I Became a Progenitor Vampire

The two hundred and forty-fifth sheet Adel's Messy Journey to the City of Dawn (7,200-chara

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Andebella Risle, an elegant and proud noblewoman with the title of Great Polymath.

In Lisl, the name stands for glory and perfection, the city's most dazzling treasure.

Because this 26-year-old girl took over as the lord of Lisle City at the age of 18 and became the owner of this city with a population of 500,000.

And the history of the city of Lisl is also glorious enough. They were the cities that were built by the descendants of the royal family of the Lisl Empire, the previous rulers of this land.

Lisl City has a longer historical and cultural background than the three thousand-year-old Nolan Empire.

It used to be the center of the South for thousands of years. It was not until a thousand years ago that the Nolan Empire ordered the establishment of Green City and paid a huge price to support Green City before changing the previous pattern.

But this is the case, Lisl City is still a powerful city.

The city that uses the family name as the name has always been the private land of the Risir family. In this kind of city, there is only one owner - the Risir family.

The previous city lord died unexpectedly in the war of the orc invasion. At that time, the only heir of the Risir family, Miss Andebella, who was only 18 years old, took over as the lord of Risher.

All the residents of Lisle City were desperate for this girl's succession.

No one is naive enough to pin their future on an 18-year-old girl.

There are even many civilians who are already preparing to relocate their families. This place is so close to the orcs. In the past, they could rely on the old city lord to protect them, but after the old city lord died, who else could protect the city?

But beyond everyone's expectations.

After taking office, this young girl showed extraordinary skill.

Not only did he forcefully clean up the unstable aristocratic power in the city, but he did not flinch in the fight against the orcs, miraculously took out a large number of alchemy bombs, and used this weapon that appeared in Lisl City for the first time to repel it again and again. The fierce invasion of the orcs successfully defended the safety of the city.

For this, the girl became the hero of the city of Lisl.

Subsequently, the various policies implemented by Andebella in the city made all residents talk about it.

Cut taxes, encourage commerce, distribute farmland, build schools...

In just a few short years, after Andebella took over as the city lord, the development of Lisle City has been booming, and it has even regained its momentum as a core city in the south thousands of years ago.

And the residents under the rule of Andebella also became more and more prosperous.

Andabella's legendary deeds began to be sung by troubadours,

In the end, it was praised by everyone as the pearl of Lisle City. It was on a par with the most beautiful tulip in Green City, the eldest daughter of the Alex family, the chairman of the Alex Chamber of Commerce, and Miss Winnie, the disciple of Duke Wind.

In this city, Miss Andebella is the most respected person by all the residents.

After the invasion of the orcs this year, the city of Risir closed its gates for the first time, and sent the most powerful warriors to guard the city walls.

No inhabitants feared that the city would fall, for the great Miss Andebella would teach these damned orcs a lesson, and their alchemy bombs would teach the Orc wolves the art of exploding.

Damn orcs, never try to catch the attention of Rysir!

At this time, the owner of the city, the city lord Andebella, with long pale silver hair, wore a black body armor and a blood-red cloak behind him, and was escorted by more than twenty burly warriors. City Walls.

The thirty-five-blade-high black city wall was built thousands of years ago when the city of Lisl was the core city in the south.

From top to bottom, it looks like a steep cliff, dark and smooth, a nightmare for any enemy.

With this impregnable wall, the orcs have only captured the city twice in hundreds of years.

But the last time was also one hundred and twenty years ago.

And now the soldiers and residents of Lisl City have full confidence in whether they can hold the city.

Because they have Lord Andebella, and the great alchemy bomb.

How is the preparation of the alchemy bomb?

Andy Bella is indeed a treasure that can be compared with Winnie, the most beautiful tulip in Green City. A lady with the title of a great scholar, even wearing armor, she can still feel the academic atmosphere of the book, and her temperament is so elegant People can't bear to look away.

Especially the pair of eyes with a hint of silver, as if they can read people's hearts.

Familiar people know that pale silver pupils were the symbol of the royal family of the Risir Empire.

It is a pity that the kingdom that once dominated this land has long since perished, and the royal family of Risir has also become a subject of the Nolan Empire.

The glory of that empire has long since passed, and what is more memorable now is the erudition of the Risir family.

Loremasters - House Risir.

Almost all the main members of this family have the title of erudite, their cultural accomplishment is famous in the Nolan Empire, and even the last king was a student of a member of the Risir family.

It's hard to imagine that there would be a family of erudites at the border with the orcs in the border areas, but it's surprising to combine their former identities.

Lord Andebella, the alchemy bombs are all ready. As long as the orcs attack, they will taste our wrath again.

Behind him, the eagle-nosed adjutant with a shaggy beard in bright silver armor all had a solemn expression.

Alchemy bomb, this is the most powerful weapon against the orcs in the city of Risir.

Eight years ago, in the winter when the old city lord died unexpectedly, if it wasn't for the temporary city lord Andebella suddenly took out thousands of terrifying alchemy bombs and forcibly defended the city of Lisl, he would have died long ago. Know how long.

Thinking of this aquiline-nosed adjutant who hasn't shaved for a long time, his expression is full of gratitude and admiration. If it weren't for the efforts of Miss Andebella, Lisle City would never be where it is today.

I hope you don't relax, orcs are not so easy to deal with, and alchemy bombs are not a panacea.

However, no one can take our city, and this great city will not fall from the moment I take over.

Andabella's tone was very cold, her head was slightly raised, with a bit of pride that could not be concealed.

That is the pride radiating from the bones, not only the pride of being the lord of Lisl City, but also the pride of being a great scholar.

The red cloak behind him rattled in the wind, slapped behind the black body armor, and rolled up slightly, then stretched out in the wind.

Against the backdrop of the city walls surrounded by soldiers wearing spears, this lady looks like a female warrior returning from a heroic charge.

This scene full of pride and self-confidence filled the eyes of the soldiers below with admiration, and the will in their hearts became more and more firm.

They will use their lives to protect the city of Lysle and Miss Andebella, and want to hurt her unless they expand their corpses.




In the City of Dawn, the first batch of the plundered population was integrated into the residents without any disturbance.

The 3,000 residents were incomparably panicked and fearful, and even thought that when they came to the vampire's lair, it was the beginning of their blood being drained.

However, under the crazy propaganda of the residents of Dawn City, and they did get real benefits, these panicked civilians were slowly appeased.

Adel is a bankrupt nobleman.

He felt unlucky.

Really, he had never felt so unlucky.

Not only because his business went bankrupt and all the family's property was taken away by creditors, but also because he was holding a penny that was secretly hidden... All his assets came to the border, planning to be before the orcs invaded Earn a fortune to redeem his family property.

However, it backfired, these damned orcs invaded ahead of schedule just like last year! !

The guard he hired threw him away before he could even see the orc's figure and ran away alone. The fur of the beast that he had spent all his family property on was thrown on the ground like garbage.

Feeling distressed and desperate, Idel had no choice but to follow the crowd to escape.

When he thought he had encountered the greatest catastrophe in his life, a bat more terrifying than a demon flew in the sky.

At that moment, Edel was even extremely certain that he must be cursed by the goddess of doom.

Desperate and helpless, even he had put the knife in his hand around his neck, he would rather go to see the god of death than let those dirty vampires drain his blood.

But what surprised him was that these vampires didn't do what he imagined -- sucking everyone's blood.

Instead... say they are not evil vampires, but the Holy Light blood? ?

This scene made him laugh for a while, these damn vampires don't know how to cheat people, Holy Light Blood Race? ? Not an evil vampire? ?

I'm afraid even a three-year-old child won't listen to this kind of lie.

However, these vampires claimed that they would not harm humans, and that they would keep them safe. The knife that Idel put on his neck could not be pulled.

Although he knew that these vampires couldn't do what they said, it was the ray of hope that made Idel lose the courage to commit suicide.

For this reason, he hid the short knife on his body. Even if he was really sucked by the vampires' lair, it would not be too late for him to commit suicide. Idel quietly comforted himself.

In this way, Edel's followers returned to the City of Dawn.

The scenes that followed completely left Idel stunned.

Clean and tidy streets, one by one full of hope, civilians in neat clothes are watching them around.

It turns out that here is really like the vampires said, there are many, many human beings in their city.

Registering the identity and confirming the information, Idel went through the process like a dream, holding the number plate that is said to be able to allocate land by lottery and refused to let go.

He just feels that his head is not enough, why is this? ?

Why cruel and murderous vampires can become so amiable, and the other party will allocate land and provide them with shelter, this is like a myth.

There are no words to describe Adel's mood at that time.

But he looked at the faces of the residents with kind smiles around him, and the thought of suicide inexplicably disappeared.

Idel was assigned a brand new room, although it was not big, it belonged to him completely.

According to the adults of the security team who brought him, this is a single apartment. It is said that the owner of this kind of city, Kachar City Lord personally took the name, as long as they are unmarried, they will be assigned to the single apartment.

Adel was very surprised by this, because he learned from the large population of the security team that the city lord of Kachar was 100% vampire, and the order not to harm humans was given by the city lord of Kachar.

My lord, is City Lord Kachar really as great as you say? Could this be a vampire's hoax?

After Idel said these words, the face of the security guard who brought him in changed greatly, his eyes staring at him, and his anger hurried.

Damn bastard, you are provoking the City of Dawn, you are provoking the security team!!

Adel felt the anger of the other party and didn't dare to speak. At this time, the face of the security guard in his early forties was slightly better.

This is what you are in front of me, if you slander Kachar City Lord in front of those young lads in the security team

Trust me, you will be taught a hard lesson by them! !

If you are ten years younger than me, you will definitely be beaten by me today. Remember, no one can slander the great Kachar City Lord, no one! !

Looking at the extremely excited security guard in front of him, Adel's expression was a little frightened, and at the same time, his heart was full of puzzlement. Why would they be so angry when they mentioned that vampires were also human? ?

Moreover, Adel could see that the lord of the security team absolutely respected the master of this city from the bottom of his heart.

It's the same as when he was a child trying to maintain his father's glory.

New friend, let me tell you, everything in this city was bestowed by the great Kachar City Lord, without Kachar City Lord, our tens of thousands of residents may have died in the cold winter of last year's orc invasion. .

Hearing this, Idel was a little surprised, You were also caught by the adults of the Holy Light Blood Race last year??

Caught? No, this is a gift from the goddess of luck to us. The 40-year-old security guard was extremely proud.

If you know what this city has and what it can give you, believe me, one day you will be like me, willing to give your life for this city.

After he finished speaking, he took a deep look at Adel, although he showed respect, but he didn't take it seriously. He said earnestly, Young man, I once doubted the Holy Light Blood Race as much as you...

Adel's face changed a little, and he quickly defended, No, I just...

No need to explain to me, it doesn't matter if you doubt it.

The city lord of Kachar said that time is the best tool to test the truth, and the facts will prove whose words are the truth.

Lightbloods are never afraid of doubt.

Take a good rest, someone will come to distribute food to you at noon.

Your house has already installed running water and a bathroom, so you don't need to go outside to get water.

The use of tap water is very simple, just press and hold the tap and turn it clockwise. Remember, you must turn off the water when you are not using it. If you use too much water, you will be troubled by the city hall.

I'll go first. If you encounter anything, you can ask the security team below for help.

After speaking, the security guards turned around and left, leaving Adel dumbfoundedly looking at the clean and tidy house for a long time without speaking.

But thinking about what happened today still made him feel unbelievable.

Vampires...Are the Sanguine vampires really different from the evil vampires of legend? ?

is it possible? Isn't this a vampire lie? ?

But if it is false, why would an ordinary human worship each other from the heart?

Moreover, the human beings in this kind of city can live in such harmony with the vampires, which is unbelievable.

The huge impact on him from the scene he just saw on the street made Edel unable to recover for a long time.

The feeling of the collapse of the three views even made him doubt whether the world was fake.

In the end, I felt a little uncomfortable and wanted to take a shower, but in a blink of an eye, there was not much furniture in the house, so I picked up the wooden bucket by the wall, and just wanted to push the door to get water, I suddenly remembered what the security guard said just now.

You have tap water installed here... no need to go down to get water.

Tap water? ? What is tap water? ?

Adel's expression was a little weird.

This strange name made him a little curious, turned around and walked into the house, and it was easy to see that there was a basin-like pool in a separate small room and a strange curved steel pipe on it.

Is this what the tap water is? ? ?

Idel's face is very disdainful, this kind of thing can automatically water? ?

Hmph, you can't cheat like this if you want to deceive people.

Just wanted to turn around and go down to fetch water, but stopped again, a little tangled in his eyes, it's okay to try.

He took two steps forward, and then, looking at the iron pipe, Idel was in a daze.

This, how to start? ?

Trying to recall the words of the security guard just now, he reached out his hand and pressed the handle above the faucet.



Under the high water pressure, the white flow of water rushed out violently, splashing a piece of water droplets on the pool.

Adel jumped a dozen times by the loud noise, jumped up suddenly, and stepped back frantically.

The wooden barrel behind him was directly kicked over by him.

Then he looked at the faucet with panic.

Well, what's going on here?? Why, how come so many springs flow out?!!

Immediately, as if he had caused a catastrophe, he hurried forward and slammed down the handle before continuing to twist it.


The water flowed even more.

This time, Idel was completely panicked, and he hurriedly tried to go up and block the shot, but the water flow was too big, and instead he splashed and soaked his body.

In the end, he seemed to remember something and turned it counterclockwise along the handle.

The water was turned off.

But by this time Idel was soaked all over, as if he had just taken a shower.

After taking a few breaths, Idel slowly regained his senses, and then looked at the silent faucet with an indescribable expression.

This, what alchemy creation is this?? Why can such a large iron pipe flow out so much spring water??

Is there a legendary space magic that hides a lake in it? ?

Then Idel looked around to see that no one was there, and boldly turned on the faucet again. This time he learned to be smart. He didn't drive it to the maximum, but only a little.

呲la~~ This time the tap water flows out slowly, not lasing, the pure water is the cleanest water from the mountains, without any pollution.

Adel stared blankly at this scene, incomparable amazement in his eyes, and he did not return to his senses for a long time.

It's incredible that there really is a spring that never dries up and never stops.

This is nothing short of miraculous! !

After boldly bowing his head and taking a sip, Idel felt the sweetness in his mouth and bent down suddenly and started drinking.

After drinking it, I remembered what I was going to do. I quickly picked up the bucket to draw water, and I was a little reluctant to close it when it was full. Idel wanted to see if the tap water could really flow out of the spring without drying up.

Then he remembered the words of the security guards, and he closed it honestly, he didn't want to get into trouble.

After taking a bath, Idel put on his wet clothes again, and there was nothing he could do. When he ran for his life, he had nothing. He would have nothing without this dress.

When he came out of the shower, Idel couldn't sit still, and after washing his hands under the tap for ten minutes, he closed the tap with a sigh of relief.

Looking out the window, there was a passageway in the residential area. No one was there. Idel was a little moved. He planned to visit this kind of city ruled by vampires.

Because no one told him not to go out, and there was no guard.

After reluctantly finishing his clothes, Idel opened the door and walked out, and at this time, a wooden door next to him also opened.

A young man also wearing wet clothes appeared in front of him, both of them were stunned,

Then Qi Qi showed an embarrassed smile, obviously knowing that the other party got wet clothes for some reason.

Adel smiled stiffly and greeted the other party with a nod, then turned and went downstairs, a little embarrassed on his face, the act of turning on the tap water just now was too embarrassing.

This three-story building has a total of 12 rooms. The stairs pass through the middle. There are two rooms on the left and right sides of each floor.

After going down to the first floor, Idel, who had not slept all night, was still in good spirits and looked around.

He walked slowly out of the residential area along the downstairs path and came to the real street. The scene in front of him made him stop.

Clean and tidy, even after seeing Adel once, he was still shocked by the appearance of this city.

It was so clean that not only was there no excess garbage on the ground, but there was even no smell of urine and the stench of the sewer in the air.

The streets on the bluestone ground were crowded with people, and patrolmen in armor walked around and patrolled each other.

Everything is so harmonious.

Everyone was wearing clean and tidy clothes, with a thick smile on their faces, and their eyes filled with kindness. At first glance, there was no beggar at all. The beggars who were unavoidable in the city outside disappeared only here.

Adel's eyes widened and he still couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

Walking along the street, he found that his eyes were no longer enough.

This is really a city ruled by vampires?? Why can a city ruled by vampires be so prosperous??

Suddenly, when Idel was stunned, a huge figure burst out from the corner of the street, wrinkled gray-white skin, huge one-eyed, and muscular limbs... Idel was stunned for an instant, this, this Is it the legendary Cyclops? !

Is there a Cyclops here? ! !

Looking at the Cyclops running towards him, remembering those terrifying legends, the fear in Edel's heart erupted and he screamed wildly.


The loud sound caused the whole street to fall into a brief silence, and everyone turned to look at Idel in unison.

The scene seemed to stand still.

Everyone's expressions are very strange, like looking....fool.

It wasn't until a moment later that in a panel shop next to it, the aunt wearing a red dress and holding a white bread couldn't stand it anymore. She pushed them away and yelled, What are you shouting!! Are you new here??

You scared the little guy!

After being yelled so loudly, Adel was frightened, and he suddenly regained his senses, but he was still extremely frightened when he saw the extremely oppressive Cyclops in front of him. He subconsciously took a few steps back. If something was wrong, he was about to leave .

This is a Cyclops, this legendary life is too scary.

Why does this city still have this terrifying creature? ?

Is this a city ruled by vampires? ?

But the next scene completely petrified him.

He watched with his own eyes coming out of the bakery next to him, wearing a red dress, the aunt in her fifties gave a dissatisfied look at the Cyclops with a height of nearly 4 blades, and then reprimanded mercilessly.

Little Corso!! Who made you run around?? You scared people!

You are not allowed to run around in the city from now on, do you hear that? !

The huge Cyclops glanced at the aunt with some fear, and nodded obediently.

Understood, Aunt Ma Li. The mainland common language is extremely proficient and authentic, without any rigidity.

No, I'll give you some bread. Be careful in the future, and apologize to uncle soon.

Then Idel looked at the one-eyed giant who made him tremble, and bowed respectfully to him.

I'm sorry, I scare you. He knows more etiquette than humans.

No, no, it doesn't matter, yes, I was too flustered. Idel waved his hands at a loss, and his flustered expression made the surrounding crowd laugh.

This guy must be new, right?? He can be scared by little Koso, hahaha.

These newcomers are too timid...


Okay, little guy, let's go play. Aunt Marley in a red dress waved her hand.

Goodbye, Aunt Marley~ The Cyclops cub thanked him and turned away.

bang bang bang~

Adel just looked at the Cyclops in such a dumbfounded way and left in such a jerk.

It's alright, new young man, this is the City of Dawn, and there will be no problem with the Lord of the Holy Light Blood Clan guarding it.

Aunt Marley smiled kindly, This is Lord Koso's child, he is still very young, and the real Cyclops is over 6 blades tall.

He's still just a kid.

Still just a kid? ? Imagining the scene just now, Edel's expression was a little stiff.

Yes, he is a child...

Okay, I'm going to get busy. You can go around Dawn City by yourself, as long as you don't go to the city wall area and the blacksmith shop, you'll be fine. After Aunt Marley finished speaking, she entered her bakery and started to get busy.

After he finished speaking, only Edel was still not fully recovered.

At this moment, a few orcs carrying sacks came around. They were two-edged, and their clothes were raised up by their solid muscles.

There are four fangs in the mouth, UU reading www. uukanshu.com looks hideous.

Seeing the orc's legs go weak, Edel was about to shout again when he suddenly covered his mouth as if he had remembered something.

Then he looked at the people around him and didn't take it seriously, and then the orcs ignored him and left.

After a while, a group of dwarves passed by again, and Edel looked at each other stupidly as they left.

In the end, the patrol of the blood clan, the blood clan with bat wings showing fangs, passed by, and Edel still had a very wonderful expression.

At this time, the heart of this desolate aristocrat was completely messed up.

The goddess is on top, what kind of city did I come to??!!

For the convenience of reading next time, you can click Favorites below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 245, Chapter 245, Idel's Messy Journey to the City of Dawn (7200-word chapter)), and you can read it next time you open the bookshelf arrive!

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