Episode 83

“What dungeon is this? As you pass by, all the dungeons appear.”

-I don’t know either.

“Um… … .”

Flush tilted his head.

“Let’s go in first.”

Chuck pushed the door to the dungeon, and Flush laughed.

“It still won’t open.”

In the meantime, everything I did worked out well, so I did it in case, but it couldn’t be the case.

“Okay, now that we have time, let’s figure out a strategy!’

Flush looked around.

It was the beginning of a new dungeon entrance attack.

* * *

“… … I was told.”

Fafnir laughed.

“But you wouldn’t even know flush.”

In the original novel, Flush had to spend an entire chapter to open this door.

But if you already know the development, the story is different.

Fafnir quietly pulled the iron door.

“You can’t push.”

Sometimes you can get lost in the wrong place with a simple answer right in front of you.

purr. When the iron door opened, a staircase leading down appeared.

– You have entered the Tomb of the Nameless Swords.

– Became the discoverer of the tomb of the nameless swords.

-You can register information in the Explorers Guild.

– Exploration experience has increased.

– This is an area where the level of monsters is excessively high compared to the current level!


Fafnil’s face was questionable.

‘I’m not the first discoverer?’

Even in the original novel, Flush was not the first discoverer.

But it must have been half a year earlier than then?

‘Could the exploration have been going on before then?’

A little bit of doubt.

‘I can check it out.’

Fafnir headed inside with his summons.

“Turn it off… … .”

“Reinforcements… … . When will the reinforcements… … .”

In the dungeon, skeleton knights, living armor, and living armor appeared. They were tricky monsters with no flesh and blood, and armor and bones as their bodies.

‘Those guys look more complicated than I thought.’

Fafnil’s expression hardened.

The Grave of the Nameless Swords is one of the best hidden dungeons in high-level fields.

Among those undead, the weakest one was a powerful monster with a whopping level 210 or higher.

“No. 3, you go in first and bring only one.”

“Daughter… … .”

First of all, Fafnir lured them with a skeleton soldier and tried to hunt them.

risk is the result.

There were Penelope, Bell, and Skeleton Soldiers, but it was too much to catch one.

It was an ambiguous dungeon in many ways for the necromancer, who couldn’t replenish the skeleton soldier because the corpse was armor.

If you push yourself, you should be able to get in, but I didn’t push myself because I might not be able to come back.

“hmm… … . After all, I can’t do it alone.”

Fafnir retreated to the dungeon entrance.

“All of them were once honorable knights and soldiers. It is unfortunate.”

“Just give me orders. I’ll get right into it, Master.”

Despite Penelope and Bell’s request, Fafnir shook his head.

“I’m not fighting right now.”

Reinforcements were needed.

Fafnir opened the friend window and entered a message.

-Fafnil: Mr. Hilde.

-Fafnil: Are you busy right now?

-Hilde: Yes? ah!

-Hilde: I’m fine these days. It’s low season.

Because of her status as an office worker, Hilde is unable to log in every day like Fafnil.

Still, because he was working hard, his level and skills were not inferior to Fafnir.

-Fafnil: Then could you come to Mount Moria right now? Friends too.

-Hilde: Mt. Moria? in the middle of the kingdom?

-Fafnil: Yes, I’m sorry if it’s too far. I am… … .

-Hilde: Of course I have to go!

Hilde answered without hesitation.

-Hilde: Thanks to Fafnir, I also did quests here, and gained a lot of faith and reputation. My friends are the same, so just tell me and they will help you.

-Fafnil: Thank you.

-Hilde: Wait a minute. I’ll get back to you once.

Ten minutes later, Hilde’s call arrived.

-Hilde: Veron and Drek are going too. The secret is that I can’t go because I don’t have time.

-Fafnil: I can’t help it.

It would be a great help if it was a secret skill, but it was a pity.

-Hilde: It’s nothing to be called a substitute… … . Some of our friends are really good at games.

-Fafnil: Are you really good at it?

-Hilde: Yes, I tried talking to other friends, but they heard about it and offered to help… … .

How the hell are you doing?

-Hilde: Your skills are trustworthy! Even if the three of us attack, we’ll win.

-Hilde: If you don’t want to go without knowing, please tell me!

-Fafnil: No, it’s okay.

In order to clear this dungeon, I needed a lot of good colleagues.

-Fafnil: Then please as soon as possible.

-Hilde: Yes! I’ll leave right away.

After contacting Fafnir, he stretched.

“Now that the support request has been completed, all that remains is to pass the time.”

It takes at least two weeks to come here from the peak.

Even in real time, it takes about 4-5 days.

“It would be a big loss to die in this dungeon in the meantime.”

There is no first discoverer buff, and the monsters are tricky.

In particular, the inability to summon the Skeleton Soldier was great.

“There is no need to overdo it.”

It was then.

Fafnir felt the presence and hid himself.

After a while, several people appeared at the entrance.

“Come on, let’s go in.”

“This is the legendary dungeon… … . The strongest dragon knight Karamit is asleep… … .”

“It is. I don’t know if there is a body, but according to the scout team, it’s a clearing place.”


The tomb of the dragon knight Karamit.

Fafnil’s eyes sharpened.

“Eoyu, please give thanks to the iron-blooded leader. Thanks to you, I can taste all of these dungeons.”

“hahahaha, yes. Eating public officials and high-ranking positions is what I ate for this purpose. Of course I will tell you.”

Users enter with lines that can only be seen in crime movies.

The emblem of the Sangvis League was stamped on their shoulders.

‘… … So, was the Sangvis League the first to find this place?’

It could be, or it could have been stolen from another guild.

Territorial disputes between guilds were fierce, so it was not strange either way.

From noble mtl dot com.

The important thing is that this dungeon is a ‘honey dungeon’.

Also, the reward waiting at the end was just as great.

After the Iron Blood Alliance guild members entered.

Fafnir stood up.

“I’ll have to find another place first.”

This area was dangerous because you never know when the follow-up unit will come.

Fafnir went to the nearby forest and soon found a cave.

– You have entered the tomb in the rock.

– Became the first discoverer of the tomb in the rock.

-You can register information in the Explorers Guild.

– Exploration experience has increased.

-The first discoverer buff is applied.

‘As expected, there is a buff for the first discoverer.’

The Iron Blood Pledge only searched the Swords Grave dungeon, but the surrounding area was not looked at.

“Louis, take the lead.”

“Yeah, Master, just take care of the alcohol and the gold coins later.”

The Skeleton Knight, Louis, went ahead.

Penelope, Bell, and Skeleton Soldiers surrounded her behind and on both sides.

Key profit!


The monster that appears in the dungeon is none other than the Black Giant.

It was a difficult opponent with hard armor, hard-to-see visuals, and powerful poison.

If you are a normal user, you need to raise your poison resistance or prepare the antidote and purification skills.

however… … .

“Ha ha ha! It doesn’t work, it doesn’t work!”

The Skeleton Knight, Louis, went mad as if he had met water.

Each time, a series of wounds appeared on the bodies of the centipedes.


The centipedes that were injured like that became prey for the Skeleton Soldiers without fail.

-Experience gained.

-Experience gained.

I got -12 silver.

-Obtained the outer skin of the Black Centipede.

After a while, plenty of experience, gold, and items came in.

Centipedes have poison, and flesh and skin are useful materials, so hunting them was a pleasure.

“Let’s keep moving.”

Replenishes on the spot when normal skeleton soldiers die!

If you poked holes in the wall with a spear, the centipedes would crawl out on their own.

“This sounds like pest control.”

In addition to the centipede, treasure chests, coffins, and jars scattered throughout the tomb were also subject to confirmation.

The bodies of soldiers who died on the battlefield and a few burial items collected by nobles and officers are buried together.

“May you go in peace.”

Every time Fafnir saw the coffin, he put his palms together and passed by.

I didn’t bother to touch the treasure.

‘What if the monsters on the Grave of the Nameless Swords become stronger after taking out what’s here?’

Flush wouldn’t worry about that, but Fafnir was different.

‘I have to move carefully.’

A risk-taking attitude.

But it brought an unexpected benefit.

-Hades likes your actions.

-Hades was satisfied.

-Wisdom status has increased by +1.

-Dark attribute resistance increased by +1.

King Hades is the god of death and the king of the dead.

As a necromancer, he gave a blessing to the dead, and he responded.

“Who are you… … .”

While exploring the tomb, a hazy spirit appeared.

“I am Manson, the commander of the soldiers sleeping here. We are guarding the bodies of the fallen soldiers here until they find rest.”

“Cheer up.”

“Seeing that he didn’t touch the grave goods, he doesn’t seem to be a grave robber. May I ask you a favor?”

-Manson wants to request a new quest ‘Manson’s Request (Normal)’.

“I have a little time left, so if I can in the meantime, I’d be more than happy to help.”

“Thank you.”

A quest that suddenly flew!

It would be boring to just hunt, Fafnir accepted right away.

“For now, can you drive out the bugs in this tomb? It’s not a good example, but I’ll give you a gold coin from my grave goods.”

“thank you.”

The centipede treatment was already being done, so there was no problem.

‘If possible, it would be better to receive them all at once.’

After clearing out the remaining centipedes, Fafnir scanned the immediate surrounding area.

The results were stellar.

– You have entered the Forgotten Front Armory.

-Became the first discoverer of the Forgotten Front Armory.

-You can register information in the Explorers Guild.

– Exploration experience has increased.

-The first discoverer buff is applied.

– You have entered the Almond Crypt.

-Became the first discoverer of the almond crypt.

-You can register information in the Explorers Guild.

– Exploration experience has increased.

-The first discoverer buff is applied.

Discovered several dungeons for the first time, and definitely stamped them.

Most of the monsters that appeared inside were beasts or insects, so I was able to deal with them without much difficulty.

“Kick! human… … . I know how to speak human! If you do my favor… … . I’ll give you something that shines brightly, a grass that’s good for your body! I’m hungry… … . If you have some delicious meat, I would appreciate it if you could give it to me!”

“I want to go back to my mother and sister… … . But to go back, I have to pay my debts to others. If there is a place that has not been excavated, can you tell me?”

An insect that can sometimes speak.

Or there were times when I met a grave robber who wanted to change my mind.

“hmm… … .”

Fafnil quickly found a solution.



After killing the bug, I raised it up as a skeleton soldier and guided it.

I made this suggestion to the robbers.

“Can’t we just kill them all?”

“But how… … .”

“Sneak this for dinner. It is the extreme poison of the black king centipede.”

“… … !”

Quests are solved in an astoundingly short time in an outlandish way.

There might be clues to hidden advanced quests, but Fafnir was confident.

‘If there was such a thing in the first place, there’s no way that Flush couldn’t get it from the surrounding dungeons.’

Job quest dungeons certified by Flush, a detector that attracts talent!

Thanks to that, even if it was a clue to the next quest, I was able to wipe it out without hesitation.

“Everything here is material.”

-Obtained Peroncitino Grass (Normal).

-Acquired 30-year-old wild ginseng (rare).

-Obtained Critique’s Egg (Magic).

After sweeping away all the insects, sweep all the parts that make money, such as herbs and insects’ inner hem and eggs!

“The grave robbers must have all died, right?”

“thank you! thank you!”

“Okay, I’ll let you live, so everything here is mine.”

“… … Hick!”

“Are there any complaints?”

“Oh, no. thank you!”

“Then go.”

-You have completed the quest ‘Reformed Grave Robber’.

– A runaway grave robber will spread the story about the evil necromancer to the villagers.

– Notoriety status increased by +2.

“Okay, then where should we get the loot?”

-Obtained Violet’s Cherry Blossom Bow (Rare), the leader of the Elf Warriors.

-Obtained the lucky fortune (rare) of Towa, the halfling warrior.

In places where grave robbers were annihilated with poison, a large amount of silver or gold coins, and valuable artifacts such as elves, dwarves, and halflings were excavated.

‘This is honey.’

The equipment that the elite skeleton soldiers are using now is a bit farther than their level.

If you replace it with the equipment here, you will be able to see a great spec up.

The feeling of seeing the stacks of silver coins, materials and artworks seemed to fly to the sky.

The corners of Fafnil’s lips caught on his ears.

‘But I don’t have enough inventory to bring them all… … . yes!’

I had a good idea.

‘I can offer the remaining items to the soldiers’ graves and make them all into burial items!’

If you take the burial items from the tomb, you will be cursed and your reputation will be reduced.

No matter how noble and valuable an item is, it is not easily accessible.

Even if I couldn’t take it myself, I thought I would never give it to other players.

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