Chapter 150 – Be ready for tomorrow, hero.

Chapter 148

“Who do you like best?”

Has there ever been a question that is so difficult to answer? Rather than question number 30 of the CSAT Mathematics II, ‘Do you like your mother? It was much more difficult than the rare challenge of ‘Do you like my father?’.

How am I supposed to answer this? If someone is looking at me, I hope they can tell me the answer.

Goddess Solaria, what should I say…Yes? You want me to follow you?

Of course I didn’t listen to the goddess, I was just talking nonsense. That’s why this situation is difficult right now.

When I couldn’t answer easily, Estelle pouted her lips and said.


Me, if I answer incorrectly here, I think I’ll be in real trouble.

“…Can I remove Elfriede for now? Elfriede and I are still… friends, right?”


Damn it, I think I got the answer wrong. Elfriede’s expression suddenly deteriorated.

“We’re friends, but can we evaluate them as members of the opposite s*x…?”

“Ugh, um. Do it.”

…There was no escape hole. Estelle, Celine, Chloe, Elfriede. Four beauties with different characteristics are watching, waiting for my answer.

“Ooh, this is getting interesting.”

From noble mtl dot com.

…So please stop eating the popcorn next to me, Saint Cynthia. This person has been watching the game from the sidelines since earlier!!!

I let out a deep sigh. Questions and situations that cannot be avoided or postponed. There was an old saying like that. If you can’t avoid it, enjoy it.

But I don’t know how to enjoy this situation. Wouldn’t it be crazy to be able to enjoy this situation?

But as a result of repeated thoughts, one thing started to become clear. Now that it’s like this, wouldn’t it be better to say it properly…

“Can I be honest?”


“…Of course I like Estelle the best.”

There was a big difference between happiness and joy in their expressions. Estelle smiled brightly, and the other three put on a slightly static expression.

“But if you ask me if I hate Celine, Chloe, or Elfriede…Of course I don’t. It’s just that there’s a little difference in the time we’ve been together, so I can’t help but feel that Estelle is the most comfortable and nice.”

That’s how I started to tell them my honest feelings for the first time.


Abel looked more serious than usual. Even Cynthia, who had fun watching the game, lost her smile on her face. For the first time, he said something he hadn’t told my lovers, Estelle and Celine.

“Honestly, Estelle has been my taste ever since I first met her.”




“Honestly, my personality is…Now I know why I am like that, so I take it as a joke, but back then I didn’t know why, so I was very annoyed.”

Estel was a little taken aback. If Abel’s words were true, then the methods Sister Catarina had taught her had become poisonous to her.

‘Ka, wasn’t the method Katarina and her sister taught you wrong?’

Even when Abel accepted my confession, she thought that what she had learned from Sister Catarina had worked, but when she realized that it wasn’t so, Estelle put on a shocked expression.

“Still, Estelle taught me a lot of things even though I didn’t know anything. How to fight, how to defeat monsters, what kind of mindset to be a hero… Estelle’s help is really great for me to be able to proudly call myself a hero by putting my name on it. He honestly wouldn’t have anything to say even if he said he did it all.”

“…That was Abel’s effort.”

“Thank you for saying that, but it means that I feel so grateful to Estelle. Anyway, that’s why Estelle has to be the best for me. I’m sorry Celine…”

But she said Celine as if she knew.

“I know. In the first place, it was no different than me getting in the way between the hero and Saint Estelle.”

At her words, she was taken aback by Elfriede and Chloe who were listening next to her. It is said that Chloe confessed first, but their journey was a journey only the two of them, Estelle and Abel, were together.

She couldn’t be the closest person to Chloe just because she intervened on the trip. And it was the same with Elfriede.

“Still, it’s not wrong that I like Celine too. If I had to compare her, Estelle would be above her, and she likes Celine too… Kuhmm, she definitely feels the feeling of being in love.”

Abel cleared his throat as if he was ashamed to say such a thing. That cute reaction made Celine smile on her own.

“But Chloe, Elfriede. I have a strong feeling that I don’t know the two of them yet. Apparently, the time we spent together is shorter than the two of us…”

There was no clear event that would make Abel feel a strong attraction to them. What happened with Celine was because we fell into a crisis of distress and relied on each other.

“That’s why I put Chloe on hold. Since we only met for a short time, maybe we could change our minds.”

“…I’m not like that, hero.”

“Looking at it still the same, it seems like it would, but… You don’t know what will happen to people. Someone better than me might come to Chloe.”

Abel looked at Elfriede and said.

“El Friede said she would, so she would give it time. You know?”

“Yes, I know.”

“Anyway, yes. My answer is yes. As of right now… Estelle is my favorite. In many ways.”

The reactions of the four people who heard Abel’s answer were different.

Estelle laughed bashfully, feeling her winner, and although Celine didn’t win against Estelle, she made it clear that Abel directly ‘loves’ her, which naturally made her feel better.

But compared to the two of them, Chloe and Elfriede, who had not yet become lovers, felt slightly depressed. Meanwhile, Chloe murmured.

“…I guess I should show you how much I like you, Hero?”


Chloe jumped up from her seat and said.

“Be prepared for tomorrow, warrior. I will make you fall for me and not be able to get out of it.”

“…You’re not doing anything weird, are you?”

“I don’t do anything weird. What do you see me as?”

Chloe grabbed the hat and robe that had been hung on her coat hanger. Seeing that, Abel said.

“Where are you going? It’s dangerous tonight.”

“It doesn’t go far. I just can’t sleep in this room.”


“How do you sleep well with the walls you have to overcome! I can’t sleep.”

“…Heh heh.”

A wall to overcome. Of course, I was talking about Estelle and Celine. Chloe looked at the two of them and said.

“Don’t be too jealous that the warrior will flirt with me tomorrow~!”

“…I don’t think that will ever happen?”


“Hmph, wait and see!”

Chloe left the room just like that. She heard him talking downstairs to the innkeeper, who seemed to be looking for another room to sleep in.

“…I could just sleep here.”

“You may think of me as an enemy, Miss Chloe.”

Abel laughed at Celine’s words. They’re enemies, so if you really want to be my lover anyway, you’ll have to get along well with them too.

Estelle wondered if she was in a good mood.

“Don’t come in too late tomorrow, Abel.”

“Since you have to train, you didn’t plan to come in late, did you?”

“Yes? But Chloe says she likes to hang out late into the night?”

“That seems to be Chloe’s wish… Even if she leaves early in the morning, she will come back at night.”

As Abel said that, he looked at Elfriede.

“It’s a promise to play with Chloe, but I also promised Elfriede, so I have to keep it.”

“…So thoroughly fair in that respect, Abel.”

“Isn’t that nice?”

“That sounds good.”

“That’s a relief.”

Abel said as if she was relieved, and she stood up. Then he put Estelle’s cheek next to her and kissed her mouth.


“Good night, Estelle.”

Abel then left her room, and Estelle, who had been kissed on the cheek, caressed her cheek, blushing. An idiotic laugh came out spontaneously.



“Rise up, warrior!”


Suddenly something…

I opened my eyes with a drowsy face and blinked at someone in front of me. For a moment, wondering if I was mistaken, I tilted my head to the side.


“Yes, hero?”

“That… What are you doing on the board?”

Chloe was riding on top of my lying body. Since I’m small, I don’t feel like I’ve come up because it’s so light… But it’s a perfect posture to be misunderstood in many ways, isn’t it?

“That’s right, I was waking up the hero~!”

“Then why did you get on…”

“Abel~♡ It’s not time to go to sleep and get up soon…”


Estelle, who opened the door and came in, hesitated in front of the door. I imagined in my head how we would look to Estelle now.

…Umm… I think I’m f*cked. f*ck.

“Yesterday, I heard that I was the best…”

“There is a misunderstanding. I didn’t do anything.”

“Was it all a lie, you stupid idiot!!!”

“I didn’t do anything!?!?!?”

I quickly put Chloe down and worked hard to resolve Estelle’s misunderstanding. While I was clearing up the misunderstanding with Estelle, Chloe helped me with a word.

“The hero kept stabbing me in the bottom with something~.”

“It’s your knee, your knee!”

“Yes, the knee. Did you know what you were talking about?”

“Please put a subject in order not to cause misunderstanding…”

I can’t say anything helpful, stop saying things that cause misunderstandings…

Estel sighed as she spoke.

“For now, please be careful. Don’t fall into strange places.”


“…Don’t be seduced by that little girl.”

Heh heh. He added a word at the end, and his face, as if he was ashamed of himself, was so cute. I nodded her head knowingly and left the room with Chloe.

“Where are you going?”

“Well, look forward to it! I know a lot of fun places!”


I am surprised. Have you ever been to Ephesus?



“I will break what you promised Saint Estelle.”

…Heh heh.

“I will be nervous.”

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