I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 326 The Battle of the Greystone Fortress (1) (5,400 words)

Li De stood on the city wall named Greystone Fortress and looked into the distance with a solemn expression, as if he was waiting for something to come.

The underground world was dimly lit, as if a layer of gauze had been cast in front of him.

In the wetland in front of the Greystone Fortress, the half-human-high twisted plants have been cleared away by the army.

The dark ground, like a rotting corpse, was filled with the smell of decaying plants, which made people sick.

The wind blew from a distance and whistled away from the cave behind him, whistling like a demon whispering.

The gray stone fortress where Li De is located is the main fortress. The city wall is 35 blades high and 15 blades thick, which is enough to accommodate a large number of troops guarding it.

The city wall has a tower with a height of 10 blades every 30 blades. It is made of gray rocks. The tower is divided into three layers, and each layer has dense shooting holes. It seems that deadly arrows may be designed from the inside at any time. People are intimidated.

Through the gap, it can be seen that behind each shooting hole is a repeating crossbow designed and manufactured by the Magic Industry Research Institute.

Most of these transformed war machines are controlled by the warriors of the King's Blade. The orcs with thick hands and feet do not like this delicate work, and rushing to bathe the blood of the enemy on the front line is the favorite thing for those grumpy warriors .

The crossbow arrow with the thickness of the baby's arm is forged by mixing fine gold from the low mountains and hills. The concave blood grooves on all sides can increase the lethality and are very aerodynamic. The metal that is easy to break but extremely sharp is forged. The best item for arrows.

Because of the high price of pure gold, few people are willing to take such a waste.

But Dawn City, which has an adamantine bonanza, is never stingy in this regard.

The grades of these arrows made of fine gold are all perfect, even a monster with thick armor can't hold it.

At this time, the castle tower was already filled with such expensive crossbow arrows, except for the passages where people walked.

In addition to the continuous crossbow, the sling team behind the towering city walls is also surprising.

These catapults are painted with weird green symbols, and even switches and various creations are in the shape of pointed ears, revealing a strong goblin style.

The strange catapult was one size smaller than the normal catapult, and the dropper was not loaded with boulders, but alchemy bombs the size of a human head, also with green symbols and pointed ear tabs.

The goblin catapult, a product of the goblins of the Ash Hill tribe,

Unlike normal catapults, the only function of these goblin catapults is to drop their alchemical bombs.

These 3-bladed, 1.5-bladed miniature catapults have a throwing distance of an astounding 800 blades.

It's a full 300 blades farther than a normal catapult - although it throws lightweight alchemy bombs.

But the power of alchemy bombs is not comparable to that of ordinary stones. These hundreds of goblin catapults are enough to make the enemy terrified.

This is the second line of defense of Greystone Citadel.

In addition, there are twenty towers built behind the city walls of Greystone Castle.

These towers are just about 10 blades higher than the city wall, and they are separated from the towers on the city wall by a fang-like trend.

These towers were the third line of defense of the Greystone Fortress.


Each tower is guarded by a team of 20 spellcasters. These spellcasters can provide powerful fire support for each city wall section, and these towers are all depicted with magic circles, allowing the mages to recover their magic power faster.

These 20 towers are not only for mages, but with these spellcasters are more powerful and longer-range repeating crossbows.

These perfect ★★★ repeating crossbows have a range of 1500 blades, which is 300 blades farther than the 1200 blades of ordinary repeaters, and the arrows they are equipped with are also perfect ★★★.

Even the towers in the three core areas each have an extraordinary level repeating crossbow, each equipped with 20 bolts of the same extraordinary level.

These high-cost extraordinary repeating crossbows have only one goal, to hunt down those powerful monsters, and the target level is - level 15.

The firepower of the tower is composed of high-quality repeating crossbows and spellcasters, which can be called no solution.

After these three lines of defense, in addition to the large open space and rest area, is the entrance to the underground world.

The original narrow entrance has been widened and rebuilt, and now it has become a huge passage with a height of 20 blades and a width of 50 blades.

The distance of about 500 blades inward from this passage was originally an underground space with a width of a thousand blades. The construction department re-widened it based on this. At present, the length and width of this irregular underground space exceeds 1,500 blades.

This huge space is used by Tibetan soldiers. In the 8 months that Li De was away, the farm has been expanded to 10, and based on this, the number of magic bats has also increased to 6,000.

Among them, 4,000 magic bats were classified into the Wings of Dawn, 2,000 cooperated with human soldiers to become magic knights, and the other 2,000 were wearing the bomb-carrying armor that has been improved to the third version - Air Force 3, as a bombing Army use.

At this time, the Wings of Dawn were all in place under the command of Ollie. As long as Li De gave the order, these troops who chose to devour them would smash the enemy with the most ruthless iron fist.

Next to the Tibetan military room, the construction department used underground passages extending in all directions to build 10 warehouses for storing materials.

Food, weapons, armor, alchemy bombs, crossbow arrows and other logistical materials are neatly placed in strict classification. These reserves are enough for 10 fortresses to consume for a month.

Thanks to Li De's emphasis on the underground world, Dawn City has been working hard to build these military facilities during his absence in the past 8 months, otherwise he really couldn't have prepared so completely in just a few days. .

After three years of development, the current Dawn City has reserved a group of talents that can be reused.

Especially the intelligence command center and the think tank, these two large staff organizations can often find and fill in the gaps and give very good solutions.

That's why this astonishing scene appeared in front of me.

Your Majesty, all warriors are ready.

The 18th-level orc king Garp stood behind Li De and respectfully reported that the huge lion's head had been protected by a sturdy extraordinary helmet, only revealing a pair of cold eyes.

His tone was deep and solemn.

At present, there are 20,000 orc warriors stationed in the underground world, 10,000 on the front line, and 10,000 warriors in the cave as a supplement.

Li De's deep black eyes continued to look into the distance, but he nodded slightly and did not speak.

He was waiting, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

The tactics executed this time are not complicated. They lure the cave spiders to attack, and rely on the sharpness of the Greystone Fortress to kill the cave spiders to the greatest extent possible.

The strategic goal in the early stage is to kill the living force of the cave spider as much as possible, and obtain enough death force for the burial place to hatch bronze eggs.

Of course, this is only the beginning of the plan, and his ultimate goal is to occupy the magic crystal vein.

However, the number of cave spiders occupying half of the plane is too terrifying. If it is so reckless, the consequences will be unpredictable.

The City of Dawn is not yet capable of crushing cave spiders that use half a plane as a nest, especially when it is not clear how many high-level cave spiders the opponent has.

Therefore, the role of the Greystone Fortress is to lure the opponent's high-level combat power to attack, so as to hunt down those high-level cave spiders that may pose a huge threat to the Dawn City army, and prepare for the next day Dawn City army to attack the magic crystal ore vein. .

Cave spiders can quickly hatch ordinary spiders in batches, but high-level combat power above level 15 is not so easy to grow.

In Li De's opinion, the biggest role of Greystone Castle lies in this.

Once this plan is carried out, Greystone Castle will become a well-deserved meat grinder, and the two forces will confront each other in the most direct way.

On one side is primitive and fierce, occupying half of the plane with countless cave spiders, and on the other side is the highly developed City of Dawn, which has super magical scientific research capabilities and production capabilities.

The tip of the needle is against the wheat awn.

Suddenly, Li De seemed to notice something and narrowed his eyes slightly.

A gray line appeared at the end of his line of sight, like a sandstorm swept in from a distance, and the entire wetland was shrouded in it.

The wind in the air quietly carried a stench that made people panic.

Here comes the cave spider.

The closer the line is to the graystone fort, the stronger the stench, all the soldiers have become solemn expressions at this time, the arms holding the long knives and shields are slowly tightening, and the muscles are as clear as steel pouring.

Especially striking is the mid-air in front, a giant beast with a wingspan of 16 blades, clad in steel armor, flying recklessly in front of the sandstorm composed of countless cave spiders.

Castro, the first-born king, the giant beast in extraordinary armor played the key role in this seduction.


After entering the distance of the Thousand Blades, the stinging scream from the cave spider's mouth like a sharp knife slicing through the glass began to echo in the air.

The orc warriors wearing dwarf armor on the city wall only felt a strong pressure coming towards them, and with the sound that made their backs chill, everyone finally saw the gray line clearly.

Spider, a huge spider.

Although these newly recruited orc warriors had seen cave spiders that were specially captured to introduce them to their weaknesses and tell them how to kill them before the pre-war mobilization.

But seeing with my own eyes the magnificent scene of hundreds of thousands of giant spiders running and roaring on the ground, there is still a kind of shock from the heart.

At this moment, even human soldiers who have never been on the battlefield feel that their hands are shaking unconsciously, which is an instinctive reaction of the body and cannot be controlled at all.

The graystone fortress was built on the edge of the underground world, and the wetland in front of it was the outer area of ​​the silt swamp, and the ground was flat.

When this wide-eyed land is full of terrifying cave spiders, the impact on the senses is enough to shock people, and even a determined soldier will have a huge psychological pressure when they see such a scene. .

Especially after everyone can see this scene intuitively from a high place, it adds to that feeling.

The cave spiders were all crazy, screaming and chasing Castro desperately.

The distance of the thousand blades passed in an instant, Castro accelerated sharply, a wave of air burst directly behind him, and he flew to the city wall in a supersonic flight.

Brush ~ At the moment when it flew to the city wall, the body of the steel behemoth suddenly turned into a mini bat.

Then he incited the bat wing to fly to Li De with a broken dry eggshell with two sharp little claws.

The eggs of the spider queen, the cause of the fury of cave spiders.

Li De stretched out his hand to take the egg of the spider queen that had been broken and dried up long ago, glanced at it, and threw it behind the city wall.

The life force of the spider eggs had already been swallowed up by the bronze eggs, and the only use of these egg shells was to provoke the extraordinary ghost-faced spider queen.

Castro flapped his wings and stopped on his shoulders, his tone was somewhat excited.

Master, I felt the breath of that extraordinary spider in the spider's nest...

The way to lure cave spiders is so simple and rude. After losing all of his spider eggs, the extraordinary spider went crazy the moment Castro approached the cave spider's nest with the eggshell.

Everyone, prepare to fight.

Li De ignored Castro, looking at the cave spider that had entered the 500-blade range of the Greystone Fortress, his deep-cold tone resounded throughout the fortress under the magnification of magic power.

Goblin catapult, let it go.

Li De stood on the city wall above the city gate and commanded the town. This was the core position of the entire city wall, and it was also the place to face the cave spiders.

As the military order was issued, the human soldiers behind the city wall who were controlling the goblin catapults immediately pulled the buckles, and the bowstrings whose wrists were so taut to the extreme flicked violently.

The bowstring burst out with tremendous force in an instant, and threw the alchemy bomb on the dropper that had pulled the ring open.


With the sound of breaking the air, the alchemy bomb pulled out a high parabola, flew directly over the 35-blade high city wall, drew a long arc in the air, and then smashed into the surging cave with a whistling sound of breaking the sky. Spider Central.


In one round, hundreds of alchemy bombs were thrown out.


It was like the explosion of rolling thunder above the nine heavens, the sky and the earth were collapsing, and a huge sound wave exploded on this wide ground.


The first alchemy bomb hit the spot where the cave spiders were densest, and the fire was everywhere.


Five or six cave spiders were directly torn apart by the alchemy bomb, and the strong corrosive green slime flowed out of the corpse, dripping on the ground and making a sizzling sound.

This is not the end, hula~ The shock wave after the explosion is like an invisible giant hand, which directly lifts a dozen cave spiders around, and the sharp arthropods of the cave spiders are torn apart by the air wave like straw.

A drop of mucus from the cave spider's wound instantly made the damp ground bubbling.


The continuous explosion sounded like a giant hammer bombarding ants on the ground, and a large area was emptied as soon as the hammer went down.

The originally fierce, uncountable cave spider's mad momentum was directly suppressed.

The scene looks like the scene of the ancient gods recorded on the church murals, which is shocking.

But hundreds of alchemy bombs were far from being able to destroy the countless cave spiders, and the fish that slipped through the net became more and more crazy after the explosion.

Especially after sensing the aura of the spider queen's egg near the graystone fortress, it was even more daunting and fierce.

Those green eyes were a little scarlet.

Murder is spreading.

Regardless of the cost.

Crazy shock.

On the frontal battlefield, the first cave spider rushed under the city wall of Greystone Castle. At this time, the monster that was covered in fluff, like a demon crawling out of hell, climbed up the city wall without the slightest hesitation.

It's going to kill all the ants!

But what surprised the awe-inspiring cave spider was that the rough-looking walls of Greystone Castle were so slippery that it couldn't climb up at all.

Even the arthropods covered in fluff couldn't take advantage of it.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Li De's mouth twitched slightly. In order to prevent spiders from directly climbing the city walls, the Dawn Mage Tower spent a huge amount of money on all the city walls to solidify the second-ring magic of greasy art.

The ability of cave spiders to climb on the rock wall mainly relies on the fluff with adsorption effect on the arthropods, and the greasy technique just restrains the other party's characteristics.

Bang~ The bowstring slammed in my ears.

A deadly arrow pierced through the head of the cave spider from the city wall. This level 9 cave spider did not survive the city wall for three seconds.

The human archer's eyes were cold at the moment.

After several expansions, Blade of Kings now has an army of 3,000 people, in addition to the 2,000 magic knights.

Calculated when the population broke through the 100,000 mark in winter, the human army of the King's Blade had reached 5,000.

1,000 of them were trained to become archers.

At this time, the Greystone Fortress, which can accommodate 3,000 people, has 500 archers.

When the enemy did not attack the city wall, they would be the most indifferent hunters, hunting down all incoming enemies.


With the sound of the horn behind him, the cave spider's offensive reached its first climax.

The densely packed cave spiders rushed under the city wall and began to stack up, trying to rely on a huge number to stack up on the city wall.

Countless cave spiders are like a tide sweeping through the sky, crazy and violent.

The 10 graystone forts are like reefs by the sea, and they seem to be prone to collapse at any time under the attack of strong winds and waves.

The orc warriors in full-body armor finally came into contact with these monsters in the underground world at this time.

The spear in his hand pierced frantically on the cave spiders who were lucky enough to climb up the city wall. These underground monsters were attacked most fiercely as soon as their heads were exposed.

The explosive strength of the strong orc warriors can easily tear apart the bodies of these spiders, like stabbing chickens, and the number of cave spiders that cannot reach a certain number in a short period of time rushed to the city wall, all to deliver food to the orc warriors.

At this time, the long-hidden lines of defense finally opened fire.

The first is the towers on the city wall. Those arrows with a ferocious cold glow in the shooting holes burst out after the strings of the repeated crossbows were tightened.



The deadly crossbow arrow is like a demon's roar, and the densely packed cave spiders below are the best target without any aiming.

blah~ blah~

The sharp arrow, forged with pure gold, was like a sword of creation that ripped apart the world, preventing the cave spider from being mercilessly pierced in front of it.

Nothing can hinder the penetration of the crossbow bolt.

A series of seven cave spiders were blasted by the first shot of the crossbow arrow, and finally the crossbow arrow went deep into the ground after passing through the head of a cave spider.

All the repeating crossbows in the 10 graystone fortresses were firing at almost the same time, and thousands of crossbow arrows with the thickness of the wrist formed a rain of arrows like spears thrown in unison.

puff~ puff~

The cave spider, which had already climbed under the city wall, had almost completely blocked the ground was instantly torn apart by the rain of arrows.

Fragments of the stump were scattered all over the place, and green blood flowed into a river.

The densely packed cave spiders were emptied in an instant.

At least 5,000 cave spiders were killed in this round of repeated crossbow attacks.


But the heavy loss did not make the cave spider give in. Behind all the cave spiders, a scalp-like sound rang out, and the cave spider, which had been hesitant, went berserk again.

The difference from the last time was that the second batch of cave spiders were already mixed with a large number of level 10 ghost-faced spiders, and even Li De clearly sensed that there were still uncountable number of level-15 ghost-faced spiders inside.. ....


At the same time, a rapid horn sounded in the graystone fortress, looking at the denser cave spiders in front of them, all the warriors were stunned, the real war was about to begin...

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