I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 410: Shaking the Halfling Main City (Part 2) Legendary Halfling, Shocking Secret (9,600 word

Above the city of Lucy, there are more than 10,000 black pecked eagles on one side, and two of them are extraordinary.

On the other side, this is Li De with his dark red bat wings unfolded.

In the sky, a breath like before the eruption of a volcano filled the air.

Tens of thousands of halflings riding the giant black peck eagle stared at Li De while suppressing their inner anger, their eyes were full of fierce murderous intent and terrifying brutality.

It is unprecedented that one person, just one person, dares to come to the city of Lucy to provoke! !

Did this vampire think halflings were worms in filthy mud? ? So vulnerable? ?

The anger was surging wildly, and many halflings had already drawn their long bows and stared at Li De, as if the arrows in his hands would pierce his throat as long as he dared to make a move.

Damn vampire!!!

Who gave you the courage to provoke the city of Lucy? ! !

Standing next to the halfling city lord Kakarillo, the 21st-level extraordinary archer-Deckery Hawkeye couldn't help roaring furiously, his voice getting colder and colder.

How can a great halfling dare to offend a lowly surface life?!

The patriarch has issued a massacre order, and when my army reaches the surface, I will let you watch how your city collapses! !

Massacre order?

Li De smiled and wanted to massacre the City of Dawn? Do you have this ability?

The halfling patriarch Kakarillo, who should have been the most angry, suddenly calmed down at this moment, with a look that was a bit difficult for outsiders to understand.

Vampire, it doesn't matter whether you occupy the Black Iron Fort, or whether you kill the 3,000 black pecking giant eagles in the city of Lucy...

The moment the surface army you lead appears in the underground world, our war is destined to happen.

The indifferent and plain words made Li Degao glance at the halfling patriarch. How could the war between the two sides be a simple battle of wills.

As the master of Dawn, Li De shoulders the fate of hundreds of thousands of people, and must find a new way for Dawn before the old days come.

And as the ruler of the underground world, Kakarillo is not eager to lead the halflings to find a better way.

The army of the surface appeared in front of him, which meant that they could also go to the surface, which was a great opportunity for the halflings.

This is the position of both parties, and there is no room for compromise.

Only when one side is completely wiped out will this battle between the surface and the underground end.

No one would back down, not for Li De, and even less for halflings.

Even to a certain extent, today's scene was destined to happen four years ago when Koso led a dozen or so Cyclops to the Valley of the Giants.

Maybe, this is fate, it seems illusory, but it is already doomed.

After Cacarillo calmed down, he began to seriously observe Li Delai.

With a little sense, he could sense the power that made his heart tremble from Li De's body.

Like an abyss beast in the cloak of kindness,

Once you do it, you will be rock-shattering.

This is an unprecedented enemy.

Li De still did not speak, but the breath on his body had begun to gradually rise.

The two sides are destined to be enemies, and he is too lazy to talk nonsense.

This time, he is here to eliminate future troubles. Black Dragon and Naga are the great enemies that are about to face. If these halflings want to stab him at this time, they will definitely endanger his rear.

At such a critical moment, he could not tolerate the slightest danger.

Without saying a word of nonsense, the magic power on the body began to run wildly, the power that had been lying down for a long time began to erupt, and the indescribable aura of terror began to permeate.

The strong never disdain the battle of words, and the weak will use words to cover up their cowardice.


Li De's attitude of ignoring everyone made the faces of the extraordinary archers beside Cacarillo turn red.

Damn vampire, how dare you be so mad!

Although Dekerry Hawkeye approves of Kakarillo's words, it doesn't mean that Li De can despise him! !


With a roar, the arrow in his hand that was already full of strings was released.

After this roar, the war of one person against one city officially started.

At this moment, the halfling riding the black pecked eagle pulled out the sharp arrows in his hands.



The bowstring snapped.

The two sides met for only three or two sentences, and the battle had already started before it even took more than 30 seconds.

But Li De didn't take a second look at the arrow rain covering the sky, his eyes were just staring at the two extraordinary things that interested him.

Stepping out one step, Li De disappeared out of thin air before the arrow rain arrived.

Seeing this scene, the crowd's eyes narrowed.

this? !

When Li De's figure appeared again, it was accompanied by thunder and lightning that filled the sky.

Four Rings of Magic - Thor descends.

After unfolding his demon wings, he charged towards the black pecked eagle at a speed that made his scalp numb.

Accompanied by the thunder of the sky, he is like the resurrection of the mythical life in ancient legends, the majestic and extraordinary aura collapsed in a kind of ice and snow, and hundreds of billions of tons of ice and snow rolled down from the top of the mountain.

The terrifying thing is that the four-ring spell of Thor's coming is not the end. In the wide-blade-wide Thor domain, a tornado that rose out of thin air began to tear apart the space.

And after the tornado rose, the sky was icy cold, and snowflakes roared down.

The ultimate storm, the scourge of ice and snow.

Three fourth-level spells were released at the same time in a short blink of an eye.

What made the outsiders tremble even more was that after Li De directly emptied the surrounding black pecking giant eagle, he stood in the center of the storm and thunder and stretched out a slight grip with his right hand.

Under the shocking gaze of everyone, these three four-ring magics were softened directly together.

This scene is simply appalling.

The magic that has been released can actually merge with each other without repulsion or even explosion? ? ?

The tornado with a diameter of fifty blades was directly expanded to 100 blades due to the integration of the Thunder Domain and the Ice and Snow Disaster.

In the high-speed rotating storm, countless blue thunder arcs are flashing, and what is even more exaggerated is that there is an extremely cold atmosphere that makes people stiff.

Hybrid Magic - Thunder Blizzard.

Li De had a new idea after dealing with two extraordinary spiders on the spider plane last time, after using a tornado to merge the ice and snow disaster, and integrated the terrifying magic of Thor's descent into it in his spare time.

It is no exaggeration to say that this mixed magic definitely exceeds the power of ordinary 5-ring magic. 1+1+1 is completely greater than 3, and it has even increased several times.

The thunderous blizzard turned the whole world tragically pale at this moment. The terrifying hurricane was mixed with ice and snow, and the clouds in the sky appeared black clouds that were difficult to see through.

Seeing this scene, the tens of thousands of giant black pecking eagles around them changed their faces and quickly wanted to escape.

In the city of Lucy, hundreds of thousands of halflings are watching the battle outside the city through the magic image released by the caster. This shocking magic makes many people take a deep breath.

After the fusion of the three spells, Li De moved in his heart, and then made a move that shocked both the level 24 halfling patriarch and the level 21 extraordinary archer.

Crimson power suddenly ignited on his body, and then a terrifying power that almost distorted space was instilled into this mixed magic.

In an indescribably terrifying breath, the thunder that made the world change color was found to be distorted directly, and then like a huge hand squeezing wildly, this thunderstorm with a diameter of one hundred blades began to be compressed.

The distance of a hundred blades shrinks crazily, ninety blades, eighty blades, sixty blades...

The energy in the sky was compressed into a very small range in an indescribable state, and the infinite magic power began to condense frantically at this moment.

Under the gaze of hundreds of thousands of halflings, the hundred-blade wide thunderstorm turned Li De into an energy ball full of lightning flashes and extremely cold.

And its length and width are less than 5 blades.

Everyone's eyes were filled with indescribable shock when they saw this scene.

How could it be possible to compress such terrifying magic into the size of a few blades? ?

Is the vampire in front of him really the God of Twilight he calls himself? ! !

This scene was so shocking that the halflings above the sky were so dumbfounded that they didn't even have time to interrupt Li De.

Seeing this scene, the halfling patriarch Kakarillo widened his eyes, and there was a flash of fear in his heart that he was unwilling to admit.

As a level 24 extraordinary, he has reached the pinnacle of extraordinary.

But with his strength, seeing the energy ball floating in front of Li De at this time has a sense of trembling fear, and his back is numb at this moment.

No one could describe his mood at the moment.

The halflings around didn't know who was roaring, and then one by one, they woke up and began to pull the bowstrings in their hands again.

Bang~ The dense bowstrings bounced, and an arrow that could only easily tear the warrior's armor pierced the sky, bursting with an aura more terrifying than the roar of a demon.

But the arrow was directly twisted by an indescribable force after it flew dozens of blades away from Li De. Li De, who was standing in the center, was not hurt at all.

Kakarillo's eyes narrowed, he knew that he couldn't wait any longer, and it was almost impossible for his subordinates to test out the flaws of this vampire.

He turned his head and glanced at Kerry Hawkeye, a level 21 archer beside him.


The tone fell, and Cacarillo disappeared out of thin air.

Hyperdimension diving,

Extraordinary Assassin Skills.

No one could have imagined that this halfling city master turned out to be an extraordinary assassin.

And the extraordinary archer Kerry Hawkeye's eyes froze when he heard the words, the gray longbow engraved with halfling heroes in his hand suddenly pulled away, and a deadly black feathered arrow was suddenly placed by him. on the bowstring.


The sharp eyes were filled with a faint blue light, and a terrifying force in his hand was transmitted to the arrow.

Extraordinary empowerment, the most powerful weapon for archers, gives extra energy and lethality to arrows, even the energy shield of the mage can easily break.

But after the halfling's action, Derek Hawkeye discovered that the damned vampire was still conjuring that terrifying magic.

In addition to trembling, endless anger also arises, to dare to do so on the battlefield, this is simply courting death!

Goddamn bastard! ! !

The power input in his hand increased tenfold at this moment, and the luster on the black feather arrow became more and more intense.

When Decree Hawkeye felt that the energy in his body was consumed by more than half at this moment, even the black feather arrows forged with mithril and fine gold could not withstand that power.

Bang, he let go of the bowstring in his hand.


At this moment, the black feather arrow, driven by infinite power, stabbed straight out at an indescribable terrifying speed.

Space was torn apart by it, and even time lost its meaning.

In extreme anger, the 21-level extraordinary archer shot the highest arrow in his life.

The moment he let go of the bowstring, he knew that the arrow would hit, and even he faintly felt that he had touched another level of the profession of an archer, and he felt that he could achieve a higher breakthrough in time.

The power contained in this arrow, let alone a vampire, is a giant dragon, and it will die! !

Deckery Hawkeye with absolute confidence.


The arrow crossed the space, and then, under everyone's attention, pooh~ pierced the magic shield on Li De's body, and then pierced his heart.


At this moment, blood splattered.

In the city of Lucy, the moment Li De was hit by the arrow, the halflings in the whole city fell into madness! !

In their opinion, the arrow in the heart, and it is the arrow of death shot by their extraordinary crown, even if Li De is allowed to have a thousand lives, he will die! !

Hahaha, goddamn vampire!! So what if your magic is so powerful?? The crown of Derek can even hunt giant dragons, not to mention you are a vampire??

Provocation of the lowly life of halflings, it is your honor to be killed by the crown of Deckery!!

God of halflings is above, a filthy vampire dares to call himself the god of dusk, this is simply unforgivable!! This is God's punishment for you!

Both heretics and blasphemers should be hanged...

There was a huge smile on Derek Hawkeye's face, the vampire was dead.

Because it is not just as simple as shooting through the opponent's heart, the energy on the arrow can not only be used to speed up the arrow's flight, but also has a greater effect - erosion and explosion.

When the opponent's heart is eroded by his extraordinary power, can there be a way to survive?

But in the next second, there was a scene on the field that made him stiff.

I saw that after the arrow shot through Li De's heart, he just pulled out the arrow and threw it aside as if nothing was wrong. The wound just burst by the arrow actually healed directly in the blink of an eye.

The excitement in Derek Hawkeye's heart froze instantly, as if someone strangled his neck.

His eyes were full of disbelief.

This, how is this possible? ?

That arrow that contained half of his energy was gone? ?

It doesn't matter if he shoots through the heart and doesn't die, what about his power that can erode everything? ?

Li De's actions caused the self-confidence of the 21st-level extraordinary archer to be fatally damaged. He stood still and shot him, and he didn't even feel the slightest after he shot.

Then what's the point of his existence as an archer? ? ?

At this time, in the city of Lucy, the halflings who had just given out a loud cheer also suddenly became dumb, their eyes widened, and their faces were full of shock.

This, this... Am I dazzled?? After the arrow from the crown of Dekei hit the vampire's heart, it didn't kill the vampire??

God of halflings is above, this must be the magic illusion of vampires!! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

That's the attack of the Crown of Deckery? The dragon will be severely injured. Why does this vampire have no trace of injury, and he is still condensing magic until now?!

The halfling's just rising momentum disappeared without a trace, his eyes widened and he was reluctant to accept this scene.

Just when the halfling below was extremely disappointed, the situation suddenly changed.

A figure with a blue sharp blade suddenly appeared behind Li De, and the short blade in the opponent's hand pierced his back the moment it appeared.

Pooh~ Short blade into the bone.


One of the strongest skills of the assassin.

Kakarillo, a level 24 extraordinary assassin, the patriarch of the halflings.

The halflings in the city of Lucy suddenly shouted wildly, and the atmosphere that had been suppressed at the moment surged up again.

After Cacarillo stabbed Li De, there was still no smile on his face.

Decree Hawkeye's arrow pierced through the heart of the vampire in front of him without killing him. Although his short blade was smeared with a poison that would cause the dragon with extremely high immunity to be corroded to death, but He was still worried.

At the moment of stabbing into Li De's body, Cakarillo pulled out his short blade sharply and made a move familiar to all assassins.

Cut throat.

Assassin's nirvana is deployed in the extraordinary hands, let alone one person, even if the dragon is hit by this skill, it will definitely be hit hard.

But at the moment when its short blade was close to Li De's neck, Li De suddenly turned around, and those indifferent blood-colored pupils looked directly into Kakarillo's eyes.

Scarlet Eyes: When the enemy stares into your eyes, they will be forced to perform a legendary will test. If the will test fails, the opponent will be afraid of you, and all attributes will be reduced by 20%.

The moment he saw Li De's eyes, Cakarillo only felt that his soul was hit by a giant hammer, and then his whole body fell into rigidity.

Then in those scarlet eyes, it seemed that countless ghosts had crawled out and rushed towards his soul, and even at this moment he looked at the bottomless abyss from Li De's eyes and stared at him.

The terrifying soul shock made his movements stop for a moment.

The murderous intent in Li De's eyes was awe-inspiring, and the act of compressing a few magics was an idea that suddenly arose after he successfully performed the thunderous blizzard.

Because he noticed that there is still a lot of room for improvement after the fusion of these magics, the order of their magic powers is very scattered, and the power is far from reaching its peak.

With my thoughts together, I directly intend to compress this super mixed magic, make the magic order more closely, and increase the power of this magic at the same time.

But after the action, it was held back, because it takes extreme strength and unparalleled magic control to compress magic.

That's why the scene of condensing magic on the battlefield and ignoring others.

The arrow pierced his heart before pulling his mind back. At this moment, Li De decisively paused the compression, and then felt that Kakarillo pierced his back.

Really, to die...

Who gave this halfling the courage to approach him?

Li De's eyes narrowed, the power of faith was running, and the scarlet eyes directly shocked this extraordinary assassin.

All this happened in just three or two blinks of an eye.

Without any hesitation, Li De jumped up, his right hand turned into a knife, and the scarlet power filled the air, stabbing directly at Kakarillo's abdomen.


Cakarillo was still sinking in boundless fear at this moment, and he didn't recover until the severe pain in his abdomen came.

At the moment when Kakarillo disappeared, a halfling appeared in Kakarillo's original position.

When he looked again, several hundred blades away, Kakarillo was already riding on the Black Peck Eagle.

Assassin Skill - Forced replacement.

The halfling who was holding the bow and arrow ready to shoot blinked in front of his eyes, and then he saw Li De, who was filled with scarlet power. After seeing those scarlet eyes during this short stay in the air, his crotch became hot and he was alive. Scared to pee.

Then the dead ghost let out a scream of incomparable fear, and just fell from the air.

This halfling, whose level is only 10, has no means of flying. Under everyone's attention, it smashed to the ground and smashed into a bloody blood of more than ten blades.

The heart of the halfling in the city of Lucy once again experienced an indescribable ups and downs.

Their patriarch did not kill the vampire after backstabbing the vampire, and what was even more annoying was that when the patriarch finally escaped, he pulled a halfling on the back.

There is a fire inside everyone, but there is no place to release the fire.



The bows and arrows in the sky are still shooting frantically, but these archers are desperate, all the attacks will be twisted before they hit Li De, and then slide away dozens of meters away.

Ineffective attack.

Decree Eagle still slowed down at this time, and looked at the magic ball floating in the air.

The mixing magic that has been compressed countless times is like a bubble that has shrunk countless times. Through the bubbles, you can see the thunder arc and storm inside, mixing with ice and snow, stirring frantically.

The surrounding magic was extremely distorted in the violent fluctuation of power, which was why the bow and arrow could not hit Li De at all.

Finding the problem, Derek Hawkeye slammed the arrow at the magic ball, and the arrow with extraordinary power stabbed the magic ball directly.

What surprised him was that the magic ball shook for a while, and it seemed that there was a possibility of collapse.

Everyone gave up shooting and attacked that magic ball directly!!

After hearing the order, the halfling in the air immediately put down the longbow in his hand, and raised the air cavalry lance that was half-fixed on the Black Peck Eagle.

Then the whole army attacked like an arrow that had just been fired.

Li De's pierced scars have all recovered at this time. As for the poison on the blade, the bloodline of the golden ancestor is not a joke.

Seeing the surrounding black pecked eagles give up and rush towards him directly with the crossbow, the corners of Li De's mouth cocked slightly.

It's really rushing to die, just stand far away with bows and arrows, do you think I'm just having fun by compressing three magics?

His eyes were condensed, and the momentum on his body was revived at this moment like the ancient abyss demon that devoured the sun and the moon.

Fear comes to the world.

With a wave of his hand, under the gaze of the halfling, the super magic ball with a five-bladed diameter, compressed to the extreme by him, flew violently towards the galloping black pecked eagle.

The distance between the black pecking giant eagle and his Li De is only three or four hundred blades, and it can be reached in a few breaths at the exaggerated speed of the flying arms.

Seeing the magic ball flying, Kakarillo's face changed greatly, his body had recovered to the original level 24.


The sound spread wildly under the blessing of special energy, but it was too late now.

The magic ball that collided with the group of black pecked eagles exploded directly.

The thunderous blizzard that was compressed to the extreme broke out at this moment.

At this moment, the sky and the earth turned pale.

In the central area where the magic ball exploded, the space was crazily twisted like plasticine under the impact of that force.

The terrifying air wave blasted from the explosion point like an eighteenth-level storm. This air wave was mixed with the energy of tyrannical thunder and lightning and the extremely cold atmosphere.

At the height of more than 500 blades, the explosive power of the magic ball was released to the greatest extent.

The ice, snow and lightning energy passed by was pure white.

Because of the ancient times that contained the extremely cold atmosphere, the space directly bloomed with frost crystals after the air waves swept through it, like a dazzling snow lotus blooming.

But there is a deadly terror in this supremely beautiful picture.

In that energy shock, the black pecking giant eagle was unavoidable, and the power of thunder was directly poured into the body. The terrifying energy was simply not something that these 8th and 9th level beings could bear.

Poof~ The body was directly blown into blood mist because the energy poured into it was too terrifying, but the moment it turned into the blood mist, the extremely cold ice and snow energy immediately froze the blood mist into a blooming death cloud. flower.

Under the gaze of the halflings in the city of Lucy, the tens of thousands of black pecked giant eagles they were proud of directly exploded.

The blood-colored fireworks were so gorgeous at the moment.

In the crystal frost that filled the sky, one bloody thing after another became the buds on the ice lotus.

After a few breaths, the terrifying energy dissipated.

At this time, when the halflings of the city of Lucy looked up at the sky, everyone took a deep breath.

In the central area of ​​the explosion of the magic orb, two thousand blades extend outward, and all life within this range has turned into ice, snow and ice crystals.

This scene is like a fairy tale.

After the ice and snow solidified for a while, it began to fall with a bang.


Ping ping pong ~

Those edge areas were not weakened by the lightning energy, and the black pecked giant eagles that did not explode were also frozen into solid ice, and then fell to the ground like meteorites from the sky.

Bang~ It shattered into ice balls all over the place, and there was no blood flowing out, because they were all frozen.

When all the ice balls fell down, the whole sky was already white.

The black pecking eagles are too dense, and the number of tens of thousands of them does not exceed the range of the explosion of the magic ball.

After the explosion, there were only two livid-faced extraordinary and the black pecked giant eagle sitting down. If it wasn't for their extraordinary strength to protect the giant eagle under them, I'm afraid that at this moment, there would really be none left.

The two halflings are not mages, and they have no way to deal with this level of magic explosion except to protect themselves.

Seeing this scene, the halflings in the city of Lucy couldn't close their mouths.

Tens of thousands of black pecking giant eagles, just gone? ? ?

That's several legions! !

Many people looked at each other subconsciously, and they all saw shock and unavoidable fear in each other's eyes.

Li De's super mixed magic is really like magic.

Whether it is to release three four-ring magics at the same time or fuse the three magics into a final compression explosion.

It's all full of incredible miracles, no, miracles! !

Could it be that that vampire is really the God of Twilight?

An elderly halfling murmured, and the halflings around him were horrified.

These arrogant words that could only be ridiculed by them before, are now shaking in their minds like morning bells and twilight drums.

At this moment, this most unbelievable statement had a hint of rising in their hearts.

No!! Absolutely impossible, the great god of halflings will give us the power to kill all heresies!!

Patriarch Kakarillo hasn't used his true power yet! !

A halfling fanatic roared, and the surrounding halflings couldn't help but feel ashamed when they heard this, and then one by one, full of righteous indignation, they roared and scolded Li De.

It seems that he wants to vent the unconcealed fear in his heart through verbal scolding.

The weak can only use words to hide their cowardice. At this moment, these halflings can't change anything.

At this moment, a new change took place on the battlefield.

After being annihilated by Li De with a single blow, Kakarillo, the halfling patriarch who had just been pierced through his abdomen, his face completely calmed down.

It seems that the battle just now did not irritate him, but made him fall into absolute calm.

What's even more surprising is that the breath of this 24th-level extraordinary assassin did not rise because of the annihilation of the Black Peck Eagle, but became weaker and weaker, and even in the end he could no longer perceive his existence.

Not far away, the 21st-level extraordinary archer Dekerry Hawkeye suddenly ignited light blue energy on his body at this moment. The momentum is the opposite of Kakarillo, like a sword that can cut through steel. , the sharp light in the eyes is like a falcon hunting.

The killing intent skyrocketed.

Gritting his teeth, he slammed out seven black feather arrows in his hand, and then drew the bow.


At the moment when the bowstring cracked, Kakarot's figure disappeared.

Li De was still feeling the afterglow of magic after the explosion of the magic ball, but after the bowstring of Derek Hawkeye cracked, he immediately sensed the threat of the attack.

Stepping out directly, the figure disappeared in place,

呲la~ A few black wings injected with powerful energy shattered the void where Li De was just when he disappeared.

Deckery Hawkeye felt creepy and threatening the moment Li De disappeared! ! must leave! !

He violently drove the giant black peck eagle under him to escape, but at the moment when the giant black peck eagle turned around, the blood in the body of this halfling's captive beast boiled violently, and then burst directly.

Blood splattered stumps.

Derek Hawkeye in leather armor was covered in blood.

But what's more deadly is that this extraordinary archer can't fly.

Falling straight from the sky.

The halflings in the city of Lucy suddenly exclaimed when they saw this scene.

But at this moment, Dekri Hawkeye, who suddenly fell, seemed to have stepped on some flat ground, and then stood stably in the void.

After Dekri Hawkeye escaped the threat, an old voice suddenly came from the city of Lucy.

Vampire, you've crossed the line.

The city of Lucy is not something you can shake!

Although the old voice was calm, it was strong and unquestionable.

The halflings in the city of Lucy were inexplicably moved when they heard this voice, and then many old people immediately went crazy.

The old patriarch is not dead yet!!

One sentence woke up many people.

Old patriarch? Could it be the previous generation patriarch who died more than ten years ago?

It is said that the old patriarch has touched the edge of the legend, and even stepped into the field of legend with half a foot. I didn't expect that he is still alive?!!

All the halflings immediately fell into a frenzy after hearing the voice, and they were swept away by Li De's magic that killed tens of thousands of black-pecking giant eagles.

The old patriarch will definitely kill this damn vampire! !

Li De's figure appeared after the old voice sounded, and after standing steadily, he looked at an area in the air that was not moving at all.

Although there was nothing there, and even he didn't perceive the other party's breath, the danger perception told him that the other party was in that void.

Sure enough, it seemed that Li De noticed where he was.

In the next moment, the space shattered, and an old halfling stepped out of it with the just-disappeared Kakarillo.

The momentum exuded by the old halfling made Li De feel an indescribably strong danger at this moment, far exceeding the level 24 extraordinary assassin beside him.

The old halfling was terrifyingly terrifying.


Li De watched the old halfling speak slowly, his voice carrying a solemnity that outsiders could not imagine at this moment.

This old halfling has definitely stepped into another level, because the aura on his body is not comparable to the extraordinary.

Even the extraordinary peak is far from enough.

At this moment, I feel a little inexplicable in my heart. No wonder Heilong will cooperate with Naga. He must break through the legend before thinking about conquering the underground world.

It turns out that the halflings actually have a legendary seat.

I was extremely vigilant in my heart, legend, this title can bring indescribable pressure.

The turbid eyes of the old halfling in the gray cloth robe opened slightly at the moment, looking directly at Li De with a bit of surprise in his tone.

Vampire from the surface, I sense an extremely dangerous feeling in you... You are qualified to challenge me.

Although he has aged to a limit, the legend is always a legend, and he is already a life in another dimension compared to the extraordinary.

Li De's eyes were extremely solemn at the moment, but his heart also raised a bit of excitement that outsiders could not imagine.

Hard to shake the legend... After this idea arises, it grows like wild grass.

fear? No, that emotion never existed in him.

What about the extraordinary, is the bloodline of the golden ancestor just a decoration? !

The imposing manner on his body was released recklessly, and the long-sealed bloodline shackles were directly unsealed at this moment.

At the same time, the power of faith also operates with the power of scarlet.

At this moment, Li De is like a demon born in ancient times, especially the power of belief that sets off his imposing manner as a god.

What a terrifying power... You actually have the power of a god...

After the old halfling noticed that Li De's breath was soaring, he did not rush to take action. Instead, his eyes showed a bit of shock that could not be imagined by outsiders.

Because he felt the power that only the gods can control.

This is just an extraordinary existence, why can it control such a level of power? ! !

who are you?!

At this moment, the legendary-level old halfling's tone was filled with a hint of fear.

Hearing this, Li De, who was going to do it directly, frowned.

What does listening to this mean... This guy, doesn't seem to be planning to fight him head-on?

Moreover, the other party is wary of the power of his belief.

With a slight movement in his heart, he inexplicably remembered the information Zhao Yue had told him at this time. With the thought of trying a little bit, the power of faith turned wildly, and then said solemnly.

When ice and snow cover the earth and the blood moon comes, the shadows of the old days will surely cover the earth.

At that time, the gods will be reduced to ordinary, the light will no longer be bright, the holy light will be dusted, and the evil of the old days will once again rule the world...

I am the God of Twilight - Ilo Kachar.

The old halfling's eyes widened when he heard this, his face was filled with disbelief and a bit of respect, and the next sentence made Li De's heart skip a beat.

You, you came to the main plane ahead of time, it's incredible, no wonder your strength is so weak, this must be the price you need to pay for coming early...

Li De sensed something was wrong, and said lightly in the most majestic manner: Who are you? The legend of the halfling... I sense a familiar aura in you.

Familiar breath... Familiar with a ghost, he doesn't know who this old halfling is.

But the old halfling was very fond of this trick, and said respectfully: Your honor, Twilight, I am the god of halflings, the envoy of Kapoloz, the god of halflings, and my god will come after the old days. come here...

What the hell? ?

Li De was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that his casually fooling words would contain such a shocking secret.

The god of halflings is coming to the underworld? !

Is it a big game now? ?

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