I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 312 Reproduction of creatures in the underground world, Frey's legendary deeds (620

When Li De saw in his office that his body was full of icy aura, like Frey standing in front of him from a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, he frowned.

Level 15... Frey completed the triple jump in just over half a year after he was transferred to the Scarlet Hunter.

It's just incredible.

However, the state of this second-generation blood clan is not so optimistic at this time.

Li De hurriedly ended his speech at the celebration after hearing the system prompt, because after the system prompt, Frey asked him for help through the power of blood.

That is a very sensitive and direct information, transmitted directly through the blood.

Li De's heart throbbed and he sensed Frey's bad state.

Negative emotions such as mania, anger, killing, confusion and so on are flooded in Frey's mind, and Li De has never seen such a crazy negative state.

Immediately aware of the seriousness of the situation, he directly sent Castro to pick up Frey as quickly as possible.

Li De frowned when he saw Frey's first face, because the state of the other party was so bad that he was almost on the verge of collapse.

Frey, who was wearing a black robe, showed a bit of ferocity and brutality in his indifferent eyes at this time. Even Li De could clearly feel the extreme instability of the other party's breath, like an exploding powder keg.

It's not the unstable breath caused by breaking through level 15, but the emotional instability. He is like an abyss beast that has been starved for hundreds of years, and may devour everything around him at any time.

The Crimson Hunter has a very powerful talent - the King of Hunting, who can devour blood after killing the enemy to permanently increase his strength.

Li De believes that this talent is the ace talent of the Scarlet Hunter, and Stanley has used this talent skill to level up.

At that time, when Stanley reached level 16, he said that after the blood-sucking upgrade, he would briefly enter into bloodthirsty and murderous.

Reason is like a small boat in the wind and waves, which may be overturned by the desire to kill at any time.

Frey was clearly in this state at this time.

Looking at Frey, who had been red-eyed and gritted his teeth even though he hadn't turned into the real body of a blood race, Li De's eyes were very solemn.

do nothing more,

This second-generation blood descendant will definitely not be able to hold on.

Without much nonsense, I took two steps forward and pressed my right hand on Frey's head, and a faint holy light filled out.

The power of faith has dropped by two thousand.

After a while, the awe-inspiring murderous intent on Frey slowed down slightly, but that was all, his breath was still crazy and tyrannical.

The awe-inspiring murderous intent spread freely in the house, and the air seemed to condense into ice.

Li De frowned when he saw this scene, and the power of faith had limited effect on Frey's negative state.

Yu Guang glanced at his attribute panel, and a title on the sub-identity Yiluo made his heart move.

Dark Teacher.

Guidance: Your words have a guiding effect on the life of the dark camp that has fallen into a bottleneck, and can speed up their breakthrough.

This is the super title that he got when he fooled a wave of Heart Eater Wales.

Without any hesitation, Li De directly transformed into Yiluo's appearance.

When I looked at Frey again, I suddenly realized that under the blessing of the title, I immediately understood Frey's current situation.

Frey, hold your mind and strengthen your will.

As the Holy Light Blood Race, we are not afraid of all challenges.

The desire to kill is only part of the power, don't fear him, accept it and control it...

There is no need to escape, you are the master of your physical power, and no one but you is qualified to invoke it.

What doesn't kill us will make us stronger after all!

Frey, you are the strongest of the second generation of blood, the child I admire most, don't let fear defeat you.

To break the day, use your will to overcome that desire to kill, and no one can beat you but you.

Li De's words were like a shot of cardiotonic, which directly penetrated into Frey's heart, and the unstable breath on his body slowly eased. These words were countless times stronger than the power of faith.

Li De stopped talking after seeing this scene, and now Frey can only rely on himself at this stage.

No one can help him, it is the killing desire radiating from the bottom of the heart, there is no other way but to face it.

The scene fell into a long silence.

Frey's eyes were tightly closed, and his body was like a sculpture, without the slightest fluctuation.

Li De could never let go of his heart, and just guarded the second-generation blood descendant who was the first to break through to level 15 in the office.

And the tyrannical aura on Frey never subsided, it seemed that everything was deadlocked.

Outside is the celebration and carnival of the new city, and the atmosphere inside the house is as dignified as ice.

One hot and one cold, a stark contrast is formed.

And this state continued from Frey's return until the early morning of the next day.

Just as the moon in the sky fell, the endless darkness enveloped the earth, and when there was no more light in the sky, the cold and deadly murderous intent on Frey slowly subsided.

After opening his eyes and seeing Li De, Frey's vigilant expression slowly relaxed.

Your Majesty... His hoarse voice was as if he hadn't drank water in the desert for half a month, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

You have magical blood around you.

Li De, who was sitting behind his desk, stood up immediately after seeing Frey awake.

Frey nodded, stretched out a trembling hand, took the magic blood prepared next to him and drank it.

After a while, the pale complexion slightly improved.

At this moment, Li Decai was relieved.

The Crimson Hunter class is too poorly developed, and there are many uncertainties.

Everything now is crossing the river by feeling the stones, and he can't give more guidance.

how do you feel?

Your Majesty, I'm fine.

Frey shook his head. This second-generation blood descendant, who used to be a bit arrogant in the past, seemed very weak at the moment, and did not break through to the strength of level 15.

How did you break through to level 15?

This is what Li De is most concerned about.

Although Frey was once the strongest of the second generation of blood descendants, it was impossible to break through without reason.

Moreover, Scarlet Hunters will also have a degree of strength by sucking blood. Not to mention whether they can find so many high-level life blood to suck, that is, the backlash caused by each level of promotion cannot be solved in a short time.

Without waiting for Frey to answer, Li De directly opened the other party's attribute panel.

Frey Kachar

Titles: Killer, Terror Comes (Perfect)

City Slayer (he is the spokesperson of death, the nightmare of countless people, his reputation has spread in the foggy coast, the reputation +10, the foggy coast legend +10 extra, when he drives the killing bat to appear, he is affected by the title of the city slayer The health of all attributes is reduced by 20%)

Age: 132

Level: 15

Occupation: Scarlet Hunter · Tier 2 (Next Tier: 500,000 Killing Points)

Killing value: 100,000 (every time you kill a life, you will get a killing value, and it is invalid if you are lower than your own level 5) Features: Killing Invasion (When using the skill - Scarlet Killing, the opponent will be invaded by killing intent, falling into Negative state of violent chaos, attributes continue to decline, up to 50%, magic resistance immunity is invalid, willpower can offset part of the damage)

Special talents: Blood Rebirth, Killing Hand (Characteristic: Danger Perception) King of Hunting (devouring blood to enhance strength)

Limited Unique Skill: Scarlet Slaughter, after turning into a blood race, the strength, body recovery speed, speed, and magic recovery speed increase by 500%, consume 50% of the blood in the body to increase to 1000%, immune to the negative status below the legendary level, and get the bonus Dark cutter feature, duration: 30 minutes, can continuously consume blood to maintain the scarlet killing state.

Dark Reaper: The power of the scarlet power attached to the attack is +500%, and after killing the enemy, the blood in the enemy's body will condense the killing bat, and the killing bat will inherit 70% of the enemy's power. Split, each killing bat can take the initiative to control the killing bat when the blood runs out.

Passive Talents:  …


After checking Frey's attributes, Li De fell silent.

It's too powerful, and all aspects of Frey's attributes have been qualitatively improved.

First of all, there is an extra title of city slayer, which is obviously obtained this time, and the attached attributes are so powerful.

The second is the improvement of skills, the only skill: Scarlet Slaughter, the strength and body recovery speed were increased by 300%, and now they are directly increased to 500%.

Moreover, the blood consumption increase has also been increased from 600% to 1000%, and the attached feature Dark Reaper: The power of the scarlet power attached to the attack has been increased from 300% to 500%.

This skill is an improvement in all aspects, which can be called a qualitative change.

The most important thing is that there is an additional kill value status bar on Frey's attribute panel. This special status bar makes Li De's heart tremble.

Killing value: 100,000 (every time you kill a life, you will get a killing value, which is invalid if you are lower than your own level 5) Features: Killing Intent Attack.

In other words, the face in front of him was pale, his eyes were slack, and there was a weak second-generation blood descendant on his body.

After becoming a Scarlet Hunter, in just over half a year, he slaughtered more than 100,000 creatures.

And the level of these creatures is not low.

There is something dreamy and unreal about this.

That's 100,000.

Your Majesty, I participated in the war waged by the murloc tribe.

Although Frey's tone was still weak, after a large cup of magical blood went down, his mental state was obviously getting warmer.

You participated in the war between the murlocs? Li De frowned. Although the murloc tribe is strong, it is impossible for you to lie on the ground like a white-skinned pig and kill you.

Even 100,000 pigs will take a certain amount of time to slaughter, right?

There was a bit of pride in Frey's pale red eyes.

Your Majesty, when we participated in the war between the murloc tribes, a storm broke out on the foggy coast. We accidentally left the fighting position of the murloc tribe and came to the human city on the coast...

Frey then details his legendary encounters and experiences.

After Frey took over the trade in the Dwarf Hills, the level can be improved so quickly thanks to his participation in almost all the wars of the Blue Star tribe against other murloc tribes.

Because of the rapid increase in strength after the transaction with the City of Dawn, the murloc tribe, the Blue Star tribe, could not help but start to fight against the surrounding tribes due to their desire to expand.

For Frey, who was once second only to Li De in the blood clan, in just over a year, his position as the strongest second-generation blood clan had long since disappeared.

Even he has been reduced to a very low position, and his status has plummeted.

This is absolutely unbearable for him who is arrogant.

Therefore, for his request, the Blue Star Tribe is also happy to befriend the representatives of Dawn City. In this way, Frey killed a large number of sea monsters in wars one after another, and his level was quickly raised to level 14.

But the turning point of all this is that the last time Frey got Harrison's instructions to go to the Blue Star tribe to buy mermaids and come back to Dawn City to raise them and was rejected.

However, the Blue Star Tribe promised Frey that if he continued to be willing to participate in the next war, the captured mermaid would give him a few.

Frey, who was eager for war, participated in this war with the hostile forces of the Blue Star Tribe without the slightest accident.

But the tragic war this time was far beyond Frey's estimation. The Blue Star Tribe dispatched all the murlocs and drove more than one million deep-sea fish monsters to attack the other side.

And the number of deep-sea fish monsters controlled by the hostile murloc tribe is even greater than that of the Blue Star tribe.

The wealth of the sea makes marine life extremely prosperous. On land, it is a large-scale war, but in the sea it is only a battle between medium-sized tribes.

The war lasted for three days.

Frey was red-eyed in this war.

After turning on the killing state, the dark reaper feature has an attribute that cannot be ignored. After killing the enemy, you can condense the killing bat.

And killing bats can devour blood to grow, multiply, and split. The duration of each killing bat is when the blood is exhausted.

In three days, Frey did not know how many killing bats he had condensed, and the killing bats could quickly multiply, divide and grow on the battlefield.

It was not until the entire battlefield was filled with blood-colored oceans that Frey slowly woke up.

But here comes the more important thing.

After a few days of fighting, they had already shifted hundreds of kilometers from the original battlefield because of wind, waves, fog, and ocean currents.

The ocean is not land. It can move in three dimensions, and it is also to avoid the storm. This situation is normal.

Let's wait until the wind and waves dissipated and the fog faded, and a human city appeared in their sight.

And several large ships loaded with wounded soldiers made Frey realize that they may inadvertently broke into the rear base where the Human Empire and the Murloc Empire were at war.

When humans found them, they immediately regarded them as enemies, and a terrifying attack covered the sea.

It was this operation that angered Frey, and the humans ran into the killing bats that he had accumulated for days and could not even count the number.

You mean, because of the fog at sea, that human city took the initiative to attack you, and then you occupied that city with the murlocs of the Blue Star Tribe?

Li De looked at Frey in disbelief at the end.

This whole process is too psychedelic and nonsense.

You went to war with a tribe of murlocs, and in the end, you slaughtered a human city.

Human beings provoke whom.

No wonder Frey's new title is City Slayer, which is almost no one.

Li De took a deep look at this second-generation blood descendant who was the first to reach level 15, and the arrogance on the other side's face was still clearly visible even when facing him.

Such arrogant blood descendants would not bother to lie even if they were not bound by blood.

After figuring out the ins and outs, he didn't worry too much. Since it has become a fact, the process cannot be changed in magic.

How do you feel now? What happened to you when you broke through?

Speaking of this question, Frey took a deep breath and shook his head firmly.

Your Majesty, I hope you can formulate rules to prohibit the scarlet hunters from continuously sucking blood to break through the level in a short period of time.

Seeing Frey's solemn face, Li De narrowed his eyes slightly.

Oh why?

Frey's face flashed a bit of fear that Reed had never seen before.

Your Majesty, the backlash after leveling up is too terrifying.

This is definitely the worst enemy of my life.

I wanted to sink into that bloody killing intent almost countless times, and my sanity was almost wiped out, turning into the purest murderous monster.

Frey's eyes slowly turned scarlet.

That was the desire to kill from every part of the body, every drop of blood, every breath.

An irresistible desire to kill.

There was a bit of fear in those eyes.

If it wasn't for the extraordinary fruit you gave me that kept me sane at the most critical moment, I would have been reduced to the purest killing demon.

The consequences of quickly sucking fresh blood to increase the level are too serious and tragic. The abuse of this skill should be prohibited under any circumstances, because it is likely to cause the death of the Scarlet Hunter.

Frey has never been a talkative person, so talking to Li De repeatedly at this time made Li De immediately vigilant.

Not only Frey, but Stanley also used the special talent of King of Hunting to raise his level to level 16, and the other party also told him that the backlash was very serious.

At the beginning, although he paid attention to it, he did not pay so much attention to it. At this moment, Li De immediately raised his heart after experiencing the scene of Frey.

Is the King of Hunting, a talent that devours blood and enhances strength, strong? Naturally, it is powerful enough to explode, and it can be seen that Frey has risen from level 12 to level 15 in a short period of time.

However, the negative effects are also very obvious. If the level is increased wildly in a short period of time, it will cause serious backlash, and even become a monster that only knows how to kill.

This side effect determines that the scarlet hunter must slow down to suck blood in the future, leaving enough time for buffering.

I will issue a mandatory order on this matter. In the future, the Scarlet Hunter must leave a buffer time of half a year after the blood-sucking upgrade.

The blood clan has little demand for wealth such as Jinpuke and gems, which are the most crazy and strongest in human beings, but have a very strong desire to improve their strength.

Therefore, if the behavior of the Crimson Hunter is not prohibited, Frey will definitely not be the first.

After the level was raised to level 15, you have been promoted to become the second-level Scarlet Hunter. What kind of improvement has this second-level occupation brought you?

After hearing Li De's question, Frey pondered for a moment before speaking.

Your Majesty, it's the slaughter value. The biggest improvement is the slaughter value. After being promoted to the second rank, I can easily sense the slaughter value.

Killing value? Li De frowned. Although the system had instructions, he didn't quite understand the composition of this power.

Yes, when I kill a relic I can absorb some of the soul energy that escaped after their death.

And my condensed killing bat also has the same effect, as long as it is killed by the killing bat, I can also absorb that energy.

After the human city by the sea was slaughtered by me and the murlocs, I could sense that the energy accumulated had reached a peak, and then the profession suddenly began to advance.

That's why my level was raised to level 15.

After speaking, Frey's eyes flashed a little dignified.

Your Majesty, I can feel the power hidden in my bloodline being stimulated little by little after I was promoted to the second rank.

And the kill value allows me to erode the enemy in battle, reducing the enemy's status...

Li De nodded, Frey didn't have the attribute panel and couldn't be as clear and reasonable as the data that Li De saw, but what he said was inseparable.

Your promotion to Tier 2 is the promotion you get after killing 100,000 creatures?

Li De took the trouble to ask again, he needed to confirm this.

Your Majesty, yes, I was promoted after killing 100,000 creatures.

Li De's eyes narrowed slightly.

Scarlet hunters need to kill 100,000 creatures to advance. Is this data a bit exaggerated?

If it weren't for Frey being arrogant and unwilling to admit defeat, he had been participating in the expansion of the Blue Star Tribe, plus the rich sea gave birth to several times more high-level life than on land, and finally slaughtered one by accident. A human city that accepts frontline wounded soldiers.

I'm afraid that ten or twenty years may not be able to kill 100,000 creatures.

Everything is cause and effect, Li De shook his head. After understanding this extremely harsh condition, Frey's extremely powerful attributes seemed to be no longer so shocking.

This is in exchange for 100,000 lives. If they are not strong, those creatures will not die in vain.

Then he thought about the difficulty of upgrading the class of the Crimson Hunter, which also made him a little helpless.

Frey was only promoted after so many battles by chance. What about the other scarlet hunters?

How can there be so many large wars to participate in.

Frey, this time I will let several other scarlet hunters follow you to the murloc tribe, and tell Amiya, the patriarch of the Blue Star tribe, that Weiwei expresses Dawn City's support for the murloc tribe. War, Dawn City stores will send people to participate.

Let's add up, Li De shook his head, he didn't expect to be able to cultivate a second level 15 in a short period of time.

The level 15 vampire raised by oneself is really too difficult.

But overall Freda reaching level 15 also gave him a lot of confidence.

This means that the gap between the blood races has begun to slowly make up.

This is of great significance to the blood clan.

Vampires previously had only two layers of structure, high-level vampires above level 15 and lower-level vampires below level 10.

The most critical middle layer of grades 10-14 is vacuum.

This is a very unhealthy way of development, because it means that the blood clan has no endogenous power and cannot produce high-level professionals.

But after so long of training, he has finally solved this problem now.

When Freda reached level 15, it was a sign that the blood race in his hands had officially entered the high-level battlefield. UU reading www.uukanshu. com and no longer the marginal figures that were dispensable before.

The fault line of the blood race was finally connected.

This is just the beginning, and it is foreseeable that in the near future, the blood race will emerge with a steady stream of power.

Until the blood clan cultivated inside occupies the mainstream position of Dawn City.

Just when Li De slowly became happy, Harrison, who was outside the door, knocked on the door with a solemn expression and entered the office.

One sentence made Li De's mood suddenly rise.

Your Majesty, the iron mines of the Valley of Giants are occupied by racially ignorant enemies.

According to our preliminary investigation, the other party is a creature from the underground world...

Set a small goal first, such as 1 second to remember: Shukeju

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