I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 116 The seeds germinate and win the hearts of the people

On the second day of the Winter Moon, Li De sent Isa to the White Tower and asked Spark to teach the little girl temporarily.

He returned to the City of Dawn in the heavy snow.

It has been more than half a month since he left Dawn City this time.

During this period of time, he spent more than 2,000 Kim Pucks through the White Tower to prepare all the magic materials needed to build the Dawn City Mage Tower, and secretly notified the magic bat to transport it back.

At this time, he really missed the city he built with his own hands.

Flying in winter is not a very pleasant thing. Although Li De has transformed into a bat, the cold air has inevitably lowered his speed.

But flying in the wind and snow is also different.

Although it has just entered the winter months, the goose feather snow covered the whole world in white in just one day.

There was a vast expanse of whiteness, and the world seemed to be plunged into loneliness.

However, the power of the blood clan cannot be hindered by a simple wind and snow.

gallop all the way.

City of Dawn.

This city, which just set its sustainable development strategy two months ago, has undergone tremendous changes at this time.

There were already people walking on the empty streets, and there were people sweeping snow with brooms on several main streets.

Reiker hung it on the door, with the sign of the Dawn City Grain Sales Store on it being slightly polished, and the heavy snow could easily block the sign.

Since Dawn City abolished the free food distribution, Rickel and the entire logistics department have become the shop's salesperson.

The only difference is that the entire Dawn City is the only place where food can be bought and sold, and the logistics team also has to sweep snow part-time.

Brother Leiker, when will the snow stop today? It's really cold when it's snowing on patrol.

Wearing a new padded jacket and wearing a red armband, Ollie walked into the room with a somewhat depressed expression.

Newly bought padded jacket? Rick'er looked at Ollie's thick gray padded jacket with a slight smile.

Of course, Aunt Mana sewed it herself, and it cost me 50 copper pucks

Ollie looked very proud.

After the tailor's shop opened, he immediately ordered a padded jacket. The salary he received from the security team during this time was enough to buy him a good suit.

It's been a comfortable winter, and Ollie sat contentedly by the wood-burning fireplace in the grain store.

Brother Leiker, remember last winter? We were still hunting in the mountains at this time, right?

Ollie's proud expression suddenly dimmed.

Unfortunately, Mike didn't wait until this winter. If we met the Holy Light Bloods last year, maybe Mike wouldn't leave us.

Rickel was silent for a moment when he heard the name, he could not forget last winter,

The figure who was knocked into the ice cave by a wild boar while hunting.

Yeah, maybe if we meet the Holy Light Blood Clan sooner, we won't have such a hard time.

Patril walked out from behind the store with a somewhat emotional expression.

Who would have thought that they would live the life they have all yearned for in a city ruled by vampires?

In previous winters, several elderly people and children would freeze to death in the town, and no matter how heavy the snow, they had to go out hunting or looking for food.

It can be said that the Winter Moon is the season they are least willing to face.

But in Dawn City, the seasons that were considered extremely difficult in the past did not seem to be so difficult to get through.

This is not only the idea of ​​a few people in Leiker, but also the common opinion of more than 6,500 people in Dawn City.

Yes, 6500 people.

In just half a month, the orcs mobilized some air power for some unknown reason, and the number of flying dragons patrolling the border decreased a lot.

A few of Odis seized the opportunity and brought back more than 3,000 people.

The total population of the City of Dawn now has reached 6,500, and it is no longer the City of Dawn two months ago.

After Li De came back, he came to the city hall for the first time.

The current City Hall has become the core of the City of Dawn. The most prosperous and lively place around the City Hall is. Several tailor shops, food stores, and bakeries are all set up around it.

Good day, esteemed Kachar City Lord.

Lord Kachar, may the goddess of life bless you.

The Lord of Kachar

On the way to the city hall, many humans recognized Li De and greeted him with excitement, with deep gratitude and awe on their faces.

It is this adult who made them live the life of their dreams, and words cannot describe their excitement.

Li De also nodded with a faint smile, replying a sentence or two from time to time, and the people who received the response were full of excitement and a look of great honor.

And many of them who only came to Dawn City were very curious when they saw the excitement of the crowd, and they dared to ask questions secretly after Li De left.

Is that person from the security team just now?

The security team, which has now expanded to 150 people, has completely taken over the security issues of Dawnbreak City. In the eyes of the civilians, the security team is a well-deserved department of real power, a big man.

The resident who was questioned was full of pride and looked back at the person who asked the question with disdain.

New here?

How did you see that? The man was not convinced.

You don't even know Lord Kachar, yet you say you're not new here?

Why do you want to know each other, can't you just not know?!

Of course not, that is City Lord Kachar, Lord of Dawn, everything we have is bestowed by City Lord Kachar!!

The land you receive, the food you eat, and the house you are given are all gifts from Kachar!

Can you say that you don't know each other? ?

Remember, the newcomer, the lord of Kachar is the only owner in this city, and the Holy Light blood clan he rules is our patron. Don't ask such stupid questions in the future!

The resident who answered looked proudly at the crowd around him and left with his head held high.

The crowd around them had different expressions when they heard this, some in awe, some in fear, and some in gratitude.

After experiencing the scenes of Li De personally allocating the fields, the original 3,000 people have become the strongest supporters of the Holy Light blood clan.

There have even been a few fights over this period of time.

Li De didn't know that he accidentally sparked a spat just by passing by the gate of the city hall, and came to his own office on the third floor.

Harrison and Augustine got the news of his return and rushed to report to him.

Good day, Patriarch

Harrison, tell me what's going on in Dawn City.

Li De didn't enter the topic directly, and he didn't come back for more than half a month. Although he learned about the situation of Dawnbreak City through the bat every day, he still had to report more details to him.

Yes, patriarch.

Dawn City now has a population of 6534 people, all adults have been allocated land, but half of them have not been allocated farm tools.

The Mage's Tower organized by the Marquis of Amy has not yet been completed, because the arrival of the Winter Moon is not expected to be completed until the time of planting next year

Odis, Ivey, Lucy, and Dylan just went to the border again. They found two groups of refugees with more than a thousand people, and they expect to return in three days.

There is now a grain store in the city, which is now sold at the price of 3 copper puk per pound, and each person is limited to 3 pounds per day.

Tailor shop one, has organized the city's tailors to produce cotton-padded clothes.

But yesterday I ordered that the original tailor shop be disbanded, and let them build their own tailor shop according to their own wishes. Cloth and cotton can be purchased from the city hall.

There is a blacksmith shop, but the lack of ore is still at a standstill.

There is a bakery directly under the city hall. Because the business of the shop is very good, many people have asked the city hall if businessmen can also run bakeries. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

To this end, I think it is possible to open up a part of the food supply to promote the establishment of more stores.

Although Harrison doesn't say much, it's all things that Li De attaches great importance to, population, mage tower, market construction.

These three blocks are undoubtedly very important.

There is not much population to say, there are Odis at the border, and there will be more and more.

The Mage Tower would definitely stop working because of the cold, and he was mentally prepared.

And now the market construction problems of Dawn City are still plaguing him.

With a population of more than 6,000, it can support a small market circulation in front of it.

However, due to the lack of materials, many civilians with craftsmanship and business acumen are helpless.

Li De pondered for a moment and then made a decisive decision.

Part of the food supply can be opened up, but grain stockpiling and reselling are absolutely not allowed.

In addition, a new decree is issued to encourage the establishment of chambers of commerce and shops from now on. If there is a lack of funds, certain financial support can be provided after the approval of the city hall.

All newly built shops and chambers of commerce will not collect any tax within one year, and will pay tax according to commercial tax after one year. I will tell you about the specific tax plan in a while.”

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