I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 404 Borrowing your blood to sacrifice my daybreak 300 warriors

No one can describe how terrifying it is to fight a four-armed naga in a dark environment.

As a high-ranking race, the Naga have fighting power that ordinary people can't imagine. When the four arms are slashing the long sword, even the thick shield can only be like a bubble.

Anthony has also encountered unprecedented obstacles at the moment.

The fearless holy sword has a faint brilliance, and the sharp and unparalleled blade has become a terrifying killing blade.

However, it is still not enough.

Even if he has the inheritance of fearless heart, his combat power is almost invincible under the mad siege, but the soldiers around him are not like this.

Although these warriors are all elites cultivated by the City of Dawn, they wear full armor and carry sharp weapons.

But when facing the four-armed Naga, they were still wildly harvested like wheat.

The gap between the two sides is too great.

Naga, who have lived in a cruel environment since birth, are far stronger than the warriors of the dawn in terms of combat power and combat experience.


A young warrior who roared up directly rushed towards the four-armed Naga attacking from the opposite side, and the long knife in his hand violently slashed.


The sound of metal collision exploded, and Naga's two long knives crossed, firmly blocking the deadly attack.

The long and narrow green eyes were full of murderous intent. At the moment of the collision, the remaining two arms were not idle, and one of them held a long knife and slashed directly into the abdomen of the young warrior.

呲la~ Mars is radiating in all directions.

The high-level armor blocked this fatal blow, and the young warrior showed a bit of joy on his face and drew his knife back, but just as he was preparing for the second attack.

Poof~ The fourth arm held a long knife and cut it directly from the gap of the armor in its neck.

Blood splattered.

The four-armed Naga, when it comes to melee combat, this superior race has too great an advantage.

Two fists are hard to beat with four hands, not to mention that Naga of the same level has crushing level of combat power against human warriors.

This is the nature of the upper race. The bloodline of Naga is far stronger than that of humans. Only a higher level or stronger bloodline can erase this gap.

But the truth is always cruel. The City of Dawn can equip every warrior with high-level equipment and weapons, but it is impossible for every warrior to have the blood of a superior race.

Talent is the most unreasonable thing.

Come closer to me!!

Anthony roared after beheading a Naga. At this time, his armor was dyed red with blood, and the blood on it fell like water droplets. The black armor was full of the most coquettish and bloody traces.

As the only spearhead of this team, this warrior with the fearless holy sword bears the greatest pressure, and even faces the attack of several Naga at the same time every time.

Every step forward is stepping on Naga's body.

But fortunately, although Naga is powerful, Anthony is not inferior to anyone.

Every time the Fearless Holy Sword in his hand is swung, blood will be seen.

Extraordinary fighting awareness, powerful fighting skills, coupled with unimaginable danger perception.

The heir to this legendary profession, the most fearless warrior.

Blood, stumps, and death became the main theme at this moment.

The fight continues.

The army that broke the dawn in a short period of time had no time to support, and they could only rely on themselves.

But there were too many, and the surrounding Naga not only decreased as they broke through, but grew larger.

Anthony no longer has the energy to take care of the soldiers around him. When the Naga who was several times his own appeared, everything went into an uncontrollable situation.

There are fewer and fewer warriors around him, less and less...

Anthony's breathing also began to get heavier.

Every time wielding the long sword recklessly requires a huge amount of physical strength.

In the end, Anthony didn't know how long time had passed, and the number of Naga he killed could no longer be counted.

Kill out.

This is the only thought.

But over time,

The originally strong body began to show indescribable weakness, and the abundant strength in the body was slowly fading.

He can't stand it anymore.

However, even so, Anthony's eyes remained unshakable.

Only the courage to die is qualified to hold the Fearless Holy Sword.

No one could stop the Dawnbreaker's charge.

But the strength gap between the two sides is too great.

Naga's well-designed trap, how could these three or two hundred people be able to break through?

One after another human warriors were killed by the four-armed Naga with sharp blades, and the sound of battle in the air became less and less.

Until the end, only Anthony was left in the entire battlefield of bushes and grass.

Three hundred warriors, none of them survived...

When Anthony felt the breath of the dawn warrior no longer around, his eyes were full of sadness and unspeakable anger.

kill! !

The long sword in his hand recovered even more violently.

The powerful Naga around was harvested like wheat by the sudden outbreak of Anthony.

The sharp long sword made it impossible for all the Naga to collide with it for the second time, the sword shattered and the body burst.

At this moment, Anthony turned into a scythe of the god of death, reaping Naga's life recklessly.

After beheading 57 Naga in a row, he suddenly stepped on a corpse and stumbled.

At this moment, Anthony felt an incomparably terrifying crisis coming from behind him, and just wanted to dodge, but the two four-armed Nagas in front of him slammed forward, ignoring the edge of the Fearless Sword, using the most tragic method. entangled him.

Long sword swinging.

呲la~ At the same time as the two heads rose, 咻~ In the shadows, a Naga let go of the bowstring in his hand, and the arrow swept across the sky with a deadly breath.


Blood splattered.

Horrible pain engulfs Anthony,


At the moment when this thought arose, the fearless warrior turned his head and looked around. At this moment, the four-armed Naga were all around him.

Water leaks.

The warriors who had followed him all along had disappeared without a trace.

completely annihilated.

The warriors he brought out have been sleeping on this land forever.

War has always been brutal and merciless.

In order to fight for the living space, the tragic situation has been magnified ten times and a hundred times.

The anger and sadness in Anthony's heart were eating his heart at the moment.


But he was too tired. At this moment, Anthony only felt the sound of heavy breathing echoing in his ears again and again.

The screaming and fighting around him had disappeared, and he could only feel his heart beating beating in addition to breathing...

Is it over?

Looking at the surrounding Naga, Anthony's arm holding the Fearless Holy Sword was trembling unconsciously. At this moment, he could even clearly see the face of the Naga on the opposite side, full of grimness and desire to kill.

Under the siege of hundreds or even thousands of Nagas, no one here can escape, neither can the warriors under him, nor can he who holds the fearless holy sword...

At this moment, the old man who had been living with him, Uncle Jike, suddenly appeared in Anthony's mind, and he remembered the words of the other party that changed his life.

Anthony, being a soldier is a very painful thing, are you really ready?

You will watch your comrades die in battle, watch your brothers die for you to block the enemy's sword,

You will even kill some unarmed and innocent people under military orders, you will brush past death every day, and you will be the executioner and butcher that everyone hates! !

You will live in a cloud of war and death from which you will never escape.

Are you ready?



An extremely sharp arrow pierced from his chest, Anthony's body leaned forward sharply, and the blood in his mouth spit out uncontrollably.

At this moment even he can no longer feel the pain, exhaustion and weakness numb his nerves.

Anthony's lips were trembling uncontrollably, his body was like a weed in a gust of wind, as if it might collapse at any time, and his eyes even had a double image when he looked forward at this moment.

Uncle Jike...I, don't regret...

Like an oath, Anthony whispered in his heart when he was about to collapse, then looked at Naga in front of him, and slowly raised the fearless holy sword in his hand and placed it on his chest.

To break the dawn...

A weak but incomparably firm voice sounded on this bloody battlefield, and the fearless momentum even made the four-armed Naga around him pause for a moment.

Soldier's lament.

Returned dead.

Anthony let out a final low growl and charged straight towards the four-armed Naga in front of him.

The warrior of dawn, even if it is death, will fall on the way of charging.

Behind him is the glory of dawn, and everyone's expectations for him.

Fearless, fearless.


The surrounding time seems to have slowed down a thousand times at this moment. The figure holding the cross sword burned his life at this moment, and burst into the four-armed Naga with the last strength.

Blood splattered.

When there is no fear in the heart, no matter how many enemies on the opposite side, no matter how strong, then the opponent's long sword is sharp and the sword is terrifying.

Also regarded as a mustard.





On a hill far away from the battlefield, several four-armed Nagas with particularly terrifying aura saw this scene, and their expressions were a little subtle.

On the head of the Naga, a crown made of sarcoma grew, and his narrow eyes showed some appreciation for the scene where Anthony did not retreat half a step until his death.

I didn't expect that these humble surface beings would have such courage!

This human warrior has earned my respect, so I plan to... when he dies, I will personally send his body to the Mouth of the Abyss to be swallowed, just like this lowly night elf.

After speaking, he turned his head to look at the Naga beside him, and among these Naga, a night elf with his hands bound and covered with scars was particularly eye-catching.

This night elf captured by the Naga has a pair of long pointed ears, black eyes, and a dark gray-white skin, which is a completely different elf color. In the underground world, this kind of skin can make a good Its hidden stature fits the environment very well.

Its beauty is also almost perfect like a elf, only the scars on her body destroy a bit of its charm.

Patriarch, His Majesty Austin needs us to capture the territory of the night elves and enslave these lowly beings,

This night elf is the daughter of their mistress, and we can use this night elf for the greater good...

The mistress of the night elves?

The head of the flesh-crowned Naga subconsciously reached out and touched an inconspicuous scar on his face, and his eyes flashed with Sen Leng's murderous intent.

Damn bastards, one day, our black scale Naga clan will enslave that lowly race and rob them of everything!!

Hmph, humble Naga, the night elves are a race blessed by the great spider queen, even if you take refuge in that damned black dragon, it's useless.

The black dragon in the silt swamp is like a worm in the silt before the great Rose Crown, which can be pinched to death.

The night elf with scars on his body showed a bit of ridicule on his face, and his tone did not become low because of the predicament he was in.

The pride of the night elves is not inferior to that of the elves on the surface, but their love is killing and conspiracy...

Hearing this, the flesh-crowned Naga's face became extremely gloomy, and her long and narrow eyes looked like a demon preparing to hunt.

How can the power of His Majesty Austin be imagined by your humble beings?

Rose... Although the spider queen is powerful, will she answer your call? Can she come?

In the underground world, Austin is the only and invincible existence!

Although the well-known and powerful evil god, the master of night elves, and the god of conspiracy, Rose Queen of Spiders, makes Naga the Meat Crown extremely fearful.

But the fact is this, the underground world is not a bottomless abyss, and it is impossible for the spider to come to the real body after being strong. Here, the powerful black dragon is the invincible existence.

And there are so many followers of Spider Queen Rose, the ordinary night elf tribe is not qualified to win the attention of the powerful god and evil god.

Hmph, ignorant idiots, how do you know how powerful the spider queen is?

The mockery on the night elf's face grew stronger.

Meat Crown Naga did not speak again at this moment, but the murderous aura on her body was countless times stronger.

If it weren't for this night elf, he would shave off each other's flesh little by little and devour her soul!

Bring her back alive, I have arranged everything, as long as the surface life probes here, they will finally find the night elves' territory...

A bit of gloom and cruelty flashed in his eyes, After the surface life and the night elves fight, we will completely wipe out these two forces.

When the tree of life of the night elves is obtained, it will be the beginning of Naga's rule of the underworld...

As for His Majesty Austin, it will be our spearhead, breaking through halfling cities and slaying their transcendence...

Everything will belong to the Naga, the great Naga! !

The bound night elf suddenly changed her face when she heard this. She didn't expect that the ultimate goal of these Naga was to bring disaster to the east. She wanted the powerful force that suddenly appeared a month ago to collide with the night elves, and these Naga hid. profiting from behind,

No, you won't succeed!!

It won't work??

Believe me, no one can resist the temptation of the tree of life!

Those surface humans are no exception. Even if they know what we did, they will give everything to deal with you...

It's really, really interesting...

The flesh-crowned Naga's tone was particularly cold, making people shudder.





Anthony was about to be swallowed up by the Naga, no matter how sharp the Fearless Holy Sword was, no matter how brave he was, when he was exhausted, and this Fearless Warrior had an arrow piercing his chest.

He couldn't hold on.

The light in Anthony's eyes slowly dimmed.

The secret method that was activated only by consuming life could no longer support him at this moment.

Taking a deep breath, Anthony turned his head to look around and saw at least hundreds of Naga corpses lying around.

Peace of mind was restored.

At this point in the battle, he has no desire.

The only regret is that he may never see Uncle Jack again,

And, the girl who was still waiting for his triumphant return.

I'm sorry, Miss Grey.

Anthony's pale face was covered with blood, and there was regret and reluctance in his eyes that were out of focus.

I broke my word...

The next season of recovery,

I can't accompany you to see the hillside full of luantail flowers...

I really hope to see it with you again...

In the distance, Naga with the Flesh Crown saw the figure that was crumbling, but never fell, and her expression turned cold.

Without the slightest mercy and pause, the cold Naga language resounded through the sky.

Kill that human and bring his body!

After the order was issued, the surrounding Naga who had been killed by Anthony to the point of palpitation seemed to be crazy, and began to rush in unscrupulously, all rushing towards the dying figure like a candle in the wind.

Anthony's eyes were blurred at this time, and he could only faintly hear the terrifying and strange roars around him.


When hundreds of Naga surged up, it was like a gust of wind and waves, directly drowning the boat-like Anthony.

No suspense ending.

Seeing this scene, Naga with the Flesh Crown narrowed his eyes. Although this human being's bravery was appreciated by him, he would not hesitate for a second.

Moreover, an ant is nothing, no matter how powerful it is, it is just a weak life that he waved and crushed.

He raised his head slightly, his long and narrow eyes slowed down slightly, he stretched out his hand and waved, asking his subordinates to pick up the night elf and prepare to leave.

Several Naga guards exuding a terrifying atmosphere followed directly with the tied night elves.

But at this moment, a terrifying wave suddenly came from behind him.

Flesh Crown Naga trembled, he only felt like he was being stared at by an ancient dragon after opening his eyes.

Hair stands up.

Turning his head slowly, he saw a mythical scene that he will never forget.

A phantom of a cross sword with a height of 300 blades is standing above the sky.

The luan tail flower blooms on the lifelike sword shadow, like a vigorous plant in the season of recovery.

And the breath of the long sword phantom is like a plane collapsing and collapsing, even if the extraordinary comes, the complexion will change greatly.

This is?!!!

A bit of uncontrollable shock flashed in Naga's eyes.

Could it be the human who was regarded as an ant by him just now? ?


Pugh~ In the central area submerged by the Naga, a dazzling brilliance suddenly bloomed, and the sword energy ripped apart the world.

All things perish.

The Naga, who had just swarmed up, seemed to melt like ice and snow, and became a stump fragment in front of that indescribable terrifying sword energy.

Within twenty blades, no grass will grow.

Under the gaze of all Naga, a figure with broken armor, scars all over his body, and even an arrow pierced through his chest appeared in front of everyone.

But the difference from the dying before is that at this time, an indescribable terrifying force is pervading the opponent's body.

The sword qi swept across like a sharp dagger, and even a sturdy thick shield would be instantly smashed into slag under the power of the sword qi.

What is even more eye-catching is that the cross sword in the opponent's hand is shining slightly, and its appearance is exactly the same as the phantom of the cross sword with a height of 300 blades in the sky.

That human is still closing his eyes at this moment.

The flesh-crowned Naga in the distance showed a bit of greed that could not be concealed on his face when he saw this scene.

That long sword is definitely an amazing weapon, at least a legendary piece of equipment, and it might even be an artifact.

Thinking of this, my heart thumped.

Kill him and snatch the long sword in his hand!!

It's just a low-level human, the opponent just temporarily triggered the weapon in his hand, and it is absolutely impossible to control the weapon of this level! !

Therefore, this long sword can only be his!

The Naga language resounded throughout the world, and the Naga, who had just been stunned, shot up again at this moment, making a low roar, and then everyone rushed up.

But just as the group of Nagas approached Anthony's 20 blades, those closed eyes suddenly opened at this moment.

The light soared into the sky.

The phantom of the Fearless Holy Sword appeared in the pupil, and wherever the gaze passed, it seemed that the space was shattering.


The phantom of the three-hundred-bladed holy sword in space stabbed straight down towards Anthony.


The sky collapsed, and the boundless sword energy distorted the space at this moment.

However, the phantom of the holy sword did not cause any damage to Anthony. Instead, it melted into a terrifying force the moment it touched him, like ice and snow, and entered his body.

Anthony's breath also gradually increased.

But this,

Just getting started.

When the last light of the phantom of the holy sword merged into the body, Anthony's eyes began to narrow slightly.

His eyes are sharp as a knife.

Looking at the four-armed Naga who was still ignoring the rushing towards him, he lifted the Fearless Holy Sword with his right hand.

At this moment, the energy in Anthony's body spewed out like a volcanic eruption.

But in the blink of an eye, a three-hundred-bladed phantom condensed, and the tip of the huge holy sword was facing outwards, and where Anthony stood was the hilt of the long sword.

At this moment, the sword qi made the world feel sad, and the stars in the heavens seemed to be crawling under its feet.

Seeing this shocking scene, the faces of the surrounding Naga changed dramatically.

But before everyone could react, Anthony swung the Fearless Holy Sword with his right hand.


The 300-blade long, 30-blade wide, and 20-blade high, holy sword phantom composed entirely of sword energy that ripped apart the space swept across the four directions close to the ground at this moment.

The scene is like the God of War in myth and legend.

Even the troubadours who have been baptized by mythology will be stunned when they see this scene.

Like a god.

Anthony's long sword swung like a wooden stick and swept the ants on the ground. The three-bladed Naga was as weak as an egg under the shadow of the holy sword.



Blood, stumps, grass clippings, gravel.

Where the long sword swept, everything collapsed. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The earth collapsed, vegetation was razed to the ground, and gravel became dust.

The moment Naga, who was in a dense position, hit the shadow of the holy sword, she was directly torn apart by the terrifying sword energy and exploded into blood mist.

The holy sword phantom does not rely on its sharpness to kill the enemy, but the terrifying sword energy that cannot be described and described.

The phantom of the sword energy in Anthony's hand is like a galaxy, and this invincible thing that traverses the heavens has already been held in his hand.

With the holy sword of the heavens in the palm of his hand, he slashed the stars.

Everything around him became ashes. When Anthony turned around for the first time, with him at the center, all within 300 blades were razed to the ground.

The boulders, the bushes, the land... shattered and crumbled.

And the thousands of Naga became a blood fog at this time.

When Anthony stopped, the scene fell into a dead silence, their breathing the only sound at this time.

The remaining Naga stared at this scene with wide eyes. His face was filled with unspeakable shock and disbelief.

how can that be? ? ! ! !

Thousands of powerful Naga were killed by a single sword? ! !

Is that human being possessed by a god? ?

At the center of countless eyes at this moment, Anthony suddenly seemed to sense something, turned his head suddenly, and saw the flesh-crowned Naga hundreds of blades away.

Four eyes facing each other.

Those eyes that lingered with sword energy were as cold as frost at the moment.

Flesh Crown Naga only felt a breath that pierced the soul invading his mind, and his scalp was numb.

Then the other party's words made him only feel a cool air coming straight from his back to his mind.

I am a descendant of fearless heart. Today, I will use your blood to sacrifice my three hundred warriors at dawn.


The phantom with a length of 300 blades stabbed straight out of thin air.

The sky and the earth were eclipsed, and the mountains almost collapsed.

Wherever the sword shadow passes, there is nothingness.

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