I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Four hundred and seventieth chapters seven gods

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The sound of the horn from the depths of the lost sea seems to be full of magic, which can make the sea beasts in the water swim in one direction one by one.

But unfortunately, the horn sound didn't last long, and when Li De was about to leave to find out, it suddenly disappeared.

There was no trace left in the air, as if nothing had happened just now.

And those sea beasts who were affected by the sound of the horn also immediately returned to their senses and fled in all directions...

Li De looked at this strange and strange scene, and there was always a kind of unease in his heart...

Since arriving at the Lost Sea, something has gone wrong.

This sea area seems to be hiding some amazing secrets...

No matter what you say, you should wait for Castro to come back first. The Shard of Destiny is the purpose of this trip. Other things, no matter how weird, must be pushed back...

After Li De settled down, he didn't think much about it and came to the Sea God Island.

The air was quiet at this time, and only the sound of the waves and the sea breeze was left around.

There is an inexplicable tranquility...

Time has entered the middle of the night, the sky has no light because of the cracks, and thick dark clouds cover everything.

Freya hid again, and he was the only one left on the entire island.

Li De was inexplicably a little emotional at this time. He had already known that he had brought the old man with the dead bone, and it was better for someone to talk than to be boring now.

Time passed little by little, and what surprised Li De was that Castro had not returned when he left for four or five days.

And during this time, the strange horn sounded again.

This time, like last time, the duration may not be five minutes, and it also attracted a large number of sea beasts to swim towards the central area.

Night fades and dawn comes.

Li De waited for a whole night, but still did not see Castro, which made him frown.

Normally, that's enough time for Castro to go back and forth three or five times...what's going on now? ?

After waiting until noon, he finally saw the steel behemoth galloping from the sky.


Castro's huge body with a wingspan of twenty blades landed directly on the island, but Betty was not alone on its back.

Two Miaoman figures turned over and Yingying stepped forward to Li De.

Good day, Lord Li De.

Betty was the first to speak. After seeing Li De, this Northland Valkyrie had indescribable joy and excitement in her eyes.

Li De nodded slightly and looked at the figure on Betty's right hand. It was a girl with her head held up slightly. Although her face was calm, she could feel the pride in the other party's heart.

The crimson cloak behind him rattled under the sea breeze, making it so eye-catching.

A smile appeared on his face.

Long time no see, City Lord Andebella.

The person who came was Andebella who followed the lady with red eyes to the Stormwind Sea, a girl with pride flowing in her blood.

Looking at the extremely handsome face in front of her, Andebella's expression was quite complicated.

Should I call you Ezreal...or Illo?

When Li De rescued Andebella in Lisl City, he made a fool of a game character's name... That's why the girl has this sentence.

It will be all right.

Li De was thick-skinned like something, and he didn't feel anything about it at all.

Yu Guang couldn't help but glance at the girl... and the blood cloak floating in the wind behind her.

The texture of this dragon skin is really hard to get enough of.

Subconsciously opened the attribute panel, and then I was a little surprised.

Blood Cloak

Quality: Heritage Artifact (bound)

characteristic:? ?

introduce:? ?

This cloak has been upgraded to become an artifact?

No wonder when he grabbed the head of the God of Plague and was about to escape in Lisl City,

The sudden appearance of Andebella can directly block the furious God of Plague, and even force the unfortunate old evil god away from the main plane...

Artifact ah...

Li De feels that he is not at all moved...really...

I'll still call you the same as Betty, Your Excellency Li De...

Andebella nodded, there was a bit of complexity in those pale silver eyes.

She will never forget the scene when the city of Lisl fell, the figure that looked like a god standing in front of her and blocked everything for her.

This man pulled her back from the destruction, and she still owed him a life.

Thank you for your help to Lisl City, and thank you for your rescue last time...

After a pause, he asked nervously.

Lord Li De, can I know how the people of the Risir family are doing now?

When Lisl City was captured by orcs, Li De rescued Andebella, but he also took away a large number of Lisl City's elite talents.

Those elite talents greatly filled the talent gap in Dawn City, and the goblins were also grabbed by Li De in that battle formation.

No need to worry, Li De smiled, the elder of your family, Horn, is now the dean of Dawning Academy, with a high status.

The other members of the Lisl family have also become the backbone of Dawn City, and they live a prosperous life, no worse than in Lisl City.

The infrastructure of Dawn City is so advanced that the quality of life of ordinary nobles is not necessarily higher than that of ordinary residents of Dawn City.

The City of Dawn has long surpassed other cities in this world.

Hearing this, Andebella suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

She can't control the other nobles in Risir City, but the members of the Risher family are her last blood relatives in this world, and no one wants their family to have an accident.

Your Excellency Li De, I promised to find a piece of legendary equipment for you, and I paid a lot of effort to get that piece of equipment.

It is now being placed in the Scarlet Mage's tower for Miss Wei Na's custody, and it is not on her body.

Li De nodded when he heard the words, and glanced at the bright red cloak with some regret...

It's not urgent, I believe in the vision of City Lord Andebella.

After talking about the family, it's time to get to the point, with deep eyes blazing at this proud girl whose head is always held high.

City Lord Bella came here with Betty, presumably not for this.

Last time we went to explore the ruins of the gods and encountered an ancient space crab. I wonder if you have any impressions of Bella City Lord?

Betty is not someone who doesn't know the importance. The fact that she can bring Andebella at this time must also be related to the ancient space crab he is looking for.

Sure enough, Andebella nodded, her tone still cold.

Your Excellency Li De, after you fell into the abyss, we stayed in the ruins of the gods for a long time.

In order to prevent things from changing, after I left the relic of the gods, I left a hidden bloodline mark on the ancient space crab...

Having said that, there is no need for more nonsense.

Li De's eyes lit up, and he made a decisive decision.

City Lord Andebella, I will trouble you this time. I need the blood of that crab to draw out the sea god here...

Andebella knew about it before she came, and since she could come, she naturally wouldn't have any inner resistance to it, and answered it neatly.

Seeing that everything was done, Li De no longer hesitated, and directly took Castro with Betty and Andebella to find the ancient space crab.

With a wingspan of twenty blades, Castro's back is so wide, let alone three people, even ten people can ride with ease.


Castro, who was cruising at three times the speed of sound, was not unpleasant, and disappeared in this sea after a few blinks.

Andabella's bloodline imprint is like a compass, which can accurately perceive its direction and distance, which saves a lot of time in the process of searching.

Half an hour later, Castro flew out and stopped in an area densely populated with islands.

Li De looked down from a high altitude. There are thousands of islands of different sizes in this sea area.

Seeing this scene, Andebella said.

Lord Li De, this is the hiding place of the ancient space crab. I can sense that it is in this area, but the more specific location cannot be sensed...

Li De waved his hand as he looked at the island group that stretched for dozens of miles below.

Freya, find that crab.

With an order, under the shocking gazes of Andebella and Betty, a level 36 twelve-winged death seraph burst out of the space.

The angel's sword in Freya's hand is clearly sharp, and the whole person's momentum seems to be able to smash the world.

The power of the gods collapsed the mountains, panic-stricken like a prison.

As you wish, master.

After the cold voice sounded.


Freya's body suddenly flew into the sky.

Then the Seraph of Death recreated the famous scene of the meteor falling to the sea.


With infinite divine power, Freya fell from the sky into the sea, and its explosive power was like a smashing mountain on the sea, and the impact sound was like a nine-day rolling thunder, and it exploded with a bang.

At the center of the collision, an indescribable shock wave of terror smashed into all directions, and the surrounding sea seemed to be hit by a giant hand that reached the sky, denting dozens of blades.

Then this sea area completely entered into a frenzy.


Thousand-blade-long sword qi spewed up on the seabed, in all directions, and those sturdy islands were like fragile glass cups, which were directly shattered by the sword qi, splashing huge rubble in the sky.

The scene looked extremely shocking.

I'm afraid no one could have imagined that a few minutes ago, this island group that stretched for dozens of miles of sea was actually shattered in more than a dozen breaths.

Dozens of blade-high boulders shattered and flew up in the sword energy, mixed with monstrous waves, making this sea area a well-deserved place of death.

However, under such terrifying power, the ancient space crab did not move...

Li De frowned when he saw this scene, wouldn't there be another problem?

But just after this thought came up, Kacha~ Suddenly, when Freya's sword energy swept across a small island, the scene suddenly changed.


I saw a terrifying giant crab like an ancient giant beast standing up from the sea. A pair of crab claws are hundreds of blades long. Just by looking at it, you can feel how terrifying this crab is.

Even the sturdiest city walls are like scraps of paper in front of the pair of crab claws.

With a dark body and a huge island on its back, this crab is exaggerated to the extreme.

The ancient space crab that can form space by spitting out bubbles finally appeared.

When Freya, who sank to the bottom of the sea, noticed this scene, bang~ immediately flew out of the water, and then stood proudly in front of the ancient space crab.

Full power.

The terrifying divine power made this world seem to be crawling under its feet, even Li De felt his insignificance at this moment.

Level 36 life, how terrifying.

Although the size of Freya and Cancer is like the comparison of ants and mountains, after the two sides exude their own breath, the two directly adjust each other.

Freya is like an ancient sky-reaching beast, capable of shattering the stars with only one hand, while the ancient space crab with an exaggerated body is strongly suppressed...

The battle is on the verge of confrontation.

But as soon as Freya raised her sword, the divine might on her body climbed to the point where the space around her was distorted.

The ancient space crab suddenly trembled, and then, under the surprised gaze of several people, its exaggerated body shrank little by little, and finally turned into a crab that was almost the same size as an ordinary human.

Although the crab of this size is still very large, it is not at the same level as before.

What was even more surprising was that the ancient space crab completely dissipated its momentum, and then slowly flew towards Freya out of thin air.

After approaching Freya, the eight crab legs knelt down directly, and this demigod-level ancient space crab surrendered neatly when facing the 36-level Seraph of Death.

Li De looked at this scene in amazement.

The good guy is also a demigod-level crab. He has not started the fight yet, so he admits it?

This is too spineless.

Freya didn't expect this big crab to admit defeat so simply, and couldn't help but look at Li De.

Seeing this, Li De twitched the corners of his mouth and waved his hand to signal the other party to stop.

Anyway, his goal is this big crab. Now that he has it, it doesn't matter whether he is alive or dead.

Next, it is the truth to lead the sleeping sea god out. The cracks in the sky are always exuding the rich energy of the old days, and time is running out.

Freya, take this crab, we will return to the Sea God area...

Follow your orders, Master.

After Freya received the order, with a wave of her hand, a gray force rushed out, and then the ancient space crab the size of a human just continued to shrink, and finally turned into a small crab the size of half a palm.

Mini and cute, it looks completely out of touch with the terrifying behemoth that just covered the sky.

Freya held the ancient space crab in one hand and the angel war sword in the other. She stepped out and disappeared in place.

Seeing this, Li De no longer hesitated, and drove Castro to fly to the sea area of ​​the Sea God Festival.

This time, I went out to find the fragments of the Slate of Destiny. Although I didn't encounter a big enemy, the thief was in trouble.

And knowing that Li De can't be sure now, whether the blood of this crab can attract the sea god who doesn't know where he is sleeping.

And there is the unknown mysterious horn sound, which has put a mysterious veil on the lost sea.

Half a sunday later, the location of the Sea God Festival.

When Li De drove Castro to approach this sea area, his expression suddenly changed.

Because he discovered that there was already someone here at this time.

And the other party is sacrificing sea beasts...

Judging from the way he acts, it seems that the opponent's target is the same as him, the sleeping demigod-level sea beast. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Li De's thoughts were telegraphed.

Could it be that the news about the fragments of the Slate of Destiny was known to this group of people??

His eyes immediately turned cold.

The Shard of Destiny is a matter of life and death in the City of Dawn.

This is the treasure he must get!

No matter who the opponent is, as long as he dares to rob him, he will be his mortal enemy.

No one is exempt.

In the face of competing for living space, there is no reason to say that if the other party gets the fragments of the Slate of Destiny, then the unlucky one is the tens of millions of people in the City of Dawn.

Holding the big killer Andebella in his hand, Li De did not hesitate at all, and the legendary momentum rushed out, causing Castro to speed up and fly directly towards several figures in the sea.

Li De's undisguised breath instantly attracted the attention of the mysterious people on the sea, at this moment.

Seven breaths that can make the world collapse.

Huanghuang Tianwei is like thousands of miles of galaxies hanging upside down in the sky, and hundreds of millions of tons of sea water are surging.

The entire sea seemed to be at a standstill.

Li De felt the terrifying aura, and his face froze.

Those seven breaths were actually gods! !

In this small sea area, seven gods appeared! !

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