I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 373 Continue to prepare for war, a strong sense of urgency (6200 words)

Seeing Li De's thoughtful expression, Harrison didn't dare to delay, and immediately turned the vampire driving the carriage.


The crisp horseshoes echoed over the streets with the breath of the cold wind. Whether it was the old city or the new city, the Church of Dawn was next to the city hall.

After a few minutes, the carriage slowly stopped.

When Li De got off the carriage, he suddenly found that he had been tossing around several places in a row today.

Somewhat funny.

In the future, let these people go to the city hall for a meeting, and find them one by one to find how much time is wasted for them to run like this all day, or just use the burial ground to transfer directly. It is handsome to use a carriage, but the efficiency is too low.

After not staying much, I took Harrison to the second floor of the church with a brisk walk through the enthusiastic believers who were almost in tears.

It just so happened that the sisters Nilo and Nicole didn't go out, both of them were there.

After knocking lightly on the open door, Li De stepped in.

After seeing the more handsome figure in the woven robe, the two girls instantly burst into bright smiles.

The smiling face turned the air into a warm spring at this moment, and the chill dissipated.

Good day, Your Majesty.

City Lord Kachar, good day~

The elder sister Niluo looks elegant, the white priest's robe is concave and convex, and the body exudes a touch of holy fluorescence. Although she is full of femininity, her pale golden eyes make people feel a pilgrimage in the heart, and suddenly feel solemn.

Sister Niluo has a somewhat quirky temperament, and her big eyes are playful and agile, more like the naughty little sister next door. Although the two look alike, they are completely opposite types.

Seeing two girls with outstanding looks and temperament, Li De's tired heart was swept away in an instant.

It happens that you are both there.

Li De smiled, and he was not polite. After stepping into the house, he sat directly on the sofa in the office, and then gestured towards the opposite side.

Harrison took advantage of the situation and stood beside Li De, while Nilo Nicole sat obediently on the sofa opposite him, with no table in the middle.

Without too much politeness, we went straight to the topic after we sat down.

What is the current situation of Dawnbreak Sect's mission in the underground world?

It has to be said that it is a bold attempt to preach to the underground world.

This is the first time City of Dawn has tried to get out of City of Dawn, from a protected state to directly face the external competition of beliefs.

The power of faith is too important, this is the source of the power of the gods.

Therefore, most intelligent races will have gods to win each other's beliefs. Humans naturally needless to say. The sects of faith range from the gods of light to the evil gods of the abyss. As long as there are famous gods, almost all believers will believe in them.

The same is true for other races. After a long time, most races have their own gods.

Halflings even have their own racial god - the god of halflings.

Therefore, Li De has a clear understanding of the mission in the underground world. He does not expect this mission to be very effective. He just hopes that this mission can find problems within the sect so that it can be corrected next time.

But Nilo's words surprised Li De.

Your Majesty, this missionary process seems to be smoother than I thought.

The pale golden eyes of this holy priest stared at his master with a smile.

The sect of halflings was unprepared for the sudden intrusion of the Dawnbreaker sect and was very slow to respond.

And the halfling sect's teachings are outdated, old-fashioned, and drowsy-sounding.

Unlike our Lingdong, the missionary stories you compiled are very popular, especially the stories of your talent being abolished, and then joining the Dawn Cult to get the guidance of the gods to obtain the ancient inheritance, which has become a hot topic in the Dark Iron Fortress.

Nilo's words made Li De a little ashamed.

When he talked with Nilo before, he mixed up the movies and novels he had seen before, and weaved a few fragments of talent being abolished and then counterattacking, after being divorced, counterattacking and so on as missionary stories.

Unexpectedly, through the research and development of Nilo and a group of priests, these stories have become more and more perfect, and even now they have been edited and become a must-read collection of stories for the Dawnbreak Sect...

Compared with the monotonous preaching in this world, the preaching method of writing novels of the Dawn Sect naturally has a great advantage.

Because the effect of our missionary work is excellent, even the dark races that are hostile to us are quite moved during missionary work.

Maybe it won't be long before you have a group of dark beings as believers.

Nilo's eyes flickered, And now the church in Dark Iron Castle is under construction, and it is expected to be initially completed in a month.

On the day when the church is seated in Dark Iron Castle, it will be the moment when the Dawnbreaker Sect will shine brightly.

Your Majesty, I am confident that 70% of the halflings in Dark Iron City will become believers of the Dawnbreaker Sect and become your loyal subjects.

this? 70%? ?

What's the difference between that and capturing the Black Iron City...

Li De looked at Nilo, who was full of confidence, and his mood became very good.

His holy priest has never let him down.

It has always been so.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help reaching out, rubbing Nilo's beautiful long hair under Nicole's somewhat envious gaze, full of admiration.

The mission to the underworld is a bold attempt to test the resilience of the Dawnbreakers.

You did a great job this time, and you should be commended.

But don't be proud, the halfling sect in the underworld won't let us preach normally.

Speaking of which, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

Now it's because the Dawnbreaker sect hasn't erupted with power that makes them feel threatened, so it's quiet and honest.

When we really exert our strength, the halfling sect will definitely feel threatened, and there will be endless suppression, and they will even persuade Dark Iron Castle to use the power of the army to restrict our mission.

Then the crisis will come.

Preaching on someone else's site, but the other party has a backer, so it's normal to be unable to beat cheating.

Nilo frowned upon hearing this, Your Majesty, what should we do? Use the army?

Li De smiled when he heard the words, and looked at Nicole, who was pouting and never had a chance to speak to Nicole, Nicole, say it.

After being named, the little girl instantly became happy and rolled her eyes.

Yes, City Lord Kachar~

Sister, it's easy to deal with them, just make these halflings dare not do it.

At that time, we can send the goddess Asrega to go around the Dark Iron Fort to make them fearful and fearful.

Li De glanced at Nicole with admiration, Coercion is indeed a means, but the comparison with coercion requires an advantage.

Using powerful power to make Hei Tiebao feel threatened is beneficial to us in the short term, but in the long run, it will not eliminate the troubles, but will make them rebellious.

On the contrary, if the bait was made at this time, the outcome would be completely different...

After Li De finished speaking, he did not continue, his dark eyes looked at Nicole, and he signaled the girl to continue with an encouraging expression.

Nicole looked at Li De with bright eyes and smiled brightly, then continued his topic.

For example, strengthen business cooperation with them, so that the halflings can get huge profits from us, no one can keep calm in the face of benefits, and they will even take the initiative to cooperate with us to preach after they taste the sweetness.

The specific operation is to support several influential halfling forces, making them the biggest profiteers, and it can also help them increase their voice among the halflings to check and balance those who oppose them, and these people will even eventually be part of our strength.

Li De was very satisfied with Nicole's words. It seemed a very correct choice to put this little girl in the city hall for exercise in recent years.

Sacrificing small profits to gain big profits, this is the basic logic of the layout, Nicole did a great job.

When the economy of Dark Iron Castle is completely bound to us, they will be like the Iron Hoof Tribe, and even if they resist, they will not be able to stop the general trend.

Back then we could easily conquer the city without even using force.

First, it is economic colonization, and then it cultivates a large number of people with vested interests who are close to itself. When the time is ripe to carry out real colonization, the Leading Party will be able to kill those opponents.

Just so unpretentious.

Hearing this, Nilo showed admiration, Your Majesty, your wisdom is truly shocking.

Harrison and Nicole also nodded in agreement.

Li De can't help but smile, most boys do a lot of secondary school things when they are young, isn't it just for the admiration and praise in the eyes of girls?

Fortunately, he has passed the second year of middle school, but he is still in a good mood.

Nilo, the mass mission to the underground world has been temporarily slowed down, and it will be fully rolled out in three months.

In the past few months, we are going to launch a war on the city of Lisl, and we can no longer take care of the underground world.

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Harrison, and Harrison, the tool man, immediately understood, and began to tell the two girls about the relics of the gods one by one.

In the end, Harrison wondered if he should just write it down and let the senior staff of Dawnbreak City forget it...

After Harrison finished explaining Li De, he continued.

Magic bats are naturally hostile to the light department and the natural sect. Once they appear, they are likely to face the encirclement and suppression of everyone, so my main purpose this time is to cultivate a group of dawn bats.

Dawn Bat: Birth level 10, mature body level 12, elite body level 14, perfect body level 15, evolution requires a Bronze Cyclops bloodline, 500 points of faith, evolution time - 30 days

This is how Li De cultivated the dawn bat after he cultivated Castro, the newborn king.

Although the Dawning Bat was promoted from the magic word bat, because of the power of faith and the bloodline of the Bronze Cyclops used in this process, it has been separated from the category of dark life.

The Dawning Bat is not afraid of the power of the Holy Light and the sun, and can still maintain its peak state during the day.

In the case that the magic word bat cannot be dispatched, the dawn bat is undoubtedly the best choice.

Your Majesty, we have cultivated about twenty Dawning Bats before, and these are the mounts of the top generals in Dawnwing's Wings. Nilo didn't answer immediately, but frowned slightly.

Because the power of faith consumes too much, we cannot cultivate it on a large scale.

Now face the same problem.

Your Majesty, if you simply want to cultivate dawn bats to replace magic words bats, I am afraid that the power of faith required will be an unacceptable amount...

Several people present are all confidants, and Li De no longer keeps them secret about the power of faith.

But when he heard this, he couldn't help but be silent for a moment.

He had planned to cultivate the dawn bat before, but the biggest problem, as Nilo said, was the consumption of the power of faith.

His current attribute panel only has 120,000 Faith Power, 500 Faith Power to cultivate one, and 100 to cultivate 50,000 points, he can only cultivate more than 200 at most.

But no matter how small the number is, it is better than none. In the case that the magic word bat cannot be dispatched, it is undoubtedly the best choice to cultivate the dawn bat as a replacement.

Nilo, we need an air force, and only the air force can maximize the power of the alchemy bomb.

Although I have arranged for the alchemy factory to make additional preparations, none of this can replace the role of the Air Force.

The importance of air supremacy has been taught to him by countless wars on Earth.

And when the strength gap between the enemy and us is quite large, a strong air force is definitely the key to victory.

But the identity of the blood clan cannot be exposed, and the danger after exposure may be ten times higher than that without the Air Force, so the current choice is no way.

How much of Corso's blood is stored now?

The blood of the Bronze Cyclops is also needed to cultivate the magic bat, but fortunately, when Koso evolved into a Bronze Cyclops, Li De realized his importance, and he would draw Koso's blood for storage every week.

Enough for us to make 3,000 Daybreak Bats...

3000 heads? This number is enough.

Very well, in the next two months, I will not use the power of faith, you will use all the power of faith to cultivate the dawn bat with the wings of dawn.

Right now I'm getting about 40,000 to 50,000 Faith per month, maybe more with the number of new residents, but that's it for now.

Counting the earnings for the next three months, we can have a Daybreaker bat numbering over 400 before the war begins.

Although the number cannot be compared with the more than 7,000 magic bats now, it is barely enough.

The initial level of the Dawning Bat is level 10, and 400 flying monsters of level 10 can be considered a strong force.

After hearing Li De's order, Nilo didn't speak anymore and immediately answered.

As a holy priest, all interests are considered for Li De, and she only wants to make up for Li De's shortcomings and nothing else.

Nicole suddenly seemed to remember something, and her eyes lit up.

Lord City Lord, according to the information, there is a black pecking giant eagle numbering more than a thousand in the Black Iron Fort...

We can't use magic bats, so can we borrow an army from Dark Iron Castle, no, it can be said to hire them to participate in this war?

The idea is creative.

After thinking for a moment, Li De shook his head.

Whether the halflings will be involved in this war is a question, but these underground lives cannot be exposed.

Although the underground world is currently exclusive to us, don't forget, who revealed that there was a black dragon in the swamp, and whose artifact was stolen by that black dragon?

Since the goblin came out of the underground world and was found by Lisl City, it means that there are other entrances.

Humans don't know about this now. If they detect the existence of the underground world, they may not find it if they seriously look for it.

At that time, our exclusive advantage of the underworld will no doubt be gone.

Your Majesty, your wisdom has always been so admirable...

Harry responded with a smile.

At this time, Nilo also nodded in appreciation, Yes, this is a gift from the God of Creation...

Li De didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he didn't say much, and gave the order directly.

There are still three months before the complete unblocking of the relics of the gods. Harrison, you are sitting in the city hall to control the overall situation and supervise the progress of these tasks.

Nilo, you can't relax about the Dawning Bat, you must cultivate enough numbers.

Yes, Your Majesty!

Harrison and Nilo, who received the order, responded in unison, while Nicole looked at Li De angrily, City Lord Kachar, what about me??

Why is she the only one of the three who has not been assigned a task? ? Not fair...hum.

Li De couldn't help laughing when he heard these childish words, she was really a girl who didn't grow up.

You arranged for the giants to take up their posts after training them last time?

Yes, Nicole rolled her dark eyes and raised her head slightly, a little proud.

After training, the Cyclops and the two-headed ogre are much easier to command.

Good job, Li De nodded and continued looking at the girl who was instantly smiling.

But that's not enough, the battle is about to start, I need you to develop a way to fight the Cyclops and the two-headed ogre, and then train them.

Better to train them to be forbidden by human soldiers.

Nicole, this is a very difficult task, are you ready?

Looking at Li De, who was full of encouragement and expectation, Nicole was a little arrogant, Don't worry, Lord Kachar, I will train these giants into a qualified and powerful army!

I am looking forward......

After explaining the task, Li De turned his head and communicated with Nilo about the mission of the Breaking Dawn sect during this period of time.

Every massive population influx brings a variety of sectarian beliefs to Dawn City.

Now is the time to test the pastors' ability to deal with infidels.

Although supported by the official power of Dawn City, it often takes a long time to assimilate followers of other sects.

Of course, Nilo has a lot of experience in this regard. After knowing a little about the recent affairs of the Dawnbreaker Sect, Li De remembered something very important.

Dawn is the time when the blood clan first embraces, and it is already January 11th.

The number of blood clans on his attribute panel has soared from 1358 to 2708...

Thinking of this, I could not help turning my head to look at Harrison.

Harrison, how's the Dawn Embrace going?

Your Majesty, everything is going well. Except for a few human beings who have made great achievements this time, all the others were selected from the army, the Dawning Academy and the Dawning Mage Tower.

Talent and character are all excellent, and all levels are above level 5.

There were a total of 1,350 people in this first embrace. Except for Frey, Amy, Stanley, and several other blood descendants who did not have the first embrace, the Holy Light blood race in Dawn City all participated in this first embrace.

Harrison's expression was a little excited. He watched the growth of the blood family. It took less than four years from the early two hundred to nearly three thousand.

Li De nodded slightly. Before the war with the cave spiders, the number of blood clans was more than 1,400.

After the war with the cave spider, in the long war of nearly a year, although the Holy Light blood clan stuck to the fortress and cast spells in the rear, more than 100 people were killed in action.

As for the number of orc warriors killed in action, more than 5,000...

The magic crystal ore was recovered at the price of blood.

There is never any kindness in war.

There is no such thing as justice and injustice, evil and good.

Everything is for the reproduction and growth of the race.

If you don't get stronger, you can only wait for death, there is no third choice.

Yes, after becoming a blood clan, immediately arrange for them to transfer jobs.

Those with strong ability can be directly arranged to enter the army, but those who have insufficient ability and need to continue to learn, continue to cultivate.

The future of the blood clan is still very long, and there is no rush for this time.

There are more than 2,700 people, which means that Li De now has more than 2,000 experience in maintaining capital every month.

This is more than a year for most players to do tasks at this stage.

Although there is still a long way to go before his 10 million experience, but if the blood clan develops for another three or five years, the experience that can be provided every month will reach tens of thousands.

At that time, it was definitely a huge number that could not be ignored, that is to say, the further the blood clan developed, the greater the benefit of Li De.

It is equivalent to him being a late-stage career. As long as the blood clan can flourish, he will be so powerful that it makes people terrified.

This is the biggest advantage of being the ancestor of the upper race.

After confirming the matter of the blood clan, Li De continued to ask questions.

Has any progress been made on the improvement of the divine vestments?

No... Harrison shook his head with a wry smile, Your Majesty, it's already very difficult to create a divine garment.

It's even harder to improve...

When Li De heard the words, the corner of his mouth twitched, and a piece of equipment costing 5,000 kipuk was really not fun.

Now that there are nearly 3,000 blood clans, all arming needs to cost 13.5 million Jinpukes. Where does Dawn City come from so much money?

Continue to let them study, UU reading www.uukanshu.com At this price, if the city of Dawn is drained, there is no way for all the blood to wear it.

Yes, Your Majesty, I will urge them...

After Li De asked the questions he was most concerned about, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After a day of running around today, I finally dispatched all the tasks.

And this is just the beginning. For the next three months, Dawn City will operate at an unprecedented intensity.

That's when leadership and mastery are tested.

You are all busy, I have other things to deal with.

Do you still have questions?

Your Majesty, we will win the final victory, and the glory will belong to you.

Nilo showed a gentle smile and looked at him with a fixed gaze.

Li De felt the tenderness in those golden eyes, and his heart warmed.

His holy priest is almost the closest person to him, and the souls of the two are tightly attached to each other.

I also firmly believe that this time will be the same as before, and I will continue to lead the army back in triumph.

Li De's eyes were deep.

After confirming that several people had no problems for him to solve, he didn't say any more.

In Nilo and Nicole's slightly reluctant eyes, the space was torn apart and entered the burial ground.

After he determined that he was going to launch a war this time, he always had a strong sense of urgency in his heart, and he did not dare to relax at all.

When the war is coming, the Boneyard still has great potential to be tapped.

After the death spider can produce a large number of death spiders...

The rotten land can cultivate the flower of death that enhances the energy of the soul,

The Burial Ground can use the power of death to mass-produce undead,

The most important thing is - the twelve-winged sunburned angel who has been sealed.

The relics of the gods, the twelve-winged seraph... all seem to be coincidences.

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