, and I have to say that it is indeed a heart-wrenching city.

I have seen many customs, but only the City of Dawn amazes me, City Lord Kachar, your wisdom is enough to be praised by the God of Creation!

Li De looked at the vague admiration in the girl's eyes, and felt quite comfortable in his heart.

This is also inseparable from the contribution of the Risir family, City Lord Andebella, what are your plans next?

Andebella, who was originally in high spirits, was stunned when she heard this, and her eyes couldn't help showing a bit of confusion.

When the city of Rysir was attacked by the orcs, she forcibly used the blood cloak to cover the retreat of the army, which exhausted her life.

After being rescued by Li De, she returned directly to the capital of Nolan, asked her teacher for help, and at the same time fulfilled her promise to obtain the Holy Grail of Blood for Li De.

But there was also a sigh of anger in his heart, and he wanted to drive away the orcs and retake the city of Lisl.

But the world has changed. Although the orcs are no longer there, the city of Risir has been destroyed. Not to mention rebuilding, even weeds can't grow in that city.

The idea of ​​rebuilding the city of Lysle was quietly shattered with the invasion of the past.

So when Li De asked her what she planned to do next, she was confused instead.

The rebuilding of the city is hopeless, and the members of the Risir family live here without any worries. Although she has powerful strength, she has also lost the goal of moving forward...

Seeing the helplessness in Andebella's eyes, Li De felt a little emotional. It was almost impossible to live a stable life in a troubled time.

After pondering for a while, he said slowly.

Since you can't find a place for now, why don't you join the City of Dawn, City Lord Andebella, the City of Dawn needs talents like you.

Li De still admired Andebella quite a bit. Although this girl's personality was a little cold, her inner temperament was very appealing to him.

People and people pay attention to a fate. Some people don't feel anything when they meet each other all day long, and some people can get along as soon as they meet.

Moreover, the city of Lisl, which the other party had managed before, was indeed thriving. If it weren't for the invasion of the orcs, the city of Lisl at this time would have stepped into another level.

There is no shortage of low-level management talents in Dawn City. After all, Dawn Academy is cultivating on a large scale, but the desire for senior management talents is no less than the desire for high-level combat power.

Although the City of Dawn has been stabilized, there is still a vast land in the underground world.

It is foreseeable that the pattern of the main plane of glory will definitely deteriorate further, and the underground world will definitely become his rear.

At present, the development of the underground world in Dawn City is still at a very rough level, so it is very necessary to strengthen the management and development, and Andebella can be dispatched to the underground world to preside over the work...

Andebella looked at Li De's sincere eyes, and her proud face softened. After thinking for a while, she couldn't tell what it was like in her heart, and finally nodded.

City Lord Kachar, thank you for your invitation. From now on, I will fight for you.

After speaking, he bowed deeply to Li De.

After the city of Lisle could not be rebuilt, she had already lost her goal. In this case, she should find a new direction for herself.

Dawn City has the only blood relatives she has left in the world, and she loves this magical city.

Of course, the most important thing is that the owner of this city is the man who once rescued him from the besieging of orcs by the gods...

Li De heard that the corners of his mouth were raised high.

The girl who once held her head high and never flinched even in the face of death, now becomes her subordinate, that feeling is quite wonderful...

The most important thing is, can he use the other party's cloak to play tricks in the future?

The blood cloak has evolved into an inheritance artifact, which is more and more attractive.

This piece of equipment is really to his appetite, and it is 10,000 times more handsome than the invisible ghost cloak he grabbed from the knight and the god of murder.

Strength can be improved, but being handsome is a lifetime thing...

Very well, Miss Andebella, Dawn City welcomes you to join us.

Trust me, you won't be disappointed here.

I'll have someone take you to the Speaker of Town Hall later, and Harrison will give you a satisfying job.

After Li De finished speaking with a smile, he looked at Betty who had been silent.

After thinking about it, he said softly.

Betty, after you go back this time, you can bring Isa to Dawn City.

I will send an army to train you, warriors of the North, should not be buried in glory.

The future war in the City of Dawn cannot be without your presence...

Hearing these words, the eyes of this wild goddess of Valkyrie shone brightly, and she was very moved when she looked at Li De.

His tone was a little excited.

Lord Li De, I won't let you down!

For Betty, who had been fighting when she was able to grip her long sword as a child, the life she had been living in the Scarlet Mage Tower in Green City was really boring.

The desire to fight is the gene imprinted in the bones of the northerners, and it cannot be erased at all.

At this time, when I heard that I had the opportunity to lead the soldiers to the battlefield again, let alone the excitement in my heart.

Li De's heart moved when he looked at Betty's excited expression.

The knights and gods of murder he had previously captured were also suppressed by him in the burial ground.

The priesthood and godhead of this fallen evil god are still there.

If feasible, he can bestow the priesthood of knights on Betty to strengthen the opponent's power. This Valkyrie deserves to be vigorously cultivated.

After all, when the City of Dawn was weak, he was able to survive the early stage by relying on Betty's strength. This Northland Valkyrie had saved the blood clan, so he would not treat Betty badly.

Well, work hard, the future of Dawn City needs to be created together by us.

Li De encouraged a few words, and then seemed to remember something, and said a little curiously.

Betty, can your clan still be contacted now?

Northland warriors are known as the first of the three warriors of glory, and their strength is very powerful, but before the old days came, the Northlanders were besieged and suppressed by the Glory Empire and the Nolan Empire.

Betty was also captured in that battle, and was then sold to Green City, which was resold by the talker Kubone. In the end, Li Decai became Betty's master by chance.

The City of Dawn now has a total of two high-ranking northern warriors, one is Betty, and the other is Grote, the son of the northern land.

The two made great contributions before the City of Dawn took off, which also made Li De have a good impression of the soldiers in the North, so he asked this question.

Betty was silent for a moment.

Lord Li De, when the Radiance Empire and the Nolan Empire joined forces to attack the Northland Plateau, my clansmen had already moved to another plane through the Space Gate, and now I can't find out their news... ..

Li De nodded clearly and stopped asking.

He just mentioned it casually. There are only 300,000 to 400,000 Northlanders. How powerful is the city of Dawn now, there is no need to travel thousands of miles for hundreds of thousands of people alone.

He's still a little interested if this figure is tenfolded.

After talking about this, Li De didn't say much more, and asked Harrison to call in, and after a little explanation to the speaker of the city hall, he asked him to lead the two girls down.

Harrison knew better what was going on in Dawn City right now than he did, and was better suited than he was to put the two girls to work.

After solving these trivial matters, Li De came to the window and looked at the cracks in the sky with a subtle expression.

Although the old energy has been swallowed and squeezed out by the shards of the Destiny Slate, the crack in the sky has not been repaired and still exists above the sky.

Sky cracks are cracks formed by the rules of the main plane, not a small piece of Destiny Slate can make up for it. If you want to make it up, you have to collect all the pieces.

Thinking of this, Li De couldn't help shaking his head.

The shards of the Slate of Destiny are so precious and rare. Now all he knows is that there is only one in King Nolan, and the others need to be found slowly.

However, he always felt that those old monsters would not let him go so easily, and now he has already carried the power of destiny after all.

Forget it, don't think about it so much, it's a blessing not a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided.

And now the City of Dawn is not something that anyone can provoke.

Li De was in a better mood again.

After the mermaid master god had an in-depth communication with him, he had returned to the lost sea at this time, and the next time the other party would lead the entire pantheon to join him.

At that time, the City of Dawn could definitely be called a powerful city.

This trip to the lost sea has to say that Li De made a lot of money.

Not only has the established goal been achieved, but also a ally of the gods has been harvested, so beautiful.

After thinking for a moment, Li De suddenly remembered the two gods who were directly suppressed in the Bone Burial Ground.

With a wave of his hand, he shattered the space and entered the Bone Burial Ground.

The body floated in the high-altitude God of Thousand Blades, and he felt a little emotional when he swept the burial ground.

The Burial Ground has played an increasingly irreplaceable role in Dawn City.

At the farthest corner, in the door of space isolated by the dense fog of death, pedestrians are busy shuttling back and forth,

The sarcophagus above the burial altar, which was sealed by the tears of purification, was silent and motionless, but the old aura emanating from the other party did not diminish at all.

Most of the wide area outside is where the three parties are fighting.

Rampage halflings, abyssal demons, undead.

The three parties are fighting each other endlessly, and the scene is like the eternal bloody battle between the legendary abyss and hell.

This war originally involved only the two sides of the abyss pig raising plan - the undead and the demons.

But as he conquered the city of Green, sent troops to pacify the city of Risir, and found the kingdom of the god of plagues.

The rampant half-ratman has become a third party to intervene.

These berserk half-ratmen are all pouring out of the plague god.

Of course, the Plague Kingdom itself is not much better, at this time it is being swallowed by the burial place of its plane power.

At the beginning, Li De estimated that the power of the Bone Burial Ground to devour the Plague Kingdom would be able to advance in about 10 days.

Now more than ten days have passed since the original swallowing time.

After Li De sensed it a little, a bright smile appeared on his face.

At this time, he could clearly sense that the Bone Burial Land had reached a critical point in absorbing the power of the Plague Kingdom. As long as he was willing, the level of the plane could be improved at any time.

And the next level is - legend.

The diameter of the extraordinary-level bone burial ground is 50,000 knives, which translates to 50 kilometers.

This range is not too small, not too big, but it is not enough for a plane.

The role of the Boneyard is becoming more and more important, so raising its level is a top priority.

I didn't hesitate at the moment, and with a thought, I called out the system panel.

Ding~ The power stored in the Bone Burial Ground has met the upgrade requirements. Would you like to upgrade the level now? The upgrade time is 7 days, and the upgrade process will not affect the original buildings and facilities.

There is no hesitation, so I immediately chose to upgrade.


The moment he chose to upgrade, the majestic power stored in the Plane Stone was like opening the gate to release water, sweeping the entire plane in an instant.

The three parties who are fighting below also seem to have noticed that the action has been delayed a little, but the entire plane has not changed much, and the battlefield is urgent, but the war has not stopped.

After Li De felt it for a while, he nodded with satisfaction.

After being promoted to the Bone Burial Ground for so long, it is finally possible to continue to upgrade.

I don't know how much area the Bone Burial Ground can expand to with this upgrade?

Now, the function of opening the gate of space within a radius of 1000 kilometers of Dawn City will definitely be greatly improved after the upgrade. If the gate of space can be opened directly from Dawn City to Green City, it will be invincible.

It's really a picture of looking forward to the direct connection between the two cities.

Thanks to Lao Tie, the god of plague, for his generosity, he can still contribute to the society when he is dead...

After the Bone Burial Ground stabilized, Li De's perception went deep into the ground and found Amy still sleeping in a hollow.

Next to Amy is a withered body, and the appearance of a half-rat is faintly visible.

Apparently Amy has devoured the power of the god of plague and is transforming at this time.

Li De didn't pay much attention to Amy, and waved his hand.

There were two comatose figures in front of them. Although they were in a coma, the divine might radiated from the two of them remained undiminished.

One of these two is the god of centaurs captured by conquering the low hills before, and the other is the god of knights and murder.

Both are living gods, which is rare.

He didn't want to waste his soul when he didn't kill the centaur, but he didn't expect that he got a god-killing dagger after overturning the car of the knight and the god of murder.

The effect of this dagger is to devour the soul of the gods and strengthen itself.

Now it can't be considered a waste.

It's useless to keep these two guys, it's better to send them on the road earlier and contribute to the City of Dawn.

Li De had no psychological burden at all, and with a wave of his hand, the god-killing dagger that he had sealed deep in the ground quietly appeared in his hand.

The first is the centaur, the dagger directly pierced his heart, and then the sleeping soul was directly swallowed by the dagger.

If you look closely, you can vaguely find the mark of a centaur on the knife.

This guy died very happy, and won the golden rule of not more than three appearances.

Then came the god of knights and murder.

It's really fun to stab his little head with his blade...

After quickly killing the two gods, he was about to make the next move and suddenly the system upgrade sounded.

Ding, you killed two gods alone, and the experience you gained has met the level to increase. Would you like to increase the level?

Ready to upgrade?

Li De couldn't help smiling when he heard the words. After he returned from the abyss, he joined forces, first conquered the underground world, then on the low hills, and finally swept Green City... Which one is not an earth-shattering event, these few battles All provided him with a rich experience to the extreme.

It's just that it hasn't been upgraded, and he's too lazy to pay too much attention to it.

Now that he has killed two gods with his own hands, he finally met the need for upgrading.


After the confirmation, a huge power surged out of his body instantly and began to transform his body for him.

But after the transformation of the power of destiny, his body has become more and more perfect, and the upgraded power has turned three circles in his body, and finally there is nothing that can be transformed.

When Li De opened his eyes again, he found that the upgrade process only took half a sunday, and his own strength was not improved by one level...

There is no change in skills and magic. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

It seems that the higher the strength, the more difficult it is to improve. It is difficult for me to rely on ordinary upgrades for my current strength.

Only level 30, level 31, level 35 can make me transform...

After the upgrade, his level has reached the 29th level, and the next step will be the 30th level demigod.

Level 30 is the upper limit of the level of glorious life. If you don't get the power of the gods, this level can no longer be broken through.

But this is not what Li De needs to worry about. He already has several priesthoods, and the so-called upper limit level is the same as if he does not have it.

The only difficulty is how to confer a god after becoming a level 30 demigod.

Now is the time to think about it.

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