I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 402 Immortal God, Super Saiyan Caveman

Following a few people to the place where Naga escaped just now, Li De saw the corpse of a superior race comparable to the night elves.

The long snake body is thick and powerful, as thick as a bucket, and the upper body muscles are like steel forged, full of strength.

There are dense scars on the four arms. Although they are placed on the ground weakly at this time, no one will doubt how powerful these beings will be when holding weapons when they are alive.

The dark red barbs on the back are particularly eye-catching, like the fins of a swordfish and like a dagger that can tear through steel, full of distinct racial characteristics.

Your Majesty, Lord Garp, we haven't traced the traces of those Naga, they seem to use magic scrolls to hide their figures...

At this time, a blood clan stepped forward to report, and his face was also a little uncomfortable. Obviously, Naga's escape made the always proud Dawn Army have some dull faces.

Are these Naga still alive?

All killed.

Li De nodded slightly, looking at Naga's corpse with some appreciation in his eyes.

In the case of bare hands and no weapons, it is definitely not easy to face the fully armed orc warriors without showing weakness.

And the body structure of this race is completely a natural killing machine.

Four-armed Naga, the advantage of having two more arms is not as simple as one plus one. Seven or eight ordinary warriors of the same level may not be the opponents of one opponent.

This made him think differently.

The Twilight Sect is about to be established. If a powerful underground race can be conquered and become a missionary of the Twilight Sect...

Although the army of Dawn City is strong, the biggest problem is that it is not suitable to be stationed in the underground world for a long time.

This is true both in terms of living habits and experience in dealing with dark creatures.

It stands to reason that the blood clan is the most suitable, but the blood clan Li De is still very useful. Missionary is destined to be a long time, not a one-shot deal, and needs to be stationed for a long time.

The old days are coming, no one knows what will happen then, he can't throw such an important fighting force of the blood clan to the ground.

Go and collect all the information about the Naga, I want to know everything about this race.

Yes, Your Majesty!

Since the other party can come to Black Iron Castle to trade, there must be someone who has seen these Naga, and if someone has seen it, it is possible to know where the other party's tribe is.

Knowing the specific location of the Naga tribe, then everything is easy to handle.

With an army of 100,000 in hand, he did not believe that Naga could have the strength to counter him.

He is interested in conquering this powerful superior race.

However, it still takes time to do this, and now the most important thing is to establish the Twilight Sect.

Thinking of this, Li De turned his gaze to Garp, the orc king beside him.

Kapp, go ahead and change the name of the Church of Dawn, which has been built, to the Church of Dusk,

At the same time, all the road signs or other traces of the Black Iron Fort in the city were erased and replaced with the City of Dusk.

After thinking about it, I added an additional sentence,

Don't act rashly in the halfling's church, seal it up first, and just prohibit outsiders from entering.

Come back and report to me immediately after all this is done.

Karp's face was solemn, Yes, Your Majesty.

After waiting for the 18th-level orc king to lead his troops down, Li De took a few more glances at the captives who were being strictly guarded.

The central square of Black Iron Castle covers a huge area, and at this time, more than 20,000 prisoners were detained and still seemed very relaxed.

Cavemen, halflings, gray dwarves, harpies, snakes, goblins, gnomes... all kinds of strange races.

The diversity of life is not necessarily worse than the surface.

But unlike life on the surface, most of the races here have a disgusting smell of blood.

The eyes are also full of cruelty and murderousness.

Chaotic Evil, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil... There are all kinds of alignments, but without exception, the suffixes are evil.

Li De could clearly sense the cruelty in the eyes of these dark races, but he didn't care.

When it comes to darkness and ferocity, there are not many dark races that seem to be comparable to the blood race, but he has changed the previous style of the blood race.

After thinking for a while, he did not act immediately, but stopped, waiting for Garp's reply.

All actions have to wait until the establishment of the Twilight Sect before they can be launched.

Two days later, Garp's figure reappeared.

Your Majesty, the Church of the Breaking Dawn has been changed to the Church of Dusk, the original murals and holy statues have been replaced, and the traces of the Dark Iron Castle on all landmarks in the Dark Iron Fort have been replaced with the City of Dusk.

Hearing this, Li De smiled slightly.

Finally, the plan can be officially launched.

The first link of this plan is... to establish a denomination.

The Dawnbreaker Cult was created by him inadvertently, but after the first experience, the second will be comfortable...  

Thinking of this, Li De's eyes narrowed slightly, and his body slowly floated up.

Then, under the gaze of all the captives, the real body of the blood race was revealed, and the perfect and coquettish appearance appeared in front of the dark race below.

The bat wings with dark red mysterious runes spread slightly behind him, setting off his already mighty figure unparalleled.

Li De, who was floating in midair, immediately attracted everyone's attention, but no one knew what he wanted to do.

After a while, Li De's aura began to gradually rise, and the Scarlet Lord, the Immortal King, and Fear descended... Several skills were activated at the same time.

At the same time, the power of belief also began to run and consume. With this power belonging to the gods, these powerful skills began to exude even more terrifying power.

True divine power.

At this moment, Li De appeared to the world as if the demon god who had torn apart the abyss. The violent momentum was like a raging eighteenth-level storm, and tens of millions of tons of sea water were swept into the sky.

Under his breath, everyone below was like a small boat, trembling, fearful, panicking, and helpless under the majestic force that swept the world.

Mountains collapsed, heaven and earth cracked.

God is like a prison.

Fear devoured all souls.

I hereby announce the establishment of the Twilight Sect. Twilight is coming, and multiple planes will be destroyed. I am the great Twilight God and the eternal Lord God.

Only I can save the world, and believers who believe in me will have eternal life when the world is destroyed.

Unbelievers and pagans will be given untold suffering!

I am the god of dusk, in charge of the priesthood of dusk,

I declare in the name of the ancestor of the blood clan, the ruler of the city of dusk!

The Twilight Sect is officially established!

The blasphemous words in Li De's mouth resounded throughout the world, and with that unspeakable divine might, everyone seemed to see a real god coming into the world at this moment.

Warriors with a firm mind can't help but risk their souls at this moment, and many races that are not firm in resisting will directly kneel to the ground at this time, and the uncontrollable idea of ​​surrender arises in their hearts.

They actually witnessed the coming of God! !

Among them, cavemen are the most important. There are as many as tens of thousands of cavemen occupying a corner of the square. After seeing the power of the gods, they knelt down to the ground in unison, and their eyes were all shrouded in fear.

This race that has been enslaved for a long time has weak will and no faith of its own. How can they resist when the gods come into the world?

Ding, Reid Kachar swore to establish the Dusk Sect, clergy: Dusk, Doctrine: Dusk is coming, multiple planes will be destroyed, the great God of Dusk is the eternal Lord God, only He can save the world, believers His followers will have eternal life when the world is destroyed, and the unbelievers and heathens will be given endless pain!

It was detected that Reid Kachar owns the city - Dusk City, owns the ethnic group - Blood Race, owns 1 Dusk Temple, and has 27 mad believers.

Meeting the requirements for establishing a sect, the Twilight sect is established.

Ding~ You established the Twilight Sect and can freely appoint clergy.

Ding~ You established a second sect, gained 10 fame, and gained character experience rewards - 100,000.

After several consecutive prompts from the system, Li De felt that a new force appeared in his body, but this force was extremely weak, like a seed that had just sprouted.

And this power did not conflict with the power of belief in his body, on the contrary, it was very harmonious.

Feeling this scene, he couldn't help nodding his head in satisfaction.

The establishment of the Dusk Sect is exactly the same as when the Dawn Sect was established, but his conditions are much better now than before.

But there was one thing he didn't expect. The system even counted the mad believers of the Dawnbreaker Sect.

This also made him a little curious, aren't mad believers from a single sect? Or that God can have many avatars, and the avatars of these gods also admit it?

In Glory, many gods have their own second or even third identity. The acceptance ability of believers is far higher than Li De thought. After all, the stronger the gods, the more benefits the believers get.

Li De opened his attribute panel with a bit of curiosity, and the panel of the Dusk Sect appeared in front of him alone.

Twilight Sect

God of Twilight - Reid Kachar

Magic: 1. Soul Assimilation

Occupation: Dusk


Meaning of holy object: none

Number of temples owned: 1

Number of believers: 0 fanatics, 0 devout believers, 32 believers, 1399 general believers

Power of Faith: 23 points

Why are mad believers not included in the Twilight Sect?

After reading all the attributes, Li De's expression is a bit strange. Let's not talk about the mad believer. He has just established the Twilight Sect, and there are thousands of pan-believers and dozens of believers? ?

How is this going? ?

With a bit of doubt, Li De narrowed his eyes slightly and connected those believers who believed in him in the spiritual sea.

After a while, countless emotions appeared in my mind.

Fear, worship, yearn...

This is?

Li De looked at the group of neglected cavemen in the corner. Except for less than 10 other dark races among the thousands of believers, they were all these lowly slaves.

Cavemen are ordinary dark races, with the exception of being able to live and being good at excavating buildings, they have nothing to offer.

But at this time, Li De seemed to have seen a treasure, and his eyes were shining.

Feeling Li De's gaze, many cavemen trembled, panic and panic flashed in their eyes, and after a while, the number of pan-believers on the attribute panel rose to 2,000, and even the number of believers exceeded 100.

Li De noticed this change and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. The speed of becoming a believer was too exaggerated, right?

These cavemen are a bit of a force.

With a thought, under everyone's attention, he floated above the caveman with boundless power, his eyes were like electricity, and the blasphemous words like nine-day rolling thunder resounded through the heavens and the earth.

Humble caveman, believe in me, I will bless you and give you great power!

I can make the races that once enslaved you become your slaves, and let you trample the corpses of other races on the top of the mountain, kiss the footprints I left when I stepped on the earth, and bathe in the grace of God.

God is like a prison.

In the eyes of these cavemen, they seemed to see the ancient ruler once again set foot on the heavens and the earth, his breath pierced through the rainbow, and the whole galaxy was kneeling and kneeling under his feet.

Hundreds of millions of creatures surrendered, and the mountains and rivers were also trembling and calling for them.

This is God's gift to them, this is God's whisper to them, bathing in divine grace, they are watched by the great god, and the great god will give them strength! !

God of creation is above, this must be your blessing.

Countless cavemen fell into madness immediately after Li De's words, and many people directly bowed to the ground in what they thought was a pious way, with unspeakable fanatical worship in their eyes.

What is the status of cavemen in the underworld? Slave, lowly, filthy, shameful slave.

They have neither strong bodies, nor sharp minions, and no natural talent for spellcasting.

They can be said to be useless except for their ability to reproduce.

The caveman gods have already fallen for countless years. They have no faith of their own. They are a lowly race that even the gods don't want to give them a second look.

Against such a tragic background, how lucky is this to be watched by the gods above the nine heavens of the high seat?

It was like a beggar who was begging on the street wearing ragged clothes, and suddenly got the king's appreciation.

That kind of feeling is not at all incomprehensible to those in the game.

The divine power emanating from Li De's burning faith was deeply imprinted on the souls of these humble slaves.

At this time, he was a stalwart existence comparable to the bright moon shining on the sun.

Under the boundless deterrence, these cavemen had no ability to resist at all, and became the first group of believers of the Twilight Sect at a speed that Li De could not have imagined.

For three full minutes, Li De was pressed across the sky.

The infinite momentum is like the collapse of a mountain with a height of hundreds of millions of feet. Even if the caveman wants to resist, he can no longer support it, and he can only kneel and surrender.

In just a few minutes, the number of believers on his attribute panel reached an exaggerated level.

Number of believers: 0 mad believers, 47 devout believers, 1230 believers, 8985 general believers

The Dusk Sect has just established and the number of believers has exceeded 10,000.

Li De was very happy to see this data.

Although these believers are weak cavemen, only three hundred orcs can defeat the tens of thousands of cavemen in a frontal battle.

However, he is here to harvest the power of faith. It doesn't matter whether the combat power is strong or not, only the serious person can provide the power of faith.

Looking around, he could feel the entanglement, fear, and fear of these dark races, mixed with unbelievable and somewhat uncontrollable yearning and worship.

It seemed unimaginable that they had seen the god, but were in awe of the terrifying aura he exuded.

But the status of these dark beings in the underground world is much higher than that of cavemen, so it is far from being able to make them convert their beliefs.

In this case......

Li De thought about it, and looked at the one with the strongest belief among the cavemen.

The tone is still like the master sitting on the altar, overlooking the world.

Cavemen, my faithful believer, I sense your calling and your inner longing.

I, the immortal twilight god, will grant the most devout among you the power to slaughter dragons!

A word shocked the world.

Many dark races looked at each other and gave the cavemen the power to slaughter dragons? ?

Isn't this a joke?

The cavemen are so weak that their cubs can be easily killed. The highest level of this lowly life cannot exceed level 10, and even a large part is only level 4, belonging to the weakest race in the underground world.

Want this weak being to gain the power to slaughter dragons, unless there is a miracle!

Miracle... After this thought came up, I immediately looked at Li De floating in the sky with an inexplicable emotion.

Is this really a god?

At this moment, the doubts in their hearts are far from being dispelled.

Li De didn't have any unnecessary nonsense. He stretched out his hand and waved his hand. Under the gazes of all the dark races and cavemen, one of them was ragged and skinny like a skeleton.

After seeing the skinny, almost dying caveman, everyone was stunned.

this? ? Could it be that the mysterious twilight god wanted to give the caveman power? ?

The already doubtful eyes were now filled with disbelief.

How is it possible that this kind of caveman who can trample dozens of people with one foot can gain the power to slaughter giant dragons? ?

Creation God is above, they would rather believe it was a dream.

My followers, I sense your piety, and the most devout believers will be rewarded by me.

Now, in the name of the Lord of Twilight, I grant you power!

Li De's eyes were like electricity, and he didn't care about those questioning eyes at all.

Unspeakable terrifying energy permeated out of his body. The scarlet energy was like blood, almost condensed into the substance, and then surged into the thin caveman's body.

Li De squinted his eyes slightly, and mobilized all the power of blood hidden in his body, pouring in together with the power of scarlet.

The power of faith also mixed into it.

Li De's eyes were like thunder, and his imposing manner was sharp.

After breaking through the extraordinary, his control of power has reached an unprecedented level, and directly using the power of faith and the power of his blood to transform a weak life is an unprecedented attempt, and it is also an extremely bold attempt.

Under his control, the crimson power directly burned the inferior blood in the caveman's body.

Blood is the relationship of carrying strength. The blood of the other party is too weak, even if it is strengthened ten times or twenty times, it cannot meet his requirements.

The blood of the golden ancestors in his body began to occupy this weak body, filling the caveman's veins with terrifying power.

But how terrifying his golden ancestor bloodline is, how could it be a power that only a 4th-level caveman can bear.

The moment the power of the bloodline entered the opponent's body, the tiny blood vessels in the caveman's body exploded, and a bloody blood filled the outside of the body.

Fortunately, Li De had foresight and had forcibly blocked the other party's perception, otherwise this caveman would definitely be directly hurt to death.

The power of the bloodline is too powerful, and everything collapses wherever it passes.

Fortunately, the power of faith has a strong recovery ability, and began to frantically repair the damage that was destroyed.

Destruction and repair go hand in hand, making the caveman's body a meat grinder.

With his terrifying control over energy, Li De has always kept the two forces in a certain balance.

But this kind of manipulation has exaggerated the control of power to a shocking level. As long as there is a slight deviation, the opponent will explode and die.

Dancing on the tip of the knife can no longer describe the exaggeration of this move. It is to put a needle on the tip of the knife and play jumping on the tip of the needle.

And his remaining more than 200,000 Faith Power also began to decline at an exaggerated rate, even more terrifying than when he forcibly conquered the 18th-level Archmage Mohari.

Ten minutes later, Li De's powerful forehead was already sweating, and the power of belief dropped to 100,000, but now, the transformation of the opponent's body has only been carried out by one-fifth.

In other words, his energy is not enough.

Yu Guang swept across the attribute panel, and there were more than 20 million Death Powers left on it.

As soon as his belief moved, he began to mobilize this appalling terrorist force regardless.

The caveman's body at this time is his testing ground. If he doesn't succeed, he will become a man. He is holding the determination to die... Well, the determination of the other party to die.

After a while, there was an aura in the sky that made everyone's backs and souls shiver.

Death, they smell death.

The dark life below saw Li De's figure, and the fear in his eyes became more and more intense, as if he had turned into a death god with a sickle to harvest something!

The number of believers rose directly at this time.

Showing their power and majesty to believers is one of the ways that the gods gain faith.

With the power of death as the backing, Li De immediately stabilized.

It has to be said that the bloodline of the golden ancestor is powerful. Even if the source of power is changed, he can still perfectly control the transformation of the caveman by that power.

The difference is that the force of death repaired the caveman's body, giving him a strong breath of death.

Time passed slowly, and the dark race below did not feel impatient and disdain, but their eyes were gradually filled with shock.

Because everyone felt that above the sky, the originally weak and extremely thin caveman was undergoing tremendous changes.

The thin body began to become full, and the muscles were slowly expanding, until finally it even seemed to be cast with steel, exuding a sense of palpitating strength.

The aura emanating from the body changed from the original candle flame to a wild dragon, even if he didn't open his eyes, he could still feel that once the other party erupted, the mountains would surely collapse.

The dark race below has widened their eyes, and their hearts are filled with horror.

The God of Twilight, who hangs high in the sky, actually gave a weak caveman the power of a giant dragon under everyone's attention.

Something that made their hearts tremble happened!

Miracle, the legendary miracle appeared!

Li De made the cavemen from the level that they could be trampled to death at will to terrifying to make everyone terrified. That kind of intuitive impact cannot be simply described in words.

God of Twilight? The god of tyranny is above, is this the real god? Your majesty, please give me instructions, I feel my faith is shaking...

Hey~ What a terrifying breath, I didn't expect that one day I would meet the real god!!

Great God of Twilight, after witnessing your divine might, I am willing to be your most loyal believer...

That lowly caveman can actually be rewarded by my god!! If my faith is more pious than his, will one day the great Lord of Twilight turn his attention to me? I can also bathe in gods. Yep?

My lord, I am your most devout believer...


The dark beings below watched the caveman's increasingly powerful aura at this time, and had completely lost his language ability, and his grown mouth could not close.

Many people who were originally just shallow believers or unbelievers of other gods began to quietly change their beliefs.

They have huge expectations in their hearts, hoping that they can get their strength from the great crown that shines brightly in the sky.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, and after half an hour of the sun, Li De looked at the power of death with only more than five million left.

He didn't expect that this unexpected move would cost him such a high cost.

With the power of 100,000 beliefs, 15 million power of death, and all the power of his blood, his body was like Shijijirou overnight, and his legs were weak for a week.

But, it was successful after all.

Feeling the breath emanating from the caveman's body in front of him, Li De couldn't help showing a bit of joy on his face.

This experiment was not in vain.

But in the end, the most important thing is not yet done.

He glanced at the bottom of the circle, and then said Tianxian, and the blasphemous words echoed in the world again.

I am the Lord of the Immortal Twilight, holding the power of eternity.

In the name of the Lord of Twilight, I grant my most devout believer, the caveman, the power to slaughter dragons.

Wake up! My most faithful believer!

With the blasphemous words that corrode the soul, rumbling~

There was lightning and thunder in the sky.

Under everyone's attention, terrifying lightning suddenly erupted around Li De's body, and the silver dragon danced wildly.

Thor is coming.

The sudden appearance of thunder and lightning made Li De, who was already so powerful, even more unparalleled in the world.

Under the dim light, Li De, who was burning with scarlet power, unfolded his bat wings with dark red mysterious patterns. This picture was like a demon, and the endless thunder lingered around him, which directly enhanced the atmosphere. Extreme.

At this moment, the number of believers skyrocketed by 3,000.

And in this thunder and lightning field, the caveman who has attracted much attention suddenly opened his eyes at this time.

And then just stood in the thunder and lightning out of thin air.

It's like bathing in lightning.

A terrifying aura emanated from him.

Under Li De's deliberate manipulation, the dark beings below felt the power of the caveman magnified by him.

Terrifying, terrifying, invincible.

The scene fell into a dead silence.

Above the sky, only the roar of thunder and lightning remained.

Like a god.

At this moment, the system sounded a prompt sound, causing Li De to be slightly distracted.

Ding~ Congratulations on your comprehension of divine art - Faith Strengthening, Faith Strengthening: Consuming Faith Power to strengthen believers requires a minimum consumption of 10,000 Faith Force each time. The stronger the power, the more power of faith that needs to be consumed.

Magic? ?

It turns out that strengthening believers is a magical technique... Li De's expression is quite wonderful, and the joy on his face cannot be concealed.

After curing the magic, it will be much easier to release it next time.

Your Majesty, your loyal believer-Kedry Fang, thank you for the strength you have given me, and I will defend your glory with my soul.

At this moment, the tall caveman in front of him knelt down, and a high-pitched and firm voice interrupted Li De's thoughts.

After Li De regained his senses, he subconsciously opened the caveman attribute panel in front of him, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Kadri Fang

Title: Son of God

Level: 16

Occupation: Fury Warrior

Skills: Strong Arms, Fast Attack, Furious Roar

Limited Skill: Furious Combat

bloodthirsty physique

death erosion

body of the dead

Bloodline: Raging Blood

Evaluation: A caveman warrior with a lot of talent, because he was transformed by the gods with powerful power, he has surpassed the limitations of cavemen and reached another level.

Li De's eyes lit up after reading the attributes. He had to say that the caveman he transformed at a huge cost did not disappoint him.

This guy is a lot stronger than the halfling's 18th-level archmage Mohari, and his talent is completely unmatched by the halfling archmage.

Compared with the opponent's previous level, which was only level 4, the current improvement is not only powerful to describe it, it is simply a new body and soul.

This Kadri Fang was a caveman before.

It can no longer be called a caveman, it can be called a super saiyan caveman.

Giving the opponent the power to slay dragons is not empty talk.

After reading the skill attribute, Li De took his eyes away from the attribute panel and focused on the super caveman floating in the air in front of him.

He is 2 blades tall, his strong arms are as thick as his thighs, his ten fingers are like daggers, and he has sharp claws that can pierce through shields.

The body did not straighten up like a human, and still had the obvious racial characteristics of a caveman bowing his waist, but the other party's bending at this time was not to dig a cave like a caveman, but to hunt.

The curved waist is more suitable for this super caveman's body to exert force. Once attacked, it is definitely more violent than the lion slaughtering its prey.

Kadri Fang's eyes were blue, but with scarlet bloodshot eyes, looking inexplicably terrifying.

With extremely sharp fangs in his mouth, no one can doubt whether he can crunch steel.

The muscles on his body seemed to be forged in a model by pouring molten iron, and they were filled with a sense of strength that even an orc warrior would be ashamed of.

Powerful and perfect.

Only these two words can trust the 16th-level caveman who has transformed at this moment-Kedri Fang.

Li De was very satisfied with his creation.

Although the cost is not cheap, the harvest is totally worth the price.

With a wave of his hand, the super caveman slowly descended from the thunder field, and the perfect body appeared in front of everyone.

Horror and envy are the emotions in the hearts of the prisoners below at this time.

The God of Creation is above, such a terrifying breath, is this really a weak halfling??

Unbelievable, this is a real miracle!! Miracle!!

Is this the power of my God? Praise you, my eternal faith...

The caveman can be so terrifying, I can't even look into its eyes!!

Crazy discussions resounded among the captives, even if the divine power of the sky did not dissipate, but everyone could no longer hide their inner horror, and subconsciously poured out to their partners.

After Kadri Fang fell to the ground, the unselected cavemen went into complete madness.

The eyes they looked at Li De were full of enthusiasm and hope.

They watched their weak clansmen turn into such powerful beings, which made the bullied and abused cavemen seem to have found a savior.

Fanaticism was their only emotion at this time.

They will definitely become His Majesty's most loyal believers, and His Majesty will pay attention to them at that time, and perhaps, will give them the same powerful power! !

The cavemen will become a powerful race under the protection of the Crown!

With the change of mentality, the number of believers on Li De's attribute panel is increasing wildly.

When he opened the attribute panel again, the column of the followers of the Dusk Sect above changed dramatically again.

Number of believers: 3 fanatics, 629 devout believers, 6490 believers, 7205 general believers

The total number of believers has added up to more than 13,000, which can only be described as exaggerated and outrageous.

The Twilight Sect has only just been established.

Li De performed miracles in front of everyone, and the effect was terrifying.

But the surprise is not over yet, the system prompt rang again.

Ding~ You performed a miracle perfectly, and the reputation of the God of Twilight began to spread in the underground world, and you got 10 points of fame in the underground world.

And get the title - the gods come into the world.

The coming of the gods: Your power is well known in the underground world. When the Dusk Sect preaches in the underground world, its attractiveness to believers is increased by 30%, and its persuasiveness is increased by 30% when preaching, and it is easier for believers to deepen their beliefs.

The gods come to earth?

The smile on Li De's face instantly brightened.

For this newly obtained title, he can only describe it as perfect, it is simply what he lacks.

He just wanted to preach, and immediately sent tools to increase the efficiency of preaching.

However, the gains were made in exchange for his heritage. Isn't he investing so much for these rewards?

However, this is not over yet.

Believe in me, and you will receive my reward,

Heretics and unbelievers will be punished by God.

Li De's eyes were sharp like a blade, but the terrifying thunder field covered his expression, and the billowing blasphemous words were accompanied by the explosion of the thunder, instantly putting enormous pressure on the dark life below.


Under his deterrence, the believers on the attribute panel skyrocketed by hundreds again.

But after Li De sensed it slightly, he frowned.

He found that some of all the dark races below believed in him, but only the half-orcs did not.

Looking at the area where the half-orc captives were located, those evil beings with hideous and ugly faces that were no different from the half-orcs in the movie Earth Warcraft were still motionless at this time.

Half-orcs are different from cavemen. The gods of half-orcs still exist in the world at this time, and their fighting power is extremely high.

So these ugly monsters are extremely firm in their beliefs.

After Li De pondered for a while, his eyes slowly raised murderous intent.

Killing chickens to warn monkeys, only the bloodiest means can make these dark beings fear.

Look at the area where the orcs are.

The blasphemer will be punished.

Cadli Fang, use the power I have bestowed upon you to slay these vile blasphemers.

These words made the dark creatures around the orcs change their faces, and then they began to flee frantically.

They didn't want to be attacked by that terrifying caveman.

The number of orcs was as high as 500 at this time, but they were all bound by sturdy chains. Because Naga's escape made the guarding warriors tighten the chains a few more times, so the orcs at this time were aware of the danger coming, but Still unable to move freely.

Li De's eyes narrowed slightly, killing a group of bloodthirsty wolves and slaughtering a group of bound lambs were not the same level of deterrence.

With a wave of his hand, the originally sturdy chains snapped and broke.

The orcs escaped.


For the God of Orcs!!

No one can enslave the great Orcs!!


The wild beast came out of the cage, and the half-orcs who were bloodthirsty and warlike by nature immediately roared at the surrounding warriors and dark beings.

Even many people have rushed towards the guarding orc warriors.

But just as these orcs approached the surrounding crowd, they touched~

It burst like a balloon.

The blood stumps splashed up.

Humble blasphemers, you are the prey of my believers.

Li De's indifferent tone sounded.

Kedry Fang...started the hunt.

An order was issued, and the surrounding crowd watched, Kaidri Fang, the super caveman's body suddenly skyrocketed, from the height of 2 blades to 2.5 people, at the same time, his back bent more severely .


Eyes filled with bloodshot, throat let out a beast-like roar.

Then, under the shocked gaze of everyone, a bloody killing started.

bang bang~ bang bang~

A huge force stepped on the floor, and Kaidri's body rushed towards the halfling, while the dozens of half-orcs in the front roared violently when they saw this scene, and then charged straight ahead.

The crowd around him who stepped aside widened their eyes at this time, for fear of missing something.

Cavemen vs. strong orcs, which was unimaginable before, but now, the picture is happening before their eyes.

After a few breaths, the two sides collided head-on.

The halfling at the front raised the chain in his hand and smashed it down at Kaidri, but the figure of the super caveman disappeared in front of him in a flash.

The razor-sharp claws were as sharp as guillotine knives, and a huge head flew up, and the first half-orc was killed without even recovering.

With the death of the first orc, a bloody massacre began.

The caveman rammed across the battlefield like an ancient titan, and all the orcs he attacked were torn to shreds.

Claws, fangs, elbows, legs, knees, every part of the caveman's body has become a murder weapon.

Touch and die, touch and die.

The number of more than 500 orcs is actually decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye under its terrifying slaughter.

After a few minutes,

Pooh~ The head of the last orc flew up, thump~ When the body fell, all the orcs over 500 were hunted down.

No one's heart is still beating.

The corpses lay all over the field, and the blood was floating on the scull.

Countless broken corpses lay on the black floor of the square, and the blood made the already dim environment add an unspeakable horror.

The scene was silent.

Everyone looked at the figure standing among the stumps and blood and fell into boundless shock.

Caveman, is this really a caveman? ? ?

These are hundreds of orcs! !

Who doesn't know how fierce orcs are?

But now... the terrifying orcs of the past were all hunted down by one person.

And the executioner turned out to be a frail caveman.

The impact of this extreme contrast cannot be described in words.

Is this the power given by the gods?

Is this the power of dragon slaying?

At this moment, a harpy suddenly raised his head to look at Li De in the sky, and then, under the gaze of the surrounding crowd, suddenly knelt to the ground, his tone was excited and his eyes were hot.

Great Lord of Twilight, I am willing to offer my most devout faith... Your splendor is like the most precious gem, you are powerful enough to subdue the dragon, praise you, great Lord of Twilight, hold eternity The presence of power...

Accompanied by this harpie's kneeling, then batch after batch of dark beings in the square began to kneel slowly towards Li De, who was hanging high above the sky and shrouded in thunder.

You can disbelieve it once, and doubt it the second time, but after the third and fourth time showing majesty, the hearts of these people have been completely overwhelmed.

These stunned dark beings looked with the most respect to the great god who came to the world, the one who gave the cavemen the power of slaughtering dragons - the immortal and eternal God of Twilight, the master of the power of Twilight.

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