I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 298 The first contact (5,600 words)

Master, I am very familiar with the aura on that scroll, I have been there more than a thousand years ago...

It seems that it is a place where the gods have fallen.

Withered bones as undead life, his life is too long to count.

Even he himself had forgotten how long he had lived.

Li De raised his brows slightly when he heard this.

A thousand years ago, where the gods fell??

The place where the gods fell, this title has an inexplicable power coming towards you. The top combat power in this world is the group of powerful beings excluded by the will of the main plane.

A land where even gods can fall, this is not an easy place.

Is there really a fallen god there? What level were you at that time? How did you get in?

A series of questions caused Dry Bones to fall into contemplation, and the fire of the burning soul in the skull of the Bone Dragon shook for a while.

It took a long time to speak, and the voice was empty and had a strange tone.

Master, I woke up and became an undead life before the long years that cannot be counted.

But after waking up, he was in a daze for a long time, the fire of his soul was very weak, and his thinking had been rigid.

I wandered around in this world, instinctively looking for the breath of the undead to devour and strengthen the fire of the soul.

Hide into the dark when the sun is high, and travel in the dark.

After such a long time, maybe a hundred years or a thousand years, I finally woke up to my meaning.

But also because of the awakening of my will, I sensed a certain call, and in a state of ignorance, I responded to that call.

Then I was summoned by a powerful force into the place where the gods fell...

Speaking of the dark blue soul in the skull of the dead bone, the burning is even more intense, like rolling oil dripping on the fire.

But the burning of the soul fire is indeed a cold chill, without the slightest heat, Li De can even feel the temperature of his body surface drop by more than ten degrees.

Bone's words are not over.

I saw the master who summoned me, it was a necromancer, a powerful necromancer.

And the plane I was summoned to is the place where the gods fell!

There the bones are piled up in mountains, the black blood grows in rivers, and the ghosts cover the sky...

Li De inexplicably felt a bit of fear in the dry bones' words, which made him a little curious.

This plane should be your favorite, why are you afraid?

Isn't such a strong aura of death suitable for the undead to survive?

Master, it's different, it's completely different here...

The fire of the withered bone's soul grew higher and higher, and the fear in his tone became more intense.

In the rich aura of death, there is also an incomparably holy power hidden, that is the power of the light gods.

Majestic, holy, bright.

The power of death, which is so strong to the extreme, cannot hide that power.

It's like -- a god.

Withered bone's tone is extremely solemn at this moment.

Only the gods can show such dazzling power in the power of death that pervades the whole world.

And the facts later confirmed my idea.

This land is a bloody battlefield.

Death knights, ghouls, ghosts, skeleton warriors, zombies, necromancers, ghost dragons, bone dragons... As long as the troops possessed by the undead can all be seen on this plane.

And all the undead lives have only one goal - a bright curtain of light.

And within the luminous canopy that is as thin as crystal, like the egg of a giant monster, is a twelve-winged seraph...

Li De suddenly opened his eyes when he heard these, Twelve-winged Seraphim?!!

In the legends about the gods he collected, the twelve-winged seraphs were divine beings, and their combat power was equivalent to the gods with weaker divine powers.

This kind of life has always been the most powerful fighting force under the light of the gods.

And then? What happened to that blazing angel?

Withered bone shook his head,

I was controlled by that necromancer and was about to launch an attack when a huge brilliance suddenly shone on this world...

All the undead turned into ashes under that brilliance.

Without the slightest accident, I was hit by the power of light, and the fire of my soul was greatly attenuated, and I fell directly into a long slumber.

As for that blazing angel, when I woke up again, he had already disappeared.

When it comes to this withered bone, the fire of the soul is a little calmer.

I've long since forgotten how long I slept, maybe three hundred years, maybe three thousand years.

When my consciousness recovered again, not only the Seraphim had disappeared, but the entire plane had undergone tremendous changes.

The river of black blood has dried up, the ghosts covering the sky have turned into ashes, and all other undead life has disappeared.

Only the bones on the ground and the strong force of death were left.

Speaking of this withered bone, he paused for a moment, relieved his emotions, and continued.

But in the strong aura of death, the power that belongs to the twelve-winged Seraphim still remains. The power of light blends with the aura of death. It is an unbelievable and extremely real scene.

I've been walking in it for 30 years... Finally, I finally found a broken space gap and barely came out of the place where the gods fell.

This skull dragon was also found inside.

When my soul fire absorbed the breath of death, it also absorbed a small amount of light energy, and it took a long time to cleanse the soul fire...

Hearing this, Li De finally figured out the origin of the dead bones and the secret of the place where the gods fell.

Even the divine life of the twelve-winged seraph appeared.

The death cemetery is a bit unusual.

It's been such a long time, are you sure that the breath on that scroll belongs to that world?

Yes, Master, my soul has slept in it for countless years, and is very sensitive to the breath inside.

Li De nodded, looking at the behemoth in front of him, he was very interested in the plane where the twelve-winged Seraphim had appeared.

Originally, the death cemetery attracted him to the flower of death or other advanced magic scroll manufacturing technology, but now, the death cemetery is obviously not that simple.

The treasure hidden inside may be far richer than he imagined.

After confirming the news with Kugu, Li De did not hesitate any more, and let the skull dragon continue to return to the dimensional space. He called Stanley and the three of them.

When we met, we shared the news of the dead bones just now.

Stanley's eyes were full of shock after hearing this.

Your Majesty, the twelve-winged Seraphim is the most powerful fighting force in the light god system.

Unexpectedly, such a legendary life would be besieged by the undead.

It is even very likely that it has fallen.

The death cemetery may contain treasures that we cannot imagine.

Not to mention anything else, just pick up an angel's feather and make a lot of money. It is at least a legendary item, and it may even contain divinity.

Of course, if Li De knew what Stanley was thinking, he would be very speechless, trying so hard to pick up a bird feather? ?

Get ready, let's go to the death cemetery in the north.

Li De has never been a man of inkblots.

If there is no dry bones, he still needs to focus on preparations, but since there is a leading party, it will be over if he goes straight ahead.

However, before this departure, Li De told Betty to stop the preparations.

Betty, after I took people away, the scarlet mage tower is no longer guarded. I need you to help me guard it.

The dark eyes looked directly at Betty's wild eyes.

Isha and Wei Na need your protection, especially now when Teacher Spark is hit hard.

Betty, who had already taken off her mask, was silent for a moment. The facial features were clearly outlined, and her delicate face like a mixed blood was a little reluctant at the moment. Before the war and adventure, let a Northlander who was eager to fight leave. What difference does it make to take his food away.

But looking at Li De's deep eyes, Betty still turned her head sideways, and answered with some reluctance.


Li De couldn't help laughing dumbly when he looked at this little girl full of wild Valkyrie, and subconsciously reached out his hand and touched the girl's long hair like Wei Na.

Betty's body stiffened, she turned her head slightly, and her face turned red when she saw Li De's actions.

Li De also noticed a bit of a strange atmosphere, but he continued to touch the long smooth hair before withdrawing his hand.

He inexplicably felt that at this moment, it was just like secretly molesting a fierce female classmate when he was a child, and there was an inexplicable excitement.

Go back, wait for me to come back.

Betty looked at Li De's handsome and charming face and nodded slightly, then turned around and left with a blushing face.

At this time, this heroic Valkyrie seems to have done something bad and was discovered...

When Betty left, Li De was slightly relieved.

Let Betty go back on the one hand because the Crimson Mage Tower really needs a powerful professional to sit in, especially when Spark is unable to take care of the Crimson Mage Tower.

On the other hand, this operation is extremely dangerous.

Nothing that can be related to God is simple.

In particular, withered bones clearly showed that this was the battlefield where the undead once besieged the twelve-winged seraph.

No one knows what is still in there.

So this time he doesn't plan to bring too many people, Stanley, Grote, Withered Bones, Castro, plus him, three blood races plus two alien beings are enough.

He, Grote, and Stanley both have the skill of rebirth by blood, so he is not afraid even in the face of a big threat.

Withered bones once slept and wandered in this and that plane, and were an indispensable guide.

Castro has extraordinary armor, and his flight speed has exceeded the speed of sound. As long as he is not excessively killed, it is not a problem to escape.

Only Betty, although powerful, does not have many escape skills once in a dilemma, and there is no way to be reborn after death.

So Li De directly sent away the Valkyrie who had an outstanding combat power.

Because when he was about to execute this plan, he had already thought of the worst.

Stanley, arrange the next work, the Shadow of Dawn will enter a hidden state, and will no longer carry out any intelligence spying.

Grote, send a message to Wales, let him look after the dark covenant for a while, I think this disciple of mine should be happy to carry out this order.

In addition, we will inform City of Dawn of our operation, and Harrison will make corresponding plans.

Li De's thoughts were very calm, and he arranged the next work first, and did not act rashly.

Now he is not alone, he rules a huge force, and every move can affect the fate of countless people.

He is the only core of Dawn City. Any link can go wrong, but he can't.

This time, I went to the cemetery of death to explore the land where the gods fell. There are many dangers. It stands to reason that Li De, as the biggest boss, should not take risks.

But the treasure contained in it is too amazing, and he always feels uneasy if he does not lead the team in person.

And the invincible resurrection talent also gave him the capital to take risks.

And exploring a region full of mystery is not a small temptation for him.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Grotter and Stanley responded.

That night, the little bats kept flying out of the Black Rose Manor.

The various forces under Dawn City also entered a state of first-level alert after receiving Li De's order.

The think tank of Dawnbreak City has formulated dozens of strategic plans, and there will be corresponding plans for whatever happens.

Such as war, plague, famine, flood, foreign invasion and so on.

There is a set of plans for how the City of Dawn should operate if Li De falls into a deep sleep and transforms during a certain period of time or if other things happen that he cannot command the City of Dawn.

These are all plans formulated by Li De's coercive think tank. In times of peace, the world has never lacked threats. An effective plan is definitely much better than cramming when something happens.

After the news of Li De came out, everything was running again according to the normal trajectory, and the system he established by himself once again showed its superiority.

a day later.

Near dusk.

Far from the border area of ​​Green City, in a dead and empty city, Li De, who was riding Castro, slowly landed on the square in the center of the city.

Dead, empty, ruins.

This is Li De's most intuitive impression of the city.

The towering stone buildings around it have long been shattered by war or crawled with cobwebs because they have been left unattended.

Desolate, miserable.

The city is the border city of the southern province - Thorins.

The city originally had a population of more than 500,000, and it bordered on the now undead Empire of the Shining Empire farther north.

Because of the invasion of the undead, this originally prosperous city has turned into an empty city at this time.

All the residents in the city, regardless of age, gender, or race, all turned into undead life when the undead broke through the city wall.

There were not even corpses on the empty streets, and the destroyed skeletons could only be seen in certain corners.

Li De exuded mental power for a moment and then shook his head.

There is indeed no life here.

He turned to look at the two adventurers who were thrown to the ground by Castro - Macri and his younger brother, the 5th-level spellcaster.

Macri, have you explored this city, is there anything special in it?

In the scene where the two adventurers have dead bones flying in the sky, Li De exists in front of them, and Stanley and Grote block the way behind them, although the two are not bound by chains, they still have no ability to resist.

Sir, no, this is an empty city. Macri, who had already changed into a black robe, was still weak.

Li De frowned slightly, Then why did you let us take a detour?

Because in this city... yes, there is that leather bag...

The leather bag?

Yes, a leather bag with magic scroll making technology...

You just throw away something so important?

Sir, that leather bag is too worn out, we immediately lived in this city with the people from the large army for one night from the gap in the space.

At that time, the members of the Adventurer's Guild identified that the leather bag was of no value, just an almost rotten leather bag.

I think that leather bag might be of help to you if we go into the land of the dead again this time.

Li De glanced at Macri in surprise, this adventurer is quite thoughtful.

Yes, lead the way. If I can find what I want this time, I will let you go, and I will also let you not be held accountable by the heart of the devil.

After speaking, he looked at the two adventurers with a very deep tone, Trust me, I never lie...

At this time, Li De's face was really not red at all.

Stanley, who was behind him, fell silent for some reason.

Your Majesty, are you really saying that?

At this time, he remembered the scene where Wales shouted that he must become Li De's disciple...

Thank you, my lord, thank you, I swear with my life, I will do my best to serve you.

At this time, Li De was still the appearance of Iluo's crown, and this adventurer saw with his own eyes how Li De made the heart eater he regarded as a nightmare to bow down.

Now Li De's promise is his life-saving straw.

The weak never had a choice, and he had no choice but to humble Li De to plead for his mercy.

Come with me...that leather bag is in a small alley outside the square...

After going around in circles, it took twenty minutes for the two of them to get the badly damaged leather bag, and after the dry bones smelled the breath on it, they suddenly became excited.

Master, it is this kind of breath, which is stronger than the breath on the scroll, and the power of death is mixed with a faint power of light.

It is the place where the gods fell! !

Hiss, the place where the gods fell? ? Macri and the caster looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

What the hell is this? ? The ancient ruins are so big? ?

At this time, the two of them felt a little regretful again. They knew that today, they had nothing to do.


Li De turned around abruptly, not wasting any more time.

You continue to lead the way, Macri, and remember, your destiny is in your own hands.

Yes, my lord.

Macri was so frightened by the skull dragon that he urinated quickly, and did not dare to obey.


A moment later, Castro took off, and behind the new-born king sat Stanley and Grote, holding the two adventurers with both claws.

Li De sat on the dry bone.

There is a mage's hand beside the dead bone holding the severely broken leather bag, which is said to be a leather bag, but its material has been severely decayed, and it is impossible to see what material it is made of.

However, Li De didn't intend to go into it, the breath on this broken leather bag was enough for Withered Bones to find that plane.

The group continued to fly towards the border.

When the last ray of relationship disappeared in the sky at dusk, the moonlight filled the ground, and Li De's attributes in all aspects increased wildly at this moment.

And the flying withered bones suddenly stopped and hovered.

Your Majesty, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com The cemetery of death has arrived.


Li De, who had been meditating behind the dead bones, opened his eyes slightly, and a scene that surprised him suddenly appeared in front of him.

The moonlight poured into the water in the night sky, and the cold light stroked the earth, and the sky and the earth were all a touch of silver.

Not far ahead, there was a clear dividing line, the earth illuminated by the moonlight on the left, and a huge black sky on the right.

The black sky is like a straight glacier, so high that it cannot be seen, and there is a thick fog inside.

Like a sandstorm blowing, the black sky can't see the light at all, and the moonlight shines on it as if it was absorbed.

Li De was a little surprised to see this spectacular scene. The death cemetery, after hearing the name, he used to be just a cemetery, but now this kind of battle seems a bit exaggerated.

At this moment, the black sky that was as tall and vertical as a mountain in the distance suddenly shook.

Several dark shadows fluttered out from the sky.

When those figures flew out of the sky that was darker than the fog, they instantly stepped into the area shrouded in moonlight.

And Li De, who was not far from the black sky, could clearly see the figures of several people.

Four eyes facing each other.

Looking at the five or six figures with demon-like wings, Li De was a little surprised.


These figures flying out of the black sky are not human beings or other beings, but blood races he did not expect.

And it's not his blood clan, the breath in the opponent's body is obviously the blood clan of another clan.

Li De instantly became interested, and this was the first time he came to Rongguang to come into contact with blood clans other than Shengguang blood clan.

The bat wings spread out on his body, and he slowly moved towards those blood clans under everyone's attention.

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