I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 150 Do you have tap water?

After Randy went down with excitement, Li De visited the farm again, but when the workers were working, he suddenly found a big problem.

All the water in the farm needs to be picked up by workers from the creek three hundred blades away, and the whole process is very inefficient.

Just at this time, several workers came back with a bucket full of water, ready to continue cleaning the pigsty.

Just under Li De's watch, the two buckets of water washed less than half of the pigsty and disappeared. Several workers didn't take it seriously and continued to pick up the empty buckets to fetch water.

Seeing this scene, Li De frowned. He was accustomed to modern production efficiency and could not accept this low work efficiency.

What a waste of time, how much time does it take to carry water every day? ?

Harrison, do they all work like this now?


Hearing Li De's question, Harrison looked at the staff cleaning the pigsty and nodded in confusion.

Of course, does the patriarch have any good ideas?

Having been in contact for a long time, Harrison knows Li De's ability too well, and his completely unconstrained thinking is far beyond his comparison.

Taking this farm as an example, he couldn't think of any drawings that would impress the experienced craftsmen of the construction department.

Li De nodded. He was a bit obsessive-compulsive and couldn't bear this kind of inefficient behavior.

Have you heard of tap water?

What is tap water? Is it edible?

Seeing Harrison's puzzled appearance, Li De smiled slightly,


With a snap of his fingers, the hand of the mage appeared.

Under the watchful eyes of several people, the translucent mage hand picked up a wooden bucket full of water, wave~

The barrel is leaking.

The water in the wooden bucket leaked out through the small hole under the bucket.

see it?

A group of people looked at Li De blankly, what is this? Isn't it leaking? What's so rare about this?

Li De smiled.

Although there is magic in glory, there are also commonalities in physical properties.

For some reason you don't know, the water will always go low.

And that's where the tap water principle I'm talking about comes from.

He stretched out his finger and pointed to the mountains not far from the farm with a firm tone.

What do you think will happen if we build a cistern halfway down the mountain where the spring water flows, and then connect the cistern with pipes?

Harrison nodded in surprise.

The spring water above will flow down the pipe, so that we won't waste time fetching water. After speaking, he said to the vampire next to him with excitement: Let someone prepare the bamboo pipe immediately.

Reed waved his hand to stop Harrison.

Water has weight. The more water, the higher the height from the ground, the greater the pressure. Ordinary bamboo pipes cannot withstand this pressure.

Even if it can withstand bamboo pipes, it is not durable and will be damaged in a few months.

Just do it in one step and let the blacksmith from the blacksmith shop come over to customize a set of iron pipes.

Tap water is undoubtedly a good thing, and the manufacturing cost of this thing is not high. You only need to pump the water to a high place, and then use the pressure of the water itself to press it down to use it.

This kind of invention that has little technical content, is very easy to build, and has a great promotion effect on production and life is indeed a good move.

The farm is very close to the water source, and the water is the spring water left from the mountain. The weather, the place, the people and the people are all available. It only needs to dig a reservoir halfway up the mountain to complete the construction of tap water.

The construction of a cistern on the mountainside of Shishan is definitely a big project on earth.

But this is a magical world, where the intractable things of the modern age are fundamentally trivial.

As natural spellcasters, vampires would suggest blasting a reservoir with magic.

Li De is also a serious magic lover, so he is naturally interested in this matter.

Call the people from the construction department, let's study how to build the reservoir

The people from the construction department were in the crowd. The farm they supervised and designed was completed today.

Naturally, these people will come.

Although the construction of running water was a whim, no one dared to question Li De's suggestion.

In the City of Dawn, he is the only big boss, and his will is the direction of the entire city.

A group of people immediately sat around to discuss, because it is not a big project that is difficult to do, so the construction department came to the result in less than one day of the sun.

Patriarch, the construction department said that it is best to make this reservoir bigger, and the farm will continue to expand in the future, so that it will not be insufficient.

Moreover, the reservoir should consider the load-bearing of the mountain below, and cannot be built on a mountain with cracks.

Li De was a little ready to move, and blasted a cistern with magic on the mountainside. This kind of thing suits his taste very much.

I'll come to this matter myself, and I can't go to waste in vain.

Go and call the Nuggets and see how long it takes for the smithy to build the water pipe.

The emergence of tap water is undoubtedly a big step forward for human civilization.

People save countless hours every day, and life is countless times more convenient because of tap water.

The farm is Li De's first experiment. After the place is stable, he will extend the tap water to the whole city.

In the future, if possible, he also plans to use tap water for farming, just like a modern farm, turning on the tap can automatically water.

This is meaningless for agriculture. The evolution from the Stone Age to the Electric Age is an epoch-making progress.

When his plan is really realized, the City of Dawn will be an era ahead of Glory.

Simply perfect.

Of course, this is the most ideal state. It is not so simple to do it. A single water pipe can make him scratch his head.

The iron ore produced in Dawn City is barely enough for daily use, and it is far from being rich.

I don't know how much iron ore will be spent on the water supply project. According to his estimation, it will be impossible to connect the water supply to the City of Dawn within half a year at least.

So now it is the truth to get the tap water in the farm first, and other ideas will wait until the iron ore is rich.

Only at this time did Li De really understand the difficulties of being a family.

Although the City of Dawn seems to be very rich now, it has obvious shortcomings in all aspects. It is still unrealistic to build it in a short period of time, and it can only be done step by step.

One day, I want this day to be unable to block my eyes, and I want this place to be unable to bury my heart...

After secretly rubbing and complaining, Li De called all the blood clans in the farm, and he was about to get to the point.

Dig the reservoir.

I have to say that the magical world is so unreasonable. If it were on Earth, it would cost countless brain cells to build a cistern halfway up the mountain.

But here, they have the most simple and direct violence, and no scientific and unreasonable tool - magic.

At this time, the sun had already set on the mountain, the sky was slowly getting dark, and the blood clan gradually recovered to a strong state.

Set off

With one order, hundreds of blood clans spread their bat wings.

The liftoff of the blood race is a very spectacular event, especially after there are many people.

In the eyes of the crowd on the ground, the originally dim light of the sky turned dark in an instant.

brush brush~

The bat wings, like devil wings, stirred up with the whirring wind.

One by one the blood race lifted off, and the huge bat wings covered the light.

This kind of picture is simply a scene that only appears in the legend of the destruction of the world.

Li De led the team in front, one circle bigger than the others, and the more powerful and handsome bat wings gently incited, and took the lead to fly up the mountain.

The other blood races immediately followed.

Fortunately, the crowd below was accustomed to the state of the blood clan opening their bat wings in the usual working state, otherwise they would have been frightened to death by such a scene like the birth of a demon.

Came to the height of the two hundred blades, and stopped outside the fifty blades near the mountain. This was the first predetermined position.

The spring water flows out from a gap higher up the mountain, and the sound of goo is very clear.

Li De waved his hand and stopped all the blood clans.

Everyone listens to my instructions. Thirty people are in a group.

Swipe ~ swipe, the thirty nearby blood tribes immediately formed a group, and four blood tribes grouped together in the air.

One of them lost a few blades and did not reach thirty people, and Li De didn't care about it, and continued.

Each team casts spells for one minute, all using small fireballs, with a time interval of 0.5 seconds each time, but it must be guaranteed that it cannot be interrupted.

After the first group finished casting the spell, the second group followed immediately, and so on.”

There is no need to use large fireballs or other attack spells. What we need to make is to build a reservoir, and there can be no too much magical impact to avoid cracks.

Now, listen to my instructions, the first group will start casting spells

After Li De finished speaking, he was the first to start casting spells. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com

The improved small fireball technique appeared in his hand.

bang bang bang~

The first small fireball appeared in less than 0.2 seconds, and after just a few seconds, the small fireball seemed to form a line from the rock wall to his hand.

The temperature in the air rose instantly.

The thirty vampires behind him also began to cast spells, and the improved version of the small fireball has become a spell that all vampires must learn, so no one has gone wrong.

bang bang bang~

The effect of the intensive fireball technique in the hands of dozens of blood clans is far more spectacular than when Li De casts the spell alone.

The surrounding area of ​​the white blade immediately heated up, and the sky that had entered a dim state was suppressed by the burst of light from the fireball. It seemed that a new sun was rising here.

In the farm beyond the five hundred blades, the crowd who saw this scene suddenly boiled.


Dozens of fireballs hit the rock wall every second, and the originally solid rock wall quickly turned red and melted under the heat of the flames.

Drops of magma boiled.

A pothole quickly spread from the outside of the rock wall to the inside of the rock wall.

The continuous fireball is like the most terrifying heater, constantly scorching the rocks.

The hard rock was like foam meeting flames, melting frantically at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The magma flowing out due to the high temperature also slammed toward the ground due to gravity. This rock wall is like a giant mouth of a demon, constantly spewing deadly magic flames.

The goddess is above, the city lord Kachar is too great, this is a miracle!!

Praise the Holy Light Blood Clan, such an exaggerated scene can only be done by the powerful Holy Light Blood Clan!!

Why do I suddenly want to cry

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