I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 154 The long johns are all taken off, just show me this? ?

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the security team formed five teams.

Each team has two vampires, and a total of 10 vampires are responsible for drawing blood.

The earth's blood is generally drawn with a vacuum tube. Using the asymmetric pressure, the blood will automatically flow into the vacuum tube after the venous blood collection needle is pierced into the blood vessel.

It's a lot simpler and rude here. Ordinary people in this world are very physically fit and don't have so many concerns.

Reker was the first, and as the captain of the logistics team, he was bound to take on this responsibility.

Lord Short, come on

The vampire who was in charge of drawing blood showed a smile and comforted.

It's not torture, don't be nervous, I'll be very light and not hurt...

Recker's face was a bit dazed when he heard this, why does it sound a little wrong?

After Short finished speaking, he directly inserted a special needle into the blood vessel on Rekel's arm. The thin tube behind the needle was specially made of a hollow magical plant.

A white circular container is connected to the back of the thin tube, and there is a corresponding scale inside the container. As long as 300 ml is full, the whole blood drawing process is completed by pulling out the needle tube.

It is also very simple to draw blood. The air in the container is expelled with magic power, and a vacuum is created directly.

Magic is a very magical existence, and it can be used in a variety of ways. It is not only used to cast spells. The artificial vacuum was also developed by Li De.

Magic power is a kind of high energy that cannot be touched and has no form. After using spiritual power, it can do many special things, such as using magic power to squeeze out the air in the container.

A very interesting use of magic derivatives.

It can be said that the whole process of blood drawing is full of magic, although it is a modern theory, but after it is completed by magic, it becomes very in line with the style of glory.

Recker felt the pain in his arm, and looked at Short who drew his blood with some wonder.

Didn't you say you want to donate blood? Why did you poke me with a nail?

Because the needle tube and the thin tube behind it are opaque, Reckel can't see the process of his own blood being pumped out.

Short's mouth twitched when he heard this, Shut up,

He was too lazy to share great knowledge with this warrior.

Two minutes later, the blood scale in the container rose to the mark of 300, and the other blood clan who was in charge of the observation signaled that it was okay.

Xiao Da nodded and pulled out the needle, and pressed the wound with a cotton swab.

Press for two minutes, you can throw it away when there is no bleeding

Recker looked at this scene dumbfoundedly, with question marks all over his face.

This is the end??

Short laughed.

if not?

Reckel's face stiffened. He originally thought that donating blood would be a very cruel and painful thing, but, is that all?

I'm all ready to hang my heart, and that's it at last?

With a somewhat odd expression, he stood up and left his seat.

The crowd who were originally in a somewhat apprehensive mood around them were also a little speechless when they saw this scene.

They also planned to watch the fun and wonder what happened to the extremely evil blood donation in the legend, but the first blood draw ended so simply? ?

Goddess is on, I have entered the girl's room. You told me that she is actually a high-level warrior with muscles?

Is the difference so big? ?

It's gone? Am I dazzled?

Donating blood is so simple... According to legend, isn't this a very scary and evil demon ritual?

Why... so ignorant?

The goddess of life is above, how can I meet you stupid idiots, when did the city lord of Kachar deceive you?!

It turns out that donating blood is so easy, I thought I had to cut my hand with a knife and spit blood...

After seeing the true face of the mysterious blood donation ceremony, the crowd immediately talked about it.

But not talking about other things, but expressing speechlessness about this legendary and evil ritual. After this scene, even the timid residents have no fear.

The goddess is on top, this is too simple, this is terrifying like the legend,

Evil and evil blood-sucking are two completely different things.

Rickel, wait

As soon as Recker entered the crowd, Short stopped him.

What's wrong?

Short took out a silver puck from under the table and threw it.

Every resident who donates blood for the first time every year can receive a Silver Poke as a reward for contributing to Dawn City.

Residents who voluntarily donate blood after completing the required four blood donations will receive points as a reward...

After receiving Yinpuke, Recker's mouth twitched slightly, and he threw it on his hand, nodded and left.

Before he came, he was even prepared to give his life, yes, he originally thought it would be a bloody and terrifying ritual that would cost him his life.

But in the end, not only did nothing happen, but also got a silver puck as a reward...

Recker's mood is complicated.

After hearing this, the surrounding crowd exploded.

Does this get a silver puck? It's too easy to make money, right? !

They only need a dozen copper pucks for a day's zero-hour work, and in just a few minutes, they can work for seven or eight days.

In the hearts of the original residents, to donate blood, it must be the blood clan sticking out their fangs and biting on their necks.

The whole process was full of pain and torture.

But now, torturing a ball, that is, getting a needle in it and hurting, what else does it have to do with pain?

And in such a short time, you can get a silver poke, which can be exchanged for 30 catties of wheat in the grain store of the city hall.

What is this, is this sure that the city lord of Kachar is not giving everyone benefits?

The residents who were ready to see death as if they were ready to die were instantly stunned by the huge psychological fall.

Then, with the first Rekel first, the ensuing blood donation ceremony went extremely smoothly.

Even after the blood donors got Yinpuke, the people behind were eager to jump in line to donate blood.

Of course, this bad behavior was stopped because of insufficient points.

The five teams drew blood very quickly, with more than 400 people, and it took only three minutes for each of them.

Three days later, all the members of the security team and the logistics team had donated blood, and everyone went on happily after receiving a silver puck.

This is the envy of the residents who can't donate blood yet.

If I had known it was this way of donating blood, they would have to rush to do anything.

Just sit for a while, get a silver poke just by being pricked by a needle, is there an easier way to make money than this? ?

Residents who were originally afraid of blood donation saw that the terrifying blood donation method in their imagination was so simple, and they immediately lost their panic. Instead, they were excitedly discussing when it would be their turn to earn this silver puck.

Fear comes from the unknown. When everything is on the surface, the fear that I imagined disappears, and everything is nothing to be afraid of.

Of course, this is also the reason why Li De borrowed modern medicine, otherwise this scene would have been bloody.

This made the group of people who just started advocating that the blood race exposed their evil nature was almost ashamed and angry. After the blood donation incident, they were embarrassed to say hello to others while walking for a long time.

It's so embarrassing.

These residents who were slapped in the face by themselves also swore to themselves that they would never be so stupid in the future. It was the most idiotic move to doubt the great Kachar City Lord.

Although Li De didn't know the inner workings of these residents, he could tell from their attitude towards blood donation.

From the resistance and fear at the beginning, to the positivity later, the change is too fast to be prevented.

In order to eliminate future troubles, after the first day of blood donation, many banners about blood donation were hung up under his orders in Dawn City.

Donate blood for everyone, contribute to you and me.

It is precisely because of the heroic deeds of every resident who donated blood that the prosperity and stability of the City of Dawn has been achieved.

Taking the initiative to donate blood is the honor, and passive blood donation is the shame.

Blood can be regenerated, donating blood does not affect your health

Under the propaganda of the propaganda department, the signs of the City of Dawn are well known to everyone.

Don't underestimate these simple banners, they don't even have to be a small temptation.

These civilians who have not experienced the explosion of knowledge know nothing about the power of brainwashing by repeaters.

The blood donation process was all carried out in the square. At first, some people wanted to see the excitement, but later they were completely indifferent to this matter.

In this way, the plan was carried out smoothly without encountering any resistance.

The City Hall has also set up a special department, the Medical Department, to conduct blood draws.

The blood drawn from the residents' bodies will be sent to the newly built blood pool in the Holy Land as soon as possible.

The original blood pool is still soaked with magical blood, so it is impossible to mix these fresh blood with the magical blood that has become a magic potion, otherwise it will affect the effect of the magical blood.

In order to dig out a new blood pool, the Holy Land has changed a lot during this time.

The radiation range of the remains of the gods is one hundred blades, so the new blood pool is excavated according to this radiation range.

The blood pool where the Holy Spirit is located has been separated by buildings. Within the range of the Holy Spirit's hundred blades, two huge new blood pools have been dug out from the left and right rock walls.

The two newly opened blood pools were thirty knives deep, and fifty knives in length and width, and the entire range was just within the range of the Holy Spirit's radiation.

the remains of the gods

Additional properties:

1. Inheritance, which can transform a human into the ancestor of the blood family (used)

2. The legacy of the blood clan can maintain the vitality of human blood (range: radius of 100 blades)

3. Magic power is surging. As a god, even if you die, you can still attract magic power, and you can continue to attract magic power to gather around you.

The remains of the gods are indelible, and the powers below the gods cannot be destroyed. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Introduction: The remains of the blood gods have a very special function and are the treasures of the blood.

The existence of the Holy Spirit is equivalent to the enhanced cold storage that comes with it, which can not only maintain the vitality of the blood, but also make the blood contain more magic power over time.

For the blood race, the Holy Spirit is the foundation for the implementation of the plan of supporting the blood race, and it is an existence more valuable than artifacts.

One week after the blood donation program, the residents who were both tempted by Yinpuke and points actively participated in the blood donation activity.

According to the final statistics, in the first round, except for children and the elderly, a total of 8,000 people participated in blood donation, each 300 ml.

During this process, the elderly and children who failed to donate blood were still quite dissatisfied with this, and many even complained to the city hall. Of course, such unreasonable demands were naturally rejected.

Residents under the age of 14 and over the age of 65 are not allowed to participate in blood donation. This is a compulsory order issued by the city lord of Kachar.

8,000 people, 300 ml per person, which translates to 2,400 liters, about 2.5 tons.

Each blood clan consumes about 3 liters of blood per month, and just one round of blood donation can support the consumption of 800 blood clans for a month.

Li De stood beside the newly dug out blood pool in the Holy Land, watching the 2400 liters of fresh blood just cover the bottom of the blood pool with a length and width of 50 blades, a meaningful arc hung from the corner of his mouth.

After working hard for so long, I finally took this step.

Is it still far from the take-off of the blood race?

The extent to which a blood clan that can break free from the shackles and develop unscrupulously can grow, perhaps even the God of Creation cannot estimate.

And as the only master of the blood clan, what kind of height can Li De, the Lord of Dawn, reach... The future is unknown...

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