Chapter 107 – …One last time♥

Chapter 105

Bar, Ban…

I was able to realize, albeit slightly, how sincere Estelle was when she said those words. Maybe I just focused on the fact that I was dating her, and I never really thought about her future.

But Estelle already had the heart to stay with her until the end. She’s with this guy who’s just ugly.

I bowed my head. And politely apologized.

“…Sorry. It’s my fault.”

“…I have nothing more to say after you admit it so quickly.”

As expected, when I made a mistake, it was best to apologize quickly. Spitting out useless excuses will only make the other person more angry.

Estelle tilted her head slightly and asked me.

“Then can you talk to me right now?”


“I want to listen to your worries, worry together, and find a way to solve them together.”

The corners of Estelle’s eyes curved beautifully, and the corners of her lips went up slightly. Her eyes widened at her lovely smile.

“Because I am Abel’s lover.”

“…I see.”

…I was a fool for worrying alone about leaving someone like this nearby.

I told Estelle the truth. The information I knew, the information I got from Alicia, and the reason I decided to take Alicia with me.

“I was wondering why you keep going into the nest by yourself… It was to get information from Mother? I want to know why the demon king is targeting you.”

“…That’s right.”

“By the way, I don’t quite understand either. Why is the demon king not trying to kill the hero Abel, but rather ‘kidnapping’ him?”

“His Holiness also said that he was puzzled.”

“…First of all, I don’t think we can figure out anything by having a table discussion. As Abel said, I should avoid dangerous situations while taking Alicia around, and get information while hunting the mothers to open her holy sword.”


Estelle finished the story and glanced at me.

“Why is that?”

“Do you admit that Abel was wrong this time?”

“Yes. I was wrong.”

“…Then she should be punished for doing something wrong, right?”


“What punishment?”


Estelle hesitated and jumped up from her seat. Then she sat down on the seat next to me.


“…Burr, kiss me ten times as punishment.”


Estelle looked at me with only her eyes rolled to the side of hers, without turning her head towards me. Even her ears were red when she made such an embarrassing request.

“…If you do it ten times, you’ll run out of breath.”

“Tea, you just need to do it nine times. Only the last…”

“…I see.”

If she can forgive me to this extent, there is nothing she can’t do. Not a hundred times

I carefully grabbed Estelle’s cheek. And she slowly lowered her head. Estelle slowly closed her eyes as I lowered her head.

A soft touch touches my lips. When I parted my lips slightly, a short burst sounded. Estelle opened her eyes a little and looked at me, perhaps feeling sorry for that short moment.

Of course, it wasn’t that long for her to regret it. Because there are still eight more left. I lowered my head again and put my affection on her lips.




Every time their lips touched and separated, Estelle’s expression gradually brightened. Would that be good? Estelle was smiling brightly before she knew it.

…At this point, I’m rather ashamed of myself.

After I hesitated a little, Estelle put her arm around my neck. She leaned her forehead against me as if to tell me not to run away.

“Four more to go, Abel.”


As long as their foreheads were touching, she didn’t have to move her head much. Lips that touch even with the slightest movement. It was a short and light kiss, but it was a kiss that conveyed her affectionate heart to me as well.

I was so happy at that time, it seemed like time was passing slowly as I pondered and savored those feelings.

“…One last time&”

Hearing Estelle’s concise yet hot voice, I tightly hugged her waist with my free hand. And I put my lips on her soft lips.


With my lips covering Estelle’s, I coveted her lips as if I was trying to swallow them. The innkeeper seemed to be looking this way, but it didn’t matter to me.



We shared our breath until the limit was reached, and we slowly parted our lips. Estelle looked at me with her blurry eyes, and she smiled brightly.

From noble mtl dot com.

I also smiled when I saw that bright and charming smile that made my heart skip a beat.


“Is there a decent clothing store in this town?”

“Once, you can’t wear that mat forever. I can’t wear Estelle or Celine’s clothes because I’m small.”

We left the inn to buy clothes for Alicia. The town wasn’t that small, so there seemed to be at least a store where you could buy clothes.

“I’ll go to the city to buy the right one, and then I’ll buy something to wear temporarily.”

“I guess so. Alicia, come here.”

“Ugh, yes. I get it.”

Alicia sprinted and clung to Estelle. Seeing that, I remembered what Celine said at the inn.

[It was cute to see you following the saintess behind your back.]

…Was that what you meant?

“You showered together, did you become quite close?”

“Ah, no… Not like that…”

Alicia glanced at Estelle. Why are you looking at her? I’m the one holding my life anyway.

…I don’t know.

“Hero, isn’t that the shop?”

“Oh, I guess so.”

The shape of the clothes was drawn on a small sign indicating which store it was. It was fortunate that there was a clothing store.

“Excuse me.”

“Welcome to Rosina Dressing Room!”

As we entered the store, we were greeted by a smiling female clerk. But to call it a professional dressing room… It’s a bit small. It was just a place where the word clothing store was appropriate.

The clerk still kept a smile on his face as he told us.

“Who are you looking for clothes for?”

“This child.”

I pointed at Alicia. The clerk then gave her eyes a slight twinkle.

“Oh, are you a child?”

“…Isn’t it?”


“What, what…”

The two saints were taken aback by the clerk’s obvious remark.

…Estel, Celine. Why are you both reacting?

“I don’t have any children.”

“Hmm? Then….”

“This is the child I saved. As you can see, I didn’t have any clothes to wear, so I just came to buy them.”

“Uh…Huh? Are you a warrior by any chance!?”

“…Yes, that’s right.”

I mean more and more people are recognizing it these days. The clerk said kyaaa and liked it, then told me.

“I’ll bring clothes that would suit a child~! Please feel free to wait anywhere!”

The clerk quickly disappeared with those words. What is that agility?

“…I guess not all store clerks do it.”

“What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

“No. Let’s go over there and wait.”

I sat down on a chair inside the store. It’s probably a chair for people waiting while they change in the locker room. Estelle and Celine sat in their chairs, but Alicia stood there.

“Sit down. There is a chair over there.”

“Is that okay?”


Alicia walked away with her rifle and she sat lightly in her chair. Looking like a flawless girl, sometimes I wonder if that’s Mother. As she looked at her petite frame, she suddenly had her doubts.

“By the way. How do you give birth to a monster with that body? Even the Behemoth-class monsters under your command right now are much bigger than you.”

“Hmm?…That’s okay, because I don’t give birth myself, I give birth through a proxy. There is also a reason why our mothers need such institutions to set up nests.”

…That was it. I thought the monster that was small when I was born grew up rapidly.

“You waited so long! Here are the clothes!”

“…There are a lot of unexpectedly gorgeous things.”

For a small clothing store, there were many pretty clothes.


Alicia was amazed with her mouth hanging open. Seeing something like that makes me want to buy one, but flashy clothes aren’t suitable for traveling, so I’m dismissing all of them.

“Give me this.”

I chose the most passable and ordinary one-piece among them. Then she said the clerk tilted her head.

“Aren’t the other clothes prettier? It would suit this child well…”

“I’m sorry, but I’m not in a situation where I can wear such flashy clothes right now. I still have to leave.”

“Ah…That’s right. Then the clothes you chose would be appropriate. Shall I calculate it for you?”

“Can I try it on right away?”

“Yes, you can try it on first and pay.”

I said as I handed Alicia her clothes.

“Do you know how to wear this?”

“…My, I don’t even know that…”


“…Mo, I don’t know.”

I sighed slightly and looked at Estelle.

“Estel, can you help me?”

“…Yes, that’s fine… Shouldn’t I also buy some underwear?”


The saints know that…

“Excuse me, could you show me some children’s underwear?”

“Oh yes! All right.”

After that…It was a breeze. Estelle went in with her, Alicia’s clothes and underwear, and she quickly put them on and came out. You taught me how, right?

“Did you tell me how to wear it?”

“Of course.”

Alicia came out neatly dressed and looked like a really cute girl. Maybe it was because she was dressed in plain clothes, but her light blue hair seemed to stand out in particular. She might look like her doll later if she put on a dress.

“…Ah, shall we put that on?”


Estelle pointed at her and I tilted my head.

“Isn’t it too big?”

What Estelle was referring to was a thin coat. But her size was a little too big for Alicia to wear.

“That’s why I think it’s cute.”


Estelle asked the clerk if she could try it on, and she brought it back and put it on Alicia. And seeing that, Celine and I couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

“Why, why are you laughing?”

“No, it suits you well.”

She wore a coat that was bigger than Alicia’s, so her hands didn’t stick out of her sleeves. So when she raised her hand, her sleeve snapped and rolled down on her.

“Not bad.”

“Shall we live with that too? It can get cold at night.”


We succeeded in dressing up Alicia and went back to the inn. On her way back Alicia sniffed her clothes and she murmured.

“…Not bad.”

I’m glad you like it.


Bathory family estate, Bonaparte City. The atmosphere here was more lively and harmonious than usual.

It was because the birthday of Elfriede Bathory, the pride of the Bathory family and a hero born in Bonaparte City, was approaching.

“It’s the princess’s birthday, how big of a festival will be held this time?”

“A lot of outsiders will come, right? I need to prepare for business in advance.”

“Are you already thinking about selling something? I’m not thinking of congratulating the princess!”

Unlike the boisterous citizens of Bonaparte City, the person in charge of the birthday party was perfectly quiet.

Elfriede Bathory. Called the best warrior of the current generation, she was a bit confused.

Just a while ago, I heard the news that Abel had slain Agares-class floating monsters and Barbatos-class knight-type monsters that had invaded the Apollo kingdom.

Of course, the news made Elfriede very happy. In fact, she was also delighted. Because she was saying that another outstanding hero had appeared as well as her.

Now, Abel is able to share a little of the responsibility and pressure that Elfride has shouldered on her. Elfriede, who thought so, was greatly delighted with Abel’s performance.

However, Duke Bathory had a different idea.

“What have you been doing all this time? Didn’t you become a hero for less than a commoner who was only five months old?”

“…Father, Abel is an outstanding warrior. Certainly more than me…”

“That’s why I didn’t say it was a problem! Now, it is clear that the fame that went to our family will go to that hero…!”

The Duke gave a bang and hit the desk hard. Even if he, the head of the Bathory family and one of the only dukes in the Kingdom of Vesta, got angry, Elfriede couldn’t resist.

So instead of retorting, she quietly bowed her head.

“…I will work harder.”

“…Yeah, but it’s good that you understand so quickly.”

The duke sighed and sighed, then sent Elfriede away with a heavy gesture. She politely greeted her and left her office.

[Hey, your father is too much even for me to see. Are you too serious? Why are you doing that when you know that you practice every day? What more do you want me to do? Won… If you’re that dissatisfied, you’ll be brave and tell yourself to do it!]

As soon as she left her office, Luna, the holy sword of trust that had been quiet, started chattering. Then, Elfriede squeezed her sword sheath and said.

“…Be quiet.”


Luna was a considerate Holy Sword. That’s why she understood Elfride’s heart and she quietly shut her mouth. Elfriede, who had been clearing her quiet mind for a while, moved her steps.

It’s late, not her own room, but toward her gymnasium where no one else is.

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