I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 389: The Beginning of Devouring Divinity

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The head of the god of plague.

Li De sensed the breath of the other party, and his expression was very subtle.

He paid an unimaginable price for outsiders in order to obtain this divine head.

Hundreds of thousands of troops were mobilized back and forth, consuming more than 6 million Jinpuke resources, and the materials accumulated in the City of Dawn over the years were transformed into weapons and armor, longbows, and alchemy bombs.

It can be said that he paid an unimaginable price for the victory of this war.

Correspondingly, the fruit of victory is always so sweet and delicious.

A god's arm, a god's head.

Although there are only a few things obtained, the value of them is too expensive to simply calculate with Jinpuke.

This is a rare treasure, a peerless treasure that is enough to make anyone's heart beat faster.

Because it contains the power of God.

Even to some extent, the body of the gods is more precious than the artifacts.

There are many artifacts on the main plane of glory. For example, Li De has twelve magic scrolls with fragments, but he has never heard of anyone who has obtained a body of a god that contains divinity.

Amy, Grote, I grant you permission to part of the Burial Grounds.

After the corpses of the berserk half-rat people in the defense ring have piled up to a certain height, you can use the power of the plane to devour those corpses to prevent the opponent from jumping out of the defense ring with the corpses.

Grote, who had just been picked up by Li De through the door of space, nodded immediately, As you wish, Your Majesty.

Li De nodded slightly as he looked at Grote, who had just been transferred by him using the door of space.

This son of the North was once the trump card in Li De's hands. Although there are many combat powers in Dawn City that have surpassed Grote, the Northlanders who are fearless and fearless and dare to charge head-on in the face of giant dragons still make him quite for appreciation.

If it wasn't for the Dark Covenant always requiring a strong combat force to sit in, Li De would have already transferred Grote back to lead the army.

Amy, I will try to devour the divinity in the head of the god next, so as to break through the extraordinary.

The time may be as long as several months.

Therefore, during the next period of time, the Bone Burial Ground must maintain the highest level of alertness.

Don't think you can take it lightly if you can defend against these berserk half-ratmen now, you must establish a second defense ring as soon as possible.

At the same time, let the think tank of the city hall and the command of the intelligence command center immediately formulate no less than 10 sets of plans to deal with emergencies.

In the place where the bones are buried, no loss is allowed!

Li De's eyes were as cold as frost.

But the god of plague regards him as a mortal prey, so why is he not raising these wild half-rat people as pigs.

Both were staring at each other, thinking they were the hunters.

But who will die in the end is still undecided.

God of Plague...

After Li De murmured something in a low voice, his expression became a little playful.

Although the God of Plague has convinced him, what does he have to do? The door of space is a double-edged sword, and the opponent can find him through the door of space.

He can also find the god of plague in the same way.

He is now the prey of the god of plague, but when he becomes stronger, who is the prey is still unknown.

I need power!! More power!!

The sudden appearance of the god of plague changed Li De's original idea of ​​continuing to farm in a low-key manner.

The unknown time of the coming of the old days hangs above the head like the sword of Damox.

Moments may be cut off.

When the God of Plague comes, he will definitely attack and kill him at all costs.

Crisis is imminent.

It is certainly a way to continue to develop as steadily as before, but for the current residents, it is obviously impossible to fight the previous crisis.

He needs to improve his strength faster, and it is best to increase his strength to extraordinary, or even a higher level - legendary before the old days come.

The sense of urgency in his heart intensified, and Li De no longer delayed.

He turned his head and looked at Harrison.

The war is left to Amy and Grote for the time being, and Garp will come later.

Harrison, in the ongoing war, the people's livelihood must not be left behind.

Now to restart the transaction with the outside world, I need to refill our warehouse as quickly as possible. Steel, grain, cotton, ore, magic materials, etc. are all materials that we need to store.

With chaos looming, we must step up our development efforts.

Harrison nodded solemnly.

Yes, Your Majesty, I will put Frey in charge of restarting the free market in the barren wasteland, and at the same time resuming the transaction with the murloc tribe.

Also, haven't the murloc tribes been craving powerful alchemy bombs?

This time we can sell the second ring alchemy bomb to them, I want a lot of magic materials to fill the warehouse,

The price of the second ring alchemy bomb... is tentatively set at 5 times the manufacturing cost.

As the ace product of Dawn City, Li De will not sell it easily.

But the last alchemy bomb that was eliminated last time was sold to the murloc tribe and received crazy praise from the other party, and they have been asking the City of Dawn to buy it.

The lethality of the shell of the alchemy bomb is average in the sea, but the shock wave after the huge explosion is stronger than that on land, and the overall killing effect is extremely impressive.

Therefore, the alchemy bomb murloc tribe has always been very eager, and even offered a high price to buy it.

Li De didn't plan to sell the second ring's alchemy bomb before, but now he can't control that much. Anyway, the third ring has been successfully developed, and the second ring can't affect the city of dawn.

In addition, there are also livelihood issues...

This retreat is to break through the extraordinary, and it is impossible to estimate how much time it will take.

Although the think tank of the City Hall is good enough, as aboriginals, their upbringing limits the height they can see, so he can only take the helm himself and clarify the direction for the development of Dawn City.

With the massive increase in the population, especially when we have to rear a large number of two-headed ogres, there is not enough land in the Moonlight Plains.

New farmland can now be developed on the Dawn Plains.

But this development is different from the past. We can set up an agricultural town on the Dawning Plain, specializing in the cultivation of farmland, which is planned by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Logistics.

And after the agricultural town is established, you need to notify the Magic Industry Research Institute to develop the alchemy product I told them last time - the automatic harvester.

Li De spoke slowly, leaving time for Harrison to record.

At the same time as the establishment of the agricultural town, the research and development of the railcars of the City of Dawn will also begin.

Rail cars can not only make residents travel more convenient and save a lot of time, but also greatly reduce the cost of goods transportation.

Very necessary.

The last point is that the city-wide lighting system plan needs to be established immediately.

Lighting is an infrastructure as important as water supply. We didn't have the conditions before, but now there are magic crystal ore veins that can be fully developed.

In the next six months, these major projects will serve as the core of the next phase of the construction of Dawn City.

Agriculture and people's livelihood are the foundation of a city, while the military is a spear and a shield, both of which are indispensable.

In addition, the strong bow jointly developed by the Magic Industry Research Institute and the halflings cannot fall, as well as the weapon factory, the alchemy bomb...

People's livelihood and military affairs, these two major areas have always been the focus of Dawn City's development.

Li De patiently issued the next development focus of Dawn City in the form of orders. It is enough to do these things well in the next six months. He doesn't need half a year to make breakthroughs, right?

And this time is different from the past. Big changes are imminent. If you don't make enough preparations, if something happens, it will be too late.

The old days are coming, and no one can know what will happen in the future.

So, stick to your posts.

After I get out of the customs, the City of Dawn will take another step to the next level!

Li De's eyes were as sharp as blades, piercing his eyes.

This is a world where high-end combat power is king. A superhuman can hold tens of thousands of troops... A level 30 god can destroy a country.

If Dawn City wants to survive the big changes that follow, he has to become very strong, very strong.


Whether it was Amy, Harrison, or other blood descendants, they all knelt down when they heard this.

Your will is our direction!

To break the dawn!

Firm words rang out from the wooden tower, and everyone looked at Li De with unshakable perseverance.

This is their leader, their master, the great being who created the City of Dawn and gave it the strength it is today.

Li De looked at the anticipation and admiration of everyone, and the pressure in his heart deepened.

Anyone can make mistakes, but he alone cannot.

He was wrong, and the entire City of Dawn, hundreds of thousands of people, would be buried.

After nodding slightly, Li De didn't say any more and disappeared directly in the same place, and appeared next to the 12-story white bone altar in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the cow-bone undead stared at the head of the God of Plague while watching with fear and drooling.

The scene seems to have an inexplicable sense of joy.

At this time, the cow was covered with dense pale blue ancient inscriptions, and it looked very mighty. The only thing that made Li De speechless was that this guy's temperament was too vulgar, and an undead can live as a dog, which is also superb.

Subconsciously open the attribute panel of the undead.

Cow Bone Undead

Level: 14

Status: Transforming

Introduction: An undead with mysterious power is undergoing transformation at this time because it devoured the ancient inscriptions.


Seeing the undead from the ox bone, almost drooling, the corner of Li De's mouth twitched, how did this guy transform like this? ?

Shaking his head, he was too lazy to pay attention to this increasingly weird silly cow, and put his eyes on the head of the god.

god head

Level: god level

Status: intact

Introduction: The head of divine power contains powerful divine power, and it is calling its soul.

The introduction was as simple as ever, but Li De could clearly sense the chilling aura in the head of the god.

Gray energy lingers around, and the one-blade long horn seems to have countless arcs flashing on it, full of terrifying coercion.

It was the single horn that burst out with absolute power just now, directly breaking through the space of the Bone Burial Ground, and connecting the God of Plague.

Although the opponent's only remaining strength was consumed by that blow, but because of the existence of divinity, this head still possesses unimaginable power.

I smell divinity...the power of my faith is just around the corner...

But the power of this head is too terrifying, even if the seal is broken, it is not so good to swallow the divinity contained in it...

Li De's eyes narrowed slightly, and the head of the god made him feel that his nerves were being teased all the time.

But there was a problem he had to solve.

Where should I go to devour the divinity in the head of a god? ? At this? Or go outside?

The Bone Burial Ground isolates the prying eyes of the God of Plague. If you leave the Bone Burial Ground, the God of Plague may directly tear apart the space and snatch the head.

In the burial ground?

Li De frowned slightly as he watched the roaring sound not far away, and the violent half-rat being hunted wildly.

He didn't like the feeling of dancing on the edge of the blade, but there seemed to be no other place to choose than the Burial Ground.

Looking at the defense ring that hunted the berserk half-ratman, he shook his head.

Whether you like it or not, it seems that this time there is no choice.

The long johns are all taken off, do the tanks have to be opened...

But just in case, Li De still had to make Amy and the others prepare first.

The figure disappeared and reappeared on the wooden tower. He felt that it was quite ink, but he was careful.

Amy, Harrison, the breath of the god's head has been firmly locked by the god of plague. If it appears in the outside world, it will definitely be peeped by the god of plague, so I want to absorb the god in this head in the burial ground. sex.


Amy and Harrison froze at the same time.

Your Majesty, you can rest assured that even if the pressure on our defense line increases tenfold, we will defend your glory!

These words are not empty words. The God of Plague has already sensed his head. If the divinity in it is absorbed by Li De, the other party must have a way to sense it.

All fools know what's going to happen by then.

Unprecedented pressure will inevitably be encountered in the Burial Ground, and the violent half-rat will definitely attack and kill Li De regardless of the cost.

Don't look at the current defense line seems to be quite stable, but if the God of Plague really ignores the cost, then they may not be as easy as they are now.

Li De nodded slightly, I ordered to shrink all the high-level troops back, and dispatched some centaurs to the low mountains and hills to come back to defend.

Once I start devouring the Divinity, you may be under more pressure than you think.

Prepare first, I'll reserve a day for you.

Li De's eyes were deep.

Although he devoured his head under the eyes of the god of plague, the arrow had to be shot on the string.

He can't hold on.

And set aside one day is the limit, the sixth sense in his heart makes him tense all the time, and he needs to speed up the progress.

Because of Li De's sudden change, the intelligence command center and the city hall's think tank immediately revised the plan.

After half a day, the lion tribe in the dwarf valley, the centaurs in the barren wasteland, the most elite troops were directly transferred back to the city of dawn.

The entire city's military appearance was chilling, and the atmosphere was solemn.



On May 4th, late at night, a whole day had passed since the head of the evil god was unsealed.

Li De let the oxbone undead dug an underground room at the most corner of the place where the bones were buried, and he was sitting cross-legged at a depth of 100 blades underground.

In front of him is the head of the god of plague.

And on the surface of the Boneyard, everything is ready.

In order to deal with the coming great war, in order to deal with the god of plague who may be furious at any time.

Li De opened the door to the space of the Boneyard on the Dawn Square in the old city, and the surrounding area became a military blockade.

Tens of thousands of troops and countless military equipment have been neatly arranged and ready to provide support.

The residents of Dawn City were once again mobilized and began to produce materials and provide various logistical support for the army.

This is the first time that all the inhabitants have been involved in this war that is unfolding in the City of Dawn.

Instead of hiding it, the Propaganda Department opened a viewing platform not far from Dawn Square so that residents could see the war inside.

Although it was impossible to watch the scene of the bloody sea of ​​corpses in the defense ring, the roar of the violent half-rat also became the source of nightmares for all residents during this period.

However, the war did not make the residents feel fear, on the contrary, all their enthusiasm increased greatly, and no one could stand on the sidelines when defending against foreign enemies.

The burial ground at this time is underground.

What a strong power...

After Li De felt a unicornuate head in front of him, his deep eyes showed a bit of light.

After taking a deep breath, he slowly printed his right hand on the celestial cover of the god's head.

But at this moment, UU reading www.uukanshu.com boomed~

It was like a thunderous thunder burst in his mind, and Li De's ears even made a buzzing sound, and everything around him could no longer be heard at this moment.

Then a wailing sound like the death of hundreds of thousands of people sounded, and the sharp and harsh sound was like the silt demon at the bottom of the invincible abyss screaming to the sky, terror spread.

An indescribable terrifying aura filled Li De's heart.

The entire soul will even be swallowed or shredded by the roaring voice in the head of the god at this moment.

Then, at the moment when Li De had not returned to his senses, accompanied by that sharp roar, a terrifying force surged out like a volcanic eruption, which was terrifying and terrifying.

That is the extremely evil power that has survived from ancient times, and it is the terrifying power of the old evil gods.

The fear spread directly to the ground in the depth of the hundred blades, and the soldiers above the surface were instantly horrified, and then one by one looked down at the ground in horror,

They only felt that an abyss beast seemed to be lurking under their feet, and it might devour their souls at any time.

Li De's face also became extremely ugly at this time, and an indescribable force rushed into his body instantly, tearing and ravaging his soul.

The terrifying and vicious power completely exceeded his expectations. He had thought that he might face a shock, but he never thought that the shock of energy would be so fierce and surging.

Is this the real power of the gods??

Although Li De's face was pale, his eyes were still firm.

It's just an appetizer.

After he withstood the first wave of shock, he immediately mobilized the power of faith to haunt his body.

His own power is almost useless in the face of divine power, and only the power of faith can shake the opponent.

Now, the devouring has officially begun.

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