I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 453: The Mysterious Sarcophagus Sealing the Terrifying Things (9,800 words)

ps: Sorry, it's calvin today, and it's only when I write it that I grind it out...




Dwarf Valley.

The original dwarf city has been dug a huge hole at this moment, and the mithril veins that made countless people crazy are buried deep in the original dwarf city.

Although the miners were still digging the ore veins, the solemn atmosphere in the air at the moment made people's expressions unconsciously become serious.

Because in the past it should have been ding ding dong, in the valley where the ore veins were mined day and night, it has changed at this moment.

Warriors are sharpening their swords, priests are casting spells to heal the wounded, logistical forces are delivering supplies to the front lines... An unprecedented war engulfed this hidden city months ago.

Their enemies are those monsters corrupted by the old days.

In the valley of the dwarves at this moment, the gloomy sky seems to have a demon god about to be born.


In the area below where no one was watching, a space suddenly shattered like glass, and then Li De, riding on withered bones, shot out from the gap in the space.

With a wingspan of 26 blades, the undead blood dragon filled with scarlet power is extremely domineering, and the legendary pressure spreads out in an instant.

The orcs below and the centaur warriors shivered together, looking up at the giant giant in the sky, filled with terror.

Where is this monster from? ? The withered bones swelled from 18 blades to 26 blades, and the scarlet power was ignited on his body. It had changed a lot, and those soldiers naturally couldn't recognize it.

It was only after a figure lingering with golden power emerged from the shattered space gap that they settled down.

The power of gold...that is the king of the Lion tribe, Lord Garp!

Quack, I have smelled the breath of the old monsters, it is really a disgusting circle of abyss worms, I, the fangs of the city of dawn, the great dragon of destruction, today will make you annihilated under the breath of the dragon !!

Prepare for eternal silence...

The strange laughter of the sky made the corners of the mouths of many old orcs twitch, as if they remembered something and suddenly let go of their inner vigilance...

It turned out to be the old man with bones...

The centaurs around looked at the orcs, still a little puzzled, and wanted to ask for some information.

Several of the orcs remembered the painful experience of being forced to listen to nonsense for a long time. They didn't say much. They just mumbled a few words with disgust on their faces. It's best if they don't know each other. I hope you will know him all your life... otherwise ,You will regret this.


Withered bones in the air will naturally not know that his reputation for talking is somewhat infamous among the orcs, and at this moment he is exuding legendary coercion unscrupulously.

The broken dragon wings fanned, and the huge figure galloped forward quickly. In a few breaths, he came to the area above the city wall.

This is the main battleground of the Dwarf Valley and the monsters of the past.

It has been a long time since Li De came to the Dwarf Valley. This land is of great significance to him and the City of Dawn. It is not an exaggeration to call it the starting point of his fortune.

At this moment, I also began to seriously look at this completely different city.

Dwarven Valley has always been run by orcs, and now the centaurs have moved in.

Because the valley is still open, a huge city was re-established in front of the Mithril mine and behind the valley city wall.

It has been four or five years since the construction of the new city started. Coupled with the unremitting support of Dawn City, the city is prosperous enough.

The sturdy houses are neatly arranged, the clean streets are wide and orderly, and all kinds of living facilities are available...

It is no exaggeration to say that if it hadn’t been for the construction of a new urban area in the City of Dawn,

I'm afraid that the old city is incomparable in front of this orc city.

After taking a few glances at the city, Li De looked towards the city wall with satisfaction.

Standing between the two peaks, a solid city wall with a length of about 300 blades, a height of 30 blades and a width of 20 blades is being erected at this moment.

This fortified city wall was built later, and the original dwarven city wall had already been demolished.

The city wall completely blocked the entrance to the valley, and if you want to bypass the city wall and climb into the dwarf valley from the peaks on both sides, you need to climb up a distance of about 500 blades.

But the mountain peaks on both sides are as steep as a blade, and it is difficult for animals to climb, and only flying troops can cross.

But what is interesting is that the top of the dwarf valley is shrouded in thick white fog all the year round. As long as it rises more than 200 blades, the thick fog will cause serious disorientation.

If you add the protection of the magic bat and the ground continuous crossbow array, it will be difficult to leap from the sky.

Easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The strict guards are definitely several grades higher than that of ordinary human cities.

At this time, this indestructible city wall is going through a brutal battle.

The countless monsters of the old days are exuding the smell of the old days, and they are charging towards the city wall without fear.

There are so many that Li De can't see the edge at a glance in the sky.

At this moment, in front of the city wall, more than 20 blade-high corpses have been piled up on the steep slope, and the old monsters below can even step on the corpse directly from the ground and rush to the 30-blade-high city wall.

The tragic war scene is like the annihilation scene depicted on the church frescoes. The countless corpses and bruises make this land a place of blood and terror.

Li De found that there are quite a few types of monsters in the old days, most of which are corrupt boars, followed by fallen gnolls, bloodthirsty kobolds, etc. Fortunately, there are not many flying old monsters, and a few sporadic ones will soon be Will be solved by archers.

But Li De found a point that made him frown. Most of these old monsters were level 9 or 10, and 50% of them were level 10.

In contrast, the army on the city wall was much worse, most of the main force was only level 7~9, and the number of level 10 was not much.

But fortunately, the equipment advantages of Dawn City make up for the gap in level.

Wearing sturdy armor forged by dwarves and holding sharp blades, the orc warriors stood on the top of the city with their heads held high, and if there were any monsters of the past that rushed up from the corpse, they would slaughter them.

Behind them are a dense number of halfling archers. These soldiers with long bows are definitely snipers. Every arrow is shot, and an old monster will inevitably fall below.

In addition to the city wall, there are also tens of thousands of centaur archers behind the city wall. Once the pressure on the front is too great, the archers in the rear will immediately support.

And after the archers are hundreds of goblin bombers. Similarly, if even the archers can't relieve the pressure, the goblin bombers will fire directly.

In addition, the magic language's bombing unit and air combat unit are also on standby at all times.

The all-round three-dimensional blow makes the city wall comparable to the sky.

But as the war continued, the corpses below the city wall piled up higher and higher, and in the end they were level with the city wall. This scene was terrifying.

Li De raised his brows, just about to make a move, and saw that many soldiers above the city wall suddenly stood on the city head with pots of green slime, and then poured the green slime directly into the towering wall under the cover of the soldiers around him. On top of the corpse.


There was a loud corrosion sound like a high concentration of sulfuric acid being poured on it, but then an even more surprising scene appeared.

After the green slime corroded the corpse below, an oily green flame began to emerge, and then set the whole pile of corpses on fire.

After more than a dozen pots of mucus fell from different areas, the corpse pile below immediately ignited a green flame that soared into the sky.

Use corpses as fuel to set the earth on fire.

When the green flames were burning, those old monsters were still madly surging without pain and fear, but at this moment it had become futile, and they were burned to death one by one under the erosion of the green flames.

The army above the city wall seemed to be extremely experienced. Seeing this scene, they began to switch defenses in an orderly manner. The trimmed tribes in the rear began to move forward, and the exhausted warriors immediately went to the rear to repair.

As for the old monsters that just came in like ants, they have been blocked by the green flames at this moment, and the warriors on the city wall have gained precious breathing time.

Cap, what's that green slime?

Hearing the question, Garp, who was not far away, immediately approached Li De, who was still sitting on the back of the dead bones.

Your Majesty, it is an alchemy potion developed by the Magic Industry Research Institute. It has the special effect of burning corpses, but it is expensive, so the soldiers above the city wall will not use it until the monster corpses below are piled up on the city wall... .”

Li De felt a little distressed when he saw this scene.

Because the gate of space in the Bone Burial Ground can only be opened into the dwarf valley, the area of ​​the city wall is outside the gate of space and cannot be touched.

So slaughtering these old monsters outside, he can't collect the power of death.

Under such an intensive attack, it is not realistic for the soldiers to transport the corpses.

It's just wasted.

Fortunately, the place where the bones are buried now is not as good as before. The subordinates of the dark master used him as a knife, and the power of death obtained by fighting demons every day was enough to be astronomical.

These old monsters can't eat, and other places can make up for it.

After observing the battle below for a while, Li De determined that there was no problem and would not stay any longer. He drove the Withered Bones straight out of the dwarf valley to the place where the death of the evil god was sealed.

On the city wall below, Sam, the chief of the Iron Hoof Tribe who sensed Li De's aura, and Morton, the priest of the Lion Tribe, looked at each other, and both of them were shocked at the moment.

Li De's presence here must mean that he has to clear the hidden dangers of the old evil god.

This made the two of them greatly relieved, and their eyes were full of excitement.

In the past few months, although the Dwarf Valley does not seem to have suffered much loss, only they themselves know how much pressure they have suffered during this period.

The unstoppable battle made everyone nervous, and there was never a moment of relief.

At this moment, they finally saw the dawn of the end of the war... They never had the slightest doubt whether Li De could solve the sealed old evil spirits.

That is the master of dawn, their master! ! It's just a sealed evil god, even if it is an unsealed evil god, they dare to believe that Li De can win.

Li De's prestige had already reached its peak in the City of Dawn, and whether it was humans, orcs, dwarves, and centaurs below, they all had almost fanatical trust in him.

That is their king!




After Bone became a legend, the flight speed increased a lot. If it wasn't to take care of Garp, I'm afraid this guy would disappear after a few wings.

After leaving the dwarf valley, Li De sat on the back of the dry bones and scanned the scene of the mountains and rivers passing quickly below.

The more he flew into the depths of the barren wasteland, the more he could feel the old forces gathering in front of him, like from mist to thick fog, from thick fog to light rain.

And because of the corrosion of the old power, the dry earth has turned into a gray and dry state, with no vegetation and turbid streams.

Everything that those old monsters passed by turned into ashes, and there is no trace of normal life on the barren wasteland at this moment. This land is more like a sulphurous land in the abyss.

All that was left in the air was the unconscious growl from the old monster's mouth...

When the dead bones flew past, there were also many monsters of the past who discovered the breath that did not belong to them in the sky, raised their heads and roared suddenly, their voices were low and brutal, full of terrifying meaning of destruction.

Li De turned a deaf ear to this, his eyes swept across the ground.

Although these monsters are disgusting, for him, even killing all these monsters is meaningless. The purpose of this trip is to capture the old evil spirits.

The distance of hundreds of kilometers is under the wingspan of the dead bones, and it takes about ten minutes to arrive. This is to take care of Garp's suppressed flight speed.


The withered bones, who were still very excited, suddenly stopped when they reached the top of a hill, the blue soul fire suddenly soared, and the tone was a little excited.

The undead are above, Master, here we are...

I feel the evil in the distance, there must be precious treasures in there...

Li De's eyes narrowed when he heard the words, and he immediately raised his head to look into the distance.

I saw the sky and the earth in front of me was dim, as if a heavy rain was coming, and it was as dark as a dark cloud over the city.

The clouds in the air are like vortexes in the sea, slowly rotating in one direction.

And the position directly opposite the center of the vortex is a broken space gap above the dry and hard ground below.

The gap in the space presents an irregular shape, like a big hole in the glass that has been smashed by a stone, surrounded by sharp edges and corners, its length is about a hundred blades, and its height is about 50 blades.

Countless old monsters rushed straight into the main plane from the gap in the space like a dam opening the gate when the tide was high.

The exaggerated numbers are enough to send chills down the spines of people with hyperphobia.

What is even more exaggerated is that there is a strong and extremely rich old-fashioned atmosphere accompanying the surging monsters.

Bathed in the breath of the old days, the power of those monsters is visibly increasing.

Li De now understands, no wonder the level of these old monsters is so high.

His eyes followed the old monster to look at the space gap, and it was even darker inside, as if all relationships were swallowed up by it.

He keenly perceives that there are some unimaginable horrors in this space.

His eyes became a little dignified.

After thinking for a while, Li De's body floated straight up, flew out from the back of the dead bones, and stood in the air.

Follow me...

The words fell, he waved his hand, the surrounding space shattered violently, and then stepped into the dimension plane with one step.

Witherbones and Garp followed immediately.

After stepping into the dimensional space, the sight of several people seemed to be covered with a veil, and the faces of the old monsters below became a little blurred.

Without much hesitation, Li De flew straight towards the space gap beyond the Thousand Blades.

After more than ten breaths, the three of them descended from the sky, and Li De floated in front of the irregular space gap, looking at the old monsters that were shuttled from below, his expression was a little dignified.

Because they were in the dimension plane, those old monsters could not perceive their breath, so they did not attract attention.

The space gap in front of it is like an evil dragon with a huge mouth, and the irregular gaps around it like broken glass are like deadly fangs. It seems that as long as you step into it, you will be swallowed by this evil dragon.

After entering the sealed land, you must be careful. If you encounter an uncontrollable danger, you should protect yourself and retreat immediately.

Li De turned his head slightly uneasy and told the two of them a few words.

His innate ability makes him not afraid of death, but the two are different, dead is really dead, and there is no talent for resurrection.

Wherever the two legendary fighting strengths are placed, they are the pillars, and he naturally cannot let them be in danger.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Master, don't worry, those weak, dirty and lowly worms will definitely be burned by the dragon breath of Lord Withered Bones!!

Karp answered honestly, but Drybone was very confident, or this undead with a not-so-normal mind had always been confident.

Li De didn't bother to pay attention to this chatter. After taking a deep breath, he stepped straight into the evil place where the old evil god was sealed.


At the moment when Li De stepped into the sealed land, a terrifying spiritual shock smashed towards his soul like a heavy hammer.

Bang~ A dizziness came from Li De's mind, which shocked him all over.

What a powerful spiritual spell...

Li De's eyes narrowed, this spiritual spell definitely has five rings!

However, his soul has already been sublimated to the utmost, and has been transformed several times by the baptism of divinity, reaching a level that ordinary legends can only look up to.

In fact, the higher the life, the stronger the soul, and the immunity to spiritual spells is much higher than that of ordinary spells.

Damn bastard, dare to sneak attack on the great Bone Lord!! But how can you secretly calculate the powerful force of destruction?

Don't let me find out who you are, or I will definitely let you taste the taste of your soul being burned by the dragon's breath...

Withered bones, who were also impacted behind him, screamed, but this chatter made the dignified breath a little easier.

Li De turned his head and glanced at the two behind him. They were all legends. Although he was a little embarrassed by the sneak attack, it was not a big problem.

After confirming that it was all right, he had time to look at the specific situation of the plane where the evil god was sealed.

Everything around is full of evil. It is ancient, old, and rotten evil. It is completely different from the evil of the abyss, and even more frightening than the abyss.

The sky is filled with hazy fog, as if some kind of terrifying life is brewing in it, and the rolling fog seems to have an ancient demon at any time...

Li De can clearly perceive at this moment that it is the performance of the condensed power of the old days.

As long as ordinary people get a little bit of the fog of the old days, they will immediately be eroded and become monsters of the old days.

Even if he rushes into the thick fog, he may not be able to get a good deal.

His eyes turned from the sky to the earth, and through the dense old monsters, he found that the earth was not dry and cracked as he imagined.

On the contrary, it is like black soil, with a bit of stickiness on it, but if you look carefully, the ground seems to be no ordinary soil at all.

And like the rotten black mud that can be formed after a long time of fermentation after the rotten flesh and blood, the breath of the old days revealed on it is no worse than the thick fog of the old days in the sky.

An extremely terrifying plane... Li De silently commented in his heart.

Turning his head and looking around, there is an open and flat land around, and countless old monsters smell the breath of the main plane because of the broken space gap, like a shark smelling blood, rushing towards this side.

The breath of the old days in the air was ten times stronger than the one outside, and Li De could even sense that the monsters of the old days around him were absorbing the power of the old days and became stronger.

Often a few breaths of their breath will skyrocket, until the body can withstand the limit will stop.

This makes Li De a little surprised. He has always been curious about where these old monsters were born. Looking at this appearance, he doesn't want to be a race that can reproduce on his own.

But these questions clearly needed to be explored by him himself.

After floating at the entrance to observe for a while, Li De did not stay too much, took out a map from the system space, and walked straight in one direction after confirming that it was correct.

In the past few months, although the information that the intelligence command center has explored on this plane is not complete, there is still no mistake in the location of the evil god's seal.

But his legendary danger perception was also telling him that the direction he was heading was the most dangerous.

Be careful, this plane is very likely to hide some elusive existence, if the situation is not right, retreat immediately...

Yes, Your Majesty... Garp replied obediently, only Withered Bones was a little excited, and seemed to be looking forward to the appearance of those mysterious old powerhouses...

Li De did not cast spells on himself this time. The dark red bat wings spread out and slowly began to flap, and he started to move forward in the most primitive way.

Kaku and Garp immediately followed, but the more they flew inside, the more serious the two became. At the back, they even closed their mouths on Kaku, and carefully looked around with those empty eyes.

Because both of them felt that the surrounding environment gave them a feeling of extreme depression, as if there was a terrifying ancient existence watching them silently.

Li De also sensed that weird feeling, and quietly raised his vigilance to the extreme in his heart.

This is not a safe place, and it is not surprising that any monsters appear.

The bloodline shackles on his body were quietly unsealed, and the legendary power of level 28 gurgled in the blood vessels like a gush of magma. The terrifying power made him feel more calm, but his eyes were still looking around, guarding against any crisis that might arise at any time.

After flying in Li De for about ten minutes, a burst of blue energy suddenly burst out from the front, and that energy was like a huge bubble expanding wildly around.

It only took Li De three or two breaths from discovering that energy to the energy approaching, and it was too late to react too much.

And even in the dimensional space, he could not avoid the impact of that blue energy.

Li De instantly released a few magic shields for himself, and then before he could release Garp behind him, the blue energy rushed straight in.

Bang~ When the blue energy swept through Li De's body, the magic shield outside was directly burst and shattered like a piece of paper, and then his spirit was smashed down by a giant hammer.

Li De felt dizzy at this moment, but how tough his soul was, he forcibly withstood the impact.

It's five-ring spiritual magic again... Is this a fixed spell once every ten minutes??

But there is no such information in the information detected by the intelligence command center...

No, the information of the intelligence command center was updated three days ago, that is to say, some changes have taken place in the sealed land in the past three days?

Li De's expression was a bit serious at the moment. The first time he encountered the magic shock can be said to be an accident, but the second time was definitely a change.

Thinking of this, although he continued to fly forward, his footsteps subconsciously slowed down a bit.

This piece of flesh and blood rotted into the earth, the old power condensed into thick fog, and the plane with less than a thousand blades visibility always made him feel uneasy.

And the closer to the target, the stronger the feeling of being watched.

After another ten minutes, Li De suffered a third mental shock...

Half a day after entering the sealed land, he experienced the fourth shock, but after overcoming this shock, Li De's footsteps slowly slowed down.

Because of the location marked on the map, here it is.

Looking up, he immediately found a very conspicuous existence.

It was an upright mountain. Although it was only a hundred blades in height, it was very conspicuous in this plane full of plains.

But this angular mountain made Li De frown.

Because thousands of iron chains glowing with dim light and engraved with ancient inscriptions are now densely wrapped around and tied to the mountain.

The other end of the chain seemed to be buried deep in the earth, as if to tie the mountain to the earth.

But this is not what surprised Li De. He was surprised that the information from the intelligence command center said that there was only one sarcophagus bound by chains, but that sarcophagus was only sealed on the ground.

Now...what's up with this mountain? ?

Could it be that the old evil god was about to break through the seal, and then forcibly pulled this mountain out of the ground?

Li De couldn't help smacking his tongue when he thought of this. If the guess is true, then the power of the gods is really terrifying to the extreme... This thing can even pull out a mountain, it's not too exaggerated.

The old monsters around were also hiding from a distance because of the terrifying aura emanating from the mountain, which made him less worried.

After a little thought, Li De turned his head to look at Bone and Garp, who were already shocked by the scene in front of him, with a solemn tone.

You are responsible for guarding at the foot of the mountain. If you encounter a big enemy, you will immediately warn you. I will go up the mountain to take a look.

Aware of the seriousness of the situation at the moment, the two nodded immediately.

After Li De explained, he didn't hesitate any more, and immediately flew towards the mountain peak.

But the closer he got to the mountain, the more he could feel the price here.

Thousands of chains are filled with a terrifying aura that makes people palpitate.

It is foreseeable that the materials used to forge these chains must have been quite amazing, and the people who forged these chains must be extremely powerful.

So what kind of power is worthy of using such financial and material resources and manpower to seal it?

Thinking of this, Li De couldn't help but be even more vigilant in his heart.

After a while, he quietly flew to the top of the mountain, and then a surprising scene appeared in his eyes.

The source of thousands of iron chains is now tightly bound to a stone coffin. The inscription on the chain exudes amazing power. Mysterious sarcophagus.

But what made Li De's heart beat faster was that the chains that bound the sarcophagus had been corroded in large areas, and even many of the chains had been completely broken, and what was even worse was only the thickness of a hair.

And the old breath that penetrated from the sarcophagus was like a very high concentration of sulfuric acid, corroding those iron chains in an irreversible process.

Li De took a deep breath, he became extremely curious about this sarcophagus, and subconsciously opened the attribute panel.

The sealed mysterious sarcophagus

Quality: Unique Special Item

Status: under seal

Introduction: This sarcophagus with mysterious power seals some indescribable terrifying life. At this moment, the sealed life is breaking free from the shackles.

The properties of the sarcophagus made his eyes slightly narrow.

The sealed evil god actually broke free of 95%... According to this situation, I am afraid that in a few days, the old evil god sealed in the sarcophagus will break the seal and come back to the world.

It's fortunate that you came early, otherwise you'll miss it.

After reading the properties of the sarcophagus, Li De not only had no fear, but a little bit of eagerness and excitement.

Are you unblocking here?

No, no, the seal is unlocked here, but the opponent is fighting at home...and there may be something else in this plane...

He quickly rejected the decision to open the seal directly, which was what he planned at first, but now the situation has obviously changed.

After thinking about it, another bold idea came to his mind.

I wonder if it will work to carry this sarcophagus back?

It seems to be completely okay. There are still big men like mermaids who guard the Slate of Destiny in the City of Dawn, and it can be regarded as insurance...

But before that, I still need to reconsolidate the seal. I don't want to go back with a time bomb.

After thinking for a while, he took out the tear of purification that the half-blood mermaid Kaslina had given him from his pocket.

This thumb-sized rock is a treasure that can dispel the forces of the past and chaos.

After confirming the idea, Li De no longer hesitated, and went straight out of the dimensional space and landed directly on the mountain.

The iron chain branded with the inscription was filled with an aura that made him feel dangerous. Li De did not dare to touch it, so he flew straight over the sarcophagus, bypassing the iron chain.

After getting closer, he found that the sarcophagus was not small, it was about five blades long and two blades wide.

But even though it was tightly closed, he could still feel the power of the old days slowly seeping out from the junction of the nearly empty sarcophagus.

Like the gap in the water pipe, although it is small, it has been infiltrating, and the surrounding iron chain has also been eroded with the release of the extremely pure old power.

After pondering for a moment, Li De slowly approached the sarcophagus, but at this moment, the closer he got, the more he could feel the horror of the sealed life inside.

Until the end, every cell in the whole body reminded him that it was dangerous, extremely dangerous, and even made him have an urge to flee here immediately.

The danger level he sensed outside was 10 just now, and when he got close, it was at least 1,000, a hundredfold increase.

But at this moment, Li De's eyes are as firm as iron, and his heart that has been tempered by the fire has long been different from what it used to be.

Resisting the sense of danger in his heart and the instinct of the creature, he slowly put down the tears of purification in his hand and pressed it into the gap where the iron chain and the sarcophagus did not intersect.

As long as it touches the energy of the old days, it can be purified. This is the way Kaslina told him to use it.


With a crisp sound, the moment that tear of purification touched the sarcophagus, it seemed to have broken through some obstacle, and an incomparably dazzling blue energy erupted.

That dark blue energy continued to burst out, and then like a transparent protective film, it directly enveloped the entire sarcophagus.

And after those iron chains came into contact with the dark blue energy, they clicked as if they touched some rules, and the ancient inscriptions on them began to rotate slowly.

An extremely terrifying energy burst out from the chains buried in the depths of the earth, and then rushed straight into the tears of purification.

Under Li De's somewhat shocked gaze, those chains burst out all their energy, the ancient inscriptions were quickly dimmed, and the chains emitting a dark light began to rust crazily.

Only the thumb-sized Tears of Purification shined brighter and brighter.

Click ~ click ~

With the rapid loss of energy, the chains began to shatter piece by piece.

Until the end, thousands of chains all turned into rust as fragile as foam, and then all broke.

Bang~ When the last chain was broken, the Tears of Purification slammed into the sarcophagus, and then it was embedded in it like a soy bean pressed against a tofu.


Li De was full of doubts when he saw this scene. The Tears of Purification had a grudge against this sarcophagus, why was it so fierce?

After a while, when he sensed again, he found that the breath around the sarcophagus no longer overflowed.

When he opened the attribute panel of the mysterious sarcophagus, he found that its state had changed a lot.

Status: under seal

The mermaid is the boss...

Li De could only sigh with emotion after reading it.

But the seal is sealed, how can this sarcophagus be taken back to the City of Dawn?

Pop~ The huge mage hand appeared, but just grabbed it, the magic energy was directly swallowed by the blue shield.

this? ?

Li De didn't believe in evil, but after changing seven or eight kinds of magic, he had to admit that this thing was immune to magic, and as long as it was magic energy, it would be absorbed.

But now, he can't leave it alone...

Looking at this huge mysterious sarcophagus, Li De thought about it for a while, and since it was not soft, it would be hard. Anyway, most people like hard...

Taking two steps forward, he stretched out his hands to clasp the bottom of the sarcophagus, and then his whole body slammed like a spring that was compressed to the extreme.

Kacha~ There was a sound of huge bones and joints under pressure, and the huge sarcophagus was forcibly lifted up by Li De.

But because the sarcophagus was too long, he couldn't handle it very well, so he finally turned his heart and went straight to the bottom of the coffin to carry the exaggerated mysterious sarcophagus on his back.

Legendary physique, legendary strength, and the bloodline of the legendary ancestor, Li De's power has already broken through the sky... A sarcophagus is nothing more than a sarcophagus, even if the old evil god is sealed.

But after carrying the sarcophagus, Li De instantly felt a terrifying old force attacking his body fiercely.

As if to devour his soul.

Li De's eyes turned cold, and the power of faith began to spread out crazily, forcibly resisting the terrifying old power.

Even the coffin was carried away by me, still want to resist? ? give you face? ?

I no longer hesitated at the moment, and directly called the two people who were on guard below, ready to call it a day and run away...

When the dead bones were summoned, he stared dumbfounded at the scene of Li De fighting the coffin.

Master, did you dig up the ancestral tomb of the old evil god??

The corner of Li De's mouth twitched before you dig the grave...

Too lazy to say more, after letting this idiot undead land, he stepped forward with the coffin and stood on its back.

Take off, back to Dawn City...

Master, don't you put the coffin behind my back? Withered bones watching the scene of Li De resisting the coffin is rather strange. When did the master have this hobby?

Isn't digging coffins the favorite thing of the dead?

The old evil god is sealed here. It will soon get out of trouble. Do you want to try it?

Li De's voice came faintly...

Hearing this, Withered Bone subconsciously exuded mental power and sensed the sarcophagus, and then a terrifying breath made his soul almost freeze at this moment.

The huge body of withered bones trembled, and the fire of the soul skyrocketed in an instant, flapping its wings violently, flying towards the gap in the space like a ghost.

No, Master, we'll go back to Dawn City right now...

This abnormal-minded undead had just sensed the aura in the sarcophagus that could almost destroy him. At this moment, he was carrying a time bomb on his back, which instantly wilted him, and flew to the City of Dawn with a loud wow.

Li De, who had returned from the coffin, could never have imagined that what was hidden in this mysterious sarcophagus would be so amazing...

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