I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 105 Building a city ing......

To get rich, build roads first

In order to have a good grain harvest next year, the road must be repaired today

Wooden signs full of slogans were inserted into Dawn City the day after Li De returned to Dawn City.

There are even special people in the square where the notices are posted to explain what these slogans mean.

Building the road, this is the first time Li De has personally participated in specific work in such a long time. In the past, he preferred to control the general direction.

With the announcement of the road construction, in just half a day, the city lord of Kachar noticed that the distance between the residents and the land was too far, and the news of deciding to build a road spread throughout the City of Dawn.

The residents rejoiced. When they first received the land, everyone was very excited. It didn't feel hard to travel for 4 or 5 days a day.

But once or twice is fine, after a long time, many people feel tired.

At this time, people were excited to hear the good news.

This means that it will be more convenient for them in the future, and the voices of praise for Li De are endless for a while.

Li De also asked people from the security team and the logistics team to publicize the benefits of building the road. The residents who knew that the road was not easy to walk were deeply touched, and they had no intention of violating this decision at all.

Naturally, Li De would not grind and chirp. In order to speed up the progress, he directly sent all the blood tribes to participate, and even the blood tribe guarding the city wall was selected.

I have to say that hitting power can really do great things, with 3,000 human beings participating and 200 blood races assisting.

The vampires with the ability to cast spells are not only powerful in combat, but also shocking in the production process.

After learning the improvement of the hand of the mage, the blood clan is like a humanoid bulldozer. The crowd only needs to dig out the dirt in the specified place and pile it on the road, and then the blood clan will be flattened by the hand of the mage, just like a road roller.

The whole process is simple and violent, without the slightest technical content.

The plain behind the southern area is 20 kilometers long, but with the efforts of thousands of people, a 20-kilometer long road that can accommodate eight carriages running side by side was built in just 7 days.

This speed is already appalling in the world of glory.

And what's interesting is that the 3,000 humans only played an auxiliary role in this process.

More than 100 vampire mages and dozens of vampires from other professions miraculously assumed the main positions in the process.

Li De witnessed the birth of this road with his own eyes, and was sincerely impressed by the terrifying production efficiency of magic in the production process.

However, this is what happens in the City of Dawn when the Master participates in the road construction, and this scene will never appear in the outside world.

A wizard to repair the road? Only Li De can think of it.

What is the identity of the mage? The high-ranking noble master, the absolute ruling class, how noble his status is.

Working with a bunch of lowly commoners, and doing things like building roads, even the most imaginative people wouldn't think such a thing would happen.

What's more, who can use more than 100 intermediate-level mages in the range of 6, 7, and 8 to build roads at one time?

Even if Spark, an archmage who reached level 19 and touched the extraordinary rank, would not be able to produce so many intermediate mages.

So what Li De does can only be described as extravagant.

However, in the blood clan, he is the only master, no matter how these arrogant vampires are, they must obey orders.

Resist? If it doesn't exist, even the thought of resistance can't arise.

No one can shake the majesty that comes from the soul and integrates into the blood.

Li De was very satisfied with the efficiency this time, and for the first time he realized how powerful it is to use all his strength to do one thing.

Although only a dirt road was built, don't even think about it if the road is left outside for three or two months.

Most of the land allocated in the first batch is in the central part of the plain behind the Southern District, slightly close to the Southern District, so the distance is about seven or eight kilometers.

The human body in this world is very strong, and it is not a big deal to walk seven or eight kilometers on the grass on two days.

Now that the road is repaired, the time has been shortened by almost half. The closer one can be reached in less than one day of the sun, and the slightly farther one can be reached in about one day of the sun.

Greatly saves time wasted back and forth.

Li De has a deep understanding of the benefits of infrastructure construction on Earth. After all, China has carried the title of infrastructure madman for half a century. China's economy can continue to develop at a high speed, and the exaggerated infrastructure construction is indispensable.

In the process of building the road this time, it was the blood clan that moved his heart the most, and it should be said that the role played by the mage in this process.

Mage with powerful power is completely humanoid machine in road construction. When encountering boulders, he blasts them with magic, and when encountering water currents, he directly forcibly builds a bridge on it.

These construction issues that need to be seriously considered on Earth are completely easy to do in the hands of the blood mage.

A discovery opened Li De's mind.

If it weren't for the fact that there are too few blood clans now, he really wants to form a pair of spellcaster construction teams.

That production efficiency is simply overbearing.

However, there are priorities, and now there is not much infrastructure needed in a short period of time.

After the road was built, Li De asked Odis, who had broken through level 10 to become senior wizards, to continue to go to the border to plunder the population.

Humans are the foundation of Dawn City's future.

After the population is rich, the blood clan can expand and various projects can be carried out. At that time, there is no need to mobilize all the blood clans to build a road like now.

Otis, who received the order, left Dawn City with all the magic bats in the evening.

At this time, it was already November 15th, and the temperature had dropped significantly, and there was only half a month left before the arrival of the winter months.

After entering the winter months, the cold and biting ice and snow will bring many things to a standstill. He must speed up the progress of various tasks while there is still time.

The first is the establishment of blacksmith shops and tailor shops.

There is no doubt that these two tasks are very important. The blacksmith shop is related to the sowing of the next spring, and the tailor shop is related to the winter months of this year.

But at present, although the blacksmith shop has been built in the past few days, it is still in a state of suspension. Without ore, a group of blacksmiths can do nothing.

The tailor shop has been officially put into operation.

43 tailors are busy making cotton-padded clothes. These middle-aged women are very skilled. Although the production efficiency is not high, they can guarantee the production of hundreds of cotton-padded clothes every day.

It is worth mentioning that the newly produced cotton-padded coat Li De did not adopt the policy of giving it away for free, but sold it at a price slightly lower than the market price.

30 copper puk per cotton coat.

The price is not high, but many people can't afford it... Many people lost their savings when they escaped.

Naturally, Li De would not let this happen, and he had already planned to hire a large number of temporary workers to renovate the City of Dawn.

Wages are paid every day.

The residents were paid so that they would not be frozen during the winter.

At the same time, the city of Dawnbreak, which was originally somewhat dilapidated, was also renovated.

It's killing two birds with one stone.

In the past few days of building the road, Li De came up with a new idea. He opened a bakery near the city hall.

The bread sold by the bakery is sweet and soft, far better than the free white bread.

At the same time, he also issued a policy to encourage everyone to open a store. However, because of the lack of materials, people with skills who want to open a store cannot find suitable things to sell.

So for a short time, there was only one bakery and one tailor in Dawn City.

Unexpectedly, the business of both stores was exceptionally hot.

Needless to say, the tailor shop, the winter moon is coming soon, and preparing a cotton coat at this time is undoubtedly a must-have choice.

The emergence of bakeries also gave many wealthy people a place to spend.

Honey bread smeared with honey, soft meat floss bread, and all kinds of drool-worthy bread have become places that everyone in Dawn City relishes.

At this time, the City of Dawn finally had a slightly different atmosphere.

It's more of a city than it was a month ago.

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