I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 32 The Hand of the Magical Modified Mage

For three days in a row, Li De has not been out of the Mage Tower. The improvement of the Mage's Hand is beyond his expectations, and the progress is very slow.

The 30 magic nodes are the standard magic models obtained after the experiments of countless powerful mages, and the difficulty of improving them can be imagined.

However, Li De is a master who does not admit defeat, and the difficulty of improving the hand of the mage has inspired his strong fighting spirit.

The blood clan only needs to rest for two sundays a day to recover their energy, and Li De devoted all his energy to improvement during the remaining period.

He didn't even care about the news that Laurent exchanged Kim Puck from the Alex Chamber of Commerce for a large amount of grain and moved it into the warehouse of the Golden Wheat Chamber of Commerce.

The improvement that originally entered a dead end suddenly became enlightened after Li De returned to Earth for a meal on the third day.

He made a mathematical model of all the magic nodes according to the corresponding format, and used the mathematical model to eliminate a large number of useless node combinations.

In the end, progress quickly soared, and the probability of problems dropped by a large margin.

Day 5 back from Alex Chamber of Commerce.

The seventh floor of the Crimson Mage Tower.

A burst of laughter came out, and the magic apprentices who were reading books on the third floor were taken aback.

Is this Lord Li De's laughter?

Thinking of Li De, who always had a cold face in the past, everyone couldn't believe it.

Weina, go see if Lord Li De has any new discoveries

Could it be that Master Li De broke through?


As Li De's maid, Wei Na is naturally the best choice to go up to hear the news at this time. Under the urging of everyone, the girl picked up the blue mage robe and quickly got up.

bang bang bang~

please come in

Wei Na pushed open the door on the seventh floor, very curious.

There was not much change in the house, all kinds of magic materials were placed on the storage shelves, and the house was very clean. The only difference was that Mr. Li De seemed very happy.

Looking at the joyful Li De girl, she asked curiously, Lord Li De, do you have any new discoveries?

She had never seen Li De's expression so happy, even a smile was rare in the past.

Li Deping recovered his inner joy and smiled: Look!


After a snap of fingers, a giant translucent hand rose up in the room.

One level spell, the hand of the mage.

Wei Na looked a little inexplicable at the mage's hand in front of her, she didn't see any change.

Lord Li De, this is the hand of the mage... how are you...

Li De laughed and snapped his fingers again. Then, while Wei Na was stunned, the mage's hand in front of her changed dramatically.

The original giant hand turned into a semi-transparent shield directly in the air.


With a snap of fingers, the translucent shield turned into a long sword.


long knife





Wei Na was completely stunned in place, she could clearly feel that this was the magic fluctuation of the magic hand of the mage.

But why, why does it keep changing?

This scene simply shattered Wei Na's three views.

It is common knowledge for wizards that a spell cannot change the shape or nature of the spell after it is cast.

For example, a fireball spell can only be a fireball after the spell is cast, and cannot be turned into a fire knife or a flame shield.

This is the fixed shape of the magic model and cannot be changed.

But what's going on with this ever-changing mage's hand?

Why does the mage's hand transform?

Lord Li De, this, is this what you researched?

The goddess of magic is above,

You are truly a genius, the mages of Green City will sing your name, and the bards will sing your greatness

Small stars have appeared in Wei Na's eyes.

The girl's undisguised admiration made Li De feel relieved.

In the past five days, except for two days off every day, he has almost no rest time.

In the modified model, the number of failures was at least 2,000.

After the initial failure, the magic backlash was very serious, and every failure was like a needle being pricked in the head.

Make him dare not let go of his hands and feet.

But then he worked out ways to mitigate backlash.

Controls mana output.

The magic model needs a sufficient amount of magic power to activate. If the magic power is not reached enough, it will cause the casting to fail, and in severe cases, magic backlash will occur.

But Li De found that, just like in the beginning, reducing the mana input kept the magic model running all the time.

The magic model that reduces magic power cannot be cast, but he wants to study the relationship between nodes, and he doesn't care whether it can be cast or not.

Later, for the sake of smaller backlash, he kept trying to input magic power more accurately to run the model.

From the first input of 9 points of magic power, it has continued to drop, 8 points, 7 points, 3 points, and even reached the 2 points of magic power that he can accurately manipulate now.

Only need to input two points of magic power to make the magic model run at a minimum. Magic models lacking magic power require extremely high mental power to control to maintain stability.

The bloodline of the ancestor of the blood family endowed him with a terrifying affinity for magic, and Li De's over-control of magic was almost as simple as breathing.

It's normal during the day, but at night, he can control even the slightest magic power.

So the magic model began his journey to death after he developed a way to minimize backlash.

After the collapse of the magic model, it will bring a huge magical backlash to the mage. If it is lighter, it will cause the collapse of the spiritual sea, the strength will decrease, and the serious backlash will even make people directly into an idiot.

So even extraordinary mages do not dare to experiment and improve magic recklessly, which is why the magic model is rarely reported to be changed... It is too dangerous, and it is possible to become an idiot with a little change. This risk is not Several people can afford it.

Because of this, the mage is full of respect and awe for the magic model, thinking that it is the power bestowed by the goddess of magic, and if you want to touch the majesty of the god's mansion, you will be punished by the god's mansion.

But Li De's magic affinity made him directly reduce the magic backlash, which Mage feared the most, to freezing point.

So all kinds of magic changes to magic nodes began. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

In five days, two thousand failures were established, and two mathematical models were established as experimental data statistics.

Finally, such a deformable mage hand was developed.

The current magic hand of the mage has increased from 30 magic nodes to 90.

The newly added 60 magic nodes are the key to being able to deform.

Li De almost changed the spell again.

But the effect is very obvious. After the original rigid hand of the mage is improved, it can change its form at any time after casting the spell according to the will of the mage.

And the power has been greatly improved, and the power of the Mage's hand has increased from 150 pounds to nearly 800 pounds, a full 5 times.

It is conceivable that if the hand of a mage was originally released during the battle, but when it was attacked, it became a shield, and when it was attacked, it became a long sword. The enemy must be frightened by this sudden change.

Of course, the cost is not without, the magic power required for casting has increased from 10 points to 15 points, and the consumption has increased by 50%.

And no amount of changes will change the fact that the Mage's Hand is only a first-level spell.

Although the power is comparable to ordinary second-level spells, it is useless to Li De.

When fighting, a small fireball is also better than using the hand of a wizard to fight the enemy melee.

The significance of improving the hand of the mage is that Li De has found the right direction.

Before there is no way to learn more advanced magic, it is completely possible to increase the power of your current magic by two grades.

At that time, it was also a small fireball technique, and the power of the enemy could only be compared with that of the gas tank. His instant shot was stronger than the main gun of the tank, and the gap was instantly widened.

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