I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 234 It's over, ready to go back to Earth for a big wave (3-in-1 enhancement)

After arranging all the matters, when it was dark, Li De returned to Dawn City with the captives of the dwarves and orcs.

Although the crisis faced by the Dwarf Valley cannot be regarded as a solution, after all, neither the Lion Tribe nor the Dwarf King who has left can give up.

But in the short term, there will not be too much danger.

It is impossible for the dwarves to take revenge in a short period of time, and it will take a long time for these guys to find enough reinforcements.

As for the orcs of the Lion Tribe, they have even captured their own king, and with a large number of attritions, I am afraid that they will fall into a turbulent situation for a long time.

What they need to face now is not revenge, but to ensure the survival of the lion tribe.

According to the rough statistics of the blood clan, the army of tens of thousands of orcs escaped at most 3,000 people last night.

The remaining seven thousand orcs are forever buried in this land.

Outstanding military exploits.

Even if the orcs can form a large army, the threat level has also been reduced by countless levels.

Besides, there are three terrifying beasts, the level 18 bone dragon, the level 16 bronze cyclops, and the level 16 daybreaker bat king, which are enough to deal with the big scene.

Dealing with a tribe of orcs without a king is not too stressful.

More than 300 magic bats began to take off at dusk, and flew 4 times. It was not until the dawn of the next day that all the orc captives and dwarves were transported back to the city of dawn.

When a steady stream of orc captives and dwarves were sent to Dawn City, the entire city boiled over.

The first orc captives arrived at 9 o'clock in the evening, when many residents were still awake.

When watching the strong and tall orcs with ferocious fangs in tattered animal skins being taken down from the magic language bat, every resident had an undisguised smile on their faces.

Because, their great Kachar city lord has won the war again! !

This is a victory belonging to the City of Dawn, and it is also a victory belonging to the Holy Light Blood Race. Of course, the glory of the gods also belongs to them.

Praise the goddess! Praise the Lord of Kachar!

Orcs are the most standard aliens,

It is very different from human appearance.

The body with two high blades is very oppressive, and the muscles under the simple gray animal skin clothes on the body are abnormally strong, supporting the animal skin to bulge high.

The four fangs are sharp and dangerous, the black eyes flash with brutality, and the face is pale green skin, and the face is very ugly.

Many orcs were furious when they saw the humans who were looking at them recklessly around the square, and grinned at these residents.

In their impressions, weak humans have always been regarded as food by him. As long as they see powerful orcs, they will definitely tremble with fear.

This has been verified in countless battle formations on the border.

However... when they grinned and showed their so-called fierce looks, what they received was the most ruthless ridicule from the residents of Dawn City.

Hahaha, is this an orc? It's so ugly!!

Do you think his grin looks like a pig in a farm?

The lowly orcs dare to be enemies of the Holy Light blood clan, and dare to oppose the City of Dawn, hum, you are seeking your own death!

These damn orcs should take them to the mine to dig and farm for us!!

Praise Your Majesty, Praise the Goddess, Victory is always ours - to the Great City of Dawn!!


Fear? How is it possible, if it is on the frontier, they may be afraid to face these damn orcs alone.

But where is it?

This is the City of Dawn, ruled by the Lord of Kachar, where the great Holy Light blood clan protects every inhabitant.

As long as the Holy Light blood clan is still there, as long as the Kachar City Lord is still there, they are fearless.

Hearing the laughter of the surrounding residents, those orcs who had originally fierce expressions were immediately dazed.

At the border, as long as they see their figures, these powerless humans are like lambs seeing wolves, and they have no will to resist.

But now...even if they are captives, these humans shouldn't react like this, why is this? ?

What these orcs don't know is, what are orcs to the residents, and there are still undead and legendary creatures like Cyclops in this city.

They see so many aliens every day, and lives that are obviously far more terrifying than orcs, what are the well-informed residents to be afraid of.

If these residents knew the inner thoughts of these orcs, they would definitely raise their heads high and laugh at each other's ignorance and superficiality.

Dwarves are treated much better than orcs who are tied up.

The dwarves did not come as captives.

Of course, this is on the bright side, the only difference between them and the orcs is that they are not bound by shackles and ropes.

After the dwarf came to the square, he was more surprised than the simple-minded orc.

Is this really a vampire city? ?

Due to the powerful force of the blood clan, Marcy had to take the clan to the legendary vampire castle. Before he came, he was mentally prepared.

I thought it would be a spooky place, but I didn't expect that this city would be so brilliant, and there are still a large number of humans living in it.

Most importantly, the relationship between these humans and vampires is beyond belief.

When did humans and vampires get along so harmoniously? ? ? The god of forging is above, he must be dazzled.

Without waiting for Macido to think about it, the patrols that had already been prepared began to act.

After the orcs were taken to Dawn Square, they were taken down and put in prison.

Dwarves need to register information just like humans, and can only enter the City of Dawn after obtaining an identity certificate.

Ten wooden tables have already been set up, and the vampires in charge of managing the household registration have already made relevant preparations to guide the dwarves to register.

Raymond became the head of public security this time. As a member of the security team who reported on the Wild Wolf Gang and was loyal to Dawn City,

With his flexible mind, Raymond has now become a squadron leader in the patrol, managing hundreds of people.

It is worth mentioning that as the Winter Moon approached, Li De made a lot of preparations for plundering the population.

Take the patrol team as an example. Now the patrol team has been formed into a strict military organization - the King's Blade.

The King's Blade will be the second regular army of Dawn City besides the blood clan,

In addition to strict military training every day, the members of the King's Blade also need to learn cultural knowledge, combat skills, and receive the most glorious salary - military pay.

The King's Blade was formed on the basis of patrols, and the total number of troops has now reached 600.

Moreover, when Li De was sniping at the Covenant of Darkness, the twenty or so northern soldiers captured in the process of hunting Grote have also been sent by him to serve as instructors in the Blade of Kings.

These northern warriors have begun the most rigorous training of the warriors of the King's Blade.

Under the orders of Betty and Grote, these northern warriors have slowly become a part of Dawn City in the past few months, and they are no longer the enemies they once were.

In Li De's plan, the future army of Dawn City will be composed of two parts.

The first is undoubtedly the blood clan, the blood clan is the root of everything, it is his bottom, and it is the focus of unconditional priority development.

However, due to the talent of the blood clan, it is impossible to riot in a short period of time, and can only go through the elite stream, so it needs another strength to supplement.

In this case, the second part of the military force was born-an army composed of other races, Cyclops, dwarves, humans, and even orcs in the future.

Each race has a different role and has a different effect.

He wants to build a powerful composite army, of course, the idea is still dreamy now.

In this plan, the role of human beings is not small. They are not only responsible for maintaining the internal security of the city, but also go out to fight with the blood clan.

Some of the most outstanding human beings will be absorbed by the blood clan and become a member of the blood clan.

It is also his intention to recruit mage apprentices on a large scale in Dawn City, screening talents, and the best of them will become noble Shengguang blood.

The direct leader of the King's Blade is Li De, and all the captains and vice-captains with more than 10 team captains. These backbones must swear allegiance to Li De and sign a soul contract.

This army is firmly in Li De's hands, and there is no possibility of betrayal.

The patrol team is currently directly under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Security, which is a sub-department under the Blade of Kings.

Of course, all the members of the current King's Blade are patrol teams, but now Li De has set up the King's Blade framework.

If you want to truly develop this army, at least you have to wait until after the Winter Moon.

Moreover, it is impossible for this army to replace the blood clan in a short period of time, and it can only play a supplementary role to the power of the blood clan.

All dwarves line up, and everyone registers information truthfully.

After registering your information, you will be given housing and food, and each dwarf will be given a job in Dawn City...

Raymond was shouting to maintain order.

Hundreds of patrol members in armor kept the surrounding area under firm control.

Although the dwarves were a little resentful, under the deterrence of the powerful breath of several top combat powers, they could only be obedient.

Marcy watched all this silently, with a very strange expression.

Coming to the city of vampires gave him the most direct impression that he did not come to the legendary bloody and cruel vampire castle, but to an authentic human city.

All this is so discordant, no matter how you look at it.

Line up, register.

The process was a bit cumbersome, but Marcy still followed the vampire's guidance honestly and patiently.

He had to be obedient because of the powerful momentum released by the four 15+ combat powers around Grote, Betty, Amy, and Stanley.

It was terrifying as if there was a giant dragon staring at him all the time.

The dwarves, who had been exhausted after a day and a night of collapse, no longer had so much energy, and everyone's eyes were full of tiredness.


After Marcy watched the dwarf in front of him register and leave, he breathed a sigh of relief, finally reaching him.

I am the boarding officer of the Shengguang blood clan, in order to ensure that you can answer honestly, I will use the power word technique to identify in this process.

Dawn City's household registration regulations stipulate that all migrants must make detailed records. This is for your consideration, and we will match your ability to work accordingly.

If your answer is true, then you will get free food and shelter, if your holdings are concealed, then your treatment will be minimized. …

There are a few rules that must be followed in Dawn City, listen carefully...

Marcy has been to human cities, and he knows that people there are greedy.

He originally thought that this dark creature that revealed the true body of a vampire would ask him for Jinpuke or other favors, but he didn't expect that the other party would not mention this aspect.

Instead, he really just asked him some questions, even if they were so complicated that his last name was pronounced Wildhammer or Fullhammer.

But after this scene, his impression of this vampire-ruled city immediately changed.

Although the image of the vampire is scary.

But the other party's actions were completely in accordance with the rules, and there was no extortion and extortion as he imagined.

This made Ma Xigao look at these vampires a few times.

This city is really different.

After the registration, Marcy received his own identity certificate and house registration number. He only needed to wait for 30 dwarves to make up a wave, and a special person would lead them down to their house.

All this behavior gave Marcy the feeling of being professional.

It seems that they have done this countless times, every step is perfect, what they need to do and how to do it, they just need to follow the instructions of the staff.

There is absolutely no cumbersomeness of going to a human city to do errands.

And no one has made things difficult for them in the process.

This is incredible, is this still the vampire's lair? ?

Marcy looked blankly at the people around him who were discussing hotly. That kind of weird mood was not only shared by him, but also by all dwarves.


Just after Marcy finished registering the information, a surprised voice came from the crowd.

Ma Xi's body was shocked, and he turned his head suddenly, with unconcealed joy in his eyes, Master Warren!!

Under everyone's attention, the two dwarves slammed into a bear hug.

The happiest thing is to meet old friends in a foreign land.

Marcy, what about Patriarch Rabiot?

After the two separated, Warren suppressed the smile on his face and looked around, but did not notice that the familiar figure's expression became a little stiff.

The excited mood immediately became solemn, and a bad premonition floated in my heart.

Why didn't Patriarch Rabiot come back with you??

Marcy shook his head and lowered his voice slightly,

Master Valen, Patriarch Rabiot is fine, he left the Dwarven Valley through the abandoned mine before the vampires came.

Now, perhaps on the way to find the Bronze Hammer tribe...

Hearing this, Valen was greatly relieved.

Fortunately, their king is fine, otherwise the dwarf tribe will really decline.

Immediately after returning to God, he asked.

Are the tribesmen casualties? And what about those damned orcs?

Speaking of this, Marcy shook his head with a very delicate expression on his face.

Most of the clansmen are fine, and not many soldiers died.

Those orcs...

Marcy turned his head and glanced at Betty who was leaning on a giant sword not far away and chatting with the residents in the square like a girl next door, with a very strange tone.

Those damn orcs were defeated by vampires, at least half of them were killed!

Warren was shocked and looked at Marcy in disbelief.

Mostly killed?? The Lion Tribe has an army of tens of thousands of orcs!!

Their king, that damn lion warrior, had beaten Rabiot in a one-on-one battle! !

The orcs under the command of such a powerful orc king were actually wiped out by the blood clan? ?

At this time, Li De's figure with a faint smile appeared in Warren's mind again. At this moment, he only felt that the handsome face became more and more mysterious.

Like a thick layer of mist shrouded him.

How strong is this vampire? What kind of power is hidden in this city? !

Warren only felt a deep powerlessness at this time.

Is it good or bad that dwarves are being targeted by such a powerful existence?

At this time, his eyes were deeply puzzled. Although Li De did not hurt the dwarves, he was not sure what the real purpose of this vampire city lord was for the dwarves.

The dwarves now have no strength to resist such a powerful, mysterious being.

Marcy, what did the lord of Kachar tell you when he brought the dwarves to Dawn City?

City Lord Kachar? You mean that vampire king?? Marcy looked at Warren and nodded, his eyes flashed a bit unnatural.

The vampire said that if he were me, he would not directly rebel against the vampires, but would accumulate strength and wait for the rescue of Patriarch Rabiot.

Or look for the Vampire's flaws in Dawn City instead of risking being hanged and resisting against the gaze of the Bone Dragon...

Bone dragon? ?

This vampire even enslaved the bone dragon? ?

There was a bit of unspeakable complexity in Warren's eyes. He was not surprised by this. With the wisdom of the city owner, it is not surprising to say this.

But the existence of bone dragons in this city is beyond the limit of his imagination.

I know, Marcy, don't be impulsive in this city... The Lord of Kachar is far wiser than we thought.

At the same time, it is also more difficult to deal with…”

Marcy looked at the most respected Warren in the Wildhammer Tribe with such a strong fear, opened his mouth to say something, but finally closed it in frustration.

Chief Rabiot, perhaps only you can save the Wildhammer tribe.







After all orc captives and dwarves have reached Dawn City.

The first rays of light appeared in the sky.

Dawn has come.


Just after staying up all night, a figure riding a magic bat slowly descended under the excited gaze of many residents.

City Lord Kachar is back!!

A word made the sleepy residents wake up instantly, and everyone looked at the figure in the middle of the square with scorching eyes.

Truly the Lord of Kachar! !

Castro was left in the Dwarf Valley by Reed to guard the Mithril vein.

He came back with the last of the Whispering Bats carrying the loot.

When he turned over and got off the magic bat, the figure appeared in everyone's eyes.

The perfect face is impeccably handsome, and the mage's robe with dark patterns makes his already tall figure more and more impressive, and his gestures are as elegant as the royal nobles who have been inherited for thousands of years.

The master of this city is back.

Li De's every move affects everyone's heart.



The leather boots squeaked softly on the bluestone floor.

After seeing Li De's face clearly, the residents who were talking about it immediately stopped their voices.

Everyone looked at the master of this city, the great ruler, the city master of Kachar, with unspeakable enthusiasm in their eyes.

Long live the city lord of Kachar!!

I don't know who shouted the first voice in the crowd, and then the whole city was noisy.

Long live the city lord of Kachar!!

Long live the city lord of Kachar!!

Cachar City...

The clamor, the cheers, boiled over the city when the first rays of dawn arrived.

The residents who stayed up all night were not at all tired, and all were immersed in the joy of winning the war.

This is a victory for the City of Dawn, for every inhabitant! !

What is called winning people's hearts, this is called winning people's hearts.

Li De, who has the dual status of the Lord of Dawn and the Lord of the Dawn Sect, is the absolute master in this city.

His popularity has been drawn to the hearts of residents.

The dwarves around looked at this scene with wonderful expressions.

Marcy took a deep breath. The huge cheers from the surrounding crowd even made his ears chirping. He turned his head and looked at the silent Valen, his mouth was extremely bitter.

Master Varun, why does this vampire have such a great prestige in this human-dominated city?

Why do humans have so much respect for vampires? ?

This question troubled him like a dream. He couldn't figure it out. Two races that were mortal enemies, why did this happen? ?

Vampires living in harmony with humans was the most dreamy thing he had ever heard.

You are vampires, vampires! !

Warren looked at Marcy's expression and shook his head deeply.

I'm thinking about this too.

But there has been no answer... but now that I have seen this scene, it may not be necessary to say more.

They have an excellent king, a king who can easily defeat tens of thousands of orcs.

Marcy turned his head to look at the handsome figure surrounded by thousands of residents cheering, with a very subtle expression.

He remembered what Li De said to him at this time, if I were you, I should choose to lurch and wait for the opportunity.

This vampire....Marcy took a deep breath, eyes full of complexity...it was horrible.

Li De looked at the surrounding residents with burning eyes, and smiled slightly when he saw their expectant eyes.

Turned around and went to the important high platform of Dawn Square.

Post-war testimonials are even as important as whether the war was won.

My people, I am your city lord, Kachar.

The same sentence, the first time I hear it and the feeling after hearing it a hundred times is completely different.

Especially after the war is won.

With this plain speech, many believers of the Dawnbreak Sect even had their eyes wet, and looked at the valiant figure with excitement and admiration.

As you can see, with the support of all residents and with your efforts, the City of Dawn has once again won the war...

One sentence ignited the enthusiasm of the residents below.

Cheers and shouts resounded over the city again, and even the thick clouds in the early morning were shattered.

Li De watched this scene with a smile on his face.

Propaganda is the most powerful ideological weapon. On Earth, there is no magic bondage, no soul contract restrictions, but the loyalty of most soldiers to their respective forces and countries is as tough as iron.

That's the power of propaganda.

Li De has used the weapon of propaganda to the extreme in this world with backward thinking and public opinion.

Before each war, the propaganda department would publicize the necessity of this war, what would I gain if I win, what would I lose if I lose, and what would happen if I didn’t.

The final conclusion must be to fight.

After winning the victory, the propaganda department will select some outstanding heroes to promote and become national idols.

The spoils of war obtained are also described in a heavy-handed manner, and a part of the small and unimportant ones are used as the welfare of the residents.

But at the same time, the propaganda department did not hide the hardships of the war at all. The soldiers who were killed and wounded would mourn heavily, so that everyone knew the difficulty of the Holy Light Blood Race and who the army of Dawn City was fighting for.

Several sets of punches came down, and the people's hearts of the whole city were firmly tied by Li De.

Even in the future, if someone dares to slander the vampires because the City of Dawn starts a war with the outside world, these residents will be the most staunch refutants.

The power of the people is unlimited, and the enemy must be plunged into the vast sea of ​​the people.

My people, the Holy Light Blood Race is your shelter and the guardian of Dawn City. The wars we wage are all for the future of Dawn City.

All for the future of every resident.

Weakness is the original sin!

If we don't grab more resources to make us stronger, then one day when others break into the City of Dawn, only each of our residents will be hurt.

Do you want to see the City of Dawn being captured by other forces, who come to snatch our land, abuse our wives and children, invade our houses, and seize our wealth? !

Li De's tone was powerfully provocative.

In an instant, the originally warm atmosphere became even more elevated.

In no mood!!

In no mood!!


Everything they have is given by the City of Dawn, and no one wants to lose all of this, so Li De's words have a power that no one can refuse.

Straight to the heart.

My people, everything the Holy Light Blood Clan does is to make the City of Dawn a better place.

It's all about making our lives better.

In the future, I will also give you a safer and better life.

Everything, for the City of Dawn! !

The short speech made the residents boil again after staying up all night.

With Li De's reputation, he no longer needs to publish any long speeches, it only needs to arouse the emotions of the residents.

After Li De turned around and stepped down, he quietly opened the attribute panel and watched the believer's piece on it rise up, with a thick smile on the corner of his mouth.

This wave is fine.




Under the coordination of various departments of the city hall, the patrol team began to arrange the dwarves.

At this time, because of his achievements in forging Coso and Castro weapons, the dwarf forge master Valen Wildhammer, who had been lifted by half of the restrictions, stopped Li De who was about to leave the square with a somewhat complicated mood.

However, Warren was stopped by the vampire before he got close.

Li De didn't take it seriously, and waved his hand to let the dwarf come over.

The weapons and equipment on Varun's body have long been handed over, they are all level 14, and the other party can't pose any threat to him.

Warren looked solemnly at Li De, who was standing indifferently in front of him.

Although he had a hunch, this mysterious and powerful existence might soon be able to do all that he said.

But he didn't expect that the time he spent was so short that he couldn't react at all.

The most important thing is that the orcs, powerful enough to suffocate the dwarves, were directly defeated by the vampires.

This is simply unimaginable.

Li De's strength made Warren feel a lot of pressure when he faced him again.

It has already lived up to the original mentality of life and death.

Now Li De is not only holding his own life in his hands, the life and death of most of the dwarves are all in his mind.

Moreover, the mithril vein was also discovered by the other party, and he had no cards in his hand.

Respected City Lord Kachar, Varun salutes you.

With one hand on his chest, Warren's tone was respectful.

Li De keenly noticed the change in Warren's attitude and said with great interest.

Wallen, do you have anything to do with me?

He still has a good impression of this dwarf with excellent forging skills.

The City of Dawn lacks such high-level talents, and the appearance of Valen has to be said to largely make up for the lack of forging top weapons in City of Dawn.

City Lord Kachar, I want to ask, how do you plan to treat the dwarves?

After speaking, he stared at Li De closely, his expression was very nervous.

Because this powerful existence in front of him holds the fate of the entire dwarf tribe, and his words can bury all dwarves.

Li De smiled slightly, How do you think I should treat you?

Or, what value do dwarves have in Dawn City?

What is the value of a dwarf? ? In addition to fighting, of course, mining and forging weapons.

Is there a better craftsman in this world than a dwarf?


No one but the dwarves dared to preach to the world that their craft of forging weapons and armor was honorable first.

Varun's eyes moved, City Lord Kachar, can you divide a separate area for the dwarves to live in?

We are willing to forge all the weapons and armor you need for Dawn City.

The dwarves working together will be more conducive to forging, I...

Li De glanced at Warren with a half-smile, and directly interrupted the other party's words.

Warren, you obviously failed to convince me not to use these ridiculous tricks in front of me.

Once you refused to be an ally with the vampire, now you and the dwarves have no choice...

Warren's mouth was very bitter when he heard this, and at this time he deeply regretted his original decision.

After Li De finished speaking, he patted him on the shoulder with a deep tone.

If your fleeing king can break through the gates of Dawnbreak one day, I will let the dwarves go.

But if not, then the dwarves can only be dwarves belonging to the City of Dawn, not the dwarves of the Wildhammer tribe.

Warren, you're a smart guy, and I know you can see what I mean.

What I also want to tell you is that.

This is the City of Dawn, and the dwarves will not be treated unfairly.

What I need is a group of dwarven craftsmen who can play a role.

If you are capable of leading the dwarves in a rebellion, go ahead, I look forward to seeing you go out of Dawn City.

Looking at Li De's deep and wise eyes, Warren trembled in his heart, and forced his inner uneasiness to explain.

City Lord Kachar, you won't gain the loyalty of the dwarves like this!!

Li De gave him a strange look.

What do I want your loyalty for? I have no interest in conquering the dwarves.

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand and turned to leave, leaving only the stunned Valen standing there, not knowing how to react.

What do I want your loyalty for?

Why is our loyalty not needed? Didn't you bring the dwarves to Dawn City just to conquer the dwarves?

Warren felt that his IQ was not enough at this time.

Li De didn't care about it at all, he just needed a group of craftsmen who could help him forge weapons.

He doesn't care whether the dwarves are loyal or not, and the dwarves are not human, and the vampire can't do without human beings, so he has formulated a sustainable development strategy.

But the dwarf was defined as a tool man, a tool man who helped him forge weapons.

Whether you are loyal or not is none of my business, as long as you don't rebel.

As long as the dwarves lived in Dawn City, as long as they worked, they were helping him create wealth, and he didn't care what the dwarves thought.

Warren wants to get a gathering place of dwarves without doubt that he wants the Wildhammer tribe to gather together and maintain the cohesion of the dwarven tribe.

If this request can be agreed, then he is not Li De.

What to do with the dwarves, how to mine the mithril veins, and what to do with the orc captives, these trivial matters do not need Li De to deal with.

The City Hall of Dawn City has established a relatively complete political system. Before leading the troops, he asked Harrison to make plans and plans for this.

These matters will naturally be dealt with by city hall officials.

The dwarves will all be disrupted and will be scattered among the residents of Dawn City to live, and the mines, blacksmiths, construction departments, etc. will be their work places.

As for the orcs, these big, strong men would be the best labor for mining and moving bricks.

The city he built with his own hands already has enough ability to handle these trivial matters, and does not need him to take care of it like a child.

After getting rid of Warren, Harrison, who had been waiting outside the square, immediately stepped forward.

Good day, Patriarch.

Harrison, I'll teach you to be responsible for the rest.

Dwarves, orcs are important labor, arrange them well.

These few days, Stanley, Amy, Grote, and Betty will be in Dawn City, and let them solve the problem directly.

Li De looked at Harrison in front of him with deep eyes, The strategy for dealing with dwarves is still different from that of humans, dwarves enjoy a good life before they become slaves.

Unlike human precariousness.

Among them, if you want the dwarves to quickly integrate into the City of Dawn, the most important thing is the points policy.

Make full use of the advantage of points, and let the dwarves quickly integrate into the City of Dawn.

In this process, they must not be allowed to gather together on a large scale, and the scope of activities of the dwarves such as Warren, Anakin, and Marcy must be limited.

Dividing is the most critical step.

A dwarf without a backbone is not difficult to deal with as long as you find a good way.

During this time I will retreat to deal with some very important things, and I will not have time to deal with these things in a short time.

Hearing Li De's words, Harrison nodded and came down.

As you wish.

After Li De finished speaking, he didn't continue to explain, just as he was about to immediately, the beautiful figures of the sisters Nilo and Nicole appeared in front of him.

Your Majesty~

City Lord Kachar~

Li De shook his head amusingly, are these guys gourds? Come one by one.

I'm going to retreat for a while, and you guys help Harrison.

Although Nilo, dwarves and orcs all have their own gods, you can try to preach. The most powerful strength of the Dawn Cult is inclusiveness, and we must make good use of our advantages.

Nicole, how to deal with dwarves and orcs is very challenging, learn more and think more with Harrison.

Yes, Your Majesty, Nilo nodded, a soft smile appeared on her beautiful face.

Those pale golden eyes full of majesty gave the girl in the white priest's robe an unspeakably holy aura.

And Nicole blinked her big black eyes, and her spiritual face showed a bit of a weird expression, I see~ City Lord Kachar, I will help my sister,

And those little dwarves are actually easy to solve, don't worry~

Li De smiled at the little girl's eager expression, and reached out and rubbed her little head.

If you do this well, I will reward you,

Really? Nicole's delicate face was filled with surprise.

Of course, UU reading www.uukanshu.com you can do whatever you want, but the premise is that what you do makes me satisfied

The little girl patted her unformed breast, full of confidence.

Just wait and see, Nicole won't let you down.

Li De smiled slightly and didn't say much. After explaining Nilo a few words, he turned back to his manor.

going offline.

He may have to stay for a while when he returns to Earth this time.

Stanley once reported to him that he wanted to use the undead from another world to open a branch of the Dark Covenant in the lost world.

An NPC wants to build his power on Earth.

This open-minded idea gave Li De a lot of inspiration.


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