I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 237 Powerful magic, rebuilding the lion (9,800-character chapter)

After Li De returned to Rongguang, he felt the explosive power in his body, and the feeling that the surrounding magic was calling to him when he raised his hands and feet, and there was a little emotion in his eyes.

The feeling of being in control of the power is amazing.

Shaking his head, he changed his clothes and walked out of his manor to the city hall.

After 10 days of delay on earth, Glory has been in for a month, and he has to hurry up.

In the past month, in addition to sending a letter to Wei Na halfway through and asking her little maid to hand over the Jinpuke to the player, I just came up a few times occasionally to see if anything major happened.

To his satisfaction, the city hall system he established, although not perfect, was functioning properly in his absence.

This is what he wants. A person's ability and energy are always limited, and it is impossible to manage everything, especially when the power in his hands is getting bigger and bigger.

But a perfect system can exert infinite energy.

He didn't have so much energy to stare at every job in Dawn City. After he established the city hall system, he only needed to ensure the normal operation of the city hall to master the entire city.

On the third floor of the city hall, Li De just stepped into his office, and Harrison followed.

Good day, Patriarch.

Good day, Harrison.

Li De looked at his general with satisfaction. The rapid development of Dawn City is inseparable from Harrison's personal ability. Even in his opinion, Harrison's value may not be less than or even more than a level 18 bone dragon.

Top-level combat power is hard to find, but top-level management talents are even rarer.

How's the arrangement between the dwarves and the orcs?

Harrison's expression was a little strange when he heard this.

The patriarch, the dwarves and the orcs... have been arranged very well by Nicole, and now they have initially integrated into the City of Dawn.

Li De glanced at him a little surprised when he heard this, Nicole, this girl arranged it?

Immediately became interested.

How does this little girl deal with dwarves and orcs??

Harrison's expression was a little admirable,

Patriarch, your vision is really lofty, I bet even the goddess of darkness will be surprised by your wisdom...

After Harrison's unabashed praise in Reed's black line, he began to detail how Nicole treated orcs and dwarves during this time.

Although Nicole is young, her talent in management is definitely much higher than mine.

In our original plan, the orcs were to be treated as slaves, and the Valley of the Giants was the best place for them...

Li De listened with relish. In Harrison's narration, he appreciated the spirituality of this little girl Nicole even more. He really did not see the wrong person.

Nicole did not directly reduce all the orcs to slaves as Li De originally expected.

Instead, they chose to differentiate each other and directly created a new hierarchy—third-class residents, second-class residents, and first-class residents.

The third-class residents are one class higher than the slaves and enjoy a little power, but they must give in and bow when they meet the official residents. They belong to the lowest-class residents.

Second-class residents have higher status than third-class residents, and first-class residents have higher status than second-class residents. Finally, they are formal residents.

Orcs who are willing to join the City of Dawn will be given the treatment of third-class residents, and the most active of them will be given the treatment of second-class residents. If they pass the test, they can also be given the treatment of first-class residents.

The life of the orcs in the barren wasteland is countless times harder than that of the human beings on the frontier.

During this time in the City of Dawn, these orcs experienced for the first time what real life is.

Eat, there is sweet white bread every day, they don't have to worry about starvation, even if they are prisoners, they can have enough to eat every day.

In the barren wasteland, starvation is something that almost every orc has to experience every now and then.

If you want to be really full, unless you are the clan leader of the tribe, even a senior warrior with a level of 10 may not be able to eat enough every day.

Now, they only need to complete a certain amount of mining work or construction work every day to enjoy this kind of welfare, which is a kind of enjoyment for the orcs who have been forced to the extreme.

Wear, warm clothes, sturdy shoes, they no longer need to wear rough and hard animal skin clothes that make them uncomfortable, and the quality of life has improved linearly.

Even the temporary shelter in the Valley of the Giants has been built neatly, not only against wind but also against mosquitoes.

This makes most orcs live in simple animal skin tents after dark, which is too comfortable for them who are bitten by mosquitoes every day.

Therefore, in the eyes of most residents of Dawn City, the enslaved orcs lived a hard life, but in the eyes of the orcs who were already extremely poor and hard-working, the level of life now is countless times higher than they used to be.

Except for a small number of orcs, most of them are very satisfied with this. This is not a slave life, but a dream life.

However, the policy for third-class residents was subsequently introduced, and the current treatment can only be provided to second-class residents.

This policy immediately sent the orcs into hell, and the orcs directly changed from the rich treatment to the real slave treatment.

Orcs can only continue to enjoy the current treatment when they join the City of Dawn.

Having become accustomed to the beautiful life now, and the hard life before the orcs returned to China, this kind of completion is really too big.

The orcs fell in an instant under this policy.

And those orcs who insist on not joining the City of Dawn are simpler. They are degraded to become real slaves, and they have to do the hardest and most tiring work, not to mention their lower standards and treatment, and their life is even harder than living in a barren wasteland.

There is no harm without contrast.

The difference between surrender and non-surrender is so great that all of a sudden, there are many second- and third-class orc residents in Dawn City, who are engaged in things that ordinary residents are unwilling to do, and they still enjoy it.

This policy is not perfect, and there are even some hidden dangers, but the benefits are also very obvious, that is, there is no need to send people to look after more than 500 orc slaves.

You can even use the orcs who joined Dawn City to manage other orcs who haven't surrendered, which greatly reduces the pressure on Dawn City.

Li De also appreciates this approach very much, and Nicole's actions are in line with his style.

It has always been divided into parts, and the enemy has become his own.

It not only solves the problem of caring for orcs, but also makes orcs become the low-level labor force of Dawn City, making more contributions to Dawn City.

As long as they live for a period of time, these orcs who have integrated into the system of Dawn City will definitely be firmly surrounded by Dawn City.

Because everything they have is built on the foundation given by the City of Dawn, if there is no City of Dawn, then all their efforts will be in vain.

This is the power of this third-class citizenship system.

However, although this idea is very good, there are still many flaws in it, and there is still room for improvement.

Li De pondered for a moment and then said slowly.

Delineate an area in Dawn City for the orcs to live in, and they are not allowed to leave until they pass the test and become official residents.

And the official test will be carried out in the Dawnbreaker Sect, and the Dawnbreaker priest will be tested.

Orcs are very common in Li De's eyes, they just do some hard labor, so he doesn't intend to give them too much power.

If you want to get the official resident treatment, you have to work harder.

If it weren't for the fact that Dawn City needed manpower now, he wouldn't be able to mobilize too much power to manage the orcs, and the mines were their only place to go.

Nicole's method was too soft in Li De's opinion, but since the policy has been formulated, let her go.

Hundreds of orcs can't make any waves.

In terms of dealing with dwarves, Nicole's ideas are also very interesting.

Dwarves are a kind and orderly race, which is essentially different from the dark life. Dwarves never kill innocent people. They only like mining, forging and fine wine.

Nicole took advantage of this very wisely, she broke up all the dwarves, and let the dwarves completely integrate into the residents of Dawn City.

The dwarves' residences are all scattered, and no dwarves live next to each other. All the dwarves' neighbors are the people who believe in the Dawnbreaker sect or the most loyal to the City of Dawnbreakers.

The warm and generous residents of Dawn City are very accepting of dwarves, after all, dwarves have always been very close to humans.

Under the self-propaganda of the residents of the City of Dawn, what these scattered dwarves hear most every day is how good the life of the City of Dawn is now given to them, and how great the City of Dawn is.

A lie told a thousand times can become true.

What's more, the real thing.

The original resistance of the dwarves was quickly melted by the enthusiasm of the residents of Dawn City, and the dwarves' bold and unrestrained character was easy to be liked by outsiders.

In just one month, the dwarves have established friendships with the inhabitants.

For the races of good order, emotion is their biggest fetter.

The neighbor who greets you every day is a member of the patrol team, and the friend who drinks with you every day is an employee of the city hall. If you want to rebel, the first enemy you face is your own friend. This is simply unacceptable to the dwarves. .

Therefore, the hostility of the dwarves who are still rebellious is quickly disappearing after they are accommodated in the City of Dawn.

And this city full of inclusive charm is also accepting dwarves at an alarming rate.

Here the dwarves found their way of life.

Those who like to mine will take the magic bat to go to the valley of giants to mine every morning. Those who like to forge weapons will be arranged to forge weapons at the blacksmith shop, and even the construction department has a large number of dwarves working.

This group of originally the most stubborn group successfully integrated into the City of Dawn under Nicole's simple and extreme operation.

Although the original Bronze Hammer tribe is still deeply buried in the hearts of these dwarves, at this moment, Dawn City no longer needs to worry that these dwarves will suddenly rebel.

Even the high-level dwarf tribes of Marcy, Valen, and Anakin lived quietly in Dawn City.

Their ban was lifted for the most part, and in addition to not allowing the use of power and gathering dwarves, they also began to have their new lives.

After Li De understood, he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

This little girl, Nicole, is indeed very spiritual. The best way to solve the problem is not vigorously, but quietly, so that the other party can't even realize it and solve the problem.

In fact, solving the problem of orcs and dwarves is not easy to solve.

The good solution is that the initiative is completely in the hands of Dawn City, and they have no room for resistance, they can do whatever they want.

The bad solution is that unless all of them are directly killed, these races with certain power may rebel at any time.

Nicole prescribes the right medicine. This seemingly simple plan with many loopholes is actually the most appropriate.

There is no perfect plan, only the most appropriate way to deal with it.

On the contrary, his original plan may not be as effective as Nicole's.

Yes, then let Nicole handle this matter entirely. With so much work in Dawn City, someone always needs to share it for you.

Hearing this, Harrison nodded. Although the city hall was constantly expanding, as Li De conquered the city and conquered the city, the power became even larger, and there were too many things to deal with.

Even as an energetic vampire, it feels a little too busy.

And he didn't feel comfortable leaving many decisions to the people below. Now it is really rare to have a helper who can reassure him. Nicole has won his approval.





After Li De's words fell, his thoughts changed, and he thought of the two orc warriors who were brought back to the City of Dawn.

Where are the two orcs captured by us??

He was referring, of course, to Craig and Karp.

In prison.

The prison of Dawn City is built in a cave under the mountain peaks in the west, across the city from the holy place where the blood pool is located in the east.

Bring Craig, the level 16 werewolf, here.

Li De looked at the power of faith on the attribute panel and thought about it.

Now the number of believers of the Breaking Dawn sect has grown to more than 8,000, and the power of faith earned every month is still considerable.

However, the development of believers has also fallen into a bottleneck, because the remaining more than 1,000 residents are almost all old believers who have believed in other sects for decades.

It is very difficult to transform, and if you want to develop believers again, you can only rely on the winter moon to plunder the population.

Number of believers: 1 fanatic, 487 devout believers, 1883 believers, 6105 general believers

Power of Faith: 2350 points

After more than a month of accumulation, his power of belief has once again risen to more than 2,000 points.

It takes tens of thousands of points of faith to transform the souls of Bone and Garp, two level 18 combat powers, and make them his faithful subordinates.

But Craig is only level 16, and his combat power is countless times weaker than Garp, so he must not need so much faith to assimilate his soul.

If there is enough power of faith, Li De's first choice must be to assimilate Garp's soul.

The 18th-level orc king will definitely become the trump card in his hands.

But now the power of faith is lacking, and according to this trend, it is not possible to accumulate enough power of faith to transform Karp in half a year.

And his next plan had to use one of the two orcs, and Garp was ruled out, leaving only Craig.

He wasn't sure if the power of two thousand beliefs could transform Craig, but time was running out and he had to try it.

It's mid-September now, and the Winter Moon is getting closer.

The orcs had already waved their iron hooves to invade the frontier in October last year, and he wasn't sure if it would be the same this year.

So we have to speed up the process.

After Harrison passed the order, not long after, Craig, who was so weakly bound by the forbidden magic chains that he could barely stand, was taken to the city hall.

After seeing Li De, the 16-level werewolf's expression was very complicated.

It's been a month, and he's been locked in that small cell for a whole month. He has even lost the power to commit suicide, trapped in the forbidden magic chain.

He could only live hopelessly like a reptile, and he even hoped that the other party would come in and kill him countless times, instead of being imprisoned like this.

He was a powerful werewolf warrior and should have died on the battlefield instead of being a captive like a clown.

Damn vampire, why didn't you kill me...

Craig didn't even have the strength to speak, and his voice was full of air, as if he might go to see Death in the next second.

Li De looked at Craig's miserable appearance and his heart was calm as usual.

Killing and death were no longer unfamiliar to him. The blood of the orcs was no less than anyone else's. There was no need to show mercy to an orc.

Craig, give up your resistance, you will be free today.


Hearing Li De's words, Craig's huge wolf head showed a bit of puzzlement. Obviously, these words made him feel inexplicable.

But his weak body made double images appear in his eyes, and his current state has made him unable to think more.

Li De didn't talk nonsense, and asked the vampire behind him to help Craig sit on the sofa, then he stretched out his right hand, closed his eyes slightly, and began to mobilize the power of faith.

He had previously tested the power of faith on the Necromancer withered bones. As long as he invaded the opponent's spiritual sea with spiritual power, he could forcibly assimilate the opponent's soul and make the opponent loyal to him forever.

However, at that time, the soul power of Withered Bones was too tough, and Li De's faith power was too rare, so it failed.

This was his first official experiment, and Craig was undoubtedly a guinea pig.

Under his instructions, Nilo didn't use the power of faith during this period of time, so there were still more than 2,000 points left. Although he was not sure whether it would be enough, he had to give it a try.

Wearing a black mage robe, Li De, who originally had a dark atmosphere, slowly emerged a holy light.

The palm of the hand is like holding a small sun, and the infinite light bursts out.

Holy, holy, bright.

The weak Craig's eyes widened suddenly, and this scene gave the werewolf warrior a shock beyond words.

This vampire actually released a holy light-like energy? ! !

how can that be! !

Orcs are not dark creatures and do not respond much to holy power, but this is not the key. The key is that it is very outrageous to release such holy power from vampires who have always been the representatives of dark creatures.

What is the difference between this and the life spell of the undead releasing the elves? ?

But before he could think about it, Craig had no resistance at all, and could only stare blankly at Li De pressing his hand on his wolf head.

The bright light made him subconsciously close his eyes.

Then Craig only felt a clear, soft breath entering his mind.

Craig felt an inexplicable kindness, a mother-like aura.

The original will to resist is melting little by little.

At this time, that holy power was slowly absorbed by his soul.

The extremely weak Craig heard his mother's cry in his ear in a trance at this moment.


The voice imprinted in his soul made the 16th-level werewolf give up resistance completely.

Mother... Craig finally murmured and slowly lost consciousness.

The werewolf's soul slowly transformed under the washing of the holy power.

The soul is becoming more solid, and the fire of his life is more vigorous.

During this process, the power of faith completely pervaded Craig's mind, and his soul was being washed away.

And Craig's resistance and will to resist against Reed were also washed away by the power of faith, and all disappeared without a trace.

The power of faith is continuously input, and Craig's soul is constantly changing.

This werewolf's subconsciousness towards holy power is no longer worry, fear, and fear, but becomes dependence and kindness.

At the same time, the breath of Li De, who was originally disgusted, has also become incomparable trust and reverence.

This is a transformation of the soul by the power of faith.

Li De didn't know the specific change process. He only knew that the resistance of this level 16 werewolf warrior to him was disappearing.

His soul changed from resistance to active acceptance of the power of faith.

In the process, he could even clearly feel that his spiritual power had sensed Craig's soul.

Even if he wants to, one of his thoughts can destroy the soul of this level 16 werewolf warrior.

Absolute control.

Until the last ray of faith is absorbed.

Li De heard the long-lost reminder sound.

Ding~ You used the power of faith to transform the soul of Craig Shadow Hunter, you have obtained the ownership of Craig Shadow Hunter's soul, and everything he has will belong to you.

Ding~ You have successfully performed the divine art - soul assimilation, divine art +1, and you can directly use divine art skills to cast spells in the future.

Ding, you have developed a new magical technique, the power of the Dawnbreaker Sect has been increased, and you have gained 2000 character experience.

Ding, you used magic to subdue the 16th-level werewolf warrior, Craig Shadow Hunter, and make him a temple warrior of the Dawn Sect, gaining 2000 character experience.

What? ?

Magic? ? ?

Is this magic? ?

After hearing the system prompt, Li De was very surprised. He never thought that the derivative usage he developed under the inspiration of Nilo was actually a divine technique recognized by the system.

Divine Art has always been 0 on his attribute panel. He has thought of many ways before, but he has never seen any movement.

He was completely oblivious to the mode of magic, and he didn't know how to obtain or use it, but he didn't expect to come up with a magic trick today.

The east is not bright, the west is bright.

However, shouldn't divine arts be high-level magic with terrifying power?

Li De looked at the system prompt a little puzzled.

In his mind, magic is definitely a very high-end power.

The kind that is more powerful than the Forbidden Spell, as long as the spell is cast, it can easily destroy a city of hundreds of thousands of people, and it is a matter of minutes to kill tens of thousands of orcs.

But now just assimilating a 16th-level orc soul with the power of faith is considered a divine art? ?

With doubts, he looked at his god panel.

Dawnbreaker Sect: God of Daybreak - Reid Kachar (false god)

Divine Art: 1. Soul Assimilation (Consumes 2000 points of Faith Power to convert the non-Dawnbreaker faction into the most loyal Temple Warrior of the Dawnbreaker sect, who can absolutely control the opponent's soul, and the consumed Faith Power increases depending on the strength of the opponent's soul.)

Occupation: vampire, blood

Doctrine: self-improvement, tenacious struggle, unity, courage and fearlessness, love of home and country.

Number of temples owned: 1

Number of believers: 1 fanatic, 487 devout believers, 1883 believers, 6105 general believers

Power of Faith: 350 points

The current occupation that can be transferred - Dawn Priest (requires 200 points of Faith)

Clergy of the Temple of Dawn: The Holy Maiden - Bishop Nilo Priest - Amy Kachar

Temple Knight: Craig Shadowhunter

Sure enough, this magical technique is no different from the power of belief method he explored, but now the system has fixed this method, and casting spells will not be so laborious in the future.

Level 16 werewolves are so weak?

Li De thoughtfully looked at himself with 350 points of Faith left.

He didn't forget that Garp and Dry Bones needed tens of thousands of faith.

It seems that Garp is only 2 levels away from Craig, the orc, but the consumption has increased by more than five times.

There's only one explanation for that, talent.

Li De shook his head, even if Garp was at level 16, he could easily kill Craig at level 16.

Just like Betty, who is also at level 16, how long Craig can hold in the hands of Betty, who has the blood of the royal family in the north, is a question worth exploring.

At the same time, Li De put aside his prejudice and pondered over the divine technique of soul assimilation.

Shocked after a moment.

Soul assimilation, this magical technique seems to be nothing at first glance, but the more I think about it, the more terrifying this magical technique becomes.

This magic is definitely not inferior to the forbidden spell.

Forcibly assimilate the souls of other beings, make them become the Templars of the Dawn Cult, and have absolute control over the other's souls.

This ability is simply overbearing and terrifying, and combined with his blood ancestor talent... There is no other description except the word abnormal.

Li De seems to have been able to vaguely see the scene where all the prisoners become his subordinates after every war in the future.

However, how does it feel so in line with the taste?

Li De touched his chin, thoughtfully.

From the development of only 200 blood descendants in the City of Dawn to this height, the role played by the ancestor of the blood race is almost irreplaceable.

In several wars, he overturned the enemy and then relied on the talent of the ancestor of the blood family to forcibly turn the enemy into his own, and then took his own people to overturn a more powerful enemy.

Dawn City's top combat team has grown to this level by turning enemies into subordinates along the way.

Before that, Li De was also troubled by the fact that the blood family couldn't embrace other races for the first time, just like the undead mage of Withered Bones, who obviously had a level 18 dragon, but he couldn't do anything, he could only stare greedily.

Now that I have figured out the bug-like function of the power of belief, it will not be... just as blind in the future.

When Li De thought about it, he felt uneasy in his heart, he was too poor.

The power of faith can only produce a little bit a month, one withered bone and one Karp. These two guys have reserved the power of faith for the next year.

He wants to use this divine technique unscrupulously, but he is afraid that it will not be possible for a long time in the future.

Now he has a cannon but no gunpowder, and can only feel that life is difficult.

Moreover, the special units such as the Dawning Priest and the Dawning Bat also need to be transformed with the power of faith.

These are all powers that are very important to the City of Dawn, and it is impossible to keep the power of faith unused all the time.

I'm so hard...

When I have money, bah, and the power of faith, I will hold a dragon with my left hand, sit on the bottom of the abyss, and walk behind the archangel, so that Taita will open the way in front of me...

Li De could only secretly spit out the groove.

A bunch of good things were placed in front of him, but he couldn't use them. This feeling was too heart-wrenching.

Harrison, this winter's moon must give me crazy plunder of population, plunder at any cost!!

Harrison was frightened by Li De's sudden voice, and raised his face blankly to look at Li De who was gnashing his teeth, a little unclear.

Patriarch, I ordered to go down immediately...

Li De took two deep breaths, threw the thoughts in his head to the back, and decided not to think about these things that hurt him.

Make yourself uncomfortable.

Looking at Craig who still closed his eyes and did not wake up, Li De opened the other party's attribute panel.

Craig Shadowhunter

Title: The devout (the most devout believer of the God of Dawn, with firm will, unaffected by any soul and spiritual magic, strength +30%)

Age: 47

Level: 16

Occupation: Knight Templar (Cult of Dawnbreaker)

God-given talent: Prayer, immune to negative effects three times a day, currently bound talent - madness.

(Crazy: activate the power of the orc ancestors in the bloodline, all attributes are increased by 200%, body recovery speed is increased by 500%, duration: 30 minutes, after use, it will fall into a state of extreme weakness, all attributes will be reduced by -70%, duration 12 days. )

Introduction: A devout believer of the God of Dawn, a temple warrior of the Dawn sect, a powerful orc with the blood of the werewolf.

Craig's attribute panel is very general. If he doesn't have that special god-given talent, he can only be described as mediocre. No wonder he is so indifferent.

However, after being transformed by the power of faith, this divine talent acquired is definitely a perfect match for Craig.

Immune to three negative effects, which is equivalent to Craig being able to use Madness three times a day.

The improvement obtained by the orcs after becoming mad is very exaggerated, and it is not inferior to the northern warriors who are the first of the three warriors of glory.

But unlike the northern warriors, the northern warriors will not feel any discomfort after using the power of blood, and their combat power will still explode.

However, after the orc becomes mad, there will be very serious sequelae. The 12-hour attribute -70% punishment can make people desperate.

Therefore, the madness of the orcs is the last trump card, which is basically not a conventional force, only in the case of certain death.

But it's different now. After being transformed by the power of faith, the side effects of madness are eliminated, and Craig's most powerful hole card is no longer a dead end, and it can still be intact after use.

This is definitely a qualitative change for Craig.

The Northern Warriors' bloodline strength has skyrocketed, and there are no side effects. This is the reason why the Northern Warriors have become the first of the three Glory Warriors. Craig now also has the power to compete with the Northern Warriors.

This wave is fine.

After a full sunday hour, Craig slowly woke up, and at this time Li De had already ordered the demon-forbidden chains to be removed from his body.

Under Harrison's somewhat nervous gaze, Craig stood up abruptly, then knelt down suddenly against Li De on the sofa, his head on the ground in the most devout way.

Your Majesty, Craig Shadow Hunter, your most loyal followers salute you.

Li De nodded with satisfaction, the soul assimilation was indeed abnormal.

When he first came, Craig wanted to kill him, but now he has become his most loyal temple warrior in a blink of an eye, and even his soul belongs to him completely. As long as he is willing, he can even kill him with a single thought.

Get up, Craig,

Yes, my lord.

Craig's voice was very low, with a somewhat old-fashioned tone, and it was easy to tell that he was not a human being. Of course, his appearance could not be mistaken for a human.

Tall and two-edged, a huge wolf head is fierce and ruthless, and his eyes are long and narrow with a cold green glow.

The limbs are strong, and the hair covering the body cannot cover the muscles that are raised high on the body, and every inch is full of strength.

The fingers of both hands are not human fingers, but the claws of beasts. Although they can be used normally, when their claws are ejected, they are the deadliest weapon.

This is a red fruit killing machine, born to hunt.

Li De nodded in satisfaction.

Although this guy was beaten by Betty's move, after all, it was the result of the continuous coordination of spells by Stanley, Amy, and three spellcasters who were level 18 bone dragons.

As a level 16, the combat power of this level is still there, and after washing with the power of faith, the side effect of madness has also been solved.

Although Craig has not yet compared Fa to Betty, at least he can fight against Grote without being killed in seconds.

Li De didn't say much, Craig even his soul belonged to him, so he didn't have to worry about anything else, he just started giving orders.

Craig, you return to Dwarf Valley immediately, I need you to rebuild the Lions tribe.

That's right, Li De used the power of faith to transform Craig at the beginning.

Originally the most suitable candidate should be the 18th-level orc king Garp.

But the power of faith that Karp needs is far too exaggerated.

He couldn't wait for half a year, so he had to transform Craig first, and then let the other party return to the barren wasteland to rebuild the skeleton of the male lion tribe.

The Dwarf Valley is too far away from the City of Dawn, even if the magic language bats have been cultivated now, and the entire tribe has thousands of numbers.

However, with the current strength of Dawn City, it is still a bit difficult to directly govern the Dwarf Valley, which requires 6 half-solar hours of flight time.

If only the power of Dawn City is used to develop Dwarf Valley, it will undoubtedly seriously affect the construction progress of Dawn City.

This is not his original intention. He wants to use the ore veins in the dwarf valley to continuously provide nourishment for the city of dawn to strengthen the city of dawn.

Rather than being dragged down by this resource point development progress.

So he had a new idea.

Support a tribe of orcs that he can completely control in the barren wasteland, borrow the power of the orcs to guard the dwarven valley, and mine mithril veins for him.

In the process, Dawn City only needs to provide weapons and equipment and sufficient food, and does not need to invest a lot of manpower and material resources in the dwarf valley that is thousands of miles away.

Of course, Li De's idea is very good, but the difficulties encountered in the implementation of this plan will not be small.

But he has never been a person with high eyes and low hands. Since the realization of this idea is not low, he will spare no effort to promote it.

Establish a faction of his own in the barren wastes.

This idea seems to be somewhat similar to his establishment of the Crimson Moon on Earth.

The City of Dawn is not far from the barren wasteland, which is equivalent to a nail in the orc's stronghold.

There are only advantages and no disadvantages to the strategic layout of Dawn City.

The only thing to pay is a certain amount of resources, weapons, armor, food.

But it is a coincidence that these cities of dawn are not lacking now.

So he is fully capable of building another faction, a tribe of orcs that obeys his orders.

Yes, Your Majesty,

In Craig's current cognition, Li De is the true god in the world, a great existence he will defend with his soul and life.

Moreover, the power of the divine technique of soul assimilation is that although the power of faith has changed the nature of Craig's soul, it has not caused him to lose his original memory and character.

Craig is still Craig, the only difference is that he has one more loyal master.

Harrison, transfer all those orcs who stubbornly refuse to join Dawn City into Craig's hands,

At the same time, let the blacksmith shop prepare 2,000 sets of rare-level armor and weapons, and let the logistics department prepare food that can be eaten by 5,000 people for half a year. These materials are transported to the dwarf valley by Dylan.

Li De has always acted resolutely. Although Craig has just woken up and is far from his peak state, he has already started giving orders.

Before the Winter Moon comes, Dawn City needs to cooperate with the reconstruction of the Dwarf Valley, and the materials Craig needs must be supplied as quickly as possible.

I need Dwarven Valley to be up and running before the Winter Moon arrives.

I hope that after the spring of next year, UU reading www.uukanshu. com The Valley of the Dwarves can be our blood transfusion arteries.

Li De stood up and walked to the window, with his hands on the edge of the window, his deep eyes looked at the residents on the street outside the yard of the city hall, and his tone was solemn.

This winter moon is a rare opportunity for the development of the City of Dawn, and these tasks must be completed before the winter moon comes.

I need the mithril veins in Dwarven Valley.

After the Winter Moon, all of our work will shift to looting the population.

Harrison took a deep breath, leaning over his chest.

As you wish, patriarch.

Craig's expression was full of confidence, five fingers formed a fist, hammering on his chest, Your Majesty, Craig will use his life to practice your will.

Following Li De's order, the huge city of Dawn began to turn, and everything revolved around his will.

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