I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 163 Abyss Demon

Li De's hair stood on end, and he turned his head abruptly, provoking the urge to change back to the blood clan in his heart.

Cachar, you bastard are willing to come back??!

Just as he turned around, a voice from a distance made the murderous intent in the darkness disappear instantly.

At the corner of the street outside Thirty Blades, a figure in a huge black cloak turned and disappeared into the corner, disappearing from Li De's sight.

But at the moment when Li De turned his head, a pair of narrow and gloomy eyes appeared in the cloak covering his face. The green eyes were filled with icy bloodthirsty and indescribable cruelty.

Just a glimpse of it made Li De deeply imprinted in his mind.

Interracial? ! !

That's definitely not human! Those slender and long green eyes are too terrifying, definitely not something that humans can have!

More like some cold-blooded hunter hiding in the shadows, ready to strike at any moment.

demon? Undead? devil?

Countless questions popped up in my mind.

It is definitely a very powerful evil creature that can have such cold killing intent.

Kachar, didn't you hear me calling you?

Spark, who was wearing a white mage robe, walked in and looked at Li De in a daze, and was suddenly a little annoyed.


Isa, who was next to Spark, trotted to Li De immediately after seeing Li De. Those ruby ​​eyes were slightly curved, like crescent moons.

He took the initiative to take Li De's hand, raised his head, and looked at him with joy and joy from his heart.

It wasn't until now that Li De came back to his senses. He frowned and glanced at the corner of the street where the mysterious figure disappeared. Those slender eyes were too terrifying.

Like a hunter hiding in the shadows, deadly and ferocious.

Spark also noticed that something was wrong with Li De. His disciple was not so stunned, and followed his gaze to the street corner.

Suddenly, his brows wrinkled, and a faint special aura made his eyes show a bit of disgust, and he cursed extremely unhappily.

Damn bastards, these abyss rats dare to show up on the streets during the day...


Li De keenly captured the word.

The bottomless abyss has always been the residence of demons, chaos, evil, murderous, terror, all negative adjectives can be used to describe this evil place.

Is there an abyss demon in Green City? Is this too much?

The abyss and the main plane of glory are not directly connected. If you want to come from the abyss to the main plane, you must tear apart the space cracks.

If you want to tear space, the first condition is to have the power above the extraordinary.

Was he being pegged by a transcendent just now? ? But if it is extraordinary and a little unreasonable, the other party is obviously afraid of Spark before leaving.

Deep doubts flashed in Li De's eyes, why did these evil beings appear in the Scarlet Mage Tower? What is the other party's purpose? Is it for him or for someone else?

But just with a pair of gloomy eyes and almost zero information, he couldn't make more judgments.

Spark mistakenly thought that Li De was still wondering why the demon appeared in Green City, and took the initiative to explain.

Although Green City has the extraordinary man named Locke in charge, those damn rats can always find loopholes

There is some discomfort in his eyes.

Spark has lived in Green City for decades, and this is his home, so he is extremely unhappy with the abyss life that has always been cruel and bloodthirsty.

But the abyss demons who are good at space magic can often find loopholes to escape the perception of the strong and run to the main plane of glory.

Green City is the largest city in the south, with a population of more than one million. It is too attractive for these evil beings, so they can't catch up and kill them all.

That was extraordinary just now?

Li De's eyes were a little dignified.

Spark sneered, disdainfully.

Extraordinary? No, because of the rules of the main plane, the extraordinary power that wants to come to the main plane will cause very large spatial fluctuations.

Once the supernatural power appears, it is very easy to be caught by the existence of the same level, then these evil beings will become the prey of our human beings, so the abyss and other evil planes rarely have supernatural arrivals.

But big demons above level 5 often appear...

The tip of Spark's nose twitched, and he sniffed the breath that was almost so thin it was almost nothing.

It should be a 5th-level great demon. Although the race cannot be determined, the evil aura cannot be wrong.

Not extraordinary, huh.

Li De breathed a sigh of relief, the meaning of the two words extraordinary was too heavy.

There is only one extraordinary existence in Green City's population of more than one million. If the hostile demon is really extraordinary, then he has to think more.

Fortunately, although level 5 is strong, he is not a little white rabbit.

A bit of coldness flashed in his eyes, the bayonet saw blood, and it was only when he touched it that he knew who was sharper.

How about level 5? Is his knife bad? !

Teacher, won't you catch up?

Li De immediately relaxed after knowing the approximate strength of the other party, reached out and rubbed Isa's little head, and laughed a little.

Sure enough, you can hunt down a level 5 demon. The reputation of Demon Hunter Spark will spread throughout Green City tomorrow, and countless girls will praise you for your bravery~

Spark seemed a little moved after hearing this, but in a blink of an eye he dismissed it, Devils are beings who are good at space spells, and even the most stupid and cumbersome Flame Demon can use one or two space spells.

That mouse has already run away

After he finished speaking, he gave him a displeased look.

Damn bastard, why did you go out for so long this time, I have to help you deal with the broken things of the Scarlet Mage Tower every day

During this time, Spark was under a lot of pressure because of the large number of magic scrolls sold by the Crimson Mage Tower.

In fact, if he hadn't forcibly taken the credit for the rapid production of magic scrolls by the Crimson Mage Tower, I'm afraid that the Crimson Mage Tower would have been spied on by those great nobles.

That is to say, the deterrence of the 9th-level archmage is strong enough, otherwise Li De has not come back for so long, and it is really hard to say how the scarlet mage tower is now.

Li De is not a little white rabbit either. He naturally knows the truth here. Never overestimate the greed and ugly mouths of those nobles. Weakness is the biggest original sin.

There was a bit of gratitude in his eyes, and after thanking Spark, he said with a heavy tone.

The reconstructed town of Kachar encountered a group of orc bipedal dragons, which numbered more than 2,000.

Spark wrinkled every day, and Li De was no stranger to rebuilding the family town, which started in the winter months last year.

Even the entire upper-class nobles in Green City knew about this, so no one had any doubts about him going out for a long time.

Then your town??

Li De shook his head, The hard work of a Winter Moon has all been destroyed.

The excuse of rebuilding the town can't be used for too long. Although the border is chaotic, after the orcs receded, humans have once again controlled this land. If someone really wants to investigate, it is difficult to hide it.

And as Dawn City develops and grows, a large part of the materials can gradually become self-sufficient, and there will be fewer and fewer large-scale acquisitions like before, so this excuse can be withdrawn from the stage of history.

Spark shook his head unsurprisingly.

I wasn't optimistic about you rebuilding the town at the beginning, but it's not a big deal. As long as the Scarlet Mage Tower is still there, it will be realized one day.

He didn't delve into it. In fact, there are many examples of Green City rebuilding a family town like Li De every year and then being destroyed. Some nobles have even been rebuilt four or five times before they were built.

Land is the most important production resource and the foundation for the survival of the minor aristocrats, so the minor aristocrats are even more reliant on the land than the commoners. Li De is not surprised at all.

Isa raised her head, because of her talent, the girl keenly felt that her teacher was not telling the truth.

Li De looked at Isa's doubtful eyes and blinked quietly.

Isa instantly understood what Li De meant and pursed her lips and smiled. The teacher was really lying to Grandpa Spark.

But Isa wouldn't say it.

Those ruby ​​eyes glanced at Spark apologetically, Grandpa Spark is sorry~ But the teacher is the most important.

Holding Li De's hand, he quietly tightened it again, and his delicate face rose in satisfaction.

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