I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 464 The goal of the next stage, the thoughts that suddenly opened up, this time I will send.

Dead, an extremely powerful old evil god died.

To die so simply, so unpredictably.

The God of Plague had just returned to the sky with monstrous flames, so fierce and unparalleled that he even shattered the city wall with a height of 50 blades and a thickness of 30 blades with one blow, which could resist the magic of the four rings.

But now his corpse was treated as a trophy with no dignity, and was placed in front of the protector of Green City, under the crown of Ilo.

This scene is too shocking, like a picture in an epic, enough to make the bard sing for thousands of years...

After the berserk half-rat were hunted by the god of plague, they immediately fell into endless panic.

The state that was still not afraid of death just now turned into a headless fly, escaping into the distance at a faster speed than when it came.

The servants of the gods that covered the sky and the sun scattered as birds and beasts, and the sky returned to light again.

The residents below were very excited at the moment.

The eyes looking up to the sky are full of adoration and fanaticism.

Especially Freya, the blood of the crowd immediately below the sentence The god of plague of level 34, has been executed when the blazing angel returned with blood poured into their minds.

Level 34... just this level makes them feel suffocated, what a horrible life is the god of plague? In the hands of the opponent, he died so simply...

The crowd gradually boiled.

Is that the twelve-winged seraph?? According to legend, only the most powerful gods can have the allegiance of the twelve-winged seraph, and His Majesty Ilo also has... praise for the light. A light sect believers were surprised.

The goddess is above, it's unimaginable, unimaginable!! That evil god who survived from ancient times and was enough to destroy the world was just beheaded?

How powerful is that Seraph? Even the gods can be killed! And how strong will Iluo, who can subdue the terrifying life of the Seraph, will be? An assassin's legs hidden in the shadows Trembling, he murmured unconsciously in his mouth.


The aborigines were shocked, and so was the player.

Although some players have witnessed the peerless scene where the god of nobility was punched by Li De.

But after all, everyone has the ability to accept the powerful heart of His Majesty Ilo, and according to the analysis of the big man later, it is not surprising that the noble god who was killed without dignity has not returned to his peak state, and he was killed.

But now, His Majesty Iluo just dispatched a blazing angel to kill a level 34 old evil god in an invincible manner under the watchful eyes of dozens of millions of people.

Huanghuang Tianwei is right in front of you!

How can this not shock the players.

That night, a lot of posts about this battle appeared on the official forum of Glory.

The God of Dawn sits down as the first general, and destroys the level 34 old evil god with one hand, invincible! Angel screenshot · jpg, Angel long legs close-up · jpg

I'm going to blow up the crown of Ilo! This is definitely the ceiling of battle power known to Glory now. Who else can compete with His Majesty Ilo? Who else? ! 》

The goddamn envy of the god of dawn, there is something the angel does, it's okay...

My husband is so handsome, I'm dying...

When they are still working hard to level up, the other party is already working on the gods, and this gap is not generally large.

In an instant, Li De was blown away by the player. Of course, if the player knew that Li De was from the earth, I am afraid that he would not be so friendly... I am afraid that everyone except female players will scold him. .

Li De, who was floating in the air, didn't care about anything else. At this time, he looked at Freya, who was kneeling in the air on one knee, with a surprised expression.

Although he knew the power of this Seraph of Death, he didn't expect that the God of Plague, who was powerful to level 34, could not last five minutes.

Although Freya suffered a lot of damage, and even the artifact that was completely bound to her, the Angel War Armor, had a large area of ​​cracks, but abruptly killed a level 34 old evil god, this combat power is absolutely shocking. .

Freya, you're doing well, go down and rest, heal your wounds first...

To the level of Freya, as long as she is not killed on the spot or injured in the source, she can recover quickly from serious injuries.

The same is true for the opponent's armor. The armor of the extraordinary level has the function of automatic repair, so this kind of artifact will not be bad.

Yes, Master.

Freya nodded, Li De's will is her direction, as a guardian angel, her sword is only drawn for him.

The Seraph of Death, whose body was stained red with blood, stood up, and slowly pulled out the angel war sword still inserted in the heart of the God of Plague.

The battle sword smeared with divine blood was burning brightly at this moment, and the energy fluctuations emanating were particularly astonishing.

After looking down at the crowd below who were staring at her wildly, Freya's figure blurred and disappeared directly into the air.

At this moment, only the corpse of the god of plague was left on the field, and there was still standing indifferently. This battle did not take action, but the prestige gained was even more Li De than Freya, who had just killed the god.

After all, no matter how strong Freya is, she still submits to his subordinates.

One is the king, the other is the general...

Seeing this, Li De pondered for a while, then waved his hand, and threw the ghastly corpse of the God of Plague, which was only the size of a normal human at this time, to the dry bones flying in the sky with the hand of magic.

Then he turned and glanced at the excited warriors and residents below.

The voice sounded like mysterious words from a distant starry sky, slowly resounding throughout Green City.

My believers, my people, I am the master of your faith, the patron of Green City - the god of dawn.

After Li De's voice sounded, the residents below suddenly stopped their voices and looked at him with longing.

Seeing this, Li De's voice became low and solemn.

As you can see, the world has changed, it has become dangerous, it has become terrifying, it has become confusing to everyone.

Darkness has shrouded the earth at this moment, night has come to the world, the starry sky is no longer bright, the sun and moon are also bleak, the beauty of our past has long been destroyed by the natural disasters of the past...

My faithful believers, I have to inform you that the end is coming...

The excited crowd below seemed to have been splashed with cold water, and the excitement on their faces froze at this moment.

The fear of being dominated by the old monsters flashed back in their eyes.

How many people in Green City escaped from other cities? At least two-thirds!

So they know all too well how terrifying the old monsters are that have invaded their homeland...

At this moment, Li De activated the shadows in their hearts, and endless fear appeared on his face.

But then the crowd seemed to think of something, and looked closely at Li De in the sky. At this time, they seemed to pin all their hopes on him.

After a brief pause, Li De felt the change in the atmosphere below, and nodded slightly inwardly.

The natural disasters of the old days were inevitable, and no one could escape.

Although the end of the day is terrifying, residents of Green City, you need not fear...

Because you, the believers of Dawn, are my people!

The tone suddenly became high.

The brilliance of dawn will shine on you, even if darkness falls on the earth and all things perish, I will guide you to dawn and to hope.

As long as I survive, no one can hurt my followers!

This old evil god is the best testimony!

His body, I will display it in the central square for three days.

I want everyone to know that the residents of Green City are all believers of Dawn, and believers of Dawn are under my protection.

My followers, you will never walk alone, I am your backup.

Everything, for the dawn!

After Li De's words fell, he glanced at a group of silent people, and then his body gradually blurred, turning into a streamer and entering Green City.

The crowd below did not recover until Li De disappeared for a long time.

They were all shocked by this remark.

For the first time, many people feel extremely proud and proud that they are believers of Dawnbreak.

The high gods, the existences they look up to, can treat them so kindly... What an honor!

Child, have you heard what Ilo has just said? Let's go, let's go to the Dawn Church to pray now, to believe in such a great existence will be the greatest honor in our life!

Father, my promise to you is about to be broken. I want to change my faith... I'm sorry, I will go to your tombstone tomorrow to tell the reason...

The gods I once believed in are so humble compared to the crown of Yiluo, the great crown, your brilliance will become eternal...

This is Your Majesty Yiluo, our faith!!


Li De, who returned with a great victory, naturally said more than Wan Jun.

Moreover, his remarks directly pierced the hearts of the crowd below.

How honorable is his position? !

Ilo, the god of dawn.

The life and death of the entire Green City is on his mind

Such a big man would be so kind and kind to their humble believers.

What an honor is this? !

Excitement, worship, all kinds of emotions are fermenting in the heart, and even many female aunts have red eyes, and those believers are even more moved to the extreme.




With the Plague God slain and the raging half-ratmen dispersing, the sudden war gave all Green City residents a boost of confidence.

Not only because the incoming enemy was repelled this time, but also because everyone had a clearer understanding of their patron, His Majesty Ilo.

It turned out that they didn't have to worry about their own safety as before, because their backers were unprecedentedly powerful!

After Li De finished his brief but extremely powerful speech that day, the believers of the Breaking Dawn sect ushered in the largest increase since the occupation of Green City, with a surge of millions of believers in one day...

Previously, the Dawnbreaker Sect had preached before the entire Green City, but only had more than one million believers, and now it has doubled directly.

The Dawnbreakers now occupy half of the city's population.

Even if the other residents did not believe in the Dawnbreaker Sect, they all admired and had a good impression of the Dawnbreaker Sect at this time.

It's just that many people's years of belief habits make it impossible for them to change their beliefs for a while, but as time goes by, more and more people will become dawn believers.

Li De also, as he promised, directly hung the body of the God of Plague on the central square of Green City for the residents to watch.

This move also caused a great stir.

Even if the god of plague has died, the fluctuations emitted by the god's body at this time are shocking to the world.

Even if you are watching from a distance, you can feel a wave of danger coming.

That's a real god, and now it's hanging on the wall for everyone to see...that's it.

Li De's popularity also climbed to the top because of this move, which directly led to the rapid growth of believers in the next few days...

He has become the biggest winner of this war.

As for the slain god of plague, this old evil god would never have imagined that one day he would die here, and he would be pulled out to show the public when he died...

Li De also had to sigh about this. The God of Plague is probably the most unlucky old evil god in history. After other old evil gods get out of trouble, they can not only kill and kill, but also make the surrounding forces tremble.

But this guy met him at the beginning of breaking the seal, and he was robbed all the way, from the divine body to the divine weapon, and now he has taken his life in it, which is definitely a tragedy in the world...

That afternoon, the city owner's manor.

Li De called together Archduke O'Kelly, Nicole, Vena, Frey, Stanley and all the top figures in Green City now.

After a few people said hello to Li De, Nicole was the first to speak.

Your Majesty, do we need to send a large army to attack Lisl City immediately to completely eliminate this hidden danger...

Nicole, who was wearing a priest's robe, had a serious expression, and there was no smile on the girl's face when discussing business affairs.

Nicole has now been appointed as the Speaker of Green City Council, with extraordinary authority.

This little girl, who was raised by Li De, had a talent for management that first appeared when Li De first met her.

Now after several years of training, his ability is no longer inferior to Harrison's, so Li De is very relieved to hand over Green City to her management.

Slow down for now...

Li De didn't rush to agree, his deep eyes looked around the crowd.

Freya said that the god of plague didn't use the artifact during the battle, and I didn't find the artifact on him...

This endless sentence made everyone in the hall stunned for a moment, and Nicole was the first to react after a while.

Your Majesty, I remember that when the God of Plague broke the seal, there were a total of four artifacts by his side.

Among them, the eye of the old evil god was obtained by you using the Bone Burial Ground, and was later devoured by Asleigar.

It stands to reason that the God of Plague should have three artifacts left, but there are none now... Are you saying that there may be other old evil gods in the city of Lisl?

Li De glanced at Nicole admiringly.

That's right, no one knows what happened to the city of Lisl, and it will take at least half a month for Freya to recover from the heavy damage.

Pulling out this nail must have enough force to suppress the situation.

Seeing that a few people have come to their senses, he is no longer betrayal, and continues.

However, we can't just sit idle and immediately issue an order to the adventurers who have lost the plane to clean up the city of Rysir.

Cut its wings first, clear the surrounding area of ​​Green City, and then launch a general attack after clearing the surrounding area.

In addition, you can also swept the old monsters in the entire southern province in a targeted manner to restore a certain order.

But remember, this time to clean up the old monsters to gather other cities that have not fallen, those dead places don't have to waste their troops.

The biggest hidden danger in the southern province is undoubtedly the city of Lisle. As long as the atmosphere of the old days continues to disappear in other places, the monsters of the old days cannot be eliminated.

So his purpose of sweeping the southern provinces is to plunder the population and obtain resources, and nothing else.

Yes, Your Majesty. Everyone responded immediately.

Li De pondered for a while and then said softly.

The population of Green City is now so large that it has exceeded capacity.

In order to solve this problem, you will next take some of the loyal followers of the Dawnbreaker sect back to Dawnbreaker City.

There is one more thing you need to be alert to, although we have solved the biggest danger in Green City at present - the god of plague.

But the calamity of the past has only just begun and is far from over.

Green City is not necessarily safe in the future, so you have to be mentally prepared in all aspects, especially... give up Green City.

As soon as these words came out, the scene instantly froze.

Abandon Green City?

Just killed the enemy just now, and now Li De has made them ready to give up Green City, is the future already so dangerous?

Li De looked at everyone's puzzled expressions and didn't explain too much about it.

Although killing an old evil god is commendable, it is of no use at all in the situation of the invasion of the old days, and it can even make waves.

Who is the mastermind behind the invasion of the past? The old ruler, the terrifying being who was killed and resurrected by the founding god.

The other party even once ruled the chaotic land before the multi-dimensional plane was born.

The Slate of Destiny, which entrusted the glorious destiny, was crushed by the other party with the gear of time, and it was also the reason why the gods in the sky were reduced to mortals.

So if they want to survive the cataclysm of the old days, is it as simple as hunting and killing a plague god?

Even if there are ten and a hundred plague gods, in front of the old masters, they are only the second among younger brothers.

But it's not necessarily a good thing to spread the word about the Old Ones. Some powerful beings will be perceived as long as they recite their names.

So Li De didn't plan to tell everyone.

This is just in case, the residents haven't eroded to this level, you can know what you know, go down first...

The excitement of everyone returning home with a great victory dissipated a little. After they left, they were also thinking about Li De's intentions. Of course, these smart guys all started to prepare for the next move.

After these high-level officials dispersed, Li De sent someone to call Zhao Yue, the chairman of Crimson Moon.

He has important arrangements.

When Zhao Yue heard Li De's call, she felt a little uneasy.

She was smart enough to have guessed Li De's true identity, but after all, Li De hadn't admitted it to her, so her inner emotions were quite complicated at this time.

After all, whoever experienced the scene where Freya carried the corpse of the God of Plague and knelt down in front of Li De just now would not be too calm.

After entering the luxurious manor, Zhao Yue met Li De, who claimed to be the crown of Yiluo, for the first time in the game.

Seeing Li De's handsome face, Zhao Yue's expression was very subtle, and it took a long time to slowly let out a breath.

Mr. Li, should I call you President Li...or the Crown of Yiluo?

Li De smiled slightly.

When Dawn City provided Zhao Yue with intelligence support, he concluded that this smart royal sister would definitely infer his true identity, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't expose him when he returned to Earth, and it was only now.

However, he didn't care much about it. Zhao Yue's performance had already won his approval, and the identity of the vice president of Crimson Moon was also qualified to know more secrets.

It will be all right......

Although he had already confirmed it in his heart, Zhao Yue still trembled when he heard Li De say this.

The shock on his face could no longer be concealed.

After a long time, he barely suppressed the rolling emotions.

His eyes stared straight at Li De, and he said quietly.

Mr. Li, aren't you afraid that I will leak this news?

Li De shrugged, his deep eyes looked directly at Zhao Yue's beautiful eyes of autumn water, and said calmly.

I believe you.

Zhao Yue looked at Li De's resolute and confident gaze, her heart beat faster, and a faint blush appeared on her face...

His eyes shifted unnaturally, avoiding his gaze.

Mr. Li, you are my boss. I am naturally standing with you, and I won't tell anyone else...

Although he was trying hard to suppress his inner emotions, his words were very stiff and his tone was very unnatural. Zhao Yue also noticed this, and quickly changed the subject with a blushing face.

Mr. Li, what are your plans next? The Crimson Moon will cooperate with you...

Li De has dominated Green City at this moment, and has also controlled the terrifying and terrifying power of Freya.

His next move will affect the pattern of the entire southern province.

It's not a problem for Zhao Yue to ask this.

Li De looked at the blush on the face of this mature and plump royal sister, and couldn't help smiling. Such a mature woman also has a shy side of a little girl... It's really a contrast.

Well, I have a few plans in the future that need your cooperation.

Talking about the business, Zhao Yue was slightly relieved, and his face became serious.

You say.

As the main city of players, Aenos City has now completed its historical mission.

There should be only one voice in the heart of Aenos City, and the crimson moon will be the only leader.

No matter what means you use, Aenos City will no longer need extra guilds from today, or have extra guilds under control.

I will let Stanley and the Dark Covenant player guild he controls cooperate with you. It will be much more convenient to have a legend in the town.

In addition, Prince Aenos will also be your assistant...

Li De looked at Zhao Yue with bright eyes.

Integrating the power of the players was an idea he had long ago. Before, the players were too weak and useless, and he was too lazy to pay attention to them.

Now that the player's level has come up, it can come in handy, so naturally it is time to implement this plan.

When Zhao Yue heard this unquestionable tone, she nodded fiercely.

Don't worry, Mr. Li, I have already made a plan for this.

Li De heard the words and stopped talking about it, he had enough trust in Zhao Yue's wrist.

I am about to issue a mission to clear the city of Rysir, and I will send a large army to strangle the peripheral forces first, and you will let the elites of the Crimson Moon follow along to participate in the action.

In addition, immediately arrange for the data analysis department to find the news of the Destiny Slate fragments.

Player forum news is very active, and you can also use high bounties to attract players to help us find, such as setting a 10 million cash reward...

I need news about the Shards of Destiny, it's about our living space.

Clearing the hidden danger of Lisl City is a short-term goal, while finding the fragments of the Slate of Destiny will be a long-term goal.

After he resolved the dangers around him, he had to turn his attention to the fragments of the Slate of Destiny.

The fragments of the Slate of Destiny are related to the life and death of the City of Dawn, and there is no room for loss.

The invasion of the breath of the past did not seem to have caused any damage to Dawn City in a short period of time, but if it continued like this, sooner or later, plants would no longer be able to grow on the land of Dawn Plain, and the land in the underground world would no longer be able to grow shimmering mushrooms. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

That scene will be a nightmare that no one can accept... Maybe tens of millions of people will starve to death.

Although Kaslina informed him that the Sea God of the Lost Sea had obtained a shard of Destiny Slate, what was the effect of that shard? To what extent can aristocratic order be restored? These are still unknowns.

It is a very foolish thing to pin your hopes on an undetermined goal.

He couldn't just hold a tree and not let go.

And whether it is the news revealed by Kaslina or the information from the sun goddess who has obtained the fragments of the Slate of Destiny, they all clearly tell the world one thing - the fragments of the Slate of Destiny will be the hope for the future.

So even if the Destiny Slate fragment from the Lost Sea is enough to protect Green City, he will take the initiative to get more fragments. This is a bargaining chip to resist the final boss.

The biggest confidence that Li De dared to do this was that he had an extremely sharp sword in his hand--level 36 Death Seraph Freya.

Thinking of this, Li De's thoughts suddenly opened up.

In addition to looking for the fragments of the Slate of Destiny, he can completely hunt and kill the gods before the gods have recovered their power, and obtain the godhead, god body, artifact and other treasures to cultivate his subordinates.

You can also spy on some old seals that have not been broken, and attack and kill those old evil gods...

After Li De's thoughts were scattered, he inexplicably discovered that with the addition of Freya's trump card in his hand, the manipulative space suddenly became much larger.

To outsiders, now is an extremely dangerous time, but to him, it seems... this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

He has an inexplicable feeling of being developed...

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