I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 383 Snatching the body of God, the extraordinary appears (nine thousand words)

In the name of Ilo, I order you to kneel before me, ancient god of old!

When Li De's words resounded in the sky, everyone was instantly ignited when they saw the scene of the god kneeling down.

This is simply a picture that everyone has thought about in their daydreams. Among the thousands of troops, one sentence made the enemy leader kneel and surrender.

It just exploded!

Ilo?? Too fucking handsome!!

Who is Yiluo?? Why are you so hung up??

It seems that there is a dark covenant guild in Green City. Their president is called Your Majesty Ilo. I heard it last time I did a mission.

A boss who controls the underground forces of Green City can actually make the gods kneel??

Damn it, this NPC is definitely a super hidden boss. Are there any brothers who joined the Covenant of Darkness? Would you like to team up and try it out next time? ?

The players' comments reached the moment after the god of plague knelt down. Li De's actions just now were really handsome.

He brought a large army to kill them, and wiped out the half-rat people who were unable to do anything by the army of the Quartet before, and then made the gods kneel with one word.

This series of domineering marches saw many players almost take off their pants, and they were directly poked into the excitement.

I bet this guy is definitely the most powerful NPC known so far, no one can compare to him!! Let God kneel directly, who can do it??

In the name of Yiluo, I ordered you to kneel to me. My motherfucker is going to explode. It's so stupid, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Compared with the madness of the player, the aborigines who saw this scene also widened their eyes as if they saw some incredible existence. Although it was not as exaggerated as the player, the inner fluctuations were even worse.

The goddess is above, I bet that this is the most glorious day in my life, because I have seen the brilliance of the gods with my own eyes, and your Majesty Iluo praises you!

Hi~ His Majesty Ilo? Could it be the president of the Dark Covenant??

The god of thieves is above, I must have heard it wrong, how can such a terrifying existence sit in the covenant of darkness? ! !

Haven't you even heard of His Majesty Ilo's reputation? He is the dark mentor of the underground forces in Green City. His Majesty Ilo was once in the black market in the Western District.

In one sentence, the leader of the Demon Heart, Heart Eater Wales, has broken through from level 19 to level 20! !

Have you never heard of such a great existence? ?

I didn't expect His Majesty Yiluo to be as powerful as the legend says, no, he is a hundred times stronger than the legend!!

Although the aborigines do not have the voice of the players, but the admiration in their eyes is even greater.

Under the dissemination of insiders, the news that Yiluo was the president of Green City's dark date began to spread rapidly, and the legendary past of Yiluo's crown was also presented in front of everyone. At this time, they suddenly realized that such a big man Right next to you.

Especially in the group of players, Li De has become the only true god in their minds in a very short period of time.

But at this time, Li De was not so in the mood to care about these messes, and all his attention was placed on the God of Plague.

Although the god of plague occupies Amy's body, Amy is his blood descendant.

What are the characteristics of a bloodline? Absolute obedience and loyalty.

It was the mark imprinted in the blood and soul.

So after Li De noticed this, he directly invoked the power of the bloodline to force the opponent to kneel.

This terrifying life that I don't know how many years it has survived, because of the lack of control over Amy's body, under the gaze of millions, Li De kneeled on the spot.

But outsiders didn't know the reason. They only saw Li De's words and made the god of plague kneel.

So Li De's image at this time can be compared to Haoyue's. What is strong and domineering, that is.

Appeared at the most critical moment, and under the attention of all the people, overwhelmed the audience.

The majesty of the king, no one dares to ignore it.

God of the new sun, you have angered me. His tone was filled with indescribable coldness and tyrannical murderous intent.

The God of Plague, who was kneeling on the ground, was unprepared and suffered a loss, but God was always God. With powerful strength, he regained control of his body and slowly straightened his waist.

Those gray eyes stared straight at Li De with dead silence and emptiness, full of chills.

Li De's eyes were sharp and looked directly at the other party without showing weakness.

Your strength is far from restored, right?

God of old, I sense your weakness

The indifferent words made the God of Plague's face change again.

These words pierced his weakness. If he regained his strength, how could he still allow other people's provocations.

A single magic can destroy tens of thousands of troops.

But now he is powerless. After being sealed for countless long years, most of his power has already disappeared under the wash of time.

He was so weak, so weak that a bunch of despicable mortals dared to challenge him.

Making the half-rat man mad was borrowing the power of the altar and the artifact, and the power he can control now is negligible.

Besides, this altar is your prison, right? The old gods

Li De's eyes were cold. After he broke into this delusional place, the power of faith was radiating all the time.

He can sense through the power of faith that this delusional land connecting the kingdom of God is actually a sealed land, and the core of all seals is the black altar.

The god of plague has never left the altar after recovery, which is too unreasonable.

Moreover, a god, a god who survived from ancient times, is not able to take the initiative to destroy foreign enemies after being knocked on the door, but also needs to rely on the power of mice, which is unreasonable.

The dignity of the strong cannot be provoked, this is the rule of glory.

But people are provocative, and the other party has not been punished, then it can only show that this so-called strong person is not strong enough.

Li De's few words changed the face of the God of Plague greatly, and when he noticed this, a cold arc hung on the corner of his mouth, and the killing intent in his eyes began to permeate.

Old gods, I don't care who you are or how powerful you are. Now, it's no longer your era.

After the words fell, Yu Guang glanced at the undifferentiated space beside him, and his eyes instantly turned like electricity after sensing some aura.

Give up resistance and stand trial!

It's not that he's been rambling for so long that he's an idiot to show his intelligence in front of the god of plague.

He is waiting for the god Asleigh to take his place. The opposite is a real god. Even if his strength may not recover even 1%, it is full of danger.

And of all his subordinates, only Asregar can pose a fatal threat to the god of plague.

Because the other party is a sinner!

Divine sins are the most extreme evil in the world, their prey is even gods, and their food is divinity.

Even gods are terrified of powerful gods.

It is undoubtedly more appropriate to use this legendary mythical life to deal with the god of plague.

The god of the new sun is the real master of this world, you have already been swept into the garbage heap, you lowly gods of the old days

Li De was indifferent, and continued to use words to provoke the god of plague and attract his attention.

At this time, he did not use the power of faith to convey his words, and the reflection in the sky did not convey his voice.

And the god of plague did not let his voice radiate out after seeing Li De. It seems that Li De, the god of the new sun, made him attach great importance.

When he regained control of Amy's body, he slowly stood up, his dark and dead eyes could make people feel fear from the heart.

The gray mage robes on his body began to float, and the dark black bat wings behind him made him even more terrifying.

The true god of evil.

Li De's words were more venomous than withered bones, and instantly the anger of the god of plague, who was already raging to the sky, skyrocketed.

God of the new sun, I will take out your soul and tear it apart bit by bit!!

The slate of destiny has been stolen by the master of the old days, the glory of the old days is about to be revived, and you will all fall.

Hearing this, Li De was instantly horrified, and every cell in his body was warning him at this moment.

Advanced Hazard Perception.

He seems to have touched some indescribable taboos, some unspeakable ancient secrets, some secrets that should not appear in this world.

Li De even felt at this moment that if he continued to listen to this evil god, he would die.

And that feeling is getting stronger and stronger, even so strong that his soul is shaking.

It's not a secret he can listen to, or a mystery his level can try to spy on.

Li Deqiang endured the tremor in his heart and turned his head suddenly to roar.

Do it!!

As soon as the words fell, Li De's body instantly disappeared in place, and then appeared on the black altar.

The speed is ferocious as a tiger, and it goes straight to the old gods.

The God of Plague just wanted to resist, but at this moment, Li De directly used the bloodline in Amy's body and began to frantically transmit the power of faith.

When the God of Plague was about to mobilize his power, he suddenly found that this body was out of his control.

Under the gazes of millions, Li De rushed to the God of Plague without any hindrance, then extended his right hand without any hesitation, and pressed his five fingers into the palm of his hand on the opponent's forehead.

A pure holy power permeated out, instilled into Amy's body, and directly blocked the power of the God of Plague with the power of faith.

This action immediately caused a chain reaction, and the blasphemous words that had been echoing in the sky actually stopped.

What is this doing? ?

Although the reflection in the sky was silent, Li De's actions surprised millions of people around Lisl City.

What is this powerful being that makes the gods kneel down?

Is he going to kill each other? ?

Archduke Okari also widened his eyes at this time, looking straight at the sky, then turned his head sharply to look at the bishop of the God of Nobles, his face full of doubts.

What is the Crown Prince Ilo doing??

The scene was inexplicably strange.

The holy breath revealed by Li De was so conspicuous under the thick black cloud.

Against the background of the surrounding dark environment, Li De at this time is more like a savior.

The bishop priest Grand Duke was also a little stunned by this scene, and after a while, he slapped his head violently and said extremely excitedly.

Grand Duke, this mighty majesty is using his own power to conquer this ancient evil god!!!

I have seen in the ancient books of the church that during the battle of the ancient gods, some powerful light-type gods turned the evil gods into their own servants in order to gain more combat power in the later stage of the war! !

The more the protagonist priest thinks, the more excited he becomes.

That is to say, this Lord Yiluo is enslaving the ancient evil god!!

Enslaved evil gods? ?

Archduke Okari couldn't help taking a deep breath when he heard this, his eyes filled with shock.

This must be a lot of money, isn't it? ?

How terrifying power does this Crown Prince of Ilo possess? ?

Why would such a character stay in a sinful place like the West End of Green City? ?

Could it be that this terrifying peerless powerhouse is really just like the legend, in order to experience the various states of the world and seek to break through to a higher level and integrate into the common people, just like the ascetic monks of the sect? ?

There was a deep sense of admiration in the eyes of Archduke Okeli.

How domineering and heroic it is to subdue the gods as slaves, such characters must visit each other in the future if they have the opportunity.

The crazy Archduke Okali didn't know that Li De just wanted to regain control of his body for Amy.

As for wanting to enslave this old god, it is purely a daydream. Even if he is given 10 million beliefs, I am afraid that he will not be able to do it. The other party is a real god, and not everyone is qualified to enslave.

After the incomparably holy power of faith entered Amy's body, the scene that Li De expected did not happen. Instead, the gray power that belonged to the evil god was directly intertwined with the power of faith.

There was no scene where the dark power he imagined was dispelled by the light power.

The evil power of the god of plague is not afraid of the power of holy faith, this evil god is too weird

Although it did not achieve the desired effect, Li De was still frantically importing the power of faith to suppress the opponent.

Amy is now the most central point in the battle of Lisl City. Now anyone can have an accident, only Amy cannot.

He must let Amy control his body and temporarily seal the God of Plague, otherwise it will be in vain this time.

As for directly snatching the bodies and artifacts of the gods floating around Amy, Li De has not thought about it, but these ultimate treasures contain the divine power belonging to the god of plague, which he cannot shake.

And this plan quickly paid off.

Although the God of Plague was terrifying, the opponent occupied Amy's body immortally, and Li De used the power of blood and faith to suppress him before he had time to display his abilities.

Under the backlash of the bloodline and the invasion of the power of faith, the old god began to slowly lose control of Amy's body.

Especially after Li De's power of faith began to support Amy's imprisoned consciousness.

Your Majesty

In the chaos and darkness, Amy suddenly only felt a dazzling brilliance shining in. This brilliance was mixed with powerful power, which instantly replenished his weak soul, as if he had regained a new life.

After opening his eyes, Amy, who saw the outside world again, was so excited that he was about to cry, and he even thought he would die for a while.

At this moment, he finally ushered in hope.

Amy, take control of your body immediately, don't hesitate!

The god of plague in your body was temporarily suppressed by me, but my strength is not enough to suppress the opponent for a long time, and you must cooperate.

Although Li De's voice was serious and cold, it immediately gave Amy the backbone, Yes, Your Majesty!

After having the power of faith as the backing, Amy suddenly became more confident. After sensing the pure dark energy in her body, she immediately began to mobilize her power to block the opponent, and forcibly competed with the opponent for control of the body.

Feeling Amy's struggle, the old evil god began to sit still.

God of the New Sun, you can't stop me, the world's rejection of gods has reached an irresistible level.

Your arrival in this world must have consumed most of your power. I sensed your weak divine power. When your divine power is exhausted, it will be the moment when I will devour your soul.

Give up resistance, drop the title of god of the new sun, and throw yourself into the arms of the old, and you will get everything you want.

The seductive ancient blasphemies slowly echoed in Li De's ears, like a devil whispering.

Although this evil god was extremely weak, Li De knew very well that the other party's words were correct, and he really couldn't stop the other party.

However, his purpose was not to kill this old god, he spent so much energy just to fight an evil god he had never seen before.

He turned his head sharply, looked at the empty area around him, and shouted coldly.

Can Asregard devour it?

His ultimate weapon is not just the power of faith.

Then, in the perception of the God of Plague, near the dark altar, a figure with a height of 3 blades, two long curved horns growing on the top of its head, and a figure with demon wings fluttering behind it.

This mysterious figure that suddenly appeared was engraved with ancient blasphemous inscriptions, and there was an aura that even made him tremble.

The God of Plague spit out a word full of sin with an extremely surprised tone.

God's evil!!!

God's sin, that is the food of divinity, hunting the terrifying existence of gods, although the god of plague is the evil god of the old days, but the power of god's sin still makes him dare not ignore it,

Because the gods of the gods of the light faction and the evil camp are treated equally as food.

God of the new sun, you are actually raising the gods?!!

Hearing this shocking tone, Li De's eyes narrowed slightly, the tone of this evil god was not like this just now.

It seems that this move is the right move. The threat of the gods to the gods is absolutely unimaginable.

If the enemy is afraid, then he will continue to carry forward.

Aslegar, can you kill this old evil god?

Father, although this evil god has lost most of his power, I have also lost my former divinity. He cannot be killed.

Hearing this, Li De was not disappointed. If this evil god died so easily, the other party would not be able to survive until now.

What about these gods? Can you devour their divinity??

The food of the gods is divinity, and devouring the divinity will make them stronger.

Astraga, whose eyes were full of tyranny, shook his head.

The blasphemous words in his mouth are still as cold as ice.

Father, these gods are engraved with powerful seals, and I can't unseal them in a short time.

Hearing this, Li De frowned. If this is the case, then the harvest this time is really too little.

He even felt relieved when he sensed the god of plague in Amy's body at this moment.

However, Asleigar's second sentence took a twist.

However, the seal on the left arm has been loosened. As long as you give me a certain amount of time, I can unlock the seal on it.

Li De's eyes lit up instantly, and he looked at the headless body with godhead a little unwillingly, and asked.

What about this body? The seal has been undone halfway.

The power contained in this body is too terrifying. If the seal is unlocked, this evil god will immediately return to its original body, and we cannot resist it.

Asrega shook his head, These gods and artifacts are wrapped by the power of the gods, and if you want to take them away, you can only destroy these gods.

Father God, I can't get all the items with my current power and the power of the artifact is too strong, I can only get one piece from the body of the god.

Li De was a little disappointed by Asleigar's words, and he still wanted to take everything away, but it didn't seem to work at the moment.

Two arms, two legs, plus a headless body and five artifacts.

It can be said that the God of Plague is surrounded by the world's top treasures.

But in this situation, there is really no way to have all of them, and it is not possible for adults to have all of them every time. The choices that should be made are still to be made.

Taking a deep breath, Li De immediately made a decision.

Take that arm with weak seal strength away, act quickly, I can only suppress the opponent for five minutes at most

In front of the god of plague, the two blatantly divided his body, which immediately detonated the wrath of the evil god.

God of the new sun, I have already remembered the taste of your soul. When the Slate of Destiny is broken, I will definitely come to the main plane and bake your soul for a million years!!

Li De was horrified again after hearing this, and only felt that an unspeakable horror seemed to attack him.

The heart stopped beating at this moment.

The Slate of Destiny is broken?? What the hell is this goddamn evil god trying to say??

What is the Slate of Destiny? ? Why do I feel like I'm in danger just by hearing this news? ?

It was horrible, it felt like someone was wrapping his neck with a strong arm, making it hard for him to breathe.

Li De's face is a little ugly, why is this evil god talking so much? ? Although these lucky secrets are predictable, they are too exaggerated, and he cannot spy on them.

But as an extremely evil life that survived in ancient times, it seems that the gods are not affected by this news at all, and they are still carrying out Li De's orders.

After flapping its wings, it flew to the side of the divine body floating in the sky. This extremely vicious being with tyrannical and murderous eyes just forcibly removed one of its arms from the body.

At the moment when the arm left the original floating orbit, it seemed to be touched by some seals, and then an indescribable terrifying aura instantly permeated.

That kind of feeling is like a child walking to the entrance of a dark cave, and then a tiger with a bloody mouth rushes out of it. The sense of horror is enough to make the legs of the determined warrior go weak.

But what is surprising is that at this moment, the 19th-level goddess Asrega also burst out with an unspeakable evil aura, which was forcibly washed away.

The scene returned to calm.

But looking at Asleigar's expression, he could immediately sense that he was under unspeakable pressure, the blue veins on his neck were bursting out at this moment, and the expression on his face was especially hideous.

Li De felt nervous when he saw this scene.

Athrega, get out of here and go to the predetermined location!

Yes, Father God

After the words fell, the three-blade-high Asrega left with that arm as if he was carrying a mountain.

Li De could only shake his head at this, the system space reminded him that he could not collect items containing divine nature, and he could only let Asregar act alone.

After Asleigar flew away from the altar with more than ten blades, his sharp claws directly shattered the space. With his powerful space control ability, he disappeared directly into the space gap.

Seeing this scene, Li De was slightly relieved. At least this time, the war that spent countless resources on has finally achieved a bottom line.

This time, even if he only got a god arm, he felt that he had made a lot of money.

This is a divine body that contains flesh and blood and divinity. The remains of the gods with only bones left in the blood pool directly give the Holy Light blood clan a foothold. It is conceivable how precious the divine body is.

The value of this kind of treasure is not comparable to that of ordinary Jinpuke and ore, and no amount of it will work.

The illusory space around the black altar can't see what's outside, it's hazy, and even the reflection of the sky can't be seen here.

After entering this area, it was like being blindfolded.

Li De didn't know whether the war outside had changed at this time, he could only speed up the time to get more benefits.

After sensing Asrega's rapid departure, Li De turned his attention to Amy who was still holding his forehead and forcibly inputting the power of faith in front of him.

How to deal with this evil god is the focus of this time. Although countless plans have been deduced before coming here, the actions at this time are obviously not connected with the previous deductions, and the plan will never change quickly.

Amy, can you control your body now?

Your Majesty, it's too strong, this evil god's power is too powerful, I can only barely compete, but I can't make more useful actions.

The old god of plague did not speak again at this time. After Asrega left, the evil god fell silent, but Li De could obviously feel that the surrounding dark forces became more active.

The opponent will never be caught off guard.

How can you let you seal this evil god for a longer time? Or let him leave your body?

Your Majesty, the altar under your feet

Amy's tone was very weak. If Li De hadn't used the power of faith to help him resist, his soul would have already collapsed under the invasion of the God of Plague.

In the corruption of the evil god's power, how many people can stand it? ?


Yes, this altar is the key to the entire seal. Most of the power of the God of Plague is blocked. I got some power from it before.

You can also gain some power in it and use his power to expel him

Use the power of the evil god to attack the other evil god? It's kind of nasty.

Do you know how to do it?

The God of Plague has destroyed most of the seal on the altar, so that he can restore most of his power instantly after he unseals his body.

So now you don't have to break the seal anymore, you only need to use your mental power to communicate with the altar to gain some power.

But you have to be careful, the power in the altar is more majestic than the sea, you only need to get a small amount, if you get too much, you may also be controlled by this evil god”

Amy's merciless revelation made the old god of plague, who had been silent, furious again.

Damn the god of the new sun, that is the power of the old days, you dare to peep?

Li De didn't pay any attention to the god of plague when he heard this. One was too lazy to talk nonsense, and the other was that he was afraid that the other party would say some good secrets, and he might really not be able to bear it by then.

Legend has it that some powerful and evil gods often use powerful divine power to set curses in order to keep some terrifying secrets. As long as anyone discovers these secrets, they will be cursed for life.

Although the cost of setting such a curse is an almost unbearable burden for the gods, once the curse is successfully established, as long as those taboos are touched, they will encounter a great crisis.

These legends appeared in the glorious myths collected by Li De's people. He originally thought that they were made up by troubadours, but the terrorist crisis just now made him quietly change this idea.

Amy, I will infuse you with the power as soon as I get it. After you get rid of his control, immediately take out the head of the god, and we will evacuate directly.

What?? My head was hidden by you? God of the new sun, you filthy lowly thief!!

The god of plague did not expect his missing head to be hidden by Li De and Amy together, and this operation made him irritated again.

If the God of Plague is restored to his strength at this time, I am afraid that this old god will be desperate to kill Li De.

As a god, even a sealed god, he has never encountered such bullying.

He is the master of the old days.

Master the plague and spread the gods of death!

Li De obviously doesn't care what the god of plague says. This is the main plane. Even if this evil god can get out of trouble, he can't stay here for a long time. He will definitely be rejected by the will of the main plane to other planes. What if he hated him again.

The body suddenly fell to the altar.

Then in the way Amy said, the spiritual power permeated out.

But at this moment, the surrounding illusory space shook violently, and the overlapping and separated spaces were completely stabilized.

The spatial coordinates of the God of Plague Divine Kingdom are completely anchored in the city of Lisl at this moment.

In an instant, countless roaring half-ratmen appeared in the originally silent space, and at this time, the roar of the halfling army fighting with the remaining half-ratmen in the outer area also resounded in the sky again.

But that's not all, because Li De helped Amy to forcibly suppress the god of plague, and the ancient blasphemous words that had been echoing in the sky had stopped at this time.

Although the surrounding energy that made the half-rat people evolve into violent half-rat people is still there, after the blasphemous words are gone, the surrounding environment seems to have changed a little, at least the dark aura that made him feel suppressed has disappeared.

Countless half-rat people were exposed because of the fixed space, and when they saw Li De sitting high on the altar, they let out a sharp roar.

The breath that didn't belong to them made countless violent half-ratmen go crazy, but because of the terrifying aura of the black altar, all the half-ratmen dared not approach, and could only be surrounded by circles.

Countless half-rat people with terrifying expressions bared their fangs and sharp mouths, roaring and shouting, surrounding him 360 degrees, and the scene looked extremely intimidating.

But Li De didn't have time to take care of other things at this time, the army of centaurs was enough to deal with all this, and continued to radiate spiritual power to explore the altar.

Because of the resistance of Amy's own will, the power of faith consumed by Li De suddenly dropped a bit. Judging from the current speed, he could barely support five minutes.

That is to say, he must find a way to suppress this evil spirit within these five minutes, otherwise he will encounter huge troubles after the other party gets out of trouble.

And because the reflection in the sky lost the control of the god of plague, there was no sound at this time. Although the crowd around Lisl City saw the process just now, they didn't know what happened.

What is this NPC doing? Didn't he just let the evil god kneel? Why did a mysterious person take the evil god's arm?

You know the shit, didn't you see that the evil god is being sealed? Have you ever played the game? Next is the cutscenes in the game.

I bet that the other party must be breaking the seal, and then the evil god will be resurrected, regaining his body and being a little brother in front of the handsome NPC.

Could you be the legendary King of Understanding?? But it does make sense. This is too handsome. Just, fuck, in front of an army of hundreds of thousands of people, God kneels down for him with a single sentence, it's absurd. to my grandmother's house.

It took only three or two minutes for Li De's series of actions after approaching the God of Plague. The onlookers were still immersed in the shocking scene of him leading hundreds of thousands of troops to kill the half-rat people.

But just as they were talking about it, someone with sharp eyes suddenly found a huge hole above the orc army, and was suddenly torn open.

Then, three orcs, two orc warriors, and one orc shaman came out of the shattered space. They were all lion people.

Why is someone here again??

What do these orc NPCs do?

Why do I feel like I'm going to fight again? I'm really looking forward to that handsome Iluo's NPC shot!

When the orc prince Shahram saw the three figures in the air, an uncontrollable smile appeared on his face.

His ultimate successor has finally arrived.

The orc's extraordinary spell caster floated in front of Shahram with a wave of two orc warriors.

After landing, the three nodded slightly.

Your Highness

As extraordinary, even if Shahram's status is honorable, they don't need to salute. The power of this world is the eternal truth.

Shahram gestured to the chest beating of the extraordinary spell caster, Thank you for coming.

Immediately, there was some doubts, Why did I call you before but didn't get a response?

The extraordinary shaman shook his head, his eyes very solemn.

His Royal Highness, the ancient blasphemous words echoing over the city of Lisl contain the most evil power. If the supernatural appears in this city, it will be attacked by the ultimate evil and enslaved by it.

We are here now because the blasphemy stopped.

Shahram was very happy to hear this, and then pointed his finger in the direction of the black altar.

His tone was as cold as ice, with murderous intent everywhere.

Kill them and snatch the body and artifacts of the gods!

Hearing the words, the three extraordinary orcs turned to look at Li De, who was sitting on the altar.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

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