I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 212 Am I playing games or being played by games?


Stanley's sharp eyes stared at the three of them tightly, his tone heavy.

The appearance of the lost plane will have a huge impact on this world. In order to counter this impact, I need the Dark Covenant to have its own undead.

After speaking, his face became very serious,

I hope you can truly join the dark covenant and become a part of us, rather than simply using the dark covenant as a springboard.

Hunyuan, you are the smartest of the three of you, and I am sure you will know what I mean.

The best way to fight the undead is the undead itself. If the dark covenant wants to not be drowned in the turmoil, it needs its own undead.

If you agree, you will help me control the undead of the Covenant of Darkness and follow the Crown of Illo to glory.

The strategic vision and sight height of this npc is too awesome.

The three players looked at each other in admiration. Is this npc hacked? The player has only been here for a few days, and he can infer the future direction of the general trend based on his own performance.

This level of intelligence, simply.

Hunyuan is not bad, his IQ is enough, and he can keep up with Stanley's thinking.

But Thunderbolt and Chengkun were hit hard.

MMP, why is this ghost npc so smart?

If all NPCs had this IQ, they wouldn't be able to play games.

Now all their old bottoms have been deduced by this npc, and they have also found out how to deal with the opponent's players. The key is that these methods are really useful...

Thunderclap and Chengkun were greatly stimulated at this time.

Because they feel like they are being crushed by an NPC's IQ.

If they were in this position, it would be impossible to infer so much information and make such an advanced decision.

At this moment, they really want to shout and kneel to the boss.

Lord Stanley,

How can you be sure that we are not really joining the Dark Covenant now?

Now we are part of the dark covenant aren't we? Every time we fight, we keep drawing firepower to our mates behind us.”

Hunyuan did not respond immediately, but instead threw a question to Stanley.

Stanley shook his head, with a bit of complexity in those deep eyes.

Because, you are very much like me when I was young, I used to be a gifted spellcaster, proud and arrogant.

Until one day I lost my wife, lost my child, lost everything I had because of my pride and arrogance.

So, do you understand?

Lord Stanley, I...

Looking at Hunyuan in front of him and still wanting to speak, Stanley quickly retracted the recollection in his eyes, waved his hand decisively, and stopped him.

Needless to say, the voice of the vice president of the Dark Covenant gradually became stronger, Now, I am choosing you, not you are bargaining with me.

Although you have talents that make me envious, it will take a long time for you to grow up.

Also, you are not my only choice, but the Dark Covenant is your only choice!

Trust me, you won't have such an opportunity other than the Dark Covenant.

But I am different, I can find another undead at any time, you are not the only one.

Hunyuan, you are a smart person, I need smart people to be partners of the Dark Covenant.

After speaking, I looked at Thunder Hand and Cheng Kun, both consciously or unintentionally. The two were instantly irritated, but they were relieved in a blink of an eye.

mmp, it seems that this bullshit npc is really qualified to despise them.

The thought made them even more uncomfortable.

If you can't tell, you may not believe that one day we will be despised by NPC's IQ...

Hun Yuan took a deep breath, he felt that he was being held by this npc, but the other party made him unable to argue at all.

This shitty game is simply ridiculous. I was a dignified player who was toyed with by the npc, and it was played unabashedly.

Lord Stanley, we are willing to join the dark covenant and become a member of the dark covenant

After taking a deep breath, Hun Yuan said solemnly, I believe that we will bring new opportunities to the Dark Covenant

However, how can you confirm that we are really joining? After saying that, there was a bit of playfulness in his eyes. He wanted to see how this npc could make them really tied to the dark covenant.

If it's just an oath or something, then he's going to see a joke.

Stanley laughed, stretched out his hand and took out three yellowed magic scrolls showing the passage of time.

This is the contract of rules I once got from the gods. As long as you sign the contract, you will always be bound to the covenant of darkness, and you will never betray it.

Likewise, the covenant of darkness cannot betray you, otherwise the covenant will lose its effect.

After speaking, he reached out and handed the magic scroll to the three of them.

After receiving it, Hun Yuan took a deep look at the magic scroll in his hand that radiated the energy that made him feel fearful.

He could vaguely feel that this contract seemed to be the product of a rule, a rule that was above the gods.

This is the message that the contract radiates to the soul, regardless of strength.

And he could feel that the function of the contract was no different from what Stanley said.

This is a mutual loyal partner contract, not betraying each other.

What if we don't sign?

The expression on Stanley's face remained the same, If you don't sign, you are still friends of the Dark Covenant.

Rest assured, the Covenant of Darkness will not turn against you and suppress you because of this.

What I need is a partner, not an enemy, and even if I can't be a partner, I don't want us to be an enemy.

If this is said to others, it will definitely be stunned. When did the domineering Lord Stanley speak so easily.

But Stanley knew that although he was very calm, the talent of being able to resurrect is too perverted. Unless he finds a way to break the resurrection, he has already vaguely seen the rise of this group of undead in the near future.

Although every time they die, they lose a part of their strength, but after all, they have a better chance to become strong than those who only have one life.

Of course, Stanley wouldn't have any fear. As a level 15 powerhouse, no matter how powerful the enemy is, he still has enough confidence to face it, not to mention that this group of undead has not grown up yet.

It was far from threatening him.

Moreover, the Dark Covenant has this group of undead, and he may be able to use them to obtain more resources in the future. He has a few hidden treasures in his hands, but the mortal Jedi has never dared to go...

Hun Yuan helplessly wailed in his heart, this damn NPC, this brain is so simple, and everything they have is counted.

He couldn't find a reason to refuse at all.

Especially after seeing the suffering of the hard-working players on the forum in the glory, he knew that now he can climb the dark covenant,

And how fortunate it is to get the attention of such a big man as the vice president of the Dark Covenant who dominates the underground world of Green City.

This can be said to be a huge opportunity for them. If they miss it, he believes that this npc who is so smart that he sweats on his back will definitely find the second batch of players to sign contracts immediately.

And other hard-pressed players will definitely sign up. Just like Stanley said, he is not the only choice, but the Dark Covenant is indeed their only choice.

Lord Stanley, we do

After pondering for a while, Hun Yuan made a decisive decision. There is nothing to be hypocritical. Now they are too weak and need a huge force to protect them from the wind and rain.

Very well, drip your blood on the scroll, and swear never to betray the dark covenant, the spell is...

Stanley nodded in satisfaction and began to point them to the oath.

These magic scrolls he once obtained in an ancient ruin, there are hundreds of them, the function is to limit the vows made.

Although it is not as powerful as the Soul Contract of the God of Death, it is also very binding. Those who have ever signed a contract and violated it all end up in a terrible way, and even their souls are swallowed up.

After the three signed the contract, Hunyuan suddenly heard the system prompt.

Ding~ You have signed a loyalty contract with the Covenant of Darkness. If you betray the Covenant of Darkness, your account will be deleted, this account will be cancelled directly, and the materials and property you own will be returned to zero

Damn, the three of them looked at each other with shock on their faces.

MMP, this binding force is too damn strong, isn't it, the violation will be consumed? What kind of bullshit game is this, and who is the player?

Are we playing games or being played by games?

At this time, the three of them could not wait to jump out and beat the game plan to death, which was so annoying.

At this moment Stanley stood up with a thick smile on his face, because he felt the power of the contract.

What he didn't tell the three people was that the contract actually had a main contract, and the main contract happened to be able to control the sub-contract, and he himself inherited the power of the main contract by coincidence in the ancient ruins.

So after the three took the oath, he could directly control their fate.

At this time, Stanley sensed the souls of the three who were branded by the lost world, and if he wanted to, he could directly erase the three of them.

As a former believer of the evil god, even if he is bound by Li De now, he will not be a kind creature. It is not surprising that three rookies are pitted by this dark boss.

Hunyuan, Thunderbolt, Chengkun, congratulations on becoming partners of the Dark Covenant,

I will form a new department with you as the core, the inextinguishable soul, and draw 100 intermediate warriors as the foundation.

Currently, Draco manages it for the time being. After you become intermediate professionals, the Indestructible Soul will be handed over to you to manage.

In the future, I hope you can recruit a group of elite lost world warriors to become part of the Undying Soul and make more contributions to the Covenant of Darkness.


Hunyuan Thundercracker Chengkun, who was originally unhappy with the huge punishment for betraying the Dark Covenant, suddenly felt comfortable.

If 100 mid-level professionals are selected, they are all small bosses above level 5, and they are the core departments.

Holy crap, this time it was really cool.

At this time, the three looked at each other with smiles in their eyes.

In their hearts, they could not wait to return to the forum as soon as possible to show off the news.

Thinking that they have 100 subordinates and other closed beta players are still struggling to face the NPCs, they will have a refreshing feeling like eating iced watermelon in the summer.

This wave is not bad.

I will ask Draco to help you improve your skills and become a mid-level professional as soon as possible.

The future dark covenant needs more undead to work, Hunyuan, I hope you don't let me down

Hun Yuan looked at Stanley's deep eyes and nodded decisively. Now they can be called grasshoppers on a boat.

Betrayal of the dark covenant will be deleted, the price is too high.

Even if he was asked to delete his account now, he would be reluctant. If the efforts of the past few days were in vain, he would definitely go crazy.

Sir Stanley, we will try our best

Stanley nodded, and his tone became a little more solemn, Work hard, when Ilo returns, I believe he will reward you.

Your Majesty Ilo? Thunderclap was a little curious, Is he the president of our dark date?

Stanley took a deep look at him, Yes, His Majesty Ilo is the protector of our Dark Covenant, and He is also the Vice-President of the Devil's Heart.

You will have the opportunity to meet the crown of Yiluo in the future.

Trust me, it will be the most memorable and glorious moment of your life.

The three of them looked at each other and saw the admiration on Stanley's face, who was already powerful and indescribable as the vice president of the Dark Covenant, and inexplicably raised a strong curiosity about the president Ilo, who had never met before.

He can control such a huge force as the Covenant of Darkness, and he is also the vice-chairman of Devil's Heart, one of the three major forces in Green City.

The three major underground forces occupy two places by one person. What kind of existence should such a dark giant-level boss be?

The three left with anticipation.

At the same time, they can't wait to become the leader of their own success, and they have hundreds of information about being a junior in the intermediate profession to show off on the forum.

Thinking about the envy, jealous, and hateful comments of those hard-working beta players makes them excited, cool.

After the room was empty, Grote's burly and tall figure strode out of the room at the back of the hall.

The voice was a little dissatisfied.

Stanley, are you sure that these alien adventurers are of such great value?

Grote was a little puzzled, Although they have the ability to resurrect, what value do they have when they are only 1st-level warrior apprentices?

Just grab a fighter on the street and you can easily kill them hundreds of times.

Are they worthy of our attention and investment of so much resources??

In the eyes of this northern warrior, although these adventurers from the lost world have the ability to revive, they are ultimately too weak, and it will take a long time to grow up.

And no one can guarantee that their resurrection will be unlimited.

If a lot of resources are spent to cultivate them at that time, but their resurrection ability fails, it will undoubtedly be a great loss for them.

Stanley shook his head helplessly, seeing Grote's very oppressive body.

The two have known each other for more than ten years, and Grote was already the chief guard of Viscount Bernard when he was a 13th-level dark priest.

He knew very well the temper of this northern warrior. Although he had transformed into a blood clan, his temper had not changed at all.

Grot, the layout is far from being as simple as you think. Your eyes are looking at the next five years, while I am thinking about the future in ten or even twenty years.

Stanley's eyes were deep, If a force wants to develop better, it must not only focus on immediate interests.

This is what I once learned with Viscount Bernard.

The covenant of darkness has been unheard of from the beginning, and later grew into one of the three giants, which is the result of Viscount Bernard's long-term layout.

There is no knight who kills a dragon with one sword, and there is no good thing that grows food once and eats it for a lifetime.”

After speaking, his tone paused, If the first ancestor is here, do you think he will agree with my approach?

Hearing the last sentence, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Grote was stunned for a moment, and then said with a bit of a strangeness, No, Stanley, if the first ancestor is there, he will not be like this with the lost plane. Adventurer made a contract

Stanley frowned, Oh?? Impossible, I believe in the vision of the ancestor!

Although he has not been in contact with Li De for a long time, he can feel the long-term vision of Li De, and he does not believe that Li De will give up these undead who can be reborn.

Grote suddenly laughed, Your Majesty will make these adventurers cry and beg him to sign a contract, not like you do...

After he finished speaking, he patted his butt, and turned around and left.

Only Stanley was left with a stunned face.

Let these adventurers who are not afraid of death take the initiative to sign a contract?

is it possible?

The young blood-born Stanley seems to have not heard the legend of the king of routines...

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