I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 131 kneel and surrender

No one thought that the original war could be fought like this.

The blood race sat on the magic bat. After casting the spell, the magic bat swooped down, and when it reached the height of the hundred blades above the Cyclops, it threw the big fireball in its hand.

The magic bat then pulled up again, and did not enter the low-altitude area below the hundred blades throughout the whole process.

If it is one or two blood clans, this effect is undoubtedly very weak, but hundreds of blood clans form a continuous bombing net.

This is the dive bombing only seen in modern warfare.

The vampires lifted off after the first wave of bombardment cast a second spell, and then began a new cast a round later.

Boom boom~

The terrifying big fireball technique smashed down from the sky. The explosion of each fireball was more than five times higher than that of the small fireball technique, and it could easily collapse half a house.

Even a bit stronger than the power of tnt.

A sea of ​​fire.

The terrifying heat turned all the surrounding ice and snow into water.

And the Cyclops who were intensively bombarding the central area suffered waves of bombardment.

The Cyclops' cubs were protected by the female Cyclops, but the scorching temperatures inevitably made them scream piercingly.

After seeing the cubs being attacked frantically, the cyclops who wanted to escape turned around and went back to protect the six underage cubs.

Although it has extremely high magic resistance, under the overwhelming attack of the blood clan, fear inevitably spreads.

After all, they are intelligent creatures. Although their IQ is not high, they still have fear.

The most important thing is that the blood clan is too flexible. Although the boulders thrown by the underground Cyclops can fly into the sky with hundreds of blades, the flexible body allows the blood clan to easily escape.

And even if an unfortunate magic bat is hit, his strong physical fitness can resist the Cyclops' attack.

Even if the magic bat is injured, the vampire riding on it can continue to fight for another magic bat. ‘

The war was in a state of intense heat from the very beginning.

After casting spells from high altitude, the blood race swooped down on a bat to bombard the ground, and the Cyclops on the ground angrily threw various boulders and trees at the blood race in the sea of ​​​​fire.

Fireballs burst on the ground with the hottest and most explosive magic energy, forming a huge circle of flames around the Cyclops.

In order to protect the cubs, the Cyclops who didn't escape the first time was impossible to leave. The flames blazing around them glowed cyan, and the terrifying heat could melt rocks.

A battle without air supremacy is undoubtedly a very tragic and futile resistance. Under the magical bombardment of the blood clan, the ground has fallen into a sea of ​​fire.

And once the Cyclops escaped, Amy, who was hidden in the shadows, would teach the other party a lesson with three-ring spells, and the Cyclops tribe couldn't lift their heads under the intensive bombardment.

Li De has not yet shot,

It was just an order to adjust the bombing frequency and height of the blood clan from the outside. This was the first time he used his idea in the blood clan war.

In the memory of the ancestors of the blood clan, in the past, the blood clan battles were against the enemy, and even if they had air supremacy, it would not have a suppressive effect.

Combining modern warfare ideas, he maximized the advantages of the blood race when facing ground races without air superiority.

Of course, this set is only suitable for bullying these races that have no air dominance and can't help the blood clan, and the biped flying dragons that encounter orcs are ineffective.

But Rao is so, the potential displayed by the blood clan makes Li De amazed every time.

This is the real upper race, powerful and domineering.

In the battle of the blood race in the dark night, it is undoubtedly the highest improvement. Each blood race can release the second-ring magic fireball about 15 times. After drinking the blood of magic, this data has more than doubled directly, and the magic recovery speed has increased sharply. , no one will care about the consumption of magic power.

And after 25 rounds of bombing, the tenacious Cyclops finally faced collapse.

Cyclops have the bloodline of ancient giants, and their skin has extremely high magic resistance. For example, the cyclops lord can be immune to spell damage below the 3rd level, and the adult Cyclops can be immune to spell damage below the second level.

But no matter how strong the immunity is, there is a threshold, and it will be invalid after this threshold is exceeded, just like Li De can use a spell of one level to melt the anti-magic stone that is immune to spells of the fourth level.

After constant fireball washing, the ground has fallen into a sea of ​​fire at this time.

The still exploding fireball has raised the temperature here to an unimaginable temperature.

Except for Thunder, the Cyclops lord, the other Cyclops couldn't support it before they really fought against the blood clan.

The scorching flames thinned the air rapidly, and they burned their throats with every breath.


One by one, the Cyclops fell weakly into the sea of ​​fire.


Koso Thunder's eyes were full of despair, and he turned to look at the Cyclops tribe who had no one standing behind him. Fear engulfed him.

If it was a vigorous death on the battlefield, he would not feel fear, and he would be trapped in place and burned to death. This kind of torment that cannot fight back and wait for death to come is indescribable in words.

Corso Thunder.

I am Kachar, the ancestor of the Holy Light Blood Clan. Unless one side chooses to surrender, the war will continue until the Cyclops tribe is wiped out.

Your child, your woman, your everything will be turned into ashes under the magic of the blood race!

The propaganda that seemed to be powerless and even some middle-two at this time has become extremely heavy at this time.

The pressure that suffocated Koso Thunder made his defense line collapse little by little.

Li De's eyes were indifferent, and he slowly condensed a huge fireball in his hand. Its explosive magical energy was several times that of the big fireball technique.

It slammed down to the ground.


The fireball exploded in front of Thunder.

A terrifying shock wave erupted.

The scorching energy elemental energy swept the world again.

The flames with a height of more than ten blades seemed to be able to devour the Cyclops lord at any time.

This time, Koso Thunder completely broke down.

He turned his head and glanced at the Cyclops who had all fallen down, were still coughing violently in a coma, and were almost dying.

Get down on one knee.

The huge one-eyed shows despair.

He was seriously injured in the battle for the chief, and has no ability to resist.

I am willing to surrender to you, the ancestor of the Holy Light Blood Race

After hearing this, the corners of Li De's mouth twitched slightly.

There is no race that cannot be conquered, only the power that is not strong enough.

Stop Attacking

Li De stopped the vampire's plan to attack again.

Alone, inciting huge bat wings to fall from the sky.

In the blazing flames, Li De with bat wings was like a big devil rushing into the lava hell.

Full of shocking power.

When the weak Koso saw Li De, deep fear flashed in his eyes. The vampire had already wiped out their clan without even contacting them.

Only the strong will be respected.

The power of the blood clan made him fear, make him fear, and make him respect.

Corso Thunder, there is no shame in surrendering, I will make your tribe stronger.

Take the oath.

Lei Ting's huge one-eyed looked at Li De, and a few struggles flashed in his eyes, but he finally returned to calm.

He can't afford to gamble.

Oipfnq is a great god who controls death and soul, I am your loyal servant, I am your most devout believer, and I am willing to use your power to sign a soul contract with my master.

If the covenant is abolished, I will give my soul to serve you forever and ever, great death.

When Li De sensed the soul that appeared in the spiritual sea, he immediately let go.

Soul contract, the contract researched by the god of death involves the power of the most original rules of glory, and even the god of death itself cannot abandon this contract.

And after signing the soul contract, the sub-contractor will subtly develop a favorable impression of the main contracter, and finally achieve the ultimate loyalty.

This is also the reason why the soul contract can spread throughout the world of glory.

Ding~ You have gained the allegiance of the Cyclops Tribe, the City of Dawn has grown stronger, and gained character experience - 2000

Ding, your power has been revered by Koso Thunder, and your reputation in the underground world has increased by 1 point.

The improvement of the system made Li De's eyes suddenly open.

Underworld legend? ? ?

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