I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 370 The spring of lsp players, Uncle Gao, we are serious

As the president of the Canglong Guild, Hongying is still very satisfied with the current development of the Guild.

After more than ten years of gaming career, Hongying is only 29 years old, but this id has become a well-known veteran in the game circle.

It can't be said to be a hundred responses, but it won't make people lose face.

But it was a pity for him that the Canglong Guild missed out on the internal test of Glory and was not eligible for the internal test.

This made him regretful who had experienced the game, so on the first day of the Glory public beta, he let all the guild members enter at all costs.

And with the passage of time, Glory has become more and more popular, which also proves how sharp his eyes were at the beginning.

Because of its ability to affect reality, Glory has directly shaken the entire game market. More and more players are eager to enter the game, and huge business opportunities have begun to appear.

In her hands, Hongying deeply felt that her original choice was not wrong. If you still insist on the profitable games of the Canglong Guild, I am afraid that they are almost cold now.

Seizing the opportunity and becoming the first group of people to eat crabs, Hongying naturally got rich rewards in hand.

With his rich game experience, he keenly captured the centaur in the low hills and hills, which is a very good target for strategy.

The advantages and disadvantages of the other party are obvious, which is very suitable for the guild to carry out strategic layout.

And when he discovered the centaurs, no one was interested in these races that radiated malice at the sight of humans.

The hard work pays off, and after two months of strategy at all costs, he finally won the centaur's trust.

Their guild also became the only adventurer's guild allowed to reside in the Ironhoof tribe.

This has given the Canglong Guild a huge opportunity for development. Backed by a big tree to enjoy the shade, they can receive a large number of tasks from the Iron Hoof Tribe and the free market every day.

Professional players with more than 500 guilds have all reached level 3 in a very short period of time, which is one level higher than the level of ordinary players.

And Hongying has become a 4th-level boss in his hand, and after another level, he can reach the intermediate occupation, an absolute top player.

However, although his current advantage is not small, he is still a lot behind compared to those internal beta players.

Especially the knight with a broken sword, the mountain is in the air, which makes Hongying feel a lot of pressure.

Player guilds pay attention to the winner-take-all, and the guilds that develop first have too many advantages over those that develop later.

For this reason, he had to study the game missions with all his might, trying to find an opportunity for the Canglong Guild to take off.

However, this kind of thing is unpredictable, and it is so easy to find it.

For this reason, Hongying can only work hard to brush tasks and improve her level as soon as possible.

Hard work pays off...  

Under Hongying's extremely serious research, he really found some clues.

Recently, in the free market, he often heard the name of a centaur—Guido. He didn’t care about it at first. There were too many centaurs in the low mountains and hills. What could a name stand for?

But then he found out that he seemed to be wrong, because behind the name there was a title that surprised him - the Son bestowed by God.

This means something extraordinary.

The dazzling title has aroused his great attention. As a top player who is well-known in the industry, Hongying is definitely one of the best players in the game.

For this reason, he paid a huge price to inquire about this news. After difficult inquiries, he finally learned the general situation.

On the side of the low hills near the sea, a centaur chief named Guido activated the strongest bloodline among the centaurs - the blood of the wind,

In the news he heard, the super boss with a level of 17 was also considered by the centaurs to be the king who rebuilt the centaur empire, and called him the son of God.

More importantly, the City of Wind, which now dominates the low hills and hills, is the original sin of oppressing the centaurs. If the centaurs want to change, they can only recreate the glory of the centaur empire by relying on Guido, the god-given son.

Let the centaurs once again become a race that cannot be ignored in the main plane of glory.

These kinds of statements made Hongying in hand keenly aware of the opportunities.

This god-given son definitely has a huge task hidden in him, and he may even be the key protagonist of the next plot character.

Listen, Son of God, rebuild the centaur empire and liberate the oppressed centaurs...

Putting this kind of rhetoric in the game, it is definitely ready to make a big wave.

And this news is all from the mouth of the NPC, and the credibility has undoubtedly been greatly increased.

After careful consideration, Hongying decided that this is definitely a key plot character, and even the protagonist of the Centaurs in the low hills, just like Prince Ainos, the protagonist of Destiny in Ainos City.

This guess Hongying immediately moved her heart, and immediately sent someone to inquire about more news about Guydo, and at the same time, she was also secretly looking for where the other party existed.

This is an excellent opportunity. When the city of Aenos was established, the first players and guilds who took refuge in Prince Ainos, the protagonist of destiny, gained huge benefits.

Now, when the protagonists of the centaur clan were born and no strangers found out, if the Canglong Guild could be the first to rely on the other party, it would definitely be able to make huge profits for them.

This is an opportunity for the Canglong Guild to rise, Hongying thought.

They have missed the city of Aenos, but they must not miss the protagonist of the Centaur.

President, do we really want to shift the focus of development from the Iron Hoof Tribe to that God-given Son? But this way, isn't all our hard work in the past few months in vain??

I had a hard time talking to the prettiest female centaur, and if we go... it's all gone.

As his deputy, Long Xiaoxi couldn't help but feel a little resentful when he heard that Hongying was preparing to shift the focus of Canglong Guild's development to the unknown Son of God.

When Hongying heard this in her hand, she couldn't help her face full of black lines, she gritted her teeth and looked at the sand sculpture in front of him who was the same age as him, You can kill centaurs, can you be a person??

There is no wiggle room in this matter, you just have to do as I tell you to.

This is the centaur protagonist that I discovered with great effort. Now that we have established a good relationship, in the future, the centaur will not be able to go to heaven when we build a city with the Canglong Guild?

Alas, what a pity my little mare, bah, what a pity the foundation we have worked so hard to create for so long...

The lobster lobster's tone was faint.

Fuck off, I said to focus on that God-given Son, and I didn't say to give up the Iron Hoof Tribe. Everything here is business as usual, and I will leave some players to continue operating the store.

The development momentum of the Iron Hoof Tribe is so good that it must not be ignored. Double flowering is the truth.

A scumbag who has two boats! Long Xiaoxi was indignant, but when he rolled his eyes, a charming smile appeared on his face, President, for the benefit of our Canglong Guild, I apply to stay here and continue to guard Good for our foundation.

Hehe, don't even think about it, Hongying sneered in her hand, That female centaur has nothing to do with you.

Fuck, so cruel?

This is for your own good...

Bah, I've known you for ten years. That's what I say every time I'm finished, won't you change it?


For most Canglong Guild players, the order Hongying had in hand was an iron order that had to be executed, and naturally there was no room for bargaining.

The big guild still has the benefits of the big guild. It casts a wide net and fishes more. A week later, Hongying finally got the news of Guydo from a centaur with a relatively high favorability.

After hearing this valuable information, Hongying immediately took the sand sculpture player to seek refuge without any hesitation.

Taking advantage of the other party has not yet made a fortune, it is the truth to hold the golden thigh tightly now.

Gu Yiduo had already been ordered by Li De, and he would not refuse the players who came to join him.

Moreover, he also used a series of words created for him by the propaganda department to beat the sand sculpture players. Under the impassioned enthusiasm, the players of the Canglong Guild joined the Storm Empire with great excitement.

Yes, Guydo, who has just had less than 5,000 centaurs, has already determined the name of the centaur empire to be established - the Empire of the Winds, the same as the title of blood on his body, and the same as the wind in the low mountains and hills. the same city.

Centaurs are born with a feeling for the word gust of wind, and they run as fast as the wind.

Even in the legend of the centaur, the centaur god rides a gust of wind to the sky when he ignites the divine fire.

For Hongying in hand, the stronger Guydo is, the better, because it means that his choice is correct.

Looking at Guido, after waiting for the help of the City of Dawn's propaganda department, the fact that he was the king of the centaur empire appointed by the gods began to spread in the low mountains and hills at an exaggerated speed that no one could stop. .

All kinds of vivid rhetoric make the eyes of the centaur, who has been plagued by poverty for a long time, glow.

For example, when Guydo awakened his bloodline, the phantom of the centaur god appeared in the sky, and he personally used his divine power to help Guydo activate the bloodline...

For another example, when he woke up, there were thunder and lightning in the sky, the wind was blowing, the surrounding low mountains and trees were calling his name at this moment - Guydo, and the lives of the surrounding hundred miles were all kneeling to him at this moment.

There are also giant eagles crowning him with a crown woven of thorns, the ground covered with ice and snow grows tender shoots, the ancient centaurs turned into phantoms and appeared... and so on.

Various legends swept all centaurs in an irresistible situation, and the core message was that Guydo was the savior of centaurs.

Moreover, these legends are not only praises for Guydo, but also mixed with a lot of words criticizing the current ideology of the low mountains and hills, and the centaurs even had a split in concept without knowing it.

Under the powerful propaganda tools of the City of Dawn, the centaur has no chance of resistance and counterattack at all.

In a short time they were overwhelmed by the flow of information.

And a very important point is that, with a mind and no heart, what the centaur desires most, fears the most, and resists the most has been thoroughly studied by the propaganda department, and the highly targeted propaganda directly hits these guys who are blocked in news. 's heart.

This also caused the seemingly solid low hills to begin to split at an unimaginable speed. This split is not an institutional one, but a spiritual and ideological one.

But this is more deadly. An institutional split, such as a tribe splitting into two, is acceptable, but few people think about the seriousness of the consequences of an ideological split.

The centaurs who were dissatisfied with the status quo immediately became radical and became reformers. They began to want to change the existing system and frequently contacted the outside world.

And some centaurs, as vested interests, enjoy things that other centaurs can't enjoy, and resolutely stop centaurs who want to change the existing system. They believe that the current system is the most perfect system for centaurs. Oppose any kind of change.

In any system, there are beneficiaries and losers, which cannot be avoided. The conflicts between the two parties are almost irreconcilable in a short period of time.

The Propaganda Department quickly sensed this change in ethos, and then went full steam again, fueling the rift between the two sides, causing the reformers and conservatives to become more and more divided.

There have even been scattered three or two tribes that have directly separated because of the huge differences. Each has its own way. Conservatives stick to their original territories, and reform radicals go directly to the seaside to take refuge in Guido.

The current spiritual leader of the reform radicals is Guydo, the god-given son, because in the propaganda, one of his ideas is very important - the low mountains and hills need to change the status quo, and opening themselves up and trading with various races is the most important thing. good way,

Hiding in the low hills and being a coward is not what a real centaur should do. Centaur warriors should fight with humans and orcs, and tell the world with iron and blood that those who violate our centaurs will be punished even if they are far away.

Only with the blood of war can we return to the glory of our ancestors!

I have to say that centaurs are a warlike race. They were originally nested in low mountains and hills. They lived a life when they couldn’t even get their weapons and equipment together, which made them extremely aggrieved.

Now that Guydo's tough words have been shouted, the centaur instantly has a feeling of enthusiasm, and they all think that this is the spirit that our centaur should have.

Also because of Guido's aura of being tough and not avoiding humans, his attraction suddenly increased countless times.

Guido also discovered the role of the player after a series of events.

Although these adventurers of the lost planes act eccentrically and often behave unexpectedly, their brains are flexible and capable of many special tasks.

For example, going to some big tribes to promote his policies is extremely dangerous. Sending centaurs to them will probably not come back, but the players are different. After these immortal guys are killed, they will soon become a new one. hero.

The Canglong Guild was also delighted to see Gu Yiduo, and shouted that their eyes were sharp, and they really caught the protagonist of a hidden dragon in the abyss. For this reason, they began to go deep into the low mountains and hills to promote the Storm Empire and Gu Yi. Much great.

After half a month of propaganda offensive, the situation of the low hills and hills has undergone tremendous changes. The propaganda department finally summed up the experience and spread all the propaganda slogans as the famous sayings of Guydo.

And named these words, which were completely different from the centaur's inherent concept - the words of the new empire, and established the slogan of the Wind Empire - for the wind!

It is even more propaganda that as long as the centaurs agree with the words of the new empire, they belong to the citizens of the Storm Empire. No matter where they are now, whether they can come to the current king - Guido and swear their allegiance, they are all members of the Storm Empire. a member of .

After the arrival of the king, I hope they can take the initiative to cooperate with the king and conquer those rotten and backward centaur tribes.

One set of propaganda after another rushed towards the centaurs like a tide.

How could the centaur in the City of High Winds ever see such a terrifying posture, and they were defeated in less than a month of publicity in the propaganda department.

And they have no way to deal with it, they can only forcibly prohibit the dissemination of news in this regard.

But this level of influence cannot be solved by banning propaganda and discussions. The actions of the propaganda department are like opening a Pandora's Box. The more the big tribes in the City of Winds prohibit the dissemination, the more the centaurs want to understand.

It is worth mentioning that because the Canglong Guild worked so hard to do the task and was willing to be cannon fodder, it won the trust of Guydo, and let the president Hongying participate in the formulation of part of the propaganda strategy.

This made Hongying excited at the same time, but also deeply felt that this was a rare opportunity.

Immediately began to gather smart players to start discussions, and it didn't take long for a lot of sassy operations.

The most basic flyers were printed and distributed wildly.

What's even more coquettish is that a few players started to write the little emperor uncle in excitement, and those flyers changed from simple propaganda slogans to the little emperor uncle interspersed with propaganda slogans.

Even these little uncles have players who are proficient in painting to sketch illustrations.

Centaurs have never seen this kind of mental poison. They have a barren life, let alone entertainment. It's not easy to eat enough.

It was impossible to resist at all, and it was directly corroded by more than half. Even the centaurs who objected to Guydo quietly collected a lot of brochures for the little emperor.

Although the operation of the sand sculpture player was a bit sloppy, the effect was surprisingly good, and the number of centaurs who came to Guido increased significantly.

Guido, who had tasted the sweetness, didn't know that his publicity had become ghs, and he also asked these sand sculpture players to continue to increase their promotion, and then when the players heard it, didn't this make us persevere, and immediately prepare for a big fight.

However, due to insufficient writing, they fell into a short pause. In the end, they had no choice but to find a few classics - the girl Xiaojie, Abin,

With the help of these, I started to revise the text madly, and I changed the protagonist in it to a centaur...

Sure enough, a classic is a classic, and it sells well in any world. The flyer with the new story quickly caused a sensation in the Centaur, and they all expressed strong criticism while looking around for the next episode.

But seeing Hongying who had such a great influence in her hand suddenly realized something, she felt like she had opened a door.

He quickly ordered to continue, and resolutely made the novel into a serialization method. While promoting Guydo, he no longer sold flyers for free, but began to charge.

This made those centaurs who were used to whoring for nothing furious, and expressed their resistance to this kind of behavior. Although you put in your time, energy, and labor, I think your book is to give you face! !

But Hongying naturally ignored it, and even raised the price, making those centaurs helpless.

In the end, I could only flip through those free leaflets that were badly worn out in just a week or two, but it’s okay to read this thing once or twice. Bored.

In the end, the centaur, who had no choice but to be severely lacking in spiritual life, could only grit his teeth and took out his long-cherished Warcraft fur and began to exchange the little uncle with the sand sculpture player.

In this way, with the propaganda slogans of Guydo and the information about splitting the centaur faction, under the operation of this old group of players, they began to quickly occupy every centaur tribe.

When the propaganda battle was halfway through, Hongying realized it again, and quietly let the original ghs players set up a cultural information transmission department,

Specialized in transporting some strange things on the earth and translated them into the general text of Glory, and began to sell them in batches.

In the end, the magical thing was really done by them. So far, the little emperor who signed Canglong has become a representative of the boutique, has countless loyal centaur fans, and even sold it to the human empire in the end. Another storm.

This incident is enough to be called the representative work of the earth's cultural invasion of Glory. Although this culture is a bit exciting, it is culture anyway, which enriches the barren spiritual life of Glory and builds a more harmonious society.

Although he was engraved on the little emperor's uncle for publicity, this centaur chief is not as hypocritical as a human being. He said he liked this method very much, and was excited to ask for a copy of his own collection...

Of course, in the process of the players' group of LSPs engaging in the young emperor's uncle, Guydo, who is bound to the Canglong Guild, is the biggest beneficiary.

Not only was his will and various policies inscribed in every book of Little Emperor Uncle, his fame spread throughout the centaur tribe.

It is also because Guido also invested in the transportation of books in the end. This kind of cooperation across the world is enough to move people to tears.

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