I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 316: The Extraordinary Ghost-faced Spider Emperor

When Li De led all the troops into the cave, there were only magic bats that could not enter because of the narrow terrain.

After communicating with Koso, he had no choice but to find that many of the passages leading to the underground could not pass through the magic bats. He had to let these troops who were ready for battle guard the surface passages and guard the retreat for them.

The sky was still covered with light by magic bats, and the shrill cry became the main theme above the valley of giants.



The marching pace made the ground in the underground passage tremble slightly, and Koso, who was leading the way at the forefront, made the biggest movement by himself.

Li De's figure hovered lightly in mid-air, and the black mage's robes floated backwards during the march.

Following Li De's side was the 18th-level orc king Karp, with a shrunken Castro standing on his shoulders, and Koso leading the way. Only this bronze cyclops knew how to get to the underground world.

Level 18 Orc King Garp, Level 18 Bone Dragon Withered Bones, Level 16 Bronze Cyclops Koso, Level 15 Daybreaker Bat King Castro, plus Li De, the ancestor of Level 18 Blood Race.

3 level 18, 1 level 16, 1 level 15, this high-end force is enough to deal with most crises.

Outside the channel, Grote, who had received orders, was coming, and Harrison was organizing logistical supplies to provide logistical support for them.

Li De's exploration of the underground world this time is definitely not a casual action. Although it is a temporary initiative, it has enough protection.

Corso, what's outside the underpass exit? Directly to the silt swamp with the black dragon?

Withered bones was bored in front, cast a levitating spell on himself and flew to Corso's side, asking the big man.

The silt swamp is very huge. The underground passage only reaches the periphery of the silt swamp, far from reaching the middle area. It is even farther away from the forbidden area of ​​poisonous mist where the legendary black dragon haunts.

Corso shook his head, the huge head looking even bigger after wearing the armor.

Poison Mist Forbidden Area? Withered bones seemed to be very interested in the name, and the fire of the soul quietly lit up.

There are a lot of poisonous beasts in it?

Corso nodded.

Weng Sheng said, Yes, but the most iconic thing in the forbidden area of ​​poisonous mist, apart from demon beasts, is the dense fog with poisonous poison.

According to the legends passed down by the Thunder Tribe, these poisonous mists were exhaled by the mysterious black dragon deep in the swamp.

Even if the superhuman enters, the strength will be weakened.

Can a black dragon's breath create a forbidden zone?

Li De, who was behind Koso, couldn't help frowning.

If so, the strength of the black dragon is probably more exaggerated than imagined.

The fire of the dead bone soul flashed, faintly.

Damn it, a black dragon cub, huh, in front of the great Fang of Dawn City - the Dragon of Destruction.

Heilong is just a little reptile, quack, crawler, it's really a pleasant name.

The great dead bones are the real dragons, the real ones!

Koso turned his head, glanced at the dead bones covered by the cloak with his huge one-eyed, shook his head and said nothing.

The implication is obvious.

The legend of the black dragon has been going on for thousands of years in the silt swamp... No one knows how powerful that black dragon is.

His father once encountered the black dragon in the depths of the swamp, and was severely injured in the end. He fled back to the Thunder Tribe and was taken away by Death.

Koso knew in his father's dying words that the black dragon was just passing through the swamp, and his father was just like a bedbug being pinched to death by the other party, and he spit out the dragon's breath at random. next step...

Withered bones keenly noticed Koso's eyes, and was immediately annoyed.

Damn bastard, you one-eyed dragon with only one eye, are you questioning the great dragon of destruction?

No, I suspect you're jealous of my title, yes, yes, it must be, I'm a genius.

But don't try to take my title, it's a great title given to me by the little cuties in the Dawn City Tavern!

Corso shook his head, and a loud voice echoed in the cave.

Corso was never jealous of people.

Hmph, ignorant Cyclops, sophistry is useless, you have already been seen through by the great Withered Bones, your heart full of extremes is like twisted iron wire...


Marching in dark caves is a test of patience.

The Holy Light blood clan is not bad. They have dark eyesight in the cave, but they are like a duck in water. Because they are slowly moving away from the ground, their state begins to gradually recover in the dark.

On the contrary, the orc army is more irritable. Although the orcs are a strong fighting race, they do not like this narrow and claustrophobic space.

However, although the orcs do not like such an environment, their weak dark vision makes the marching speed not slow.

Most orc warriors have the special abilities of beasts, and hunting in the dark is almost the instinct of beasts.

This is also the reason why Li De will send orcs to come instead of centaurs, although most orcs' dark eyes can only see the scene beyond the white blade.

Dozens of blood races flapped their wings and flew to the head of the marching team.

Use the fireball or light spell in your hand to widen the eyes of the orcs behind you.

To Li De's surprise, he originally thought that the army would encounter a tough battle after entering the passage, but the empty passage seemed to have become an empty nest.

The cave spider, which was unscrupulous before, has completely disappeared at this moment.

In the entire team, there are only the sound of footsteps walking and the dialogue between Kakuro and Koso, but it is better to say Kakuro unilaterally chatting than two people, because the dialogue mode between the two is Kakuro saying about a hundred sentences. , Corso would hum.

But it also barely softened the atmosphere for the tense and oppressive environment.

As he slowly penetrated into this underground passage with countless forks, the Scarlet Blades, who had just gone out to search for information, finally began to return one after another.

However, most of the news discovered by these blood clans surprised Li De, and all the cave spiders they encountered were retreating.

And it wasn't a cover-up retreat, it was leaving with an extremely urgent emotion.

Your Majesty, Marquis Frey has followed with the rest of the clan, and maybe we will get more detailed information later.

Hearing this news made Li De frown.

There's always something odd about the behavior of these cave spiders.

Whether it's their sudden appearance on the surface or the sudden withdrawal now, it's all too abnormal.

Well, Karp, you send a hundred-man squadron to follow them, bring the commander bat, and report any news at any time.

Li De is no nonsense, no matter how abnormal, everything is false in the face of absolute strength.

As long as there is no more than extraordinary power, the army in his hand is enough to deal with most of the dangers.

After giving the order, Li De turned his head to look at Koso, who stopped in front of him. The cyclops seemed to be wondering if he should continue to explore.

Corso, keep going, and before we find out what the cave spiders are doing, follow the plan. We need to get to the ground and build a solid fortress.

Karp, control all the passages we pass through, with or without cave spiders.

What I need is absolute safety.

Li De's eyes were cold and his tone was unquestionable.

Yes, Your Majesty.

The lion man nodded fiercely, and with a wave of his hand, several orc warlords immediately left behind him. After a while, a team split up and began to clear and control the various caves along the way to prevent poisonous snakes or deadly monsters from suddenly appearing in them.

The order Reed had just given to Karp and Audi was simple.

The 3,000 orc army was just the first.

To explore a huge underground world, without a stable supply base is almost impossible.

So he is going to the underground world now and build the bridgehead first.

Then reinforce it back and forth to completely control the passage leading to the ground.

This underground passage is the only path until there is no alternative, and it must be firmly controlled, otherwise whoever cuts it off will be equivalent to cutting off his back path.

The reason why Harrison did not go to war with the blood clan is not only that the other party needs to deal with various political affairs, but also that he, the speaker of the city hall, has to mobilize various resources to cooperate with Li De's operation this time.

Later supply, troop deployment, intelligence support... etc., etc., wars are often about logistics.

When Li De decided on this plan, it was destined to be a long and grand plan. The wealth contained in the underground world was comparable to the low mountains and hills, and even richer than the murloc tribe.

There are countless rare mineral veins that are hard to find on the surface, unimaginable magnificent creatures, unique monsters and magical plants.

And according to Koso's previous news, there is no trace of human beings in this extremely vast underground world.

That is, he was the first to explore this underground world.

Opportunities and risks coexist. Although the first person to eat crabs will encounter the risk of being poisoned, they can always enjoy the fatness of crabs.

Li De has the confidence to explore this huge world, and the City of Dawn behind him is his biggest reliance.

This fast-growing city can now fully support his plans.

Because the troop that explored the path ahead had spread out for more than ten kilometers, most of the threats encountered had been resolved with the cooperation of the vampires and orcs.

And the specially cultivated little bat can accurately deliver the message every time.

So there were no surprises along the way.

After going deep into the cave, the terrain slowly descended. Although Li De floated in the air with advanced levitation, he could also feel that the cave was slowly getting steeper.

It stands to reason that it is difficult for Koso to remember the road leading to the underground world for such a long time, but on the contrary, this cyclops with the title of wise man is very clear about the route, and even the traps in some passages were swept away by him one by one. pointed out.

This made Li De a little impressed. He was indeed an outlier among the Cyclops, and it was indeed a little unusual.

One day, two days, third day.

This team marched underground for three full days.

The dark space, the long and narrow passage with no edge, and the cave that leads to it is impossible to know.

Coupled with the cold and musty air, the roars of unknown monsters could be heard from time to time.

This dark underground passage is like a labyrinth left over from ancient times, and it seems that it will never end.

The atmosphere of the army is getting more and more solemn, and the morale of the orcs is rapidly declining.

Because the orcs are running out of dry food.

At most, it can support one day's consumption. After one day, most of the orc army will fall into the dilemma of lack of food.

Just when Li Dedu felt tired.

There was a loud surprise from Koso, who was leading the way.

Master, here we are!

No need for any encouragement, just a word that we are here, everyone immediately cheered up.

A long march in a claustrophobic environment can be a test for all.

Even the vampires who like darkness have a restless mind.

At this moment, it is finally over.

Everyone's pace of progress subconsciously sped up a bit.

After flying a hundred blades away, Li De suddenly flew out of the cave, and his sight widened in vain.

The scene in front of him instantly made him feel a bit unspeakable shock, which can only be seen in the magical world.

Above the sky as high as three thousand blades is a space rock wall with faint fluorescence, which is the core substance that constitutes the underground world.

According to the legend of the foundation of glory, when the handed down god created the world, he threw part of his divine power into the ground, forming irregular voids of different sizes.

These cavities developed into the underground world. The underground world was formed by combining the rules of glory with divine power. The key to it was that the space rock walls were extremely hard, and only the power of the gods could destroy them.

The space rock wall is the foundation for the existence of the underground world.

Looking at the rock wall above his head, Li De's eyes were full of emotion, this is the real mythical world.

Because of the weak light emitted by the rock walls in the underground world, although it is not as bright as the surface, the light is not as dark as imagined, and it is far better than the underground passage.

Even ordinary human beings can see the distance beyond the thousand blades. Of course, it is still incomparable with the surface of the earth.

Li De looked around for a while and then slowly turned his attention to the ground and looked into the distance.

Everything around is extremely different from the surface. The land is an unknown black, not the black of the black land, but the rotten black with a bit of frown. It is more like countless corpses have invaded the land after rotting. There was a foul smell.

What is now is a vast expanse of wetlands, not quite a swamp, but wetter and slimmer than normal land.

There are dense, waist-length plants growing on the ground. Unlike the ground, most of these plants are deformed and twisted, and the green leaves above have ferocious barbs, and the leaves are mostly white or dark, which is brighter than the ground. The emerald green forms a stark contrast.

The air was filled with a faint stench of silt, and the stench became a little more intense after the distant wind blew.

Li De shook his head and was not surprised by this. He turned his head to look behind him, and suddenly there was a mountain whose peak could not be seen.

The position they are standing on is a high mountain without any vegetation. The mountain is directly linked to the towering space rock wall. These people are like ants coming out of their nests. Under the exaggerated height of the mountain, they are even seven blades high. The Corso are pitifully small.

Li De also had the most intuitive impression of the mysterious underground world at this time, and after observing for a while, the army behind him had already filed out.

However, unlike entering the passage three days ago, the army here is currently less than a thousand orcs.

There are only blood donors in their early 300s left in the blood family.

These are not accidents in the middle, but in order to completely control the passage behind him, Li De leaves part of the army at intervals to clean up and explore the surrounding caves.

The three-day journey also left two-thirds of the army.

Li De's goal this time is very clear.


He is not naive enough to run amuck in the underground world with only 3,000 orc warriors and 500 vampires.

The information I got from Corso, this underground world is extremely huge and profound.

The dungeon built by halflings, the black dragon in the depths of the swamp, the night elves who believe in the spider queen, the cruel and murderous snake race...

There are too many races to count. Although the City of Dawn is powerful, it is far from being strong enough to easily conquer this underground world.

Everything needs to be figured out slowly.

Dylan, Li De immediately started issuing orders after all the troops came out.

Lead the exploration team and search the surrounding 30 kilometers in a carpet-like manner. I don't want any danger here.

Garp, have the army stationed in the camp, build defense facilities, and wait for the arrival of follow-up reinforcements.

After Li De's words fell, he took a deep breath, and a little excitement flashed in his eyes.

The land in front of him was like a girl who was lying under the quilt after taking a bath, seducing his mood all the time.



At this time, there was a sudden sound of thoughtful thinking in the distance, as if something was running from far and near.

Just when Li De was about to send someone to investigate the situation, his pupils shrank suddenly.

A terrifying scene appeared in his sight.

From a distance a dense, incalculable number of cave spiders appeared.

The grass on the ground up to the waist was instantly shredded into grass clippings under the trampling of the cave spider with three high blades, five blades and eight sharp arthropods.

In front of the cave spider, a figure whose wings had been broken in half and was almost unable to fly was escaping frantically. The spider behind him was obviously targeting that figure.

Li De's eyes suddenly opened, showing a bit of confusion.


How could he be here? ?

Frey has been sending him messages every so often since he started tracking the cave spiders that suddenly retreated three days ago.

It was only three days ago that he received the news that Frey had entered the cave spider's lair and was preparing to explore in depth. Why did he suddenly appear underground now?

Are there other channels?

Between the lightning and flint, he couldn't think deeply, watching Frey, who was extremely embarrassed and might be drowned by the cave spiders behind him at any time, waving and ordering.

The army is ready!! Intercept the cave spiders!


Li De's order is the supreme will, and thousands of orcs immediately began to line up under the leadership of the orc warlord.

Orc warriors in dwarven armor formed a steel wall, and the vampire casters behind them immediately began to cast spells.


Getting closer, the densely packed cave spiders formed a long black line on the ground like a sandstorm.

Like an avalanche, it came violently.

The scene is very exaggerated.

When the group of cave spiders was less than two hundred blades away from the army, the magic in the hands of the blood race began to smash, and a scorching wall of flames erupted from the 300 blood mages.

The dense fireballs formed a long river of flames that illuminated the sky.

bang bang bang~

The madly attacked cave spider was hit the hardest. The fireball hit the cave spider and exploded, directly covering several surrounding cave spiders.

Two-ring magic - fiery fireball.

This magic improved by Li De became a weapon in battle.


Hundreds of huge cave spiders became scorched corpses in the scorching heat,

The exaggerated temperature directly raised the temperature above this wetland, and even raised a thick fog. Let the visibility on the scene plummet.

And Frey, who was severely injured, barely got a chance to breathe at this moment, inciting the half-exercised body that was still infiltrating the bloodline to flee frantically.

Li De's eyes narrowed, what kind of enemy did this scarlet hunter, who has reached level 15, encounter such a heavy blow? ?

Corso, go and save Frey.

Yes, Master.

The steel giant who received the order pulled out two long knives fixed on his back from behind. He said they were long knives, but their half-blade thick backs were more exaggerated than ordinary siege weapons.

Koso, who originally liked to use heavy weapons, immediately fell in love with long knives after slaughtering orcs with double knives in the first battle of Dwarf Valley.

The beheading effect brought by a sharp blade is countless times stronger than that of a war hammer.

touch ~ touch ~

The tall, seven-bladed steel beast slammed into the cave spider that collapsed from the tsunami.

Every time the soft ground was trampled by him, the soil would rise several blades high, leaving a deep footprint.

The one eye protected by the armor emitted a tyrannical light, and the killing intent solidified in the air.

Wearing 8 tons of armor, Corso looks like a heavy truck with a speed of more than 500 kilometers per hour,

Rush up against the cave spiders.

The short distance of a hundred blades is in the blink of an eye.


Several cave spiders that could not dodge were directly hit by Koso, without even swinging a knife. The strong armor on his body and the terrifying impact after his explosion caused the brains of the cave spiders in front of him to burst, and his body became a puddle of flesh.

And Koso's speed did not slow down because of this, but instead, his speed increased sharply again with a roar, and he slammed into the cave spider group abruptly.

Wearing a steel armor that even siege ballistas can't penetrate, Koso looks like a wolf entering a sheepfold and begins a bloody slaughter.

All resistance in front of the long sword in his hand is false.

Under the terrifying blade slash, no matter how the cave spider resists, it will be cut down with one knife.

Juice splashed all over the sky.

At this moment, Frey finally met Koso in the spider swarm.

Corso forced his way behind Frey, blocking the cave spiders that wanted to kill him.

These underground monsters were forcibly stopped.

Frey didn't smear any ink, and fled the bat wings that were broken in half to escape the hunt of these spiders.

Seeing the prey fled to the mouth, the furious cave spider went mad.

The huge abdomen was slightly curved, and the poisonous spider silk in the mouthparts spewed out directly at the rampant Corso.

Corso's huge height is simply the best target.


For just a moment, Corso's armor was covered with a dense web of cobwebs.

The poison on the spider web began to work, and the extremely uncomfortable sound of corrosion continued to sound.

But Koso ignored these cobwebs at all. Holding a long knife, he was intact, and he was still killing the Quartet, killing monsters with one knife and one head.

After the massive production of Mithril in the Dwarven Valley, the armor on Corso has been elevated to extraordinary by the smithy.

This armor consumed 120 pounds of mithril, and it was the output of more than 5,000 orc miners in the dwarf valley for more than two months, and it was very precious.

It is precisely because of this that Corso's defense has been further improved.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if Koso stood in place at this time and let these level 8, 9, at most level 10 cave spiders and ghost-faced spiders attack,

These monsters are very difficult to break through the weakest place in a short period of time. There are two fist thick super armor.

However, although Koso is strong and domineering, he cannot stop the uncountable number of cave spiders at this moment.

The front line drawn by the crazy cave spiders is as wide as a thousand blades. Looking down from the air, you can see that these cave spiders are sweeping like a school of fish.

A few points can't stop it at all.

The orc warriors who formed the Iron Man Wall covered the underground passage behind him and the blood clan guards in a semicircle, while the blood clan continued to cast spells to provide fire support for the orcs on the front line.

bang bang bang~

Fireballs with huge lethality have always been the first choice in battle, and the improved scorching fireballs are a must-have skill for blood clans.

At this moment, the number of cave spiders is so large that they can be hit without aiming at the target.

The scorching fireball pulls the long flame tail, like a cannonball out of the chamber, and every explosion can release an amazing amount of heat.

But the number of cave spiders killed by magic was always a small number. After a few rounds of magic, these uncountable underground monsters rushed to the front of the line of defense formed by orc warriors.

The 18th-level orc king Karp took the lead, facing the front, with a deep-cold long knife in his hand.

The huge lion head was now wearing armor, and he was as firm as a steel sculpture, giving the orc warriors behind him infinite power.

The first crypt spider rammed.

The three-blade, five-blade cave spider's mouth is sharp enough to tear through its steel fangs and bite towards Garp with a stench.

Garp's figure didn't move at all. When he could clearly see the fluff on the face of the cave spider in front of him, he was about to be bitten by the fangs in the next second.

Holding a knife in one hand, the giant mouth that the cave spider had just opened burst directly.

The head is divided into two.

Pooh~ The green juice splashed.

The fastest rushing cave spider was dead before it could even scream.

But this was only the beginning, and by the next one, more cave spiders came.

The warriors of the Lion Tribe had already lost their inner fighting spirit after seeing Garp killing him. They waved the long sword in their hands and collided with these underground monsters in the most direct and crazy way.

Pugh~ A ghost-faced spider suddenly changed its shape when it approached an orc, and its eight sharp limbs turned sharply.

An orc beside him didn't have time to react, and was directly pierced by an arthropod from his unprotected face, and his head burst.

But the ghost-faced spider didn't survive for a second. The two orc warriors around him roared and jumped high, and the sharp long knives cut off half of their heads like stabbing tofu.

The second orc stabbed a knife into the eye socket, and the spider, who was still struggling violently, instantly collapsed to the ground.

Hand-to-hand combat is often the most tragic and bloody. When the two sides are intertwined, the weak are not qualified to survive, and the winner can win the right to breathe freely in the next second.

The number of cave spiders that cannot be counted is like a huge wave rushing around, and the orcs are reefs made of steel, no matter how violent the wind and waves are, they will always stay still.

The elite weapons forged by the dwarves played an important role at this time, and the armors on these orcs were all of rare ★★★ level.

Even the squad leader wears the perfect level of armor, and the long knife in his hand is rare ★★★ level start.

Although the arthropods of cave spiders are sharp, they are still somewhat difficult to face against rare and perfect levels of armor. Although these monsters can hit orcs, they cannot cause lethal damage.

Greatly reduces the death rate of orcs.

On the contrary, the orc warrior with a blade in his hand can bring a lot of benefits every time he attacks.

The sap of the cave spiders was killed, and the stumps were everywhere.

Although the wind and waves are strong, the reef is still stable.

Li De, who was commanding the battle behind him, frowned slightly at this time.

He was keenly aware that the cave spiders at this time were more durable than those encountered on the surface, and sometimes the scorching fireballs that hit directly could not kill a spider.

With a bit of confusion, I checked the properties of the cave spider.

cave spider

Race: Cave spider

Level: Level 9

Size: Large life

Bloodline: Spider bloodline (automatically activated within 100 kilometers of the spider queen, all physical and magic resistances increase by 200%)

Introduction: A predator in the underground world who likes to hunt food with highly poisonous spider silk.

He remembered that the attributes of the ghost-faced spider at level 10 were almost the same as that of the cave spider, and even the introduction was the same. The only difference was that the spider bloodline of the cave spider was activated at this moment.

Spider Queen?

Li De's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't have time to think about it.

As there were more and more spiders, and high-level ghost-faced spiders began to appear densely, the line of defense formed by orcs began to shake. Only the central Garp was still strong, pressing down on the surrounding cave spiders to kill.

However, the effect of one person's power in such a large-scale war is not obvious.

Although the vampires behind him are not slow in casting spells, because of the great increase in the magic resistance of the cave spiders and the large number of them, the suppression effect is no longer effective at this time.

The scene seems very passive, and this line of defense will collapse if it goes on like this.

All blood mages, unleash the bloody storm.

Li De's eyes narrowed and he ordered directly.

The vampires who received the order immediately gathered together, and after a while, a sharp scream rose.


The only limited skill: Bloody Storm (consumes 50% of the blood in the body to summon 100 inanimate killing bats composed of magic and blood to attack the enemy. After the bat devours the blood, it will continue to grow, multiply, and split. Duration: blood energy consumption exhausted)

300 Blood Mage instantly flew out a killing bat composed of blood and magic.

Sharp minions, terrifying appearances, and terrifying screams all represent death and bloodshed.

A bloody torrent of 30,000 killing bats devoured the cave spiders before they could react.


The cave spider that couldn't dodge ahead was dealt an immediate and fatal blow when confronted by the sudden attack of the killing bat.

Heads of cave spiders were sucked blood to become skeletons, and the green blood was swallowed up.

The pressure faced by the orc warriors eased in vain, and they reorganized their defenses and started a counterattack.

After the bloody storm was suspended, it slaughtered nearly a thousand cave spiders in less than a minute, and the killing effect was invincible.

But the good times didn't last long, and Kill Bat suffered a fatal blow just after the second round of attacks.

After returning to the cave, the spider suddenly arched its abdomen and aimed the mouthparts that spewed spider silk at the killing bat that was flying recklessly.


Pieces of highly poisonous cobwebs, like bird traps, directly enveloped the incorporeal killing bats.

The highly poisonous cobwebs it carries directly corrode and kill bats.

The killing bat has just condensed, and the power contained in the body is still relatively weak, and it cannot withstand the corrosion of the highly poisonous.

Each spider web can destroy dozens of killing bats, and their dense numbers are almost the best target at this time.

After the cave spider spit out three rounds of cobwebs, the air was immediately cleared, and the slaughtering bats that had not yet started were directly extinguished.

Only a few survived, but it was obviously difficult to become a climate.

Seeing this, Li De raised his brows.

As expected, actual combat is the best way to test one's combat effectiveness. The slaughtering bat, which has always been unfavorable, was restrained by the spider web of the cave spider. Although there is a reason why the slaughtering bat has not swallowed the blood to grow, the result is the best explanation.

This raised a bit of vigilance in his heart, any powerful ability would not be invincible, and he must act cautiously in the future.

But unexpectedly, the cave spiders did not continue to attack after killing the bat in the face.

As if he had received some instructions, the corpse that was left on the ground hurriedly retreated.

The scene of watching the disappearing figure of the cave spider fell into a strange silence, and only a few wounded soldiers were wailing.

Although the cave spider suddenly left, the orc warriors were still raising their swords, and the ground was covered with broken limbs.

Li De did not shoot from beginning to end, and his eyes were still calm.

Had he shot, the fight might have ended faster, but doing so would have lost his original purpose of testing the power in his hands.

And he couldn't shoot every time. What he wanted was an iron-blooded army, not a nanny for this army.

At this time, Garp came to Li De with the help of several blood clans to support Frey. Just now, the orc king held up a line of defense, and the cave spider killed by the long knife in his hand almost walked around.

But the difference between warriors and spellcasters lies in this. On a battlefield with too many people, no matter how powerful the combat power is, warriors cannot dominate the victory or defeat of a war.

But in contrast, the vampire caster made this fight over as soon as he made his move.

Your Majesty...

Frey's pale face and the broken wings made Li De's face a little dignified.

Who made you so seriously injured? Drink the blood of magic first.

Frey drank a large bottle of magical blood that Li De took out from the system space, and his pale face slowly recovered a bit of vitality after being replenished with sufficient energy.

The broken wings are not bleeding, and the body is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After Frey slowed down, a bit of indescribable complexity flashed in his eyes.

Your Majesty, there are extraordinary things in the cave spider's lair...

Although the voice was weak, the information revealed made Li De's complexion change.

Extraordinary.....These two words do not need to be repeated too much, the meaning they represent is heavy enough.

Taking a deep breath, he fixed his eyes on Frey.

How did you escape the extraordinary hunt?

Compared with the sudden appearance of the extraordinary, he was even more surprised that Frey, who had just risen to level 15, could survive the extraordinary hand.

Frey shook his head, Your Majesty, the cave spider's lair is built in a broken demiplane. After I followed the cave spider into that demiplane, I strayed into the spider's spawning chamber and accidentally broke a few The spider eggs were later discovered.

I can resist the power of that supernatural ghost-faced spider queen...

Frey's face showed a bit of unwillingness at this time. He was aloof and arrogant, and it was difficult for him to accept his failure, even if the enemy was extraordinary.

I can escape because that half-plane has restrictions, and the queen of scale spiders can't leave through the plane door...

Half plane? Ghost-faced spider queen?

Li De frowned.

Unexpectedly, the origin of these cave spiders is so big that they occupy a half plane as their old nest, and the bosses in them are extraordinary.

Since the Ghost-faced Spider Queen can enter that plane, why can't she leave?

Your Majesty, according to my observation, it is not that the cave spider occupies that plane, but that the plane is the lair of the cave spider.

Because of the inadvertent space fragmentation, that half plane anchored the spatial coordinates and established a connection with the underground world.

Demigods generally refer to those planes that are broken for some reason, but are not completely destroyed and can continue to survive.

Half-planes are not uncommon, and some half-planes live with many strange beasts because of special plane rules.

These types of planes are most favored by spellcasters with the power to create portals to space.

Cave spiders are just common monsters.

How far is the gate of space from us?

About thirty kilometers...

Li De was slightly relieved.

If it wasn't for the last resort, he didn't want to face the inexhaustible cave spiders.

At this time, he had already gone deep into the ground, and the distance from the City of Dawn had already exceeded 500 kilometers. He could not open the door of space in it to transport the corpse to the burial ground, so the gain from killing the cave spider was not large. .

Although cave spiders belong to the magical beasts, apart from the usefulness of the poison sac and the two fangs, their value is not high, and it is not cost-effective to kill them.

It's okay, we don't need to mess with them.

Once we've built our fortifications, these cave spiders are no longer a threat, as long as the terrific spider queen doesn't make a move.

Li De's goal is very clear, and he did not get dizzy with these two sudden attacks. His goal is to explore the underground world.

The purpose of exploring the underground world is to obtain various precious mineral resources and materials to provide support for the development of Dawn City.

In the case that the interests are not involved, there is no need to go to hard steel with a group of races that occupy half of the plane and have the super spider queen.

Unexpectedly, however, Frey shook his head with a wry smile on his face.

Your Majesty, this time I'm afraid we have to fight those damn cave spiders.

Li De was a little puzzled, Why?

Never heard of a cave spider's vengeful spirit.

Frey took a deep breath and looked at Li De solemnly.

Because that group of cave spiders occupies a large vein of magic crystal...

Li De's pupils suddenly enlarged at this moment, and his face was a bit cold.

you sure?!

Magic spar is the most common and most precious energy in glory.

Low-quality and inferior magic crystals can be made into magic lamps, and high-quality magic spar can be used to arrange magic arrays, alchemy arrays, and even to assist spellcasters in casting spells, with various functions.

Its status is much higher than the black gold on the earth-oil, which is an absolute strategic resource.

The magic spar is almost monopolized by the empire, and even the powerful nobles are difficult to intervene in the mining of magic spar.

All the operation of Dawn City is inseparable from the magic spar, the production of alchemy bombs, the cultivation of magical plants, the consumption of the scarlet mage tower, the consumption of blood pools... and so on.

Almost 80% of the Jinpuke earned before was used to buy magic spar.

Dawn City lacks many things, but if one of them is the most lacking, then the magic spar is undoubtedly the first sequence.

Now Frey said he found a large magic crystal vein, what is the concept?

Isn't that the equivalent of telling him that the future of Dawn City is in the domain of cave spiders...

If he can really have his own magic crystal vein, then he can do a lot.

Dawn City can save 80% of the funds to invest in development, instead of buying magic spar.

Li De took a deep breath and suppressed the throbbing in his heart.

No wonder Frey's tone is so certain, this kind of temptation is almost limitless.

No one can refuse.

Are you sure?? Magic spar is not some common scrap metal.

It's worth enough to make Dawn City gamble on everything.

If the Mithril vein can make Li De wage war against the orcs at all costs, then a large magic spar vein is enough for him to put all the chips on him.

Because the magic spar represents the future.

Alchemy bombs can be made unscrupulously, magical plants can be cultivated frantically, and magical blood can be cultivated at any cost...

The strength of Dawn City will usher in an unprecedented blowout.

As the master of Dawn, anything that is conducive to the development of Dawn City will ultimately be his beneficiary.

Your Majesty, there is absolutely nothing wrong, Frey said in a very confident tone, The quality of that magic crystal vein is almost beyond my knowledge.

Most of the reason why the half-plane occupied by the cave spider stayed here is that the powerful energy contained in the magic spar distorted the space, allowing the half-plane floating in the chaotic void to find an anchor and fix it. .

Li De's eyes narrowed slightly when he heard the words, and his brain was running fast.

In other words, that half-plane has been stabilized? That Transcendent is a hidden danger, and we can't solve it in a short time.

He didn't worry about anything else, only the supernatural ghost-faced spider queen.

The extraordinary power is now beyond the City of Dawn.

Even if he broke through to level 18, he still couldn't confront the extraordinary.

The reason why transcendence is called transcendence is because this level surpasses the existence of ordinary life level and reaches another dimension.

The difference is indescribable.

But Frey's next words made Li De's heart beat.

The rules of that half-plane are extremely imperfect, and the ghost-faced spider emperor who has reached the superhuman level has great power but cannot pass through the fixed gate of space.

And the other party doesn't know space magic, otherwise I can't escape...

He not only broke into the spider's lair, but also crushed the spider's eggs. If this kind of hatred is possible, Frey will definitely be divided by that extraordinary head.

This is why he escaped for dozens of miles and was hunted by countless cave spiders.

Okay, you repair it on the spot first, and after your injury is healed, come with me again.

I need more accurate information.

Li De's deep eyes flashed a bit of coldness.

This is too important.

He didn't feel relieved if he didn't go to investigate in person.

Because once the matter of taking out the magic spar ore vein is confirmed, he will face a race that occupies a half plane and has an extraordinary seat.

The Glory World is not a peaceful world. All races are competing with each other for survival resources.

Not to mention glory, the same is true for the earth. Some countries start wars around the world in order to maintain their hegemony. Each time, millions of people are displaced, and countless people die directly or indirectly because of the war.

Even the highly civilized Earth is like this, not to mention a purely magical world of the jungle.

If the City of Dawn wants to develop, it must compete with other races, whether it is humans, murlocs, orcs, centaurs, they are all competitors.

When the City of Dawn cannot compete with the other, it is the moment of decline or even destruction.

There is no so-called good and evil, only wars for production space.

The winner wins the chance to live, the loser is eliminated.

To survive or to destroy, this heavy responsibility has always been shouldered by Li De.

As a blood race, he is a pure and pure dark being, belongs to the evil camp, and is naturally hostile to all the light, nature, and good camps, so the pressure to survive is extremely high.

Don't look at Dawn City's smooth sailing now, that's the code of conduct he has always adhered to for careful and prudent development.

So far, no forces of the light camp have discovered the existence of the City of Dawn, so he can be so relaxed. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

But Li De can't guarantee that the city of Dawnbreak will still maintain its current state after it grows and not be discovered by the outside world.

When Dawn City has hundreds of thousands of people, the level of secrecy may not be as high as it is now.

Therefore, he is desperately strengthening himself and strengthening the City of Dawn, so that at the moment when the crisis breaks out in the future, the City of Dawn will have enough strength to deal with the danger.

Li De, who was very orphaned, was full of crisis consciousness almost all the time.

In the early stage, it was developed to fight against players, but it is no longer dangerous for players to develop, and the greater danger comes from the main plane of glory.

As for those high above, the light sects and gods who were destined to be enemies at the moment he became a blood clan.

Set a small goal first, such as 1 second to remember: Shukeju

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