I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 243: Shocked, the inhumane he actually wanted to use the player as an experiment (8,800-char

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A large number of undead appeared in the north...

Undead? ?

Everyone in the room was stunned for a moment. Among them, Spark reacted the most, turning his head to look at Laurent suddenly, frowning and asking in a deep voice.

Where did the undead appear? How many? What is the strength?

Li De looked at Spark's dignified expression and was a little puzzled. It was just an undead creature. As for making this unfathomable level 19 archmage so worried?

Laurent was startled by Spark's overreaction, and quickly explained.

In the city of Thorins, at the junction of the southern province and the thorn flower province, the undead came down from the border of the glorious empire!

The Nolan Empire has a total of 10 provinces, of which the south is divided into three provinces.

The southern province where Green City is located is bordering the Orc Empire in the east, the Thorn Flower Province bordering the Radiant Empire in the west, and the Blue Ocean Province, which is close to the sea, in the south.

The southern province is equivalent to being surrounded by the province of thorns and flowers and the province of Lanhai, and the distant mountains are in the upper north of the southern province.

However, this mountain range just disappeared after passing through the Bauhinia Province, which made the glorious empire, which was originally bounded by the distant mountain range, officially meet the Nolan Empire. This long border reaches the northernmost plateau of the Nolan Empire.

The border between the Radiance Empire and the Nolan Empire spanned three provinces and belonged to very closely connected countries, which was why the two countries jointly conquered the Northland Plateau.

At least five or sixty thousand!! Laurent's expression was a little nervous, According to the news sent back by the branch, it seems that a war broke out in the Radiance Empire, and their enemies are the undead.

These undead are all pouring out from the border of the Radiance Empire, whether there are high-level undead has not yet been determined...

Spark nodded, slightly suppressing his inner surprise, and seemed to see the puzzlement in Li De's eyes, and explained.

The undead are different from the abyss demons. Although the abyss demons are ferocious, they can only come out of the abyss, and controlling the gate of the abyss can stop them.

The undead are different. As long as there are corpses, the necromancer will continuously create undead warriors.

The main plane of glory has been swept by the undead several times, and tens of billions of lives on the entire continent have been transformed into undead.

If it hadn't been for a few critical moments when the gods shot, the current main plane of glory would have long been the world of the undead.

Spark's expression was not easy, Although I haven't experienced the natural disaster of death that was closest to us 100,000 years ago, I have also seen the magic pictures left when I fought against the undead in the Mages Association in the capital of Nolan. .

Ghost dragons, bone dragons, bone knights, horror knights, necromancers, skeleton warriors... The overwhelming undead is enough to drown the mountains, and no one can stop the endless sea of ​​skeletons.

After speaking, he took a deep breath and turned to look at Laurent.

How did you get the news??

As the vice president of the Green City Mage Association, he has not received such important information. How could this businessman know? ?

Laurent looked a little proud, Master Li De said that no one can match the charm of Kim Puck.

I once sent an order, as long as our branch of the Golden Wheat Chamber of Commerce finds news that can affect the fate of the Golden Wheat Chamber of Commerce or is of great help to the Crimson Mage Tower,

The information he has received can be transmitted back to the headquarters of the Golden Wheat Chamber of Commerce using a message scroll.

Message scroll? ?

Spark suddenly realized that this two-ring magic scroll has a total of two scrolls, as long as the text is written on one, the other will reveal the same information.

However, this kind of magic scroll is very rare. It has always been known for its difficulty in production. Very few mages know how to make it. It is something that cannot be found on the market at all. Only the army will reserve a very small amount.

Ordinary businessmen would not prepare this kind of thing at all, because after the message scroll starts to open, it can only be displayed simultaneously for less than a minute, and there is very little information that can be transmitted. In contrast, there are many ways to replace the magic scroll.

This kind of tasteless and extremely rare thing is probably not even heard of by most people.

Li De admired Laurent's approach very much, and was also very curious about the letter scroll, Where can I buy that letter scroll? Prepare 100 for me...

The wealth is too large to be added.

Cough, cough, Laurent almost choked on his saliva.

Wiping off the sweat, I felt a little embarrassed, Lord Li De, this kind of magic scroll was made by an old mage who was half blind in Green City, and he can make one or two every month.

The quantity you want, I'm afraid he won't be able to produce it in ten years...

The old mage who is half-blind?? He also makes scrolls of messages??

Spark seemed to have heard some important information, and his expression became a little excited, even more excited than hearing the news of the undead.

Master Murray is still alive?? Tell me where Master Murray is!!

There was a bit of trembling in his tone.

Li De looked at Spark with a strange expression. Who is this Master Murray? Being able to make this cheap teacher more exciting than the undead.

Lord Spark...I don't know what the Master Mage's name is... Laurent didn't dare to talk nonsense while watching Spark staring at him before he finished speaking. The Master Mage now lives in the slums of the West End.

Do you still have a message scroll on you?

Laurent took out an unopened scroll from his body and handed it to Spark.

After taking it, Spark opened two gray scrolls with a width of 30 centimeters and a length of 30 centimeters with a somewhat excited expression, and then the corners of his mouth trembled after seeing the patterns and techniques of the paintings on them.

He stretched out his wrinkled old hands and stroked the scroll.

Yes, this is Master Murray's style, definitely Master Murray!!

Unexpectedly, I have been looking for Master Murray for 20 years and I have met here again.

The goddess of magic is above, this must be the guide you gave me!

After speaking, Spark didn't care about anything else and continued to question Laurent.

Tell me Master Murray's full address, I'm going to visit him right away!

Laurent was also frightened by Spark's appearance. What happened to this terrifying Master Mage today? ?

Which Master Mage is in the 17th block of the western district, on the side near the black market in the western district, the thirteenth building, you can find out when you go there...

As soon as the words fell, Spark ignored the few people in the room, turned around and left with excitement, and didn't even say hello to Isa, who was usually regarded as a granddaughter.

Sparkleide, who watched Feng Huo Huo Huo Huo Huo Huo Huo Huo Huo's departure, was also a little curious.

Do you know this Master Murray?

Everyone shook their heads in unison, obviously this name made them feel very unfamiliar.

Li De gave up after thinking that there was no similar name in his memory. Maybe it was an old friend of Spark.

After all, this cheap teacher can have a huge network of contacts in Nolan's capital, and it is not difficult to accept a few more mysterious friends.

Don't worry about this, let's talk about the news of the dead.

The fact that the scruffy old man went to meet his friend who was also a bad old man was obviously less attractive than the news of the reappearance of the dead.

Yes, my lord. Laurent continued, Because of your last order, the Jinmai Chamber of Commerce has grown extremely rapidly with the support of Miss Wei Na during this period.

Especially our chapters, there are now as many as forty-five, and almost every important city in the southern province has the flag of our chamber of commerce flying.

Sorins City, which borders the Shining Empire, has a large amount of magic materials circulating every year, so we naturally sent people out to establish a branch.

The newly established branch received this news one day ago.

An army of hundreds of thousands of undead besieged the city of Thorins, and a steady stream of undead are pouring in from the borders of the Radiant Empire... Our borders are in great danger.

Radiant Empire? Li De frowned, the glory was too great, and the area of ​​just one southern province was boundless.

He has been in Glory for nearly a year, and he hasn't even finished exploring Green City. His impressions of other areas are all from his own men.

Is there any more news? How did these undead come into being, what purpose do they have, and what effect will they have on us?

Hearing Li De's inquiry, Laurent looked bitter. He only knew the news of the undead invasion. Although the Jinmai Chamber of Commerce is already a large chamber of commerce, it has not been able to investigate so clearly.

Lord Li De, I still need time for the people below to investigate.

Looking at Laurent's face, Li De also knew that he was a little inhumane.

If the Jinmai Chamber of Commerce has this ability, what kind of news network would he need for the Dark Covenant to set up?

Okay, pay close attention to the news of the undead, and come to me at any time if there is new progress.

Yes, my lord.

After Laurent went down, Li De fell into deep thought.

Green City is close to 1,500 kilometers from the border of the Radiance Empire, and even if it is hit in a short time, it will not affect Green City.

What made him feel strange was that there was something strange about the undead.

The undead is basically a rare item on the main plane of glory after several defeats in wars. Ordinary people rarely see the existence of the undead, so he tied the dead bones to the Dawn Square to attract so many people to watch.

But now, these undead who have not been informed for a long time have suddenly appeared, and the number is still so large.

Combined with the closed beta that is now open, it seems that he always feels that he is inseparable from the players.

But he didn't have much energy to pay attention to this matter. Although the undead invasion was terrifying, with the strength of the Nolan Empire, it would not cause much turmoil in a short period of time.

The most important thing now is to plunder the population.

Lord Li De, maybe we should expand production...


Wei Na, who had been silent, interrupted Li De's thoughts.

He turned his head slightly, looked at his little maid, and motioned for the other party to continue.

I've read a lot of ancient books... Wei Na lowered her head slightly with a look of thought in her eyes.

Once the undead form a scale, it is difficult to be destroyed in a short period of time, because behind these undead there must be powerful undead beings controlling them.

The development of undead is very fast. As long as a city is captured, hundreds of thousands of undead soldiers can be obtained, and once the number of undead reaches a certain scale, there will be high-level undead life.

With so many undead rushed out of the Radiance Empire, there is only one possibility. The Radiance Empire may have encountered a natural disaster of death ten times more terrifying than the outside.

And because of the particularity of undead life, once the glorious empire is captured, it will inevitably spread around. Although the glorious empire borders four empires in total, there is only our Nolan Empire to the south.

Therefore, the Nolan Empire will inevitably encounter a major war.

The magic scroll has always been an indispensable consumable in war.

We can continue to expand our production capacity, and the magic scrolls produced will have countless nobles coming to our door with Jinpuke to ask us to buy them.

No one intended to see their territory captured by the undead, which meant that they would lose all of their possessions.

At the same time, we will also increase our efforts to acquire a batch of magic materials for storage, because the upcoming war will inevitably affect the production of magic materials.

Li De couldn't help but appreciate how much information could be deduced from such a simple piece of information.

Although the inferences may not be all accurate, the courage to make such a visionary judgment is commendable.

Since his little maid decided to train each other, the girl's growth rate was much higher than his expectations, and more and more surprises were given to him.

Wei Na, Harrison and Stanley, these three intelligent and excellent management talents, have a position in Li De's heart that is no less than that of any combat unit.

Advanced combat power can be cultivated and captured, but this level of management talent needs talent, and even this talent is even rarer than spell casters.

Weina, the scarlet mage tower will be managed according to your way, don't be afraid of making mistakes, everything is supported by me behind you.

I believe you.

Hearing Li De's words, this beautiful girl with long curly hair exuded excitement and joy from the bottom of her heart.

Vena won't let you down...

Little Isa looked at the two of them with bright eyes, and she was inexplicably envious of Wei Na.

Isa also wants to help the teacher...

Seemingly aware of Isa's emotions, Li De turned his head, showing a doting smile, and reached out to squeeze the smooth and white little face.

Isa is great too.

Issa? ? ?

Level: 7

Age: 16

Golden Bloodline: Awakening degree (15%)

Introduction: The golden race with golden bloodline, the talent of the golden race is enough to shock the gods.

Level 7, starting from the Winter Moon, it took more than half a year to rise from level 0 to level 7. This talent is enough to make the so-called genius feel ashamed.

Every time Li De sees Isa, he is very emotional. This little girl with golden blood is really amazing.

The talents of the golden race are different, and Li De does not know how far Isa can grow, but he estimates that it will not be worse than the young dragon no matter what.

When Isa grows up, the Scarlet Mage Tower will teach you to guard.

Li De suddenly remembered what Spark had seen and heard, the red-eyed mysterious race that hunted the extraordinary dragons in the sea of ​​​​storms.

Gently patted the little girl's head, her eyes filled with anticipation.

Really hope to see this baby dragon grow up.

At that time, I don't know how long the powerful Garp can last under Isa's magic?

Teacher, Isa will work hard... The little girl nodded earnestly, with a firmness in her eyes that Li De could not imagine.

Li De smiled, suddenly remembered something, turned his head and asked Wei Na.

Weina, didn't our Mage Tower recruit an adventurer from a lost plane?

Where are people now? ?

The last time I wanted to meet was unsuccessful, Li De really wanted to meet this player at this time.

I don't know what happened to these sand sculptures being beaten by Rongguang?

Thinking of the posts on the forum full of blood and tears accusing Glory, Li De couldn't help but want to laugh.

These players who just started to think that they are second and I first can directly experience the bitterness of the world when they face the hard-core aborigines in glory.

Those who were abducted and sold by traffickers, those who were robbed, those who were deliberately released on tasks to be blackmailed, those who were caught as coolies without money, and those who were even sold to brothels...

All kinds of strange, as long as they can imagine the dark encounters, these players have experienced all of them.

In the end, there was even a collection post on the player forum that counted the tragic experiences of players, which once became the saddest place in the forum.

He has passed the assessment and has officially become a member of our Scarlet Mage Tower. He is currently working in the magic factory. The job content is to process magic raw materials...

Well, ask someone to bring him here, I want to see him.

Yes, my lord




The Light of Glory was processing the fur of the beast in the magic material processing workshop when he was summoned.

If you want to make a magic scroll, you need to process the fur of the beast first, and clean up the impurities on the fur of the beast, such as dry blood, hard dry meat, excessive hair and so on.

After dealing with these things that obstruct the outline of the magic node, soak and rinse it with a magical alchemy potion, and finally clean it up to get a soft paper-like fur.

Only then can it be handed over to the apprentices of the Magic Node Sketching Department for sketching. After the sketching is completed, the official mage will mobilize the magic power to inject it into the scroll and seal it, and the completion of this step is considered a successful production.

Because the Light of Glory is a later one, it is not possible to contact the work of outlining the magic nodes for the time being, and can only process the fur in the raw material workshop.

After he has worked in the Mage Tower for half a year or becomes an official Mage, he can enter the outline workshop to draw magic nodes.

As a player, I was supposed to be invincible in MEMO, but I was working hard in the factory...

Every time I think of the light of glory here, I feel sad.

He was a rich second-generation man on earth. He didn't worry about food and drink, and he didn't work much. In this life, he finally experienced the hardships of the factory.

too difficult.

The fur of Warcraft is often difficult to clean. The weather is hot and the smell is stinky. Before the light of glory goes offline every day, he silently swears that he will never play this game again.

But after seeing other players' lives more difficult on the forum, the next day, they honestly shouted that Zhenxiang went online.

Because what he is doing now is better than the life of those who were caught by the captured slave team and sold as slaves, refined into undead by necromancers, and imprisoned by perverted noble women.

He only needs to take a rest after processing the fixed beast fur every day, and there is also a special mage teaching magic here, and he can receive more than a dozen silver pucks as a reward every month, and even he handles more fur. Can be rewarded.

In addition, the apprentices and sisters in the Mage Tower are really beautiful...

The Light of Glory is painful and happy. The hard life of part-time work makes him extremely disgusted, but after finishing his work, he seduces shy and beautiful apprentices, learns magic, and chats with a few NPCs who can talk to bragging. Life made him want to stop.

He felt like he was back at school again, and he only needed to complete tasks every day and could play with his classmates freely.

Light of Glory, what are you in a daze, do you remember what I just told you?? Master Li De is the master of the Mage Tower, you should speak politely and respectfully.

Although you are an adventurer who has lost the plane, you can't be disrespectful to Lord Li De, or you will be kicked out of the Crimson Mage Tower, and no one can help you plead...

A slightly charming voice beside him made the light of glory return to God.

Turning his head, he looked at the girl beside him who was wearing a gray mage apprentice robe, with beautiful long brown hair and a delicate appearance.

The Light of Glory nodded, showing a smile that he thought was the most handsome.

Linna, I'm not that stupid kid from Nas, don't worry, Nas is the NPC apprentice with the best relationship with him, By the way, I heard that Mrs. Wei Na opened a new tavern on the mysterious street recently, and it also Invited half-elves to perform.

In the evening we might be able to see these beings with elven blood and have a drink together...

Lin Na bit her lip slightly, she wanted to refuse, but looking at Light of Glory's expectant expression, she thought about it and nodded.

Okay, but I'll take Leah with me.

It's okay, I'll bring Nas too... The Light of Glory's smile became brighter and brighter, and finally took a big step forward.

I heard that you can really do that with girls in Glory...

I gnashed my teeth when I thought of the glory of the dog on the forum. The most outrageous thing was that a player took the opportunity to complete a mission to hook up with a pair of noble mother and daughter...

But that guy didn't feel well in the end. He was accidentally found by that sad nobleman to hang him up and beat him for ten days. After creating a huge shadow in his heart, he directly sold his account, which was considered retribution.

And there are also female players who successfully hooked up to a great nobleman and became one of the many wives of that nobleman.

Then the female player started a magical version of the palace fighting drama, which was broadcast live on the forum every day, and used the wisdom of a large number of female players to fight other wives.  …

Because of the time difference, female players can only broadcast live pictures and texts, and there is no way to live broadcast video. Even so, it still attracts the curiosity of countless people. Once the live broadcast starts, it can immediately become a hot spot on the forum.

The level of freedom in this game has reached an outrageous level, you can do whatever you want...

Here, the light of glory, you have to be careful, don't offend Master Li De.

Lin Na looked at the mage tower not far away and glanced at the light of glory with some worry. This guy who lost the plane was not familiar with their etiquette. The kind girl was afraid that he would anger the owner of the mage tower.

Looking at the worry in Lin Na's eyes, Light of Glory warmed his heart. Although he would not die as a player, the pure concern still made him feel extremely useful.

Don't worry, maybe it was Lord Li De who saw my super talent in magic and wanted to accept me as a disciple.

Lin Na pursed her lips and slapped him lightly, Don't be ashamed, go in, I'll be here waiting for you to come back.

I'm here waiting for you to come back?

The Light of Glory looked at the pure and innocent face, and his heart trembled inexplicably. At this moment, his thought of taking Lin Na as a hunting target suddenly disappeared.

This girl makes him unable to blaspheme, and only in this feudal world can he find such a clear girl.

Linna, we're not going to the pub anymore.

Ah? Why?

There are a lot of bad guys in the tavern, let's go to the dessert shop to drink black tea with Nas~

Okay, I like Uncle Lang's strawberry pie~

After the Light of Glory turned around and entered the Scarlet Mage Tower, he was still in a very strange mood. Thinking of Lin Na's twinkling eyes like stars, his heart was inexplicably sweet.

You may not believe it, but I claim that the little white dragon in the waves, who has never touched a leaf in the midst of a thousand flowers, actually wants to fall in love with an NPC.

Ah, let me die.

Li De's expression was a little subtle when he saw the Light of Glory.

It was the first time he had officially dealt with the players. He hadn't seen them before. During the Dark Covenant, he had to deal with dwarves and didn't have time to pay attention to the three players.

Now is the time for the real face-to-face communication.

The Light of Glory in front of him was wearing a gray mage apprentice robe, with a medium stature and a slightly handsome appearance.

His eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something, and he smiled from time to time, but then it subsided, and his face was a little red.

It's like... a spring? ?

Light of Glory, this is Lord Li De, the owner of the Scarlet Mage Tower, and the Lord you want to be loyal to. Still not salute to Lord Li De?

Wei Na couldn't help but feel a little unhappy when she saw the light of glory that had been silent.

Although I have learned about the adventurers of the lost plane in detail, and know that the other party is a group of guys who have never had much respect, but no one can be rude in front of Li De, and no one can.

After being interrupted, the light of glory came back to his senses, and hurriedly threw the thoughts in his mind to the back of his head, and hurriedly saluted the legendary big man with his chest carefully.

Good day, Dear Lord Li De.

This is the biggest boss in this mage tower, and it is also the most powerful NPC he has come into contact with during this time.

If he can report the big guy's thigh, then he is not going to be caught in the wind or the rain.

The Light of Glory thought that there were a few lucky people on the forum who were envied by the NPCs who focused on training.

In particular, the three players named Hunyuan Thunderbolt Chengkun were with him in Green City. The other party is now the boss of dozens of NPC younger brothers. He is still working in the factory, which is too painful.

Good day, sit down.

Thank you, Lord Li De.

After the Light of Glory sat on the gray sofa opposite Li De, only then did he see Li De's appearance clearly, and at the same time he felt a burst of emotion in his heart.

This motherfucker is only an NPC to be so handsome. If this guy is on the earth, it would not be killing God and killing Buddha. What girl can stop such a handsome comparison.

In particular, Li De's aristocratic temperament permeated from his bones, which made him envious. Nobles, this is the real nobility.

I'm also quite handsome, but compared to this NPC, Nima, I don't even deserve to lift a shoe... I really want to punch his face.

At the same time, he quietly opened Li De's attribute panel.

? ? ?

? ? ?

? ? ?

The series of question marks made him feel even more emotional. He was so strong, so handsome, and he had such a huge industry.

What the hell is this NPC, I'm really envious.

Li De looked at Light of Glory's strange expression and instantly knew that the other party must be looking at his attribute panel. He felt an undetectable aura passing around him through the power of faith. If it wasn't for the power of faith to actively isolate the Exploring he couldn't perceive it yet.

Is this what he usually does when he checks the attribute panels of other NPCs? ?

It feels quaint.

At the same time, he also checked the attribute panel of Light of Glory with a bit of curiosity. He didn't know if the player's was the same as the others.

Light of Glory

Race: Human

Title: Undead (with the ability to regenerate)

Reputation: 10 (Scarlet Mage Tower Apprentice)

Level: Level 1

Affiliation: Crimson Mage Tower

Introduction: Adventurers of lost planes, with the ability to be reborn.

It's very simple. It's not much different from the aboriginal panel, and you can't see specific skills and attributes.

But the title of the undead made him ponder, no wonder Stanley would directly call them undead.

He originally thought that it was based on the player's ability, but he didn't expect to have such a title.

Light of Glory, tell me about the lost plane, I'm quite curious about where you live. Li De's expression was a little subtle.

Discussing the earth with a player as an NPC, no matter how you look at it, there is a sense of joy.

The Light of Glory didn't think about it that much. For him, he was asked too many times by NPCs. They couldn't possibly know anyway, so they came right away.

Our place is called Earth. It is a modern technological world. Your world is just a game world created by the Earth...

At this time, Li De's expression changed slightly, because he received two messages at the same time, one was what the Light of Glory personally said,

Another message came directly to his mind.

The place where we live is a lost plane, a lost world that lost contact with the main plane of glory millions of years ago...

Li De saw related posts on the forum, as long as the information related to the earth would be blocked or changed into another message, he thought he would do the same.

But why can he receive two messages?

One of these two messages is the real message spoken by the Light of Glory, and the other is directly passed on to him by certain rules of Glory.

Li De was very interested in this phenomenon.

If I can only receive the news set by the will of glory, then it means that after entering glory, I am completely integrated with this world, and I am a pure aboriginal.

But now, I can still hear the light of glory, it should be that the soul of the earth is not restricted by the rules of glory.

Glory's rules both recognize me as a native and recognize me as a player, so I get two pieces of information.

Really fun.

Li De didn't feel any discomfort after feeling his body, so he didn't pay much attention to it, and there was no harm anyway.

After the Light of Glory finished speaking, he looked at the NPC boss whose expression slowly became a little strange, with a chill behind his back, what expression does this NPC have? ? Could it be that you want to make a base?

It is said that medieval nobles have some very strange hobbies, otherwise why is his eyes so strange, ah, I want to crack, impossible, I will not give in! !

Li, Lord Li De, I'm done...

Light of Glory's tone was a little trembling, and at the same time, he clamped his butt, for fear that this NPC boss with unknown orientation would do something outrageous, anything could happen in this game...

Li De stared at the very nervous Light of Glory for a moment, what is this guy doing? ? Such a look that I'm going to eat him.

But I'm too lazy to go into it, the brain circuits of these guys can't be inferred with normal logic.

Yes, adventurers of the lost plane, your lost world is really exciting. Naturally, he had to do a full set of dramas, but he was not interested in telling the other party that he had heard his original words.

Li De then smiled playfully, Do you want to learn magic?

The light of glory showed a thick surprise smile on his face.

My God, am I the legendary child of luck? ?

This boss-level NPC actually took a fancy to me! ! ! !

Immediately, a bit of vigilance appeared in his eyes,

Lord Li De, I have a girlfriend...

Li De had a black line on his face, I asked if you want to learn magic? What does it have to do with me if you have a girlfriend?!

The Light of Glory was relieved, and immediately shouted, I think, I swear to the goddess of magic. I came to the Crimson Mage Tower to learn magic.

Lord Li De, please give me powerful magic, I can't wait to contribute to the Scarlet Mage Tower, this is my home, I will give my life for the Scarlet Mage Tower...

Seeing the light of glory Li De swore to swear, Li De nodded with satisfaction.

He still doesn't know the player's temper, and he can sell himself with a little benefit.

The smile on the corners of his mouth became more and more kind, and he looked like a young man who was innocent and rude. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Very good, Light of Glory, sign a soul contract with me, I will give you the most precious magic potion, and I will teach you super magic at the same time...

Li De said, took out a bottle of milky white magic blood, and looked at the light of glory with a smile.

Stanley told him that the players who signed a loyalty contract with him are already in his hands. If the other party betrays the dark covenant, he can erase their traces of their souls in this world at any time.

Li De is very curious about this. He wants to know how it controls the soul, whether it can really control the soul of the other party, and whether it can control the soul of the player on Earth?

He wants to test his inner thoughts...

And this sand sculpture player is his test object...

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