I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 191 The funeral of the hero, walking with the coffin

School? Harrison was slightly startled, then shook his head.

Patriarch, school is not a necessity for the current Dawn City.

There are many more important jobs than school, and I have had the town hall open up evening classes for learning in the square, two sessions a week, to teach the common people to read.

Li De shook his head.

Schools are a necessity and must be built in the future.

Education is a big project, and the City of Dawn must have more cutting-edge talents in the future.

But it does need to be in the back for now.

It is an unchanging truth to educate a strong country. Most of the City of Dawn are low-level civilians, and many people don't even know their own names.

Only with a high-quality crowd base can more outstanding top talents be born. This is the truth that everyone must admit.

There is no way a farmer who can't read is more likely to teach talent than a level 15 archmage.

But at present, it is indeed a little early to build a school, and the work in all aspects is far from complete.

At least you have to eat and wear warm clothes before you are in the mood to talk about education.

The war is over, and the City of Dawn is now going back to the track of development.

Our momentum cannot be stopped because of a war.

Li De's eyes flashed a little heavy.

Holding a hero's funeral tomorrow, I want all the heroes who died for Dawn City to receive the most honorable respect.

Talking about this topic, Harrison's eyes dimmed slightly.

Yes, Patriarch. He is the only second-generation blood descendant of the blood clan who was not born in this battle. When the others died in the front line, he could only wait for news at the back.

At this point, Harrison couldn't help but wonder if he was doing something wrong. Is it really right not to learn offensive magic?

If one day the enemy hits the City of Dawn, can his role only be to release buff magic behind the vampires?

Harrison couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Li De looked at Harrison's dim eyes and seemed to understand his thoughts, and shook his head slightly, Harrison, not everyone has to charge on the battlefield.

I'm relieved that Dawn City teaches you to manage, and your role here is comparable to that of three level 15 archmages.

This is indeed the case. If Dawn City hadn't been helping him with trivial political affairs all the time, he wouldn't have so much energy to do anything else.

Talents are diverse, they can be business talents, management talents, builders, and blacksmiths who forge weapons.

If a city only has a strong combat power, it is undoubtedly unbalanced. Unless it is strong enough to ignore all enemies, it can only be regarded as a lame walk.

Harrison nodded, the darkness in his eyes slowly disappeared, and the brightness returned again.

Patriarch...I think I get it


The purpose of launching a war is to obtain a larger living space, and this theme has not changed since the beginning.

And the soldiers killed in a battle are often the most heart-wrenching.

With the integration of the residents of Dawn City and the Holy Light Blood Race, the original fear and jealousy have long since disappeared, in exchange for a harmonious relationship with each other.

But after this war, many residents found that the vampires who had been chatting and laughing with them a few days ago had been covered with white shrouds and placed in black coffins, leaving them forever.

Such sudden departures are often difficult to accept.

But there is no war without death.

With the propaganda department.

The evening of the second day.

At ten minutes in the evening, the residents of the entire Dawn City spontaneously gathered on the Dawn Square.

These residents wore black or dark clothes, with a white flower on their chests, stood in the square with solemn expressions, and looked at the coffins that had been neatly placed on the square with complex eyes.

Above each coffin are pictures drawn with magic, and the smiling faces have now become eternity.

In the center of dozens of coffins, the corpse of a Cyclops as huge as a hill lay peacefully.

His head was covered with a long white cloth, and the dense scars on his body showed the heroism in front of the Cyclops.

Twenty vampires have been using magic to protect the corpse from high temperature damage.

Under the dusk, pale golden light flickered in the sky.

Below is a group of people with mourning faces.

The atmosphere is easy to infect each other, even if some don't know the blood clan who died in battle, but in this atmosphere, no one can keep indifferent.

The Lord of Kachar is here

With a low voice, the crowd turned their heads in unison.

Looking at the figure wearing a black mage robe and a white flower on his chest, the crowd's eyes showed excitement.

Good day, Your Majesty Kachar...

City Lord Kachar...

For a while, it seemed that even the sadness in the air was much less.

This is their king, the master of the dawn, the crown of the great gods, and their savior.

Under the gaze of the crowd, Li De stepped on the bluestone ground with a solemn expression, without turning, he walked directly through the gap between the coffins, one step at a time.

The crowd of people wearing black clothes with conspicuous white flowers on their chests turned their eyes as Li De moved forward.

The black coffin, the corpse of the Cyclops, everything was full of sadness.

Li De glanced at the smiling pictures on the coffin, and his heart became solemn.

These are the worthy heroes of Dawn City, and their exploits are destined to be recorded in the annals of Dawn City.


The sound of stepping on the slate is very low, and step by step up to the high platform.

Li De's dark and deep eyes looked down at the silent crowd below, and after feeling the solemn atmosphere in the air, he took a deep breath.

Our people, I am your city lord, Kachar

Standard opening remarks, but unlike before, Li De's tone was low and serious.

Betty and Isa also participated in the rally, and the two girls also wore black robes customized for them by the tailor shop today.

Isa's eyes lit up immediately after looking at Li De, and her little hand held Betty tightly.

Betty, the Valkyrie of the North, looked around with a bit of curiosity. Although she was very fond of the city, she was used to seeing life and death, and she did not feel much sadness about death.

Northerners are never afraid of death, let alone a warrior who died on the battlefield, this is an honor.

What interests her is that these commoners should be so saddened by vampire sacrifices.

This is unimaginable anywhere else.

Today we have a great funeral for our hero

The Sanguine Bloods are the protectors of the City of Dawn and the guardians of all its inhabitants.

Every Holy Light blood clan lying peacefully in the coffin beside you all sacrificed for the City of Dawn.

They are heroes, well-deserved heroes, heroes that every Dawn City resident should respect.

Li De's tone was sad.

No one is willing to give up their life, but for the relatives and friends behind them, for the land under their feet, and for the lover in their arms.

Every Holy Light blood clan stood firm for this, sacrificing their lives in exchange for a thriving future for the City of Dawn.

Each of us is a beneficiary

Today, we are here to mourn these heroes who died for the City of Dawn. This is their honor!

Li De's voice had irresistible provocative power, and his tone became more and more high-pitched.

I swear to my people in the name of the Patriarch of the Holy Light Blood Clan, the Lord of the City of Dawn.

From now on, as long as the residents sacrificed for the City of Dawn, whether they are civilians or the blood of the Holy Light, are eligible to be buried in the Heroes' Cemetery, they will be praised by everyone in the City of Dawn.

In order to commemorate these heroes who died for the City of Dawn, I will build a Monument to the Heroes of Dawn in the City of Dawn,

Every hero who sacrificed his life for Dawn City should be remembered!

These words made the crowd below excited for a while. It was unbelievable that everyone who sacrificed for Dawn City could receive such an honor.

How many people do not want to be praised and admired after they die? The civilians in the past were so humble that no one would care about them. At this time, they once again felt recognized and valued.

The security team and other city hall employees were even more excited, and they felt the meaning of their existence in the words of the city lord of Kachar.

Those who paid for the City of Dawn will not be forgotten.

Your Majesty Kachar, long live!!

Long live the city lord of Kachar!!


With the loud shouts of the civilians, the sadness disappeared a lot for a while.

Looking at the handsome figure on the high platform, countless residents are sincerely grateful at this time.

Li De took a deep look at the crowd. The sacrifice of a hero is a very sad thing, but it can also be turned into a good thing that unites the hearts of the people and guides everyone to be positive.

After the noise of the crowd subsided, this continued.

I want every resident to remember this day.

In order to commemorate the dead heroes, I decided to set the time of their sacrifice-May 10th as Hero's Remembrance Day,

Every year on May 10, we will hold a memorial service for our fallen heroes.

Li De paused and looked at the crowd below who were staring at him.


Now, a hero's funeral


At this time, on the street outside the square, Nilo, the priest of the Holy Spirit of the Breaking Dawn sect, was wearing a white priest's robe, followed by twenty goddaughters, holding white flowers in their hands.

There is indescribable majesty and holiness in Nilo's pale golden pupils, and the surrounding crowd unconsciously raised a solemn expression after seeing the saint.

No one dared to blaspheme the majesty of the gods.

Step by step.

The goddaughter sang hymns in a low voice behind her, and the scene was filled with a strong religious atmosphere.

Under everyone's attention, Nilo gently placed the flowers in his hand on the coffin in the middle.

The white flowers formed the sharpest contrast with the dark coffin.

After laying flowers, Nilo bowed deeply to the coffin, and finally turned back to the goddaughter and sang the hymn in a low voice.

At this time, the crowd began to spontaneously come forward, and put the white flowers on their hands or the flowers on their chests on the coffin.

The whole scene was solemn and extremely holy.

Everyone is full of inexplicable sense of honor in this occasion, and it seems that it is a blessing for everyone to participate in it.

It took half a day before the crowd finished offering flowers.

At this time, a thick layer of flowers has been piled on the coffin.

Li De's tone was still heavy.

Sent to the Heroes' Cemetery

After hearing the order, the security guards on the side stepped forward to carry the coffin.

The huge one-eyed giant was lifted up by the hands of twenty vampires.

The scene was very shocking.

Dozens of coffins, plus the corpse of a Cyclops walked out along the streets of Dawnbreak City.

All the inhabitants followed the funeral procession.

At this time, the crowd has come and gone, and there is no estrangement and unfamiliarity in their eyes. At this time, they are all standing together.

They are all seeing off the heroes.

The flowers on the coffin fell on the bluestone ground little by little as they moved forward, and the scene was extremely poignant.

A flower-paved avenue appeared on the streets of Dawn City as the coffin moved forward. The flowers that fell from the coffin were endowed with an indescribable sanctity at this time.

Li De walked with the coffin at the front of the funeral procession.

In the crowd, countless eyes were watching this scene, and their eyes were all moved.

Even Betty, the Valkyrie of the North who was used to seeing countless lives and deaths, couldn't help but look solemn when she saw this scene.

It is almost every soldier's dream to get such a glorious funeral after his death. She has never had such a grand funeral in the Northland, and the City of Dawn gave him more and more surprises.

At the same time, she was also very surprised by Li De's performance.

As the ruler of a city, the king of a race, he can do this to the soldiers who died in battle.

This is unimaginable in the human kingdom. When did the nobles care about the life and death of their soldiers?

Turning her head to look at the sadness in the eyes of the people around her, she suddenly understood something.

The city is so vibrant and charming.

Not without reason.

Because they have such an excellent city lord, a king who makes her envy.

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