I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 474 The gods of the sea clan, listen to me, we are actually friends...

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On the calm sea, the pressure of seven terrifying gods fell like stars.

Andebella and Betty looked extremely solemn at the moment.

The strength of the two is not low, but when facing Shenwei, they still feel the pressure of suffocation.

However, the two girls were not afraid at all at this time, and they were very graceful.

Andebella looked at Li De's proud back, her proud face softened a little, and seemed to recall the scene when he also stood in front of her when he was in danger...

Betty's eyes full of fighting intent looked at the seven figures in the distance, warriors from the north, fearless and fearless.

Even when he was weak, he dared to charge the dragon. The mighty coercion of the gods not only did not frighten the Valkyrie, but aroused the fighting spirit in his heart.

Northlanders never back down.


In a few breaths, Castro approached the figures under terrifying pressure.

At this time, the sea area where the extraordinary monsters had been sacrificed had been dyed red with blood, and the bodies of more than 30 sea beasts were floating on the sea.

And these sea beasts are deep-sea beasts that Li De has never seen before. With a little sense, you can find that these thirty corpses are all extraordinary levels...

Horribly exaggerated.

The extraordinary sea beasts are flowing blood from the wound like a water pump, and the blood contains terrifying energy fluctuations.

The beings in the surrounding sea area for dozens of kilometers were extremely excited after sensing it, and they gathered one by one, but because they were afraid of the coercion of the gods, they only dared to wander around.

In the end, a huge circle appeared on this sea area, with dozens of huge corpses in the center area, and the sea water had dyed the surrounding area red.

Outside is densely packed with marine life, and you can't see the edge at a glance.

The scene looked bloody.

Li De's eyes swept across the sea, and his attention was focused on the seven figures that exuded terrifying pressure.

The initiators who floated on the sea and created everything were not ordinary human gods, but standard sea clans - killer whale people, seal people, sea snake people... Seven figures and seven races.

The most terrifying one is a mermaid in the center.

Wearing an exquisite crown made of pearls and precious stones on its head, holding a trident, it was suspended on the sea surface out of thin air, and a long golden hair floated in the air, full of spirituality.

With fierce murderous intent, azure blue eyes stared at Castro, who was coming from the sky, and the surrounding light was distorted under her coercion, extremely terrifying.

Seeing this scene, Li De's eyes were indifferent and calm, and there was no wavering on his face.

He turned his head and glanced at the two girls behind him.

If there is a battle later, you and Castro leave this area first.

The two girls looked at Li De's deep eyes, and their hearts were inexplicably moved. Before the war came, he could still think of them, too considerate...

Li De was just a simple exhortation. He didn't know that a girl's heart would be so sensitive...

After the voice fell, he directly floated up and went straight towards the seven sea clan gods.

There was no hint of fear on the handsome face with obvious facial features, but instead a high-spirited look, his eyes were full of domineering overlooking the world.

The pressure of the Lord God spread out.

There are only seven sea gods.

I have a general who can slaughter the gods of the heavens.

And even without Freya, he still has a ring on his hand that can summon the Lord of Darkness.

As long as he is willing, he can take out the undead monarch-level butcher knife and slaughter the pig at any time.

Seven sea gods, enough to kill him?

Looking at Li De flying alone, the mermaid god standing in the center had cold eyes.

Explain your purpose, strange powerhouse.

In the face of a master god who can't figure out the origin, before the two sides have become enemies,

These sea clan gods are also reluctant to do it easily.

On Li De, the might of the Lord God of Dawn was as bright as a prison.

At this moment, the god-killing aura he was contaminated with after slaughtering the gods was also clearly displayed in front of these sea gods.

The weak have no right to negotiate with the strong.

At this time, it is not suitable to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. Only by showing the most powerful side can you win respect.

Although the other party's tone was impolite, Li De was still keenly aware of the caution of these sea gods.

I didn't remember to answer, I knew myself and knew my enemy and won every battle... I directly opened the opponent's attribute panel, but after taking a look, my face immediately became solemn.

Is the origin of these gods a little exaggerated?

Virginia Sea Fury

Level: 3440 (strength not restored)

God Name: God of the Sea

Priesthood: Oceans, waves, storms, disasters

Skill:? ? ?

Magic: ? ? ?

Introduction: The main god of the ocean gods was once a powerful god of divine power who controlled the power of the sea, but for some reason, his strength has not yet returned to its peak.


Quality: High Artifact

Features: Holding a trident can control the power of the sea.

Introduction: This is the exclusive weapon of the sea god, and only the master of the sea can control it.

The level of the mermaid at the head is as high as level 34, and its original level is an exaggerated level 40 - powerful divine power! !

The trident in the opponent's hand turned out to be a genuine genuine artifact, not a high imitation.

Except for the mermaid, the other 6 sea clan gods are also weak gods of level 31...

Li De, who originally planned to take it all in one pot, glanced at the attributes of the seven gods in front of him, and his expression was a little subtle.

This is outrageous.

He just came to find a demigod sea beast, and he actually encountered the entire ocean god system directly! !

7 true gods, is this a bit too much? ?

The other six gods are okay, and Freya can still deal with the rampage.

Only the mermaid main god made him full of vigilance. This is the real god of the gods. Although he has not recovered even the medium power, but for such an old master god, even if the level is not high, its combat effectiveness will not be bad. That went.

Not to mention that the opponent is holding an artifact with countless legends - the trident.

Li De quietly gave up the idea of ​​a pot.

The main god of the gods at level 34 is only two levels behind Freya.

Even if Freya can win, it will cost a lot of money, and there are 6 real gods to assist.

If you really want to fight, you may not be able to suppress the opponent's entire god system...

Explain your purpose, unfamiliar powerhouse. The mermaid god couldn't help but repeat it again without hearing the answer.

Li De regained his senses after hearing the words, and after pondering, he said slowly.

You haven't found that demigod sea beast yet?

As soon as these words came out, the air suddenly froze.

The murderous intentions of the seven sea clan gods skyrocketed in an instant, and all the opportunities were locked on him, and it seemed that a thunderbolt would erupt in the next second.

Obviously this sentence touched their fundamental interests - half-body sea beast!

Seeing the changes in the scene, Li De knew it, and he got enough information to test him with a simple sentence.

The opponent's target is indeed the sea beast.

Immediately, without waiting for the other party to respond, he continued to test.

How did you hear about the fragments?

This sentence is very interesting, Li De did not point out that it was a fragment of the Slate of Destiny.

The meaning in the words can be artifact fragments, treasure map fragments, or any fragments.

If the opponent is the demigod sea beast instead of the Destiny Slate fragment, then he may still have room to operate.

But in the next second, he identified the opponent's true goal.

Because the trident in the hands of the mermaid god wearing the pearl and gem crown has already exuded terrifying fluctuations, it seems to be about to start in the next second.

And aware of the other party's murderous intention, Freya didn't wait for Li De's order to directly burst out of the shattered space with a click, and brazenly guarded in front of Li De.

The level 36 twelve-winged death seraph swept across the world like a level 18 storm with undisguised divine might.

The two sides faced off fiercely.

The appearance of Freya made the scene even more tense.

The mermaid holding the trident was originally very afraid of Li De, who was lingering with the aura of killing gods. At this moment, a blazing angel even stronger than her appeared.

This raised her inner vigilance to the extreme.

Unfamiliar gods, the fragments of the Destiny Slate are treasures bestowed by the sea to the sea clan, absolutely no one can touch it!!

The cold tone carries the cold murderous intent, and the attitude is not the slightest concession.

Although Li De is strong, are they weak again? ?

Neither side is good.

The mermaid god in front of him is not the unlucky ghost of the god of plague. As the god of the sea clan, he holds a real trident.

In addition, it is now above the sea, and it is its main battlefield. Its combat effectiveness cannot be described by a level 34.

Not to mention that there are 6 genuine gods of level 31 to assist.

Therefore, although the main mermaid god is afraid of Li De, he will never be afraid.

Although there are few people on Li De's side, he also exudes the breath of the Lord God of Dawn, and Freya is a level 36 medium divine power.

The number is small, but the combat power looks stronger on paper.

Both sides clearly know the terror of the other side. Once they fight, they will be shocked.

So I didn't dare to take that step lightly.

Li De frowned and stared at the mermaid holding the trident. After pondering for a while, he said slowly.

Master of the sea, don't be nervous, I have no ill will towards you.

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand and asked Freya, who was holding the angel's sword and staring at the mermaid, to put away her weapon.

Freya was naturally based on Li De's orders. Although the situation was tense, she still neatly inserted the cross sword into the scabbard, but her eyes were still staring at each other with extreme vigilance.

Both sides have scruples about each other. After Li De released a little goodwill, his momentum eased a bit.

We are not enemies, my friends, Li De looked straight at the mermaid, the sea goddess, righteously.

Master of the sea, should your name be Virginia?

I have heard you mentioned by a great being, so we should be friends, not enemies.

This visit to the Lost Sea is also the direction that the great existence guides us.

Hearing this, the main mermaid god - Virginia Fury, frowned.

The previous Sea God was seriously injured and fell asleep in the battle of the gods millions of years ago. She took over the trident without the knowledge of outsiders and became the new Sea God.

Except for a small number of ocean gods, her god name has not been known to outsiders. How did this strange master god know her name?

His tone was cold.

Unfamiliar god, how did you hear my name? Who was the one who directed you to collect the Fate Tablet fragments? How did he know that there were Fate Tablet fragments here?

As Li De said that, he carefully observed the fluctuation of the other party's expression, and smiled when he saw the slight confusion on the opposite mermaid's face.

Kaslina's background is so great, that is the terrifying existence guarding the fragments of the Slate of Destiny.

And the most crucial point is that Kaslina is a mixed-race mermaid. According to what she said before, it was her own choice to sneak into the main plane. In this case, the choice to become a mixed-race mermaid is also her subjective consciousness... ...

This is very subtle. Under normal circumstances, if a god of human identity comes to the main plane, it will inevitably choose to become a human. Similarly, a dwarf will also choose to become a dwarf...

Based on this, it can be simply inferred that Kaslina had a great relationship with mermaids before she lost her power, and she might even belong to the mermaid family.

Li De's words tried to find other ways to solve the dispute. Compared with hands-on, his language has always been a weapon that is not inferior to his strength.

The current situation is that it is not a wise move to fight the opponent, although she has Freya, plus she can summon the master of darkness, it is completely true to the opponent.

But the purpose of his trip was to shards of the Slate of Destiny, not to fight a group of gods with terrifying strength and home-field advantage.

This is a complete god system, not some kind of cat or dog. If the other party is only one person, he may roll up his sleeves...

Li De's eyes were fixed on Virginia Furious Sea, and he said word by word.

That great being is also a mermaid. She came to the main plane years before the old days came, and now she is visiting my city...

After a pause, he continued.

And the fragments of the Slate of Destiny you are looking for were originally our goal. When you arrive, you should be able to find the corpses of the two extraordinary beasts under the water, which are our sacrifices.

So it's not that we're taking your spoils, but you're taking what should belong to us...

Hearing this, Virginia's face became very solemn. Her keen perception told her that Li De was not lying, but she was even more puzzled in her heart.

Mermaids have always been the royal family in the sea, and every sea god is born from mermaids.

But she had never heard of other powerful gods in the mermaid family.

And being able to come to the main plane several years before the advent of the old days is not something ordinary people can do, even with her previous level 40 strength, she can't do it.

The rules of the main plane are too powerful to be suppressed, and it is not something that ordinary gods can shake, nor can powerful gods.

Li De kept talking.

As for why I can know the traces of the Destiny Slate fragments, it is because of that great existence who used to guard the Destiny Slate.

And looking for the fragments of the Slate of Destiny is exactly the order of your great existence of the mermaid family, so we are not enemies, my friends.

When Virginia heard this, her pupils shrank suddenly, she suddenly remembered an ancient legend that her father once told her, and blurted out a name that shocked the other six sea clans around her.

His Royal Highness Philomis!!

Li De's eyes narrowed, Philomis? ?

This name is not simple in Glory. According to legend, Philomis created the Sea Race with her own blood in the sea created by the God of Creation.

The position in the sea is equivalent to that of the goddess of life.

Could it be that Kaslina is the terrifying existence that created the sea clan in the legend?

After this thought arose, the already mysterious veil of the half-blood mermaid became more obscure.

But now is not the time to think about it, Li De stared at the mermaid god in front of him.

Your Majesty Virginia, the great being did not mention her real name to me, but she told me that the Sea Clan was her closest clan.

The life we ​​encounter in the sea will not be the enemy, if we encounter the gods of the mermaid family, we can reveal her news to you...

These words made the palm of the mermaid god's hand holding the trident slightly tighten, and at this moment, he quietly believed in Li De...

Li De did not stop in his temper, and said with a bit of emotion.

In fact I have been carrying out the orders of that great being.

Otherwise, when I found you, I would have already done it to you.

Looking at the other party's unbelieving eyes, he smiled slightly.

Do you think I don't have this ability?

When the words fell, Li De input divine power into the dark ring in his hand, which directly stimulated the remaining breath of the dark master, but it was not fully activated.

At this moment, an indescribable terrifying majesty swept across the world.

What an exaggerated existence of a level 40 undead monarch. Although he has not yet appeared, he has already made this world fall into silence.

Accompanying this, the aura of the Lord God on Li De also poured out violently. The Lord of Darkness and his divine power were distinct, but they were both so stalwart and powerful.

Seeing this, Freya also exudes a 36-level medium divine power with someone...

For a while, the power of the two main gods, plus the level 36 Seraph of Death, swept the world.

Feeling the overwhelming power of the Lord God, Virginia and the other six sea gods changed their expressions.

A main god and a twelve-winged seraph combined can barely cope, but if two main gods add a 36-level twelve-winged seraph, the balance will be broken.

If the other side really wants to go to war, they will definitely lose.

After living for such a long time, it is not necessarily possible to do other things, but there is still vision, and idiots can't live for so long.

The power revealed by Li De immediately changed the attitude of the Mermaid Lord God towards Li De.

It's easy to say that they were evenly matched just now, but the opponent is so kind to them when they are strong, which is not easy.

I secretly believed 60% of what Li Degang said in my heart... Maybe the mermaid goddess is not His Highness Philomis, but it must be a powerful existence in the sea clan that has never been recorded.

Otherwise, the other party would not be so humble to them, thinking in a different position. If they had absolute power, would they still be so calm and reasonable?

When the weak reason with the strong, it is nonsense, the roar of the incompetent, but when the strong reason with the weak, it is kind and kind...different status, doing the same thing, The effect is quite different.

It's just that the mermaid god doesn't know that Li De is purely a figurehead, and he is only level 28 now.

The Dark Lord is powerful, but the opponent is completely uncontrollable. If he perceives the fragments of the Destiny Slate, he will be busy working in vain, so he will not summon it unless he has to.

Only the 36-level Freya can really be used in the scene... so Li De will convince people with virtue.

But there is a huge deviation in the information controlled by the two sides. On the side of the sea clan gods, it is Li De who has released goodwill to them...

After taking a few deep breaths, the mermaid goddess looked at Li De and said slowly.

Unfamiliar powerhouses, the shards of the Destiny Slate are related to the fate of the Sea Clan, we can't give up...

Li De felt that the other party's attitude softened again, and a sincere smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

This smile once appeared when facing the Dark Lord for the first time...

Later, the Dark Lord became his ally and is still helping him carry out the Abyss Pig Raising Program.

No, my friends, I'm not asking you to give up the Destiny Slate Fragment, but this Destiny Slate Fragment is the key to the restoration of that great being.

Li Deyi is right in his words.

She used to look after the Slate of Destiny for tens of millions of years, and has already established a connection with the Slate of Destiny that outsiders can't fathom, and sensed the breath of every piece of the Slate of Destiny.

Once she regains her strength, she can guide us to find more Shards of Destiny.

So, Your Excellency Virginia, we are investing for the future, not for you to back down.

That great being is your clan, and although she lives in my city now, you can see who she is aiming for from her refusal to let me fight with you.

When the time comes, you can visit her with me, and we can form true allies, support each other, and face the increasingly bad old cataclysm together.

And you rule such a huge sea area, is just a piece of Destiny Slate enough to meet the needs of your clan?

Don't the sea clan need more leverage to deal with the invasion of the old days? You urgently need Destiny Slate fragments, you must feel the pressure that the world is about to be destroyed, right?

How dangerous is the future, UU reading www.uukanshu.com This piece of Destiny Slate fragment is afraid that the effect it can have is pitiful...

And I also believe that you need allies too, strong allies!

These words made the Mermaid Lord God fall into contemplation...

Show goodwill and use Kaslina as a bond to bring the relationship closer.

Intimidate, show your muscles.

Lure, using the future as bait, arouses the other party's greed.

After Li De's series of words, not only the seven sea gods of the other party felt very reasonable, but even Freya felt that he was right...

The scene of the sparks just now became that these sea gods began to seriously consider whether to form an alliance with Li De...

After all, whether it was his strength, the kindness he showed, or the lofty Sea Clan deity, they all moved their hearts.

It seems that it is not unacceptable to form an alliance with such a powerful Lord God. As for the Slate of Destiny fragments, if the two sides form an alliance, it will not be a problem. They can completely snatch other Slate of Destiny fragments together...

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