I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 467 Undead moves, confident that he can hang Li De's Spark

Undead plane.

This eternal dead place is not inferior to the abyss, but compared to the name of the abyss on the main plane, the undead plane has not received much attention from ordinary people on the main plane.

Because unless the undead natural disaster that destroys the world reappears, the undead have little room to operate on the main plane - all good and lawful life will destroy them at all costs.

After all, compared to demons, digging other people's ancestral graves and resurrecting the undead of other people's parents who became skeleton warriors is obviously more hated by people.

At this time, this terrifying place full of dead silence welcomed a group of lives from the main plane, and these lives were all famous adventurers from the lost plane.

The Knight of Broken Sword led hundreds of players into the core area of ​​the Undead Plane, the main city of the Undead—the City of Sighs.

This undead capital city has been established since the beginning of the world, and it has been too long to describe the time since now.

And this is also the first time for players to come to such a high-level map, and they keep sneaking screenshots one by one, and their expressions are very excited.

All the buildings in the City of Sighs are made of skeletons and bones, and even the city walls are made of countless bones.

Skeleton Street, Skeleton Mage Tower, Skull Manor... Everything has the unique style of the undead.

All the buildings here are attached with terrifying undead magic and are indestructible.

However, in the face of this undead style, the knight of the broken sword, the master of the undead empire, the disciple of the undead monarch, was not too excited.

Instead, he was a little nervous and apprehensive.

He had never thought of being summoned to the plane of the undead. After all, the map here is far from within the reach of players.

Any skeleton is a high-level undead of level 15 and 20. How can ordinary players stand it?

And in his capacity, he is not qualified to come into contact with this plane at this stage.

Although the undead empire is powerful in the main plane, its master is also known as the undead monarch, but the knight of the broken sword knows what undead monarch...

Now the master of the undead empire on the main plane is just a subordinate of one of the fifteen undead monarchs, or even a very common subordinate...

When the invasion of the main plane caused the natural disaster of the undead, it was just being squeezed out.

When he got this news, the knight of Broken Sword had a very wonderful expression.

The heart is also full of awe for this legendary habitation of the dead.

Now their group is going to meet the legendary undead monarch.

As a top player, he immediately used the power in his hands to find information about the Undead Plane after being informed of the summoning.

Because there is not much information about the undead position, he spent a lot of effort to find some broken records.

The only thing of value is one - the legendary Undead plane has a total of 14 undead monarchs, who have ruled this ancient land for millions of years.

But now the fifteenth king has appeared, and the meaning of it made the knight of the broken sword quite curious.

But he doesn't have the strength to explore these now, so he can only take one step at a time...

After passing through the long bones of the City of Sighs, under the eyes of many high-level undead exuding an extremely terrifying atmosphere,

The knight with the broken sword and the others were guided by the guards to an unprecedented cathedral in the center of the city.

This church is as tall as a hundred knives, and it's all made of white human bones.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, no one would have imagined that such a terrifying building would exist in the world.

This is not the most conspicuous, the most conspicuous is the double-horned behemoth skull with dozens of blades directly on the top of the church spire.

It is difficult to explore what kind of life could have such a large head.

The huge alien beast head matched the wall built by the head. At this moment, this White Bone Church gave outsiders a terrifying feeling to the extreme.

What is even more terrifying is that the head is actually burning with a faint blue soul fire. This church seems to be the body of the giant beast, and the entire church is a living creature.

The towering church door was empty, like a demon with a huge mouth waiting for them to enter.

Even daring players can't help but tremble in the face of this magnificent and terrifying building.

The knight with the broken sword looked at the skeletal knights who were staring at them indifferently on both sides of the church, and could only bite the bullet and lead the crowd into this Cathedral of the Undead, which even had heads on the ground.

At the moment of stepping into the church, all players only felt a tremor all over, and then the space in their eyes was distorted, and all perceptions were blocked.

After a few breaths, the players only felt that the surrounding air was cold, and when they opened their eyes again, they found that they were no longer where they entered the gate.

There is a dark place all around here, and they are illuminated by the pale light from the sky, but trying to step out of the place illuminated by the light is like encountering an impenetrable wall.

They also couldn't see anything around them at all, and the light was completely swallowed up.

The knight with the broken sword couldn't help his scalp numb when he saw this scene. This huge aperture was like a cage, encircling them here for exhibition, and some terrifying beings were silently watching them in the dark at the moment...

Until the unknown fear became more and more powerful, and many players felt hairy.

Outside of the swipe, the fifteen white bones of the gods lit up with a cool blue glow.

At this moment, the fifteen hundred-blade-high white-boned gods are like stone tablets that reach the sky, and the players in the aperture are like tiny ants in front of the gods.

The knight with the broken sword tried his best to look up in the aperture, as if standing at the foot of a mountain and looking up at a towering mountain.


Many players are trembling, this motherfucker is too exaggerated...

Respected undead monarchs, your humble people send you greetings.

The knight with the broken sword stepped forward at this time. After speaking, regardless of the players around him, he knelt down on one knee facing the center position and lowered his head humbly.

Only then did the surrounding players relax and start bowing their heads one by one.

After such a long period of beating, there are no idiots who can get into the current level of players, and most of the guys who dare to ignore the rules will die miserably.

Glory will not be used to them.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding undead monarchs who had blurred appearances on the throne did not speak, but they were not talking to these players.

Can these adventurers from lost planes be resurrected?

Another low voice responded.

Well, but they lose a certain amount of power each time they resurrect...

The sound of the original opening continued.

I sensed a special aura in them...

Their souls are not here, it seems to be protected by some rules, is that their plane rules? ?

A hoarse voice said, There are too many lost planes. Some planes have disappeared since the beginning of the world. It is not surprising that some of them have a few special rules.

They are dead now, and what is dead is just a body, and their souls are still guarded by rules... Is this the secret of their rebirth?

A sharp voice was curious, How can this rule be broken?

I can try...

The undead blasphemy slowly sounded with a chilling aura. No one knew which undead monarch was discussing, but all players felt chills down their spines.

What do these undead monarchs want to do? ?

Then a scream sounded behind them, and everyone turned their heads in unison.

I saw a player wrapped in dark blue energy, his body and flesh rotted little by little, looking extremely terrifying.

After just a few breaths, the player turned into a cloud of gray liquid, and even the corpse was not preserved.

When everyone saw this, they only felt scalp tingling...

Damn, what kind of shit is this undead monarch, we are all our own people, don't you talk about martial arts? ! !

But obviously, the weak have no right to choose.

Failed? The rules of this lost plane are amazing. Maybe you need to find the stone of the plane to spy on its rules...

The only thing worthy of players' rejoicing is that the undead monarch who shot was unsuccessful.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a second voice sounded.

Failed? Let me give it a try...

Is Nima finished yet? ?

These hundreds of players are about to explode.

If this is tried one by one, one tenth of them will be gone.


With a tragic cry, another unlucky ghost fell to the ground and wailed, and then was transformed into a bone skeleton alive under the gaze of hundreds of players.

Well, the rules are indeed magical...

This sentence makes the rest of the players' mentality collapse, do you want to say it?

This damn thing is too terrifying. If these undead really find out the rules for destroying the resurrection ability, aren't they likely to face death at any time?

Many people's livers are turning green with regret. If they knew this would happen, who would be here to die?

The knight with the broken sword had to bite the bullet and take the initiative to speak.

Your honor, we are all loyal subordinates of the undead. Perhaps maintaining the ability to resurrect can make more useful contributions to the undead...

After hearing this, the undead monarchs who were sitting high on the throne gave up the idea of ​​trying one by one. Yes, they were all killed, who would help them.

On the throne in the central area, a huge blurry figure suddenly stood up.

On the throne of a hundred blades high, this figure is also like a mountain, and the pair of vague empty eyes stares at the player below.

The power of the old days has eroded the plane of the undead, and the only purpose of those who were born in chaos is to destroy the whole glory.

The plane of the undead is also threatened.

Therefore, we unanimously decided to open the channel between the Undead Plane and the Main Plane, and send the undead army to the Main Plane to collect the fragments of the Destiny Slate.

Adventurers from the lost planes, you will be the main executors of this plan...

We know that you have extensive news channels on the lost plane, and we have also discovered the essence of your rebirth...

Under our training, you will become the spokesperson of the undead!

These words made the players below breathe quickly.

What kind of status is this to be the spokesperson of the undead?

Even the knight with the broken sword felt that the opportunity was at hand.

But as a top player, he still suppressed his inner fiery, and said with a bit of tentativeness.

Great monarch, may I ask, what price do we have to pay?

At what cost?

Hearing this question, the undead monarch who stood up suddenly burst into laughter, and the entire space trembled in that chilling laughter.

All players just felt a suffocating pressure hit, they even felt like they couldn't breathe.

Countless horrors are surging in the surrounding darkness, and the light that illuminates them is rippling, and it seems that it may collapse at any time.

You guys, you'll know later...

The undead monarch did not respond directly, and in those empty eyes flashed a mystery that no one could detect.

Now, I will choose 99 people from among them to enhance your strength and let you carry out the great oracle...

The knight of the broken sword felt cold when he heard this, and combined with the actions of the undead just now, he wanted to refuse at this moment.

But unfortunately, from the moment they stepped into this church, their fate no longer belonged to them.

Even at this moment, he is somewhat envious of the two players who were killed and reborn...

Just when the knight of Broken Sword was distracted, a dark force descended from the sky with an irresistible aura, directly swallowing all the players in the aperture.


After being eroded by gray energy, players feel that their souls seem to be torn apart at this moment.

At this moment, it seems that countless ants are biting their brains, and thousands of knives are cutting their bodies...

But no one could faint from such terrifying pain. They were restrained by some force and had to bear this unprecedented pain alive.

With the frantic screams, time is slowly passing.

One sunday hour, two sunday hours...I don't know how long it has passed, but this period of time seems to be as long as a century to the player.

Although the Knight of Broken Sword has reached level 15, it has not been able to get that far. He only feels that his soul is being eroded and transformed by a terrifying force...

Finally, after the transformation was completed, the eyes darkened and he fell asleep.


At this time, more than a hundred players woke up from the game warehouse. These people's faces were extremely pale, like people on the verge of death, full of death energy that was completely opposite to ordinary people.

Many people were greatly relieved, and finally escaped.

Several of them just wanted to open the game compartment and go out, but when they stretched out their hands to push the hatch, their eyes suddenly showed disbelief.

Because they found that the flesh and blood on their body had rotted into impurities, and there were only a pair of pale skeleton arms without flesh and blood left in front of them.

What's even more terrifying is that they can even control the arms that have turned into skeletons...

An indescribable terror engulfed them.

This, what happened? ?





When the horn sounded in the cold wind in the morning, Nolan Imperial Capital fell into a chilling atmosphere at this time.

On the towering city walls, soldiers dressed in neat armor and carrying strong bows and crossbows are waiting in battle.

Looking at the old monsters advancing little by little in the distance, all the warriors' eyes are as sharp as blades.

These damn worms are here again!!

A commander with a helmet on his waist couldn't help but spit hard and cursed fiercely.

I swear to Your Majesty! I must kill a hundred of them today!!

When the surrounding soldiers heard this, they all shouted.

Head, don't be a coward today, you only killed less than 60 yesterday, right?

These stinky rubbish, killing them really got my hands dirty...

In order to marry Her Royal Highness!! I will fight the enemy bravely!!

You also want to compete with me for Her Royal Highness? Draw your sword!

This section of the city wall became lively in an instant, but the strange thing was that only the soldiers here dared to defy the military discipline and shouted before the war.

Seeing this scene, the commander put the armor on his waist back on his head, and there was a bit of a hideous smile in his eyes.

To gain privileges in the military, it is simple enough to be strong enough.

The core of Nolan City's city wall has always been guarded by him. No matter how terrifying the battle, the half-blade city wall has not been lost. This is also the confidence that he can defy military discipline.

Prepare to fight and send those old monsters back to their home!!

With a roar, the surrounding hundred-bladed city wall instantly quieted down, the swords and guns were unsheathed, the bows and crossbows were full, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the old monster that was surging like a tsunami below.

It was a group of terrifying creatures with a body like a sarcoma, with a bloody mouth, rotten wings that could not fly on their backs, and their lower bodies crawling forward.

No one can imagine what these old monsters were like before they were corrupted, because the life in front of them is enough to make people vomit.


After those old monsters approached, on the tower behind the city wall, magic roared out, and the light spot shone in the world...

The sarcoma monsters below were shredded by magic and turned into a pool of pus and blood...

The morale above the city wall was shaken.




The arrows began to shoot frantically, facing the war of the monsters of the past, and it started again...

At this moment, those magical explosions swept across the sky and spread to the depths of the capital of Nolan.

In the Nolan Royal Academy of Magic, in a magic tower, a sloppy old man with a chicken coop head and a stubble, is emitting some strange symbols on the blueprint with magical fluctuations, like ancient inscriptions or like some ancient language.

But just when the pattern composed of dozens of symbols on the drawing was about to be successfully drawn, a sudden loud noise outside made his hand tremble, and the drawing crooked when he finally wrote the pen.

Seeing that all the effort he had put in so much effort finally came to nothing, the sloppy figure wanted to cry without tears.

Damn old bastards!!

In a fit of rage, he slammed his fist into the table and slammed it on the table, bang~ Then a loud voice sounded, and the sloppy old man's face instantly flushed red.

Sweeping the paper, revealing a sturdy thick iron plate.

Who the hell put an iron plate on my desk?!!

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and the old man forcibly suppressed his painful expression in order to save face, and then pretended to calmly look at the figure who pushed in the door.

Mr. Spark, are you okay? I just heard your voice outside...

A Miaoman girl in a luxurious palace dress walked into the room with some curiosity.

Hearing this, Spark's face turned even redder, and he quietly hid his trembling hands behind him, pretending to be calm.

Don't worry, Katie, I'm just pissing off those old monsters.

Immediately changed the subject, I heard that the Ministry of Military Intelligence has found fragments of the Slate of Destiny in the north?

The noble girl named Katie nodded slightly.

Yes, Mr. Spark, the news has been confirmed. The father is calling all legends and extraordinary people to discuss it. I am here to inform you.

Spark suppressed the pain in his hands and forced a smile.

Katie, you are the princess of the Nolan royal family, there is no need to come in person...

Mr. Spark, this matter is of great importance. The royal family sent someone from the royal family to inform everyone. I have specially accepted the task of informing you...

Katie smiled dignifiedly, and then she stretched out her right hand and handed it over what she was holding.

This is the envelope on the Royal Falcon. The servant just sent it to the door and I brought it in for you... It should be sent by Green City.

Spark's eyes suddenly lit up, he quickly left behind the messy desk, and stepped forward to take the envelope.

Although he really wanted to open his heart, there was still a bit of indifference on his face.

Hmph, it must be a letter from my incompetent disciple...

Disciple who does not become a weapon?

Katie was a little curious, Is that the genius mage who has stepped into the realm of the great mage in his twenties? The other party is probably already touching the extraordinary, right?

You are really amazing, you can cultivate such a powerful disciple...

Hearing this, Spark was as comfortable as eating iced watermelon in summer, but his mouth was still stubborn.

What a genius mage, he's not very promising even at his age, and he hasn't even reached the extraordinary level...

After saying this sentence, the old avatar remembered something, hehe smiled.

Damn boy of the Kachar family, you probably don't know, your teacher and I have had many adventures in Green City this year!

I'm half footed into the legend now! !

Ha ha ha ha......

Thinking of this Spark couldn't help but be proud.

This bastard, I'm afraid he's still worried about breaking through the extraordinary, right?

How many times has he been hit before, and now, he is finally about to turn over! !

Ha ha ha ha! !

At this time, when Spark was already imagining that he appeared in front of Li De with the horror level of a half-step legend, Li De had a shocked expression on his face.

Thinking of this picture, he couldn't be happier.

Want to surpass your teacher? Hahaha, you are dreaming!

Just wait, after I step into the legend, I will return to Green City immediately. I will show you who is the real genius!

Looking at Spark, Katie gritted her teeth for a while, then became excited for a while, and suddenly her expression became a little weird, Mr. Spark, do you have a fever?

Spark's face darkened.

Katie, let's go, the king is still waiting for us.

Katie nodded, looking at the envelope in his hand.

Don't you read this letter first? After all, it was sent by your disciple...

What is there to read about this letter, let's put it here for the first time...

Spark said with a face, and then threw the unopened envelope on the messy table without caring.

As you wish, we have prepared the carriage for you.

Katie didn't say anything else when she saw this, then turned around and left with Spark.

After leaving the Magic Tower, the two got into a carriage and headed towards the palace.

The letter in the office seemed to be really forgotten.

Not long after Spark left, yah, the door was pushed open, and then several apprentices who had been cleaning Spark walked into the house, looking at the messy room with a helpless expression.

This teacher Spark is good at everything but is too hygienic...

Then a few people started to organize, and they cleaned up the desk in a short time.

One apprentice put the trash can beside the desk, then turned around to get the broom, while the other apprentice took a step back subconsciously to avoid it, and bumped into the desk without caring.

The unopened envelope was gently bumped and fell straight towards the trash can.

Neither of the two apprentices saw this scene.

But just a second before the envelope falls into the trash can.

Brush~ Suddenly a hand appeared and grabbed the envelope tightly.

A few mage apprentices were shocked and hurriedly saluted.

Mr. Spark...

The person who came was obviously Spark who had just left.

Hearing the voice, Spark nodded slightly.

Well, I forgot to take something, you guys continue to clean it up.

There is nothing important in this room, and he is not very concerned about cleaning up by accident.

After getting the envelope, the moment Spark walked out of the house, the figure disappeared again, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com then appeared in the carriage heading towards the palace.

Only then did the face-saving old man open the envelope with confidence.

After reading it carefully several times, she happily folded the letter and put it away.

Kid of the Kachar family, you still have a little conscience...

But how could I possibly go back at this time? I'm one step away from a legend.

In addition, I have to prepare a breakthrough extraordinary resource for you.

Immediately he frowned.

But what does this guy mean by calling my attention to the Shard of Destiny Shard news? Does he want to get his hands on this thing?

Hmm... Probably not. Although this kid is not as talented as me, he is very cunning, so he won't do such a stupid thing at this level.

So should I give him the news that the royal family found the Shard of Destiny?

Spark thought about it, although the royal family repeatedly asked for secrecy, but between his own disciple and the royal family, he still decisively chose his own disciple.

Immediately took out the paper and quill pen, and began to write.

After writing it, he snapped his fingers, and then a white eagle appeared in front of him with a wingspan of about a blade.

Judging from the breath of this falcon, it turned out to be a level 10 monster.

After folding the letter and putting it in the specially made airtight bag under the falcon, Spark snapped his fingers again and sent the falcon into the sky beyond the Thousand Blades.

After finishing all this, Spark smiled again with satisfaction.

Boy of the Kachar family, just wait, when I get promoted to Legend, I will go back and let you know who is the real genius!


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