Episode 75

[Deimos’s Elite Skeleton Wizard’s Ministry]

-Rating: Unique

-Classification: Active

-Consumed MP: 500

[consumable materials]

– 1 piece of bone of wizard monster

-10 Dark Mana Stones (Unique)

-50 Maple Tree Branches

-1 heart of any type of monster capable of handling mana

-300 Mana Stones (Normal)

-Actoplasm solution 5 bottles

– 1 bottle of unicorn blood

– 1 tear

*Additional material: 1 wizard monster soul (when used, the wizard’s soul will dwell in the Skeleton Bottle).

-Cooldown: one week

-Effect: Creates an elite Skeleton Wizard connected to the soul as a minion.

– Skill level: 1

-Number of Elite Skeleton Wizards currently available for service: 1

– Acquisition conditions: Level 120 or higher, Necromancer class

‘I need a little more ingredients.’

The Skeleton Bottle Wizard I saw on the strategy site wasn’t this far.

‘Maybe it’s because it’s a vision skill, it’s worse than a normal skill.’

If the elite Skeleton Wizard ministry skill itself was this much, the necromancer job would really have been buried.

‘I can get pretty much all the materials, but the question is, are the materials for wizard monsters?’

First of all, it is not easy to find a wizard monster.

This is because magic itself can only be used with intelligence, and most of those wizards are stuck in research labs or dungeons.

The ones you can easily see are goblins and orc shamans.

But that’s a waste of other materials, so at least the level of the black magician I saw in the fort should be used to get an estimate.

‘It’s going to be a very annoying labor.’

Of course, there are quite a few wizard monsters in the novel.

But most of them are named!

It was a boss monster that had to be hunted by gathering dozens of people, but it was better to grow quickly than to hunt such monsters now.

In particular, the item that caught on was none other than the soul.

‘If I make something without a soul, I’ll be like the elite skeleton soldiers.’

In the end, I have to save the soul, but I lacked information alone.

‘Master Gould might know.’

A powerful mentor NPC with a whopping level of 450!

Aside from his rat-like appearance, he is an unreasonable master, so he should be able to save the wizard’s soul.

‘Come to think of it, there was a quest in Walpurgis Night.’

Fafnir opened the status window.

[attend Walpurgis Night]

-Rating: Normal


-Enjoy the festival after attending the Walpurgis Night Conference (0/1)

-Description: Participate in Walpurgis Night, a meeting of warlocks, and inform and introduce the news of your master.

-Reward: EXP, Notoriety +150, Intelligence Status +1, can register a person’s name in the genealogy of the school he belongs to.

‘Should I pierce this?’

Content like the ‘special shop’ that you sometimes see in mobile games.

Right now it’s not that much of a benefit, but the more you keep going, the more useful it will be.

‘I’d better go see Master once.’

Since we have created a base, there is nothing to do big right now.

He had to leave the mountain to proceed with the quests anyway.

‘Get some hidden pieces along the way!’

* * *

As soon as Fafnir made up his mind, he told the people around him.

“Then let me go too! I know that well, so guide me to local specialties.”

Kindorhan immediately raised his hand.

But Fafnir refused with a single knife.

“Right now, leveling up here is the best. If you recklessly step out and get caught by the Hwangbindang or the Iron Blooded Blood Pledge, this base will be robbed.”

For the same reason, he also rejected the stories of Hilde and others.

“Be careful, I received a quest notification a while ago, and they say that the church is moving now.”

Hilde looked at Fafnir with a worried gaze.

“If you have any problems, tell Bishop Garcon of the Order of Tor about my name. Most of the problems will probably go away.”

“Thank you for being so concerned.”

“What, if it wasn’t for Fafnir-sama, all of my friends and I would have been controlled by Sangvis.”

It probably wouldn’t have happened even if it wasn’t Fafnir.

Because Hilde and the others were the owners of a large guild that was ranked in the top 10 even at the time of the novel.

When I heard the thank you for that, I felt a sense of guilt for some reason.

“Anyway, let’s go. Have fun and get good deals.”

“Yes, Fafnir-nim too!”

Fafnir going down after saying goodbye to the party.

– Wow!

– Wow!

In the field below the mountain, small group wars were in full swing.

Bandits and wild monsters blocking the road and aiming for prey, a situation where you can’t be relieved!

‘It’s not some kind of Indian or South American nightlife… … .’

Fafnir rode a Skeleton Horse and passed by. It’s a skeleton knight’s horse, but the owner could ride it at this time.

Run and run away when insignificant monsters block you!

In the original novel, Flush got treasure every time he caught those guys, but he couldn’t expect such luck to follow Fafnir, who was not the main character.

Still, sometimes the Orc army or the wild monsters and the subjugation army would intrude and fight.

In the past, I would have fought after being prepared, but now my skills supported me enough.

First of all, his level had risen enough, and he was able to try new equipment, as well as stronger skeleton soldiers and regular skeleton wizards.

“No. 1-5, you command each unit. The Skeleton Knight, Bell, and Penelope help the human soldiers.”

“Daughter… … .(yes.)”

“Yes, I will follow your orders.”

“Your order is honestly still hard to follow, but if it is to help people, I can’t help it.”

After sending his minions to take care of themselves, Fafnir took command of the Skeleton Soldiers and directly participated in the battle.

“attack! Do not be afraid and go forward!”

Fafnir did not spare the Skeleton Soldiers. Even if you die anyway, you can replenish it again, so there is no reason to worry about the number of heads.

-Tyra led the battle to victory.

– Acquired Contribution.

– The Skeleton Summon skill level has risen to 8.

– Increased the number of normal Skeletons that can be summoned from 45 to 50.

– The strength of normal Skeleton Soldiers has increased by 3%.

-The agility of normal skeleton soldiers has increased by 2%.

-The HP of normal Skeleton Soldiers has increased by 3%.

Every time he led an intrusive battle to victory, his contribution rose and his skill proficiency also rose.

“Tattak… … . just… … .(Conducting……. Good job…….)”

“Just right! (I hope I don’t roll it carelessly…!)

Occasionally, there is a side effect of lowering the loyalty of the elite skeleton soldiers, but even considering that, it is a great achievement.

-I had an epiphany during the battle.

– Created a new skill, ‘Summon Skeleton Wizard’.

During the battle, he gained realization of skills and obtained sub-skills himself.

Skeleton wizards who shoot dark balls and dark arrows appear.

If all of the existing Skeleton Soldiers were only capable of melee attacks, they were now able to cope with ranged attacks to some extent.

And that’s not all.

“I want to follow you.”

“To think that there is a hero like you in this age of war… … . I’ll treat you well, so why don’t you stay under me?”

As his fame grew, he wanted soldiers from the Kingdom Army to come under his command, or small and medium-sized nobles tried to put Fafnir under them.

“If you want to follow me, go south. There are nobles fighting against the Orcs.”

“I can’t because I’m already under another place.”

Living NPCs would get in the way if they died, so they kicked them out mercilessly!

Let’s repeat the expulsion a few times, a new quest was created.

[Public Reconstruction County]

-Rating: Magic


-Inform 3 nobles of the name of the Kingdom Resurrection Army (0/3)

-Description: We need to inform the nobles of the kingdom’s revival army.

From noble mtl dot com.

-Reward: EXP, Contribution 1200, 15 Gold

“Even running errands while you’re out, this is it.”

It wasn’t a quest with a fixed time, so Fafnir continued walking on the road to Byron City.

He continued to benefit from various battles, and he always looked around.

“uh? That… … .”

Fafnir’s eyes sharpened while driving the Skeleton Horse.

Orcs and monsters were attacking the procession of players and NPC refugees.

“The archers keep shooting arrows, and the wizards use slow and swamp magic!”

“Medic! Medic here!”

The number of combatants on the user side was about 50.

On the other hand, the number of monsters exceeded 10 times and was close to 500.

Two to three times the scale of small battles fought so far.

The players were fighting hard, but they were so outnumbered.

If Fafnir passed by now, the procession would soon be annihilated by the Orcs.

‘Something like a carriage is guarding it. It means there are supplies.’

Fafnil finished the calculation right away.

‘If I help a procession that big, the reward will be that much, right?’

If you think the young attitude is strange, just loot it like a necromancer!

Fafnir, who had made up his mind, went into battle as it was.

“Follow me everyone! Let’s all rush together!”

A Fafnir that breaks through in a straight line to the enemy headquarters at once.

A specter storm, poison energy, and various debuff effects spread around it.

“Chwiiik! Destroy all skeletons!”

The rushing Orcs collided with the Skeleton Soldiers.

Click click click! The stronger Skeleton Soldiers did not die easily even if they stuck with the Orcs.

“Chwiik? These guys are tough!”

The elite Skeleton Soldiers hunted the bewildered Orcs.

In the meantime, Fafnir directly targeted the Orc commanders and shamans.

“Panne (Pandemonium Nependeath)!”


A group of orcs that die every time Pandaemonium Nependeath explodes.

‘Is this equipment amazing?’

When I swung the magic sword lightly, the orcs were sliced like tofu. An orc with a defense skill is also split in two along with the shield.

‘As expected, it’s an epic item, so the attack power has risen significantly.’

In addition to attack power, thanks to the effect of spraying debuffs, even the camp was clearly collapsing.

“Chwiiik! I am the Great Warrior Kelly… … .”


Fafnil kills the captain without even giving him time to reveal his name!

“Chwik, chwiik! retreat!”


The remaining orcs lost their heads and began to run away.

An explosion exploded among the monsters gathered whenever Fafnir shouted.

Fighting across 500 orcs, he looked more like a warrior, a warrior of darkness, rather than a necromancer.

-Experience gained.

-Obtained the Spirit Nature Wand (Rare) of the Black Wind Tribe.

– Level up!

-Leaded the Battle of Bravo Gado to victory.

-Experience gained.

– Acquired +1,500 combined contribution.

– Acquired +250 reputation.

-You penetrated the middle of the Orc army and killed the commander.

– He did a very good job.

-Strength status increased by +1.

-Charisma status has increased by +1.

After winning the battle, new statuses were added.



There were still many orcs left, but when the commander died, they all scattered.

‘This battle is also an easy victory.’

Seeing the scattered Orcs, it seemed that nothing bigger would happen.

It was then.

A man approached from the side of the procession.

He was a young man in his early twenties with blond hair.

“Um, are you a user?”

“So what?”

“Ah, I’m glad.”

The young man bowed his head.

“Necromancer has a lot of NPCs, so I did it just in case. Thank you so much for your help.”

“We live by helping each other, well. then… … .”

Even if I stay with you, there is nothing left to say except to ask for help.

Fafnir tried to move first before that. Then the young man asked.

“Are you going north?”

“Yes, but why… … .”

The moment he answered, the young man’s expression hardened.

“He can’t go now. If you go, you will be in trouble.”


what is this again?

Fafnir hastily turned around.

“You don’t know. It’s not even a fuss in the north now. A gang of orcs are occupying and setting up Nevermore Station, but they’re not usually strong.”

One of the gateways in the north is occupied by an Orc unit and is blocking it.

The people here were stranded because of it.

“Didn’t the lords send a punitive force?”

“I came, but the subjugation party was also captured by the orcs.”

“hmm… … .”

‘Are they the Orcs who catch the subjugation party?’

Fafnil’s eyes shone.

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