I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 353 Your Majesty, have you robbed the goddess of recovery? (5,200 words)

New plan? Harrison looked at Li De with some anticipation. His majesty had hidden wisdom that made even the gods feel dazzling.

Yes, I call him the Neverwinter Project.

Li De smiled slightly, The cold in winter is unbearable for everyone, but now most areas of Dawn City, even our factories, have no heating equipment.

The winter is so long, and without heating, it will inevitably cause a drop in work efficiency or even a long-term shutdown, which is a huge loss for the City of Dawn as a whole.

So we need to heat all factories and public places to provide a comfortable working environment for everyone.

However, Your Majesty, in such a vast area, we cannot afford the cost of manufacturing the magic circle and the consumption of running it.

Li De shook his head, No, Harrison, we don't need to use the current magic circle, but a new method.

A new way?

Harrison is a little puzzled. Is there a more efficient heating method than the magic circle?

Yes, Li De nodded affirmatively, with some deep meaning in his eyes.

First make the same heating channel as the tap water, then heat the water at one end of the water inlet, and then let the hot water pass through the pipe, so that there is sufficient heat where the pipe passes.

This is the simplest form of heating.

Tap water? But... Patriarch, tap water must be placed at a high place... Are we going to burn a boiler on the mountain?

No, we can replace the hot water with water vapor. Under high pressure, the temperature of the water vapor can reach a high temperature of two or three hundred degrees, which can provide enough heat...

But how can we get this water vapor into the pipeline?

Harrison is not good at these things. He listens a little dazedly. What is water vapor heating, why does it sound so difficult to understand.

Li De smiled slightly, This does not require you to study, you only need to supervise the process.

Delegate the task to the Magic Industry Research Institute, and tell them the idea of ​​heating, believe me, our Magic Industry Research Institute is smarter than you think.

After a long period of running-in, the Magic Industry Research Institute has slowly developed the potential of the fusion of several races.

Heating is not too difficult, it can be figured out with a little research, he just provides an idea.

And the heating needs to be improved and optimized by this magic, which he is not familiar with.

After looking at Harrison, he said meaningfully, Besides, haven't we trained hundreds of life mages?

You can ask the Mage Tower to research a magic circle that allows the Mage to input magic power to maintain the heating.

In the future, heating can not only exercise the ability of the Master, but also save us a lot of costs.

The magical world needs to use the magical world's methods to solve problems.

Harrison was stunned by this sleazy operation, how could it still be like this? Directly use people to heat? ?

Isn't it too much for a spellcaster to heat civilians?

There is no doubt about the importance of heating. The City of Dawn is almost in a state of silkworm throughout the winter, and even the entire glory is in this state. It is basically difficult to work in the heavy snow and cold air.

Everyone has been idle for three months, and all these idle labors can be lost. If heating can allow everyone to work in winter, how much will the benefits be brought by these three months?

So making some initial investment is totally worth it.

This is like building a road. It seems that building a road will not make any direct contribution to economic and social development, but after building a road, it can save time and greatly improve efficiency.

The reason why Huaxia develops so fast is inseparable from the extremely convenient infrastructure. The invisible benefits are invisible, but they profoundly affect everyone.

After talking about heating, Li De suddenly thought of another project that is very suitable for winter - greenhouse vegetables.

After the city of dawn enters winter,

In Dawn City, there is almost no fresh vegetables to eat, and it is all supported by bread.

If a city wants to develop well, infrastructure is often the key, and ensuring the basic food supply for residents is the basic of the basics.

Now the City of Dawn is out of the situation of famine, and naturally it will develop in a better direction

Harrison, in addition to heating, there's something called greenhouse vegetables...

Greenhouse vegetables? Harrison was a little puzzled when he heard the strange name.

Li De smiled a little, This is a way of production, you can eat vegetables that grow in spring in winter.


Harrison breathed a sigh of relief. Can you eat vegetables that grow in spring in winter? ?

Your Majesty, are you sure you're not joking??

This violates the law of glory, and even touches the clergy of the gods.

of course not.

Harrison is a little messy. In the world of ice and snow, only gods have the power to make plants grow out of ice and snow.

Could it be that Your Majesty has really become a god?

Your Majesty, have you robbed the goddess of recovery?? Otherwise, how could it be possible to grow plants in winter that can only grow in spring??!

Li De shook his head dumbfoundedly, what was this guy thinking.

Although the goddess of recovery is only weak, she is also a real god, and it is still very early to slaughter the god.

Don't overcomplicate things, Harrison.

I don't believe you didn't grab the priesthood, otherwise why would you be able to grow plants in the winter that only grow in the spring?

This is incredible! ! This is the realm of the gods!

Looking at Harrison's incomprehensible gaze, Li De still felt a little strange. This was purely information crushing.

It's a wonderful feeling that something that is so common on earth is considered a miracle here.

Harrison, greenhouse cultivation is a kind of alchemy, and it has nothing to do with gods.

Alchemy? Harrison was stunned for a moment, then his eyes showed a bit of surprise, Is it a legendary alchemy like tap water??

Although the principle of running water is simple, according to the word of mouth of the residents, it has already become a legendary alchemy, a magical creation bestowed upon them by the great Kachar.

Although Harrison also knows the principle of tap water, he is obviously more shocked that plants can be planted in spring in winter.

Li De didn't bother to argue, so he briefly described the basic principles of greenhouse vegetables.

Harrison immediately showed joy after listening to it. As the speaker of the city hall, he was naturally clear about the impact of these construction projects on people's livelihood.

The more prosperous the City of Dawn, the more stable the vampire's rule will be, and this is a virtuous circle.

Moreover, under the majesty of the Snow Goddess, species that do not belong to this season can be planted. This alchemy has already touched the realm of God.

It's shocking.

Your Majesty, your wisdom is the most precious treasure of the City of Dawn, and I think all residents will be proud to be your people.

Harrison's tone was full of admiration.

His master, the great ancestor of the Holy Light blood clan, is an existence who can plant spring plants in winter. Although the greenhouse has not yet been seen, it has not prevented Harrison from expressing his worship to Li De.

I only know the general principles of these things, and the Magic Industry Research Institute needs to conduct in-depth research.

I hope to see results before this winter month is over.

Li De looked at the gradually fanatical Harrison also quite helpless.

This is just greenhouse vegetables... What about the gods, can you talk a little bit about science? Don't keep talking about magic, okay?

Yes, Your Majesty, you have pointed the way for us, and we will implement the rest.

Harrison remained silent in excitement, as if he had decided that this alchemy was indescribably great.

In Li De's view, growing vegetables in winter is normal, but in Harrison's eyes, this is completely unimaginable.

Each season is governed by a corresponding god, which belongs to the realm of the gods. Now this greenhouse vegetable has touched the majesty of the gods, and even saying so in front of the Ice and Snow Temple will be sentenced to blasphemy.

Everything has a law, how can it be violated?

However, in Dawn City, no one would dare to say anything to Li Deduo. After explaining this matter, Li De continued.

The halflings of Dark Iron Castle will arrive in mid-December. How is the preparation of the institute's venue?

The cooperation with Dark Iron Castle was not decided by him temporarily afraid of his butt, but was the result of careful consideration.

Li De is very clear that the City of Dawn now needs to absorb more excellent things to grow.

And halflings are obviously a good option.

During the few days in Black Iron Castle, Li De also had a better understanding of halfling bows and arrows. The bows and arrows produced by these natural archers are absolutely fine.

If the bows and arrows produced by Dawn City are 60 points, then the halflings' bows and arrows are 80 points, which is two grades higher than them.

Even with the same material, halflings produce bows and arrows that are just as good as Dawnbreaker's.

This made Li De quite envious.

Whether it's an aerial repeater or a ground siege repeater, both bow and arrow manufacturing skills are required, and halflings can obviously make up for the lack of technology in the City of Dawn.

That's why he will definitely ask the other party to form a joint research institute with him to develop the transformation of the bow and crossbow.

In order to learn the other party's technology and make up for the shortcomings.

Although the army's attack side already has alchemy bombs, the role of the crossbow in battle has not diminished in the slightest.

Whether it is fighting in the air or defending the city on the ground, a powerful crossbow is the best weapon.

After the battle with the cave spider, Li De has a new understanding of the combat effectiveness of Dawn City in all aspects, so he has been making various adjustments.

Your Majesty, you don't need to worry, we have selected professionals who are proficient and familiar with making bows and arrows from the Magic Industry Research Institute. to your satisfaction.

Li De nodded slightly, and he had always had sufficient confidence in Harrison.

How did you arrange for the mage to go to the Black Iron Fort?

Harrison smiled a little, Your Majesty, this is a rare opportunity.

Oh? Li De became interested, How do you say it?

The Dawnbreaker sect has always only preached in our city, never outside.

And to help Hei Tiecheng train mages, you can send some priests to spread the dawn sect and spread your glory.

There are many advantages to spreading the sect to the outside world, and believers needless to say, for example, they can more clearly perceive the shortcomings of the Dawn-breaking sect, improve transactions in practice, and improve the way of preaching......

I believe that with our propaganda, the glory of dawn is about to shine on the underworld.

Li De nodded with satisfaction, which is why he deliberately won the missionary right in the terms of the agreement with Hei Tiebao.

With the development of time, he could feel more and more how important the existence of the power of faith, which even the gods were frantically robbing.

Especially after the successful construction of the ancient alchemy magic circle, his priesthood can be integrated with the magic circle, and after the emergence of the feature of transforming other races into blood races,

The importance of the power of faith has been elevated to a new level.

After the successful construction of the ancient alchemy magic circle of the magic crystal ore vein, he will inevitably transform other races into blood races.

For example - blood two-headed ogre, blood giant, blood elves, blood dwarves, blood centaurs... and so on.

Even the giant dragon captured in the future will be transformed into a blood dragon, tsk tsk tsk, that scene is spectacular when you think about it.

And Li De is also very curious, how much improvement will other races get after being transformed into blood races, can they be transferred to the profession of blood race?

Of course, the premise of all these needs the support of the power of faith, without the power of faith is an illusion.

But the biggest trouble for Li De at present is that the number of believers in Dawn City is almost fixed. The number of believers is the number of believers, and it is absolutely impossible to have explosive growth.

So he turned his attention to the underground world. Once he spreads his beliefs in the underground world, it will be different, and it is very likely that he will bring in a large number of believers.

Thinking of the scene of millions of believers in the underground world believing in him, Li De was in a happy mood. At that time, he directly transformed the two thousand giants into blood clans, and transformed tens of thousands of orcs into blood orcs. The attributes were absolutely powerful.

On the issue of mission, the City Hall must cooperate with the Dawnbreaker Sect. This is a great attempt, and if it succeeds, we will get huge benefits.

You can even try to export the Dawn Cult to the human world, which will be a milestone starting point.

Li De's eyes are never limited to one corner.

It's just that there was no opportunity before, and the time was not ripe. After meeting the requirements in his heart, he would not mind preaching directly to humans.

Of course, the premise of all this is to ensure the safety of Dawn City.

Next, the two discussed some details about the mission and cooperation with the Dark Iron City. In the end, Harrison hesitated.

Your Majesty, there is one more thing for you to decide... It's about the holy vestment given by God...


God-given holy clothing has been officially mass-produced. At present, the first batch of vampires have been equipped with this kind of equipment that can isolate holy power, but...the cost is high.

Hearing this, Li De's eyes lit up immediately.

The vampire has always been limited by two shackles - the fear of holy power and the reliance on human blood.

The shackles of having to drink human blood have been lifted because of the sustainable development strategy and the remains of the gods.

Fear of the sun, fear of the Holy Light, this is the biggest enemy of the blood clan now, and the holy armor bestowed by God is the sharp blade to kill this enemy.

The God-given holy outfit has been studied for nearly two years, and it was said before that it would be developed soon, but there is still no following.

If this chain is cut off at this time, the blood clan can really be called infinite potential, and the future can be expected.

No problem, as long as the flaws of the blood clan can be solved, it is worth paying a big price.

Li De was excited, Go and get one.

Harrison immediately ordered the guards to get it, but there was still hesitation on his face.

Your Majesty, do you listen to the cost before making a decision...

Hearing Harrison repeat it again, Li De suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart.

you say.

Harrison paused for a moment, and then whispered a number that made Li De feel tingling in his scalp.

Each piece of divinely bestowed holy clothing needs to consume 1 pound of mithril, and also needs to buy a large amount of other magic materials from the human kingdom, and the cost is about 5,000 gold pucks.

And if you want to create a divinely bestowed holy outfit with better effects, then this cost will increase exponentially.

5,000 gold pucks, which consumes an additional 1 pound of mithril? ?

Li De has a feeling that he is a husky at this time. Why is this broken thing so expensive? ?

How much Jinpuke can Dawn City earn every month now??

Your Majesty, including various trades, there are about 400,000 gold pucks, which do not count the income of mithril and magic crystal veins.

The mithril and magic crystal ore veins are used by oneself and cannot be sold, so naturally this part does not need to be counted as Jinpuke, as long as they are regarded as special materials.

400,000 gold pucks?

Li De was silent for a moment, this data is definitely not small.

According to the purchasing power of Glory, a Jinpuke is about 10,000 RMB.

Of course, if it is exchanged to the earth, now the premium is very high because the game has just opened, and it can reach 20,000 RMB.

It is equivalent to his current income in Glory is 4 billion a month.

But this data is not too gorgeous, after all, he has a city with a population of 100,000, and there are countless troops waiting to be fed.

Urban construction requires expenditure, and employees in various departments need expenditure. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu. com All kinds of important scientific research units need to be spent, such as Dawn Master Tower, Dawn School, Alchemy Factory, etc., all need to consume a lot of money.

These are all okay, the most important thing is - the consumption of the army.

Now the army of Dawn City consumes almost half of its fiscal revenue. The forging of various weapons and equipment, the production of engineering equipment, and even the logistics supply support require a lot of Jinpuke to flow out.

Therefore, although Li De is very rich now, but in the case of raising a city, often the landlord's family has no surplus food.

At this time, the holy equipment bestowed by God was so expensive that he felt that he could not afford it.

I didn't expect that I have been farming for so long, and I finally succeeded in becoming a poor guy, earning 4 billion per month...

Taking a deep breath, Why is the cost so expensive? Wasn't it enough for hundreds or thousands of gold pucks?

Harrison smiled a bit bitterly, Your Majesty, so the God-given holy clothes made before are very rough, this is already the cost after repeated reduction...

How much Kimpok is on the books now?


870,000? Li De breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there was some surplus food at home.

But if you put it all in, you can only produce more than 100 pairs of god-given holy clothes, which is too exaggerated.

Wait, I'll take a look at the current attributes of the divine garment before deciding how much to produce...

Harrison also knew that this cost had broken through the sky, so he remained silent and did not say much.

But he firmly believes that Li De will change his mind when he sees the attributes of the divine garment.

ten minutes later.

The Dean of Dawn Academy, the elder of the Risir family, and the great scholar Horn, walked into the office with excitement on his face.

In his hand, he was carrying a mage robe that made Li De's eyes shine.

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