I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 413 The battle of Naga, the bomb blasted you to call your father

ps: Sorry, the revisions have only been written until now.




The city of Naga is built on the mountain, and the part where the mountain is sunken is the resident of the Naga tribe.

At this time, the sudden appearance of the army outside the city made the entire Naga City fall into anger.

The Naga patriarch with a sarcoid crown on his head stood on the innermost mountainside area of ​​Naga City, overlooking the entire Naga City from a height, and also overlooking the dawning army outside Naga City.

His long and narrow eyes had a cold and deadly killing intent.

How dare these damn surface beings attack the great Naga?? Are their brains eaten by brain-eating worms?

Despicable surface life, they should all be hanged on the city wall!

Lord Patriarch, please give your order, I will immediately lead the army to kill these surface worms...

The anger on the faces of the senior Naga leaders around the Naga Patriarch became stronger and stronger.

It seems that saliva can kill people.

What a noble life Naga is, in the underground world, who would dare to besiege their city so unscrupulously?

The appearance of the Dawn Army undoubtedly makes them feel that they are being provoked by the weak!

This is absolutely intolerable.

After these Naga scolded for a long time, the indifferent Naga Patriarch spoke slowly.

These surface lives are only weak and weak, not to mention that we have a towering and solid city wall, and ten times their strength cannot shake the great Naga City.

Our real enemy is the black dragon...

When the dragon hunting grounds in the abyss are arranged, these surface life can be destroyed at will!

After the Naga Patriarch spoke up, more than a dozen Naga high-level officials around them immediately silenced their voices.

Gruul... You are in charge of the surface army. Tell me more specific information. Why did these surface life suddenly come to Naga City?

Hearing this, all the Naga executives turned their attention to a Naga who was covered in scars and even had one arm cut off.

What caught the eye was the Flesh Crown Naga, the Naga transformed by Li De with the power of his soul.

It's just that he was a little miserable at this time, and it seemed that he had encountered a war.

Flesh Crown Nagagruul nodded after hearing the question, his eyes were full of anger.

Patriarch, I go out on your orders to prepare to direct the eyes of life on the surface to the night elves...

But there was an accident in the middle, and our whereabouts were probed by the extraordinary mage of life on the surface, and our whereabouts were exposed.

We can't resist the extraordinary power at all, and fortunately, the extraordinary force was not dispatched in person to let us escape.

In order to avoid the siege of the army on the surface, I asked the Naga to leave in ten groups, and the group I led was blocked by an 18th-level lion warrior.

Although I resisted desperately, I was severely injured and barely escaped...

The sadness on Naga's face,

In fact, the bitter trick he staged was to escape after suffering a lot of hard work after the war, and then he was unconscious outside Naga City.

After the design, he was indeed brought back after being discovered by the Naga's patrol.

The tragic scars on his body were also injured during the battle with the orc king Garp.

It's a pity that people are not as good as heaven. At first, Li De let Meat Crown mix into Naga City, in order to let this guy deceive a few high-level officials out, and then use the power of faith to transform it as an inner response.

But who knows that the Naga patriarch is extremely vigilant, even the high-level Naga Naga, who was rescued, was placed under house arrest after being rescued.

Knowing that there will be a chance to come out at this time, but now it is too late - the army of the dawn has already arrived at the city.

Those plans can only be abandoned.

There is an extraordinary mage on the other side?

Yes, patriarch.

How did you know?

I sensed that magic fluctuation...

Well, you will follow me in this war, and you are not allowed to go there.

As ordered.

The suspicion in the eyes of the Naga Patriarch disappeared in a flash. He always felt that the appearance of the Naga with the Flesh Crown was too coincidental. Although there was no evidence, at this point in time, he did not want to make extra troubles, so he simply isolated the other party. Until today, the surface army attacked. It was released when the city was over.

Naga's plan to hunt the black dragon must not be affected by some trivial matters!

Looking at the dawn army outside the city through the dim light, the killing intent in his eyes became colder and colder.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't reveal his cards so as not to be noticed by the black dragon, he would definitely use several superhumans to kill the more than 100,000 surface troops in one fell swoop, instead of allowing these damn surface life to show off their might outside Naga City.

At this time, hundreds of blades away from the Naga City Wall, the Dawn Army, which was nervously adjusting its equipment, finally reached its best state.

Your Majesty, the army is ready, please give an order!

Hearing the firm and fanatical tone of the messenger beside him, Li De's sharp gaze was like a sharp arrow, and it shot straight at Naga City, which looked like a giant mouth of a demon in front of him.

The indifferent tone resounded throughout the battlefield under the blessing of magic.

The whole army listened to the order, and the alchemy bomber threw alchemy bombs freely, and the magic bat started to take off after the first round of bombing from the alchemy bomber.

Other troops stand by!

Military orders are like mountains.

Li De's order was implemented immediately.

Alchemy bomber ready!!!


When the human commander roared and gave the order to attack, this sudden battle started.

Thousands of bombers loaded with alchemy bombs were under the control of human soldiers. Bang~ The huge elastic force of the bomber directly ejected the alchemy bombs.


The sound of breaking the air sounded, and the flying alchemy bombs whizzed through the sky densely.

Dark clouds overwhelm the city.

The city wall of Naga City is as high as 50 blades, and it is difficult for animals to climb.

However, under the parabolic projection, these alchemy bombs easily crossed the city wall with rivets and barbs in an arc, and crossed the city wall like the fangs of the devil.

On the towering city wall, the four-armed Naga Zheng, who exudes an evil aura at this moment, are densely gathered, crowding the city wall.

These three-bladed evil beings with red barbs on their backs burst into laughter when they saw the head-sized alchemy bomb flying across.

Hahaha, these damn surface life, their catapults can only throw these rocks weaker than worms?

The abyss is above, this is simply the most hilarious scene I have ever seen...

Could it be that these surface life really intend to break through our city walls with this limp stone??


The crazy ridicule of the Naga soldiers made the rise of the city wall a joyful atmosphere, and the cold Naga language also became quite bright.

But just as those stones cut across the city wall, many sharp-eyed Naga suddenly changed their expressions.

They saw the goblin's unique green quirky symbol on these stones... Goblins, aren't they best at alchemy bombs? ?

Thinking of this, the hair stood up immediately, and a Naga commander roared in horror.

Be careful!!! That's an alchemy bomb!!


The Naga who heard it all were stunned, but before they could react, the first alchemy bomb fell straight into the city, and then slammed into a fang-tooth building with a mighty force.


The huge sound was like rolling thunder that sounded overhead, shattering the eardrums.

The scorching fire rose into the sky in an instant, and the huge shock wave rolled up the air waves in the sky.

Gravel, sawdust, and soil mixed with flames instantly devoured the surrounding area of ​​dozens of blades.

What is even more shocking is that when the alchemy bomb exploded, countless sticky combustibles were scattered.

Those combustibles could burn even if they were attached to the stones, and Naga, who was busy preparing for battle on the streets, let out an extremely miserable roar immediately after being contaminated by the combustibles.

Worse than a dying beast.

Those viscous combustibles are extremely attractive, and no matter how the Naga beats, they can't put out the fire. Only the magic of the caster can barely extinguish those flames.

Flammable Alchemy Bomb.

This is the boutique of the City of Dawn. After being improved by goblins, its power has been magnified several times.

The moment the combustible alchemy bomb explodes, a large amount of combustibles can be released, and nothing can extinguish it except magic.

The explosion of the first combustible alchemy bomb was only the beginning of the war.

The alchemy bomb that then whistled down was even more like a blow to the head, giving these Nagas an extremely loud slap.


Thousands of alchemy bombs smashed into the city of Naga in less than 10 seconds, and this power can only be described as destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

The combustible alchemy bomb, although less than a third, also caused unimaginable damage to the area behind the city walls.

The terrifying flames could not be extinguished, and the terrifying combustibles were like shadow demons that devoured souls and flesh. After those Naga were contaminated, they were burned into charcoal one by one.

The city wall is a war zone, and behind the city wall is a rest area for supplies and soldiers. The density of personnel and materials is not necessarily worse than that of the city wall.

Thousands of alchemy bombs directly caused an unimaginable ground-washing effect.

The alchemy bomber is about 700 blades away from the city wall, with a maximum range of 900 blades and an effective range of 200 blades.

The entire city wall and the area behind it are fire coverage.

In the distance, under the gaze of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, the constant explosion sounded like the earth was crumbling, the sky was cracking, and soaring flames and rubble flew up.

The fierce Naga became a piece of paper at this moment, and these evil beings had no convenience at all, and almost all the Naga in the explosion area were buried.

The flames dispelled the darkness of the underground world, and the light shone throughout the world.

Only the roar of the explosion of the alchemy bomb and the loud noise of the collapsed building remained in the sky and the earth.

More than 100,000 troops fell into a silent atmosphere when they saw the world-destroying scene. Even if they were the troops of the City of Dawn, they were extremely surprised at this moment.

Too exaggerated.

Although most people know the power of alchemy bombs, it is the first time they have seen the scene of alchemy bombs washing the ground in a siege battle.

This round of attacks almost killed more than half of the Naga in the front city wall area.

When the soldiers around looked at those inconspicuous alchemy bombs and alchemy bomb carts, their eyes were no longer the same as before.

There was an indescribable awe in the depths of my heart.

And the goblins who were sent to test the effect of the alchemy bombs in actual combat were as comfortable as eating iced watermelons in the summer, their heads held high, and the pride on their faces almost overflowed their eyes.

This is the work of our goblins! !

The eyes of the people around them made them about to have an intracranial orgasm.

After the first round of shooting is not the end, the second round of Alchemy Alchemy Bomb is loaded again.

Under the operation of skilled human soldiers who had practiced thousands of times, in less than 30 seconds, the alchemy bomber was loaded with alchemy bombs again.

In the city of Naga, the monstrous flames are raging at this moment.

Howling, screaming, the crackling sound of flames burning wood, plus roars, calls for help... The city became a wailing Jedi.

But before Naga recovered, Naga, who had not yet been able to escape in the thick smoke, saw the stones that had just been mocked by them roaring in the sky.

Do not!!!


Damn surface life!!

The Naga language filled with words of inability to speak and panic resounded through the sky. Many Naga turned around and ran. Some even raised their bows to shoot down the alchemy bomb, and even picked up a thick shield, as if to resist the alchemy. bomb damage.

But all this was but futile resistance.

bang bang bang~

The flames engulfed everything around again.

The Naga who had just come to the rescue were hit hard again.

Silence, dead silence.

The Naga Patriarch, who was halfway up the mountain, widened his eyes and his face was full of disbelief.

During this time, Naga City mobilized a total of 120,000 troops from the abyss.

In other words, Naga City now has 200,000 troops!

Two hundred thousand! !

With such a large number, coupled with the towering and sturdy city walls, whoever comes will die! !

But now, the war has just begun and they have suffered such a terrifying attack.

The loss was so heavy that he could not accept it.

The surrounding Naga high-level officials shivered under the cold and powerful momentum of the Naga Patriarch, and no one dared to speak any more words at this moment.

The confident expression just now was all suppressed.

The anger on his face made everyone murderous.

The light from the long and narrow eyes of the Naga Patriarch was as cold as frost at the moment, I will dispatch the poisonous manticore immediately, and I will kill all these lowly surface creatures!

Yes, Patriarch! The herald shuddered when he heard the cold and terrifying tone, and immediately went down to give the order.

The Naga Patriarch's sharp eyes with boundless anger were drawn out like the blade of a knife, and his eyes swept around the crowd. Finally, the corner of the eye stopped on the face of the flesh-crowned Naga. Just as he was about to say something, suddenly there was an uncountable number of people in the sky. Huge shadow.

A Naga executive suddenly spoke in an extremely trembling tone at this moment.

Giant bats, the monsters that vampires like to keep!

The surrounding Naga looked up to the sky.

The Naga Patriarch frowned, but he didn't expect that he ordered the Poison Manticore to be dispatched, and the opponent's air troops had already appeared.

But what surprised him was that these giant monsters did not intend to dive down to attack, but kept cruising at high altitudes.

But after a while, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Because they found that under the giant bats, they threw countless black spots like laying eggs.

Those black spots were exactly the same as the alchemy bombs that had just hit the city wall.

The air is condensed now.

The Naga race felt that the heart stopped beating at this moment, but what could they do in just a few seconds?

Naga's most powerful spellcaster is only level 19, and it is basically a dream to change the battlefield situation with one's own power without reaching the extraordinary level.

And the most powerful extraordinary combat power - the Naga patriarch is a warrior, so he can do it with one thousand, but in the case of thousands of magic bats throwing alchemy bombs at the same time, it is impossible to block it. Tan.

In the terrified eyes of all the Naga.


The alchemy bomb with the sound of breaking through the air once again gave Naga an unprecedented educational lesson.

Technology changes the world.

The war strategy adopted by Dawn City from beginning to end follows the idea of ​​​​the Earth.

Bombard local positions with artillery, then bombard them with air-dropped munitions.

Naga, whose war thoughts are still in melee combat, naturally cannot imagine how powerful this strategy, which has been ahead for countless years, is.

At the moment when the alchemy bomb in the sky fell, the earth was crumbling, and groups of buildings collapsed directly.

Every alchemy bomb exploded in Naga City will bring huge impact and damage.

No one can resist this scene that is enough to destroy the world.

The flames in the sky rolled up, and the whole city became a city of flames.

Although the Naga are a high-ranking race, they have no experience in dealing with alchemy bombs.

When the alchemy bomb exploded, many Naga roared and wanted to use their flesh to resist the damage of the alchemy bomb.

After the explosion, the shrapnel of the alchemical bomb will be ejected at a speed of three or four times the speed of sound.

Most of the leather armor Naga wears is made of monster skins. Although it is tough, under this level of attack, it is not much harder than a piece of paper.

So every time the alchemy bomb explodes, a lot of Naga will be harvested.

Not to mention the flames that come with it.

The number of magic bats involved in the bombing reached 3,000, each carrying 20 alchemy bombs, a total of 60,000.

60,000 alchemy bombs bombarded this city without the slightest air defense facilities, and the effect was shocking.

The sea of ​​fire, the ruins, the screams, the screams.

The power of bombs to wash the ground is fully reflected at this moment.

The Naga patriarch, who had reached extraordinary combat power, saw the scene in front of him, and his hands and feet were instantly cold.

The Naga warriors he is proud of, have already lost at least two-thirds of them before the official battle...

I originally thought that this was just a war that could be easily dealt with, but at this moment, the Naga City will be destroyed before the enemy touches them.

This violent contrast blow made him go crazy!

He turned his head sharply, his voice full of cruelty, pain, and volcanic rage.

The scorpion division will take off immediately!!! All of you bring the army, open the city gate and engage the enemy at close range!!

He couldn't imagine what kind of scene would appear after dragging it any further.

Two or three more such attacks, and the city that took decades to forge may no longer exist.

Contrary to Naga's tragic encounter, the morale of the army in Dawn City at this moment is soaring to the extreme.

Your Majesty, are we going to attack immediately?

Outside the city of Naga, Li De, wearing a woven robe, stood indifferently, and the orc king Karp beside him reported with a solemn expression.

In Garp's opinion, these two waves of bombing were enough to wipe out the living force of Naga City.

No, wait, let the alchemy bomb throw another round.

Li De's eyes were sharp, and although Naga was caught off guard, the loss could be called broken hands and feet, but it was not so easy to kill.

Although he also wants to enslave this upper race, the premise of all this is that the war is won.

Thinking of saving the opponent's life as a prisoner when the victory has not been revealed is definitely a very stupid idea.

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and no one can guarantee the final victory until the last moment.

And although there is a gap in the strength of the two sides, it is not enough to be crushed, and the other party is extraordinary, and no one can even determine whether the other party has made contact with the abyss.

This is a formidable opponent, and winning is the number one factor, and everything else comes after.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Karp was also unequivocal, and immediately asked the herald to give the order after he answered.

After receiving the order, the loaded goblin bomber began the third round of bombing.



The fire broke out again, and the fire coverage this time completely paralyzed the Naga above the city wall and the area behind the city wall.

The morale of the Naga has fallen to the bottom, and the number has dropped from 200,000 to 70,000 or 80,000.


This scene is very much like a modern cannon attacking an ancient city. The technology and understanding of war on both sides are not at the same level.

But knowing that the war is not over yet, Naga is still resisting.

After the third round of throwing alchemy bombs, the sharp-eyed soldiers discovered that from the billowing smoke, there was a faint appearance of life spreading its wings.

At first it was just one or two, then more and more until finally it was all densely packed.


The first flying unit of Naga City flew out of thick smoke and appeared in the eyes of the dawn army.

This is a life with the head and body of a male lion, with demon wings and scorpion poisonous tail spines, exuding an extremely brutal aura.

Poisonous manticore, abyss life.

With wingspans of 10 blades, these terrifyingly evil flying units look stronger than magic bats.

The poisonous manticore also rides a large number of four-armed Nagas. The snake bodies of these naga are fixed by special saddles, like a tumbler. No matter how the poisonous manticore flies, it will not fall off.

Seeing this scene, Li De narrowed his eyes slightly.

The real war has just begun.

Sure enough, with the appearance of the poisonous lion, the two gates with the Eye of Darkness engraved in the center of the Naga City wall rumbled open.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, the countless four-armed Naga surged out like a dam that opened its gates and released water.

Naga already knew it couldn't go on like this.

Under the bombardment of alchemy bombs, Naga City can no longer provide them with the slightest protection at this moment, and it is even more like a cage of death, locking them firmly inside.

The city wall, the biggest support in the past, has become their biggest limitation under the bombardment of alchemy bombs.

Seeing this scene, Li De's eyes were as cold as ice.

Naturally, he couldn't do the stupid thing of making the opponent set up and attacking again.

The goblin bomber is aimed at the city gate, and the archers and ballistas are best prepared to shoot, and the Naga will start attacking as soon as they reach the range!

The order issued by Li De himself did not need to be delivered by a messenger, and it resounded throughout the battlefield under the blessing of magic.

The long-awaited dawn army began to get excited.

Alchemy bombs have been the protagonists for so long just now, these troops can only watch the show, and now it is finally their turn to play.

After the order was given, the goblin bomber immediately began to turn around and drop bombs in the direction of the city gate of Naga City.

After rushing out of the city, the Naga who suddenly felt that the sky was high and the birds were flying again encountered the alchemy bomb they least wanted to face.

bang bang bang~

Although the time to load the ammunition was as long as twenty or thirty seconds, it was impossible for the entire team to have thousands of goblin bombers.

In 30 seconds, thousands of alchemy bombs can be thrown, and hundreds of bombs can be thrown in 3 seconds.

With such an intensive bombardment, the Naga who were still wailing with excitement just now looked uglier than pig livers.

This plain area is perfect for Naga running and charging, but it is also suitable for alchemy bombs to unleash their power.

The 30-blade wide city gate was directly shrouded in alchemy bombs, as if it had cut off their lifeline and blocked Naga in the city.

The scene was embarrassed. Although Naga was extremely angry, she couldn't help anyone.

The scene didn't change until tens of thousands of Naga riding on a poisonous manticore flew to the Dawning Army formation.

The strong poisonous manticore swooped down sharply against the archer's shot, and the Naga riding on it jumped down immediately when it approached the ground.

A venomous manticore carries at least 2 Naga, and these tens of thousands of venomous manticores directly delivered more than 20,000 Naga troops.

The goblin gold bomber was still aiming at the city gate, and there was no way to immediately suppress the sudden action of the poisonous lion.

The situation began to fall into the state Naga wanted to see.

However, the alchemy bomb can't help the poisonous manticore, and the centaur archer will not let it go.

After several improvements, the longbow slammed open, the bowstring snapped, and the sharp arrows were like locusts covering the sky.

Instantly swept the earth.

The only regret is that the Naga's vitality is extremely powerful as a superior race. Although the centaur's arrows have caused huge damage to them, as long as they don't hit their heads and hearts, they can still charge fiercely.

In addition, the tens of thousands of poisonous manticores in the sky attracted a large part of the firepower, and there was an immediate gap for attack.


Seeing this, the air force riding the magic knight immediately drove the magic bat to rush towards the poisonous manticore.

The ground and air troops collided in a short moment, and a more intense white-hot blood-to-hand combat began.

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