I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 462: Level 36 - Angel of Death, about to set foot on the city of dawn on the top of the moun

City of Dawn.

Li De's brief departure had little effect on this great city.

The mature city hall system no longer needs him to guard himself. Even if the city of dawn is attacked, the strict system can operate on its own to deal with the enemy.

After the earth's body fell into a deep sleep, deep in the place where the bones were buried, Li De quietly opened his eyes, looked at the surrounding bones, and felt the familiar power flowing in his blood again.

Slightly relieved.

The earth once gave him a great sense of security, but now glory is the source of his security.

After all, he is a real level 28 legend here, and his powerful combat power is enough to make anyone look at him.

On the contrary, because of the erosion of the old days, the earth no longer has that kind of reassuring feeling.


Taking one step out, Li De's body disappeared into the depths of the burial ground, and when he reappeared, he came to the side of the 12th-floor altar of white bones.

At this moment, the black angel wings were still floating on the mysterious sarcophagus, and the blue energy released by the Tears of Purification suppressed the sarcophagus.

Everything was the same as when he left, and there was no accident of the angel's wings disappearing.

Seeing this, Li De's mental power radiated toward the bone altar like octopus tentacles, and nodded slightly after a while.

It was not much different from what he estimated. He returned to Earth for two days. At this time, the angel wings still had about seven or eight days to complete the transformation.

After confirming that there is no problem, Li De did not wait here, but directly broke through the space and returned to the office of the city hall.

He intends to build a new Dawn City on Earth as the headquarters of the Crimson Moon, and the necessary part of it is the magic circle.

Although the strength of Crimson Moon is good, it is incomparable to the current City of Dawn in terms of background. After all, he has dominated the map of the southern province, and the resources in Green City can be completely controlled by him.

There are many good things in this ancient city that has been passed down for thousands of years, especially the Green City Mage Association. The accumulation of thousands of years is a lot of wealth.

Soon, Harrison, who was summoned, entered the office and saluted Li De immediately.

Your Majesty, good day.

How is the lost plane now? Do you need to tell me to do something?

Li De smiled slightly.

You immediately let someone transcribe some high-level magic circle layouts from the Green City Mage Association and send them to the Crimson Moon.

Magic circle? Does the barren lost plane also have magic power?

Harrison's expression was a little surprised. Although a lot of information on the earth could not be passed into glory, it is nothing new that the lost plane has no magic power.

Yes, the lost plane has changed its plane rules due to the invasion of the old days, and it already has magic power, but there is no magic spar.

You send someone to study to see if there is no magic spar to build a magic circle.

Establishing a base on Earth is to withstand the impact of the cataclysm of the past, so safety is the first factor.

If the old evil gods can come to the main plane in the later period, he may not be able to go to the main plane like those evil gods.

Therefore, the base of the earth does not need to be expanded too much, but it must be strong, and nothing is a better defense than the magic circle.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Harrison nodded.

Actually, there is no need to send someone to the Green City Mage Association. You arranged for the people from Crimson Moon to help us improve the magic circle together. Those people are still in the underground world, and we can directly connect with them.

It was only then that Li De remembered that the previous magic scroll of the Crimson Mage Tower had been improved very successfully because of the participation of the Crimson Moon.

Later, in order to speed up the construction of the magic circle on the magic crystal vein, he asked Zhao Yue to send some players from the data analysis department to participate in the development and improvement of the magic circle.

Okay, I'll leave this to you. Is there anything else to report?

But these are all trivial matters. Li De planned to leave after explaining it. The last half of the sentence was originally just a casual question, but Harrison's next sentence made his pupils shrink.

Your Majesty, we have detected a change in Lisl City.

Harrison's expression became very serious at this time.

According to our various speculations, the biggest possibility is that the mortal enemy of Dawn-the God of Plague has come to the main plane.

The most significant impact is that in the past few days, the number of violent half-rat people around Lisl City has been increasing sharply, and there are ten times more violent half-rat people around Green City than before.

The great old master, the eternal god of plague, your humble believers report to you that we have found the trace of Ilo, the god of dawn...

Outside the broken walls of Lisl City, more than a dozen players in pitch-black armor knelt down tremblingly and shouted loudly to the city.

They were players who had taken refuge in the old evil gods from the very beginning. Originally, they had a pretty good life. Each of them could control hundreds of violent half-rat people.

And also organized a mighty battle to capture the player's main city-although in the end, the crown of Ilo turned the tide and a magic froze the entire city.

But in the end, he still made his name, and he was equally powerful for a while.

But all this light disintegrated with the cracks in the sky on Earth.

A biting chill shrouded these players who had taken refuge in the old evil gods.

This fucking turns out to be a real world, and these old monsters are likely to invade Earth in the near future.

This made many players of the old camp extremely frightened, and even many people would rather kill themselves and play again than become a traitor, no, human traitor.

However, some of them are completely the opposite. Although they are afraid, they feel that they have caught a life-saving straw.

Anyway, the earth is going to be invaded. They are now relying on the old camp, that is the hero, and maybe they will get greater benefits at that time.

As for the betrayal of the earth and human beings, they are just trying to survive, right? What about being a traitor? They are happy!

This idea made them firmly become slaves of the old evil gods, running around to complete the tasks of the old evil gods...

And exploring the traces of Ilo's crown has always been their top priority.

The news that Li De was in Green City had already been reported a month ago, but they had never seen any response from Lisl City, and they came again today... After all, they haven't been rewarded yet.

Not long after the voices of the dozen or so players entered Lisl City, the gray old fog in the sky was like boiling water, stirring frantically.

Like some giant demon tumbling inside...

Moments later, a huge face condensed from thick gray fog appeared in the sky, looking down at the earth.

Humble human, where is that lowly god of the new sun?!!

The billowing blasphemies were horrifying, and these players suddenly felt like an evil spirit swirling in their minds that was about to devour their souls.

Holding back the fear, the leading player trembled.

The great god of plague, Ilo, the god of dawn, is in Green City! He has taken that city...

Green City? No, I have already inquired that he left Green City, your news is too slow.

The huge rat heads condensed by the thick fog suddenly became extremely ferocious, and it seemed that they would devour them in the next second.

One of the players couldn't bear the horror of facing the gods, his crotch became hot, and he was scared to pee.

The leading player was also frightened and said quickly.

The eternal master of the old days... There are millions of believers of the God of Dawn in Green City. As long as you attack Green City and kill those believers, you can definitely force the God of Dawn out...

These words made the mouse head in the sky slowly return to normal.

Humble servant... Your words touched me.

Then destroy the city and devour the flesh and soul of everyone in it...

God of the New Sun...

You will bear my endless wrath! !

After the blasphemous words fell, the rat's head condensed by the thick fog suddenly dissipated, and then turned into a pure old energy and eroded away towards a dozen players.

Before these players could react, they were already wrapped in the power of the old days.

They only felt an extremely terrifying energy pouring into their bodies, like a thumb-sized water pipe being stabbed by a fist-sized steel bar, and their bodies almost burst.

Endless pain enveloped the dozen or so players.

This pain lasted for more than a day.

After the gray fog disappeared, the players who had experienced nightmares were relieved, but then they showed ecstasy, because their levels had taken a big step in this short period of time.

After the player recovered, the evil words of the god of plague came again from the city of Rysir.

Humble servants, gather all the armies to attack Green City!

This time, I will personally hunt down the God of the New Sun...

The player was instantly overjoyed and quickly thanked him.

Deep in the city of Rysir, the god of plague is now swallowing the old energy gushing from the cracks in the sky that has completely collapsed, in order to adapt to the rules of the main plane.

The divine body exuding dark light appeared so mysterious and eerie in the thick fog condensed in the old days.

The power radiated by the God of Plague is distorting the space and light within the surrounding thousand blades.

Obviously, the energy contained in this body has reached its limit.

This is the real god, an old evil god intact.

Level 34... just level 34...

God damn new sun! ! How dare you rob me of my priesthood! !

The hazy back of the god of plague, who couldn't see his figure clearly, roared in the mist, his tone carrying endless hatred.

He was originally a god of the old days with a level of 39, possessing infinite power, and he was only one step away from a powerful divine power.

But after being sealed for tens of thousands of years, the power has dropped significantly, and the level has dropped to level 30 when the seal is broken.

It took him a few years to get out of trouble and barely recovered from level 30 to level 34...

But this is not the key. What makes the God of Plague the most angry is that if he hadn't been robbed of his right hand and head, he had been robbed of part of his clergy.

He has definitely recovered to level 35 or even level 36 and 37 at this moment.

The divine body and part of the priesthood that had been condensed for thousands of years were taken away, which was too traumatic for him, and directly damaged the source power.

A large part of the reason why he came to the main plane to seek revenge on Li De so impatiently was that he wanted to regain his priesthood and body.

Perhaps the divine body can no longer be recovered, but the plague priesthood that belongs to him must not be lost.

That was the strength he needed to regain his peak, and it was unacceptable without any part of it.

The God of Plague at this time has absolute confidence in this, and he will definitely take back everything that belongs to him, step on Green City, and enslave that damn God of the New Sun!

Because at this moment, the gods have descended to mortals, and the abyss demons can't set foot on the main plane.

At this point in time, as a level 34 old evil god, he is definitely the most powerful existence.

Even if he is far from recovering to his peak, he can still suppress everything.

That goddamn god of the new sun will surely be trampled under his feet.

What I have been bullied by you, I will take back ten times a hundred times!!

The Plague God's order immediately froze the atmosphere in the southern province.

In a short period of time, the innumerable berserk half-ratmen devoured everything like locusts. There were originally several small towns that had been gritting their teeth, but in the face of the innumerable berserk half-ratmen, they still became meat to be chewed.

The city is destroyed, and no grass grows.

The army of Green City also discovered at this time that more than ten times more violent half-rat people than usual were gathering towards them.

The spies of the magic bat and the bloody blade also discovered the increasingly terrifying atmosphere in the city of Lisl at the same time.

The news of the death of the old evil god was passed back to Green City at this moment.

The urgent atmosphere of the coming of the war froze in the sky over Green City in an instant.

Li De didn't see the movement of Lisle City with his own eyes, but after hearing Harrison's words at this time, he couldn't help frowning.

The hatred between the God of Plague and him is impossible to resolve. He robbed the other party's divine body, plundered the other party's priesthood, and even overshadowed the other party's artifact...

Which of these is not an extremely precious treasure, all of which were robbed by him.

The god of plague can even endure this, Li De is afraid that he will admire each other, and there are not many old turtles these days.

Obviously, the god of plague will not be a gas bag, and finally came to the main plane at this critical juncture.

And its soldiers pointed directly at the key point he had to defend - Green City.

Although facing Li De, the god of plague, he took a lot of advantage before, but when facing a god in his peak state, the feeling is still different.

I ordered the intelligence command center to keep an eye on Lisl City on the 24th, I need to know everything here.

In addition, let the think tank study and formulate a response plan immediately.

Any news other than this?

After thinking for a moment, Harry said softly.

Your Majesty, can we take this opportunity to transfer part of Green City's population to Dawn City?

Li De's eyes narrowed.

Transfer the population?

Harrison nodded.

Yes, the third phase of the new city on Moonlight Plain has been completed.

At present, the entire Dawn City can accommodate at least 500,000 people, and has completed the urban development goals you set at the beginning.

But the problem now is that there are only 160,000 human beings, and the other races add up to only 120,000, and the total is just over 280,000.

Therefore, there are still a large number of uninhabited buildings in the newly built new urban area, which need to be filled by population.

Li De suddenly felt a little ashamed. He didn't expect that the construction of the third phase of the new city was completed in the City of Dawn at this time. He had not paid any attention to these trivial matters during this time.

The past two years have been too busy, and there is no time to take into account the construction of the City of Dawn.

According to Li De's initial development plan, at least 500,000 people should be able to live in Dawn City when it is finally completed.

When he ordered the construction of the new city, the entire Dawn City had a population of only 10,000 people.

Li De initially thought that goal could take a decade or more to achieve.

But in more than five years now, the City of Dawn has grown to an unpredictable height.

Sure enough, no one can predict what will happen in the future.

After thinking for a while, he made a decisive decision.

If there is a shortage of people, then emigrate, and transfer the most loyal believers of the Dawnbreaker Sect to the City of Dawnbreakers.

But this should be done when it is safe, and the threat of Lisle City cannot be underestimated.

Yes, Your Majesty. Harrison nodded, naturally he wouldn't do it now.

In addition, since all three new towns have been built, we might as well continue to expand the scale.

Taking advantage of the cold winter, residents have nothing to do, so the construction of the fourth phase of the new city started immediately.

Li De continued to issue orders, the City of Dawn will inevitably expand in the future, and the current scale of the city is not enough.

If there is no land, all the land in the Moonlight Plain will be requisitioned. If the residents who were previously assigned to the land are willing to continue farming, they will be assigned the land on the Dawning Plain, so that they can become a member of the agricultural town.

Those who are unwilling to cultivate will be compensated to a certain extent, and at the same time they will be assigned a job in the factory.

I will leave all the giants to help you build the new city. As for the scale of the new city... Let the construction department plan according to the Moonlight Plain, and build it as big as it can.

However, the layout must be reasonable, and no problems in this regard are allowed.

Although the winter moon is cold, it can be overcome with our technological strength.

The terrain of Dawn City is a gourd-shaped, 8-shaped, with a small head and a big belly.

The head of the upper part of the figure 8 is the City of Dawn and the Moonlight Plain, and the belly of the lower half is the Dawn Plain.

In order to appease people, he allocated the Moonlight Plain to the residents to cultivate.

But now that Dawn City has expanded to an unprecedented level, it is no longer realistic for Moonlight Plains to continue to be used for farming.

It is imperative to expand the city.

As for the residents who were originally allocated to the land, there is a gate of space anyway. If you are willing, you can go to the Dawning Plain, which is 150 kilometers long and 60 kilometers wide.

Harrison smiled instantly when he heard the words.

Li De is at the helm of Dawn City, guiding the way forward for everyone, but on the other hand, Harrison has always been carrying out the more specific work, so Harrison has no less affection for Dawn City than Li De.

There is no need to say much about the excitement in my heart to witness the city's transformation from a small place to a magnificent one.

How is the development of Dawn City in all aspects, please report it to me, starting from the livelihood of the people.

Now that this topic has been discussed, Li De is not afraid of delaying this time. The twelve-winged seraph still has some time to wake up, and he has not inquired about the progress of various work in Dawn City for a long time.

This is his home base.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Harrison heard the words and began to report seriously.

The first point is the issue of people's livelihood. At present, we have carried out wasteland reclamation on the Dawning Plain.

In the past two years, 40 agricultural towns have been established on the Dawning Plain.

Each agricultural town has 1,000 people, each of whom cultivates about 200 mu of land.

The total number of people who professionally grow food is 40,000, and the total arable land is 8 million mu.

The average annual output of grain per mu is 800 pounds, enough for 4 adults to consume food for a year.

Based on the current production efficiency, the food produced each year can provide about 30 million people's annual consumption.

Reed was a little surprised when Harrison reported the data for the first time.

The consumption of 30 million people a year is not a small amount.

At present, the total population of all his territories is only about 25 million, which means that only one grain production area in the Dawn Plains can provide the food consumption of the entire force.

This is truly amazing.

Seeing the surprised look on Li De's face, Harrison was inexplicably proud and took the initiative to explain.

Your Majesty, the high production efficiency is entirely due to your previous ideas - the alchemy seeder and the alchemy harvester.

After in-depth research by the Magic Industry Research Institute, we have improved these two alchemy creations dozens of times. Now each alchemy seeder can sow 800 acres per day, and the harvester can also buy 600 acres.

The driver only needs to be equipped with one life-type spellcaster and three operating workers.

The flat terrain of the Dawning Plain is ideal for the operation of alchemy harvesters and seeders, so our 40 agricultural towns have entered an unprecedented high-efficiency production.

After listening to Li De, he was inexplicably a little emotional.

Technology is really the primary productive force. I didn't expect that the combination of technology and magic could produce such a great effect.

The amount of work an alchemy machine can do in a day, an ordinary person might not be able to finish it in a month.

The difference is too big.

Very well, we can continue to increase investment in this area. Food is the most scarce and deadly thing at any time, especially now that the old days are invading.

Didn't those old breaths affect the food?

Harrison nodded and shook his head.

Naturally, it has been affected, but we are deep in the mountains and mountains, and there are high mountains that block the erosion of the old aura from the outside world. The old aura that invades from the sky alone is not enough to cause serious harm to the growth of food.

Of course, this is the current situation, and if the cracks in the sky continue to widen, sooner or later the breath of the past will completely erode our crops...

Okay, I already know about this matter, and I will solve it later.

If you want to solve the erosion of the old breath, there is only the fragments of the Destiny Slate.

The mermaid had already told him where the fragments were, and when the twelve-winged seraph woke up, he would go to the Lost Sea to hunt the demigod sea beast.

The sharpness of the sword of the twelve-winged seraph is definitely not inferior to that of the master of darkness.

Continue reporting.

Yes, Your Majesty.

The second point, scientific research progress, several major projects you ordered last time have been completed more than half a year ago.

One is the city-wide heating system. This system has been improved several times by the Magic Industry Research Institute and has been put into use, and it has been well received.

And the principle of the heating system is driven by the caster... We built a huge magic circle for this.

Cold water pours into the magic circle, the caster activates the magic circle and heats the cold water, and then uses the principle of water energy from high to low to send hot water into each house through pipes.

Heating pipes are installed in each house, and hot water will continue to be provided warmly...

Those heating spellcasters are all living mages from the Dawn Mage Tower. Long-term spellcasting can exercise their abilities, and we will provide them with a lot of money. This work is very popular with spellcasters.

The heating tool driven by the caster... Li De is a little funny, the humanoid heater, energy saving and environmental protection.

However, such an extravagant use of a spellcaster as a toolman can only be done by the City of Dawn.

His previous investment in the Dawn Mage Tower at any cost is now the time for feedback.

Besides, the whole city's lighting system and the magic rail car have all been constructed and put into use.

Harrison became more and more excited.

Now the City of Dawn has become a great city that has never appeared in mythology, Your Majesty, all this is your credit!

Praise you! Praise Dawn!

Speaking of which, Harrison's eyes were full of enthusiasm.

All these strange things were proposed by Li De. No one can deny his credit for Dawn City's existence today.

Even in the City of Dawn, there can be few people, only Li De is indispensable.

Li De couldn't help but smile when he heard the words, this guy's flattery is still as unprofessional as ever.



At present, the weapon factory has more than 15,000 workers. They forge armor and equipment for our army day and night. They can produce no less than 3,000 finished weapons every day. The weapon factory has also opened production lines for high-grade equipment. …”

The four-ring alchemy bomb has been developed at the alchemy factory. It is currently undergoing pre-production testing. Once the test is passed, our air force and bombing unit will be loaded with the four-ring alchemical bomb...

The Dawning Mage Tower is planning to recruit apprentices from Green City. The number of apprentices is expected to be 8,000. This batch of apprentices can greatly alleviate the urgent need for mages in various industries in Dawning City...

Dawn Academy has opened 7 colleges, including Agricultural College, War College, Alchemy College...

At present, every child of school age must go to Dawn Academy for education, the total number of students in the Academy has reached 5,000, and more than 3,000 adults will go to study at night and during holidays...

The Dawnbreaker sect has begun to spread among foreign races such as orcs and centaurs. It is expected that in the future, you will have a large number of followers of other races...

His Royal Highness Nilo has established a magic plant cultivation department, which specializes in cultivating magic plants with magic spar and the power you have bestowed. Currently, a large amount of magic resources have been raised for the Dawn Mage Tower...

The number of blood tribes has reached more than 5,000 people. When these blood tribesmen will be able to embrace again next month, we will have more than 10,000 people...


Magic bat...

Water Expansion...

Harrison reported the current situation of Dawn City to Li De one by one.

Li De also has a new understanding of the city that belongs to him entirely.

This is a great city about to set foot on the top of a mountain.

It was only at this moment that he suddenly realized that the City of Dawn had grown to such an extent that it could be called heaven-defying.

In one sentence, it is a city built with highly developed magic and alchemy technology.

The City of Dawn has even surpassed the modern cities of the earth in many aspects. The most typical one is the gate of space that can reach thousands of miles away in one step. The appearance of this magical creation has made many impossible facilities possible.

A strong industrial system, a strong agricultural system, a strong magic system, a strong alchemy system, a strong education system, a strong military system...

These systems that Li De personally cultivated have now become towering trees, and the bottomless investment in the early stage has been rewarded hundreds of times and thousands of times.

That kind of farmland, the feeling of finally reaching the peak is very wonderful.

breaking Dawn......

Li De's inner emotions were tumbling at the moment, but he only said the word breaking dawn in ten thousand words.

The dilapidated castle with only 200 blood clans finally became an immortal monument.




Just when Li De was still excited after listening to Harrison's report, he suddenly felt a change in the Burial Ground.

In an instant, there was a gleam in his eyes.

The twelve-winged seraph is about to be born!

Harrison, go do your work first, the twelve-winged seraph... the transformation is complete.

After a little explanation, Li De directly tore the space and disappeared into the office. Harrison looked at Li De who left quickly, and then his face was full of excitement.

Twelve-winged seraph, what a powerful existence that is, and now the City of Dawn will also have one.

This may be the highest combat power in the world.

Praise the dawn, praise the crown!

The moment Li De appeared at the place where the bones were buried, he immediately came to the 12th-floor White Bone Altar and looked at the angel wings.

At this time, the angel wings have undergone tremendous changes. The dim light that was originally emitted is like a ignited flame, bursting out a dark light that stings the eyes.

There was a terrifying aura from the angel's wings.

Not only does it seem to be giving birth to life, it is more like the peerless great demon that seals the abyss of destruction in its wings.

Its potential exudes a terrifying and monstrous coercion, the heaven and the earth roar, the galaxy trembles,

Even a legend or even a demigod who is worshipped here will be frightened and the legs will go weak.

That breath is the glorious power that comes from the mighty galaxy, from the foreign city-state, from the land of eternal silence, and from the unpredictable ruins of the end.

Chaos is raging, and the world trembles.

Shocked, awed, terrified.

Li De stared at the dark angel wings without even blinking.

Mood fluctuated at this time.

The sarcophagus, which was suppressed by the Tears of Purification, also sensed the coming of great terror, and began to tremble frantically, as if trying to escape this dangerous place, but under the suppression of the Tears of Purification and the Bone Burial Ground, it could only be futile. and return.

This also shows how exaggerated the deterrent of the twelve-winged seraph that is transforming.

Time passed little by little, and the power condensed in the angel's wings became more and more terrifying.

Until the end, the entire burial place was shivering under the shroud of Huanghuang Shenwei, and the undead and demons who were killing each other were moving more and more slowly.

In the end, he was oppressed to the extreme by the fear in his heart, turned his head and ran away. In a short period of time, he didn't even care about the enemy who was fighting for life and death, and there was a huge chaos in the scene.


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound of glass breaking between heaven and earth.

Then, under Li De's gaze, the black wings floating on the 12-story white bone altar twisted violently, and an extremely terrifying power burst out from it, like an abyss beast that had been imprisoned for ten thousand years and opened its chains at this moment. .


The angel's wings were deformed in an instant, and in just a few breaths, a figure that made Li De's heart beat faster floated in the void.

Twelve black wings are suspended in the air, and every feather on it is clearly visible, and each one has a terrifying aura that is enough to make the demigod tremble.

The exquisite black armor on the body is engraved with mysterious patterns, which is intimidating and breathtaking.

With both hands leaning on the cross sword, it was inserted vertically in the air, and the black angel mark was also engraved on it.

A long black hair floated behind his head, and a terrifying rune was engraved on the left and right sides of his delicate and perfect face.

But these two runes not only did not lower their appearance, but instead enhanced their endless mysterious charm.

If the twelve-winged seraph can be described with positive adjectives such as light, warmth, kindness, sunshine, perseverance, etc.

Then the fallen Seraph in front of him is endless slaughter, death, darkness, brutality, and bloodshed.

It is no exaggeration to use all the negative adjectives in the world for her.

This is the dark life transformed by the power of death, the angel after the fall...

Ding~ The twelve-winged seraph has successfully degenerated into the angel of death. You have become the master of the angel of death and have everything she has.

Just when the system prompt sounded, floating on the 12-story white bone altar, the angel of death with black wings unfolding behind him turned his eyes slightly, and quickly locked on Li De.

Then this terrifying being with enough momentum to make the mountain collapse, flapped his wings slightly and landed in front of Li De. After inserting his sword into the ground with his right hand, he knelt down on one knee against him.

The high head was lowered fiercely and surrendered to her master.

Great Master, your humble servant Freya Twilight, sends you my most sincere greetings.

Li De looked at the twelve-winged seraph who made him feel mortal danger and just knelt down in front of him.

The inner sense of achievement is almost overwhelming.

What could be more wonderful than conquering a mighty being?

Especially when the other party knelt down in front of him to help him...cough, I'll talk about this later...

But why did the other party become Freya Dusk? Isn't that Freya Dawn?

Did you even change your surname after the fall?

However, I like it.

With great anticipation, Li De opened Freya's attribute panel.

After taking a look, I suddenly felt that I was blinded by the dog's eyes.

Freya Dusk

Titles: Angel of Death, Hand of Destruction, Light of Twilight

Level: 36 (Medium Divine Power)

Bloodline: Angel of Death

Divinity: 1000 points

Unique skill: Angel combat skills (God level) can use all weapons and are always at the highest level of proficiency. Combat awareness, combat skills, battlefield smell, and danger perception are always at high god level.

Can use all angels of death magic (120 for the third ring, 100 for the fourth ring, 40 for the fifth ring, 12 forbidden spells)

Occupation: Dusk (10%) Killing (10%) Angel (10%)


1. Resurrection of the dead (can revive a single corpse whose death time is less than 12 days)

2. Dusk falls (can designate any life, let its soul fall into exhaustion, reduce all attributes by 90%, the lower the divinity, the longer the affected time)

3. Death killing (after release, it can make one's own attack with the power of death, each attack will cause true damage that cannot be exempted, and triple damage to non-undead life)

4. The Blade of Destruction (Concentrate all the power to burst out a sword qi, which has a certain effect. After being hit, the opponent will be destroyed the soul. The lower the divinity, the higher the damage.)

5. Destruction and Rebirth (Passive) (After death, it is possible to reunite the soul and body and restore the peak state, which can be used once every three months)

6. The war song is high-pitched (the morale of the cast is constant at the highest value, and the morale of the camp you belong to is increased to a frenzy state, which cannot be cleared by the skills under the advanced magic)

7. Fighting with broken wings (every broken wing behind you can increase the power by 50%. When all twelve wings are broken, it will enter a state of destruction, and the level will be temporarily increased to level 40 within five minutes. immediate death)

Introduction: The twelve-winged seraph of the bright camp has been eroded by the endless force of death and has become an angel of death. It has unimaginable terrifying power and is eager to fight and kill. No one would want to encounter such a terrifying enemy.

Li De has seen many powerful beings and many sensational skills.

But at this time, after seeing the attributes of the twelve-winged seraph, he still expressed his sincere amazement.

He couldn't find any good adjectives other than the modal particle lying about it.

Level 36, medium deity...

This property alone can only be described by the word unsolved.

What is even more exaggerated is that Freya actually obtained three priesthoods in the process of transforming into an angel of death.

Dusk (10%) Killing (10%) Angel (10%)

The priesthood is not only owned by one person, but the higher the degree of control over the priesthood, the more related divine arts can be comprehended, and the stronger the power.

After taking a few glances, Li De inexplicably felt that the Dusk priesthood should be realized by Freya after he input the power of faith. Is this a gain?

Although Freya's control of the priesthood is not high, her magic is definitely the existence of the sky.

Especially the last battle with broken wings, when all twelve wings are broken, it will enter a state of destruction, and the level will be temporarily raised to level 40 within five minutes.

This Nima is outrageous. This is the first time he has seen such an outrageous skill. Level 40 is a powerful divine power, and it is simply outrageous to directly upgrade from a medium divine power to a powerful divine power.

Look left and right, UU read www. uukanshu. In the end, Li De could only draw an invincible conclusion.

Compared to this 36-level death sunburn angel, even the goddess Asrega, who is still lost in the abyss at this time, can only be eclipsed.

The curvature of Li De's mouth is particularly brilliant, the stronger the subordinates, the better, the more the better.

A hundred angels of this level are not too many...

No gift, Freya.

Li De watched Freya get up with a smile on his face.

The height of the Death Seraph is not too high compared to other races, about 1.8 blades, and the body is very symmetrical and full of charm. Under the black armor, the towering chest forms a concave and convex arc.

Especially the pair of long legs, it's absolutely amazing.

The idea of ​​riding an angel in the future doesn't seem to be impossible...

Just when Li De wanted to try... Freya's fighting power, the surrounding space suddenly shattered, and Harrison walked into the burial ground anxiously.

The tone was very hasty.

Your Majesty, urgent military situation!!

The god of plague has left the city of Risir, and is killing tens of millions of rampant half-rat people towards Green city...

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