I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 152 Changes with each passing day

The domestication of wild animals is not difficult for ordinary civilians to understand, and it is also a common livestock such as bison.

Ten days later, more than three thousand bison were distributed to the residents of Dawn City.

Under Li De's strength, the City of Dawn has evolved from human farming to cattle farming in just half a month, and the production efficiency has grown wildly with the complete set of tools in the blacksmith shop.

Li De was actually surprised by the double-sidedness of Glory. On the one hand, magic was highly developed, and on the other hand, productivity was low.

It seems that the two worlds of the elite and the common people are not related to each other.

Magic belongs to the elite and nobles, and the commoners in the underground have no regular meetings at all.

This huge difference has caused a split in the entire glorious society. Even with such a large gap between the rich and the poor on the earth, the technological innovation brought by the upper layers can bring convenience to the lower layers.

But this world has none at all. The commoners are a group of forgotten people, and their role is only to provide resources to the upper-class nobles.

And when the nobles have absolute power, these commoners have no way to resist.

They can only be exploited by the nobles from generation to generation, until they become a member of the noble collective or completely lose their inheritance.

Of course, although Li De was surprised by this kind of social phenomenon, he also knew that he did not have the power to shake the social rules that had been operating in the world of glory for millions of years.

Unless he becomes the creator god, power is truth

The distribution of bison caused quite a stir in Dawn City.

Gek, who was given a strong bull, was very pleased with it, and he was feeding the cows all night by the barn made of turf.

Reaching out to the bull with two curved horns, Gick showed off to Anthony.

Anthony, see? These beasts are not monsters. As long as you give him enough food, they will soon be able to get close to you.

After speaking, he took a pile of grass from the basket of grass he had just cut and fed it to the vigilant bull.


The bull let out a long bark and sniffed the grass with his nose, perhaps because he was hungry, he couldn't care too much, and his long tongue rolled the grass directly into his mouth.

Chewed crunchy.

After the bison finished eating a basket of green grass, his eyes softened a lot when he looked at Jike, and he lost the vigilance he had just now.

Anthony glanced at Ji Ke with some admiration when he saw this scene, Uncle Ji Ke, you are amazing

Jike smiled, his face full of pride.

When I was young, I once raised war horses for the nobles. These animals seem to be ignorant, but they are actually smart.

Anthony nodded, but looked at the bison with a erratic look, with an absent-minded look.

Gick was keenly aware that Anthony's mood was a little low, and stretched out his right hand, which was full of gray calluses, and patted his shoulder.

It's been so long, and you haven't come out yet?

Isn't it because I didn't make it to the top 200, or didn't I get the spot to become the Holy Light Blood Race?

What's the big deal, don't you still get 5 points?

Hehe, points are really a good thing. You don't have to queue up to buy things during this time. You don't know the envious eyes of those people.

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