I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 221 The Dwarf's Surprising Journey in the City of Dawn

Warren Wildhammer was ready to be killed by vampires.

Especially when his armor was removed and replaced with sackcloth, and the vampire imprisoned him with demon-proof chains.

Even the moment he was threatened by the northern warrior, he had a premonition of this day.

However, dwarves never fear death.

Warren's eyes didn't waver.

The Mithril vein was their last trump card, and no one could get the news from him.

Death will not bring him into submission.

However, the next development surprised him a little. Although he angered the mysterious and powerful vampire, the other party did not seem to intend to kill them.

After a day in captivity, the 15th-level vampire named Stanley took them out of Green City after dark.

Warren is forced to ride to an unknown destination on a giant bat with a ten-bladed wingspan.

He knows this kind of bat, which is an exclusive magical beast that only vampires can cultivate. When he was young, he had played with vampires in the underground world and knew the characteristics of these beings.

But while realizing this fact, his heart slowly became dignified.

When this giant bat called the Whisper bat appears, there must be a vampire castle nearby.

Because these big guys can only be cultivated by vampires with a certain power.

Sure enough, during the conversation with the vampires who detained him, he learned that they were about to be escorted to the vampire's castle.

He faintly heard these vampires call this castle - the City of Dawn.

Warren scoffed at the name.

A group of cruel, bloodthirsty vampires even took a name full of hope and light as their lair.

This simply makes the god of blacksmithing laugh.

When Warren even heard the name, the scene of the vampire castle appeared in his mind.


bloody, scary

In a dark cave that never sees the light of day, an ancient castle is erected in it.

The moist air can condense small water droplets on the armor, and the gray rocks are covered with small bats screaming and screaming. The corpses everywhere are human beings who have been sucked dry blood.

Such an ancient castle actually uses the City of Dawn as its name? ?

Shouldn't it be some dark names like Castle of Blood, City of Crimson, Castle of Darkness?

There was a bit of ridicule on his face, just as he was about to speak, swipe ~ Warren only felt a blackness in front of him, and a sense of suffocation came.

headgear? ? ! !

And it is still airtight, even breathless headgear.

What the hell! These damn vampires put a hood on me in the dark? !

If I can come back alive, I will surely grind your ashes into powder to light the fire!

Warren's heart was full of anger, but he didn't speak rationally. In this case, speaking to anger the vampire won't do any good except make him uncomfortable.



The wind whistled in my ears, and the bats took off.

Warren's center of gravity was unstable and he almost fell from the air, but fortunately the vampire behind him supported him.

Warren took a deep breath, and the expression under the hood was full of bitterness.

As a master blacksmith among the dwarves, he has never been treated like this, even in his youthful adventures, he has never encountered such a situation.

If he was young, he would have resisted desperately, but now he is no longer the one who used to be alone, and now he carries the hope of the entire dwarf tribe on his shoulders.

Responsibility made Warren's inner pride down, and the continuation of the race was much more important than his life.

One sunday hour, two sunday hours,

Warren couldn't even remember the time by the end.

He only knew that the bats under him were constantly flying.

In the end, Varun couldn't stand the breathlessness of the hood, turned his head and shouted at the vampire behind him,

So far away, you still have to cover my head?

Do you think dwarves are goddamn elves?

Only those sissies who are close to nature can observe the trees below and remember the route while flying in the air!

We dwarves are the sons of the earth, without the power of those sissies! !

Damn it, take off the hood! ! I'm going to protest to your President Ilo!

It's a pity that the vampire behind him ignored his cry. The vampire didn't like these stubborn guys, so it would be good if he didn't torture him.

Vampires are the most standard dark creatures. Although it is not so cruel to act under the constraints of Li De, dark creatures are dark creatures. This exists in the bloodline, and it cannot be erased by erasing them.

After the long flight, Warren was so exhausted that he even felt like he was going to be covered to death by the hood.

He heard the excited voices of the vampires around him.

Dawn City, here we come.

These cunning vampires built their lair so far from the City of Dawn, are they afraid that humans will capture them to make alchemy materials??

Warren was furious, and he didn't like vampires at all.

If he hadn't shouldered the heavy responsibility of saving his clansmen, he would have been desperately fighting these dark creatures.

Dwarves never fear death!

In the legend of the dwarves, the dwarves are the sons of the earth. After death, they will return to the embrace of the earth, and they will become precious ore after countless years.

The dwarves who are extremely fond of digging and forging naturally believe in this legend extremely.

As long as they can be buried in the earth after death, death is not difficult for them to accept.


The black hood on Warren's head was lifted, just as the sky just gave out the first light.

Dawn comes.

Warren saw a huge city built in the middle of two huge mountains.

At this time, the light of the sky passed through the middle of the mountains and sprinkled over the City of Dawn, and the magnificent appearance of the city appeared in everyone's sight.

majestic, magnificent,

Especially the ray of light in the sky made the city a bit holy.

Warren's eyes widened, watching this scene in disbelief.

The city in front of him is completely different from the dark castle he imagined.

How could such a city be a vampire's castle? ?

Warren's eyes are a little dazed, what is the name of this city? City of Dawn?

At this time, he found that the city actually matched the name incomparably, especially when the bright light scattered from the dark clouds in the sky shone above the city.



Warren immediately shook his head, thinking of the characteristics of vampires that donate human blood as food, and a bit of ridicule flashed in his eyes.

No matter how good a city is, it is still a vampire's lair, and the bones in it can now fill the surrounding valleys.

He wouldn't think that the city was really what he saw. The dark creatures, vampires, were famous for their cruel and murderous bloodstains throughout the main plane of glory.

Let go of me, you bloody vampires, I swear! I'll cut off your heads!

At this time, the scolding from another magic bat made Valen turn his head. At this time, the young dwarf prince Anakin was tightly bound by huge chains, and his headgear was also lifted.

The young dwarf was scolding the vampire beside him, and the latter would naturally not be polite to the dwarf prince. After a few punches, Anakin turned into a howl of pain.

Seeing this, Warren shook his head, but he still had too little experience. Before he had no plans to die, angering these vampires could only make himself suffer.

Out of the corner of the eye, he turned to the other side, and a fainted dwarf was fastened to the saddle on the back of another magic bat.

It was a dwarf who was caught while negotiating with a human merchant. Maybe he was severely injured and did not wake up for a day.

Warren had no choice but to pray in his heart that the other party would be safe.

Lord Stanley, the Dawn City Guards salute you

Not long after, two vampires riding the magic bat flew from the City of Dawn and came towards Stanley and his group.

With Dawn on the right track, a lot of discipline has now been added.

One of them is that everyone must verify their identity when entering the City of Dawn, even the blood race is no exception, and can only fly into the City of Dawn after obtaining the consent of the guards.

Invasions without consent will be regarded as foreign invasion by the guards, and the guards will attack directly.

This was an order issued by Li De himself.

The main purpose is to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, otherwise whoever wants to fly in will fly in, so what is the airspace of the City of Dawn coming for?

Li De's order is the iron law of the blood clan, and no one dares to violate it.

Well, we escort the dwarves back to Dawn City on the orders of the ancestors.

Stanley did not violate it, and immediately reported his intentions.

Although the blood clan on the other side is only level 9, the other side represents the rules set by Li De.

The two vampires flapped their wings and flew out of the magic bat. After confirming with several vampires, they nodded.

Sir Stanley, welcome home

After speaking, he took the lead and flew to the City of Dawn.

Warren sat behind the magic bat, watching this scene silently, his heart became heavier and heavier.

The performance of these vampires is too formal, which is simply the vampire forces that are loose and even undisciplined in his impression.

These vampires are like a well-trained army with strict discipline.

This discovery made him feel the pressure in vain.


The bat hovering in midair, under the guidance of the two blood races, flapped its wings and slowly flew into the City of Dawn.

Warren took a deep breath and looked at the huge city below with a solemn gaze.

The first is the black city wall. The city wall with dozens of blades stands above the cliffs with hundreds of blades. It is like a natural danger and can block all powerful enemies.

After crossing the city wall, there are undulating buildings, a wide manor, and two or three-storey residential buildings that stand side by side occupy a position close to the city wall.

There is also the most prominent obelisk clock on the corner, the semicircular windows are inlaid with stained glass, and the roof is also carved with images of vampire heroes.

But what caught Warren's attention the most in the city was a statue of a man with a dozen blades in the center of the city, which was the tallest building in the city.

Ordinary people stand in front of the stone statues like dwarfs, and the stone statues are lifelike and their expressions are full of kindness.

Incredibly grand.

Warren looked carefully and vaguely felt that the statue looked a bit at the vampire president of the Dark Covenant.

Withdrawing his eyes, he followed the flight path of the bat and looked at the city under his feet.

The wind was breathing in his ears, and Warren looked down from the sky. The streets below were neat and clean, and soldiers on patrol could be seen from time to time.

There are even many residents who have just woken up greeting each other.

It seems that this vampire-ruled city is no different from a human city.

Warren's expression was a little weird when he saw this scene.

But just when he thought that was the case, at the end of his line of sight, near the edge of the city, a huge figure flashed past his line of sight.

The huge one-eyed made him a little shocked.

what is that? ? Cyclops? ?

When Warren wanted to confirm again, the figure was already hidden behind the building.

At this time, Warren's mind was full of doubts, there is still a Cyclops in this vampire city? ?


Huge wings fanned the air, rolling up waves of air.

Valen sighed deeply, and he doubted whether he had just been blinded, when the magic bat under him slowly lowered its height.

A wide square caught his eye.

Why did the vampires build such a huge square?

Warren's mind was full of doubts at this time.

At this point, he has found that he can't understand this vampire city.

Everything here is completely different from the vampire castle in his impression.

Warren received a lot of shock at this time. He had visited the vampire's castle when he was young.

It was eerie and dank, and white human skeletons were everywhere.

But this city is different, completely different. It is not like a vampire at all, but more like a human city.

But then, Warren saw a scene that surprised him even more.

After the bats landed, dozens of armored human soldiers swarmed around the square, and among these human soldiers, vampires with bat wings could be seen.

What's happening here? ?

The dwarf's brain was a little dazed at this time.

Turning his head, Warren even saw a vampire smiling and chatting with the human soldier next to him.

That scene was like two ordinary humans communicating in their spare time, and there was no difference between a vampire and a human at all.

And he didn't see the slightest fear of vampires in that human's eyes.

It seems that it is normal for humans to chat with vampires.

At this moment, Warren felt that his inner concept was about to be shattered, and his black eyes were full of blankness watching this scene.

When did the vampire, who is so disdainful of humans and always regarded as food, have such a close relationship with humans? ?

As a dwarf who has lived for more than three hundred years, Warren has experienced a lot in his life.

He has traveled in the human world for decades, and he knows very well what a vampire looks like in the eyes of humans.

Among the dark creatures that are bloodthirsty, bloody, cruel, and most hated by human beings, vampires can definitely be ranked in the top three, and even the number one ranking will not be refuted by many people.

But now, this is absolutely impossible to live in peace, and even if the other party is discovered, it must be either your death or my death, the natural enemy, like a family? ?

What's the difference between the undead and those damned elves?

God of forging is above, I must have been caught in the magic of a vampire, and I have hallucinations!!



No one came to resolve Varen's doubts, and Stanley, who had escorted him, left after handing over the vampire.

Warren was not able to observe the city more, and he was escorted out of the square by human soldiers and vampires.

Meanwhile, the dwarf prince Anakin and another comatose dwarf were not with Varun, but were taken elsewhere.

Warren has no ability to resist these damn vampires, so he can only let them move helplessly.

Because of the dawn, this quiet city began to slowly recover, and the sleeping dawn began to wake up.

The sparse crowd on the street slowly became lively as the sky brightened.

The bakery shop that got up early to prepare food has already baked fragrant honey bread, and the farmer who is going to farm in the world is also ready to set off with farming tools.

Warren stepped from the square into the street, guarded by five vampires and twenty patrols.

The moment he walked into the street, Warren only felt a loud atmosphere in his ears.

Looking at the scenes on the street, his expression was very shocking, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Is this the city of vampires? ?

The streets paved with bluestone floors are clean and tidy, and there is no unnecessary garbage in sight. The green plants and flowers on both sides exude a faint fragrance.

The residents who came and went were full of smiles as they talked to each other. The long queue at the bakery's entrance was neat and orderly, and no one cut the line.

Just when Warren was surprised by the city, a scene that shocked him even more happened.

Residents passing by greeted the vampires who were escorting him with smiles. At this moment, a child next to one of the women suddenly ran up and hugged a vampire's thigh. The child even wanted to jump up and grab it because of his little feet. The bat wings folded in half behind the vampire.

And the vampire wasn't even annoyed at all, and even hugged the child and kissed the other person's face with a smile.

Warren would be surprised if humans and vampires go on a chatty patrol.

Then the residents of this city are so close to the legendary dark and terrifying dark creatures like vampires, which has put him in a state of confusion.

The god of forging is above, this must be fake, how could such a thing happen? ! ! It's a thousand times more shocking than those sissy elves living in harmony with dwarves.

Do vampires live in harmony with humans? ? ! Wouldn't even the lame bard dare to brag like that? !

Warren bet no one would believe him if he told what he saw.

Yes, no one, not even his clan will believe it!

Humans get along so well with vampires, this is simply a prank of the goddess of doom! !

But now, this kind of scene that even myths and legends can't even appear in front of his eyes.

The shock brought by this kind of psychological shock is unimaginable for outsiders, just like some long-standing common sense has been subverted.

At this time, Warren was very absurd and unbelievable, as if someone told him that the ore was not dug out of the ground, but grew out of a tree.

He could only try his best to open his eyes wide to look around, trying to find the flaws in this illusion.

However, it was all in vain.

The female flower shop owner bent down at the door to sort out red roses at the cross street corner, the white reliefs praising the gods carved on the clean walls next to it, and even the hard touch from the bluestone floor on her feet, the street bakery has just baked The warm aroma of baked white bread.

All of this is true to Warren, this is not an illusion.

Warren only felt that the road he took was unusually short. In the blink of an eye, he even had many details before he had come to the end.

At this moment, bang bang bang ~ the ground shook.

Suddenly, at the corner of the street, a huge figure with a height of nearly four blades appeared.

The gray-white wrinkled skin is eye-catching, the hairless head has a huge one-eyed, and the body is strong and full of strength.

This is? Cyclops' cub? ! !

Warren recognized this creature immediately. He was no stranger to Cyclops, having killed one with his own hands when he was adventuring outside.

But this is not the key, the key is why the fierce creature like Cyclops appeared in this city? ?

Heart was shocked again.

He suddenly remembered the figure he had just seen in the air, and it turned out that there really was a Cyclops here.

Then Varun looked at the cub of the Cyclops as if he had found something, and ran to the leader of the blood clan with a bit of surprise.

Good day, Lord Hill

Continental common language? ?

Cough, cough, Warren choked on his own saliva.

What the hell, since when did even the cyclops, who have always been low in wisdom, speak the Common Continental language so smoothly?

Sorley, why didn't you go to the Mage Tower for class yesterday afternoon??

When the Cyclops cub heard this, his huge eyes showed a bit of fear, The homework is too difficult...

Hearing this conversation, Warren's mouth twitched fiercely, these damn vampires, what do they want to do? ? They also teach Cyclops magic? ? ? ?

Remember, don't skip class today, or I'll tell Lord Koso

Hearing Koso's name, the Cyclops cub was taken aback by surprise, and nodded quickly, letting him turn around and run away, obviously afraid of being accused.

Warren was speechless when he saw this scene. Is this really a city ruled by vampires? ?

Why does he have a dreamy feeling? ?

Come on, the blacksmith will be here soon,

The leader of the blood clan was not surprised by this. The cubs of the Cyclops lived in the City of Dawn for so long, and their wisdom has obviously been developed after being in contact with humans for a long time.

So these little guys not only learned daily conversations, but were also selected by the Dawn Mage Tower to study whether intelligent creatures could become smarter, and are now learning magic in the Mage Tower.

Now the intelligence of these cubs is equivalent to that of 12- or 13-year-old human beings, so it will not take much effort to communicate with them.

Warren took a deep breath and watched the vampire next to him open his mouth to ask something, but then closed it again in a blink of an eye.

This well-informed dwarf who had lived for three hundred years no longer knew what to say.

Not long after, the blacksmith shop arrived.

When Warren saw the Nuggets with half dwarf blood, his face showed a bit of surprise.

He instantly found a sense of belonging in this strange city.

And the Nuggets looked very happy when they saw Warren, the dwarf.

Your Excellency Nuggets, the patriarch instructed that this dwarf has been taken care of by the blacksmith for a while, his body has been bound by the forbidden magic lock, and the blacksmith is fully capable of guarding him.

In addition, the patriarch specially warned that this dwarf currently does not recognize the Holy Light blood clan as their friend, so he is our trophy, and must complete enough work every day to get food.

Your Excellency Nuggets, there have always been patrols and Holy Light Sanguine outposts around the blacksmith shop. Please let us know if you encounter any trouble.

After instructing, the leading vampire left directly with the people, leaving behind only Valen, who was bound with forbidden chains.

The forbidden magic chain is a very powerful torture tool. The person bound by the forbidden magic chain will gradually fall into a weak state, and if there is no key to unlock it, even a level 10 warrior will hardly cause damage to the strong forbidden magic chain. harm.

The magician will be dispelled by the forbidden magic chain, while the warrior will be trapped in the blocked power and his body will be in a state of powerlessness, and can exert one-tenth of his strength at most.

The bones of the Skeleton Mage who were imprisoned in Dawn Square were also bound by the same forbidden chains.

At present, all the high-end powers in the City of Dawn are from the blood clan, and the force of the residents is very weak, and they are unable to break the strong forbidden magic chains.

As for the security team, those soldiers who have to receive ideological education all day long are almost no less loyal to Li De and the City of Dawn than the blood clan.

So as long as you guard the city wall and prevent outsiders from entering the City of Dawn, then the city is absolutely safe.

This is why Li De can lock the dead necromancer's bones in the Dawn City Square with such confidence and send the dwarves to the blacksmith shop.

After the blood family left, the Nuggets immediately became excited.

Looking at Warren, who is about the same height as him and also has a big beard, he clenched his fists with five fingers and slammed them down on his chest.

Dear Your Excellency, I am the Nuggets, with half the blood of dwarves,

My father used to be a dwarf of the Nuggets tribe. Later, the Nuggets tribe was destroyed by demons and fled to the human world. After I was born, my father named me Nuggets to commemorate the once destroyed tribe.

When dwarves meet each other, it is a tradition unique to dwarves that the young dwarves introduce their origins to the older dwarves in detail.

After listening to this, Warren showed a bit of joy on his face, Son, I didn't expect the blood of the Nuggets tribe to flow through you.

If your father is really from the Nuggets, I think you must have heard my name...

After speaking for a while, even though he was wrapped in this forbidden magic chain, his expression was still proud.

He punched his chest hard with a fist.

Although the Warren Wildhammer forbidden magic chain was tied to his body, it did not bind his hands and feet, and did not have much impact on Warren's actions.

The Nuggets were startled when they heard the name, and then revealed a bit of surprise.

Master Warren?!! It's actually you!!

Saying that, he stepped forward and gave Varun a fierce hug.

After the two separated, the Nuggets laughed, Master Warren, my father used to be your apprentice, his name is Ang Nuggets, and he has mentioned your name to me countless times.

He said that among the dwarves you were the master blacksmith, and honored you as an apprentice.

Hearing the name Warren also had surprise on his face.

I didn't expect you to be Ange's child, hahaha, the god of forging is above, it is really a blessing from ancestors to meet Ange's child.

If you were in the Wildhammer tribe, I would definitely treat you to the best rum.

The Nuggets patted their chests and said proudly, Master Warren, the great Kachar City Lord once rewarded me with a large barrel of good wine, maybe we can get drunk tonight...

Hearing this, Warren frowned slightly and looked at the Nuggets with a bit of confusion.

Son, why do you have such respect for a cruel and dark vampire?

You are a child of dwarves, you have ancient blood, no one can make us dwarves bow their heads, we should not abandon the honor of our ancestors to surrender to a vampire.

These words brought the originally lively scene to a freezing point, and the smile on the Nuggets' faces froze.

When the other people in the blacksmith shop heard Warren's words, the respectful expressions on their faces immediately turned into implied anger.

This damn bastard should have insulted the great Kachar City Lord like this! !

Even if it wasn't for the Nuggets, this group of people would definitely go up and teach the dwarf who didn't know what to do.

The Nuggets looked at Warren's serious expression, and slowly suppressed the excitement of meeting his father and teacher.

After taking a deep breath, he stared at Warren in front of him with a deep tone.

Master Warren, I hope you only say this once in front of me.

The city lord of Kachar not only gave us new life, but also gave us hope and future.

Without City Lord Kachar, there would be no gold nuggets for me, there would be no blacksmith shop, there would be no brothers of all my companions, and everything here would not exist! !

In the City of Dawn, City Lord Kachar is a great existence that we can sacrifice our lives to defend. No one can question City Lord Kachar, no! !

Neither can you! ! Even Master Warren, you are a legend of the dwarves and an elder whom I respect.

If you are hostile to the city lord of Kachar, you are an enemy to the entire Dawn City, and you are an enemy to me! !

The Nuggets said decisively without any hesitation.

If it wasn't for the great Kachar City Lord, how could they have lived such a life? !

His little brat was specially recruited into the Mage Tower to learn magic, and now someone dares to question the city lord of Kachar.

Even if the questioner was a legend among the dwarves he once respected, it would be unbearable.

When Warren saw the scene where the Nuggets and the dozens of humans around him glared at him, the shock in his heart was no less than when he just saw the scene where humans and vampires live in peace on the street.

The Lord of Kachar? It must be that mysterious vampire named Ilo.

Valen knew how high his prestige was among the dwarves, but even so, a half-dwarf with half-dwarven blood actually confronted him with the strongest stance just because of his words.

And what he was so desperately defending turned out to be a vampire? ?

This deeply shocked Warren.

What magic power does this mysterious vampire have, not only to make humans, vampires and even Cyclops live in harmony in this city, but also to make everyone worship him so respectfully?

Warren has carefully observed that it is not only the Nuggets whose eyes are full of admiration when they talk about this vampire, but everyone.

It seems that the title of Kachar City Lord is a sacred and inviolable existence here. No one dares to disrespect him, and this kind of respect is not compulsory, but everyone's heartfelt respect and worship.

This is the most terrifying thing.

After coming to the City of Dawn today, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Varun found that his own three concepts were rapidly collapsing.

This city ruled by vampires is too different. It seems that there is a strong magic here, which makes some races in this city merge with good and evil.

At the same time, he also raised a huge curiosity about the City of Dawn.

What kind of existence is Ilo, who can be admired by everyone, or the vampire who is called the Lord of Kachar?

What will this city, named the City of Dawn, really look like?

Warren's disdain at the beginning has now aroused great curiosity by the scenes of this city.

The city that Li De built with his own hands once again proved its charm with its indescribable attraction.

And these residents who live and live here, after Li De's countless seedings, have become the most powerful assistants for the city to assimilate the foreign population.

The City of Dawn has only just begun.

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