I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 267 Artifact fragments, superb wrists, crazy development (big chapter)

One of the fragments of the Twelve Magic Scrolls, which Li De had obtained before, was given to him by the young goblin Yul in Green City.

But obviously, this is obviously better than the previous large artifact fragment attribute.

Mysterious Fragment

Additional attributes: After wearing it, restore 20 points of mana per second, and be immune to all coercion and level suppression below the gods.

Comes with a four-ring spell - space strangulation (creates a broken space cage, strangling the enemy with the power of space) Casting time: 1 second, cooldown (1 day)

Introduction: Seems to be a fragment of a corner of an artifact.

Good baby, good baby! !

There was a thick smile in Li De's eyes.

This one is stronger than the shard he got before.

The magic power recovery speed has been increased to 20 points per second, and there is also a passive that is simple in introduction but has a particularly powerful effect, which is immune to the coercion and immunity level suppression below the gods.

Coercion, the dragon's might of the dragon is a standard powerful halo-type coercion, which can directly reduce the combat power, which is very exaggerated.

And immunity level suppression is a rare feature, which means that even if he faces the existence of the legendary level in the future, he will not cause his own state to decline because the opponent's strength is too strong.

High-level life has a natural advantage in the face of low-level life. If the difference between some levels is too large, the attributes will even be directly reduced by percentage.

Just like the dark legend title activated by his sub-identity - Ilo, facing the dark life with a lower legend than him can directly reduce the opponent's attributes by 30%.

Although the introduction is not strong, it is very practical.

And the sealed fourth-level spell also gave him a great surprise. This is a fourth-level spell. Even a 15th-level archmage takes a long time to learn a fourth-level spell, and it is also a powerful space attack spell in the spell.

The short 1-second casting time is close to instant, and it can definitely give the enemy an unexpected fatal attack. The only regret is that the cooling time takes a day, and it may only be used at most once in a battle.

But no matter what, the strength of this artifact fragment is undeniable. Although it may not be as good as his coveted legendary cloak, it is definitely worth millions of gold pucks.

Li De put this piece of artifact fragment on his body with a feeling of impatientness.

After a while, there was a deep joy on his face.

It can be superimposed! !

He had been wearing the artifact shard that Yul Ash Mountain had dedicated to him in Green City before.

Mysterious Fragment

Additional attributes: After wearing, restore 10 points of mana per second, and be immune to all legendary exploration techniques, immune to mind control, and reduce mana backlash by 50%.

Introduction: Seems to be an unimportant shard in the corner of an artifact.

Not to mention other characteristics, the small artifact fragment can restore 10 points of mana per second, while the one Moore gave him can restore 20 points per second. The most important thing is that the two are not replaced but superimposed.

After he wore two artifact fragments, the magic power recovery speed was directly increased to 30 points per second.

If he only releases small fireballs, then he can cast unlimited spells.

Even if he releases an improved magic with a power close to the third-level spell and consumes 40 points of mana—Hot Fireball, his endurance has also been qualitatively improved.

The improved hot fireball can cast a spell every second and consume 40 points of magic power. Calculated, the 40 points of magic power consumed minus the 30 points of recovery, which is equivalent to a hot fire ball that only needs to consume 10 points of magic power.

With his nearly 900 points of magic power, it is enough to burst out astonishing lethality, and this is the premise that he does not use the blood of magic power.

Li De could not help but be greatly satisfied.

And the mana recovery speed has improved his dragon scale shield and will also have a very high endurance.

After the experiment, Li De took the shard of the artifact into his hand again, and looked at the yellowish, unknown material shard that was one-third the size of a palm in his hand. The frosted texture made Li De a little curious.

Moore, the artifact is extremely strong, how did you tear it apart?

Artifacts are the top equipment in this world, not everyone is qualified to peep, but it is incredible to be able to tear pieces from artifacts.

And the one who shredded the artifact was a weak goblin, which was even more unbelievable.

Moore's eyes showed some memories when he heard the words. There was a hidden fear on the face that was destroyed by the dragon's breath. After taking a deep breath, he said it slowly.

Your Majesty, this twelve magic scrolls were discovered when we were exploring an ancient goblin ruin.

At that time, we entered the deepest part of the ruins. A black altar carved with mysterious inscriptions stood above the ruins. This scroll was placed at the core of the altar magic circle.

No one will give up the treasures obtained in the ruins, and the goblins are no exception.

After exploring that there is no danger around, I took down this dusty scroll... Speaking of this, Moore's eyes showed a bit of unspeakable fear.

After the scroll was removed by me, the magic circle that had been silent for countless years was activated, and the energy that had been sealed in the altar for millions of years exploded.

The energy that could destroy a city of 100,000 people was poured into my body.

It didn't even take me a minute to break through to level 15.

But the energy was so huge that I almost burst out...

A little fear flashed in Moore's eyes, At that time, I was holding the magic scroll and subconsciously transmitted that power into it.

And that terrifying energy directly activated this artifact.

The divine artifact exudes extremely violent energy fluctuations, perhaps reaching hundreds of kilometers away.

The black dragon was attracted.

No one knows how the black dragon appeared in the ruins, maybe using space magic, maybe where he was sleeping.

That black dragon is too powerful, and none of us can stop it...

Moore's expression dropped, It was a massacre, blood was in the air, death was flowing...

After most of the clan's casualties, I found the teleportation formation in the ruins that had not collapsed, ready to teleport the clan.

The burst of energy inside the altar temporarily gave me control of the magic scroll.

I knew that I would definitely not be able to keep this artifact under the peep of the black dragon. In order to gain precious time to activate the magic circle, I exhausted the power of the altar and the artifact itself and tore off two pieces on it, and then exhausted my last strength. Wearing the dragon breath of the black dragon, he threw the artifact into the distance...

The black dragon did not destroy the magic circle anymore, it followed the artifact, and we barely escaped from the mouth of the giant dragon who could not explore its strength. . . .

Although Moore's statement was very general, Li De could still see the panic of goblins when faced with an invincible enemy.

The deeds of the Black Dragon, the young goblin Yul of the Ash Hill Tribe, had already told him, but he didn't expect that there was such a secret, especially the mysterious altar that contained the artifact, which was so terrifying that it could activate the power of the artifact.

It seems that this ancient relic has a remarkable origin.

What else did you find in that ancient ruin besides the artifacts? What happened to that mysterious altar later, was it destroyed by the black dragon?

Hearing Li De's question, Moore shook his head.

The ancient ruins have been around for too long, to the point of unverifiable age, and most of the things have been turned into ashes, only the altar and artifacts still exist.

When I activated the teleportation circle, I threw the magic scroll in the opposite direction. The black dragon didn't care about us, just spit out a breath of dragon breath towards the magic circle and went after the magic scroll.

I don't know if the mysterious altar was destroyed by the black dragon, but the ancient ruins triggered the destruction magic circle because of the activation of the teleportation circle, and now it has collapsed.

Li De nodded regretfully after listening. The mysterious altar was obviously a treasure, but unfortunately it was buried.

If there is a chance in the future, you can dig and dig to see.

After taking this matter to heart, Li De didn't think much about it. The most important artifact had been taken away by the black dragon. If he wanted it, he could only go to slay the dragon.

But the mysterious black dragon is probably already an extraordinary existence, and the City of Dawn has not had this power for a short time.

You can only develop a wave, and wait until you have your own extraordinary power to compete with the black dragon.

Very good, Moore, this artifact fragment is very helpful to me, what reward do you want?

This old goblin is very aware of current affairs, and did not really ask Li De for a reward.

Your Majesty, this is a gift from the Ash Hill Tribe, not to beg for a reward...

Well, let's go down, help me manage the goblins well, and put the alchemy factory into operation as soon as possible.

Trust me Moore, you won't regret your choice today.

Li De took a deep look at Moore and didn't say much. Although this race is weak, it can't reproduce without a reason.

Goblins are strategic in their plans.

The arsenal of the City of Dawn in the future, its status is naturally needless to say.

As long as these goblins are honest and obedient, he will give them unimaginably generous treatment.

Li De has never been stingy with his own people.

Moore left City Hall with a vision for the future.

After a few days of living, this old goblin has begun to like the city.

Living in Dawn City is much, much better than the Ash Hill tribe.

There is his favorite honey bread, fragrant barbecue, freshly brewed fruit wine, and endless food.... And there is a magical alchemy creation - tap water.

Moore swears to the goddess of life that it is the greatest alchemy creation he has ever seen. The steady stream of sweet spring water flows out of that small tube. As long as the water is not turned off, it will continue to flow, which is shocking.

When he heard that this alchemy creation was designed and built by the city lord Kachar himself, he was even more amazed.

As expected of the crown, it is really unbelievable.

And what makes Moore extra comfortable is that most of the residents here are friendly towards goblins.

This seemingly inconspicuous point is simply incredible in Moore's eyes.

Although goblins are self-proclaimed as a highly intelligent race, Moore knows very well that it is almost impossible for humans to look at goblins with normal eyes because of their frail bodies.

After all, no one would have too much affection for these ugly, weak beings who could be kicked over.

Even when Moore went to their partner, Lisle City, what he felt was mostly weird and mocking eyes.

But in this city, he doesn't seem to feel discrimination and contempt from the eyes of humans on the street, especially those old residents who have lived in the city for a long time, and they are even more passionate about goblins.

Moore heard from the residents that it seemed that the city lord of Kachar announced the identity of the goblin on the bulletin board in Dawn Square.

It was specifically pointed out that all the inhabitants have respect for the goblins who can create powerful alchemical bombs, for their contribution to the city of Dawn.

Contributed to City of Dawn! This statement earned the goblins the respect of the inhabitants, which Moore was very grateful and proud of.

Goblins are a neutral race, neither good nor evil, so in just a few days, under the propaganda of the Propaganda Department, the goblins began to integrate into the City of Dawn.

A culturally open and inclusive city is so attractive to these aliens that almost no one can resist.

The City of Dawn was deliberately introduced by Li De, and it was also developing towards the city he had in mind.




Patriarch, Harrison came to Li De's office with an excited look on his face shortly after Moore left.

How? Are the statistics over?

Li De looked at Harrison's expression a little funny, The elite of Lisle City must have given you a big surprise.

Yes, these talents are high-quality talents, and almost everyone has their own specialties. After these talents enter the City of Dawn, our development speed will be greatly improved.

Harrison was very excited. The 7,000 Risir City elites brought back by Li De from the centaur had just been counted. These people are definitely the high-quality talents that Dawn City is most eager for at this stage.

Although the increase in population is a good thing, people will inevitably feel different when there are too many people, especially the influx of a large number of foreign people in the City of Dawn in the past two months.

This has caused a lot of pressure to all aspects of our work.

Li De's expression is a little serious. Although he absolutely controls the city, no one can make waves with him.

However, the influx of a large number of foreigners into Dawn City in a short period of time will have a great impact on both public security and management.

The current number of blood clans is too small. It will take time to develop. We must use the power of residents to manage the city.

what do you mean?

A bit of light flashed in Li De's eyes, The expansion of the King's Blade, although there is no big problem in maintaining law and order with an army of 600, but it is not enough to go further.

Moreover, our air force is about to be formed, which requires the cooperation of a large number of soldiers.

The talent of the blood clan is destined that we cannot make the number too large in the past few years, so it is inevitable to use the power of the residents.

The blood clan can only carry out the first embrace once a year, although the number can be doubled every year, as long as he is given a certain amount of time, the blood clan will form a real army.

But what he lacks now is time.

So the use of human power is an inevitable result.

The recruited warriors are first selected from the old residents, and they must sign a soul contract to ensure the absolute loyalty of everyone.

The King's Blade will be another sharp blade in his hands besides the blood family. Before, he didn't have much energy to expand. Now the time is ripe. This army composed entirely of humans will be his key development goal. .

Yes, patriarch, I will have someone announce the conscription announcement later.

Harrison's expression also became serious. Li De's movements were very big these days. He knew that this was the prelude to the great development of Dawn City, so he had to cooperate with Li De's actions.

Li De glanced at his confidant and nodded in satisfaction.

In addition, at the end of this month, the blood clan can start the second first embrace... It will relieve some of our pressure at that time.

Speaking of this, Li De's expression was a little emotional. If the blood race didn't have this restriction, then he wouldn't be so troubled, and he could start the violence directly.

But then again, if the blood clan really does not have this restriction, then I am afraid that the blood clan cannot exist.

Unlimited first embrace, that is even more terrifying than the undead.

The undead have to kill their lives before they can be transformed into companions, but the vampires come straight ahead. Such a terrible race cannot survive on the main plane. The main theme of the main plane - human beings, will definitely be harsher than dealing with the undead. Treat the blood clan twice.

Moreover, the blood race is easier to hit than the undead. The blood race needs blood supplies, but the undead don't need anything.

Therefore, imperfection also has its advantages. Too perfect races are often easy to become public enemies. Whether they can survive or not is one thing.

This time we give priority to high-level humans for the first embrace. I need a batch of combat power that can be rapidly formed.

After thinking deeply, Li De decided to temporarily abandon the last strategy of developing blood clans. The last time he had no choice, he could only use the hero selection contest to screen out a sufficient number of blood clans.

But after plundering the elites of Lisl City, his options widened immediately.

The criteria for screening... Except for those seedlings who are determined because of their outstanding talents, his blood clan level must be at least level 5, and his talent strength should not be too bad.

This requirement was definitely difficult to achieve in the past. The city of Dawn was plundered by civilians. Where did so many professionals above level 5 come from?

However, the 9,000 elites in Risir City were different. At least 800 of them had reached level 5.

This is the fundamental reason for Li De's goal to change this time.

Because of the almost bug-like talent of the ancestor of the blood race, as long as it is his blood descendant, he will be unconditionally loyal to him.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly an excellent choice to select a group of people who can form combat power immediately from the elites of Lisl City to become blood descendants.

This can greatly save him the time to cultivate talents, and can quickly form combat effectiveness.

With or without dissent, the only result of these people is to become his subordinates.

Moreover, the huge number of professionals in Dawn City now also poses a great hidden danger to the safety of the city. In order to deter these human beings who may pose a threat, this guy, Wither Bones, has been flying over Dawn City every day these days, wantonly exuding the bones that belong to the city. Dragon's coercion.

The first embrace selection among this group of people can also greatly reduce their possible threats.

It has to be said that although the elite of Lisle City is indeed a very plump piece of fat, it also requires certain skills to eat it.

These elites in Lisl City must be strictly managed. In a short period of time, I'm afraid they will not be safe.

Hearing Li De's words, Harrison nodded solemnly.

With the large influx of people in the past few months, he does feel that it is a little difficult to manage. Although everything is under control now, the administrative efficiency of the city hall is obviously much slower than before.

This situation may continue to worsen if the power in hand is not expanded.

At this time, Li De was obviously aware of this potential crisis, and Harrison could only sigh with emotion. This may be the reason why the patriarch can develop the City of Dawn so brilliantly.

Does the first embrace of the blood clan need to be publicized on a large scale??

Li De pondered for a moment and then nodded.

Residents of Dawn City can do the same as last time, when the festival comes, they can conduct a first embrace to the public.

The elites of Lisl City do not need it. These people have not yet integrated into the City of Dawn, so they will embrace it first.

Li De has never been an indecisive person.

Wait until the power expansion of the King's Blade and the blood clan is now facing the small worries will disappear.

This is not a big deal, such a high-speed plundering of population in Dawn City will inevitably lead to this problem, and he has already prepared for it.

After writing down the first embrace of the blood clan, Harrison confirmed several pieces of information to Li De again.

Does the King's Blade need to recruit personnel from the elite of Lisl City?

As long as you are willing to sign a soul contract, then recruit.

Li De nodded, the ideological education class of the King's Blade is extremely powerful. Even if there is no soul contract, the army's worship of Li De has still reached an incomparable level of fanaticism and is completely under his control.

Again, when you have information that others don’t have, you have an advantage, and when you monopolize information, you have the right to interpret the truth.

As for the warriors of the King's Blade, there is no doubt that Li De is the truth.

Yes, patriarch.

Li De suddenly seemed to remember something, with a bit of playfulness.

The nobles of the Risir family should have brought them back. Bring me a few.

He didn't forget that Andebella had told him that the blood cloak could only be controlled by the descendants of the Risir family, which was a mark imprinted in the bloodline.

He wanted to know if there was a way to lift this restriction, and he was also very curious about this family of learned scholars.

Harrison replied, and then continued to report some political affairs to Li De for decision, and then hurriedly went down and arranged.

During this period of time, the City of Dawn was under construction everywhere. As the speaker of the city hall, he was busy almost all day long. That is to say, he was a blood family. energy.

Otherwise, if it were replaced by human beings, no matter how vigorous the energy was, it would collapse under such high-intensity work.

From this aspect, it has to be admired that the vampires are indeed suitable for work. The City of Dawn can develop so fast. In addition to Li De's control, these energetic vampires also play a key role.




Horn Risle looked at the more than 20 panicked clansmen in the house with a serious expression, and his tone was deep.

The Risir family has encountered countless crises, but we have survived until now.

Look at you damn soft bastards!! The Risir family doesn't need cowards, it's just a summons to make your legs go weak?

Where have you taken the aristocratic demeanor of Lisl City? ?

After speaking, the white-bearded Horn Risle glared at the restless crowd in the house.

A young man looked at Horn with a somewhat frightened expression, and said in a low voice, Elder Horn, that is a vampire. The patriarch is not there, we can't deal with them...

This remark immediately aroused echoes from the others in the room.

Yeah, and there are bone dragons in this city ruled by vampires. You can find it when you go out and look in the sky. It's terrifying.

The vampire city lord must be uneasy and kind, Elder Horn, you can't go!

We can contact other nobles, and we will definitely find a way...


Looking at the panicked appearance of these clansmen, Horn shook his head in extreme disappointment, his wrinkled face showing a bit of complexity.

The Risir family has indeed fallen, and they have fallen to the point where they do not even have the courage to face the danger.

At the same time, I thought of that strong and proud girl.

If it wasn't for these clansmen being too timid, then the heavy responsibility of being the lord of Lisl City a few years ago would not have been placed on an 18-year-old girl.

City Lord, these two words represent not only glory and power, but also a heavy responsibility.

If Patriarch Andebella is here, I think, she will not be like a coward thinking about how to escape from reality, but will face the vampire by herself with a long sword.

Ladies and gentlemen, stop indulging in your fantasies, after coming to this city, our destiny is no longer ours!

Horn's indifferent words made the originally excited crowd suddenly feel like they were poured cold water, and they all felt cold.

But, Elder Horn...

A middle-aged man wanted to speak, but Horn waved his hand and said coldly.

I'll go alone this time, you stay here.

After speaking, the old man wearing the white erudite robe turned and left, walking out of the small room.

Only a group of people looked at each other.

It's just that no one spoke, and many people were still a little fortunate in their hearts, as if they were glad that they were not selected.

Horn followed the two patrolmen on the street, watching the lively and bustling scene around him, feeling very strange.

Even if I have seen this scene many times, the sight of human flourishing in a vampire city is outrageous.

If he didn't tell him in advance and just put him in this city, he felt that he would never believe that this was a city founded by vampires.

Lords of the two patrols, what kind of person is the Lord Kachar?

After a turn, looking at the dwarves who were chatting and laughing with humans, Horn couldn't help his curiosity any longer, and asked the two patrolmen who led the way.

The two young warriors looked at Horn, who was full of the erudite's unique bookish temperament, and a bit of goodwill rose in their hearts. One of the young men with freckles said with a bit of admiration.

Lord Horn, the city lord of Kachar is the one who gives us hope, and a great existence worthy of every Dawn City resident to die for.

Because of City Lord Kachar, we can live our current life. Everything in this city was established under the protection of the Holy Light Blood Race and City Lord Kachar.

His greatness and glory cannot be said for a day or a night.

Horn looked at the clear eyes of the two young warriors for a moment. This is not something that can be said by magic that charms the mind, but more like a thought from the heart.

But, why can vampires get the purest recognition of human beings? ! It's just ridiculous.

But the truth is so consistent with this absurdity.

Horn felt that the worldview he had constructed after reading so many books was slowly crumbling.

Lord Horn, I heard that you are a scholar of the Nolan Empire? Don't be nervous, believe me, as long as you don't break the law, no one will hurt you in Dawn City.

The city lord of Kachar is very fond of a literate person like you.

Hearing the young man's words, Horn's heart suddenly relaxed a lot, but it was also funny.

A literate person like you? ? I am a great erudite, only literate? ?

If he was outside, he would definitely feel that he was insulted by civilians, but he didn't feel that way here. Instead, he liked chatting with these two upright young people.

Half a day later, under the frantic touts of the two patrols all the way to Li De and the City of Dawn, Horn came to the city hall with nervousness.

He went from being indifferent when he went out to being uneasy at the moment, because he heard a shocking news-Dawnbreaker Sect.

Such a mysterious crown is likely to be a god...

Under the guidance of the guard, Horn knocked on the door of the office on the third floor.



The door with the delicate relief was open, and Horn took a deep breath and walked into the house with extreme anxiety and unease. At this time, he could clearly sense that his heart was beating rapidly .

This is the vampire's room. Although he had seen vampires when he came to the city, it was the first time he had faced a legendary brutal and murderous vampire alone in such a secret place.

Moreover, the identity of this vampire is the master of this city, and it is more likely that the other party is still a god walking in the mortal world... This adds to countless inner pressures.

But unexpectedly, this room was neither bloody, cruel nor too religious, but rather a bit of aristocratic elegance and luxury.

Sitting behind the long wood-colored desk was a handsome figure in a mage's robe holding a long goose feather pen and writing something.

The aura on his body is like that of a royal family that has been inherited for thousands of years, full of indifference and elegance.

Horn's nervousness was never released, because he knew that the seemingly peaceful figure was the ruler of the city, and whether the other party was a god or a vampire, he could easily kill him and his clan.

Let's find a place to sit first, I still have a few documents to process.

After Li De looked up at Horn, he ignored the white-bearded old man and continued to write. The latter nodded quickly in response, but he didn't dare to sit down, so he could only stand there in agony and wait for Li De.

After a full ten minutes, Li De looked at the blueprint in his hand and put down his pen in satisfaction.

Standing up, looking at the trembling Horn's expression was a little weird.

Don't they all say that erudites are proud and self-confident, and can face anyone without changing their face?

Why is this great erudite from Lisle so much worse than the girl in her twenties? ?

Good day, Your Majesty Kachar.

Horn was greatly relieved when he saw Li De get up, the waiting time was the most tormenting.

Good day, Sir Horn, sit down.

Li De didn't say much, and sat directly on the soft gray sofa.

And although Horn was extremely uneasy in his heart, he had to bite the bullet and sit opposite Li De after hearing this.

Although Li De looked like a handsome man at this time, as long as Horn thought that he was a vampire or a god after his transformation, he would have uncontrollable fear.

Seeing Horn's nervous expression, Li De was speechless.

That proud girl who didn't change her face even in the face of death, why is the clan like this? This really disappointed him a bit.

Don't worry, Sir Horn, I'm friends with Andabella and won't hurt you.

Hearing this, Horn suddenly opened his eyes wide, with undisguised joy on his face.

You, you and Patriarch Andebella are friends??

Li De nodded, That's right, Andebella entrusted the Risir family to me before leaving the south.

Do you know where Patriarch Andebella went? Horn couldn't help but ask. Although the girl was still young, she had already become the backbone of the Risir family.

Li De shook his head, Andebella went to look for his teacher. Seeing that Horn wanted to speak, he waved his hand, he wasn't chatting with this guy today, I'll talk about this later, I'm looking for you today. thing.

Li De's unceremonious words calmed Horn down a little, especially after learning that Andebella and Li De were actually friends, he was not as frightened as before.

In Li De's opinion, this old man, as a great scholar, is so timid and afraid of death, it is simply unsightly.

But in Horn's view, what he has to face is the legendary vampire, and he is also the master of the city, more likely a god, who can easily destroy him and his clan with a wave of his hand, so he has to be nervous.

City Lord Kachar, you said, what I know will definitely answer truthfully.

At this time, Horn barely recovered his demeanor as a great scholar.

Li De, who saw through the nature of this guy, was too lazy to talk nonsense.

You know the blood cloak of the Risir family, right?

I've heard that there is a way to use the bloodline of the royal family of the Risir Empire to remove the sigil restrictions on the blood cloak.

I don't know if you can do this?

After Li De finished speaking, he stared at Horn closely, and his mental power spread to the extreme.

Horn's expression was slightly taken aback, and he subconsciously shook his head.

City Lord Kachar, the blood cloak is a legendary piece of equipment that the Risir royal family spent countless efforts to create, and even borrowed the power of the gods in the process.

The restriction that only the blood cloak of the royal family can use the blood cloak cannot be lifted. After the restriction is lifted, the blood cloak will also be reduced from legendary quality to perfect quality.

Li De nodded with the same expression, the girl didn't lie to him.

Without further questioning, he turned to another topic.

Lord Horn, I am building a school and need knowledgeable polymaths to teach students.

You are the only great scholar in Dawn City at present, and I would like to appoint you as the first principal of Dawn School...

Hearing this, Horn was stunned for a moment, and then a thick smile appeared on his face. Although he certainly did not look down on this so-called principal in the outside world, but in this city, getting a position at least guaranteed security.

And more importantly, this is likely to be an appointment directly given to him by the gods. Although he cannot be sure of the authenticity of the gods, no matter how careful you are, there will be no major problems.

I am willing, Lord Kachar, I will definitely manage the school for you.

Li De nodded, appointing Horne as the principal was also a whim after seeing this guy's character.

The school will definitely be under his absolute control, and no one is qualified to participate in the real decision-making, but it is not bad to launch a spokesperson. This guy has a weak personality and is suitable for control.

Well, you can recruit a team of teachers by yourself... In addition, I will give you the relevant textbook outline. The teacher team you recruit must compile teaching books according to the textbook outline.

Horn didn't hesitate and nodded quickly. Yes, Your Majesty Kachar. At the same time, his expression was a little excited, recruiting a team of teachers, which means that he once again has power, although this power is pitifully weak.

This is definitely a good thing for the Risir family, there are many erudite scholars in the Risher family.

Li De smiled slightly, this guy didn't seem to know what he was facing.

Okay, go down first. The city hall will send someone to connect with you later, and your principal's appointment letter will be announced on the bulletin board in Dawn Square as soon as possible.

Afterwards, the Lisl family, the most core of the elites of Lisl City, was easily accepted by Li De.

Those elites in Lisl City who have not yet harbored evil intentions and are dissatisfied with the rule of the blood clan have lost the leader who is most likely to twist these people into a rope before they can react to this.

Pulling over a batch...that's such an understatement.




bang bang bang ~

From December to mid-December, although the weather is getting colder and colder, the atmosphere in the City of Dawn is getting hotter and hotter.

Farms were expanding, schools were being built, and there were even goblin alchemy factories and dwarven weapon-making factories operating at the same time.

The entire city has become a large construction site, and the plundered refugees have become the main labor force of each construction site, and these idle populations have been released into productive forces.

The City of Dawn has entered the second round of construction climax, and buildings are rising from the ground.

At this critical period, a more explosive news ignited the enthusiasm of all residents, and the King's Blade began to recruit a large-scale conscription.

The King's Blade, this army's reputation among residents is almost overwhelming.

They are strong and friendly, they have strict military discipline, they are warm to others, they are loyal to the great lord of Kachar, and they are the army of the inhabitants of Dawn.

This is an army that comes entirely from the residents. There are 600 fighters, all selected from the residents. Every fighter has family members and friends.

So in the eyes of the residents, this is an army composed of their own people.

Moreover, the Blade of Kings has already become a place that all young people yearn for with its super high welfare benefits and the opportunity to become a blood clan such an exaggerated reward.

It's just that the recruitment has not been opened before, which makes the young people do not move.

At this time, from 600 people to 2,000 people, there is a full difference of 1,400 people, which makes everyone go crazy with excitement.

Therefore, in the past half-month, the residents of Dawn City were all talking about the King's Blade, how to sign up, how to participate, how to pass the training and selection, etc., etc., which completely suppressed other topics.

The daily greeting has changed from the weather is good today, have you eaten, to who and so have been selected by the King's Blade today. Did you go to participate in the selection of the King's Blade today?

And the huge heated discussion brought the enthusiastic number of applicants.

The population of Dawn City was close to the 40,000 mark after bringing the elites of Lisl City. In addition, the blood clan once again plundered a large number of refugees in the past two weeks. Currently, Dawn City has 45,000 people.

The speed of expansion is beyond imagination.

Therefore, recruiting 1,400 people is a very simple matter, and the number of people who meet the registration requirements has reached 15,000.

In the end, after half a month of screening, 90% of them were eliminated, and the 1,400 blades needed in the end were fully recruited.

Those who can become a member of the Blade of Kings are all outstanding among them. This elimination will directly eliminate more than 13,000 people.

If you want to officially join the King's Blade, you must first go through the magic inquiry of the mage group. After five rounds of inquiries, you can enter to participate in physical fitness and willpower training.

Each time they are divided into 100 squadrons for training. During the week-long training, 5 to 15 people who stand out in the front are selected for admission. At the end of the training every day, when these warriors are the weakest, they will have to conduct magic inquiries from the mage group.

After everything is confirmed to be no problem, you must swear allegiance to the city lord Kachar and sign a soul contract. After this step is completed, you will really join the King's Blade.

During the selection process, the physical training was public, and its harshness and cruelty shocked all the residents, and they immediately admired the warriors who could join the Blade of Kings. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

In this way, a thousand warriors who have not undergone rigorous training and already have the prototype of the Iron Legion officially became a part of the King's Blade.

Because the city hall was supplemented by new forces, the slightly chaotic public order due to the influx of people during this period was brought under control for the first time, and the crime of petty theft was immediately cleared.

Patriarch, good news...

On December 16, when Li De was looking at the proposal on the follow-up development of the King's Blade developed by the City Hall think tank with a comfortable face, Harrison pushed open the half-open door with an excited expression.

Li De turned his head with a bit of playfulness, looking at the excited Harrison with a bit of fun.

What's so exciting?

Harrison's words immediately made Li De unable to sit still, Patriarch, the goblins made the alchemy bomb!

High-speed text hand beat I became the ancestor of the blood race

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