I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 275 You can make a small profit, but I will always earn 10 times more than you (7,800 words)

Chief Sam, order, that hill was originally the territory of the Ironshoe tribe, and the mineral veins buried there belong to the Ironshoe tribe!!

Yes, if we don't snatch that ore vein, we have no resources to trade with the City of Dawn.

Chief, as long as we do it, we can get the resources of thousands of sets of armor again. Don't you want us to multiply the number of 800 heavy armored soldiers several times?!

The Iron Hoof Tribe should be the ruler of this area!

Sam sat in the middle of the huge animal skin tent, frowning slightly at the angry centaurs around him, and subconsciously shifted his gaze to the inconspicuous corner of the corner, where a silent old man looked like a stone sculpture.

After not getting a response from the other party, Sam turned his head in disappointment and took a deep look at these excited subordinates.

Everything will wait for the arrival of the Kachar City Lord.

After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes and meditated without speaking again.

The centaurs below saw Sam's appearance and stopped talking one by one.

Sam's mood is very complicated. The situation of the Ironshoe Tribe is not good. There was an area around the tribe's station that was under their control more than a hundred years ago, but later a powerful tribe migrated and occupied that area.

The strength of the Iron Hoof Tribe is half as strong as the opponent's, and there are no resources in that area. In their opinion, it belongs to a poor area, so they ignore it.

The Ironshoe Tribes have not cared about it for more than 100 years, because there are too many low mountains and hills in such areas, and they simply can't care about it.

But it just so happened that two months ago, they found several ore veins in the area, and one of them was a rare concentrate of iron ore, which gave Sam an idea.

The refined iron extracted from the concentrated iron ore vein is more than three times stronger than ordinary steel, and the output is not low. It has always been an extremely rare ore vein.

Even if centaurs have no talent for blacksmithing, as long as they extract refined iron, they can easily forge solid armor that they can use.

Although at most ordinary grades can be forged, and even half of the performance of fine iron cannot be used, it is enough for centaurs, and it is better than the bone armor on the body.

Therefore, as long as the concentrated iron ore appears, it must be the resource they are going to compete for.

After discovering the lode two months ago, Sam started negotiations with the tribe that controlled the area to get the concentrated iron lode back from the other side.

But, no surprise, he was rejected.

The tribe of the other side of the concentrated iron ore has also discovered it. They are all good things. Why should they give it to you? ?

The two sides are deadlocked here, because the two tribes are similar in strength, and no one has made up their minds whether to start a war for this.

Because once the war begins, it is very likely that both tribes will be defeated, and it is still unknown whether this ore vein belongs to them or not.

Sam is naturally happy to see such a scene, because the longer the delay is, the stronger the Ironshoe tribe will become.

Because they established a trade relationship with Li De, as long as they were given a period of time, thousands of heavily armored centaur heavy cavalry would become an invincible existence.

Li De didn't know that at this time, he somehow became the key point of the two tribes winning or losing.

After a night of flying, we finally arrived at the secret base in Lisl City.

It has now become his regular trading location with the Horseshoe tribe.

Sitting on Castro, looking down at the valley below, a smile appeared on his face.

The ruins of the original human city remained unchanged. The difference was that a huge animal skin tent was erected in the open space in front of the ruins.

Looking from the sky, the stitched animal skin tents were black and yellow, looking so old and shabby.

After seeing the densely packed magic bats in the sky, the centaur below immediately sent a signal,

The entire camp immediately came to life.

The thousands of centaurs below came out of the tall tent, and the centaurs wearing heavy armor with dark patterns were particularly powerful.

Li De was very happy to see this scene.

My friend, is your fur ready? Kind and simple, I am here to help you again.

Without hesitation, he drove Castro down to the open space in front of the tent, rolled over, and stepped on the hard yellow ground again.

And Sam, who had just walked out of the tent, also saw Li De.

Yu Guang saw the magic bats full of goods in the sky, and the smile was extremely bright.

Good day, Lord Kachar, honorable Hand of Glory.

Sam, the centaur chief with three blades tall and wearing perfect heavy armor with an almost exploding figure, greeted Li De with a smile on his face.

The smile on Li De's face was also very bright.

What a fat sheep, pooh, mate.

Good day, Chief Sam, I haven't seen you for a few months. The Ironshoe tribe is getting stronger and stronger now.

After he finished speaking, he gestured to some heavy centaur warriors who came out of the tent.

Several people expressed emotion on Sam's face, I would also like to thank the Lord Kachar for your support. The strength of the Iron Hoof Tribe with heavy armor has been qualitatively improved...

Li De smiled slightly and gestured to the magic bat that was landing.

Chief Sam, this time I brought you 2,000 thousand rare sets of armor. I think you will be satisfied.

Two, two thousand? ? ?

Hearing this data, Sam only felt dizzy for a while, and was instantly carried away by the huge surprise.

City Lord Kachar, are you kidding? 2000 sets of armor?!!

Li De nodded, of course.

Yes, all of them are produced by dwarves, with stable quality and trustworthy.

The natural quality of factory products is stable enough, and they are all modular production. If they are unstable, there must be a problem with the assembly line.

Hahaha, City Lord Kachar, the Iron Hoof Tribe must be blessed by the Centaur God to be your partner!!

Praise the centaur! ! Praise you! !

After he finished speaking, Sam quickly gave up and invited Li De into the large animal skin tent in the middle like a hill.

Li De was not polite, and followed the other party's steps forward.

After entering the tent, the smell of goat's milk hit the nose, and the ground was covered with thick black fur. It was obviously warm when the weather was still a little cold in the beginning of spring.

The tent is supported by a huge white wood, which is 5 blades high, and a skylight is opened in the middle, so that the light shines in from the outside, so that the inside of the tent does not appear dim.

There is no so-called stool here. There will be a small table not far away. After Sam entered, he sat half-lying on the black animal skin like a horse, and sat behind the small table in the center.

And the seven or eight centaurs who followed behind him were also seated below with the same posture.

Each table counts as a seat.

Li De was not polite, and sat directly on the left of Sam.

City Lord Kachar, you can taste our unique dragon horn goat milk from the low hills. Sam politely reached out and gestured to the wooden container on the table that was covered with a white wooden lid.

Li De's mouth twitched slightly when he looked at such a primitive and simple scene

He was used to the aristocratic and refined life of the blood clan, and he had never seen such roughness.

Reaching out to lift the lid, the dragon horn goat milk appeared in a very rough wooden bowl, and there were even short wood stubble around the wooden bowl.

Li De looked at Sam who was looking forward to him, but he couldn't help it. He used the system to look at the attributes. After the system didn't give any hints, he bit his head and reached out to pick up the wooden bowl that was still a bit thorny, and took a sip of the sheep. Milk.


Unexpectedly, the goat milk, which smelled very stinky, tasted very mellow and delicious, and the taste was very delicate, and the stinky smell just happened everywhere to make the taste of goat milk more intense.

nice one.

Li De couldn't help taking two more sips, and after drinking it, a warm current rose in his abdomen, and then he could feel that his mental power was significantly more active, and the recovery speed of magic power was slightly faster.

Is this goat milk? ? Are you sure this isn't a magic potion? ?

Li De couldn't help turning his head to look at Sam with a bit of surprise. Just as he was about to ask, Sam seemed to know Li De's thoughts and smiled very happily.

City Lord Kachar, the dragon horn goat is a unique creature in the low hills and hills, and the number is very rare. There are only three in our entire tribe.

The milk of the dragon horn goat can increase mental vitality and increase the speed of magic recovery, which is a rare good thing.

three? Li De shook his head regretfully, and at first glance knew that this thing was not for sale, otherwise it would be good to raise a few in Dawn City.

After drinking goat's milk, let's go back to the topic.

Chief Sam, this time the trade supplies for 2,000 sets of armor...

Speaking of this question, Sam's face froze slightly, and then he was a little embarrassed.

City Lord Kachar, the wasteland rhino skin we traded with you last time has emptied our inventory... We don't have so many furs to trade this time...

What the hell? ?

Li De's eyes narrowed slightly.

out of stock? ?

Chief Sam, how much rhino hide is left in the wasteland?

3,000... Sam said that his confidence was a little lacking.

Everyone else brought the equipment he needed to the door, but he couldn't get the equipment he needed for the transaction, which was really embarrassing.

A set of rare-level armor can be exchanged for 20 pieces of wasteland rhino skin, and the rare-level one will give you a discount, and five pieces will be exchanged for a set of armor.

2000 sets of armor require 10,000 wasteland rhino hides.

Li De looked at Sam's face with interest, I wonder if Chief Sam has any other resources that can make up for these 7,000 rhino skins?

He needs Warcraft fur, and he also needs other resources.

The original intention of trading with the centaur tribe is to earn wealth, and this wealth does not only refer to monster skins.

Sam's next sentence lifted Li De's spirit instantly.

City Lord Kachar, we found a concentrated iron ore vein...

Iron ore concentrate?

Li De's eyes burst into a few gleams.

Concentrated iron ore vein is still a kind of iron ore in essence, but it is an advanced version of iron ore, and its performance in all aspects is qualitatively improved than that of iron ore.

Although concentrated iron ore is not as precious as mithril veins, if the output is sufficient, it is definitely a resource worthy of the great nobles to launch a war.

If the City of Dawn can get a concentrated iron ore, the quality of the weapons produced by the weapon factory will definitely be improved by more than one grade.

He didn't expect to get such important resource information in the short hills in a short period of time. It seems that the transaction with the centaur tribe is definitely a wise thing.

Chief Sam, are the iron concentrate veins now being mined by the Ironshoe Tribe?

Sam was a little embarrassed to hear this.

No, that ore vein is not currently under the control of the Ironshoe Tribe... He seemed to know that his words were too reluctant, and quickly added.

But that area used to be the territory of our Ironshoe Tribe, and it was just where the Black Wind Tribe occupied more than a hundred years ago.

At that time, there were no concentrated iron ore veins, so we ignored it. Two months ago, a heavy rain caused a landslide on a ridge, exposing large swathes of ore...

After listening to this, Li De glanced at Sam with a strange expression. He co-authored this area because you used to think that you were too poor to fight for it. Now that you have the resources, you want to take it back.

You have a good idea, can the other party agree? ?

Sam saw Li De's strangeness, but at present, the Iron Hoof Tribe and the Heifeng Tribe are half as powerful, and even the Heifeng Tribe has nearly 30,000 clansmen, which is seven or eight thousand more than the Iron Hoof Tribe.

Without Li De's support, the Ironshoe Tribe would have to pay a price they couldn't bear even if they took back that area.

So Li De's attitude is the key.

The concentrated iron ore vein belongs to the Ironshoe tribe, Lord Kachar, I need your help.

As long as you can help the Ironshoe tribe regain the mine, we will be willing to work with you to develop this mine.

As soon as these words came out, it wasn't just Sam, the other high-level centaurs of the Iron Hoof Tribe who didn't speak in the tent also looked at Li De nervously.

When the strength of the two sides is almost the same, and even the Ironshoe tribe is still at a disadvantage, it is definitely the best choice to introduce a powerful assistant.

Centaurs are not a stupid race. They can build their own empires hundreds of thousands of years ago. The wisdom of these beings does not need any race.

Use the mining rights of a future mine to let me fight for you? ?

You guys think it's pretty good, Li De's mouth hangs with a smile that's not a smile.

These big guys are really careful.

After thinking for a moment, he slowly shook his head.

Chief Sam, that's not enough, it's between your centaur tribes to fight centaurs from other tribes.

It has nothing to do with the City of Dawn, I could even work with another tribe's centaurs to develop this vein.

This made Sam's face a little ugly.

The Lord of Kachar...

Li De stared at Sam with burning eyes, and suddenly smiled.

Of course, I was joking.

The Ironshoes are our allies in the City of Dawn, I am the Hand of Glory of the Ironshoes, and we stand together.

The air in the room suddenly relaxed, and the group of centaurs just now were quite frightened by Li De's indifferent words.

If this mysterious and powerful ally joins the opponent's camp recklessly, they will have no hope.

They have not forgotten that this is a powerful existence who has enslaved the bone dragon and has countless vampire armies.

I will come back in half a month, this time I will bring 3,000 sets of armor, plus this time 2,000 sets are enough to form an invincible heavy armored warrior army.

And the City of Dawn will personally take part in this war!

The room was suddenly short of breath, and the eyes looking at Li De were full of surprises.

3000 sets of armor! ! ! They are enough to form a domineering army.

Li De's eyes showed a bit of a smile, Besides, the Iron Hoof Tribe doesn't only only have wasteland rhino skins, right? Take out all the skins you have prepared, and I will let people choose from them that can be used.

If it's not enough, the debt this time and the armor next time will be deducted with ore after we occupy the concentrated iron ore vein.

After speaking, his sharp eyes glanced around the centaurs in the room, and finally stared at Sam closely.

I want half of the concentrated iron ore, and I want the other half.

City Lord Kachar, what do you mean? Sam couldn't hold back the restlessness in his heart.

I will use the materials you need to buy the fine iron ore you excavated, armor, weapons, and even various daily necessities... As long as you need it, I can provide it.

Li De smiled slowly and brightly, and the transaction with the centaur tribe was never equal.

The concentrated iron ore vein is just the beginning, and he believes that the cooperation between the two parties will be more pleasant.

Sure enough, after hearing Li De's words, Sam also showed a bright smile.

The low mountains and hills are too barren, and the long-term blockade of this area by humans has caused various material shortages, and the centaurs do not know how to deal with all this, and they do not know how to develop with such a huge piece of land on their backs.

Only rely on the sky to eat.

At this time, Li De's shot undoubtedly gave Sam a reassurance.

After all, with the help of a powerful city, the Ironshoe Tribe will definitely be better off.

The most important thing is that even if they get concentrated iron ore veins, the armor they make is far behind that of dwarves.

Therefore, after having the materials provided by Li De, the originally very important concentrated iron ore has become a chicken rib.

Their original intention to seize this vein was to exchange armor with Li De.

At this time, Li De can still help, which is even more perfect. Although he has to account for half of the share, it is completely acceptable to the Iron Hoof Tribe.

After all, without Li De's army resources, it would be very difficult for them to win that ore vein.

Thank you for your generosity, City Lord Kachar.

Li De smiled slightly, this time the transaction was completed.

Concentrated iron ore veins are definitely a surprise to him.

And this surprise is very big, so big that he is willing to send troops directly.

At this time, he also deeply felt that his unintentional layout was indeed effective.

If you didn't ask indiscriminately to kill this group of centaurs, even though the population was plundered back.

But the potential losses are staggeringly large.

After a full six sundays, Li De ate a barbecue under Sam's warm hospitality, and then he was busy outside.

At one o'clock at noon, Li De came to the open space outside the tent and looked at the demonic beast fur that had been tied on the back of the magic bat, with a very happy expression.

Your Majesty, after statistics, there are a total of 3,110 pieces of wild rhino fur, and a total of 12,000 pieces of other demonic beast skins that meet the requirements, which translates to 3,000 pieces of wild rhino fur.

After all, the Ironshoe Tribe still owes us four thousand wild rhino hides...

The vampires who came with the team respectfully reported in front of Li De.

The level 15 centaur chief Sam, who was beside him, had a bit of embarrassment on his face when he heard this, even though the matter had already been resolved inside.

But when Li De's subordinates said it so bluntly, he really couldn't hold his face.

But he didn't dare to say anything, the mysterious existence in front of him was very likely to be extraordinary, and even if it wasn't extraordinary, the other party must be terrifyingly powerful.

He hasn't forgotten the scene where the powerful bone dragon that can easily destroy a city lies in front of Li De like a dog.

It shocked him so much.

Li De waved his hand.

Take a break and return to the city at dusk.

I have already talked to Chief Sam about the issues of Warcraft fur.

After speaking, Li De turned his head to look at Sam and smiled.

Chief Sam, the City of Dawn will lead the army in half a month.

At that time we will get back our concentrated iron ore veins.

Sam laughed.

That's right, get our concentrated iron ore back!!

The glory of the Centaur is shining upon us!

After ten minutes in the evening, after Li De left, Sam's expression slowly subsided, and a little thought flashed in his eyes.

The centaur around him had already dispersed at this time, and the old centaur came to Sam at some point.

Turning his head to look at the wrinkled old man, Sam's expression was a little subtle.

Father, is it really right that we go on like this?

After saying this, I couldn't help but look around at the clansmen who were gleefully gesturing with their newly arrived armors.

The temptation of the armor is too great.

No centaur tribe in the Dwarf Hills could resist the temptation of dwarven armour, no.

The old man turned his head and took a deep look at Sam.

No wonder the mysterious city lord of Kachar would speak out and beat you.

Remember, Sam, as long as you choose your position, you must spare no effort to go.

We have already been with the city lord Kachar. If you have such doubts in your heart, it can only prove that you are really not suitable to lead the Horseshoe tribe to glory.

From the old man's point of view, when the Horseshoe Tribe chose to cooperate with Li De, the Horseshoe Tribe was doomed to be passive.

Sam's mistake was that he always wanted to take the initiative when the Horseshoe tribe was incapable of it.

But the weak have no choice.

Sam was stunned for a moment, then fell into deep thought, and finally had to admit that what the old man said was irrefutable.

The scene fell into a long silence.

After a long time.

Father, is this Kachar City Lord a blood race? Sam turned his head and asked as if he had remembered something.

The demonic bat and the blood clan appeared so brightly, no matter how stupid they were, it was impossible to ignore them like this.

But the problem is that Li De enslaved an undead bone dragon before, and he never showed any trace of the blood race. Even today, he arranged precious dragon horn goat milk to receive Li De. Sam wanted to test it out intentionally or unintentionally.

After all, the vampires don't seem to be very interested in things unexpected by blood.

But Rao is so Sam is still not sure, that majesty is too mysterious, he can't sense any breath of the other party.

The old man shook his head, Could it be that the other party is a blood race and you won't cooperate with him?

Sam opened his mouth and closed it again, yes, is the other party a legendary vampire and he won't cooperate? Impossible, even the devil, the Horseshoe tribe will not retreat at this time.

That being the case, his actions seemed to have no benefit other than being annoying.

Sam patted his head angrily. He finally knew how far he was from the old chief who had led the Horseshoe tribe for hundreds of years.

After Li De led the magic bat back to the City of Dawn, he was still very happy, after all, he made a lot of money this time.

But the deal with the Horseshoe Tribe this time also made him see some problems and contradictions that he needed to improve.

Stanley was still thinking when he saw Reed.

Your Majesty, who are you?

Li De gave Stanley a thoughtful look.

Stanley, let the weapons factory produce 3,000 sets of rare armors according to the centaur template within half a month.

The centaur tribe discovered that there are concentrated iron ore veins in the low mountains and hills. You can find the specific location according to this blueprint. You can send the blood clan who transferred to become the bloody blade here to find out the details.

If you find a centaur guarding the concentrated iron ore vein, you can try to make contact with the other party.

After he finished speaking, a bit of deep meaning flashed in Li De's eyes.

As soon as possible, arrange a few think tanks to lead the team, let the bones follow as a deterrent, and bring hundreds of sets of armor to select the centaur tribe to trade in the low mountains and hills.

If the cooperation is happy, we can cooperate many times, and we can support several more forces. The Horseshoe Tribe is not the only one.

The lack of materials for the Horseshoe Tribe made Li De aware of the problem with his current treatment of the low mountains and hills-too few, too few channels, and too few centaur tribes to contact.

Just one tribe is not enough, the Horseshoe tribe has limited purchasing power to fully laugh at the productivity of Dawnbreaker.

After this tribe of 10,000 to 20,000 people traded at most three or two times, the other party couldn't come up with anything of value in exchange.

Don't put your eggs in one basket, it's a lesson learned.

At this time, it is completely possible to try to open up several new business routes.

The entire low hills and hills are virgin land that has not been reclaimed by outsiders. He uses enough force as a guarantee that what humans cannot do is not difficult for him.

There is a great fortune waiting for him to unearth.

The cooperation with the centaur tribe this time is very pleasant. Although the profit is not as much as the last transaction, it is enough to make people jealous.

Rare level armor sells for about 30 gimp in Green City, while dwarves sell for around 50 gimp.

However, the manufacturing cost at the Dawn City Weapons Factory is about 10 jinpukes, and 2,000 sets of armor are equivalent to the cost of 20,000 jinpukes.

A piece of wasteland rhino skin can create 5 magic scrolls, and the Horseshoe Tribe exchanged 3,000, which is 15,000 magic scrolls.

Each magic scroll is calculated according to the profit of 7 jinpukes, and the total is 105,000 jinpukes.

And there are tens of thousands of other monster skins, the total value is equivalent to 3,000 wasteland rhino skins, and there is a profit of 100,000 Jinpukes.

This time he went out to trade, 2000 sets of rare-level armor, and the initial statistical income was about 200,000 gold pucks, and now the Horseshoe Tribe still owes him 4,000 wasteland rhino hides.

In addition to the debts of the other party, in total, he earned about 300,000 gold pucks from this transaction.

In contrast, the cost of 20,000 gold pucks he has to pay is completely negligible.

Weapons The dwarves forged in three days, and the steel used for the production of raw materials is the stone dug by the orcs in the dwarf valley.

This back and forth is nearly 15 times the huge profits.

Thinking of this, Li De's mood became more and more high.

You can make a small profit, but I will always make ten times more than you, and you are so grateful to me.

Thinking of this, Li De's expression was a little excited, and he earned hundreds of thousands of gold pucks just by trading with the Horseshoe Tribe.

If you trade with a few centaur tribes, wouldn't you be able to raise enough money to forge legendary equipment?

Yes, Your Majesty. Stanley nodded solemnly, Li De's absolute he just had to obey.

After confirming that there was no major problem, Li De changed the subject, Has Harrison and the others not woken up yet?

Stanley shook his head, Not yet, they've been sleeping, and I poured a few bottles of magical blood on everyone in the middle, but they don't seem to be very hungry for energy.

It has been a day and a half from yesterday morning to this evening.

It seems that this job transfer is not that simple. Li De's face condensed slightly.

The Crimson Hunter's job transfer was far more difficult than he expected. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Crimson Hunter

Job transfer requirements: blood family, level 10, special requirements: tough will, transfer needs to go through the test of willpower.

The job transfer instructions are simple, but what exactly is this test of determination? ?

Why does it take so long? ? No one could answer these questions.

Li De could not help frowning a little.

He can transfer jobs to the blood race, but he can't control the process, so he has no way of knowing what will be experienced.

And this is the first batch of people who eat crabs, and they don't even have any experience to learn from.

Protect them well, don't let outsiders interfere with the job change, and report to me immediately if there is any change.

In addition, this batch of monster skins should be transported back to Green City as soon as possible, and the Scarlet Mage Tower needs materials to fill the warehouse.

Your Majesty, there is one more thing...

what's up?

Magic bat's bullet-carrying armor has been designed, but you haven't had time to determine the final model...

Li De's eyes lit up, he was so busy these two days that he really forgot about it.

The space of Dawn City.

If the bullet-loaded armor of the magic bat can be mass-produced, does that mean that the air force of Dawn City is about to go online? ?

Li De was immediately excited when he thought of the scene of the bomb washing the ground.

There is still a battle to be fought in half a month. Now that it can be produced, the power of the alchemy bomb can be tested in actual combat.

Come on, take me to see.

Li De did not talk nonsense, and went to the alchemy factory with Stanley looking forward to it.

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