I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 403 Anthony's Fearless Journey (1)

ps: I'm stuck today, and I'm groggy. I can't write it for a long time. I'll just watch it~ woo woo woo, cry.






Captain Anthony, there are more traces left by the Naga ahead. Do we need to ask for help? Or should we just follow?

A young human warrior solemnly reported to Anthony, the senior commander. Looking at the heroic figure wearing dwarf armor in front of him, the young warrior's eyes could not be concealed with a bit of admiration.

In just two years, the young commander in front of him rose like a comet and became a dazzling star of the King's Blade step by step.

Even if many adults of the Holy Light blood clan can only look up behind him in the King's Blade, the other party has become the object of worship for him and countless recruits.

Fearless - Anthony, this is a recognized title in the King's Blade, and the bravery of the other party has been recognized by countless people.

Anthony looked at the young warrior's adoring eyes with a calm expression. He had seen such eyes countless times, and he would still be excited when he started.

But now, his heart that has been tempered by the fire has no waves.

The immature young man who envied others to become warriors in the City of Dawn has now become a senior commander leading 300 people.

Turning his head slightly to look in the direction the young warrior pointed, the dim light did not trouble him.

Whether it is the snow in the mountains or the fog in the lake, it can no longer hinder him.

Let the messenger team spread the information, and at the same time leave traces behind us to facilitate the arrival of the large troops.

Anthony narrowed his eyes slightly, We have been looking for traces of Naga for a month, and these powerful evil beings have been on our task list since His Majesty occupied Dusk City.

But for such a long time, no one was able to capture even a Naga alive, which is enough to explain a lot of problems.

Naga's perception is extremely sensitive, and the combat power is also extraordinary.

Inform everyone to be careful!

Naga is too cunning, not only did not leave traces in the city of dusk, but the people who traded with it did not know where the other tribe was.

Therefore, the order to find the Naga has been issued for a month, but no progress has been made.

The military order that Li De personally issued, the entire Blade of Kings got nothing, which undoubtedly made all the soldiers feel shameless.

In the past few times, Anthony led the team to find the clues of Naga, but the other party was too vigilant and found them to track, and finally found nothing.

At this time, getting the news of Naga again, Anthony undoubtedly held his breath in his heart.

No matter what this time, we must capture the living Naga and ask them where their tribe is!

Military orders are like mountains.

Following Anthony's order, the three-hundred-man army immediately began to act.

A few bats quietly spread their wings and left to report to the rear, and the last troop that marched began to leave a mark that was hidden but very easy to be found by those who were interested.

This is a low shrub forest, and the space rock wall above the sky exudes a weak light, which is completely incomparable to the surface.

But what is surprising is that after Anthony gave the order, when the hidden army got up, each and every one of them wore a pair of strange magic spar glasses because the back of the head was fastened with a strap, which looked rather strange.

Everyone be careful, don't touch hard objects with the sunglass!

Several squad leaders whispered to some carefree soldiers.

This is the latest secret weapon developed by the City of Dawn, which allows them to obtain almost the same sight as daytime in a dim environment. If the sun mirror is damaged, it may not reduce the combat effectiveness, but it is useless for search and tracking.

The 300 people were divided into three hundred-man brigades and moved forward in a zigzag shape. Each brigade was separated by a hundred blades. This would ensure the search range and at the same time support each other in times of danger.

Anthony walked in front of the team with sharp eyes like a falcon constantly watching everything around him.

The underground world is full of dangers, poisonous snakes, spiders, even poisonous vines, man-eating trees, potholes everywhere, silt pools with deadly germs...

The threat here is ten times greater than on the surface.

After walking for about ten minutes, the two spies in front quietly returned.

Master Anthony, there is a tribe of gray dwarves half a sunday ahead, do we need to go?

Grey Dwarf?

Anthony frowned, as the dwarf's close relative, the gray dwarf's appearance is not much different from the dwarf.

The difference in appearance is that the gray dwarves have a pair of gray eyes, but they are completely opposite to the peaceful and friendly nature of the dwarves. What these evil beings like most is to enslave those weak beings to search for ores for them, and they like to use various dark and evil forging methods to make equipment. .

Pushing slaves into steel furnaces, quenching them with baby's blood, refining weapons with human beings... wait, these evil ways are all too common.

No need to worry too much, our target is only Naga, these gray dwarves are left to the dusk warriors, the missionary of the crown is very happy to conquer this gray dwarf tribe.

Anthony didn't want to make troubles. Compared with capturing a tribe of gray dwarves, Naga was obviously more attractive, because it was an order from Li De himself.

Yes, my lord.

Shasha~ Shasha~

Walking in the bushes inevitably rubs against the bushes, and the subtle sound is particularly permeating in the entire dim environment.

The entire team marched without any other sound except rubbing, showing surprising qualities.

Half a day later, two non-human figures suddenly appeared behind a bush in front of him. Anthony's face froze, and the long sword in his hand was quietly unsheathed.

Master Anthony, there is a discovery ahead!

Anthony's expression softened after hearing the voice, and the faces of two figures appeared in front of him.

These are two kobolds with a slightly skinny build, wearing light wallets.

Kobolds are equipped in various legions because of their good noses, which are very useful for chasing or finding enemies.

What did you find?

Blood, we smelled the smell of blood on the grass, and Naga's breath is very strong.

This group of naga may be out hunting or fighting with people, and some of them are injured...

The kobold's tone was a little excited. If they really caught Naga, it would definitely be a great achievement.

Moreover, so many troops in Dawn City did not capture Naga, but they were caught in the end, which is a great honor.

Naga is injured?

Anthony's face was overjoyed, and he was about to order the entire army to press down, but suddenly he seemed to remember something, and his body froze.

His brows furrowed sharply, this time... is it really that simple? ?

He hunted these evil beings for a month in this area where the Naga often traveled, and he had never encountered such a clear trace of the other party.

Those evil beings not only have extraordinary fighting power, but their wisdom far exceeds that of ordinary beings. The opponent will never leave such a fatal flaw.

He waved his hand sharply.

Everyone stops moving.

ah? The kobold who came to report was taken aback, shouldn't it be speeding up at this time? Their goal is ahead, why stop?

The young warrior who had been following Anthony said thoughtfully, Master Anthony, do you suspect that there is a problem here?

Anthony nodded, Do you think that with Naga's cunning, they will reveal such obvious flaws? Especially when we know that we are hunting them.

In the past month, the army of the City of Dawn has been spreading wildly around the City of Twilight, and a large number of tribes of the dark race have been conquered or destroyed.

The Naga, ordered by Li De personally, is the key hunting target of all the troops. They are particularly active in the encirclement and suppression of Naga, which leads to the high vigilance of Naga. .

But now it's all going so well, which makes Anthony feel something is wrong.

Amon, can you tell me in detail how you found these Naga traces?

Hearing the question, the young warrior named Amon said, Yes, my lord.

Five sundial hours ago, I heard a few gnomes who were caught saying that they saw traces left by Naga walking in this bush. Then I brought someone to check and confirmed that it was the traces of Naga. Immediately report to you...

You heard the traces of the Naga from the captured gnomes? Not from the intelligence services?

Anthony frowned, and his anxiety increased instantly, Why didn't you tell me at first?

My lord, I didn't have time to report to you in detail when you were busy with the army, and our intelligence personnel also provided us with this information.

Amon quickly explained.

Anthony's face softened after hearing this, but he still felt that there was something wrong in his heart. Although the dwarf is smart, these beings are too weak, and their individual strength is comparable to that of the caveman.

If Naga wanted to deceive them, it would not be too easy.

There was definitely something wrong here, and Anthony gave the order right away.

Immediately exit this bush, and let the ruling army support the magic bat, and use the air force to search.

A few people were stunned when they heard this order, but they responded immediately after seeing Anthony's solemn expression. As the commander of this army, Anthony's prestige was extremely high, and there was no such thing as disobedience.

But just as Amon and several heralds were preparing to give orders, a scream came from afar.


Anthony's hair stood on end at this moment, and he suddenly looked in the direction of the screaming voice.

The army on the right is under attack, signal everyone to fight!

Amon's face turned pale, and he immediately put a strange military whistle in his mouth. After a while, a sharp voice came out several kilometers away.

After hearing the sound of the military whistle, the soldiers immediately began to be on alert, their swords were unsheathed, and their bows and crossbows were full.

But the scene fell into a situation that no one could have predicted in the blink of an eye. After the screams sounded, it was only two or three breaths, and the screams from both wings kept coming.

In the face of the sudden attack, Anthony did not panic, and immediately and decisively ordered.

Let the troops on the two wings move closer to the center, and the army will form a formation with me as the center!

In this environment, rushing to any direction may suffer a tragic blow, and gathering strength and then breaking through is the best way to deal with it.

After the second order was issued, personnel from both wings quickly approached,

What happened?

Master Anthony, Naga, a lot of Naga, they disguised with magic, we are surrounded by these Naga!!

Being surrounded?? Anthony's face was a little solemn, Can you know the general strength of the other party?

I don't know, they are so well hidden that we can't see them at all.

Amon, has the distress signal been sent?

Sent out.

Okay, immediately form a formation, the archers are in the middle, I will play the striker, the caster is ready to cast the spell, and we rush out from the right flank.

Anthony gave the order again, and it was undoubtedly a risky thing to go back the same way at this time, because he could not determine how many troops were ambushed by the other side.

Instead, it is better to kill from the flank, and if you kill it, you can win life.

Forbidden, the army quickly formed a formation and rushed towards the flank.

On the way, Anthony made a slight count. At this time, the number of people gathered was only in the early 200s, which means that one-third of the soldiers had been killed in just over a minute.

This made Anthony's heart sink.

The number of these Naga exceeded his estimates. If the response was not done properly this time, these warriors, including him, might not be able to return alive.

But as the main general, Anthony still maintained an extraordinary calm.

The killing intent in his eyes began to condense, and the fighting intent in his heart was high.

No matter how many people this group of Nagas ambushed, since he dares to come, he will dare to kill!

The cross sword engraved with the blooming luan tail flower in his hand felt Anthony's fighting will, and the pattern on it flowed slowly like a stream of water, full of indescribable mystery.

The fearless holy sword, only the fearless warrior can exert its greatest power.

Soon, after Anthony ordered a breakout, the first wave of collisions began.

The air in the direction of the right wing was filled with a disgusting stench of blood, and it hit the nose before it even came.

Fear wants to devour every warrior's heart like a viper.

But Anthony, who was at the head, rushed forward without fear of everything.


After crossing a low bush, like a ghost, dozens of four-armed Naga with long knives appeared in vain. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

The long snake body, gloomy eyes, and dark red barbs on its back all illustrate the horror of this race.

Neither side had any extra words.


One word, bloody light.

Anthony held the sword in both hands to his chest, and charged straight to the charging Naga.

The four-armed Naga is extremely terrifying and terrifying, and the four long knives in their hands are waving together, let alone one person, even five people will break into a cold sweat when they face it at the same time.

But Anthony was not afraid, his sharp eyes like a falcon slaying a lamb.

The body is like a spring that has been compressed to the extreme, and the muscles burst out with terrifying power. Two steps forward, Anthony can already see the hideous face of the four-armed Naga on the opposite side.

The power of both arms was transmitted to the fearless holy sword, and a cold light flashed.

Anthony's long sword slashed straight down, and the four-armed Naga swung the sword to resist,

However, the weapons of the two are not of the same grade at all.

The four-handled long knives were directly slashed and broken like tofu, 呲la~ The four-armed Naga showed a bit of panic on his face, but he had no time to react.

A sword cut off the Nine Heavens.

The corpse was split in two.

Blood splattered several blades high.

A streak of blood appeared on Anthony's face.

For the breaking of dawn!!

After beheading a four-armed Naga, Anthony let out a roar.


The improvement of morale by blood is extremely obvious. After Anthony's roar, the warriors who followed also roared towards the four-armed Naga.

An unknown bloody collision unfolded in this unknown bush.

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