I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 276 Alchemy bomber, armored armor (7200 words)

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Moonlight Plains, the Alchemy Factory near the Crimson Mage Tower.

This building, which was named by Li De, was completed a month ago.

At this time, the goblins, who had just been called back into production and resumed production, were busy back and forth in this epoch-making factory.

The outside of the alchemy factory is protected by a strong courtyard wall with up to 5 blades and made of boulders. Even the courtyard wall has been enchanted by the Dawn Mage Tower, and its defense is enough to make ordinary people sigh.

Especially here is near the Dawn Mage Tower, as long as there is danger, hundreds of Mage will definitely drown the enemy at the first time.

At present, the alchemy factory has a total of three workshops, one is the warehouse, the other is the production workshop, and the other is the final synthesis and testing workshop of the alchemy bomb.

Li De stood on the bluestone ground at the door of the warehouse, looking at the magic bat wearing a set of light armor in front of him with interest.

He turned his head and asked the 1.3-blade-high goblin chief Moore Ashshan.

This is the bullet-carrying armor you developed?

The magic bat with a wingspan of ten blades was now wearing a set of gray-black armor with a dark pattern unique to dwarves, shining with a cold and hard metallic luster.

Under the armor, there are two rows of holes in the abdomen of the magic bat that are two circles smaller than the basketball. Each row is evenly arranged with 10 holes, and the two rows add up to a total of 20 holes. This seems to be a place to load alchemy bombs.

Except for the two bat wings, the armor wrapped the body of the magic bat.

This armor is a lot like... a vest.

Li De thought that his face was a little weird.

The magic bat in front of him was originally very imposing and murderous, but after wearing the armor, it became ugly and cute.

Moore Ash Mountain, the old goblin chief who was disfigured by Dragon Breath, heard Li De's question with a bit of pride on his face.

Yes, Your Majesty, this is the armor we designed with the dwarves to carry alchemy bombs!

We named him - Black Armor!

When Li De heard the name, he looked at the indescribably ugly armor on the magic bat,

The corners of his mouth twitched hard.

mmp, I overestimated your aesthetics.

The aesthetics of goblins are different from those of humans, and the viewing angle is completely different from that of humans.

As for the object of their cooperation - dwarves, they are a group of iron and foolish, their brains are full of stones, and everything is known for its sturdiness. In order to be strong, they can give up everything else. They want these two races to cooperate to create a beautiful beauty. When something comes, it is also going to be blind.

This is also the reason why dwarves are discriminated against by elves, a group of stones without aesthetics.

What is the function of this armor??

Li De decided not to bother with this group of idiots. Ugly is a little ugly, and it's the same when the lights are turned off, as long as it works.

Speaking of this issue, the scarred goblin patriarch immediately became excited, Your Majesty, the black armor is very powerful, and the best part is that it can automatically mount alchemy bombs!

As long as the alchemy bomb is neatly fixed at a suitable height, the magic bat can directly load the alchemy bomb with the semi-fixed clip without the assistance of other people.



Li De became interested as soon as he heard it.

It's okay, boy, it's so advanced.

Quickly asked.

What kind of automatic reloading method? Let the magic bat take it to experiment.

Moore nodded excitedly, like a child showing his work to his elders.

He stretched out his hand and gestured to the goblins behind him, and then the 30 apprentices of human mages who were arranged by the city hall to assist the goblins in the alchemy factory, immediately cooperated with the goblins and pushed out a movable steel 1.5-blade high and about 5-blade long steel from the warehouse. shelf.

The only difference is that there are two rows of black alchemy bombs fixed on these iron shelves.

There are holes of equal size on the top of the iron shelf, and the alchemy bomb can just get stuck in half, but it will not fall into the hole due to its size.

There are delicate little buckles all around the hole. After the alchemy bomb is stuck in the hole, it cannot move, but it can be easily taken out.

Very nice design.

This is your auto-reload design?

Li De watched this scene with great interest.

That's right, Your Majesty, next, please witness the great invention of goblins and dwarves! This is a magical alchemy creation! Moore danced, his expression proud and excited.

After the iron frame carrying the alchemy bomb was fixed and would not slide, the apprentice mage and the goblin immediately avoided.

Then, under everyone's attention, the magic bat in the armored armor stood up and walked to the iron shelf step by step.

The magic word bat has two huge claws, the height when standing is about 3.5~4 blades, and the abdomen is about 1.6~1.7 blades off the ground.

Just enough to get to the iron shelf.

Li De's expression was very subtle when he saw this scene, this is definitely a supporting measure.

Goblins and dwarves don't look at the ugly things they make, but they do have technical content.

Then, under Li De's gaze, the magic bat pressed down slightly, and there was a slightly erected steel plate at the front of the iron shelf to restrain the magic bat's armor, and then the hole under the magic bat's armor was directly connected to the alchemy bomb. Right.

The huge body pressed down, and the alchemy bomb was directly squeezed into the hole of the armor, and a click sounded.

The two rows of twenty alchemy bombs were packed into the armor of the magic bat.

Only a small part of the alchemy bomb is exposed on the outside of the armor, and the inside has been fixed by a small mechanism, so there is no need to worry about falling off.

Then the magic bat stood up, and the automatic reloading process was successfully completed in just over twenty seconds.

Li De couldn't help clapping his hands after reading it. The brains of these aborigines are indeed not small. They can come up with this kind of automatic reloading design in the era of pure machinery, and the whole process is extremely smooth. Any obvious flaws.

This is awesome.

At least let him think about it, he absolutely can't think of such a slapstick operation.

What if I want to drop a bomb?

Loading the bomb is only the first step, and then the more important thing is to drop the bomb. Li De can't imagine how this armor can drop the alchemy bomb from the armor.

Can't use manual labor? Isn't that too low.

When it comes to this issue, Moore is even more proud.

Your Majesty, this armor is custom-made for the magic bat.

As long as the magic bat can move, it can automatically drop bombs.

MMP, you are talking about the principle, Li De has a black line on his face.

Seeing Li De's bad expression, Moore didn't dare to sell his words, and quickly explained.

When we researched and made armor with the dwarves, we found that the magic bat has a very strong ability to control the body.

Because of the constant flying and turning in the air, they can easily control every muscle and bone in their body!

and then?

Then, we forged this armor for this! Moore's eyes were a bit like a mad scientist.

Each armor has a mechanism inside, as long as the magic bat controls the muscle to squeeze the switch, the switch of the alchemy bomb fixed inside the armor will automatically open, and the alchemy bomb will fall directly.

The huge force of the fall of the alchemy bomb will pull the pull ring on the bomb away, directly completing the final step of the bomb drop.

Each alchemy bomb is positioned where the magic bat is best suited to force...


At this point, Li De couldn't find a better way to describe it other than lying.

Isn't this goddamn biological armor? Use the characteristics of the creature to research the armor that suits the opponent.

Is this bitch too exaggerated?

You can research this.

Although this principle seems very simple, there is no way to use such a simple technology to create an armor that matches the magic bat without enough brains and vision.

I have to say that the combination of goblin and dwarf really exceeded his expectations. These two small races rubbed off different fireworks.

The wisdom of the magic language bat is not low after being cultivated by the blood clan. It is equivalent to a human child of eleven or twelve years old, and is fully capable of this job.

However, Li De did not stop to ask questions.

What if there is a mistake, such as a jam, and the alchemy bomb doesn't fall?

The pride on Moore's face grew even stronger.

Your Majesty, we have already taken this into consideration and have specially improved the alchemy bomb.

The alchemy bomb mounted on the magic bat will not explode after pulling the ring, but will explode after a violent impact.

That is to say, even if it gets stuck, the alchemy bomb will not hurt the magic word bat if it is not thrown down. All it needs is to remove the alchemy bomb after returning.

Even this armor has an extremely powerful ability - unarmor.

As long as the magic bat controls the muscles of the four parts of the body to touch the hidden buckles in the armor at the same time, the armor will fall off directly, which also avoids the situation that the armor delays the flight speed when encountering a strong enemy and needs to escape.

Li De showed a bit of surprise in his eyes and nodded with satisfaction. This design is really good, and even escape was considered.

But he didn't give up, and continued to ask questions relentlessly.

Will the mounting of twenty alchemy bombs affect the flexibility and flight speed of the magic bat? If not, can it be mounted more?

Your Majesty, this is the best load capacity we have obtained after hundreds of tests. It balances flight speed and flexibility. 20 alchemy bombs are the best choice without causing too much impact on the magic bat. .

What is the limit if more alchemy bombs are mounted?

Forty, double it!

However, the speed of the magic bat will be reduced to the extreme, and the flying height will not exceed 500 blades.

Is there an alternate armor?

Currently only this one...

If it is intercepted by the enemy in the air, what way does the bomb-loaded magic bat have to deal with...

Part of it can be sent for protection, and part of it for reloading...


Li De asked very carefully, and even whether the weather affected the mounting, the speed of dropping bombs, the speed of loading bombs, the cost of supporting equipment... and so on, no matter the details.

In the end, he got a satisfactory answer.

The advantage of this armor set is not small.

First, the reloading speed is fast - the equipped automatic reloading device can complete the reloading of the magic bat in just 30 seconds, and this time also includes the time from landing to take-off.

Second, the bombs are dropped quickly - as long as the magic word is controlled by the bat, all 20 alchemy bombs can be dropped in one second, causing huge damage directly.

Third, it does not affect the flight speed - the armor design is very dynamic, has limited impact on the flight of the magic bat, and can quickly take off the armor at the most critical moment, which is worth a thousand dollars.

Fourth, the cost is cheap - the whole set of armor together with the supporting measures for reloading, which is only 50 kipuk, can be produced on a large scale.

These advantages make this first-generation armor meet Li De's requirements. Although it is a bit ugly, it is very practical.

To this end, he named the suit Air Force One.

No. 1 will inevitably have No. 2 and No. 3. When he develops No. 100, the air force system of Dawn City will inevitably be a nightmare for all ground troops.

Come on, let's go for a test flight. I want to easily see the strength of this armor.

Li De didn't continue to talk about soldiers here. After Moore's introduction, he immediately let the remaining 4 magic words in the factory reload.

Then more than a dozen magic bats were called, and the group was ready to test the power of this armor.

Of course, just in case, Li De rode on Castro, not on the loaded magic bat.

After all, the armor has only just begun to be developed and has not yet been mass-produced.

In case something goes wrong with production not in place... Although with his current level of strength, even if he is hit by an alchemy bomb, his life will not be in danger, but he will be embarrassed if he is disgraced.

Castro flapped his wings and followed behind with a group of younger brothers, Stanley, Moore, plus a dozen goblins and a few human mage apprentices sitting on the back of the magic bat.

A few mages who had never ridden a magic bat before were frightened by flying in the air and shouted, which added a cheerful atmosphere to the air.

Castro is heading towards the Dawning Plains, which are not yet open.

The area of ​​Dawn City is the gourd terrain, which consists of two plains. The one above the gourd is the Moonlight Plain that is being developed outside, and the one below the gourd is the larger Dawning Plain.

This huge plain, 150 kilometers long and 60 kilometers wide, was still primitive at this time.

This used to be the location of the magic word bat hunting, and it is also the future development direction of Dawn City.

Of course, the future may be very far away. At present, there is still a large area of ​​land that has not been developed even in such a small area as Yueguang Civilian. If you want to start the land of Dawning Plain, it is almost impossible to start without a population of 300,000 to 500,000 people. matter.

In Li De's estimation, planning for this may begin in five years, and the City of Dawn will have the strength to support the development of the Dawn Plain in eight or even ten years.

Wanting to open up such a vast land, it is not the current scale of Dawn City that can support it.

Even if the income of the magic factory rises to 500,000 gold pucks per month, it cannot support the development of this land.

The City of Dawn was developed on the basis of the blood clan castle, which was built by the blood clan for hundreds of years.

If you want to develop the Dawning Plain, it is to build it bit by bit from scratch, and the difficulty of the two is not the same concept.


Castro spread out his bat wings and soared recklessly in the air, flying over the moonlight plain, and the large wheat fields below were swaying with waves of wheat under the blowing of the spring breeze.

Looking down from a high altitude, it looks like the visual effect is full, like the most dreamy fairy tale scene.

A few spread their wings across the Dawning Plain, and then immediately entered the gourd neck of the gourd terrain, a long and narrow passage of 5 kilometers.

The passage seems to have two palms erected on the table, and flying through it is extremely oppressive.

The surrounding towering peaks rose straight up, like horizontal blades, and the gray-white rocks were covered by the vegetation growing in the gaps like the hard skin of a giant.

From time to time, colorful birds flew in the air, but Castro's diffuse breath instantly made those little things scattered in all directions.

The ground is all shrouded in green vegetation, there is no trace of human beings, everything is full of primitive atmosphere.

Li De also flew here for the first time, and he felt very fresh. He turned his head and went around to a lot of this piece of land that belonged to him.

The length of five kilometers passes in the blink of an eye at high speed.

At the moment of rushing out of the passage, everyone was suddenly enlightened.

A flat plain like a green carpet covered with a green carpet could not be seen at a glance, only an indescribable towering mountain stood at the very end.

Like a majestic and majestic stone tower connecting heaven and earth, it is much higher than the surrounding mountains.

Li Dechu roughly estimated that the main peak should be one of the highest peaks in the Far Mountain Range, with a height of at least seven or eight thousand blades.

It must be at least three or four hundred kilometers away from the Dawning Plain. If it wasn't for the good weather today and no clouds, he wouldn't be able to see such a distant mountain range.

The gourd terrain of Dawn City is like a cake being cut in the middle, surrounded by mountains as high as three thousand blades guarding the land.

If you want to fly in from above, you must first enter from the towering mountain range of hundreds of kilometers around and three thousand blades.

It is almost impossible to come out and attack the City of Dawn from the front and leap into the City of Dawn from the back.

Because of the existence of the magic element, most of the lives can't reach the height of two thousand blades when they fly off the ground.

The high-altitude magical element can easily tear steel under the raging wind.

Only an extremely powerful life like a giant dragon can leap to the height of three thousand blades, but giant dragons are not so easy to find, and there have never been traces of giant dragons in the distant mountains.

After Li De looked at it for a while, he withdrew his gaze and casually pointed to a hill covered with tall grass on the ground.

Go, start your show.

For some unknown reason, there are not many trees in the Dawning Plain, most of which are towering weeds and vines, not virgin forests.

The magic bats that Moore and Stanley were sitting on also flew to Li De at this time, but neither of the magic bats dared to approach Castro.

Hearing Li De's order, both of them were looking forward to it.

Moore is looking forward to showing the goblin's masterpiece in front of Li De in order to gain more appreciation from Li De.

And Stanley expects that the two big killers, the alchemy bomb and the bullet-loaded armor, can bring him surprises. After all, he is also a big man who holds real power in Dawn City, and he may need such power in the future.

The vampire riding on the magic bat got Li De's instructions and immediately drove the magic bat forward. The speed of the magic bat with its huge fleshy wings did not slow down significantly, and it reached the destination designated by Li De in just ten seconds. After that, the vampire gave the order to drop bombs on the demonic bat

I saw the armor under the five magic words bang bang bang ~ a while left

The alchemy bomb that was slightly exposed was instantly released.

Then, like laying eggs, hundreds of black alchemy bombs fell quickly.

After the magic bats flew over the area, the 5 magic bats dropped all the alchemy bombs.

The high mouth of the thousand blades fell in less than ten seconds.

The ground is rumbling~

boom! boom! boom!

Soil and grass clippings splashed all over the sky, and birds were startled around.

The ground was shaking, and the terrifying explosion caused an extremely exaggerated reaction in this area. Violent air waves were wave after wave, and the surrounding vegetation was torn apart like paper and blown over by the violent air waves.

The thick smoke made the surroundings seem like the end of the world.

bang bang bang~

He took out the range of several hundred blades around the hill and was washed with alchemy bombs.

The scene was very violent.

After a while, the thunder-like explosion finally disappeared, and the scene fell into a dead silence.

After a long time, the smoke dissipated, and Li De looked a little surprised at the countless huge potholes on the ground.

The surrounding area of ​​the hill was bombed by alchemy bombs, and the dense craters caused the surrounding arid sandy land to be knocked down by raindrops, creating bowl-shaped potholes one by one.

All vitality was lost within the range of hundreds of blades, and the ground was turned over abruptly.

This kind of lethality is no less than the large-scale composite magic used by the army. Unlike the large-scale composite magic, it only takes a dozen seconds to drop the bomb, and the large-scale composite magic is cast according to the time of the sun.

But the only thing that made Li De dazzling in this scene was that a tree with three blades at the top of the hill was intact.

The surroundings were all destroyed, only the most central area was still strong.

Seeing this scene, Li De's mouth twitched.

mmp, this quasi-head is really worrying.

In the future, the Air Force must strengthen the practice.

But in general, he is still very satisfied with the bullet-carrying armor developed this time.

Although there are many defects and many points to be improved, the advantages are also dazzling.

The Wings of Dawn, from now on, will truly become the wings of the City of Dawn, and they will defend the sky of the City of Dawn.

Stanley, who also watched this scene, also showed a thoughtful expression.

In fact, the devastating explosion just now really shocked him.

Such a terrifying attack, even if it is him, once faced with this intensity of bombing, even if he does not die, he will be seriously injured.

Looking at the dense pits on the ground, the corners of his mouth twitched even more.

Only then did he understand why Li De had always attached so much importance to alchemy bombs and the Air Force. It was so powerful that he couldn't help but be moved.

And the attack efficiency of the alchemy bomb is still very high. How long did it take from the bomb to the explosion? ? Compared to magic that requires a long casting time, it is too dominant.

There are 1,000 magic bats dropping bombs at the same time, and no one can withstand the damage caused.

But Li De thought of a different point at this time, and his excited expression was slightly condensed, because he found that he seemed to be too happy.

The cost of making an alchemy bomb is 25 gold pucks, 100 is 2500... I just used 2500 gold pucks in one experiment...

Li Dexin was bleeding all of a sudden.

The monster skins just bought from the centaur tribe haven't been shipped to Green City to be replaced by Kim Poke.

Considering the current Jinpuke reserves in Dawn City, this consumption is definitely not small.

And according to this calculation, at least a thousand alchemy bombs should be consumed in a battle. One 25, one thousand is more than 20,000 Jinpuke.

If the battle is larger, I am afraid it will be more exaggerated.

At present, there are a total of 500 magic bats allocated to the Wings of Dawn. If all bombs are dropped, then 10,000 alchemy bombs can be dropped at one time, which is 250,000 gold pucks.

There was a bit of a wry smile in Li De's eyes, this was not an ordinary battle, it was burning money naked.

I didn't feel it before. After all, I was rich and powerful at the time, but after a wave of transformation that consumed millions without Jinpuke and became poor, he felt a little bit of a pain.

Dawn City is likely to go bankrupt in this way. No, we have to speed up and make money.

Li De vaguely noticed that the City of Dawn may face an economic crisis in the near future. It is not that he is not earning well, but that every place in the City of Dawn now needs money.

Coupled with the construction of the new urban area that is about to start, once this gold swallowing beast is opened, the entire economy of Dawn City will be swallowed up by it.

Therefore, it is necessary to speed up the progress of the Raiders on the low mountains and hills, and earn a few waves of blood.

Otherwise, he would really be so poor that he couldn't bear to use alchemy bombs.

After the test, the group returned to the alchemy factory with different moods.

Moore, the goblin patriarch, has never lowered his head since he dropped the magic language bat.

It's such an honor.

Just now, both the alchemy bomb and the bomb-loaded armor have exerted their power perfectly. The most important thing is that the alchemy bomb is produced by goblins, and the bomb-loaded armor goblin also participated in the design, both of which are related to them.

This directly activated the arrogant factor in the old goblin's heart.

Li De looked a little funny at Moore, and the character of the goblin was really superb.

Moore, you've done a great job, whether it's the alchemy bomb or the bullet-loaded armor, you've won my approval.

In the later stage, the alchemy factory will set up a separate department, which will only be responsible to me in the future, and I will directly govern you.

The resources required by the alchemy factory will be provided to you by the city hall as soon as possible.

The smile on Moore's face was as bright as a chrysanthemum.

Your Majesty, your vision is enough to amaze the God of Creation!! The goblins will not let you down, I promise the goddess of life!

Li De nodded, In half a month, there will be a war in the City of Dawn, and you need to produce at least 2,000 alchemy bombs within half a month. After speaking, he turned to look at Stanley.

Stanley, you go to inform the weapons factory to produce the armor for the centaur after the magic word bat bullet-carrying armor is produced.

I need all of Dawnwing's magic bats to be able to wear Air Force One in the shortest time possible.

Yes, Your Majesty.

After Li De arranged the two tasks, UU Reading www. uukanshu.com was slightly relieved.

The rhythm of the past few days is indeed a bit fast, but after sleeping for three months and wasting so much precious time, he has to deal with it seriously.

It's just too much.

Looking at Stanley in front of him, Li De just wanted to speak, but the system prompt made his eyes shine.

Ding, your blood descendant, Frey Kachar, successfully transferred to the Crimson Hunter, the blood race's power has been increased, and you have gained 1,000 experience points.

The exclusive hidden profession of the blood clan has finally been transferred successfully.

Li De immediately turned around and went to the city hall with excitement.

The trump card of the blood clan is about to be born.

He was going to witness this scene.

Scarlet Hunter, he would like to know how terrifying these bloods will become after they transfer to this invincible profession.

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