I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 226: All I can see is the land I want to conquer

Barren wasteland.

Mercenary William Harrington took his team to hide in a tall haystack on a hillside. He didn't care about the wet soil getting on his clothes and pressed his body tightly to the ground.

From time to time, he raised his head cautiously, and through the gap in the grass, he could see the orc army slowly marching with weapons made of wood or bone beyond the thousand blades.

The ground was all low Asakusa, and he had a good line of sight.

The average height of orcs is about 2 blades, their eyes are mostly black, and they wear clothes made of animal skins.

The muscles on their bodies were bulging high and full of strength, and the four fangs staggered up and down in their mouths were full of cruelty.

Wild, backward, primitive, strong, these are the words that come to William's mind every time he sees an orc.

As a descendant of a noble, although the family is lonely, William is well educated, and he is different from the teammates around him who don't even recognize his own name.

Nicholas, are you sure these orcs are going to a new gathering place?? William looked at the orc army of thousands of people in the distance with excitement in his eyes.

Since a mysterious person released a large number of tasks to explore the movement of the orc army in the barren wasteland in the Green City Mercenary Association a month ago,

Mercenaries like him appeared in the barren wasteland dozens of times more than usual during this period.

By the way, that mysterious man is really bold. As long as he inquires about the movements of the orcs, he can get the golden Jinpuke without fighting.

And the clearer the information and the more orcs there are, the richer they can get Jinpuke.

Like the change in the discovery of thousands of orc armies this time, if he can confirm that these people are heading to a new gathering place, and can prove that they are an undiscovered orc army, he can receive at least 50 kipuks.

If you continue to trace the source and detect the specific movements of these orc armies, the bounty may be doubled.

Since he participated in the mission to explore the barren wasteland, he has been rewarded with hundreds of gold pucks. Knowing the concern of the mysterious man, he naturally knows how to maximize the benefits.

Of course, I met these guys the day before yesterday and wanted to follow them, but I didn't expect to be discovered by them halfway through the trail.

After my resurrection, I came here to study their route in detail, and found that this group of orcs was probably relocating the tribe.

Sir William, perhaps this time we are going to make a fortune.

Nicholas is a skinny player, and his expression is excited at this time.

Since joining the mercenary squad by accident a month ago, he has found his own way to survive in this world.

Be a spy for news.

With the ability of the player to revive, he can do some dangerous things that the mercenary team dare not do, such as this time to follow the orc army at close range.

And it was after William discovered the ability of these lost plane adventurers to revive some time ago that he recruited this guy who was still fighting sandbags at the dock into the team.

Since then, it is true that with the ability of this adventurer's resurrection, William has preserved most of his power in the dangerous and barren wasteland, and has obtained a rich Kim Puck return.

Nicholas also became a glorious alternate member of William's mercenary regiment by virtue of his merits.

very good,

Pay attention to the vigilance, don't let the wolf cavalry of the orcs smell the smell. Although William was very happy in his heart, he remained vigilant enough.

Don't worry, Sir William, although the wolf cavalry has a keen sense of smell, the place I chose is downwind.

As long as we keep the distance beyond a thousand blades, they will not be able to detect us. Nicholas was very confident.

During this time, after a thief in the mercenary group handed him the professional skills of thieves and helped him change jobs, he quickly mastered these little skills.

The wolf cavalry is the ace cavalry of the orcs. It has a very keen sense of smell and can often detect distant enemies by smell.

But no matter how keen the sense of smell is, there is a limit. The wolf cavalry cannot smell it outside the Thousand Blades, and they are still in the downwind and absolutely safe zone.

Nicholas, you have done a great job this time. As long as you complete the task, I will give you 20% of the income from this task as a reward.

William patted Nicholas who was lying beside him with satisfaction.

Our mercenary squad will not treat every member badly.

Nicholas nodded with a happy expression, this time the task harvest is at least 50 gold pucks, 20% is 10! !

This is an astronomical sum.

During this period of time, some local tyrants' internal beta players have already vigorously acquired Jinpuke on the forum because the start was too tragic.

A silver puck is 500RMB, and a gold puck is a full 50,000 RMB.

In other words, he earned hundreds of thousands of dollars for this mission.

This made Nicholas, who was in a normal family on Earth, couldn't help but be elated.

Thank you for your generosity, Sir William.

The player's level is too low. At this stage, he is not qualified to register as a mercenary in the mercenary guild, so the player can only join the mercenary group of other NPCs.

It is almost impossible to complete these tasks by relying on the ability of continuous resurrection to inquire about news alone. Even if the player finds out the news, those arrogant NPCs will not pay attention to a rookie.

The ability of players to be resurrected is indeed powerful, but without William's shelter, he is afraid that he is still carrying sandbags on the dock to earn dozens of copper pucks.

Thinking of this, Nicholas couldn't help but feel sad. He had played so many games, and it was the first time he was so miserable.

The beginning of hell made him want to give up several times. If it wasn't for the fact that he accidentally passed by a small shop with pink magic lights after carrying the sandbags, he saw young women wearing cool clothes inside... ..


Just then, there was a howl of a wolf from the front.

Lower your head, restrain your breath

William's expression suddenly changed, and his body immediately pressed closer to the grass.

bang bang~ bang bang~

William, who was close to the ground, felt the sound of running footsteps in front of him. The marching sound of the Warg was often very small. In this case, only...

William raised his head slightly, looked through the gap in the grass, and his clothes were wet with cold sweat on his back.

At the end of his line of sight, there are thousands of gigantic warwolves with a height of 2.5 blades and a length of 5 blades running on the ground driven by the orc knight.

William's eyes were sharp, and he found that many wolves seemed to be tied behind their backs, and his eyes suddenly opened when he got a little closer.

dwarf? ?

Orc army captured so many dwarves? ?

What's happening here? ?

Why do dwarves appear in the barren wasteland? ?

William's mind was full of doubts, but he didn't think much of it, the wolf cavalry galloping past made him bow his head again.

If found by so many wolf cavalry, even if he were given a hundred lives, he would not be able to make it out of the barren wasteland alive.

Half a day later, William dared to raise his head again after the orc army with his family left and the wolf cavalry disappeared without a trace.

At this time, his whole body was soaked with cold sweat.

It was too dangerous. The group of wolf cavalrymen just now had even approached within their 500-blade range. If they weren't in the downwind, they would have already entered the wolf's stomach.

Sir William, do we still need to track the orcs? Nicholas, who was still very excited, couldn't help but look a little bad at this time.

The situation that he might be discovered at that moment was too uncomfortable for him. It would be better to be found dead directly. Anyway, the level is low now, and the death loss is not big.

William shook his head, No, the information we have probed is enough, our task is to probe the movements of the orcs, not to find out the purpose of the orcs.

Keep following, no one can survive here except you.

After speaking, William seemed to have thought of something, and said intentionally or unintentionally, Nicholas, your test has been passed.

Go back and we will sign the contract, the William mercenary group will officially accept you, you will be a part of us from now on, and you will participate in all the adventure benefits in the future.

Nicholas breathed a sigh of relief.

I have a big slot, and finally joined the organization, it is too difficult to mix alone.

Sir William...

No, from now on, you can call me head or head, let's go, we'll go back and deliver the mission, this time we can earn at least 100 jinpukes.

So many wolf cavalry, this is the power that can influence a war.

And the captive dwarves... Nicholas, we're going to be rich...

Nicholas is also in a good mood, mmp, I'm going to make a fortune too.

50,000 RMB for a jinpuke, I will make a fortune before the price is cut.

. . . . . .

City of Dawn.

After Li De checked the secret letter in his hand, the joy of forging a high-level weapon immediately became a little dignified.

Stanley received news that someone from the mercenary guild said that they had discovered the movements of thousands of wolf cavalry orcs when they handed in the task, and that these wolf cavalrymen also took dwarves as prisoners.

This should have been good news, but the thousands of Orc Wolf Cavalry made him frown... This is a formidable enemy.

The wolf cavalry is the ace cavalry of the orcs. The first level of the war wolf is level 5, and the highest level can reach level 15.

If you want to train wolf cavalry, you must start training when the wolf is still a cub, and you can have a better tacit understanding when you are an adult.

Also because of this special training method, the wolf cavalry is incomparably powerful.

Whether it is the Warg or the knight behind the Warg, the tacit understanding of the two cultivations can allow them to break out the combat effectiveness of one plus one greater than two.

However, although the wolf cavalry is powerful, the cost of training is equally high. Even the large tribe of orcs dare not raise too many, because the barren wasteland is too barren, and they cannot afford it.

But now the orc tribe that captured the dwarves has raised thousands of wolf cavalry! ! There are many more meanings behind this.

This is not a simple orc tribe.

Just like the demonic bats of the blood clan, if he can have 5,000 demonic bats, anyone who comes will be afraid.

This is not only the power on the surface, but also the power behind it.

The wolf cavalry is only exposed strength, not exposed hidden secrets? ?

Amy, Harrison, immediately summon the vampires and magic bats, except for the necessary guards.

Li De was solemn.

Notify Stanley, Grote, and Betty to get them back to Dawn City right away

Hearing Li De's sudden order, the surrounding people were a little confused, so only Warren's face was a little complicated.

City Lord Kachar, you...

Before Valen could finish speaking, Li De waved his hand and said lightly, Yes, we have found traces of the orc army, and their wolf cavalry took the dwarves as prisoners...

After a slight pause in his tone, he glanced at the dwarf's blacksmith with a meaningful look.

Valun, give up your sad fantasy, the mithril vein will only belong to the City of Dawn.

Warren's body was shocked, and his expression was very decadent. Although he knew this scene might come, he didn't expect it to come so quickly.

The originally high-spirited body bent down instantly, and the whole figure seemed to be several decades older in an instant.

City Lord Kachar, I hope you can keep your promise.

Li De gave him a deep look.

Don't worry, except your clansmen raise their swords at me, otherwise, I will keep them safe

After he finished speaking, he turned around and saw the residents around him who had stood up, but they were all excited and looked at his residents with high-pitched voices.

My people, I am your lord Kachar.

Today, we spent countless precious resources forging two pairs of powerful armors, to be honest with you, the armors on Koso and Castro cost a full 100,000 kipokes to buy ore.”


These words made the surrounding crowd instantly boil, 100,000 gold pucks? ? ! ! This is simply an astronomical sum that no one can imagine.

Many residents earn only a dozen or 20 silver pokes a month, and maybe two or three gold pokes a year.

Now it cost 100,000 gold pucks to forge these two sets of armor. Li De's generosity made all the residents feel suffocated. This is too exaggerated.

Why would I spend so much money forging armor??

Because, we are about to wage war on the orcs! !

Li De didn't intend to hide it at all. Every time he launched a war, he would do enough propaganda. He wanted to let all the residents know that the blood clan fought for them and sacrificed for the future of Dawn City.

This is very conducive to uniting people's hearts. The City of Dawn can become harmonious and harmonious so quickly, and it may not be because he has launched two wars.

Once for the Cyclops, and once for the Covenant of Darkness.

External conflicts are often the best way to transfer internal conflicts.

The filthy orcs have occupied a vein of mithril that does not belong to them. This precious vein can forge stronger weapons, can block arrows shot at our soldiers' hearts, and is a treasure that even dragons look at.

And the City of Dawn will take from the dwarf orcs what does not belong to the orcs! !

Our soldiers will fight again for the City of Dawn, for every inhabitant!

Every resident of Dawn City, please pray for the Lightblood.

We, will return with rich spoils.

Everything, for the City of Dawn! !

Li De's tone was powerful, and with his unshakable prestige in just a few words, the crowd immediately boiled.

For the City of Dawn!!

For the City of Dawn!!

For the City of Dawn!!

From the beginning, it was sparse, and in the end, everyone's unanimous and powerful shouts resounded throughout the City of Dawn.

Everyone's eyes are full of blood and excitement, because this is an order issued by their great Kachar City Lord personally, and no one can doubt the lofty vision of Kachar City Lord.

And no one doubts that they can win the war!

With the great Kachar City Lord, the City of Dawn will eventually become an unstoppable existence, and every one of their residents is a participant and a witness!

Warren, a well-informed master blacksmith, saw this scene with extremely complicated eyes.

Looking at Li De's handsome and elegant figure suddenly produced a deep admiration.

A vampire, a dark life that is feared and hated by everyone in the outside world, can actually be respected and worshipped by human beings from the bottom of their hearts.

How surprising and shocking is this! !

Such an enemy is too terrifying.

If possible, he would rather fight with the ten thousand orc army again than become an enemy with this vampire city master.

In the face of the attack of tens of thousands of orcs, he still has a little confidence that he can defeat it, but in the face of this powerful, unpredictable, mysterious and incomparably wise existence, he has no confidence.

Li De nodded slightly when he saw the excitement of the crowd, and his heart was available.

As a dictatorial boss captured by the military and politics, he is very clear about the importance of the people's hearts and minds, so again and again, the Propaganda Department spares no effort in propaganda.

After nearly a year of ideological construction, the current residents' recognition of the City of Dawn, and the recognition of the Holy Light blood clan, are almost full.

So he basically won't worry about any rebellion or the like when he is out in the city of Dawn.

Nilo, the Dawnbreaker Sect needs to stabilize the people's hearts during this period of time. I don't want any problems due to the departure of the Holy Light Blood Clan.

Although the probability of a problem is close to zero, Li De told Nilo a few words.

As a Dawnbreaker sect that already has more than 7,000 followers, as long as the Dawnbreaker sect is not in chaos, the City of Dawnbreaker will not be chaotic.

And with Nilo around, Li De is also very relieved.

Don't worry, City Lord Kachar, I will manage the Dawnbreak Sect with my sister. Nicole, the little girl, also came to Li De at this time, blinking her big eyes and smiling.

During this time, Nicole has been following Harrison in the city hall to learn how to handle government affairs. After training, Nicole has improved a lot in all aspects.

A new internal affairs talent will soon be ready to shoulder the responsibilities.

Okay, you help your sister

Li De reached out and rubbed the little girl's head, and after giving a word of encouragement, he left amid the cheers of the residents.

Harrison and Amy immediately followed.

Li De also began to think about it at this time.

How to deal with orcs.

The mithril vein is a delicious fruit, constantly tempting him.

This is a treasure that can make two countries start a war for this, and now he is only one step away from eating it, even if he faces a giant dragon, he can't give up.

And one of the key points is that the dwarves, this famous and glorious race, have an unparalleled ability to forge weapons.

In Li De's opinion, the value of the dwarf itself is not even inferior to that of the Mithril vein.

What is the most precious thing in this world?


What the City of Dawn is lacking is talent.

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